A THEORY THAT DETHRUNES GUL! By H. F. De Ath, London Correspondent #813 8 OT long ago W. J. Brown, General Secretary of the British Civil Servants Clerical Association, gave a very remark- able and significant broadcast to B.B.C. Home Service listeners, on the origin and development of Nazism and like move- ments in Europe. These sinister modern movements, he told us boldly, grew out of the idea of a “mechanistic universe’ —a universe gov- erned by what men call natural law, which is a blind force based on the survival of the fittest. Of course, this idea, as Mr. Brown pointed out, is by no means new. On the contrary, it is as old as the hills, and 1s es- sentially pagan. But Charles Darwin, by the publication of his book, “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,” in 1859, not only revived this ancient theory of the universe, but also laid the foundation of the modern and so-called scientific theory of evolution, so uni- versally held today. To the ordinary mind, the reasoning of Darwin and his contemporary exponent of the hypothesis of natural selection, Alfred Russell Wallace, is so tortuous and in- volved as to leave one in a perfect maze of scientific jargon and human speculation. So the British Encyclopaedia has tried to put the theory more simply, as it relates to man and his ancestry. But even this attempt leaves something to be desired; so we have summarized the matter as follows: The fact that man has a backbone, a brain and nervous system, a heart and blood vessels, digestive and other systems of organs almost identical with those of animals, birds, reptiles, and fishes, shows that man, with all these, sprang from the same common ancestors, who were proba- bly half fish and half animal. That, in a nutshell, is the theory. Such a conclusion from such a premise is totally unwarranted; the theory is fantastic, and the reasoning on which it is based specious and unsound. We positively reject the conclusion that because man 1s physiologi- cally and substantially similar to the lower animals he and thev must have had the same common ancestors. That it does prove that both animals and man had the same common Creator 1x a far more logical and consistent con- clusion, which we heartily endorse. AY zz. rrs ANY ¥ Bewildered, this Ukrainian woman stands wn front of her home, which was sacrificed to the god of war. Such are the tragic results when men forget God and teach that religion is only an opiate for the tgnorand. Page SIX After all, evolution 1s but a theory, and neither Darwin nor Wallace claimed any more for it. Succeeding generations, how- ever, have presumptuously exalted it into a ‘proven fact,” which it certainly is not. Let us glance briefly at the Victorian age in which this astounding theory took root. It was essentially a religious age. The Christian religion was far more firmly believed then than it 1s today. That re- ligion, in common with Judaism, has al- ways stood solidly for a universe created and upheld by an all-wise, all-powerful Creator, who was at the same time operat- ing with the universal Father of all man- kind. So when the theory of evolution was launched upon them, in its new “scientific” dress, many able Victorian stalwarts of the Christian religion opposed it stoutly, both here and in America. They were not slow to see that it struck at the very root of the Christian faith and teaching. Men like W. E. Gladstone, the grand old man of that age, were severely criticized for re- fusing outright to accept the so-called “findings of science.” Of him Lord Morley declared, “He locked himself up in the citadel of tradition.” If John Morley had said that William Gladstone had locked himself up in the citadel of truth, he would have been nearer the mark. Today there are scientists of the highest repute who reject, lock, stock, and barrel, the theory of man’s origin, as held by evolutionists. They are for the most part Christian men who are jealous for the faith, as well as eminent scientists. These are bravely carrying on the battle so nobly waged by Gladstone in England, and William Jennings Bryan, the able Ameri- can, in the United States. All praise to such men who see clearly the implications of this impious theory. The German people swallowed the 1dea most greedily, and have since carried it to its logical conclusion. Their doctrine that “might is right” is the natural outcome of the belief that man is but a transformed ape who has fought his bloody way upward by striking down weaker opponents that lav across his path to power and dominion. Mr. Brown courageously admitted in his broadcast that this ignoble theory was a root cause of the present degenerate state of our war-torn world, and he urged that we get back to the primitive faith in God, in the righteousness of His law, and in the gospel of Jesus, His Son, as found be- tween the lids of the Bible. One of the greatest tragedies of the age has been the supine acquiescence of or- ganized religion to the evolutionary theo- ries of Darwin and Wallace. That this fatal surrender to a pagan theory has lamentably weakened the churches goes without saying. It was, in the very nature of things, bound to do so. If man has fought his own way up from the primeval slime, through reptile, fish, animal, and ape, to his present status, what becomes of the fall of man from primeval perfection in the beginning? If there was no fall, but only a steady evolutionary process of de- velopment, based on the survival of the fittest, what need is there of the gospel of regeneration as taught by Christ and His apostles? If there is no law but that of the jungle, what becomes of the Ten Com- mandments as the standard of human (Continued on page 18) The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE