REPORT BOO 1K F LTN_D - TRACT AND BOOK DISTRIBUTION. Irpork. �rPh. ?5, !XV). 1)111;',:•-; -11H,1 � DAY A 1,VENTL,T PUBLKIITNG �TTUX. \T'F1! � 1lIK. \IT('IE.: � 0 o o 'P°1 a v%1 fl\ REPORT OF THE BOOK FUND. CORRECTED UP TO FEB. 25, 1870. 214766 Ix the year 1867, it was suggested that a fund be raised by donations for the gratuitous distribution of tracts issued by the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Small donations were made, and a few tracts were given. In January, 1868, a call was made for a sum suffi- cient to enable the Association to give to the worthy poor such works as Spiritual Gifts, Sabbath Readings, How to Live, Appeal to Youth, Appeal to Mothers, and the two large Charts in cloth as they came from the lithographer. This appeal was first made to the Battle Creek church. The members of this church responded liberally, and set a good example to others. Our brethren in different parts of the field took hold of this good work with a liberal hand, and means came in. Notice was then given that these works would be given to those not able to purchase them. And, more, it was decided to urge them upon the attention of those who had not sufficient interest to purchase them. It was seen that these are the very persons who need them most. Especially is this true of Spiritual Gifts. Our friends who had not these works were urged to purchase them. To those not able to purchase, they were offered free of cost. The result is as follows : The sum of $2,268.94 has been received. The sum given in books is $1,886.71, leaving $382.23 on hand. Of the above-named books there has been one- third given, while two-thirds have been sold for cash in hand. This class of books is nearly disposed of, and the fund is not expended. I am happy to give so encouraging a r_e_poltofj4is fund. Of this Imiin,vvil REs wry g ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH. 49104 2 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. carefully expended in the circulation of these important works, and that the matter has been managed in the most judicious manner. At the camp-meeting in Wright, Mich., Sept., 1868, I made an appeal to the friends of the cause present, which there met the liberal response of pledges to the amount of $1,400. On that camp ground I commenced the work of giv- ing books. Of those to be given from this new fund, I added to Life Incidents the tracts entitled, The Law and the Gospel, God's Memorial, and Little Will. I have since added Bro. Smith's work in answer to ob- jections to the visions, and selected packages of our choicest tracts. The friends of the cause, from Maine to Minnesota, have liberally donated to this fund. And with a liberal hand have I given books. At our general gatherings in Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, and Ohio, I have freely given of these books, pamphlets, and tracts, to the poor. I have sent by mail not a small amount of these works to the poor, in all parts of the field, who have asked for them. And I have given more or less to nearly all our active ministers, to enable them to give them to proper persons where they may labor. I have given according to my judgment as the different fields of labor seemed to demand, without reference to the amounts pledged in the different fields. In the West, and in the State of Michigan, but few books have yet been given, in New York more, and in New England still more. Under the circumstances, much of the work of free distribution of books has necessarily been hastily and imperfectly done. Care, however, has been taken not to give them to unworthy persons. And it has only been for want of time to learn the wants of all, that some have not been served. There are preachers and leading brethren in different parts of the field who probably should have quantities of these works, more or less, for free distribution. These will be supplied. As a general thing, our experienced ministers are the proper persons to distribute these books at the expense of the fund. In most cases, brethren and sisters choose to purchase them at the extremely low prices at which they are sold for general distribution. Relative to the prices of our publications, I am happy to state that, for gratuitous distribution, whether purchased by our brethren for that purpose, or charged to the book fund, our tracts can be furnished at the Office at the rate of 1600 pp. for $1.00. And at pres- ent prices of stock and for labor, they will be furnished at this extremely low price. Pamphlets and bound books will be furnished for gratuitous distribution at corresponding rates. We send our publications to agents and colporteurs in all parts of the Eastern, Middle, and Western States, and pay common freights, and discount one-fourth from published prices. But on all publications for gratuit- ous circulation, whether purchased by brethren, or