“THE HARVEST TRULY IS GREAT, BUT THE LABORERS ARE FEW*’ Hutchinson, Minn, June 21, 1921 101 °F int is in her 102nd ft tere iz another Seventh-day entist in all tais country whe aim te have passed 0 many mileStuics of a life's journey. This dear bed vear, We ¢. Grandma Hedemark,—her full namie ix Mrs, Sophia R. Hedemark and she lives at Forest, Wis, —helieves the Lord wants her to stay and pray. Ard truly she seeks to do His will, for oftentimes, when steep does nol ceme, she spend: the night-hours in prover for friends and neighbors for ard near, ealling each one by name, Mrs. Hedemark was born in Nor- way, February 16, 1520, and came to America with her hushand in In6+ Mr. Hedemark died in 13806, Qr their ten children but one survives, and she is a helpless invalid. A lov- ing grand-daughter, Miss Hilda An- derson, tenderly eaves for Mrs. Heda mark now, while =ome seventy-five descendants, fifteen of whem are of the fourth generation, delight to honor their venerable ancestor. Mrs. Hedemark’s has been a re markable life, rounding out a century of activity, for it i= only since she passed her 100th birthday that Gran.l- ma’s hands have not been busy mo-t of the time. It was in her 90th year that she knit four pair of socks for the American =oldiers. She =tili reads her Bible and religious papers, and converses intelligently. She is able to go up and down stairs unasz- zizted and in large measure to walt upon herself, Every birthday anniversary of the little old lady is an occasion of a party in her honor, and she enjovs t-eze festivities, chatting with the guests and admiring the gifts they ni er her. On there wax her 100th birthday litre white cake with tiny rick covdles set ia white rvo- scttz., one for exch yaar of Ter crac us live. To simple living and to a devout foith io God, Mrs. Hedemark ar- tributes her remarkabie privilege of closing a complete century and enter ing upon a =ecoxd oae. Mrs, Hedemuark enjoys the dear old vone hy, of which frearured rouverirs — the old spinning-wieel brought from Norway, the loom made by her hushard's own hands ard upon which she hos hua his portrait, and the coffee-pot which came with her across toe water, are reminders, days Josephine E. Toal, New Richmond, Wis. Towa Oftice Address—Nevada, Town. President—3W. H. Clark. Sec'yv-Treasurer—A. R. Smouse. Sab. Sch. See’y—DMrs. Flora VV, Dorcas. Field Miss, Qec'y—I.. I. Grand Pre. Home Mizs, Sec’v—R. F. Woods. Fducationnl Sup't—DBert Rhoads. All office address. Tract Soo. See'vy—C. A, legester. Religious Lib, Sce’y—W. KK. Smith, A282 (Cambridee St, Des Aloines. WEST GROVE, MOULTON, AND EXLINE Tuesday, May 24, I came to West Grove to visit the few remaining members there. But one family is left at West Grove and one about three or four miles west of Bloom- field. After consulting with them we thought it well to hold some meetings in the school house near Brother Hart- wicks. By the use of the telephone the public wax notified of the meet- ier ard the house Wednesday evenivyg, roised was we!l filled The next day it hoard toward evening and it looked threateving at meeting time, still on prolly number were preset. All seemed to enjoy the services. We enjoved cur visit here very much, an believe our zhort stay was a of ercolrcgement to them, Friday, Brother Halliwell joined me, ard we went to Moulton. There are bat two families of believers liv- 12g there and meetings were held in a private home. Althoug’: there are Lut few, these practically isolated ches enjoy the visit of the minister. Their hearts are encouraged to ment with others of like faith, and have the piivilege of worshiping God together. sOUTCe The following Monday we came to Exline. Here we found a good little church of about fifteen resident mem- bers and nine non-resident one. Their meetings are held in the Min- er's Union Hall, its use being kindy granted them by the Union. We con- tinued our meetings here nearly two weeks: with an exceilent interest zn! attendance, helding two meetings a day. On Sabbath we held communion service, the first opportunity for stich a service for over a year. The Lown came near ard richly blessed His people on this oceasion. As the meetings progressed the Holy Spirit worked his wav into the hearts of he faithful. Sins were pointed out, given up, and victories won. Some after retiring for the night rose from their beds of slumber and prayed to Go. for victory, and they did not pray in vain. A church business meeting was held Wednesday evening. The next dav four were buried with the Loyd by baptism. At the meeting that night a consecration service was held, when practically the entire church