Moliendo 13, 1923 H.k. Colburn Puna Dear brother: Just a line today. I rece ived your telegram stating that you was sending me an important letter. I guess it was the pasporte that y® was sending- I received it OK. It is that of brother Field. Farther than that I did not receive any letter. Hope the stahool has started offwell and all is well in your part of the country. We have put up to Portugal that we wil make the trip thathe desires providing that he will aguarantee the sale of five morotcycles with in the space of three months. Also that he provide us food and logging on the trip and also that in case we can not possible the trip over the roa-d that he will pay half of all expenses in getting the machine from Puno to here and on the trip. I do not know thathe will accept. The trip he desires made -is one of about 40 legues and over some one to take his place at the Pomat mission. I am glad to know that brother Schwerin has ta,ken the matter up with the Puno office and that you have already seen the Prefect and that the prefect is doing all po sible. I think the best thing to do is to let him do his best first and then if need be we will appeal to the Lima government. f I would be glad if you would send me on the next mail to Moliendo a roll of letter heads and second sheets and 50 envelopes. I need these the worst kind. I have been out for som time. Send on next mail to Moliendo. Huw is money holding out will it be alright for me to draw out five hundred soles of the money I have coming to me hollendo 13, 1923 h. . Colburn runo Bear brother: -- Just u lina today. I rece ived your telej an stating that you was sending me an importan! leüer. I guess it yus thd pasparte that ya was sending» I received it OK» It is that of brothe ? Ylald. Farther than tha! I did not receive an, letter»/ líope tlie stahool lias started offwell and all is well in your par! of the country. i7e nave put up to Portugal that we wil make the trip th the desiras providing that he will ajuarantes the sale oí' five morctcycles zith in the space of three months» Also that he provide us food and logging on the trip and also that in case we can not possible make the trip over the road that he will pay half of all expenses in getting the machine from uno to here and on the trip. I do not Imow thathe Ylll accept. The trip he desires made ds one of bout 40 legues and over -these desert. sands. It would be hard to make. I think we gd uld malee it if the re ,w s -enough at stake in it to justify making i i» Should he agree to such a © ntract we would crd~r you to send us the machine at once. It should be sent with all pa.rts and/ tools that might get stolen or lost in a Titile box rali packed.' flhe rest would not need packing. You would want to send the zrrondhes on the shel£ in the motoreyele room and be sure to send the cha^n wrench whioh is a round barr of iron with a square head. 3orne extra chain links and a tire patching set and the battery • testar. All these should be sent with out fail. The tire tester is -a sort af a syringe that carne in the Butler Brother order. I- - ram to send wt © uld st - and Yo?; to sewU ■ The running boards of the arder Just arriving from thb company should he s A saddle bag of mine in the house and an inner shoe for tires» th ;.t is the roofing we have her • worth. You might let me the price. I do not know that part so oan not do much at selling Send writing paper and all bo moliendo this Ume. /o expect to jo to lingo next -Vednesday. Sincó y aly youi orother Moliendo 10, 1923 H.M. Golburn Puno Bear brother: — Dr. jchnston has just send me a telegram stating that bruther Schwerin is in trouble and that Briseño had delivered him two telegrams one to the president and one to Poindexter. I have notified that the doctor hold these two telegrams and that he not send them on to LimA. I have ask him to investígate the difficulty as much as possible even te, sending a speqial messenger to Piata to find out just how serious the matter was. I would be glad that you investígate the matter all possible. I will send •a telegram from here to Schwerin to find out -if possible what is the matter. Of course we aught to do all we can to help. There are oertain ways to go at the matter and we should follow that route. Brother Schwerin should not be sending di^ect to l/ma. 