EWS NUGGETS Underground Furnace For nearly a century csarprising as 10 may seein setentists have been thinking about ihe possibaliy of sing the energy of coal withowr ming it. frist reconty the hirst viz experiment an thes dives non in the Poated Staies zot anderwav at a mime belonging ro the Alabama Power Company. Kiondled by a thermite bomb exploded in the coal 160 leer below the surface, the coal hire will be fanned by adr pumped under pressure. he temperature of the burning material has reached 900 degrees wand, it as antiapared, may reach 5.0000 Ba pumping hot air, steam. or oxveen mre the mimes different gases can be pros duced. Fifty tons of coal a dav can be burned te thes manner. Advantages of this urigue miming process are seduction of costs, making thin seams of coal useful thar would ntherwise be too cascly to obian, the cheap production of a nner at chemreallv useful gases, some of which could generate power to dive olecir generators near the nine hend. Death by Fire Twice within the manth fire rook trawic oll in pablic msoarons a the United Stares. Kenvon Collece in Ohio had a dormarony free in a 12000ear old building. Nine died and twenov-hve were injured. Almost exact oomenth To St. Anthony's Hospital in Hino canghi fire and sevente-four were Talled. To Bury the Dead An unuosual strike recently mvolved abou 200 aravediggers auploved by Calvary Cemetery in Queens, New York Cove The Cometery as owned by sn Patrick's Cathedral Alter about 1,000 bodies had accumulated, awaiting buriad, Cardinal Spellinan hroke the strike hy enlisting the aid of candidates for the priesthood from St. Joseph's Seminary of Yonkers, Nv who walked rhronoh anton lines to dig graves tor the warm dead. Giant Eye The great 200-mch telescope on Mount Polo an California was firse re ported ta he disappointing to astronomers. Later reports are mudi more favo able. and astronomers now state that the telescope 1s a proved and unqualitiod success. Recent tests mdecate that the cant maror gathers light from distances os oreat as one billion hight-vears away. Further polishing of the outer ten inches af the mnrrar will greatly mmprove ty performance, iis beiioved, New Jet The United States Nave has a new jet eneine that works under water and will develop tremendous speed tor water craft — notably torpedoes. Although its details are being kept secret, 1t is known that it works on the ram-jer principle. taking water in the front opening, mixing into 11a chemical which reacts violently with the water, which is then ejected at the rear This ejection pro dices the forward motion af the jet. ust as in jets borming air, iz AST Oarabor he fase hiomenrals nto Nance Conncrt on Ovi tran Choe hes held ore seventh Antic cotiverdion in Thev sinvle choras ves the Philadelphia “hh NETS Levine” Protestant aleionnaions, anc ron bor aborn PTE N00 sheers, spre off frown Filter cleat iat points, Fhe commictl ws olf dv doped on [97] to Oppo te [present trends olf nod er sa in thee Protestant chameleon Poo thanold 1 Connon, coneral secretary ol the Assocation of Bags ties do Won WD Faoanoeliam, valid th dolowiies tone convention that Sa Lan nas eniccessi ul] strates has been the permeation of the church by mods eros and the tragic apostasy ob al most every Protestant denomimations.” Pf dechaved thar velicioms Hhevals are Croesv are central of denominational leadership anc bin cendralization of power Care seeking covenonental rec nenition as representing dl Protestant. in Det the most siconheant decbna tron he roole to the dedecates of the Snnventron owas that rhe haed on Sata 1s oat work cezioon an the boldness of this system whch co conding to Dib- fical proplicey, 1s hnnddly to become the tool of aitichmae The Poundanentabes bold thar the Papacy a the predicied anne of Pibidieal propbeoy and that apostate Provcestaniisn Poccomine Uthe tool of the antich se,” They hold tha the Papaoy as che Biblead Cwheore” with whom “the kines ob ihe cath have committed formeation,” and tha she tospoken of nthe book of Revelation as Dale lon the Geen, the mother of Halas and Abominaions of the farth” Revelageon 17°50 Apostate votesanr denmninations, the Fune damenta bias decline, soe the Thuarlons Trodhier chore bh al Rovnanisny, Cait iv Fast Cte” ol the The TFomnlamentalias wee, on the present poveinent too andre all the Protestant churches mito one Dnited Churstian Church of America in order (ocreate a powertul Protestant organt- cation, an exact duplicate of the Da pracy, when the omniporons Protestant clinrch oreanization Tovnes an alliance with the covernment. Fanda- mentalists hold many correo views on thelr interpreciioms of Biblical svin hols 1m the prophetic hols of the dble, vor they also wench some elaring errors and hold on to some of the errors of papal apostasy which chev ought to discard if they are going to come clea cut of “Babylon the Grea” hese only partially come oud of Babylon ERIE Fondamentalists who have and sol! hold on to some of the errors and doctrines which Babylon invented during rs great apostasy, evidently STAN of the [iNT N