Fhe Mosenger The speakers. Patrick Stephens. Bernese Seva, Diana Subramaniam, Nussie Bstitanos, Feliy Dew and sm AS HH were touched by the grace of God nisterine through the speakers and the powerful, moving filme shows ra Suen dl seemed caver to share ther messages preceeded each sermon. Revcular attenders received a cite Bible at the ad meeting, wd denuand excesded supply Perhaps, when asked what the motivating factor was m the Voice of Youth, it would be the overwhelming enthusiasm of Ver ce of Youth sponsor Pastor simon Siew Techmical areas hike Poa and Musto were carried on with equal zeal by Teoh Boon Chone and Ravmond Kouabone came front Pastor Ne Kah Scene and the prasvers and support of church nrembers Encourarement Iris Ne SAUC Church AY Leader _ PSR Leader and speakers of The Singpaore Voce of Yourh Seminar, WAIT ANDR German and American Volunteers Help With ADRA Water Projects Two proups of voluntecrs recently spent se ermb weeks mm Tharkind Gassing swith ADRA projects 4 vroup tron Crermany found themselves runmnge pipe down the hilis throuch the dense uncle The prpe would alomatels tansport water from a clean source high up om the Tall Pung Tah the Karen Village below They Td PVC piping in trenches that they had to die by hand. The volunteers worked side by aide with the Karen villagers who were extreme cated about eettime clean water piped to ther remote village. hey irved wrth the siflagers for twowecks