ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. NOTES AND ITEMS. Brother Bruce Shaw and wife have lately moved to Nebraska, Do not neglect to order the General Conference Daily Bulletin. After the General Conference is over, those who have not had the Bulletin will regret it. “IF ALL OUR MEMBERS WERE JUST LIKE ME, WHAT KIND OF A SOCIETY WOULD OURS BE.” It is now time to order the General Conference Daily Bulletin. It will give daily reports of the Conference pro- ceedings. Brother J. Z. Walker, one of our Con- ference workers, has moved from Trini- dad to Montier, Missouri, He writes us they find a needy field there. We just received word that Elder and Mrs. Wightman. are in central Missouri, working just as enthusiastically as ever in the interests of Civil and Religious Liberty. No Seventh-day Adventist who desires to keep in close touch with the advance- ment of our special work can afford to be without the General Conference Daily Bulletin. Elder Lair is now making an extended trip in the southern part of our Confer- ence. Hehas visited Trinidad, Alamosa, Monte Vista, Salida and other churches aud companies along that route. ‘Why not order all papers, books, etc, through your librarian? Is not that what you elected her for? She will gladly do it, and it will often save you some work and postage, as'she is writing us nearly every week anyway. : We are pleased to note, since running the article in the ECHOES on the question of diet, that many prominent writers are taking a strong position in favor of less flesh foods as a part of our diet. They say that our system does not need it, and that it is positively injurious to us. Many of our readers will be surprised to learn of the untimely death of Elder J. M. Rees, as given in last week's Re view. Elder Rees was once president of the Colorado Conference, and had a large number of warm friends in Colo- rado. The ECHOEs extends a hearty sympathy to his family in their sorrow. Yet we sorrow not as those who have no hope. In a letter from Brother L. B. Schick, who is now canvassing near Hamilton, Missouri, we learn that while he was de- livering books the other day, the horse ‘which he was riding became frightened, threw him, and then stepped on him with both feet, tearing his overcoat, undercoat and shirt. “When he wrote he said he did not know just how badly he was hurt, but was thankful that it was no worse. Our EcHOES readers will remember Brother Schick as one of our former bookmen. * Reporting. Let all the Missionary Volunteer sec- retaries be sure to report to their church librarian, as well as to the Conference Missionary Volunteer secretary. Read Note 1 on the society report blank. Do not fear that this will duplicate reports. We know how to handle them here in the office. RALPH EMERY. Obituaries. Died, at her home in Greeley, Colora- do, March 16, 1909, of appendicitis, Vona May Rambo, oldest daughter of Mrs. Jacob Lutes. Vona was 11 years and 6 days old, and was a sweet, lovable and helpful girl in the home. She will be greatly missed. Elder Watson Zeigler conducted the funeral service, which was held at the Seventh-day Adventist church. R. E. Hav. Ross Cuney, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cuney, died of pneumonia in Vernon, Colorado, March 30, aged 16 months and 14 days. The funeral was held at the home in Vernon, and little Ross was laid to rest in the cemetary at Wray. We pointed the bereaved to Jesus weeping at the tomb of Lazarus, and spoke of our hope because of the resurrection morning so soon to dawn, W. D. EMERY. Died, at Florence, Colorado, March 31, Sister Abigail A. Jones, aged 84 years. Sister Jones was born in Nicaraugua County, New York. While but a youth, she, with her parents, moved to Michi- gan, where they lived until she was mar- ried to Mr. Crippen. The result of this union was two- sons, who survive her, Her husband dying, she was married again to a Mr, Cutler, and he dying, she was married to Mr. Jones, whom she sur- vived several years. While young, she became a member of the Christian church and was a consistent member of that body until twelve years ago, when she was privileged to hear present truth un- der the preaching of Elder E. T. Russell. Since that time she has been a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church. She fell asleep with the assurance that her Redeemer was soon coming to awake His sleeping children. Services were held at the home of her son, Mr. Crip- pen, and words of comfort from Psalms 90:10 were spoken by the writer toa large concourse of people. GEORGE M. ALway. A New Feature. A Religious Liberty Department will appear in the May Signs Monthly and be a permanent feature thereafter. This will be good news to our many friends. The Current Events, Prophetic, Missions, Temperance, Bible Readings, Home, and first mentioned Department will give our people a well balanced monthly magazine covering every point of God's truth. A better means of getting this truth before the people would be hard to find, Important Articles. Besides the articles by Professor Rine on Spiritualism which will begin April 14 in the Signs of the Times (weekly); be- sides a. very interesting series of articles from Professor Howell on “The Bible in Greece,” giving one a wonderful knowl- edge of that country and people; besides nearly a score of very excellent articles from Mrs. E. G. White, we have just re- ceived six special ones from her pen: “God in Nature,” two articles. “A Personal God.” “God is Qur Father,” two articles, “Christian Growth.” These are articles of specially striking interest, touching upon one of the great mooted questions of the present day: Is God in Nature? What has He to do with it? Are Nature's laws God’s laws? Can we obtain a complete revelation of God in Nature? These things are clearly set forth in these articles by Mrs. White. This special series that we have named will begin the first issue in May. They ought to be read by all. Besides these there will be splendid practical articles on Christian godliness from her pen every week. Do you Know how many churches there are in our Conference, the amount of tithe paid last quarter, as well as Sabbath school donations? Those who are subscribers for the Echoes get this information regu- larly.