Development Organization Meets Expansion Problems During recent weeks the pas- tors, departmental leaders and laymen connected with the Con- ference administration have ac- cepted the challenge of a six per cent Increase in persons won to Christ during 1977. With this outreach in mind, there will eventually be a need for new churches to house the converts. A serious problem of starting construction of new churches is the existing rate of inflation that has hit the economy. Many new companies have only a few members. It take years of sav- ing to get funds te begin a new sanctuary. An organization named SDA Layman's New Church Devel- opment, Incorporated, has been formed to solve this problem for beginning churches. The Conference Executive Commit- tee has voted unanimously to embrace this program to help establish new work in new areas. The new corporation was ap- proved as a non-profit organi- zation in May, 1976. It has taken several months to get tax exemption from the IRS, but the organization has now re- ceived its full tax exemption. This is how the program will Volunteers Recognized Twenty-nine senior volunteers at Paradise Valley Hospital re- ceived recognition for over 42,- 500 hours of service to the hos- pital at the Volunteer Service's annual Awards Luncheon De- cember 6 at The Glenn in Bo- nita. Top honors went to Gladys Mages with 7,500 hours; Ethel Harvey with 4,500 hours; Bev- erly Ackley, 3,000 hours; Zu- lema PPecoraro, 2.500 hours. Marie Huhn, Martha Licari, Male Nagel, Mildred Teske each had 2,000 hours. Conference Admin- istration and Exccutive Com- mittee will decide where the nead exists to establish the newly - formed company or church, and they will purchase the land. New Church Development will loan to the new company money needed for a church building. This company will re- pay to New Church Develop- ment on a regular basis the principal plus a nominal inter- est rate to be determined by the prime rate. New Church Development, Inc. 1s now accepting member- ships. We are planning to ac- cept DOO memberships as soon as possible. A membership is an Adventist who will make a gift of $500 for a charter member- ship, or $200 for a regular mem- bership annually. We believe this is a most sig- nificant program to help finish the work in Southeastern. After the holidays, Confer- ence President Walter Blehm is writing a letter to cach Advent- ist family in Southeastern Cali- fornia Conference describing this new work. We welcome your questions regarding membership in this new church development pro- gram. The following 1s a list of the Board of Directors. Any one of them will be happy to talk to you. work. The Chairman W. I.,eRoy Lyster, CPA 710 Brookside Ave. Redlands, CA 92373 (714) 793-3165 First Vice President Harold Lance, Attorney 204 N. San Antonio St. Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 983-9574 Secretary Sara Deacon 602 Vista Way Oceanside, CA 92054 (714) 433-2800 aCIFIC UMNIOMm newspaper of the Pacific Union of Seventh-dov Adventists and is fornia 94508. Editorial nia 21361. Press. Second-class gwin, California. All stories, advertisements, postage is coordinator.” All EDITOR .............. Shirley Burton MANAGING EDITOR ..Glen Robinson The Pacific Unior Recorder is the official Conference published weekly, 50 times co year, at Angwin, Cali- office is at Townsgate Road, Westlake Village, Califor- Printed at Pacific Union College paid at 2686 obituaries, quiries, etc., go to local conference "Recorder other questicns should be sent to 2686 Townsgate Road, Westlake Village, California 91361. Subscription Rate: No charge to Adventist members of Pacific Union Con- ference churches. Three dollars and 50 cents per year to others. An- in- ASSISTANT EDITORS ..E. Amundson, R. Cone, C. Sandefur, M. White CONFERENCE COORDINATORS Jeffrey K. Wilson .......... Arizona Janet Hanson ....Central California Sharon Jen .... o.oo. Hawaii Gwen Schlotter ....... Nevada-Utah Marilyn Wolfkill, Northern California S. A. Yckush, Southeastern California Franklin Hudgins, Southern California categorical or typographical errors. Please Note: The Pacific Union Recorder does not accept responsibility for COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS Bonnie Dwyer, LLU-La Sierra Campus Jim Aldred ..... Pacific Union College CIRCULATION ......... Merle Sather POSTMASTER: All returns should be sent to Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, Angwin, California 94508. Executive Secretary Kenneth HH. T.vesay 9707 Magnolia Ave. Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 689-1350 Treasurer Tom Zapara, Businessman 166141 Hale Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 556-1660 Second Vice President Dr. Charles Brinegar 7971 Culowee St. l.a Mesa, CA 92041 (714) 466-0253 Paul Damazo. Businessman 4821 Golden Ave. Riverside, CA 92505 (714) 687-8232 Maurice C. Giberson, Realtor 34919 Yucaipa Blvd. Yucaipa, CA 92399 (714) 797-0141 Howard Voyles, Advertising 1061 Camelback Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 759-0333 Join 1s and watch Southeast- crn grow! Kenneth H. Livesay, Executive Secretary SDA ILayman’s New Church Develop- ment, Inc. - WA E > Joan an 54 L Il wr he ; a y fis i LY 2 0n ul. nar These u all fo il. nade bread. a no 4But he answered and said, Be 1 baptize is written, Ma b I looked up all the scriptures vou cave me to look up and it appears to be entirely logical that Saturday is the seventh day. In the Revelation, everything is the “seventh” ‘seven bowls of wrath,” “seven trumpets,” “seven-scaled scroll,” ete. T've read Revelation quite a few times and never understood it, but it has been opened up to me this time! I am a widow 73 years old who has loved the Bible a long time. I have enjoyed your Sun- day broadcasts ever since mov- ing here. Here is a check for your work. I.W. Vacaville, CA TO PROVIDE STUDENTS with practical skills, a course in auto mechanics is offered to students at Fairview Junior Academy. They are learning basic auto maintenance and minor body repair. Next semester the boys will switch with the girls so the girls can learn about cars and the boys learn homemaking. In the picture Ken Harbeson and Paul Nightingale are on the job. Foway New Year's Communion Planned Members of the Poway Church are planning a special New Year's Eve family com- munion and spiritual emphasis program at 7 in the Church Community Hall. A special communion service led by Pastor Douglas Versteeg will precede a program of sa- cred music and a Christ-cen- tered film. A generous portion of singing and personal testi- mony will lead into prayer oroups a few minutes before the the new year. This special program 1s open to anyone who wishes to join the Poway Church family in praise to our Saviour and fel- lowship in a prayerful celebra- tion for a wonderful 1977 in Christ. STUDENTS AT THE MONTE VISTA School in Banning are learning responsibility for practical community living. They must go to the “University” to learn a job and afterward they must “earn their living” and take their place in the school community. Some are businessmen, some are policemen, others are clerks, janitors, lawyers and doctors. They have their own laws and jus- tice court. In the picture Dale Thomas, MD, is taking his patients blood pressure. Inner City Department Sponsors Mexico Trip For the fourth consecutive year the Inner City Department of Southeastern California Con- ference has sponsored a good- will trip to neighbors across the Mexican border, The trip this year was made just two days before Thanks- oiving. Co-sponsors of this trip were the Inner City Depart- ment and the students of L.oma [Linda University, l.a Sierra campus. Other agencies which have contributed funds, food and clothing are Southeastern Cali- fornia Conference, Loma lL.inda Foods, General Conference In- surance Service, and many lay members of Southern and Southeastern California. Funds, fcod and clothing received were valued well over $500 for this act in behalf of humanity. Seventy-five grocery bags of food and several boxes of cloth- ing were taken to Mexicali and Calexico for a large number of poor, underprivileged people. Making the trip this year were seven college students, six laymen from Southeastern, and Inner City director-elect, along with present Inner City Direc- tor E. A. White. Several homes were visited during the stay in Mexicali. Food was distributed, pray- er was offered, and words of encouragement were spoken to those visited. On behalf of the Inner City Department of Southeastern California Conference, 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to all who had a part in this project, not only for this year but for all the other years we have been involved. May the work continue to expand, and may the day soon come when the work around the world will be finished and we can all go home with our Saviour. E. A. White, Director Inner City Services PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1976