Tim TWO HORNED BEAST OF EEV. XIII, A SYtfBOL OF jrcr a. n. iUOED AT TUI UEVIKW AYR flERALD CFRIC*, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. THE TWO-HORNED BEAST or REV. Xlir, ▲ SYMBOL OF BT J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. PUBLISHED AT THE REVIEW ANO HERALD OFFICE. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. PREFACE. Reader, Are you a Bible student ? If so, your attention bas doubtless often been called to the prophetic portions of the Book of God, and to those great symbols of prophetic events which mark out so minutely the rise and fall of all those governments of the Eastern world, which have been in any way connected with God’s peo* pie, from “ Babylon, the glory of kingdoms ; the beauty of the Chaldees* excellency,” down to the " iron” and "clay” state, in which we find them at the present time. Perhaps, while you have noticed the accurate descrip-tion of all these powers of the Eastern world, and the description of their overthrow, you have wondered, and inquired, Why is it that there was no description given of this mighty government of the West, where Bible light has spread so rapidly, and God’s people have been so free from oppression, and have to a great extent worshiped God according to the dictates of their own consciences ? We, too, have asked ourselves the same question, light has sprung up, and we have concluded on the facts we are now about to bring before you, that the tm-homed beast [Rev. xiii, 11-18] is the prophecy we desired. PREFACE. Are you a Politician, noting the oppressive acts of this government upon the colored portion of our race ? Here is a description of your vast Republic, a description not only of its past acts, but of , still greater oppression which lies in the future. As the old adage says, "there is no standing still-place,” so we may expect, that as the oppressive rulers of our nation manifest no disposition to reform, their fostered spirit of oppression will increase till white men as well as black, “ free and. bond,” will suffer from their oppression. Whatever may be your views, read and ponder on the following pages. It is with a. feeling heaft for our fellow-men that we make this effort to shed some light on your path. Heed the light, and obey God, that you maybe found with his people in the coming conflict. J. X. L. Round Grove t Ills , March 2701,1857. THE TWO-HORNED BEAST. A CHAIN CF PROPHECY Is introduced before us in the book of Revelation, of which the two-homed beast is T)Ut a link; so in order to definitely understand the subject of the two-homed beast, we must make some inquiries in regard to this chaiu of prophecy and its symbols. Commencing with chap, xii, to the close of verse 5, of chap, xiv, We find symbols of consecutive events extending from the time of th# birth of Christ, to the deliverance of -the saints from the earth to stand upon Mt. Zion. Three beasts are presented before us, and these three span the whole period, and form three great links of this chain of prophecy. The dragon, the 'beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the lamb-like appearing beast, succeed each other in the work here specified. By a careful examination of chaps, xii and xiii, we may ascertain the exact time and mahner of the rise of these several powers symbolized. We understand these three beasts used here as symbols, symbolize three powers Or governments of earth. 1st, Because in symbolic prophecy, beasts that are presented before us, are in nearly every instance explained to be governments, See Dan. 6 A CHAIN OF PROPHECY# vii, 3,17,18, and viii, 3-7,19-21. And 2nd, Because the beasts are represented as performing a work that is clearly set forth as the work of governments. We shall not claim that what is said concerning these several powers symbolized is a complete description of all the acts of those powers ; but that it is the work those powers accomplish in connection with the people of God, that is symbolized and brought forth before us in the specifications of the prophecy. The first power introduced in this chain of consecutive events is “the dragon,” which is represented as taking his position to war against the church of God at the time a man-child is born, who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron. The second power introduced, [Rev. xiii, 1,] “ the seven-headed and ten-horned beast,” is established by a free gift on Ae part of the first, the dragon, who “ gave him his power, his seat, and great authority? The third power, “ the two-horned beast” is introduced as commencing to accomplish its work, symbolized here in this prophecy at the point where the second, government meets with an overthrow. It is not represented as directly connected with either of the others, but as an independent power; for when the seven-headed and ten-horned beast receives a deadly wound, this “two-hcrned beast” is seen coming up. It is not then seen forming itself on the ruins of the first; but already organized it is seen coming up at the very point where the death stroke is struck on the seven-headed beast. See verses 10, 11. We learn from the testimony of veree 14, that these two powers have no reference to THE DRAGON. 