charged to the book fund, there will be a discount of one-third from published prices. There are no publishing houses in the United States that furnish books and tracts below our published prices. Even those houses, such as the American Tract Society, where they print for the million, and are receiving legacies from the rich, have their prices above these. The truth must be proclaimed. The number of our efficient preachers is small, and much must be clone through our publications. Does God call men to sacri- fice in the work of preaching the truth ? So he calls on all the church to sacrifice something to proclaim abroad his truth through the medium of publications. This is a work of sacrifice. All should bear a part. The printer must sacrifice, and those who circulate the books will bear their part in this work of sacrifice by cheerfully doing their part of the work without pay. And then there will be no want of interest on the part of our people in giving of their means. I have called on our people to contribute of their means. They are responding nobly. But when our tracts cannot be afforded at what it costs to print them, where they are to be gratuitously circulated, then I shall cease to call for means to sustain this branch of the cause of present truth. A certain minister was appealing to a congregation 4 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. for money to send to a Christian missionary in a for- eign land. The hat was passed. An infidel threw in a quarter of a dollar. As the hat was being passed from him, " Hold," said he, " here is a dollar to get the quarter to the missionary." This was a sharp and fitting rebuke upon the practice of employing salaried officers to manage benevolent funds. It is a work of sacrifice. And when it fails to be such, let the work cease. But it will not cease. With the greatest confidence I can speak in behalf of our people everywhere. They have means for this enter- prise, and when they see it managed by men who have a heart in it, they will most cheerfully give of their means. We now have in contemplation five volumes of 400 pages each, besides several pamphlets and numerous tracts, which will be furnished at the low rates before mentioned, when purchased for gratuitous circulation, or given at the expense of the book fund. In the following pages are the names of those who have pledged to this fund, with the sums pledged. Some have not yet paid. Many have paid. We are publishing books, pamphlets, and tracts, very largely, and invite all who would assist us in the work to pay their pledges. The sooner the better. Again, I have taken the liberty to add the names of some who have not pledged, and to change some of the figures of the amounts pledged, with the supposition that when the importance and magnitude of this work are more fully understood, the liberal donors will fully approve of the changes. All the time necessary will be given such. If any should be dissatisfied, they will please inform me, and I will change back their figures. And many will feel dissatisfied with their small figures. Such can raise them as high as they choose. par It has been at General Meetings, when I had much labor and care upon my hands, that I have re- ceived many of the donations for the book and tract fund. Without doubt many mistakes have occurred. I wish here to state : 1. Brethren, be liberal in this work. If you are REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �5 certain that I have put your figures too high, put them lower. If not, let them remain. And you who are dissatisfied with your small fig- ures, should raise them liberally higher. All who receive this report should promptly re- spond to its call. If you have done your duty, please call the attention of others to it, and do all you can to urge oil this good work. Many who should have their names on this book, represented by a liberal sum, are not here. Send us as many names and as large donations as you can. Doubtless some have paid, who are not marked paid. All mistakes will be promptly corrected when pointed out. And the sooner all pledges are paid the better. All communications relative to this fund may be ad- dressed to � ELD. JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Mich. NAMES AND PLEDGES. Here follow the names of donors, with the sums pledged, and the amount paid : Names. � Pledges. � Paid. Ira Abbey & wife, � $200 � $200 Samuel I Abbey, � 100 � 100 Hiram Bingham, � 100 � 35 Jacob Berry & wife, � 100 � 40 Charles Buck & wife, �100 � 5 A L Burwell & wife, � 100 � 10 F H Chapman, � 100 � 28 Alex. Carpenter & wife, �100 � 4 S D Covey & wife, � 100 � 5 W E Cheesbro & wife, �100 � 60 A A Dodge & wife, � 100 Jerome Fargo, � 100 � 35 John Fransisco & wife, �100 � 60 Newel Grant, � 100 � 100 6 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �7 Names. � Pledgee. � Paid. Daniel