26 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK, 1977 Newbury Park, California 91320. Telephone: (805) 498-6661. Board of Directors: . Frame, Chairman; F. W. Wernick, 1st Vice-Chairman; Philip Moores, 2nd Vice-Chair- man; W. A. Fagal, 3rd Vice-Chairman; W. R. Lawson, Secretary; G. G. Stewart, Treasurer; Keith C. Bartling, M. E. Kemmerer, Assistant Secretaries and Freasurers; C. E. Bradford, M. Carol Hetzell. Administration: President, R. R. Frame. 1st Vice-President, F. W. Wernick. 2nd Vice-President, Philip Moores. 3rd Vice-President, W. A. Fagal. Secretary, W. R. Lawson. Treasurer, G. G. Stewart. Assistant Secretaries and Treasurers, Keith C. Bartling, M. E. Kemmerer. It Is Written-Telecast Established 1956 Telex Number: 65-9245 (Ans. SDACOMCTR NBRY). Office Address: 1100 Rancho Conejo Boulevard, Newbury Park, California 91320. Telephone: (805) 498-3151. Postal Address: P.O. Box 0, Thousand Oaks, Cal- ifornia 91360. Board of Directors: Television Operations Board. Administration: Director and Speaker, George Vandeman. Manager, Philip Moores. Treasurer, G. G. Stewart. Director of Public Relations, Michael Fellows. Director of Station Relations and Telecast Ser- vices, Gilbert N, Amelio. Director of Video Production, David L. Jones. Field Coordinator, Trans-Ad, Incorporated Incorporated 1967 in New York Foreign Corporation in California DBA TRANSDA Established 1973 Telex Number: 65-9245. Office Address: 1100 Rancho Conejo Boulevard, Newbury Park, California 91320. Telephone: (805) 498-4000. Board of Directors: R. R. Frame, Chairman; F. W. Wernick, 1st Vice-Chairman; Shirley Burton, 2nd Vice-Chair- man; W. R. Lawson, Secretary; Keith C. Bar- tling, Treasurer; M. E. Kemmerer, Assistant Sec- retary-Treasurer; Glen L. Bobst Jr., D. R. Guild, Philip Moores, G. G. Stewart. Administration: President, R. R. Frame. 1st Vice-President, F. W. Wernick. 2nd Vice-President, Shirley Burton. Secretary, W. R. Lawson. Treasurer, Keith C. Bartling. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, M. E. Kemmerer. Manager, W. R. Lawson. Voice of Prophecy Established 1942 Telex Number: 67-3677 (Ans. VOP GLND). Office Address: 1500 East Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, California 91206. Telephone: (213) 240-2630. Postal Addresses: P.O. Box 1511, Glendale, Cali- fornia 91209 (Business Mail); P.O. Box 55, Los Angeles, California 90053 (Radio Mail). Board of Directors: F. W. Wernick, Chairman; Neal C. Wilson, 1st Vice-Chairman; Cree Sandefur, 2nd Vice-Chair- man; R. R. Frame, 3rd Vice-Chairman; Daniel R. Guild, Secretary; Glen L. Bobst Jr., Treasurer; L. B. Baker, R. R. Bietz, C. E. Bradford, Harold L. Calkins, K. H. Emmerson, Vernon W. Foster, John Hancock, D. N. Hartman, M. Carol Het- zell, Naomi Jabola, Eldyn Karr, N. J. Matiko, Milton Peverini, H. M. S. Richards Jr., E. K. Walter. Administration: Director and Speaker, H. M. S. Richards Jr. Manager, Daniel R. Guild. Treasurer, Glen L. Bobst Jr. Assistant Treasurer, Byron L. Scheuneman. Director of Bible Schools, E. K. Walter, Director of Evangelistic Association, William R. Hoffman. Director of Field Service, N. ). Matiko. Director of Music, Wayne Hooper. Director of Public Relations, Eldyn Karr. Associate Director of Public Relations, Joyce Griffith. Director of Station Relations, D. N. Hartman. Director of Youth Outreach, D. V. Pond. Program Directors and Speakers: English, H, M. $. Richards Jr.; Founder and peaker Emeritus, H. M. S. Richards. Russian, Boris Kositsin. Spanish, Milton Peverini; Associate Speaker, Jose Diaz. Ukrainian, N. lichuk. Voice of Prophecy, The A Corporation California Incorporated 1965 Legal Name: "The Voice of Prophecy,” Califor- nia. Office Address: 1500 East Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, California 91206. Telephone: (213) 240-2630. Board of Directors: F. W. Wernick, Chairman; Neal C. Wilson, 1st Vice-Chairman; Cree Sandefur, 2nd Vice-Chair- man; R. R. Frame, 3rd Vice-Chairman; Daniel R. Guild, Secretary; Glen L. Bobst Jr., Treasurer; L. B. Baker, R. R. Bietz, C. E. Bradford, Harold L. Calkins, K. H. Emmerson, Vernon W. Foster, John Hancock, D. N, Hartman, M. Carol Het- zell, Naomi Jabola, Eldyn Karr, N. ). Matiko, Milton Peverini, H. M. S. Richards Jr., E. K. Walter. Administration: President, F. W. Wernick. 1st Vice-President, Glen L. Bobst Jr. 2nd Vice-President, H. M. S$, Richards Jr. Secretary, Daniel R. Guild. Assistant Secretary, Loree Dunn. Treasurer, Glen L. Bobst Jr. Assistant Treasurer, M. E. Kemmerer. Assistant Treasurer, Byron L. Schueneman. Note: This is a legal corporation. Any matter per- taining to the operation of the Voice of Prophecy should be referred to the above organization.