7 the same governments; so no one can claim them to be identical; but the two-homed beast does miracles “ in the sight of the first beast.” One does the miracles, while the other beholds. THE DRAGON, We understand symbolizes Pagan Rome, and is here represented as warring against the woman. The woman [used here as a symbol} we understand represents the church of God as it stood at the time of our Saviour’s birth. That this child was Christ, we may learn by comparing Rev. xii, 5, (“And she brought forth a man-child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron ; and her child was caught up to God and his throne,”) with chap, ii, 27; xix, 15, and Ps. ii, & The dragon symbolizes the power that “ stood before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born.” Pagan Rome did stand to devour the man-child (Christ) first, in the person of Herod, when he “ sent forth and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.” Matt, ii, 16. And second, in the tribunal of which Pontius Pilate had the charge. Some writers in order to make an application of the two-horned beast to the Papal church, claim that the seven-headed and ten-horned beast represents kingly Rome, and the dragon, Rome imperial or undivided. Thus they virtually make both symbols of Pagan Rome. But if the dragon symbolizes Pagan Rome, how can the beast of chap. 8 TEE DRAGON. xiii, with seven heads and ten horns, symbolize the same, when it is said, “the dragon gave him his power, his seat, and great authority ?” Rome Pagan did not give its power, seat and authority to the kingly form; but kingly Rome was established by actual conquest. But the beast with seven heads and ten horns had power 4 given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” From the above reasoning we conclude that this great red dragon of chap, xii, was a symbol of Pagan Rome. Perhaps a query arises in the mind of the reader on the testimony of verse 9. (“ The dragon was cast out, that old serpent, the Devil, and Satan.”) How can the dragon be said to be Pagan Rome, when it is called the Devil in 4he above verse ? We understand this Pagan Rome power (the dragon) is called the Devil and Satan in the same sense, and for the same reasons that Peter was called Satan, and Judas a Devil. Peter took the Lord and began to rebuke him, [Matt, xvi, 21-23,] when he began to tell the disciples that 44 he must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and be killed,” &c. Jesus “turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art an offense unto me.” Here we see Peter is called Satan. Why? “ For thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” Again as recorded in John vi, 7 0, Judas is called a Devil. “ Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil P Why call Judas a Devil? The next verse explains it. “ He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for THE PAPAL BEAST. 9 he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.” If savoring the things of men, and betraying our Lord gave to Peter and Judas the name of Satan, and a Devil, is it improper to call a government of earth, by the same names that accomplished a similar work on Christ’s followers, and put to death during the ten persecutions several millions of the saints of God. This Pagan Roman power carried out the purposes of the Devil in persecuting the church of God, as no power preceding it ever had done; therefore it is called in the text, the Devil and Satan. For a history of these ten bloody persecutions of the church from the time of Nero, a. d. 62, to that of Diocletian* a. d. 303, see Buck’s Theological Dictionary, pp. 332, 333. The second symbol introduced before us in the chain of consecutive events of Rev. xii and xiii, as we have already claimed is the beast with “ seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns,” commonly called THE PAPAL BEAST. John says, “And the beast which I saw Was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion ; and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” This beast has been understood by most of commentators to symbolize the union of church and state in the Roman kingdom, called in other words the Papal Roman kingdom. Wra. Miller gives the following interesting comments on Rev. xiii, l, 2: 10 THE PAPAL BEAST. “The Roman kingdom John saw, was like the Grecian in conquering the world; and his march, or power to tread under foot, was equal to that of the Medo-Persian kingdom. His laws and commands were as lion-like as Babylon, and as imperious as Nebuchadnezzar’s decree. The Emperor of Rome, who had obtained power by means of the arch-deceiver of mankind, the Devil, [Rev. xii, 9,] having received his august, supreme power over all nations, and exercised the ecclesiastical power of Paganism over the people of the earth—he, the Emperor, called the ‘dragon’ in the text, would destroy or take Paganism out of the way, [2 Thess. ii, 0, 8,] and would give the saints into the power of the Bishop of Rome. Dan. vii, 25. Thus the Emperor Justinian did give the Pope of Rome power over all the Christian churches, Eastern and Western, and gave Jiim ‘ his seat,’ the city of Rome, in the West; he also gave him great or supreme authority in bis pandect or code of laws. This was in the year a. d. 538; from which time the Pope exercised his supreme power over the saints and kings of the earth until a. d. 1198— during 1260 years of Papal supremacy.”—Remarks on Rev.xiii, p, 6, published Sept. 1844. ^ These facts stated by Bro. Miller, show us the fulfillment of the specifications in regard to the establishing of the seven-headed and ten-horned beast. The facts in the case are as stated above, that Justinian, Greek Emperor of the Pagan Roman kingdom , gave the Papal church his seat, and authority over his kingdom, and thus fulfilled the specifica- THE PAPAL BEAST. 11 tion, “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” The seven-headed and ten-homed beast received a deadly wound which was healed. An attempt is made by some to blend the dragon and Papal beast together by this specification. It is claimed that Paganism fell a. d. 508, which was a deadly wound: in a. d. 538, the Papacy was established, which healed the wound. But I should conclude the healing of a wound would place the part affected in its former condition; If Paganism (or the dragon) is wounded and healed, when healed, it must be Paganism still. Papacy is not Paganism. In Rev. xiii, the work of the Papal beast is twice described. His career ends in the first description with the statement, “ I saw one of its heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed.” These seven heads represent seven forms of government to which the people of this kingdom had been subject. The seventh head or form, was Papal. After our attention is carried down to the point where a deadly wound is indicted, we are next taken to the time where the dragon gave the beast his power, fcinian gave power over the fourth beast by his decree. A horn, then, we find symbolizes a ruler either civil or ecclesiastical. The DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAST. 27 little horn [church of Rome] i9 called definitely a horn, before the three are plucked up and dominion given to it over the fourth beast. No power previous to the two-homed beast, has been in prophecy symbolized by lamb like horns. We shall claim that they symbolize two things: 1$/. Th$ youthfulness of the 'power. 