Gould & wife, �100 � 100 James Harvey, � 100 � 100 Jacob Hare & wife, � 100 Ira Harman & wife, � 100 H W Kellogg & wife, , �235 � 235 S II King & wife. � 100 J P Kellogg & wife, � 100 � 100 T Lumis & wife, � 100 � 50 Jonathan Lamson & wife, � 100 � 50 J M Lindsay & wife, � 100 � 100 A W Maynard & wife, �100 � 100 S A McPherson & wife, �100 � 100 Freeman Nichols, � 100 � 100 Seth Newton & wife, � 100 � 10 W E Newcomb & wife, �100 � 25 D A Owen & wife, � 100 � 52 I A Olmstead & wife, �100 � 10 I S Olive, � 100 � 100 Dan R Palmer, � 100 � 100 E H Root & wife, � 100 � 80 S Rummery & wife, � 100 � 50 Charles Russell & wife, �100 � 5 S W Rhodes & wife, � 100 � 59 A W Smith & wife, � 100 � 100 Mrs E Temple, � 100 � 100 Geo. T Lay & wife, � 100 � 50 James White & wife, � 100 � 100 Eli Wick & wife, � 100 � 100 J S Wick & wife, � 100 � 25 A friend in Vermont, � 50 � 50 M C M Andrews, � 60 � 50 Benjamin Berry, � 50 � 9 M J Barth°lf, � 50 � 50 M E Cornell & wife, � 50 � 50 Wm Carpenter & wife, �50 � 50 Daniel Carpenter & wife, �50 � 50 C K Farnsworth & wife, �50 � 50 S B Gowell, � 50 H Hilliard & wife, � 50 � 20 Noah Hodges & wife, � 50 � 35 Geo Leighton & wife, � 50 � 50 Names. � Pledges. � Paid. R G Lockwood & wife, �50 � 50 L Lowry & wife, � 50 � 20 Harmon Lindsay & wife, �50 � 50 Henry Nicola & wife, � 50 � 30 0 H Pratt, � 50 � 50 D Spooner & wife, � 50 N II Satterlee & wife, � 50 Thank offering, � 50 � 50 J G Whipple, � 50 � 15 Thank offering, � 30 � 30 Aged friend, � 25 � 25 C P Buckland, � 25 Daniel Berry, � 25 � 2 Luman Carpenter, � 25 � 3 S B Craig & wife, � 25 � • 5 A W Cumming, � 25 � 25 H Crosbie, � 25 � 25 S D, � 25 � 25 Dexter Daniels, � 25 � 25 D C Demarest & wife, �25 � 22 W Eggleston & wife, � 25 � 25 Peter Erb, � 25 L M Fish, � 25 E S Griggs, � 25 � 25 V B Gaskill & wife, � 25 � 25 H S Gurney, � 25 � 25 J Q A Haughey & wife, �25 � 25 C F Hall & daughter, � 25 � 25 Lucinda M Hall, � 25 � 25 J D Hough & wife, � 25 � 7 W J Hardy & wife, � 25 � 3 E P Kellogg, � 25 � 25 Oliver Mears & wife, � 25 � 25 F W Mace & wife, � 25 � 25 Darius Myers, � 25 � 25 Wm Merry, � 25 � 25 G W Mitchell, � 25 H Patch, � 25 A Olson, � 25 � 25 A Ross, � 25 Warren Sanborn, � 25 � 25 8 REPORT OF BOOK FUND. Names. � Pledges. Paid. REPORT OF BOOK FUND. Names. � Pledges. 9 Paid. E W Searle, 25 25 I W Barker, 10 S Trowbridge, 25 II W& F It Barrows, 10 5 E Walworth, 25 5 Jesse Barrows, 10 S Zollinger & wife, 25 25 Lydia Bolton, 10 10 A friend (in gold), � , 20 � ' 20 Thomas L Brown (deceased), 10 10 A C Bourdeau & wife, 20 20 A 0 Burrill, 70 10 M B Cyphers, 20 20 E P Butler, 10 10 Lacrissa Dahnos, 20 20 Thomas Bickle, 10 3 A Korb, 20 20 Dr J F Byington, 10 10 N Orcutt & wife, 20 20 John Byington & wife, 10 10 J W Raymond, 20 20 D M Canright, 10 10 David Smouse & wife, 20 20 J F Carman, 10 Luther Smith, 20 20 F Carlin, 10 Thank offering, 20 20 II Chapman, 10 10 F T Wales, 20 20 Eliza B Clarke, 10 10 C P Whitford, 20 20 Warren Coon, 10 E D Armstrong, 15 M J Cornell, 10 10 S Armstrong, 15 C Davis, 10 10 W P Andrews, 15 15 W Dawson, 10 4 Wm Boynton, 15 15 E Van Deusen, 10 4 T Bickle, 15 Jesse Dorcas, 10 10 Ivory Colcord, 15 15 John M Downs & wife, 10 10 Wm V Field & wife, 15 15 Harriet Everts, 10 10 J M Ferguson & wife, 15 15 W Farrar, 10 10 J H Ginley & wife, 15 15 Ira Gardner, 10 Francis Greenman, 15 15 E B Gaskill, 10 10 S M Holly & wife, 15 13 J Ghering, 10 10 N M Jordon & wife, 15 15 Fanny Glascock, 10 10 A Mc Allister, 15 15 R Godsmark, 10 10 T Paton, 15 D B Green, 10 10 A Rankin, 15 A lonely traveler, 10 10 R J Reynold, 15 13.50 Wm G Buckland & wife, 10 10 Jane Ralston, 15 15 A Belden, 10 10 D T Shireman & wife, 15 15 Geo I Butler, 10 10 C NI Stanley, 15 Friend of Present Truth, 10 10 J N Andrews & wife, 10 10 E Hornaday, 10 10 James Aldrich, 10 S Haskill, 10 10 J NI Aldrich, 10 10 G L Holliday, 10 5 D Andre, 10 10 L Haines, 10 8 N Atkins, 10 A H Hilliard, 10 Benn Auteu, 10 10 Amos Holt, 10 10 10 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �11 Names � Pledges. Paid. � Names. � Pledges. Paid. W P Hinton, � 10 � 10 � A B Pearsall, � 10 � 10 Russell Hart, � 10 � 10 � Alex. Paton, � 10 � 10 Albert Hardy, � 10 � 10 � M E Reynolds, � 10 � 10 H Hunter, � 10 � 10 � Chas. Rifle, � 10 � 1 Russell Hoag, � 10 � 10 � Hans Rasmussen, � 10 � 10 0 B Jones, � 10 � 10 � F C Ross, � 10 � 10 R R Jones & wife, � 10 � 2 � Uriah Smith, � 10 � 10 M W Kerns, � 10 � 10 � Alex. Seymour, � 10 � 5 R M Kilgore, � 10 � 10 � A sister, � 10 � 10 A M Kilgore, � 10 � 10 � L 0 Stowell & wife, � 10 J L Kilgore, � 10 � 10 � A G Smith, � 10 � 5 P Z Kinne, � 10 � 10 � Jas. Sawyer, � 10 � G.75 Nancy Knight, � 10 � 10 � Robert Sawyer & wife, �10 � 10 M Kunselman, � 10 � C Stillman, � 10 � 10 W H Littlejohn, � 10 � 10 � 11 C Stone, � 10 � 10 John Lindsay & wife, �10 � 10 � Albert Sawyer, � 10 N N Lunt, � 10 � 10 � T Smith, � 10 � 10 A Love, � 10 � 