4 COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR NEW JERSEY A. J. Clark, President C. H. Relly, Secretary-Treasurer 1600 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N.J. Phone, Trenton 4197 HARVEST INGATHERING REPORT To November 21, 1925 Church Members Rec'd Short Over Annandale 16 $ 141.48 $ 18.52 Asbury Park Colored 13 68.62 61.38 Bridgeton 75 179.64 570.36 Burlington 36 370.80 10.80 Burlington Colored 11 67.02 42.98 Burlington Polish 8 50.00 30.00 Camden 108 650.00 430.00 Camden Colored 23 160.76 69.24 Cape May C. H. 33 232.14 97.86 Dover 14 246.76 106.76 Elizabeth 32 98.48 221.52 Englewood 10 50.00 50.00 Franklin 27 152.54 117.46 Jericho 44 405.21 34.79 Jersey City No. 1 71 688.61 21.39 Jersey City No. 2 46 398.25 61.75 Jersey City Colored 45 129.20 320.80 — Jersey City Swedish ~~ 31 430.97 120.97 Jersey City German 53 670.98 140.98 Montclaire Swedish 17 254.48 84.48 Mi. Holly 26 123.04 136.96 Newark 141 1754.09 344.09 Newark Colored 72 188.30 531.70 Newark German 11 204.60 94.60 Newark Slovak 82 42455 395.45 Passaic 23 257.50 27.50 Paterson 135 876.19 473.81 Paterson German 37 556.60 186.60 Paulsboro 10 33.30 66.70 Perth Amboy Danish 17 40.00 130.00 Perth Amboy Slovak 26 290.00 30.00 Plainfield 20 110.00 30.00 Pleasantville 32 142.31 177.69 Ramah 28 48.06 231.94 , Swedesboro 37 149.61 220.39 Trenton 157 1237.84 332.16 Vineland 52 574.74 h4.74 Milliamstown 11 96.62 13.38 Woodbury 24 20.17 219.73 Conference Church 25 40.50 209.50 ¢ & 3B NOT HOW LITTLE, BUT HOW MUCH The Newark, New Jersey, English church is setting a splendid example in demonstration of this principle: “Not how little but how much.” 1 quote from a letter just received from Brother C. L. Moore, the church mis- sionary secretary: ‘Received your letter and read it to the church. $157.09 reported today, making $1754.09, To God be all the glory that He can so work with the children of men. And we are running against three separate community chest drives—$450,000 in the Oranges, $1,000,000 in Newark, and $56,000 in Bloomfield. “Our church goal was set by the conference at $1,340, we set it at $1,650, and you placed it at $1,800. We are within $46 of that, and are trying to raise $2,000. Pray for us. Some of us are going till Christmas, God willing. One Sabbath school class has $650, (six mem- bers and two visitors—five ladies and one man.) They sent in $49.90 this week. Qur brethren and sisters of New Jersey will be glad to know that when the missionary secretary of each church gets in his report to the office for Harvest Ingathering re- ceipts up to November 28, we shall have gone beyond the $13,000 mark. I think it will be very close to $14,000. Brethren and sisters of New Jersey, we are now on the home stretch. Let us make every mo- ment count. $10 per member is our goal. We certainly must make our $16,110. What cheer it will bring to our General Conference men who are carrying the heavy bur- den of responsibility! What joy will be felt among the angels of God! Our dear Saviour will look down fondly upon us and pronounce His “Well Done.” R. B. Clapp, H. M. Secretary. REPORT OF SABBATH SCHOOLS FOR THIRD QUARTER The total offerings this quarter were $5,594.97. This is a gain over the corresponding quarter of $314.73. Last year we stood at $.277 per week per member for the third quarter; this vear $.284 for the third quarter. We are so near the thirty-cent-a-week goal now that 1 hope this present quarter we will reach it. The follow- ing nineteen schools reached, or went over the thirty-cent- a-week goal: Asbury Park English, 47 cents; Burlington English, 33 cents; Burlington Polish, 83 cents; Burling- ton Colored, 35 cents; Drakestown, 49 cents; Englewood, 39 cents; Jericho, 30 cents; Jersey City German, 33 cents; Jersey City Swedish, 37 cents; New Brunswick, 40 cents; Newark Colored, 31 cents; Newark German, 30 cents; Oxford, 49 cents; Passaic, 34 cents; Paterson German, 31 cents; Plainfield, 64 cents; Rockaway, 33 cents; Trenton No, 2, 99 cents; Williamstown, 58 cents; The Burlington Polish Sabbath school has kept the “High Point” for four successive quarters;—54 cents, 76 cents, 77 cents, 83 cents. Williamstown stands next,— 35 cents, 53 cents, 62 cents, 58 cents. The following schools made Dollar Day on the | thirteenth Sabbath: Asbury Park English, Burlington English, Burlington Colored, Englewood, Jersey City Swedish, Newark English, Oxford, Passaic, Paterson Ger- man, Willlamstown, Burlington Polish, and Drakestown made $$ Day; Plainfield, $$$ Day; and Trenton No. 2, $5535 Day. | The following schools reached the membership goal: Asbury Park English, Burlington Polish, Burlington English, Burlington Colored, Drakestown, Elizabeth, Englewood, Jersey City No. 2, New Brunswick, Jersey City German, Oxford, Passaic, Perth Amboy Slovak, Rockaway, Trenton No. 2, Williamstown, and Alloway Junction, Banners are to be given to the following schools for having their reports in on time and perfect for four suc- cessive quarters: Burlington English, Bridgeton, Drakestown, Englewood, Jersey City Swedish, Jersey City Colored, Jersey City No. 2, Newark English, Oxford, Trenton No. 1, and Williamstown. There were four to receive the ribbon book mark. All the Sabbath schools in New Jersey are working to make this last quarter the best, as it closes the record for the year 1925, and when Jesus comes, we hope to see many souls saved, both at home and in far away lands, as a result of our work. Mrs. A. J. Clark. 8. §. Secretary. LIE J Rights and Privileges. Here is an intimate story of school life, appearing in the January Watchman, by Miss Rochelle Philmon of Union College. It is told in an in- formative and interesting way. Start the new year right by subscribing for this Message Magazine. By the year, only $1.75; clubs of four or more, $1.05 each through your Bible house,