2nd. Its mild profession. On the .youthfulness of the power we here remark, it is clearly implied in the language of verse 11. Why choose a lamb as the symbol in this prophecy ? The answer to my mind is obvious. The power to which it applied had existed but a short time when introduced in the prophecy. We find it introduced in 1798, 22 years after the first acts toward establishing the United States as an independent government. If the power referred to in this prophecy was any of the foreign nations of long duration, would not a full grown beast, be a more fit symbol to bring before the mind ? When Pagan Rome wa3 introduced in prophecy b. c. 31, it was over 700 years old, and wa9 symbolized by a beast dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly.” On the second point above, we remark: These two horns like a lamb cannot represent a despotic or Papal government, but true to the character of the symbol, they must represent a mild or innocent appearing power. The lamb is the symbol of innocence. We shall call the two horns, Protestant ecclesiastical power, and Republican civil power. Where is a government to be found more lamb-like in its ap- 28 DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAST. pearance than this our own nation, with its Republican and Protestant rulers ? Probably some are ready to object to the application above made of one of the horns of this power to Protestants, and urge that a horn is the symbol of civil power. We have already shown that the Catholic church is called a horn before it received th6 civil power of Rome, therefore a horn is not always an emblem of civil power. Both beasts preceding the two-horned beast were connected with religious bodies, and persecuted those vrho refused to receive their tenets. The two-horned beast being another link in the same chain is a sinr-ilar power. In the end it makes an image to the ficit beast. If it maks an image to the first beast, then in the commencement of its career that image say whether the fiist day, or seventh day, or whether any day has been made holy by the Almighty.” .... “ The constitution regards the conscience of the Jew as sacred as that of the Christian, and gives no more authority to adopt a measure affecting the conscience of a solitary individual, tban of a whole community. That representative who would violate this principle, would lose his delegated character, and forfeit the confidence : of his constituents. If congress should declare the first day of tlie week holy, it would not convince the Jew nor the Sabbatarian. It would dissatisfy hoth.and consequently convert neither.” .... “Jf a solemn act of legislation shall iu onepoint define the law of God, or point out 38 description op the beast. to the citizen one religious duty, it may with equal propriety define every part of revelation, and enforce every religious obligation, even to the forms and ceremonies of worship, the endowments of the church, and support of the clergy.” .... “ The framers of the constitution recognized the eternal principle, that man’s relation to his God is above human legislation, and his right of conscience inalienable. Reasoning was not necessary to establish this truth: we are conscious of it in our own bosoms. It is this consciousness which, in defiance of human laws, has sus-tainedso many martyrs in tortures and flames. They felt that their cluty to God was superior to human enactments, and that man could exercise no authority over their consciences. It is an inborn principle, which nothing can eradicate.” .... “It is also a fact, that counter memorials, equally respectable, oppose the interference of congress, on the ground that it would be legislating upon a religious subject, and therefore unconstitutional.” Let us sum up this testimony. It stands thus: Congress has no right to make a law respecting an establishment of religion. Hence the conclusion, that prohibiting labor on Sunday, would be legislating on a religious subject, and therefore unconstitutional. By George Washington’s letter also we learn that the import of that instrument is, that all men u should be protected in worshiping God according to the dictates of their own consciences.” And from the constitution itself, Art. 6, Sec. 2 and 3, we learn, that legislative bodies, judges, and all executive and judicial officers are bound by oath, or affirmation, to support the constitution, and that is to be their supreme law. This mild profession is but a sound of words. It is already transgressed in a large number of the States of this Union. Read the following from Tract No. 352, published by the American Tract Society: DESCRIPTION OF THE BEAST. 39 Law of the State of New York.—" There Bhall be no shooting, hunting, fishing, sporting, playing, horseracing, gaming, frequenting of tippling-houses, or any unlawful exercises or pastimes, on tne first day of the week, called Sunday; nor shall any person travel on that day, unless in cases of charity or necessity, or in going to or returning from some church or place of worship; * * * nor shall there be any servile laboring or working on that day, excepting works of necessity and charity.” Most, if not all the States in the Union have laws essentially agreeing with the above; and this protection of the Sabbath has obviously grown out of the conviction of all intelligent legislators, that a holy day of rest, and the public worship of God, “ are,” as the statutes of Vermont well express, “ in the highest degree promotive of the peace, happiness, and prosperity of a people.” But how will this agree with the report of the congressional committee ? It seems by comparing this testimony of the tract with the report of the .committee, that “ most, if not all the States in the Union” have violated the constitution of the United States, by legislatingon a religious subject. Five States of the Union, to say the least, have laws that infringe on the rights of those who keep the seventh day, because they do not also keep the first. The conscience of those who keep the seventh day, being guided by the fourth commandment, would lead them to consider six days their laboring days, and the seventh, a day of rest. They consider it no harm to work on the first day; for God himself commenced the work of creation on that day. It is a fact also, that the conscience of the society called Friends, as well as a portion of professed Christians, is infringed upon by these Sunday laws: for they re- 40 HI9 WOREC. Eight Seventh-day Baptists, atonetime,in Ephra-ta, Pennsylvania, were fined each four dollars; and if they refused to pay, the same were subject to imprisonment. The great crime alledged to them, was working on Sunday—obeying their own consciences, How shall we explain the acts of Pennsylvania, and other States of this Union, unless it be a fulfillment of the text, “And he 6pake as a dragon ?” After the description of this power, John has a view of HIS WORK. Verse 12. He says, “And he exerciseth all the power ofthe first beast before him.” The first beast had power to make war on the 6aints. See verse X “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them.” Such a work is pointed out yet to bo fulfilled by the two-horned beast. See verse 15. “And cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” But we pass over this point for the pres-‘ ent. It is more fully stated in verse 15, and we shall have occasion to notice it in order. Says the objector, “ It is said that * he exerciseth all the power of the first beast.’ It must be that this two-horned beast is some power that takes the reins of government of the first beast, and rules in his dominion.” I know not how any one can draw such a conclusion from the text. We reply to the objection as follows: 1. The first beast symbolizes a body of rulers; and when its dominion is taken away it ceases to bo a ruling power, and only exists as ruled over by the conquering power. "When a beast’s dominion is taken away, its life is prolonged. See Dan. vii, 12. When Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans HIS WORK. 41 was slain, and Darius the Median took the kingdom, the people of that vast realm were not slain, but passed under the rule of Media. Yet when this event concerning Babylon is spoken of, it is said Babylon is patted away. If the Papal beast had met the same fate, we should speak of it as passed away. When the civil power was was taken away from the Pope, the event was called, “ the deadly wound.” And if it was said, the'two-horned beast ruled while the first beast was thus wounded, there might bo some plausibility in the position taken; for there would be no guard to exclude "the twohorned beast from the first beast’s territory. But we have already shown in the former part of this article, that the two-homed beast’s locality is definitely in America. If the two-horned beast did take the rule of the first beast, then the two powers would not bear the relative .position to each other that the text represents. 2. By comparing the history of the two-horned beast with that of the false prophet, (which clearly represents the same power,) we see that the position of our opponents is groundless. “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him.” Rev. xix, 20. Read the connection. We see the two beasts exist at the time of Christ’s coming, as two distinct powers. 3. Rev. xiii. ] 2, declares that the two-horned beast causes men “ to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healedLet this forever exclude the possibility of our opponents’ position being true. But we see a burden of the two-homed beast’s work is done after the healing of the Papacy. These powers then work together, and exist as distinct beasts u'ntil the judgment. 42 EIS WORE. The expression, “ before him,” by Whiting is rendered, u in his sight.” This gives a clear idea of the text. The Papal beast exists on the eastern continent; his seat is definitely at Rome; and while the two-horned beast is located in the west, and is performing his wonders, they of the eastern world behold, wondering. Verses 13, 14. “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from .heaven on the earth in the sight ot men, and decciveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast.” Here are wonders which are not to be merely pretensions, but men are to behold them. Not like the boasts of Napoleon, telling the Mussulmen that he could command a fiery chariot tocome down from heaven, and yet never did it. That we are living in an age of wonders is proverbial. None pretend to deny it. The labors which in ages past it would have required years to perform, are now accomplished in as many months. Who can enumerate the inventions, which the ever moving mind of man is bringing before the public. Machinery is now standing in operation, a hint of which fifty yearn since would have astonished the world. Fire, that purger of all elements, is brought to subserve the interests of man, to aid him in traversing the mighty deep, or bear him swiftly o’er the earth. Who would have tolerated the idea sixty years cilice, of a passage from New York city to Rochester, in the space of twelve hours. Even when the idea was suggested of the construction of a canal from Albany to Buffalo, over which boats might HI8 WORK. 43 pass at the rate of four or six miles per hour; said an aged veteran, u I want to live to see that, and then I am willing to die.” Little did he think it would be accomplished in his day. Again, when people talked about Rail Cars, going at the rate of thirty to fifty miles per hour. “Why!” said one, “ you might as well be shot out of a gun at once. It will tear every thing to pieces.”