10 � N M Stringer, � 10 � 10 C W Lindsay, � 10 � 10 � Two friends, � 10 � 10 Thos. Lindsay, � 10 � 10 � Thank offering, � 10 � 10 T H Lindsay, � 10 � 10 � Jesse Van Syoc, � 10 � 10 E Lobdell, � 10 � 10 � John Wakeling, � 10 C 0 Langdon, � 10 � H P Wakefield, � 10 � 10 Wm Langdon, � 10 � A. C Woodbury, � 10 � 10 L R Leighton, � 10 � 10 � B L Whitney, � 10 � 10 H S Lay, � 10 � 10 � L Wilkinson, � 10 � 10 John Mears, � 10 � 10 � E S Walker, � 10 � 10 J L Miller, � 10 � H J Wescott, � 10 � 10 D F Moore, � 10 � A friend, � 5 � 5 D W Milk, � 10 � A friend, � 5 � 5 M L M, � 10 � 10 � E H Ames, � 5 � 5 J T Mitchell, � 10 � 10 � R F Andrews, � 5 � 5 H C Miller, � 10 � 10 � Mary M Andrews, � 5 � 5 Mary L Maxson, � 10 � 10 � G W Amadon, � 5 � 5 J H Morrison, � 10 � 10 � A Atwood, � 5 G W Newman, � 10 � 10 � H Atwood, � 5 C A Nichols, � 10 � 10 � A friend, � 6 � 5 J C Nicola, � 10 � 10 � A B Atwood, � 6 � 5 Betsey Osgood, � 10 � 10 � A friend in R I, � 6 � 5 N S Preston, � 10 � 10 � C A Bates, � 5 � 5 J M Pennock, � 10 � 10 � W N Brown, � 5 � 5 � dal 12 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �13 Names. W II Ball, M G & D J Burnham, Leroy Bunce, Ben N Berry, E P Burdit, Elizabeth G Bartholomew, Albert Bostwick, J I Bostwick & wife, Thomas Brooks, J W Bacheller, John Ballenger, H G Buck, Gertrude Brown, Lewis Bean, T J Bosworth, Martha A Baker, Joseph Bates, J D Burroughs, Z Brooks, Geo W Barker, 0 F Brockway, E W Bliven, A C Bourdeau & wife, A A Bradford, Geo Bissel, M H Brown, M Brister, L Bartholomew, Bro Coon, M M Churchill, L W Carr, Ella Cranson, Mary Capen, F T Cottrell, L R Chapel, D Curtis, M N Cross, J P Christenson, L P Cross, G W Chamberlain, C M Cottrell, • Pledges. � Paid. � Names. � Pledges. � Paid. 5 � 5 � J IT Cottrell, � 5 � 5 5 � R F Cottrell, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Eliza Carpenter, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � S B Craig, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � S Crosbie, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Cyrus Colby, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � W B Castle, � 5 5 � Wm F Crous, � 5 � 5 5 � W J Cross, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � W R Carpenter, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � MAC, of Vt., � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � M A Dayton, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � H W Dodge, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � A B Dibble, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � M Edson, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � A J Ema,ns, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � N W Emery, � 5 � 5 5 � Harriet Everts, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � 0 S Eddy, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � D M Fay, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � J S Farnsworth, � 5 � 5 5 � J Q Foy, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Benj Farnham, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � N T Furman, � 5 5 � 5 � L M Freeto, � 5 � 5 5 � T P Finch, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � J E Freeman, � 5 5 � 5 � H A Fenner, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � E S Faxon, � 5 5 � 5 � H Fellows, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � B B Frances, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Peter Ferciot, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Eliza Ferciot, � 5 � 5 5 � IT W Gordon, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Short Glascock, � 5 5 � 5 � E P Giles & wife, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � A Graham, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Leander Graves, � 5 5 � 5 � J B Goodrich, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Charles S Glover, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Joel Gulick, � 5 � 5 14 � REPORT OF BOOK FUND, Names. � Pledges. Paid. 0 F Gilford, � 6 � 5 Mary Gilford, � 5 � 5 J B Gregory, � 5 � 5 L M Gilford, � 6 � 5 G G Green, � 5 Wm Gonter, � 5 � 5 E M Gorton, � 5 � 5 Joel Gulick, � 6 H Grant, � 5 � 6 John Hansen, � 5 � 5 A G Hutchins, � 6 � 5 Leonard Hastings, � 5 � 5 E Harris, � 5 � 5 W T Hinton, � 5 � 5 Rosetta Hulet, � 5 E 0 Hammond, � 5 � 5 J D Hough, � 5 � 5 Carrie Hart, � 5 � 5 Wm Herald, � 5 � 5 Christian Houser, � 5 E 0 Hammond & wife, �5 W H Hafer, � 5 � 5 John Heligass, � 6 � 5 T Hare, � 5 � 5 II B Hayward, � 5 � 5 S N Haskell, � 5 � 5 M A Haughey, � 5 � 5 L L Howard, � 5 � 5 W J Haynes, � 6 � 5 Matthew Hutchins, � 5 � 5 B F Hicks, � 5 � 6 H Hopkins, � 5 E A Hopkins, � 5 � 5 A II Hall, � 5 � 5 E R Jones, � 5 � 5 Charles Jones, � 5 � 5 C M Joslin, � 5 D W Johnson, � 5 � 5 Charles H Jones, � 5 � 5 J H Jaquith, � 5 � 5 Rodney Johnson, � 5 � 5 REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �15 Names. � Pledges. Paid. Norman