SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE READER OF THIS BOOK In choosing “The Layman’s Missionary Movement” as one of the most helpful volumes to be included in THE CHURCH OFFICERS’ READING COURSE of 1935, we desire to call attention to the fact that this book was pub- lished in 1922, and during the thirteen intervening years there have been a number of slight changes in some features of the organization policy and also in a few promotion and rec- ord policies; and to the attainments of 1922 there is now much to be added. That such changes and additions should become necessary in connection with the onward advance of the great layman’s missionary movement, is not a matter of surprise or of regret. It is a most encouraging omen. But in the main, this small volume still serves as an authentic manual of historical information and specific. instruction, with which every officer of the church should be duly familiar. We consider it very fortunate that a sufficient supply of these textbooks are available and can be supplied at such a greatly reduced price for the Church Officers’ Reading Course at this time. We ask the reader to note the following references to statements in the book which are subject to change in order to be in harmony with the platform upon which the layman's missionary movement is based at the present time, and in all matters to be governed by the policy outlined in our latest departmental literature. J. A. STEVENS, Secretary, General Conference Hone Missionary Dept. [Printed in U. 8. A.]