. One scientific man, when it was first announced to the world that rail cars were going to be propelled at such a rapid rate, came out with an argument to allay the excitement of the people, and show that such a thing was impossible. One of his strongest arguments was that “ they could not get up and down the hills.” Others reasoned that the engine wheels would not roll on the track with a load behind it, 2. Thou shalt not take the! 2. Thou shalt not make name of the Lord thy God Junto thee any graven image, in vain. ior any likeness of any thing [that is in heaven above, or (that is in the earth beneath, [or that is in the water undet [the earth: thou shalt not jbow down thyself to them, jnor serve them: for I the (Lord thy God am a jealous /God, visitiDg the iniquity of (the fathers upon the cnil-[dren unto the third and (fourth generation of them [that hate me, and shewing (mercy unto thousands of [them that love me, and keep [my commandments. 3. Kemetnber that tbou?3. Thou shalt not take keep holy the Sabbath-day. [the name of the Lord thy (God in vain: for the Lord [will not hold him guiltless (that taketh his name in [vain. 4. Honor thy father and! 4. Remember the Sab-thy mother. [bath-day to keep it holy. (Six days shalt thou labor, [and do all thy work: but Sthe seventh day is the Sab-[bath of the Lord thy God: [in it thou shalt not do any (work, thou, nor thy son, nor [thy daughter, thy man-ser (vant, nor thy maid-servant, 58 THE WORSHIP. (nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day, jjand hallowed it. 5. Thou shalt not kill. I 5- Honor thy father and sthy mother: that thy days jmay be long upon the land iwhich the Lord thy God /giveth thee. 6. Thou shalt not commit! 6. Thou shalt not kill, adultery. ; 7. Thou shalt not steal.! 7. Thou shalt not commit Sadultery. 8. Thou shalt not bear! 8. Thou shalt not steal, false witness against thy! neighbor. ) 9. Thou shalt not covet> 9. Thou shalt not bear thy neighbor’s wife. (false witness against thy ! neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covetj 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods. !thy neighbor’s house, thou \shalt not covet thy neigh-}bur’s wife, nor his man-ser-(vant, nor his maid-3ervant Snor his ox, nor his ass, nor ^anything that is thy neighbor *s Reader, compare the above carefully with the ten commandments in your Bible. Where is the second commandment? It is gone. This you will see changes the numbering of all the commandments which follow. The Pope, to make out the complete number, ten, divides the tenth commandment into two parts. But we call particular atten-tipn to what the Catholics have laid down here as THE WORSHIP. 59 the 33 commandment, but which is in fact a part of the 4th commandment. The person who is instructed by this catechism, cannot find out by that commandment as it stands what is required by it. They need an explanation of it, and as it is considered dangerous for the common people to have the Bible, they must receive the information through their medium of instruction, the catechism. Well here is the desired information from the catechism. What is commanded by the third commandment? Ans. To spend the SUNDAY in prayer and other religious duties.—jButler's Catechism, Lesson xvii. We see at once that Papacy has made an attack upon God’s Sabbath, and attempts to give us a substitute, Sunday, the first day of the week. This we know is not the day God appointed to be kept holy by the fourth commandment. The question is, has God authorized this change that has been made in his Sabbath? He declared [Ex. xxxi, 17,] *‘It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for-ever? The word forever signifies, As long as a thing, considering the surrounding circumstances, can exist.— Clarke. If the Bible then does not teach that the Sabbath was to cease, it will be a sign eternally. Christ declares, [Matt, v, IV, 19,] “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” Again, unless it can be shown that God has removed the sanctity from the seventh day, the same reason exists now for keeping it that ever did. God has 60 THB WORSHIP. made it holy. No testimony can be found to Show that God has ever removed that sanctity from the day j therefore it is holy still. We must beware how we do our own pleasure on his holy day, lest we pollute it. God’s fourth commandment is still binding upon us> and no Bible authority can be found for keeping the first day of the week. First-day-keepers themselves are obliged to admit, that they have no precept for their Sunday institution They only claim apostolic example, which the Word does not contain. See works on the Sabbath pub^ lished at the Review Office, Battle Creek Mich. The Protestants also claim that the fathers of the church have kept that day. The Catholic, however, is willing to show the matter in its true light > and places the honor of the change where it belongs. Read the following from The Catholic Christian Instructed. “Ques. What warrant have you for keeping Sunday ■, preferably to the anci ent Sabbath which was the Saturday? “Ans. We have for it the authority of the Catholic Church, and apostolic tradition. " Q. Does the Scripture any where command the Sunday to be kept for the Sabbath? " A. The Scripture commands us to hear the Church. Matt, xviii, 17; Luke x, 16.’* Again we read in an antidote or treatise of Thirty Controversies. “The word of God com-mandeth the seventh day to be the Sabbath ; you [Protestants] without any precept of scripture,change it to the first day of the week only authorized by our tradition We find that the keeping of Sunday as a Sabbath originated with the mystery of iniquity, (Pa- THE WORSHIP. 