Johnson, � 5 � 5 Calvin Kelsey, � 6 � 6 Albert Kellogg, � 5 � 5 S M Kellogg, � 5 Wm Kerr, � 5 � 5 Mary J Kay, � 5 � 5 Mary King, � 5 � 5 J G Lamson, � 5 � 6 Andrew Lindsay, � 5 � 5 Catherine Lindsay, � 5 � 5 Catherine Lindsay, � 5 � 5 S H Lane, � 5 � 5 E B Lane, � 5 � 5 R J Lawrence, � 5 � 5 J W Landes, � 5 � 5 J A Loughhead, � 5 � 5 R Loveland, � 5 � 5 H C McDearmon, � 5 � 5 G W Mitchel, � 5 � 5 W R of Minnesota, � 5 � 5 Jennie Mitchell, � 5 � 5 J Mousehunt, � 5 � 5 Caroline Manly, � 5 � 5 J H Morrison, � 5 M Miller, � 5 � 5 Wm Morton, � 5 � 5 John Mc Gregor, � 5 � 5 M S Marvin, � 5 � 5 Elijah Macomber, � 5 � 5 M S Mariam, � 5 � 5 � • Addie Merriam, � 5 � 5 S J Merrill, � 5 � 5 Miles C Newton, � 6 � 6 M M Nelson, � 5 � 5 Mrs A W Nourse, � 5 � 5 Albert J Nelson, � 5 � 5 C W Olds, � 5 � 5 M J Olds, � 5 � 5 W B Prentice, � 5 � 5 D C Philips, � 5 � 5 W W Putnam, � 6 � 5 A. REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �17 16 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND: Names. Henry Pierce, Joseph Perry, John A Pease, L C Patten, Calvin N Pike, S H Peck, Calvin Paul, Pliny Potter, Stephen Pierce, P C Rodman & wife, R Ralph, Charles Rogers, C R Ross, Leonard Ross, H J Rich, Mary Robinson, David Robbins, Mary Rigby, N R Rigby, C R Rice, C Smith, G W Strickland, J F Sindlinger, E A Stone, J A Smith, L Simpson, Fayette N Satterlee, W L Saxby, J Saxby, D M Stites, Isaac Soule, C Straw, W Sutliff, J M St John, J Stowell, Charles Stratton, Hattie Stone, W D Sharpe, Geo Smith, W W Stebbins, Hiram Stebbins, Pledges. � Paid. � Names. � Pledges. � Paid. 5 � 5 � Martha W Steere, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � T M Steward, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Warren Sutliff, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � W S Salisbury, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Charles Schaupp, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � J Taber, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � T E Thorp, � 5 5 � 5 � Trespass offering, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � J E Titus, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Thank offering, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Thank offering, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � C Van Horn, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Lewis Vanorman, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � Sophronia Wilkinson, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � N J& E Walsworth, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � R Webster, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � II C Winslow, � 5 5 � Lucinda Wales, � 5 � 5 5 � Daniel Wilcox, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � J H Waggoner, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � H S Woolsey, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � D B Webber, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � D A Wetmore, � 5 � 4 5 � 5 � John W Wolfe, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � R M Warren, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � E G Witter, � 5 � 5 5 � 5 � L J Baker, � 4 � 4 5 � 5 � Josiah Carpenter & wife, �4 5 � 5 � A M Degraw, � 4 � 4 5 � 1.75 �F E Frothingham, � 4 � 4 5 � 5 � J Martin, � 4 � 4 5 � 5 � C F Saxby, � 4 � 4 5 � 5 �Robert H Tiff, � 4 � 0.58 5 � A True, � 4 � 4 5 � A Woodruff, � 4 � 4 5 � 5 �Marcus Ashley, � 3 � 3 5 � 5 �Wm R H Avery, � 3 � 3 5 � 5 �Hiram Abbott, � 3 � 3 5 � 5 �Lillie D Abbey, � 3 � 3 5 � 5 �S C Berry, � 3 � 3 5 � P AI Bates. � 3 0 18 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � . 19 Names. � Pledges. Paid. � Names. � Pledges. Paid. Mary A Berry, � 3 � 3 � B II Avery, � 2 � 2 John Clarke, � 3 � 3 � John Adams, � 2 � 2 L E Clarke, � 3 � 3 � Sarah Anderson, � 2 � 2 Joseph Clarke, � 3 � 3 � Linda Austin, � 2 � 2 Sarah Clarke, � 3 � 3 � J W Adams, � 2 � 2 W H Colcord, � 3 � 3 � P Alvard, � 2 � 2 Abigal Cochran, � 3 � 3 � J T Ashley, � 2 � 2 Louis Dysert, � 3 � 3 � Joseph Boyd, � 2 � 2 Erastus Dickens, � 3 � 3 � F N Bartholomew, � 2 � 2 Ann C Edgar, � 3 � 3 � Wm Boylan, � 2 � 2 Irwin Edgerton, � 3 � 3 � Geo D Bellow, � 2 � 2. John P Farnsworth, � 3 � 3 � D M Bemis, � 2 � 2 Sr Field, � 3 � 3 � Geo W Burnham, � 2 � 2 J M Foster, � 3 � Asa Bee, � 2 � 2 S M Foster, � 3 � H J Bonifield, � 2 Reuben Griggs, � 3 � 3 � C S Briggs, � 2 � 2 0 B Gaskill, � 3 � 3 � R M Bullock, � 2 � 2 Nancy Gibbs, � 3 � 3 � Maria M Buckland, � 2 � 2 Addie D Hutchins, � 3 � 3 � J B Beecher, � 2 � 2 A S Hutchins, � 3 � 3 � J M B, � 2 � 2 L G Huntley, � 3 � 3 � M A Clement, � 2 � 2 Betsey Landon, � 3 � 3 � E J Connet, � 2 � 2 W F Minisee, � 3 � 3 � John Corliss, � 2 � 2 Hosea Mead, � 3 � 3 � John Claxton, � 2 � 2 C R Ogden, � 3 � 3 � Alfred Chase, � 2 � 2 James Pierce, � _3 � 3 � A A Cross, � 2 � 2 M E Parker, � 8 � 3 � H D Cony, � 2 � 2 