Publisher's Department (Includes the second page) Conducted by the Department of Circulation THE SPECIAL WATCHMAN Tris grand, soul-inspiring issue is now run- ning on our presses. How this does rejoice the hearts of those who are interested in pub- lishing the glad news of the eternal morning so soon to break upon this dark, sin cursed earth! Here are strife, commotion, and bitter wars; the sad countenance, and heart-rending anguish too deep for utterance may be seen on every hand. This is not the home God designed for man. This is not the expression of infinite love, but the inevitable results of sin. The hearts of men everywhere should be turned away from the contemplation of these surrounding evils; the mind should be trained to consider the wonders of God’s love, the re- sults of his work of grace in and for mankind, and the peace and grandeur in store for those who “love his appearing,” who will walk at last on the streets of the city of God. The special issue of the WATCHMAN, in which the leading thought is “The morning cometh,” is well adapted to accomplish the best results when faithfully used by conse- crated missionary workers. Its twenty-four pages will be filled with the truths for these very days. Every page is attractive, and a glance at the paper will arouse interest in the noble lessons drawn from the Word. On the second page of this week's issue may be found a sample page, in one color, from the special. Now, while people are talking about the strenuous character of modern life, is the opportunity for God’s children to tell the meaning of these things, and direct souls to the great High Priest in the sanctuary above. There is no better way of accomplishing this quickly for the masses, than by the thorough, systematic distribution of the new special WATCHMAN. This number will be ready to mail during the last week in November, and all orders will be filled by December 1. Although our friends have been anxiously waiting for this issue for some time, they will feel well repaid for their patience when they see what an excellent number has been prepared. ‘The attractive color work is taking considerable time, but will make the special an easy seller, and it must be sold in large quantities everywhere in order to carry its message into the many homes where its saving influence is so much needed. The sale of this special is a missionary oppor- tunity of great importance. It will be sup- plied at the following prices :— When mailed in one package to one name and address — Single copies ..........ciiiinii... $0.10 In quantities less than 100, each...... .03 100 to 499 copies, each ............ “. .04 500 or more copies, each............ .03%% When mailed singly to lists of names and addresses — 10 or more copies in one order, each.. .06 A neat WarcaMAN badge will be sent free, if requested, to any one ordering fifty or more copies. THE WATCHMAN Orders should be sent at once, and may be forwarded through the local society, the con- ference office, the nearest publishing house, or sent direct to the Warcuman, Nashville, Tenn. SoS AN APPEAL TO THOSE INTERESTED IN OUR EDUCATIONAL WORK Tris should mean every soul who has any appreciation of the importance of a Christian training for the children and youth. An attempt is now being made to system- atize and unify our schools. A Manual for the use of our schools has been prepared, and by its use we hope to accomplish for our schools that which needs to be done. It con- tains many of the important principles under- lying our educational work. It suggests the manner of organizing and maintaining schools. It outlines the work to be done in each branch studied in all of the grades taught in our pri- mary schools. There is much helpful infor- mation on many important lines of school work. This Manual will accomplish nothing for us unless it finds its way into the homes of the people and is rcad. There is no financial gain for any one in the sale of this book. The author does not get a cent out of it. ‘The publishers have placed a price upon the book as low as consistent with the excellent man- ner in which it is published and the limited edition. Let our churches everywhere take this mat- ter in hand and send orders for a sufficient number of copies to place one in every home in the community. Teachers, do what you can to place this lit- tle book in the hands of the people and study it with them. The writer will be glad to an- swer any question that may be suggested by reading the hook. The price is only twenty-five cents. Send for a copy to-day. Address the Sowvihern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tenn., or its branch offices. J. E. Tenney, Grayscille, Tenn. A Song Book Cut out this ad and send it with request for sample pages and descriptive circular, or send it with 35 cents and a copy of the book will be mailed to you. Address FOR CHURCH SERVICES AND THE HOME CIRCLE Southern Publishing Association, - - Nashville, Tenn. 751 AN EASY WAY TO RENEW; BOOKS EARNED; SCHOLARSHIPS SECURED OCCASIONALLY interested writes that although he is much pleased with the WarcaMAN he finds it impossible at the time to renew his subscription. To all who are in such circumstances, and to the thou- sands who would gladly take advantage of an easy way to secure a year's renewal at no greater effort than a few hours’ pleasant visit- ing with friends and neighbors, the publishers of the WarcuMaN wish to say that if each person will order only twenty copies of the Special he may sell them for enough to get all his money back and have one dollar left with which to pay for the weekly visits of the WarcaMaN for one whole year. This is an easy thing to do, and will at the same time be doing a great favor for at least twenty different homes. Think of it! Think of the opportunities in real earnest work for others. This simple plan is only an illus- tration of the great truth that in doing for others we ourselves are greatly blessed. By ordering fifty or one hundred copies of the Special the worker would save enough to pay for a year's subscription to the WarcH- MaN and several of the choice books adver- tised from week to week. Many WATCHMAN workers will sell five hundred copies in a week. The profits from the sale of from sixteen hun- dred to two thousand copies of the Special will secure a scholarship in some of the lead- ing institutions for the education of Christian some subscriber workers. Do not forget that the special WATCHMAN will sell readily and will accomplish definite results for the worker and for the purchaser. See prices, etc, in another column. HYGIENIC COOKING For more than five years we have been furnishing to our people, every- where, the very best Salad, "Table and Cooking Oil America affords. AR absolutely pure vegetable roduct, contalning no d chemicalaoranimalfat of AMERICA’S any kind. Easily digest BEST ed, does net become ran- cid, and next to Olive Oil. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sole Agent for America. FIVE GALLON CAN, $3.86 TEN GALLON CAN, 7.70 70 cts. per gal. in bbl. (about 50 gal.) and 4 bbl. (about 30 gal.) lots. By freight direct from the factory in Louisville, Ky., to you. Send stamp for ceok booklet and circulars, also cash with each order to DR. 0. C. GODSMARK, bo Chattanooga, Tenn. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL... ........ SHAREHOLDERS’ SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS (RARNED) Cee SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS........... PN $1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 ee $2,500,000.00 3 per cent interest paid upon certificates of deposit. OFFICERS W. W. BERRY, President A. H. ROBINSON, Vice-President N. P. LeSUEUR, Cashier DIRECTORS JNO. B. RANSOM LESLIE CHEEK G. M. NEELY JOHN M. GRAY, JR. OVERTON THOS. L. HERBERT LEA THOMAS J. FELDER R. W. TURNER JAMES B. RICHARDSON BYRD DOUGLAS A. H. ROBINSON W. W. BERRY N. P. LeSUERUR JOHNSON BRANSFORD ROBT. J. LYLES HORATIO BERRY