Anne Shriber, N. ¥. The charm of health and beauty food so as to excite intestinal action, without which the food does not move along fast enough to prevent decay and the absorption of its poisons. This cellulose also retains much water, which aids in the proper absorption of food material in the intestinal tract, and assists in the elimination of waste. Green vegetables are rich in iron, which is the material used in the building of new red bldod cells and which protects us from weakness, lassitude, shortness of breath, depleted blood, and consequent anemia. Their lime content contributes to the building of strong teeth and well-developed bones, also giving tone to the muscles and a normal function- ing of the heart and blood stream. One of the foremost advantages in relation to the liberal use of fresh vegetables and fruits as food, is the fact that, when they are absorbed into the system, their salts are alkaline in reaction; that is, they neutralize the acid-waste of the blood and tissue, thus they counteract or neutralize ‘acidosis,’ or the JULY, 1929 acid condition in the system always present in rheumatism, gout, toxemia, kidney trou- ble, etc. This makes fruits and vegetables especially valuable, forawell-balanced diet must supply in liberal proportion the alka- line-reacting foods that offset the acid- forming foods as well as the acidity caused by conditions of dis- ease. “No PARKING” HE newer light on nutrition puts great emphasis on the fact that if we would maintain a high de- gree of immunity to disease, the body must be properly nourished. The resistance of our physical organism to disease does not lie in its surplus fat, which is very often mistaken for health, but it de- pends on the condition of the body fluids. Through the blood stream, the food we eat is carried in solu- tion to all parts of the body, and when this food contains the prop- er amount of mineral salts, organic acids, and vitamins, the blood becomes strongly alkaline, and as a result the accumulated body wastes and disease germs are neutralized or destroyed, leaving the tissues clean and perfect. The dietary highway should be guarded by the slogan, “No Parking,” or ‘No Stopping on the Pavement.” Its one-way traffic should be kept moving on regular schedule. Stoppage along the way, due to congestion, especially at the exit, is often the cause of disastrous wreckage to the health. Constipation’s poison pest is the most common, and possibly the most unconquered and funda- mentally most crippling, of human maladies. A great secret of health is internal cleanliness, by keep- ing the food route free from stagnation. Human beings cannot thrive when subjected to a diet that is too refined or concentrated. There is an old proverb that says, ‘‘Spinach is a broom that sweeps the stomach.” The large amount of fiber contained in vegetables and (Continued on page 34) PAGE TWENTY-THREE