R M Pierce, � 3 � 3 � L B Caswell, � 2 � 2 John Parmalee, � 3 � 3 � E M Crandall, � 2 � 2 • Emma R Raymond, � 3 � 3 � H Chute, � 2 � 2 C L Sweet, � 3 � 3 � R Cochran, � 2 � 2 James G Sterling, � 3 � 3 � Isaiah Carpenter, � 2 � 2 C C Spear, � 3 � Bro Dane, � 2 � 2 Edward Stafford, � 3 � 3 � Permelia P Dickey, � 2 � 2 J G Soule, � 3 � 3 � Edna Dunn, � 2 � 2 Austa L Sawyer, � 3 � 3 � Mary E Downs, � 2 � 2 James Stiles, � g � 3 � C B Deyarmond, � 2 � 2 C H Tubbs, � 3 � 3 � Lucretia Day, � 2 � 2 Susan E Tuttle, � 3 � 3 � Amy E Dratt, � 2 � 2 J E Wilson, � 3 � 3 � It S R Dudley, � 2 � 2 B F Wilosen, � 3 � 3 � Sr Eaton, � 2 � 2 20 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND: Names. Albert Erway, A A Fairfield, D C Frothingham, Paulina Gregory, L M Gates, Adaline Gregory, D Griggs, C Green, A C Gilbert, Platt Gould, Wm C Gage, A L Guilford, Delia C Gardner, Lewis Haskell, A Hall, Lovina Haughey, DI S Huntley, S W Hastings, C It Holiday, Perry Holloway, 11 Hammond, H S Hull, 111 Harrison, A D Jones, C Z June, L Kinsley P B Kneeland, 11 L Kelsey, Bro Kneeland, Almeda Lucas, Asa Lockwood, John T Lane, James Lovell, John Marsh, S F Merrill, J H Minnisee, Jas McCourt, L A Marsh, Henry Moore, N-, • G K Owen, Pledges. � Paid. 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 2 � 2 � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �21 Names. � Pledges. � Paid. Esther Olson, � 2 � 2 C W Osborn, � 2 � 2 J R Payne, � 2 � 2 Wm Potter, � 2 � 2 R T Payne, � 2 � 2 Sophia Post, � 2 � 2 Sarah B Pierce, � 2 � . 2 Jane Prosser, � 2 � 2 J L Prescott, � 2 � 2 David Pettis, � 2 � 2 Frank Richmond, � 2 � 2 N D Richmond, � 2 � 2 Ophelia Raymond, � 2 � 2 A B Rust, � 2 � 2 D W Randall, � 2 � 2 II Rodney, � 2 � 2 J S Rogers, � 2 � 2 Martha Robinson, � 2 � 2 S D Smith, � 2 � 2 Richard Sisley, � 2 � 2 A C Smith, � 2 � 2 Jacob Shipley, � 2 � 2 Dorcas Styles, � 2 � 2 S N Snyder, � 2 � 2 J Saunders, � 2 � 2 Margaret Smith, � 2 � 2 Robert Taft, � 2 � 2 W Thompson, � 2 � 2 L J Van Doren, � 2 � 2 C C Van Doren, � 2 � 2 Lewis Wilson, � 2 � 2 L S Wetherwax, � 2 � 2 H C West, � 2 � 2 Ambrose White, � 2 � 2 Betsey Wilcox, � 2 � 2 John Wilson, � 2 � 2 Samuel Wilkinson, � 2 � 2 A Woodruff, � 2 � 2 James Youll, � 2 � 2 C B Austin, � 1 � 1 Mary Allen, � I � 1 22 � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � 23 Nantes. � Pledges. � Paid. � Names. � Pledges. � Paid. A L Austin, � 1 � 1 � I D Cramer & wife, � 1 � 1 Peter Abbey, � 1 � 1 � V 0 Cross, � 1 � 1 H N Austin, � 1 � 1 � C G Cramer, � 1 � 1 Ira J Andrews, � 1 � 1 � W M Coats, � 1 � 1 M H Bates, � 1 � 1 � Nettie Curtis, � 1 � 1 Theodore Brackett, � 1 � 1 � A G Carter, � 1 � 1 Ezra Brackett, � 1 � 1 � E W Darling, � 1 � 1 Wm Bryant, � 1 � 1 � J M Downs, � 1 � 1 H H& L A Bramhall, � 1 � 1 � Delia S Dean, � 1 � 1 S T Belden, � 1 � 1 � Margaret Dickinson, � 1 � 1 J E Baker, � 1 � 1 � Sally Dunten, � 1 � 1 C C Blanchard, � 1 � 1 � A Dickens, � 1 � 1 T Bryant, � 1 � 1 � C L Davis, � 1 � 1 Wm Balser, � 1 � 1 � Anna Driscall, � 1 � 1 E C Buckland, � 1 � 1 � M A Emans � 1 � 0.60 Lydia Bolton, � 1 � 1 � Hannah Erway, � 1 � 1 E L Bascom, � 1 � 1 � James Eggleston, � 1 � 1 Mary Beach, � 1 � 1 � M B Fairfield, � 1 � 1 Susannah Brown, � 1 � 1 � E R Fairfield, � 1 � 1 H Bellou, � 1 � 1 � Melinda Felshaw, � 1 � 1 Mary Bellou, � 1 � 1 � Amanda Felshaw, � 1 � 1 J M Bellou, � 1 � 1 � Adelaide Felshaw, � 1 � 1 Mrs M Benedict, � 1 � 1 � Sarah Furguson, � 1 � 1 A Burwell,, � 1 � 1 � M S Finch, � 1 � 1 Martha Baker, � 1 � 1 � P Ferren, � 1 � 1 L Berry, � 1 � 1 � S Ferren, � 1 � 1 G B Bardwell, � 1 � 1 � W P French, � 1 � 1 A Barnes, � 1 � 1 � Mason Ganson, � 1 � 1 S Bowers, � 1 � 1 � John H Green, � 1 � 1 John G Brown, � 1 � 1 � Jane Glover, � 1 � 1 Mary Bowers, � 1 � 1 � Wm Gulick, � 1 � 1 Theodore Bickle, � 1 � 1 � C E Gazen, � 1 � 1 G Barnes, � 1 � 1 � Amos P Green, � 1 � 1 David Beths, � 1 � 1 � Jason P Green, � 1 � 1 H C Crumb, � 1 � 1 � Albert C Green, � 1 � 1 A E Church, � 1 � 1 � S F Gove, � 1 � 1 Margaret Cottrell, � 1 � 1 � N Hoyt, � 1 � 1 S T Chamberlain, � 1 � 1 � L Harrington, � 1 � 1 S R Crous, � 1 � 1 � Lydia B Heath, � 1 � 1 C S Clarke, � 1 � 1 � J A Hatch, � 1 � 1 John Cole, � 1 � 1 � S Haskell, � 1 � 1 24 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �25 Names. � Pledges. Paid. � Names. � Pledges. Paid. M A Herald, � 1 � 1 � S Martin, � 1 � 1 Asa Hayes, � 1 � 1 � Wm Martin, � 1 � 1 Elizabeth Ann Hay, � 1 � 1 � Annie Morrow, � 1 � 1 Jane Hervey, � 1 � 1 � Hattie Morrow, � 1 � 1 M J Herrick, � 1 � 1 � Mollie, � 1 � 1 Mary J Hendrich, � 1 � 1 � Sarah Niles, � 1 � I A C Hendrich, � 1 � 1 � S D Newton, � 1 � 1 E Van Hauten, � 1 � 1 � Henry Olmsted, W W Oderkirk, � 1 � 1 Rodney Henderson, � 1 � 1 , � 1 � 1 J M Porter Florence D Howe, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 F G Holly, � 1 � 1 � Amaretta Paton, � 1 � 1 C 0 Holly, � 1 � 1 � John B Pratt, Nancy