Thomas A. Edison on Immortality (Continued from page 13) forms of our dead friends may be seen, their voices may be heard and recognized, and occurrences which none but they knew may be related; but with our feet planted upon the word of God, we shall be able to meet these deceptions as Christ met the tempter, with the words, ‘It is written.” ‘The dead know not anything.” . . . “Instruments may be invented suffi- ciently delicate to carry on communication with unseen beings. This is possible. The communicants will not be our dead friends. They will be the ‘spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world.” (Revela- tion 16: 14.) “I am sure, Mr. Edison, that you will pardon me for writing this lengthy letter, but I have felt concerned, knowing what I do about the deception that confronts us all. Communication has been established between earth and heaven. When the Saviour prayed on the banks of Jordan, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit de- scended upon Him; and it is our privilege to see the open heaven and the angels of God, who are sent to be ministering spirits, ascending and descending on the Son of man. “I am “Yours sincerely, “D. H. Kress.” That Mr. Edison changed his views in regard to the popular belief that the soul 1s immortal, there exists no doubt. “What brought Edison to change his views may never be known,” but there is a possibility that my letter may have had something to do with it. Is This the World's Funeral? (Continued from page 11) with power and great glory.” (Luke 21: 25-27.) Christ will come the second time when but few will believe His coming is near, even though they have heard the proclama- tion of His return in a great world-wide message. “When the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?’ asked Jesus. Luke 18:8. “In such an hour as ve think not the Son of man cometh.” (Mat- thew 24:44.) But He also warns of evil servants who would say in their hearts, “My Lord delayeth His coming.” (Mat- thew 24:48.) Paul represents the people as looking for peace and safety just as sud- den destruction comes upon them. (1 Thes- salonians 5: 3.) From these plain statements of the word of God two things may be discerned with great clearness. First, there certainly is to be no millennium of universal righteous- ness and peace previous to Christ’s coming. Second, we need fix upon no other times for the return of our Lord than the times in which we live. SEPTEMBER, 1942 To the devout believer in the Bible there is, there can be, no doubt at all that we are on the confines of the greatest crisis which the human race has ever seen. Were Army Planes Needed? (Continued from page 8) dead? It is possible that airmen holding such beliefs would be compelled by military law to engage in a religious ceremony which violated all their convictions. But that which troubles us most is the fact that when “army planes roar over dropping roses as a salute to the Virgin,” this gesture commits our government to a religious program whereas the genius of this government from its foundation has been to keep the church and state forever sepa- rate. Let our Catholic friends serve their Lord in any way they desire. Let them worship as their consciences dictate, but let them not seek to involve the military in any such worship. Surely in these days our airplanes have enough to do in taking care of the enemy on two fronts without indulging in any pyrotechnics of a religious nature. Turkey, the Question Mark (Continued from page 9) How can the Axis attack the most import- ant power in it? Therefore the Axis prefers Turkish subservience to Turkish defeat. If Axis propaganda can this vear incite the Moslems to revolt, such a revolt is sure to influence Turkey. Therefore Hitler is afraid to attack this Moslem country while he 1s wooing the rest of the Moslem world, and he believes that his success among Moslems outside of Turkey will materially help him win Turkey to the Axis without war. And thus 1t 1s that the so-called “Sick Man of the East” escapes while all other powers of equal size have been overrun by the Axis armies. The fear of Moslems, whose former conquests are definitely pointed out in the ninth chapter of Revela- tion, is that which holds Hitler. He chooses rather to woo than te offend a religious sentiment which was supposed to have been on the wane for generations; and Turkey, cunning, astute, is watching to see which side promises the most and exacts the least, for his own religion teaches that the time will come when the Turk will be driven out of Europe and will make his final stand at Jerusalem, where he expects Mohammed to return to his aid. Significantly the word of God points to such a contingency. While Revelation 16: 12-16 refers to the time when the territories of the Turk will be dried up under the sixth plague and the way to Armageddon will be paved by the downfall of this ancient Moslem power, Daniel 11:44, 45 indicates clearly that he will make his final stand “between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” A sombre picture for the Moslem world? Yes. But the demise will be the signal for the kings of the east to march to the west to measure strength with the nations of so- called Christians. But notice this word of hope for the child of God: “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: . . . and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” Daniel 12: 1. Thank God for this bright prospect! Deliverance from all that harrasses and annoys when Michael shall be our prince, and sin and serrow shall have an end. The Spy, the Sabaeteur, the Subverter (Continued from page 5) our main bulwarks, our listening and obser- vation posts, without which we could not succeed. May we as Americans live up to our sacred trust by protecting our flag and all that it symbolizes. This 1s the first order of the day for every patriotic citizen. Until our land becomes impregnable, there must be no cessation of co-ordinated, nation- wide effort in that direction. Let us press on as of one purpose to the high calling— preserving the traditions and ideals of established Americanism, whose militant spirit is our proudest heritage and surest hope for the future. Is Our Warld Doomed? (Continued from page 10) rule out the time-honored Ten Com- mandments. In political circles, too, the leaven of un- righteousness is stealthily but surely at work. According to a letter which appeared in The British Weekly of Jan. 1, 1942, over the signature of Pendril Bentall, a promi- nent Free Church minister, Catholic priests were exempted from the recent registration of all males up to sixty years of age, for Civil Defense duties. This has not been made public, but according to Mr. Bentall, was a last minute back door arrangement between the Government and the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. This means that in a Protestant country Prot- estant ministers are denied the privileges agranted to Catholic priests. Now this is a sad reflection on a nation that claims to be fighting for all that is just and true. A Church that claims temporal as well as spiritual authority constitutes a danger to any state. All this may seem a very gloomy picture, but the fact is that in reality it is much blacker than it could possibly be painted in the short space of this article. In spite of the brave and noble (Continued on page 18) Page SEVENTEEN