' ) Co $3 ., er anter mm ad E.G. White Research Ce A SUMMARY OF THE THEOLOGY OF THE SPIRITUALIZING ADVENTISTS, 1944-1854, FILE COPY ‘Sometimes called '"'Spiritualists.'') "the meaning is no more than that subtle, unseen, spiritual or divine invluence will attend the gospel and affect mankind more or less favorbly. This will be according to the conception of the spiritualist. The notion must be TT eee - vague--it must differ in the minds of all the leading/spiritualizers . . Lit SI can just as well be shaped into a Shaker or Swedenborgian form. . . . "Jesus of Na areth, though born of Mary, according to the Holy Scriptures, is: made to be identical with Jehovah, consequently it is inferred that He cannot come. except 'in spirit.’ . ." --J.B. Cook, in Advent Harbinger 17:59, Aug. 12, 1848. ~ C27 rnin BEA “this wile of the Devil which has accomplished an awful work of death. . . . Many of those who drank down the poison of spiritualism admitted the truth of our past advent experience, and from this fact many have been made to believe that apiritualism was the natural fruit of believing that God conducted the great advent movements in 1843 and 1844." Present Truth, Vol. 1, May, 1850, p. 74. col. 2, note, sec. 3. "you and others teach openly that we are not to expect 'the Son of Mary'. . . to be manifested personally and visibly but that Christ has already come, not in the body raised from the dead. but in the saints, who have never seen death, and in fulfillment too of the prophecies respecting his second coming, and his promises before he went away. What arguments, what scriptures, what influences can be brought to bear against such perversions, of the plainest language?" R,F, Pomeroy. JS9:1, Dec. 27 1845