'I am held responsibie in a way for the Lake Pield’and I feel that in matters of that kind I should be consulted. N^t that it is respect to me but if a man is responsibie for a thing he should know what the thing does. Besides brother Schwerin is not known there and what g*ood would his telegrams do. Then besides that Poindexter should not be brought into a matter of this. kind üñless it is a matter of life and de^th. Life at stake. That is the life of an American. He has- nothing to do with thesfe little sublevations. Then besides that Puno should be consulted first. We* should give the Prefect at Puno an opertunity to give garantías and then if he refuses we have a right to appeal to Lima. So I have ask the doctor to hold up the telegrams and to notify you and would like for you to take the matter up with the- Prefect in Puno and let him have the opertunity of doing all possible for us. He has st?ted that he has been told by LeGuia while in Lima this last time that he must give full gatantias to the evangelista. He has also stated that he is ready to do that. So I think he will give all the help needed. That will be better than to take the matter to It seems Schwerin has tried to ^et the authorities to send the telegrams. T at is out of the question. We are to pay for and send- what we send to I hope the matter can be investigated and that all oan be done that is necessary to do to hold down that station and to keep order there. I fear that the members are not in a very good condition to help out and be united in a time of this kind. My I wish we had some one to put there for a while, especially in the absence of brother Schwerin. I hope that all has gone well at the school Bnd all wi 1 go smoMhly. We aught to do all posa, ble to make this a big year ánd a good summer school. I am sending you the inverntory that we have taken and the valúes that we llave placed on the articles. We may nave' made soma mistakes in valúes but I think it is -quite cloes to the valué. I hardly think they are too high. I am having a copy placed in each kitchen here and one at Tingo so that any one at Tingo coming here-might know what they would find at this place. You will see i have bought an icecream feeezer. I b ught one for six soles. It is a very good one for -the money and comes in handy. We surely have be en eating icecresjn here. Can get ice next door and so it makes it very handy. Should the unión complain about this we can pay for it among our selves. I hardly know why they should complain after we have saved over 1000 soles in the last-two years by having ^ooms. Brother Beens has been staing here in the little room at the back for a week. We let him have the room at three soles per week. I think that will be ablut right to charge. He prefered even that room to the hotel. H.s wife did not gain at the ho^el but even in that rooái she has gained two pounds in a week. Sincerely-your brother Mwnux' ¿uuíuuu ata xionoraoxe Concejo Provincial de Juliaca. JULlACA. S. 1. Yo, Lliuor H. ^ilcox, Superintendente de la misión del Lago Titicaca de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día, ante Ud. respetuosamente me presento, y digo:- Que, deseando tener un cementerio particular,'donde podamos dar sepultura a los restos de los miembros de la misión del Lago Titicaca de los adventistas del SetL o Día, pido al Honorable Concejo Provincial de Juliana, por medio de su digna Alcaldía, per miso para poder establecer el cementerio de que se trata. Dicho cementerio, tendrá su correspondiente cerco, reuni rá todos los detalles necesarios para evitar epidemias, así como también estará situado a conveniente distancia del caserío y en lu gar despoblado. 4 Esperamos, señor Alcalde, que el Honorable doñeejo que Ud. preside, se servirá otorgarme la licencia que solicito, por ser de estricta justicia. ¿Sírvase Ud., así como el Cuerpo Ldilicio de esta ciudad, aceptar los sentimientos de mi más alta y di^tinguid-a •consideración personal. Juliaca, á 11 de idotero de 1923. SUPLRINTL-DAJTa IB LA VISION DLL LAGO TITICACA. H. M. COLBURN SEO» Y TESOR» E. H. W1LCOX superintendente STACION DE ILAVE '...... DIRECTOR Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA DIRECCION POSTAL: IL.AVE- PERU Inero 3, 1923 Francisco Plores .ist imo¿c h orjxni c: *• - Liando esta con á fin de saludar a Ud. y de avisar a Ud» que sera* una o dos semanas o puede User mas .ntes que puede llegar el hermane ---Ivin. Su esposa do el esta gravemente informa fn finge. Casi murió ayer» ¿si esperamos que Ud/ va a hacer lo mejor posible én cuidar las cosas antes que el hermano lilvin puede llegar. ¿1 vendrá 1c :rás píenlo posible peí o no peed; dejar a su e^poúa. por ahora. He pensado bien poner? a- Ud. en co><¿-*K‘axU de esto para que Ud. puede avisar a los demás a fin de que ellos sapea la rasen do qie no ha llegado al hermuno Klvin. Deseo de que le. bbra marcha bien también que todo este tranquilo en la .misión y tp los curas no han regresare para- tiuer temor sobre la gente. Tengo telegrama del Presidente Legáis en cue Si ZxiS avies ¿e que ha ordenado el V se or Prefecto de Cusco de dar a nosotros garantías. Deseo de que Ud. me avise de las condiciones actual es en Urcos. lio he podido regresar por causa del trabajo. Sin más por ahora me despido de Ud. fuyo en la f£ W. A. SPICER. PRESIDENT J. L. SHAW, TREASURER A. G. DANIELLS, SECRETARY VICE PRES1DENTS: C. H. WATSON. GENERAL O. MONTGOM ERY, NORTH AMERICA I. H. EVANS. FAR EAST L. H. CHRISTIAN. EUROPE W. W. FLETCHER. SOUTH ASIA CHAS. THOMPSON. SOUTH AMERICA W. H. BRANSON. AFRICA E. E ANDROSS. I NTE R-A M E RIC A C. H. WATSON. ASSOCIATE TREASURER H. H. COBBAN. ASSISTANT TREASURER J. J. IRELAND, AUDITOR C. K, MEYERS, ASSOCIATE SECRETARY M. N. CAMPBELL. ASSISTANT SECRETARY T. E. BOWEN. OFFICE SECRETARY GENERAL FIELO SECRETARIES L. R. CONRADl W. T. KNOX G. B. THOMPSON R. D. QUINN F. C. GILBERT General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists TAHONA PARK, WASHINGTON, O. <5. TELEGRAPH1C ADDRESS 'GENERAL CONFERENCE” WASHINGTON. D C January 3, 1923. CABLE ADDRESS "ADVENTIST" WASHINGTON Eider E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 28, Puno, Perú. Dear Brother Wilcox: While I was attending the Southern Oregon oampmeeting I had the privilege of meeting your mother. She was there for some two or three days dur~ ing the meeting. I was glad to meet her. Of course, she was deeply interested in your work. Just before leaving the grounds, she gave me fe to hand to you when I should reach South America. This was a personal pre-sent to you from her, and not to be counted in any way on the mission offerings. Now inasmuch as I am not returning to South America and will not have the privi-lege of seeing you there, I am mailing the same to you herewith . You will notice that the check is drawn for 810. fe of this is the money from your mother for you personally. The other fe is a donation from one of our sisters requesting that I devote it to some special purpose in South America. She did not want it swallowed up in the general mission funds, ñor to be counted as a part of the appropriations. Now I do not know just what the greatest need is, but I thought of your field and am passing it on to you with the request that you invest it in some mission enterprise in your field that is not provided for in the budget, where it will be a real bles-sing. The sister who gave it is a cripple. She only had $20 in the wide world, and devoted fe of it to this purpose. I wish you would tell me what you are using it for so I may report to her the purpose to which it has been devoted. Well, Brother Wilcox, I shaU be glad totear from you occasionally and know how the work is going in that needy field. I want to assure you that eventhough I am no longer connected with the South American E. H. Wilcox, -2- Division, my heart is still down there and I am deeply ínterested in the work that is being carried forward, and I shall look forward with pleasure to hearing frorn you and reading the splendid reporte of the work as it goes forward there. How is Sister Wilcox’s health? I trust that you both are getting along nicely and that the Lord ie especially blessing you. With best wishes to all the workers, and Christian love, I am, Sincerely your brother. OM-mm Enero 5, 19 2b Señor He vise Urcos Muy señor nuestro; — Mando asta con el fin de saladar a Ud. y en el mismo tiempo de preguntar en cuanto de las condiciones en urcos. Tambiezn deseo avisar a Ud. de que estoy muy contento por la ayuda que Ud. nc.3 hi prestado en los sucesos de Ereos. Tengo que avisar a Ud. de que la señor de Elvin se encuentra muy inferma. .11 señor Elvin con su familia estaban para subir de Arequipa el do a del presente pero al 31 de deciemhre la señora de el se puso muy inferna. ella eegue as?, todavía. Esta