Pierce, � 1 � 1 Sarah J Hunt, � 1 � 1 � E A Pierce, 1 � 1 Polly Holcomb, � 1 � 1 1 � 1 James Hackett, � 1 � 1 � H II Pierce, � 1 � 1 J B Irish, � 1 � 1 � Aaron Pennell, � 1 � 1 Wm Jones, � 1 � 1 � Henry Phillips, � 1 � 1 L June, � 1 � 1 Elizabeth Page, D A Robbins, � 1 � 1 C Jenson, � 1 � 1 1 � 1 G E Kelsey, � 1 � 1 � Olive M Russell, � 1 � 1 F Kundert, � 1 � 1 � Leroy Russell, � 1 � 1 M A King, � 1 � 1 � Mrs D Richmond, � 1 � 1 Damaris Kellogg, � 1 � 1 � L G Reddington, � 1 � 1 L A Kittle, � 1 � 1 � Joseph Rooker, John Roushey, � 1 � 1 Leander Kellogg, � 1 � 1 M H Robinson, � 1 � 1 E A Kellogg, � 1 � 1 C Rogers, � 1 � 1 L S King, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 James D Kimble, � 1 � 1 � S W Randall, Sally M Rathbun, � 1 � 1 Euphrates Lake, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 Gardiner Sweet, Wm S Lane, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 ' Miranda C Lane, � 1 � 1 � A J Stover, 0 B Sevey, � 1 � 1 Maria W Leonard, � 1 � 1 Mary Sisley, � 1 � 1 Sarah Lane, � 1 � 1 C G Satterlee, � 1 � 1 Libbie Lester, � 1 � 1 Sarah F Sharpe, � 1 � 1 Maria T Lane, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 C M Lunger, � 1 � 1 � S Salisbury, � 1 � 1 J S Mills, � 1 � 1 � C M Shepherd, Arther J Saxby, � 1 � 1 L S McClure, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 J L Miller, � 1 � 1 � Jason C Sutton, M L Saxby, � I � 1 H W Miller, � 1 � 1 W. H Saxby, � 1 � 1 M J McCullum, � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 26 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �27 Names. � Pledges, � Paid. � Names. � Pledges � Paid. Charles Seaward, � 1 � 1 � Horace Barr, � 0.87 � 0.87 H E Saterlee, � 1 � 1 � Betsey J Barr, � 0.43 � 0.43 E P Sanborn, � 1 � 1 � Elizabeth Bates, � 1.50 � 1.50 Mary Scott., � 1 � 1 � George L Brown, � 0.20 � 0,20 S Sellers, � 1 � 1 � Thomas Brown, � 0.80 � 0.80 Sarah A Sellers, � 1 � 1 � Elsie Brigham, � 0.60 � 0.60 D H Simons, � 1 � 1 � N S Brigham, � 1.20 � 1.20 Catherine Scharer, � 1 � 1 � S A Bullock, � 2.50 � 2.50 M Slater, � 1 � 1 � N J Barker, � 0.39 � 0.39 Maria Saterlee, � 1 � 1 � Jason Brundage, � 4.44 � 4.44 M P Stiles, � . � 1 � 1 � S R Bean, � 6.00 � 6.00 Abel Tuttle, � 1 � 1 � Mrs J Bliven, � 4.50 � 4.50 J C Tucker, � 1 � 1 � M J Chapman, � 7.00 � 7.00 E Tarbox, � 1 � •1 � M J Cross, � 6.00 � 6.00 C True, � 1 � 1 � C W Corn & wife, � 7.00 � 7.00 E W Van Haut, � 1 � 1 � G W Colcord, � 6.00 � 6.00 A Vankirk, � 1 � 1. � S Crosbie, � 7.00 � 7.00 A Valmer, � 1 � 1 � . Wm Cottrell, � 12.50 � 12.50 Charles Wolcott, � 1 � 1 � A I Chipman, � 0.60 � 0.60 Sarah J Wakeling, � 1 � 1 � W E CavineSs, � 3.50 � 3.50 Mrs E A Wheaton, � 1 � 1 � Wm C Caviness, � 2.50 � 2.50 M E Williams, � 1 � 1 � A G Carter, � 1.23 � 1.23 0 D Washburn, � 1 � 1 � E A Church, � 1.50 � 1.50 W Wilson, � 1 � 1 � A Church, � 1.50 � 1.50 Harriet White, � 1 � 1 � Edwin Church, � 2.58 � 2.58 H A Weston, � 1 � 1 � M Cowell, � 0.03 � 0.03 E Whitaker, � 1 � 1 � A H Clymer, � 26.43 � 26.43 Sarah Washington, � 1 � 1 � A Dalgrien, � 0.20 � 0.20 Sister Woodworth, � 1 � 1 � Dennis Durgin, � 1.25 � 1.25 Lucinda C Williams, � 1 � 1 � Harriet Evans, � 0.75 � 0.75 S W Willey, � 1 � 1 � M Evans, � 0.70 � 0.70 Ira Witter, � 1 � 1 � C B Eels, � 1.25 � 1.25 Charles Woodman, � 1 � 1 � D A Eddy, � 4.20 � 4.20 Calvin Weed, � 1 � 1 � Susan Elmer, � 0.75 � 0.75 James M Wilkinson, � 1 � 1 � E Elmer, � 1.25 � 1.25 A friend, � 0.35 � 0.35 � Friends in Leslie, Mich., � 10.50 � 10.50 A sister, � 0.75 � 0.75 � J F Fraunfelter, � 6.00 � 6.00 B G Allen, � 0.93 � 0.93 � Lucy Gould, � 12.00 � 12.00 C R Austin, � 0.90 � 0.90 � Marcus Gould, � 12.00 � 12.00 R R Abbey, � 7.00 � 7.00 � R D Guild, � 0. 75 � 0.75 H P Boston, � 0.65 � 0.65 � Una Gould, � 0 75 � 0.75 28 �REPORT OF BOOK FUND. Names. � Pledges. � Paid. C Green, � 10.50 � 10.50 H Gould, � 4.50 � 4.50 Elbridge Green, � 3.50 � 3.50 R Griggs, � 2.50 � 2 50 H Getchel, � 2.50 � 2.50 Mary Glascock, � 10.70 � 10.70 Reuben Gregg, � 1.75 � 1.75 Jennie Hudson, � 0.10 � 0.10 A 11 Hall & wife, � 3.50 � 3.50 Samuel J Herson, � 11.00 � 11.00 Mrs H Huntington, � 2.25 � 2.25 Fanny Hall, � 1.80 � 1.80 Sarah J Hunt, � 0.20 � 0.20 Mary Harper, � 3.50 � 3.50 A R Hayden, � 0.45 � 0.45 Johan Hansen, � 0.75 � 0.75 Franklin Howe, � 2.50 � 2.50 Rhoda Howe, � 2.50 � 2.50 S J Hersum, � 12.00 � 12.00 Betsey Hare, � 1.06 � 1.06 S W Harris, � 7.00 � 7.00 A Hall & wife, � 8.50 � 8.50 Martin W Jordan, � 0.20 � 0.20 Harriet D Jordan, � 0.10 � 0.10 S 0 James, � 2.46 � 2.46 M Judson, � 0.55 � 0.55 Cloe Jones, � 0.16 � 0.16 Charlie F Kellogg, � 0.10 � 0.10 Julia A King, � 2.75 � 2.75 J Kelley, � 0.80 � 0.80 L A Kellogg, � 1.60 � 1.60 John Kellogg, � 7.00 � 7.00 C Leeman, � 2.50 � 2.50 Lydia Lane, � 2.50 � 2.50 J B Lamson, � 11.20 � 11.20 L Loomis, � 0.20 � 0.20 C L Munger, � 0.60 � 0.60 J S Miller, � 6.00 � 6.00 Agnes Mc Allister, � 2.50 � 2.50 Celia