Page Six TEXICO CONFERENCE 419 Rencher St., Clovis, New Mexico President—Elder E. T. Wilson Sec'y-Treas.—0. D. Slater Texico Book and Bible House Secy-Treas.—0O. D. Slater bo LITHD DL SL ELS - 4 23-000 0000000000000000-38 TEXICO NEWS NOTES The attendance and interest at the tabernacle meeting in Albuquerque is increasing daily and a number of people are deeply interested in the special message delivered every evening by Elder Walker. Let us not forget this effort when we talk to the Lord about His work in the earth. Every indication is that we shall have an unusually large attendance at camp meeting and judging from the correspondence received in the office, the Lord is moving upon the hearts of His people impelling them to make a desperate effort to attend this annual feast. Let us all come praying that God will pour out His spirit upon His people during this session in Albuquer- que. Plans have been completed, and Elder Taylor, the camp superintendent, will be glad to hear from any who are attending the Texico camp meeting August 9.19 relative to their needs, whether it be a room, tourist cottage or a tent. Be sure to let him know in plenty of time. Elder Taylor says that it looks as though there will be some new Sev- enth-day Adventists at Mesquite at the close of their meetings which have been in progress for the past few weeks. Let us pray that the desire of his heart may berealized by seeing a goodly num- ber take their stand for the message. Brother James T. Ferguson writes from Wink, Texas that there are sev- eral people keeping the Sabbath at that place, some of whom are plan- ning to attend camp meeting. Let us not forget the interest in this rapidly growing oil town. A Letter from one of the sisters in Wellington, Texas where Elder Walker held meetings the latter part of the winter and the early spring, states that several are planning to attend the camp meeting and some of them new Sabbath keepers. Already these new ones are proving faithful to the Lord by sending in their tithe and offerings to help support the cause they have so recently espoused. Wehavereceived communication from Southwestern Union Record several of our brethren from over the conference expressing their ‘intentions to attend the camp meeting. How about you, are you planning to attend? Remember the dates are August 9th to 19th. Brother E. A. Meador reports orders for $203.00 worth of books the past week in forty-eight hours. Brother Kinder is visiting with some of the colporteurs over in the east part of the conference and sends in some encourag- ing reports from the workers there. Brother LaGrone is getting some of his members at Amarillo interested in the sale of small books, and we are hopeful that we can secure some good colporteurs from his church this fall. NOTICE. All mail for the camp ground or for those attend ng the camp meeting should be addressed to Box 461, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Please make note of this and avoid delay in the delivery of your mail. Brother R. P. Abel and family who have recently returned from the mis- sion field in Siam were very welcome visitors in Clovis from late Thursday evening till Sunday morning, Brother Abel gave a stereopticon lecture in the church Friday night to a well filled house, and also spoke at the church Sabbath morning. COME TO CAMP MEETING AND FIND OUT - Brother, sister, do you know the difference between an alkaline diet and an acid-forming one? Do you know which promotes health, and which causes disease? Do you know the rela- tion between acid food and acid disposit- ions? If not, then come to camp meeting, attend the health studies, and find out. Do you know what to do when your child develops a case of tantrum’s insu- bordination, irreverence, untruthful- ness, dawdling, forgetting, puppy-love ete? Do you know how to teach him to enjoy hard work? Can you teach your child to read from God’s lesson book of Nature? If not, then come to camp meeting, attend the parents’ meeting, and find out. Do you know how a Christian woman ought to dress? Do you know just where to draw the line between vanity and slovenliness? Do you know how to dis- tinguish between the legitimate ‘‘pecu- liarity’’ of the genuiue Christian, and the ‘‘gazing-stock’ oddness of the freak? If not, then cometo camp meet- ing, attend the studies on Christian dress, and find out. Do you have any other related questions in your mind, to which you are sincerely anxious to find God’s an- swer? Then come to camp meeting, write your question on a slip of paper, drop it in the Question Box, and find out. E. T. WILSON —tp— OUR BOOKS SELL THEMSELVES Here is an extract from the letter of a sick colporteur who was not able to canvass one week, but look what he did. ‘Last week I did not feel like going out, but I could not stay at home so just took Bible Readings and ‘‘Helps’’ and would hand them to people, and of course, they wouid sell themselves. So I did not have to talk very much but accomplished the work without using much energy. Signed C. D. Colburn.” And how much do you suppose he sold in that way that week? $90.25 and $23.00 delivered. Show me the man who cannot sell Seventh-day Adventist books because he cannot talk, that is, if he has the prime requisite, —conse- cration. W. L. KINDER. 7, “~~ FINANCIAL FREEDOM The Declaration of Independence was the bravest document ever writ-- ten. A few straggling colonies were putting their feeble strength against the mighty mistress of the seas. Well did they know the long bitter struggle that lay ahead of them. But their goal was freedom—one of the most precious heritages of mankind—and they staked their all to gain it. The goal of every right-thinking far-sighted man or woman should be " financial freedom—independence from financial troubles-and worries of every kind. Make the declaration to your- self today that you will practice thrift whenever opportunity permits, and thus assure yourself of that freedom which makes for an undivided, un- - trammeled service for God. Our forefathers had to practice thrift in many ways before they were able to attain personal liberty for us. And so are there many ways in which a colporteur may practice thrift and thereby gain the goal they seek—a greater power through financial lib- erty. Our colporteurs in days gone by used to practice extreme frugal- ity. Many are the inspiring stories of their living on milk and stale bread —and winning souls. Satan has placed many pitfalls in