WHY DOES NOT GUD DO SOMETHING? Md HO is not appalled at the fright- 3 WA ful massacre of men, women, Ard and children going on in the MEM oarth today? Great structures, requiring years and fortunes to erect, are being leveled in a moment. Millions of free men are suddenly being transformed into serfs of intolerant dictators. Art, culture, and religion are being cast into the discard. Our times are not unlike those of Judah in the days of King Asa. Of them the Prophet Azariah said: “There was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries. And nation was beaten in pieces of nation, and city of city.” 2 Chronicles 15:5, 6, margin. In the face of this world calamity there is heard the appealing cry, “ Why does not God do something?” We believe that God is doing something, and that in a short time He is going to surprise the world by His “strange act.” Isaiah 28:21. The Scriptures are filled with evidences of God’s continual superintendence of world affairs. They furnish abundant proof that when men think they are carry- ing out plans by their own power and wisdom, in reality they are fulfilling God’s purposes. “History is not a chain of events follow- ing each other in logical sequence,’ de- clares Pierre Van Paassen, the distinguished journalist. ‘At every turn one finds mys- terious and inexplicable incidents ‘not the result of hazard or of personal initiative’ and which seem to be ‘injected by the creative force of spiritual currents.’”’— “Days of Our Years,’ page 491. These mysterious spiritual currents are no doubt the forces of the Almighty. Said Benjamin Franklin: “The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of @ men. To see God’s overruling providences in the movements of the nations is to under- stand the real philosophy of history. Only God can weigh the nations in the scales of justice and equity. Ile alone discerns the motives and hidden schemes of rulers and peoples, and the way in which they lift themselves up “against the Lord of heaven.” God is no respecter of persons or nations. He drove out the wicked nations of Caanan and established His people in their places. He made them a nation, and gave them good and just laws. When they failed to appreciate and practice those divine prin- ciples, then they, too, were driven out and scattered among the nations. God commandeered Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, a “hammer” of the earth, Page TEN to execute His judgments upon the city of Jerusalem. Tor centuries the nations round about had respected that great and glorious city. They recognized that a Power above their gods protected its battlements, and that from 1ts temple and sanctuary there went forth messages of truth and justice. Its downfall came as a surprice. In lamenting its destruction, the prophet Jeremiah cried out in anguish: “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have en- tered into the gates of Jerusalem.” Lamentations 4: 12. The fall of nations today equally may be a surprise to the inhabitants of the world, but “the curse causeless shall not come.” God knows the records of the na- tions. And who can stay His hand? God sought to teach Nebuchadnezzar that He was the real ruler of the nations. But the king would not accept such an idea. He rebelled against it. He would not believe that his kingdom would come to an end and be followed by a lesser power. After rejecting several divine messages sent to him through the prophet Daniel, he was stricken by the lightning of God's judgment. See Daniel, chapter 4. He was driven from his throne, to dwell with the beasts of the field. He lived there for seven years, where he discovered that there is a higher Power. In his humility he con- fessed that there is One who could depose him and give his kingdom to another: By Claude E. Holmes “All the inhabitants of the earth are re- puted as nothing: and He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?” Daniel 4: 35. There are many professed Christians to- day who have not yet learned the truth taught Nebuchadnezzar centuries ago— that God rules in the kingdom of men. They read the newspapers and listen to broadcasts over the radio, instead of prayerfully studying the Bible and listen- ing to the voice of God speaking through 1ts pages. They fail to recognize the hand of God in the movements of the nations. They have it all worked out according to their own ideas and leave the Creator out of the matter. As a result influential persons and religious bodies are taking sides against this nation and that one, and against one ruler in favor of another. But the “word of the holy ones” testifies to God's super- intendence of world affairs: “This matter is by the decree of the NAN zZzL. srs ANN) ¥ While preparing for defense against foreign totalitarianism, the American government is not forgetting the religious influence necessary in the army for a high morale. Shown is a post chapel constructed for the use of the soldiers at Randolph Field, Texas. The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE