February 2, 1987 Recorder 13 to unforeseen legal inquires. She was able to talk to the group through a conference telephone call placed during Rollo’s presentation. Call for women’s ordination During the Association’s annual busi- ness meeting the final day of the confer- ence, delegates approved an appeal to the North American Division leadership calling for the ordination of women to the gospel ministry. The four-point motion called on church leaders— To take a clear position in support of ordaining women to the gospel mini- stry. To educate the North American Church through articles, camp meeting presenta- tions and other forums. To educate the leadership of the world church regarding the necessity and ap- propriateness of of this action. And to meet with the Association of Adventist Women at the Fifth An- nual Conference (scheduled for October 8 to 11, 1987, in Takoma Park, Maryland) by way of sharing actions taken and discussing ways in which the Association can assist in this education process. Within the body of the motion, dele- gates pointed out that women have been enrolled in pre-seminary studies, semi- Mary Elizabeth Moore, associate pastor of theology at the Claremont School of Theology, was the conference’s key- note speaker. She warned against believ- ing that problems for women in the church would be over when ordina- tion of women was achieved. A ¥ House vour heart? with Dr. Kay Kuzma Filling love cups Do you sometimes feel empty and wish someone would give you a little love and attention. Well, the answer might be to first give some love away. Mindy knew her husband didn’t like overweight women—Ileast of all an overweight wife. But try as she would she just couldn’t lose those ugly pounds. Mindy was aware her husband didn’t like her fat. He had subtle ways to let her know. For example, when she would snuggle up in bed, he often just turned over and went to sleep. Or he would make a point of noticing other women and com- menting on their slim figures. Finally he spoke up. This is how it happened. Mindy was a good homemaker and loved to cook. She prepared beautiful meals and occasionally even made bread. If only she had one of those mixers that kneaded the dough. She knew the budget could never stand this luxury item, but she asked her husband anyway. ““Honey, do you think we could get a bread mixer?’ “I'll. make a deal with you,’ he bargained. “‘If you lose weight, I'll get you a mixer.”’ A year went by. No weight lost. And no mixer. Plus, a stagnant, devi- talized marriage. Then at a God’s Woman Seminar, Mindy learned about the love-cup principle. The idea 1s that if another person 1s unloving, it may be be- cause his own love cup is empty hb Dr. Kay Kuzma is a noted child development specialist and author of more than a dozen books. Cur- rently she is president of Parent Scene, Inc., and speaker of its daily syndicated radio broadcast. and he has nothing to give. Fill that person up first, and when he 1s full and overflowing, chances are that he will be loving, too. Mindy decided to make a list of all the reasons she loved her hus- band. She put 15 things on the list, and when her husband got home, she asked him to sit down, gave him something refreshing to drink and told him the 15 reasons she loved him. Her husband sat silently listening and then at the end smiled and asked, “Is that all?”’ ‘Oh, no,’ she said quickly think- ing of a few more reasons. And then he got up and went to his desk, shuffling through some papers. Noth- ing like this had happened in their marriage for a long time—and he just didn’t know how to respond. But later that afternoon he called to Mindy. ‘Oh, Mindy, I’ve decided I should go down to the bank and arrange for the financing to get the jeep fixed, and while I'm there I might as well get enough money for that bread mixer that you’ve been wanting.’ It was his way of saying, ““Mindy, I love you, t00.”’ And you know the result? Mindy has lost three pounds every week for the last four weeks—even with mouth-watering loaves of fresh home- baked bread in the kitchen. What can we learn from Mindy’s story? Just this. When you feel un- loved and your life seems empty, it’s time to start reaching out to others. And in the process of filling others with love, the chances are much greater that love will be poured back into your life in ways that you might least expect. Practice the love-cup principle and make sure the love cups of everyone you live with are filled to overflow- ing!