mapana recibí telegrama de el avisándome que ella estaba moribunda. Nosotros sinüimos esto mucho. Ella tuvo una operación en Arequipa y parece que ha sido con malos resultados. ds por lo que he explicada que el señor **lvin no lia regresado. No queremos que algunos piensan que hemos abandonado el lugar por esto no es cierto. Es por causa de la informidad de la esposa de hlvin, que no haya alguno en nuestra misión en Urcos ahora. Esperamos que va a mejorar pronto la señora de Elvin y en caso al contrario mandaremos otro liara cuidar la misión por el momento. .Deseamos que todo esta tranquilo y de que Ud/ personalmente se encuentra bien de salud. Megustaría recibir una carta de ud. de vez en cuando si es conveniente sabiendo de esta manera de las condiciones actuales. Agradecemos bastante la buena voluntad de los ciudadanos de Urcos en el apoyo cp e ¿líos nos han prestado. Sin más por ahora me despido de Ud. De Ud. acto, y £3.S3. A. G. DAN1ELLS. PRESIDENT O. MONTGOMERY, V1CE PRESIDENT POR SOUTH AMERICA W. A. SP1CER, SECRETARY W. H. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER POR SOUTH AMERICA W. T. KNOX. TREASURER J W. WESTPHAL. FlELD SECRETARY POR SOUTH AMERICA ¿CRETARIES FOR DEPARTMENTS POR SOUTH AMERICA H. U. STEVENS EDUCATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER A. A. CONE PUBLISHING HOME MISSIONARY OF SEVEMT&DAY ADVEHTISTS HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., U. S, A. SOUTH AMEBICAW FLORIDA. F. C. C. A. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Jan. 8, 1925 TERRITORY ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE BOLIVIA PARAGUAY ECUADOR URUGUAY PERU FALKLAND ISLANDS Cable Address "división." buenos aires Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. Dear Brother Colburn: I have before me four letters from you, all of which I have enjoyed very much, in spite of the appearances to the contrary. Just a few days ago I returned from Brazil expecting to have an operation for appendicitis right away. While in Brazil I suffered five very serious attacks, one of which nearly cost me my life. I ara trying to rest up and get a little strength preparatory to havinga^séance with the surgeon in Buenos Aires. My sickness in Brazil c&ferae a great disappointment. 1 had made up my mind to try to collect an amount equal to $5>000.o/a in the Harvest Ingathering before the end of 1922. During the last month, however, I was often unable to work more than two or three hours a day. I worked nearly as far north as the mouth of the Amazon river which is, you know, very near to the equator. The hot weather and my enforced fasting weakened me to the extent that I lost fourteen pounds and I was unable to put in full time at the work. I am thankfulj, however, that the Lord helped rae to collect an amount equal to $2706.15 o/a. In your letter of October 2 you mention having sent me a copy of "Puno Briefs”. I have enjoyed reading them very much. In fact, Brother Colburn, I have been telling the folks in various parts of South America about your Puno Briefs. I believe you folks have the right idea. I know of no other conference paper or any other conference organ which to my mind can compare with your Puno Briefs in the matter of getting just the desired Information to the fields and in the brief-est possible way. I hope you folks will continué this plan and that other fields will follow your example. I have been greatly interested in the accounts you have sent of the various baptisms. Surely the Lord is doing marvelous things in that field. Yes, it does seem to me that to baptize 267 candidates in one hour and fifteen minutes is surely a new "altitude record”. This reminds me of a statement Brother Steen made while we were in Brazil. In referring to our Indian work in Perú, he said, ”Now, Brother Cone, is it not a fact that you take a great crowd of Indians down to the Lake, push thern all in, and then cali them brethren?” It is amusing to learn the opinión that some have of our Indian work. I believe, Brother Colburn, that you had the privilege of examining the manuscript for the new book for the Indians which Brother Wheeler prepared. Really I believe that the Lord helped him A. G. DANIELLS. PRESIDENT O. MONTGOMERY, V1CE PRESIDEN? POR SOUTH AMERICA W. A. SPICER, SECRETARY W. H. