u, x 3 hope.” Lam. 3:26, The PRINTED PAGE "Pam MOUSE to HOUSE and from HOPE, “IT is good that a man should. . . Hope is insep- arably connected with the experience of the child of God. It is one of the three Christian graces mentioned in <1 Cor. 13. “ Now abideth faith, hope, and love.” “ We are saved by hope.” Rom, 8; 24, Abraham “ Against hope believed in hope.” Rom. 4 :18. fined to be ‘desire for, and expecta- tion of some good. Confidence in a future event.” This, like all other Christian graces, is not naturally pos- sessed by the individual, but must be acquired. ~The natural man Is said to have “no hope.” Eph. 2:12. But God has“ begotten us unto a living hope.” That is the way we acquire it ; by being born again into that living hope. But even then there is need for us to cultivate it. To do this means to form the habit of expecting pleasant things, expecting good things to happen to us, to look on the bright side of life, not on the dark and gloomy side. God wants us to be happy. He has surrounded us with that which will produce happi- ness if rightly received. He has made us capable of enjoyment, capable of being happy, and he wants us to extract as much happiness as we can from all lifes experiences. Some people seem to be afraid of being happy. . They seem to regard happiness as a crime. They. contin- ually underestimate themselves, and think fate is against them. They think they ‘have to keep on working, but never: expect to accomplish much. Such persons need to learn ‘to hope. This is all especially true of the can- vasser. . Canvassers should look for and expect. success. Our thoughts, our attitude i in this respect will have much ‘to -do. with the results of our Hope is de- ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER work, We should cherish the thought that God has endowed us with qual- ities that will enable us to accomplish something. We should not think so much about failure, or of limiting our own abilities, or, I might better say, our possibilities. We should cherish productive, creative, happy thoughts. Instead of thinking that “fate” is against us, we should remember that Christ and his mighty angels are work- ing in our behalf ; then instead of be- ing “unlucky ” we -are always fortu- nate, which is only another name for the blessing of God. (5) 389 . In the canvasser’s experience there are many pleasant things, many things that will cause the heart of the worker to rejoice and be glad. These pleas- ant experiences are really more abun- dant than the so-called disagreeable ones, and if we will get into the habit of looking for them, and expecting them, we will find our love for the work growing day by day, and it will be a pleasure instead of a cross to work in the canvassing field. Noone can expect to learn to.enjoy the can- vassing work while he is continually looking for the difficulties, real and THE BOOK WORK. Western Pennsylvania Conference, Week Ending July 24, 1903. Name { Place | Book | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Del’d Mrs. L. B. Trowbridge, Pittsb’g,Dof A 1 6 2 10.50 1.00 11.50 T.-O. Saxton, Glen Campbell, P&P 3 24 2 4.50 2.25 6.75 76.00 Mrs. E: W. Kirker, Greensburg, LG 3 9 2 4.50 4.50 M. O. Rudolph, Washington, Hof M3 15 5 7.50 14.00 21.50 Duiguid Bowman, Etna, Hof M 4 7 2 2.50 2.50 5.00 *C. E. Leek, McKeesport, H of M 30 44.75 Geo. H. Scott, Bradford, GP 12 8575 5.00 “Totals, 7 Agents, 14 103 13 #50, 50 $19.75 $129.55 $81.00 *Two weeks. Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, Week Ending July 24, 1903. Name | Place | Book | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Del’d J. A. K. Lichty, Allentown, Dof A 5 34 3 9.50 13.55. 23.06 10.25 W. T. Hilgert, Philadelphia, GC 2 2415 6 13.50 229 15.779. 2.00 C. F. Mahr, York, CK 5b 26 11 1700 250 1950 640 Orpha Swingle, Wayne Co., CK 2 12 oo 10.00 L. H. Yothers, Athens, Hof M 4 8 3 450 4.60 m W. Allen, Athens, Hof M 3 18 5 625 . 4.50 10.75 *Mary M. Thomas,Schuylkill Co, Misc 9 31 - 10.25 - -1.80 21.05 Totals, T Agents, 80 1171; 59 £70.00 $24.64 £94.64 £28.65 *Two weeks. Vermont Conference, Week Ending July 24, 1903. Name | Place . -| Book | Days | Hrs | Ords | Value | Helps | Total | Del’ d A. E. Taylor, Brownington, Dof A 3 22 2 5.00 50 5.50 Rubie Roscoe, Randolph and. . Northfield, P&P 4 24 1 3.26 1.50 475 23.00 Katie Loveland, Randolph, P&P 2 14 2 450 250 7.00 26.00 A. E. Loveland, Johnson, COL 1 9 6 7.50 9.00 16.50 C. H. Porter, Ryegate, COL 2 16 8 3875 150 525 E. Thurber,Montpelier,D of A,C O L ae Co 14.00 C. E. Perry; Ferrisburg, ~~ COL 8. 10 6 6256 2256 . 850 Totals, 7 Agents, 16 95 19 $30.26 $17.25 £47.50 £63.00