40 THE TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPE. POPE. POPE. POPE. regard to the Catholic Church, it has been my my chance to converse with every rank and degree degree of her hierarchy—pope, cardinal, nuncio, arch- arch- bishop, bishop, and priest—and I never heard heard one of them claim any such power, and never never heard one of them speak upon the subject who who did not disavow any belief of its existence. existence. existence. The vexed question of governing Ireland, and and of granting to the people of that kingdom a a part of the rights enjoyed by the subjects of of Great Britain, has often led the British Parlia- Parlia- ment to inquire into the charges made against against Roman Catholics, with reference to the asserted asserted right of the Roman pontiff to interfere with the the internal affairs of other governments. governments. governments. Three propositions were prepared and sent to to the faculties of the principal Catholic Universi- Universi- ties in France and Spain—those of the Uni Uni versity of Paris, of Douay, of Louvain, of Al- Al- cala, of Salamanca, and of Valladolid. I give give the propositions and abstracts of the several several answers, answers, answers, Extracts from the declarations and testi- testi- monies of six of the principal universities of of Europe, on the three following propositions, sub- sub- mitted to them at the request of Mr. Pitt, by the the Catholics of London, in 1789. 1789. 1789. 1789. MRE. CHANDLER'S SPEECH. SPEECH. SPEECH. SPEECH. THE PROPOSITIONS. PROPOSITIONS. PROPOSITIONS. PROPOSITIONS. 1. Has the pope, or cardinals, or any body of men, or any any individual of the Church of Rome, any civil authority, power, power, jurisdiction, or preéminence whatsoever, within the realm realm of England ? ? ? 2. Can the pope, or cardinals, or any body of men, or an an individual of the Church of Rome, absolve or dispense his his majesty’s subjects from their oath of allegiance upon any any pretext whatsoever ? oo oo oo 8. Is there any principle in the tenets of the Catholic faith faith by which Catholics are justified in not keeping faith with with with with ‘heretics, or other persons differing from them in religious religious religious religious opinions, in any transaction, either of a public or private private nature ? ? ? These propositions, honourable gentlemen will will perceive, are skilfully drawn, and cover the whole whole ground of dispute ; and the answer of every uni- uni- versity addressed is spread at large before the the world. Solemn deliberation was had upon the the propositions, from so respectable a source as Mr. Mr. Pitt, and all concur in declaring, that no man, man, nor any body of men, of the Church of Rome, Rome, however assembled, has power to interfere with with the affairs of other kingdoms. I give the an- an- swers, : : : After an introduction, according to the usnal usnal forms, the sacred faculty of divinity of Paris Paris answer the first query by declaring :— :— :— Neither the pope, nor the cardinals, nor any body of men, men, men, men, nor any other person of the Church of Rome, hath any civil civil anthonty, civil power, civil jurisdiction, or civil preéminence preéminence preéminence preéminence