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER FOR SOUTH AMERICA W. T KNOX, TREASURER J W. WESTPHAL, FIELO SECRETARY FOR SOUTH AMERICA •CRETARIES FOR DEPARTMENTS FOR SOUTH AMERICA H. U. STEVENS EDUCATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER A. A. CONE PUBLISHING HOME MISSIONARY ©:? swuwaa-m'S' &wbhhsts HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., U. S, A. SOTOS AMER3CAN FLORIDA. F. C. C. A. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Jan. 8, 1925 TERRITORY ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE BOLIVIA PARAGUAY ECUADOR URUGUAY PERU FALKLAND ISLANDS Cable Address “DIVISION.” buenos aires Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. Dear Brother Colburn: I have before me four letters from you, all of which I have enjoyed very much, in spite of the appearances to the contrary. Just a few days ago I returned from Brazil expecting to have an operation for appendicitis right away. While in Brazil I suffered five very serious attacks, one of which nearly cost me my life. I arn trying to rest up and get a little strength preparatory to having a^séance with the surgeon in Buenos Aires. My sickness in Brazil c^&^rie a great disappointment. I had made up my mind to try to collect an amount equaí to $5,000. o/a. in the Harvest Ingathering before the end of 1922. During the last month, however, I was often unable to work more than two or three hours a day. I worked nearly as far north as the mouth of the Amazon river which is, you know, very near to the equator. The hot weather and my enforced fasting weakened me to the extent that I lost fourteen pounds and I was unable to put in full time at the work. I am thankful, however, that the Lord helped me to collect an amount equal to $2706.15 o/a. In your letter of October 2 you mention having sent me a copy of ”Puno Briefs”. I have enjoyed reading them very much. In fact, Brother Colburn, I have been telling the folks in various parts of South America about your Puno Briefs. I believe you folks have the right idea. I know of no other conference paper or any other conference organ which to my mind can compare with your Puno Briefs in the matter of getting just the desired Information to the fields and in the brief-est possible way. I hope you folks will continué this plan and that other fields will follow your example. I have been greatly interested in the accounts you have sent of the various baptisms. Surely the Lord is doing marvelous things in that field. Yes, it does seem to me that to baptize 267 candidates in one hour and fifteen minutes is surely a new ”altitude record”. This reminds me of a statement Brother Steen made while we were in Brazil. In referring to our Indian work in Perú, he said, ”Now, Brother Cone, is it not a fact that you take a great crowd of Indians down to the Lake, push them all in, and then cali them brethren?” It is amusing to learn the opinión that some have of our Indian work. I believe, Brother Colburn, that you had the privilege of examining the rnanuscript for the new book for the Indians which Brother Wheeler prepared. Really I believe that the Lord helped him H.M.C. — 2 in a special maimer in preparing this. It is so different from any-thing we have in the denomination and yet,so far ahead of anything we have or that I had dared to expect, that you can be sure I am very much elated. This book, when printed and well illustrated with colored pictures as we are planning to have it, is going to be a marvelous sellen not only among the Indians but in all Spanish-speaking South America whereQever children are found or older ones who cannot read or write. Now this brings us to another subject. What are the plans in your field for colporteur and home missionary work? Now that some new territory has been added to your field, it seerns to me that there are wonderful prospects there for literature work. Our annual sub-scription business for "Atalaya” is growing in the most encouraging manner. One of our agents, a man of fifty-five or sixty years,recently secured a subscription from the president of Uruguay. In one day he secured fifty annual subscriptioñs and another day he secured ninety-one. While those were exceptional days yet he has done fine work right along. Other agents in other localities are also doing fine. The new book "Our Day” is also going nicely. Eider Westphal’s son, a boy about seventeen years oíd, sold thirty copies of this book in three days in a