Martin, � 0.10 � 0.10 E Mott, � 2.90 � 2.90 � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �20 Names. � Pledges. � Paid. A T Oxley, � 12.50 � 12.50 B M & E P Osgood, � 1.50 � 1.50 M B Pierce, � 0.70 � 0.70 L Putman, � 0.10 � 0.10 C A Prince, � 7.00 � 7.00 W L Payne, � 1.50 � 1.50 James Pease, � 2.50 � 2.50 H Parsons, � 2.25 � 2.25 H L Richmond, � 8.00 � 8.00 Ellen Rankin, � 2.50 � 2.50 Melissa Rankin, � 2.50 � 2.50 A Rathbun, � 0.15 � 0.15 W H Russell, � 1.50 � 1.50 Sarah Richardson, � 0.70 � 0.70 A C Raymond, � 4.75 � 4.75 A J Richmond, � 6.50 � 6.50 N S Raymond, � 2.45 � 2.45 Christian D Rasmussen, �13.00 � 13.00 Electa Richmond, � 2.50 � 2.50 E E Sanford, � 0.18 � 0.18 L Schellhouse, � 1.75 � 1.75 Elvira A Sevey, � 0.75 � 0.75 E B Saunders, � 2.50 � 2.50 John Sisley, � 1.25 � 1.2i Son of Bro. & Sr Smouse (deceased), silver, � 1.00 � 1.00 H F Sprague, � 12.50 � 12.50 0 H Truesdell, � 17.50 � 17.50 R S Tilton, � 2.25 � 1.25 E B Town, � 1.50 � 1.50 Elizabeth Van Deusen, � 1.25 � 1.25 Geo Wales, � 0.10 � 0.10 Freddie Wales, � 1.25 � 1.25 Willie Wales, � 0.75 � 0.75 S B Whitney & wife, � 7.00 � 7.00 W J Wilson, � 2.50 � 2.50 C A Washburn, � 2.50 � 2.50 L B Webber, � 1.20 � 1.20 30 � REPORT OF BOOK FUND. EACH 50 CENTS. W Boynton, Ellen Saterlee, H S Curtis, Mary E Haskell, `S G, of Erie, Ill., A Friend, E Lewis, Lillie D Avery, G H Gilbert, E L Dean, D C Elmer, Carrie Ellis, Agnes Ellis, Sarah Guising, Henry G.Green, Smith Green, John B Green, Nancy Grant, E P Giles, J Giles, Nettie Green, S A Goodrich, H P Hopkins, Libbie Hopkins, Asa Hazeltine, Mary Hol- land, E P Holly, Smith Herrick, Charlotte Hills, Geo A Holland, Thone Johnson, Alma C Kellogg, It Keck M A Kilgore, E Lake, Betsey Morrill, M Munsell, F Morrow, M B Miller, M T Marks, A A Marks, P Marvin, Christopher Oliver, J Abbot, A friend, Jarvis T Ashley, Lucretia Abbey, Amos Amburn, It Adams, J W Blake, Ellen Balser, Sarah A Bourdeau, George Butcher, C A Belden, Eliza Burbee, Carrie M Baker, J L Burwell, Laura Briggs, E Buckland, Ellen Bellou, L Bliss, T Coburn, A B Castle, Sarah M Clarke, Isa- bella Clarke, Clark Crandal, J P Munsell, Emma Cor- son, Charlotte E Child, F C Castle, A A Carter, Sarah Davis, Blanchey Gould, N A Lord, A E Tallmoun, D C Elmer, P Markille, M Thew, B M Osgood, E Os- good, Little boy in Palermo, N. Y., Caroline Oliver, Edward Olson, Martin Olson, C E Philips, J L Powell, Davis Pettis, Elizabeth Parks, M Parsons, J C Powell, Lester Russell, P Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Mary Ann Snow, E A Seely, L B Tucker, M H Waggoner, Eliza Weed, James Wilson, Calvin Weed, L A West, Amelia Wilson, J Young. EACH 25 CENTS. Mary Allen, James T Ashley, Syl- via Austin, Elva A Brink, A friend, Mary L Bourdeau, Cornelia E Bourdeau A H Barnes, B C Chandler, Comb Chapman, L Dike, E Dahlgrien,Mrs A Davis, Sister DeCow, A A Downs, Mrs Jos er ow, Olive M Finch, Mrs L A Grover, Ella Holland, Lucy Holloway, S E Hull, A Hopkins, F Hervy, A J, Anna A Jordan, M E Keeler, Ida M King, Clara Martin, Mary Morton, A S Miller, E Miller, Mother Oliver, M E Smith, Mary J Shattuck, L A Sargent, Lewis Seymour, Elizabeth Styles, Libbie Squire, Catherine Tosh, Bertie Wilcox, Hattie Wales. REPORT OF BOOK FUND. �31 CONDITION OP THE POND. The entire amount received from Sept. 1, 1868, to Feb. 1, 1870, is � $7,550.27 The entire sum expended from Sept. 1, 1868, to Feb. 25, 1870, is � 2,481.84 There remains in the treasury, Feb. 25, 1870, the sum of � $5,068.43 Dar This report embraces only those donations re- ceived since Sept. 1, 1868. All donations received from the call of January, 1868, mentioned on the first page of this report, helped make up the sum of $2,- 268.94, also mentioned on that page, of which there is still in the treasury the sum of $382.23. Probably, donations to a considerable amount, designed for the fund reported in these pages, were applied to the first fund, noticed on the first page of this report. This may explain why some are disappointed in not seeing their donations acknowledged in this report. JAMES WHITE. Battle Creek, Hick., Feb. 25, 1870. a `Thu. Sala' the Lord. tjiy �lireft the � thou shalt fin,' it many days. EC,I. xi. 1. 17n~re is that scattereth, ;tint yet increaseth ; and there is flint witlitnitileth leer, than is Iiir-,.11`t it tendeth to p verty. PRov. Nit 2-1. Ent this la. lle. whirl, Sow-et:It sparingly shall reap also sparingly ; and he which strweth bountifully shalt reap also boun- tifully. Every elan according as he purposeth in his heart, so let hint give ; not .grudgingly, or of necessity; far God loveth a hcerful giver. 2 rem ix, 6. 7. t hatgo them that, are rich in this world, that they be not tier inlet in iincertat n rii•lies, but in the living tint. who giveth us richly alt things to cii joy ; that they do rind, that they le club in ;.00tt wi:qlte,t,ttly to ,Ii-tritnact, will-