THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL 5 the denominations next resort to the argument of succession, some claiming they started in the days of John the Baptist, others with Peter being the first Bishop or Pope, others on the day of Pentecost, and so on. Some of these specifications of faith number as high as twenty-eight points. The next step, after these founders get the machine to work, is to organize into a federation all the believers in the articles of faith. When the federation is completed, the next step 1s to question all who offer themselves for admittance as to their faith in the different specifications. If answered satisfactorily they are admitted and baptized into that faith. These are the creeds of denominationalism. To illustrate the differences in these creeds, we will take but one point of doctrine, that of baptism. One of these denominations says baptize by immersion three times, face forward. Another says once by immersion backward. Another says by im- mersion once for the remission of sins, Another once unto the re- mission of sin. Another who believes immersion will not accept into their church one who has been immersed till re-immersed because not immersed by a minister of tae true succession authority. Another says we are to be baptized by immersion for the dead, that is, those who have died. Another says there is no water baptism but the bap- tism of the Bible is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Another says there is now no baptism of the Holy Ghost since the Apostles. And still another says there are now no ordinances to be observed at all and quotes scripture which says, touch not, taste not, handle not, which were all to perish with the using. These differences tend to all cases to rear up a fence around each flock to keep them separate from all others. Hence the next step is to build schools for the education of ministers who are loyal to the creed and who will labor to add to the number. These creeds of man’s production have each been de- veloped in process of time, schools have been made and the denomi- nation has grown or lost according to the energy of those connected vith it. If they prospered, God was given the glory for His special supposed providence over that branch, showing that He favored that move ahove all others. If the move failed, all others, said the Lord, was not with the move. Such is the brief record of Denominational creeds. One point should not be overlooked, and that is that de- nominational creeds when once established become the old land marks of that sect which the sect never meddles, or from which it never changes. That creed is like tie fellow’s balky mule. His owner said Le was established. So with the creed, nothing can be added to, neither can any thing be taken from it. The followers are taught that God's divine providence led the founders in the establishing of the creed, and to meddle with it would be fighting against God. Each denomination will also teacin their membership that if it was not for the centralization of power and effort the work could not be extended to other fields. So all funds are centralized, missionaries are sent out, and the world is expected to he evacelized for Christ. The whole thing is of man’s devising, and controlled by him. This plan has been followed from generation to generation, but it still re- mains a fact that no denomination, or all combined, has done any- thing to evangelize the world for Christ. Where the creed power has been most centralized and the greatest number of followers, there sin doth much more abound, as all know. Take the so-called Christian nations as an example. The Bible says these denominations are Baby- lon and we do not hesitate to say they are not the legitimate churches of Jesus Christ. God’s church and His creed are as different as day is from night. We do not believe in such creeds and have no desire to in any way establish them. THE NATURE OF MAN. It seems so strange that there should be such an erroneous belief among professed Christians as to the condition of man after his death. One has only to attend a funeral or two, and listen to the sermons preached upon such occasions to hear the contradictory and unbiblical statements of the ministers who officiate at such functions. These statements must emanate either thru ignorance or a wilfull perversion of the truth. When God created man He made him after his own image and in His own likeness, and he was made a little lower than the angels, He was given dominion over the whole creation. God built a home for him and placed him therein, and told him that he could freely eat of every tree in the garden but one; and of that particular tree he said: “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” I helieve God meant just what He said. Some claim that when Adam ate of the forbidden fruit that he died a spiritual death only. Not so. Adam died a physical death, as the result of his disobedience, and altho he lived to he over goo years of age yet he died, and his death was caused solely by his disobedience and from no other cause. If Adam committed any sins after he was driven from the Garden of Eden—the sins which he committed had nothing whatever to do with his death. Those sins he would have to answer for in the judg- ment. Hence men do not die now as the result of the sins they commit, but die as the result of Adam’s disobedience. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”—Reom. 3:12. When men die, therefore, as the result of their inheritance from Adam, what becomes of them? If we are to believe some, they are more alive after they are dead than they were before they died. But what saith the scriptures upon this point? “For the living know that they shall die; but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred. and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in any- thing that is done under the sun.”"—Ecle. 9 :4-5. “His breath goeth forth, he returned to his earth; day his thought perish.”—Psalms 146-4. Could language he more plain, more “explicit than the words quoted above? His thought perish, when the mind is gone. perished, all consciousness has ceased, and there is absolutely nothing left of man but the clay of which his hody is composed. The absurdity of the position held by the popular denominations today is that when a man dies they send him either to heaven or hell, accordingly as he has lived here on earth, and there they bring him up in the resurrection. If he has gone to heaven, he must leave there and re-enter the grave in order to he resurrected—for they all believe in and preached of a resurrection—and thus they contradict themselves, How much better and simpler, and harmonious. is the hible statement of their condition, which is that they are all in their graves, awaiting the call to come forth. T Thess. 4:13-18 I recently attended the funeral services of the wife of one of my neighbors. The minister who preached the funeral sermon did splendidly until he reached the point where the deceased had en- tered heaven, and was now with the angels, but her spirit was present, and was grieved that those present were mourning so mich over her departure. He assured the husband and friends that she would be resurrected, and would never more see pain or sickness, or any such thing, and he went on in that strain, making one contra- diction after another, and the people present believed it all. How much better it would have heen had he told them the truth, and have given them the scriptures hearing upon the condition of man after death., , Death is compared to sleep, and there must, then, he some analogy between a state of sleep and a state of death. and this analogy must pertain to that which renders sleep a peculiar condition. Our condition in sleep differs from our condition when awake simply in this, that when we are soundly asleep we are entirely unconscious, In this respect, then, death is like sleep; that is, the dead are uncon- scious. This figure is frequently used to represent the condition of the dead.—Dan. 12:2, Matt. 27:52, Acts 7:60. Paul tells us in the fourth chapter of First Thessalonians of those who are asleep in Jesus, and then he explains what he means in verse 16, by calling them “dead in Christ.” The advocates of the conscious state cannot dispose of these expressions by saying that they apply to the hody merely: for they do not hold that the con- sciousness which we have in life (which is the same that we lose in death) pertains to the body merely. Job tells us plainly that “Man dieth and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood de- cayeth and drieth up: so man lieth down. and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raized out of their sleep.” Such declarations as these are decisive concerning the condition of man in death. Paul tells us that as in Adam we die, so in Christ shall we be made alive, and after stating that if there is no resurrection, we perish, he answers us that Christ is risen, and that there is a resurrection for all. Then he takes up the resurrection of those who sleep in Chfist and tells us when that resurrection shall be. The eminent Bishop Law sums up this point in ‘the following words: “I proceed to consider what account the scriptures give of that state to which death reduces us. And this we find represented by sleep; by a negation of all life, thought, or action; by rest, rest- ing-place, or home, silence, oblivion, darkness, destruction, or cor- ruption,” This representation is abundantly sustained by the scriptures referred to, and by many others; and by all these the great fact is indelibly incribed that our existence is not perpetual by means of an immortal soul, but that, without a resurrection from the dead, there is no future life. Can we do otherwise than accept this conclu- sion? C. M. HAYHURST. CLOSE OF PROBATION. As T study and see the condition of the world in our day: the increase of sin and wickedness of all kinds, showing the soon com- ing of Christ, I feel that the most important thing for us to do now is to teach and show people the beauty and saving power of the gospel, so that they will hunger and tirst after righteousness before God's spirit ceases to strive with the world. When God gave His only begotten son for the redemption of sinful man He made a covenant with all the people that :“Whoso- ever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Rev. 22:17 According to Bible prophecy, I believe we have only a very few years left before this covenant will be broken. When that covenant ie broken everybody will have decided for himself everlasting life or everlasting death. “For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land,” saith the Lord, “but, lo, T will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. “And T took unto me two staves; the one I called beauty, and the other T called Bands; and I fed the flock. “Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me. “And T took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that T might hreak my covenant which 1 had made with all the people. “And it was broken in that day; and so the poor of the flock in that very