490 (2) support . "nevertheless, let them go forward, praying, singing, teaching, living the truth. They may take up the work of canvassing, and in this way introduce the truth into many families. As they move forward in their work, they gain a blessed expe- rience. They are humbled by a sense of their helplessness, but the Lord goes before them, and among the wealthy and poor they find favor and help. Even the poverty of these de- voted missionaries is a means of find- ing access to the people. As they pass on their way, they are helped in many ways by those to whom they bring spiritual -food. They bear the message God gives them, and their efforts are crowned with success. Many will be brought to a knowledge of the truth who, but for these hum- ble teachers, would never have been won to Christ. God calls for workers to enter the whitening harvest-field. Shall we wait because the treasury is exhausted, because there is scarcely sufficient to sustain the workers now in the field? Go forth in faith, and God will be with you. The promise is, “ He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Ps. 126:6. Nothing is so successful as success. Let this be secured, by persevering effort, and the work" will move for- ward. New fields will be opened. Many souls will be brought to a knowledge of the truth. What is needed is increased faith in God. © Our people have received great light, yet much of the ministerial force has been spent upon the churches, teaching those who should be teach- ers; enlightening those from whom should flow rivers of living water; enriching those who might be mines of precious truth; repeating the gos- pel invitation to those, who, scattered to the uttermost parts of the earth, should be giving the message of heaven to those who have not heard; ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER feeding those who should be in the highways and byways giving the call, “Come; for all things are now ready.” Those for whom the fetters of sin have been broken, who have sought the Lord with brokenness of heart, and have obtained answer to their yearning request for righteousness, are never cold and spiritless. Their hearts are filled with unselfish love for sinners. They put away from them all worldly ambition, all self- seeking. Contact with the deep things of God makes them more and more like their Saviour. They exult in his triumphs ; they are filled with his joy. Day by day they are grow- ing unto the full stature of men and women in Christ. Mrs. E. G. WHITE. VERMONT NOTICE. WE are to have placed in our hands very soon a special number of the Signs of the Times, in which the sub- ject of labor and capital will be clearly set forth. This will afford us a grand oppor- tunity to get present truth before our friends and neighbors. The subject is one that is agitating the minds of men everywhere in the world to-day, more or less, and especially is ita live ‘question in the United States at this time. The heaping together of treasures and the cry of the laboring classes against monopoly, is clearly defined in the Bible, and set forth as a sign of the last days. We as a people believe that we ‘have a message for the world, and that the coming of the Lord in this generation is that message. Now that the Lord has permitted the peo- ple’s minds to be stirred upon this question of labor and capital, shall we not awake to this situation, take ad- vantage of the same, and call their attention to the fact that this very thing that they are thinking of so seriously is a marked sign of the end of the world? We must certainly do so if we do our duty. We desire that all our churches in Vermont shall take hold of this work in earnest. The paper will sell for five cents a copy. In clubs of ten to one hundred it will be furnished to our churchgs for less than this, so there will be a small profit to the one who sells the paper. The librarian or church-elder should at once take this matter upand ascertain how many copies each mem- ber of the church will take and pay for, and send in your orders to Brother Dana at once. The Lord is calling upon us, breth- ren, to awake out of sleep and to carry this blessed truth to the people of this world, and every one who will embrace these opportunities will re- ceive a blessing in doing so. After we have sold a copy of this paper to our neighbors, perhaps we can make the second visit, and get at least some of them to give us their subscription for six months or a year, It would be an excellent thing to take “ Object Lessons ” with us as we go out to sell the Signs, and make a double sale if possible. Let us seein Vermont a great forward movement in the work of the Lord. Soon our opportunities will be forever past, and if one soul is lost because of our neg- lect of duty, how dreadful it will be. Are we individually doing all we can in this blessed work? If not, how long will it be until we shall take up every duty? May the Lord help us to do our whole duty. THE WEEK OF PRAYER. A word about the week of prayer. This special season for seeking the Lord has been appointed for Decem- ber 12 to 19. As we near the end of this world’s history, and the devil re- doubles his efforts to destroy souls, because he knows he has but a short time, it becomes very necessary that the people of God live much upon their knees, that they may be able to resist the devil, and walk in all the