61 pacy,) which had commenced to work in the days of the apostle Paul. 2 Thess. ii. The man who •with understanding on this suject leaves the fourth commandment and keeps Sunday, honors the Pope, not God. The two-horned beast has already begun this work, as we have shown, of causing men to keep the Sunday. Not only in several States of this union are laws passed prohibiting labor on Sunday, but in States where there are no statutes to af feet the observer of the seventh day, there are city laws that do bind all within their incorporations. Thus, we see, the two homed beast is causing them that dwell on the earth to worship the first beast. And not only so, but the soil itself must rest (be neither tilled nor sown) upon the first day; not because God has said it, but the Pope. A point is stated in verse 16 in regard to the class that are to have these stringent law3 passed against them, (“ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,”) which is also conclusive evidence as to where this work is to be accomplished; viz., where there is slavery. The position of the world in regard to slavery, may be learned by the following quotation from an article on the Nebraska bill, in the New York Tribune, of Feb. 18th 1854. “ Franklin Pierce has lived to the age of fifty years. In addition to all, he professes faith in the doctrine and precepts of Jesus Christ.” M At this critical moment the astounding proposition comes from the citizen who is now president, to repeal the statute which secures the immeasurable blessings of freedom to Nebraska, and to establish therein the dire institution of African Slavery.” 62 THE WORSHIP. “ The whole world has been steadily advancingtoward the overthrow of African Slavery for more than a century. Nations have abolished it. England has emancipated her black populations. France has done the same. Even Kussia herself has abolished serfdom in every territory, she has added to her empire since the beginning of the present century. The trade in slaves has been denounced as piracy by all nations. The remains of the barbarism of slave-holding now linger in the world under the protection of the decaying kingdom of Spain, and a portion of the States of this Union.” Bondmen and free are under the dominion of the two-horned beast. Let the above quotation settle the question firmly as regards the locality of the two-horned beast. We see all other nations have abolished slavery, or declared it to be piracy, and the traffic is dying away, while in this nation we 6ee it steadily increasing. Since the appearance of the above extract in 1854, the sacred compact, and solemn Missouri Compromise of 1820 which it was supposed would forever exclude slavery from North of 36 30, has been set aside as a thing of naught, and slavery has extended its dominions to territory that, by this act would forever have been guarded. The result of this has been a mad rushing forward of the friends of slavery, holding spurious elections, choosing a bogus Legislature who form for themselves a constitution that declares “ death to the man that takes a slave out of this territory.” 44 Five years imprisonment to the man that gives a slave information that causes him to leave Kansas.” 44 Two years imprisonment to the man that expresses his opinion in Kansas that it is wrong to hold slaves.” But the scene does not stop here. The decision of the Supreme Court on the Dred Scott case NUMBER OF THE BEAST. 68 which was pronounced by Judge Taney, March 6th, 1857, for aught we can see may open the way for Senator Toombs to “ call the roll of his slaves at the foot of Bunker Hill.” It is 1. That “ Africans are regarded wholly as property, in the constitution, and are incapable under that instrument of ever attaining the position of citizens.” 2d. That “a slave taken into a Free State is not therefore entitled to his freedom.” 3d. That “ Congress has no rightful power to prohibit slavery in the Territories; hence the Missouri Restriction is unconstitutional.” Here slavery is likely to continue, and we consider will, till the fearful decree goes forth against the people that will not worship the beast, and till bond men and free shall “ hide themselves from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.” Another specification we will notice here before passing to the decree of verses 16, 17, which is the NUMBER OF THE BEAST. Verse 18. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six.” Previous verses state, that men are also to be jcequired to receive the number of the name of the beast, as well as the mark and name. On this subject we adopt -the following : 1. The beast numbered is a definite beast. 2. It is a definite number: i. e., 666, hence it cannot refer to man’s mode of reckoning. 3. It is a definite man who is numbered, Jt is 64 NUMBER OF THE BEAST. the number of a man, not of man or men; hence it cannot refer to the ancient mode of reckoning by letters; because that makes the number indefinite; as there have lived more than one man whose name numbered 666. Some have referred this number to the first Pope, others to Latinus, and others to Napoleon Buonaparte. * But if, as Adventists profess to believe, the Bible be its own expositor, we must find a clue to the man here spoken of, in some part of that book. What saith the Scriptures ? Ans. They distinctly bring to view two definite men, as the heads of the two great antagonistical churches—the Christian and the Anti-christian. The one represented by the Man, Christ Jesus, and the other by the “ man of Sin.” 2 Thess. ii, 3. That this man represents the Papal Anti-christian church, we all believe. And he will represent that church until the revelation of Christ. Yerses 8, 9. The church represented by this man, continued a unit nearly a thousand years after its foundation, when it commenced breaking up under Luther and Calvin, and these divisions have continued dividing and subdividing until, according to their own admissions, they now number about six hundred three score and six. We may trace the lineage of every Protestant church back to the mother of harlots, [Rev. xvii, 5,] and we can go no farther. Not only are they daughters by natural descent, but by imitation, And their number is the number of a man, (the man of sin,) and his number is six hundred three score and six. Those churches collectively or individually, have that number. The decree of this two-horned THE MARK OF THE BEAST. 