the nnportance. Journey trom Num. 10:11 2113 Trace the Thege in probably a ab - TR botwien vor Nou, 20 See eat, Sel, der Touring Conguests cart of the Jordan, Nun, JU 3601 wl PERE Te dy expeaialiy the slo L twas the pur » reiuge. Deatorononas Period oop Cosigies!, Poetraaos ing tie Promesed land to tie Fado 1. Entrance mato Jana RECT 2. Southorn Swnpany NE [4 J. Northern campasgn, does ih 3 Selticment of the rihbas La 3 Indicate the torritory of the foie ys on OO YOQr fap. S. Joshua's death and oo od the land. Jos. 23, 24. 6. Supplemeoiary to the oo Judges 1,17 21. SPECIAL iain IES SINTTN fren 1a 19h, y ol physical scien cal caltuve. Detine. True and false pui pose of, Fionest tabor a Chistian Give soripture tows Chvssts exianple, Labor a blessing nota curse. W The tendons (o avold word, Work Christian schools, is education, Chapter 190 pages 196-207 io, tury reading, Education, peace 11a- L of 117.0 The study of phvsical science. lon Astronomy. Call to study. Scripture texts, Spiritual lessons learved from, Physical geograpny. uly, ARRAN Li ['s [SERS] ¢ corth atid Fh Lol i Pio Dard (EST 1 [RTT NTE EER NER SHER = ith rind on | [EN ES RF ANE I 1 Vi Fit [Eo H : ! Livin tiled: wh vite pay i ES oa La [REE Tho boii mn wf | Cat Ta. [I i : i Ligon! " ih i ly HEURES TS EN RUE REE SEI Ly HE [BE Lite al |S DEERE 12 o Pie sooo l op doo CET TOs 1! HE piel hs The hb SERRE FCA i Pad Tal Pon I SEES BUSA SE SE. Clr Loa HRT Pe Wohin i 2 EY ii uo it Cal (ii Prove arecl ois AE FIRTES Progorples vr justice d ERY! School worl in Ale! nein EATEN ESTATE “i ol Parva Vie leno bi : Pullen 5. 1° FER Trois, 3 Siuietonn ts doa Lin. MOA SEPEEDS CURVE RARE Cloodacaiion. Result of (he os N aot Fa LL | IE FI Labor Siva. N Plato bas [URIFES SI SRE NO] y ¥ RUE RIN Vesiigation at