completely new and umque method of producing its young, We may well [ow the transition made between egg laving, and the advanced Tonn ol childhnil of the nunomads: A continuance of the reptile practice of laving while at the same time the mammal womb and breasts and milk glands were hein plinned and prepared for action hy our transitional {ovebeans, is absolutely unreasonable. Yet such mst have been the case andess some ask, WLls HY Cas reptile genius, by ancans of anoover- whelmme evoluuve urge and a sue preme effort, managed to produce a fully equipped ama mone at tempt. Hoevolation as true, these explanations iv bound to be cor rect. Yet the latter is even more une thinkable than the former. one ol One of the major dilferences he tween the mammals and the vepules iv the tact that the manonals have warm blood, Repules and the Tower orders are incapable of retaining thew body hear, but assume the temper ture ol ther surroundings. This ace counts lor their comparative Luck of power and macavity, Te has been proved that all the biochemical pros cesses necessary tor high efhaieney, mscular activity, nervous co-ordina- tron and development of the mammal, function best moa constant tempera ture ol one hundred degrees Faloen he Fortunate ic suvely was, that our distant forehear muse presumably have veahized has Tact amd at surely nmquely tortanate that he dee veloped the means of generating and retaining this constant body temper ature! Scientists that it Ws SUC ees] Wels Evolution — to conserve Tas heat that he developed the type of des that raised his body (rom the ground, evowmg at the same time and tor the sine purpose a cov ering ol har. How did ths wanm-bloodedness come abouts No scientist will venture to save In the words ab one it will all probably “remain as mysterious as the oriuin ol the veprile eo Jd po 55, Ie will certainly remain a mystery to those who cling to the untenable theories of evolution. Those who hee Lieve the Bible have no ditheuliv, Ti wis God who creed adb creatures, who “made the beast of the earth alter his kind, and cate alter cher Find. nd every thing that creep cth upon the carth alter his kind.” Coenesis 03:20 Te is hard to thank ol Facts that are better able than the ones herve aed to prove spedal ore ation by God, the apes, In the LINE —— SO) cvolutionan together with our supposed apelibe ancestors, appeared. They differed rom the monkey ad other animals in that they were mvariably upright in posture, oud because of this they RTS by some mexplicable means - - succeeded inoreadjusting their miter mal organs so that they were now stspended broom the chest. For loco wotion, they depended mainly on then arms, since they dived in the trees and swung branch to [Prin [Sa ol story ooes — the ream branch. Hence the highly developed hands, Inman's supposed ancestor, how: ever. was desire to emamapate his ns. He ocame to depend Tess and These prefustorie mammoths once roamed the tundra of Alaska and Siberia, Did they evolve from aone-cell life? Then, too, we wonder what catastrophe caused their sud- Jon destruction. less on hiss hands Tor locomotion, and more ad I 'his CAVE LINC LO NES Spe cialized possessions — the human loot! AU least, that's what scientists The hands were now hee for a huge variety of purposes, which led directly — ol all thinus — to the reduction of the Previously the snout had to do almost evervthine in conneation with feedimye amd mvestgatme. By means ol the mouth the prev was Lilled, or the Truit was sapled nd picked, and all was broken ap In the jaws, A long snout was therelore necessary an order to put enough distance benween the object and the eves so that they nuche clearly ane vestigate operations, he hands were now free to do all this so the sno prompthv assumed reduced propor trons, and was thus able to autcipate develope with some decree ob cer tammy the dame size and shape with witch our noses ave more or less ens dowed todays (fd po SY Faaolutions untenable PHOS LON Is apparent. Not one soap ol prool as lovthconning lor development theories, whilst the solid facts ol clearly ovabidate them. Winn-Dloodedness in the noannals, the development ol the sexes. the Hunan intellect, emotions and spirit- ual aspirations, awe merely a lew ol avast mudntude of facts whieh baflle the Lhearists, As Paul Lemome editor or Loe cvclopedic Fiaoncanse, ven ks: “he theories ob evolution constitute a docima which all the world continues more on las one ol Jess, PTs SN, snout! tHiese cenetios to teach: bor cach an his specialn, roolacist or batanist, comes to the conclusion that none ol the available explanations re cedequate, In lation as oncfeosables 00 TEs neces sary town ths ne order that future generations may onentate then ae searches mm another Lashion.” [he Bible story is sao snnples bee Feel oat would enable the screntisis to direct then mental eneroies along more proficable channels, and would save them brome propagating — di- rectly oor directs — a theory thin has possibly done as much as anv thing clse to lower human dignity and to destroy Christian meralinn. Now as never helore we need to heed che Bible's mad messaze to a doomed world: “Fear God, and give slooy to Hime for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and cavth, and the sen, and the fountains of waters.” Lovelanion 17. or h