65 beast against which the third angel of Rev. xiv, gives his solemn warning is to enforce also THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Verse 17. “ And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or tho number of his Dame.” The two-horned beast is to cause all to receive “the mark of ike beast ” We inquire, what is the mark of the beast \ Many have been the speculations in regard to it. While one has supposed the mark of the beast to be an unscriptural connection of the church with government affairs, another has thought it to be sprinkling as baptism. The Revelator does not say a mark, but it is “ the mark of the beastand he also defines it as “ the mark of his name.” Rev. xiv, 11. The beast assumes the title of God : “Most holy Lord God the Pope.” He claims to be at the head of the work of God on earth. He was to think to change times and laws. This he has already done. See the quotation of the commandments from the catechism. The mark of his name, we shall claim, is the mark of his name as a God, or as a reviser of the law of God. Before we can be prepared to state with definiteness, what this mark is, our attention shall be called to the law of God, to decide what the mark of his name'is. This beast has assumed authority, and as a matter of course assumes a mark which designates him from the true Law-giver. The third angel (Rev. xiv) warns against the mark of the beast, and says, “ Here are they that keep the commandments of God.” The class, who take heed to the call of that message afe keeping the commandments of God. This is one of E 66 THE MARK OF THE BEAST. their striking peculiarities. From it we may infer that those who are giving heed to the decrees of the beast are not keeping them. The commandments of God are held out in opposition to the mark of the beast, and by them it can be detected. The ten commandments are the great constitution of Jehovah, and says the Apostle, w If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. 1 Pet. iv, 11. Oracles of God, ten commandments. Acts vii,38. The law of an earthly monarch, to be of force, must bear the name of the monarch, his signature of royalty, and also the impress of his seal, which is the sign or mark of his name. If the emperor of Russia should at the present time write out commands for bis subjects to follow, and sign his name Alexander, the people might be at a loss to know where the documentcame from; for there are Alexanders many. But he signs his name, Alexander Emperor of Russia, This shows at once the extent of his government: Russia; also his right to reign—Emperor. When the document is thus signed, and bears the impress of the seal of that monarch, it is valid. When the subjects behold it they at once take heed to it. Why, say they, we are in his realm, subject to his reign, he has power to make laws to govern us, we must take heed to his enactments. A law without a signature of royalty, and seal, is good for nothing. The true Lawgiver is known by his title of royalty, and seal, which is the sign, or mark of his name. There is no danger, while his subjects retain the knowledge of his title and seal, of their being imposed upon. The sanction of the Most High, must be something connected with his lawj that discovers to U3 the ex- THE MARE OF THE BEAST. 67 tent of his dominion, and right to reign; which i9 a sign betwen him and his loyal subjects, that they may know his genuine laws, and be guarded against all imposition. That the living God has a seal, we learn from Isa. viii, 16; and we also learn by the same text, that that seal has been taken off. “ Bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples.” No necessity for such a proclamation, if the law seal had not been broken. Theiefore in this time, when men are saying to us “ Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,” we are to seal God's law; restore to it his royal sanction which he attached to it when he gave it; which, like the seal of an earthly monarch, stamps his right to reign, and extent of dominion, as expressed in his royal title, as genuine, and shows to his subjects, that they are not imposed upon. We wish to call attention to the law God, and if possible find his seal. We begin and read. The first three commandments are prohibitions, and in each of them the name u thy God” is mentioned; but the uniformed might say, “ there are gods many and lords many.” We do not gain the desired information, from these three commandments. We pass on. We will skip the fourth commandment, as it is thought by some to be a Jewish institution, which has served its time out and ceased. The fifth commandment teaches the duty to parents, with a promise of long life in the land, to those who obey. The other five commandments are each prohibitions; but neither of them mention the name of God. We will now look at the fourth commandment, and see if we can get any light there. “ Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. 68 THE MARK OF THE BEAST. Six days shalt thou labor,and do all thy work : but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six days the Lord mado heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day and hallowed it.” Here we get, 1st. w The Lord'1 2d. Signature of royalty; Creator of heaven and 'earth, 3d. Right to reign and extent of dominion. As he is the creator of heaven and earth, and all that is therein, nothing can exist unless supplied from his bounty. Therefore as he is our creator and sustainer, he has a right to reign over all. Heaven and earth is the extent of his dominion. The seal or sign between him and his people, the Lord himself has declared is what this commandment enforces. “ Moreover, also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify them.” Eze. xx, 12,19, 20. “I am the Lord your God : walk in my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and hallow my Sabbaths, and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God." See Ex. xxxi, 13-18. Sign and seal are synonymous terms. See Rom. iv, 11. Paul speaking of Abraham says, u And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of right-eousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised.” The Sabbath is a sign between God and his people; hence it seals his law as genuine. As the seal of an earthly monarch is a sign between THE MARE OF THE BEAST. him and his subjects, so the Sabbath is a sign between the Lord and his subjects, that they may know him from all others. Take this fourth commandment from the ten, and the seal of the living God is gone, and the knowledge of their author is taken from us. Here is where Papacy has aimed a blow. The Pope has taken away the seal of the living God, and the ten commandments as taught by him do not contain it. Read the following portion of the fourth commandment as given by the Pope, and by him called the third commandment. From Doctor James Butlers catechism. “Say the third commandment. Ans. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath-day.” Here is all that the Pope gives of the Sabbath commandment. "Where is that part of it that pointed out to us the true God, his right to reign, extent of dominion, &c ? It is gone. Read again from the catechism and see what we have in place of the seal of the living God. “ What is commanded by the third commandment ? Ans. To spend the SUNDAY in prayer and other religious duties.” In place of God’s seal or mark, we have Sunday attached to the law. It does not point out the living God, but claims to be; instituted on the authority of the Papal church, and is claimed by that church to be their signature of royalty; in confirmation of which, read the following from the “ abridgment of Christian Doctrine—p. 58. “ Q. How prove you that the church hath power to command feasts and holy days ? “A. By the very act of changing Sabbath into 0 TRE DECREE. Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday so strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same church.” The two-horned beast is to cause allto receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” We do not suppose that this is a mark, visible in the foreheads; but as we have already shown, it is Sunday. The forehead is the seat of the mind. There the decision is made by men whether they will keep this institution or not. This mark is also to be received in the right hand. The reception of the mark in the hand is probably some act accomplished with the hand by which (during the time of the war by the two-horned beast on commandment keepers) men become incorporated into the ranks of the beast worshipers. THE DECRE^E Of this two-horned beast in connection with the completion of the image are the important acts that remain as yet unaccomplished by this power. This decree we see (chap, iii,) is enforced by severe penk alties. The penalties are deprivation of the privilege of buyirig and selling, and finally that “ as many as will not worship the image of the beast shall be killed.” Some tell us that this is too hard an act for the United States to perform; that we need not look for them to pass such laws. But you do not mean to claim that there are no such laws to be passed by the two-horned beast? We have shown by conclusive evidence that the United States is the two-horned beast; and to say that they will pass no such laws, is to virtually deny that the THE DECREE. VI prophecy will have a fulfillment in its remaining specifications. If you mean to say, as matters stand at present yoy cannot see why we should expect such a decree, we^ly, matters mil be different when the decree is passed. This statement leads to the inquiry for the probable causes of such a decree. The fourteenth of Rev. has a message (verses 9-12,) warning against the decrees of this power described in Chap, xiii, which shows conclusively that a conflict is to ensue between the beast and that classj'who are called out by the message which warns against him. The beast will inflict penalties if they do not bow to its laws; and. the awful judgments of God on the other hand will be threatened by the Third Angel’s Message if they yield to those decrees. This company are keeping u the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” This same company are introduced in the testimony of chap, xii, IV. “And the dragon (the modern dragon we understand is this two- horned i§ast. Although to outward appearance he is mild as a lamb, he is at heart a dragon; out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: •* he spake as a dragon”) was wroth with the woman, (the true church,) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.” ■t.The remnant” of the church we understand the same as the remnant of anything; that is, the last end of it. Then the remnant of the church is the last of the church in a probationary state. This then is clearly marked as the same company that are brought out undsr the Third Angel’s Message; 12 tHE DECREE. for that is the last testimony committed to the church, and therefore fits them, to enter upon the conflict with this two-horned beast. From the above we may readily conclude ^hat this war is ta&ome after the Third Angel’s flfjSago has accoraplisn&i its work and gathered out those that will heed its calk The dragon we read makes war on those who keep the commandments; so we St look fqr this decree to be passed till the Alcgsag&gains its height. That such laxos to0%e passed is not all speculation. It seems to us even to look at the subject in the light of reason that a conflict must in time come between commandment-beepers and these United States; for those who Seed the testimony of the message, come out and keep God’s Sabbath, will not respect the Sunday institution, nor regard those laws that enforce it, which only. Serve to trammel men’s consciences. This of course will lead those who find that they cannot sustain their Sunday institution by argument, to resort to some other means. But revelation sh^yrs us that thft message vm go “ with a loud voice be proclaimed in power and the honest in heart receive it. Others who refuse to obey its claims, darkness will coyer, God’s Spirit will be withdrawn from them,* then will they pass the decree: then'shall we see an image to the first beast, breathing out all the venom of a Romish Inquisition. Dear reader: events of serious moment are by this testimony brought before us. Do you desire a shelter from the-wraththat is to fall on beast worshipers? [R-evrxiv.],Then flee to Jesus, keep all God’s commandments' and you may escape.