Dear Bible Answermun: Please explain Mark 7:15, which says “there is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that de. file the man.” Mrs. G. F.. Nova Scotia. Jesus was certainly talking here about the things prescribed in the Word of God as being dean and hit to cat. This verse is qualified by other verses in the Bible which show thie some thines which a man can cat and drink do defile his body, Tn Daniel 1:8 we see this to be vue: “Damel purposed in his heart that fie wondd not defile Domsell with the portion of the king's meat, nov with the wine which he drank: cherelore he ree quested ol the prince of the cunuchs that he might not defde himselt” “Whether theretore ve eat, or drink, or whatsoever ve do, do ull to the alory of God.” I Corinthians 10:35]. It 1s obvious to all that theve are nny things that cannot be consumed by man to the glory ol God. One, for instance, would be mtoxicating bev- erages. Again, how can any man lower the cthoicncy of his mind and body by the use ol tobacco and sav that it is to the glory of Gods True it as, according to the words ob Jesus, that «oman is defiled by his thoughts and words, but Daniel and others seeking to do the Lord's will understood that the body is defiled also by wrong eating and drinking. Dear Bible Ansicerman: Does the Bible say anything about gossiping and back- biting? DPD. E. L., Newloundland. Yes, the Bible has a erveat deal to THE BEAST FROM THE ABYSS (Continued from page 15) The Final Sign Ihe culmmation of the process ol resuscitation os brought to view in the thirteenth verse ob Revelation sevens teen: Lhese [the ten horns or nae sav about backbiting, aid in no case is it commendatory. “Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle: who shall dwell in "Thy holy hill He that walk- cth uprightdy, and worketh righteous. ness, and speaketh the wath in his heart, He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neigh- hour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.” Psalm 15:1-5. Another pertnent comment is found mn Proverbs 20:20. “Where no wood is, there the five goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth,” Continuing, the writer of Proverbs says: “The words of a tale bearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts ol the hellv,” Verse 22, Dear Bible If the dead are unconscions in their death, how do vou explain 1 Peter 3:18, 19, which savs: “Christ also hath once =uffered for sins, the just for the unjust, thar He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: by which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison.” E. HB. Answcerman : To whom does the pronoun “He” in verse 18 refer: The answer 1s, to Christ. To whom does the word “which” refers The aswer is, to the Spirit, Who were the “spirits in prison’ Fhe answer is, all the souls shut up in the worldly prison house of sm. [twas this purpose for which He came: Fhe Scripuare hath concluded all under sin. that the promise by baith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe!” Galatians 3: 22. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me: because the Lord hath anointed Me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the hrokenhearwed, tw pro claim liberty to the captives, amd the opening of the prison to them that are hound.” Satan has bound thousands multi plied by thousands in sin upon this carth for many centuries. he object of Jesus” coming was to throw open the doors of this prison house of sm, and free the captives who all their hives had been helpless in the bondage of the enemy. Sin, disobedience to God's Low, 1s the thing that puts man in bondage to Satan. When did Jesus preach to the spare its in prison: Lhe answer is lound in I Peter 3:20: “Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuf- tering ol God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that as, eight souls were saved by water.” Now the question 1s naturally asked, Through whom did Jesus preach by His Spirit: ‘The answer, according to Yo Peter 2:5 and Hebrews 11:7, as Noah: “And spared not the old world, Lut saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher ol righteousness, bringing tn the Hood upon the world of the ungodIv. “By lath Nauh, being warned of God of things not seen as vet, moved with lear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house: by the which he condemned the world, and became hen ol the righteousness which is by faith.” tions of Western Europe] have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” That this is the very List stage mm the history ol the beast is evident from the next verse which states: “These shall make war with the Lamb, cond the aonb shall avercome then: tor He is Tod of lords, and King ol kings"—clearly a description of the return of Christ in glory and trivnnph, The crucial question, therefore, in the long story of the beast is whether anvthimg like the events described in verse thirteen of Revelation seven- teen as transpiring in the dominion ol the beast—\Western Furaope—uo-day, CHRIST -- WAS HE GOD OR MAN? (Comtiined [rom page 3) leper (Matthew 8:2) 0a certain ruler (Matthew 9:18), the people with [ime in a ship (Matthew TE38) 0 a woman ol Canaan (Mathew 15:20 the woman whe Lavchlully served Him (Matthew 28:9) 0 His own disciples (Matthew 28:07: Luke 26:02) 0 a de moniac (Mark 5:6), a healed blind man {John 9:38), Zebedee's wile and two sons (Matthew 200207, and a aroup of Greeks (John 12:20) 0 Now it Jesus Christ had been a mere man, and not God. He would have been guilty of a great sin in permitting men to worship (frroskuneoy Him. FEB RU. RY 1950 When God the Son lefe heaven. came to this world, and took upon Flinwselt rhe flesh and form of man, there was a possibility that the holy angels night question whether they should worship (proskuneoy Him thereatier as God. Thao there mel not be any doubt in their minds about the deity of Christ alter His incarnation, God the Father come manded that all the holy angels should continue to vender to the Son the homige and worship due Hime as a mamber ol the Godhead. “When He hringeth in the First-begotten into the world, He saith, And let all the angels of God warship [proskuneo] Him.” Hebrews 1:60 This is very sig nthcant mv the light of the fact that a holy angel does not consider it Taw bul to worship (frroskunco) anv being hit God, (Revelation 19:10: 22:8, 9) Fherelore, Jesus is now God in human flesh. He 1s now both God and man, Tuonanuel (God wit us), He as called “the Son ol man” and “the Son of God” in the Holy Scrip tures. The opinion that Jesus Christ is aomere hman being and not God, ivocontrary to what the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spivit have said concerning Hunn To is a denial of the testimony of the holy angels, the prophets and the apostles. To wil fully deny the deity of Christ. when itis so clearly taught in the Holy Scriptures, is anti-Christian, because it brands God's Word as a falsehood. 15