SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD The Temple of God—No. 5 IN SUPPLYING the blood with building material for this wonderful body temple we must take care not only to select the proper foods, but to combine them in such a way that they are the most easily digested. Dr. W. O. Atwater, nutrition expert of the United States Department of Agriculture, says, “How much harm is done by injurious compounds some- times formed from ordinary whole- some food is seldom realized.” The science of food combinations is not a complicated one. The follow- ing principles will enable one to avoid most dangers along this line. 1. Variety. “There should not be a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating and causes in- digestion.” Ministry of Healing, p. 299 Foods are like people, the more you get together in one place the more difficult it is for them to agree. “Do not have too great a variety at a meal; three or four dishes are plenty. At the next meal you can have a change. The cook should tax her inventive powers to vary the dishes she prepares for the table, and the stomach should not be compelled to take the same foods meal after meal.” Review and Herald, No. 21, 1884. “Here is a suggestion for all whose work is sedentary or chiefly mental; let those who have sufficient moral courage and self-control! try it: At each meal take only two or three kinds of simple food, and eat no more than is required to satisfy hunger. Take active exercise every day, and see if you do not receive benefit.” Ministry of Healing, p. 310. The custom of placing food on the table in courses is a bad one. ‘Not knowing what is coming next, one may eat a sufficiency of food which perhaps is not the best suited to him. When the last course is brought on, he often ventures to overstep the bounds, and take the tempting dessert, which, how- ever, proves anything but good for him. If all the food intended for a meal is placed on the table at the be- ginning, one has opportunity to make the best choice.” Ministry of Healing, p. 306. leaves and 2. Fruits and Vegetables. “It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. If the digestion is fezble, the use of both will often cause distress, and inability to put forth mental effort. It is better to have fruit at one meal, and vegetables at another.” Ministry of Healing p. 299, 300. Too often we find those who are attempting to be health reformers finishing off a vegetable dinner with apple pie, peach cobbler, fresh or can- ned fruit, or some other dessert made from fruit. This is especially harm- ful on the Sabbath, when our minds should be clear to receive spiritual instruction. Notice carefully the above statement from the Spirit of prophesy concerning the effect of this combination on the mind. If a fruit dessert is desired the fol- lowing foods may be used for the main course, as they combine well with fruit: corn, peas, squash, maca- roni, rice and all> other cereals, Vegetables include roots, tubers, stems. When these are served; the dessert (if any is desired) may consist of plain cake, pumpkin pie, or simple cookies. I have known a number of cases where people who were troubled with headache, “sour stomach” and “gas,” experienced definite relief after learn- ing to carry out this principle, eating fruits at one meal and vegetables at another. 3. Milk and Sugar. “The free use of milk and sugar taken together should be avoided. . Especially harmful are the custards and pud- dings in which milk, eggs and sugar are the chief ingredients.” Ministry of Healing, p. 302. Disregarding this instruction often results in fermentation in the stomach, causing “heart burn,” “gas,” head- ache and other unpleasant symptoms. In carrying out these three great principles concerning combinations we should keep in mind that desserts should be simple, not rich and com- plicated. They should be occasional, not a regular article of diet. In a later article we shall discuss a balanced diet and give sample nienus. W. D. FRAZEE. Could You be Baptized? IN A recent Review and Herald, Elder Bartlett, of Kenya Colony, Af- rica, reports that “One of the ques- tions put to every candidate (for bap- tism) was, ‘How many people have you won to Christ?” If you were asked that question as a prerequisite for your baptism, would you have been qualified for that rite? Suppose that you were asked that question now after all these years of being a member, would you qualify? HENRY F. BROWN. COLPORTEUR REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 16, 1935 Ark.-La., D. A. McAdams, Sec. Hrs. Value Del, Mrs. M. A. Gillon ........ 43 17.00 5.00 J. E. McBride . .............40 20.50 1.50 C. E. Anderson ............ 36 6.50 ...... Allene Vance ............. 36 22.50 50 C. L. Pope ........ perenne 33 19.00 ..... Leola McDuell ............. 14 10.75 Mrs. L. D. Campbell .12 16.25 3.00 Audrey Reese ............... 4 1.50 6.50 I. A. Christian ........... 3.00 - 3.00 Pearl Pride ................... 5, 80 3 Ruth Johnson -............ 25 Gretchen Williams ...... 25 28.95 5.00 Emily Wright ........... 25 23.85 1.75 Total cco. 273 160.10 37.80 Oklahoma, W. L. Kinder, Sec. W. H. Johnson .............. 40 29.25 ..... Annie Dingman ............ 32 40.25 Castella Tucker ............ 32 10450 ..... C. R. Hickman .......... 30 46.50 cee Mrs. S. G. Payne ........ 27 26.75 cree Leroy Tuttle .................. 20 22.75 rn Linnie Hymphreys ........ 8 4.75 ..... Mrs, J. W. Grout ........ 40 18.00 7.50 Total ...cocveennnn. 229 292.75 7.50 Texas, A. E. Van Noty, Sec. Hdgar Jones ............... 27 18.50 14.75 J. B. Church ........... 27 12.75 750 Glenn Cox ..ccocoeveenn. 18 42.25 © 27.90 M. M. Ashley ............ 5 18.50 3.50 Edgar Jones ................ 2 LL. 3.00 G. M. Jorgenson ..... 9.00 9.00 Mrs.. J. O. Chisholm .. 90 80 Total... 79 101.90 65.65 Texico, F. B. Moore, Sec. Z.H. Ham ................. 48 53.75 Mrs. W. D. Glass .......30 38.00 Mrs. I. D. Linville ..... 20 38.00 ..... Aunie Eubank ....... 21 14.25 H. E. Chavez ............. 23 15.00 ..... F.J. Perea .................. 30 20.25 ..... Sam Mec Cullam ....... 12 18.75 ..... Mathias Vargas .... 30 7.35 ..... Total ....ccoocvvev 214 20535 .... Grand Total ........... 795 760.10 110.95