IE580% 13 --- GOOD AID EVIL ANGSILS strong, 443 - 464 Phe exasgeragted and distorted emphasis on this doctrine during the Middle Ages, with the almogt unlimited power assigned to evil spirits which then prevailed, have led by a very natural reaction to the disrepute into wiiich this doctrine has fallen in modern times. I. Tielr HJatare ad Attributes l. They are created beings. Psa. 148 : 2 - 5; Col. 1 : 16. 2. They are "spirits," not corporeal beings. Heb. 1 : 14; Eph. 6 : 12; Matt, 22 : 30; Inke 20 : 3h. 3+ They personal, that is, intelligent and voluntary beings. II Sam. 14 : 20; Je Though »noggsessing great wisdom and nowers, yet these are strictly limited. I Pet. 1: 12; neve 20 : 2s 10, 5. An order of being s distinct from and older than man. I Cor. 6 : 3 "we shall judge Heb. : 14; eb. 2 : 22, 23 sefore meno 38: 7; Gen. 3 : 1; Gen. 2: 1. The constant representation of angels as personal beings throughout the Scriptures, cannot be exdlained as personifications of good and evil, in accord with Jewish ( and other ) superstitions, without making: nonsense of many of these passages. Eph. 3 : 10 ~Y = > WET ATTY rT . PT er yt ha ~ IT * TEI av lad Ai) CLG BATU L They ere a grekt mltitude. Psa. 68 : 17; Dan. 7 : 10; Rev. 5 : ll, 2 ey congtitute a company or group, not a race. atte 22 ¢ 30; Luke 20 : 76. "bz varions ranks and endowments. Col. 1 : 16; I Thess. 4 : 16; a They have a system of organization. I Kings 22 : 19; Rev. 19 : 14; TIT. Meelr J0AL SHAGACTR ( ® They were all created holy. Gena 1: 31; Jude 6 : "angels that kept not their own heginning " ‘Oo. FN 4 They had a Probation. od 1; cf. I pets 1 : 1, 2. Some remained holy. lark 8 : I: Some fell. II Peter 2 : 4 =~ "angels when they sinned." Jude 6 --"angels that kept not their own ®eginning.n The good are confirmed in good. latte 6 : 10; Matt. 18 : 10. The evil ones are confirmed in evil. I John 5 : 13, 19; cf. John 3 : 4. The earth may he a breeding-ground from which to nopulate the universe, see Strong, 450, foot. NY * oO * *® Iv, SUBEDR GI FLwLCYLD 4 m3 I. Of The Good Angels 9 l., They stand in the presence of God and worship him. Pga. 29 : 1, 2. 2. They rejoice in God's works. Job 3aa@a 383 : 7. 3+ They work in nature to carry out God's will. Psa. 103 : 20. M[\, 21. They gnide the affairs of nations. Dan. 10 : 12, 137, 21; 11 : 1; 12: 1. 10; 2: By watching over particular churches. eve 1 : 20, Ed 304. © By ;8sisting and protecting individual believers. I Kings 19 : 5; Ilatt. 18 : 10, DA 143 7+ By punishing God's enemies. II ilings 19 : 35; Acts 12 : 23. II. Of the Evil Angels 1. "Satan" means the "adversary;" "devil" means '"slanderer." m = 7T 213 Objections to the Doctrine of Angels --- Strong 439 -462 Practical Uges of thie Doctrine Strong 462 - 120.