town near Buenos Aires. This isfan^ordinary record but I refer to it because it is his first experience in the colporteur work. When I think of the Harvest Ingathering campaign, the Big Week, our Atalaya work, this new book for the Indians, and the other literature work, I am indeed anxious to see you folks lay definite plans to have a man to head up this work in your field. According to the cable we received from there saying, "Can use Replogle in lower altitude", I thought perhaps you might be planning to put him into departmental work. I believe you could do nothing that would so build up and strengthen the work in your field as to do this very thing. I believe also that Brother Replogle will make a good man for this work. I am very sorry that I shall not be able to visit your field in company with the other brethren at this time. I may be able however, to visit your field a little later in company with Brother Everest. In the meantime I trust that plans may be made for securing a man to head up the homepiissionary and colporteur work in your field. I wish, Brother Colburn, that you would kindly pass this letter on to Brother Wilcox. Inasmuch as I am crowded for time I will ask you to consider this as a letter to both of you. I received Eider Wilcox’s letter of October L|. and note what he says regarding the advisability of having a complete list of the words used in that book translated into Quechua and Ayrnara. I have not yet talked with Brother Everest regarding this matter but suppose you have made the same suggestion to him. Closing this letter, I want to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. Yours in service, AAC-m Enero 9, 1933 Eranoísao Floree Urces Estimado hermano: ~- Mando est?. con el fin de saludar a Ud. y en el mismo tiempo aviear a Ud. de la muert "* de la esposa del hermano Elvin. Ella murió hoy en Tih^o y voy mañana a. Tinro p~-ra ayudar alia. Es una 3 aetima pero Dios sabe la rasen. Ahora nermano Ud. tendrá que quedar un poco p¿s cuidando la misión y animando a los hermano en la misión. Tendremos que tender a otro de tomar el lu^ar del hermano E3vi.r» tornos para mandar uno lo más pronto posible. El hermano Elvin va a re ^re-mr dentro de poco para arelar eue oosas y prepararse de ir a otro parte con sus nifos. Hay que cuidar la ob^a. bien y ayudar a, 3,os hermanos de nc desanimarse y de «er ^iTmes en la fe « Sin dude algunos enemigos van a procurar desanimar debiendo que es un castigo de Dios pero nos es esto sino es lo ^ue pasa en la vida. Otro puede tomar el lu^ar dentro de Poco y la obra puede marchar adelante. Con fe en Dios vamoo a trabajar como nunca hermnno para la salvación, de los indígenas de Urcos como también a los /clancc- y todos. Loe que creen en el evangelio aeran salvos y en el fin tendrán vida eterna. due Dios sea su amparo y que Ud. sea útil en la salvación de los para quienes Ud. trabaje. Suyo en la fe Enero 9, 1933 Era. de Pedro Kalbermatter rarc Estimada hermana : — Mando sta con el fin de saludar a Ud. y •; vi i 'estar a Ud. de que esperamos que TJd. se encuentra bien de salud y que la obra marcha bien y que todo este tranquilo. Reden he recibido una certa de Peino y el me iicc que velo va bien en Ar entina. Dice que todo pueda bonita en aquell p&is. Es una lastima que vd. no rueda ^ozar de la hellaza también. ,Mando una oarta para el h?r ino Jul ián tal vez Ud. tendrá la oportunidad de mandar ©ata carta a el. A caso que Ud. ten ra ln oportunidad ha ••-amo el favor da mandadle & al. El pastor Stevcns esta aquí ahora y esta noche va a p-.^ar a Solivia. Nos avi-a que todo marcha cien por1 tedas partos. La obra aquí está 'ler y todo va '-'ien. en todas partea y v.. todas tiempos ?r estas días. Los director© nos avisan que aunque h^n pasado vor bastantes pruebas en estas lías ya todo esta tranquilo ot^a vez. En Hunacané hubo bastantes muertos p»-’o uho^a esto trar quilo ot^a voz. El herif.-'Yio Schr’orin ya esto er: rus 5?acn.oiones. Sin más por a^ore me despido le Ud. Suyo en la fé dota. Me ¿avisa nd. en cualquier tiempo de cualquiera necesitad. Estamos siemp e a sus ordenes. Jan. 9, 1925 G. E. Ifann Jaliaca Eemv crrther: -— Juet e, fevi linee. even thou^h it is late at i.i it. .'.'i rana... ti e other day eeemed to ce a 1 itfcle nervous and not in b >-ood hw.or a? in formar daya. He seerned to think that 50.00 soler ‘^'.n erti?*ely too small. I mcld te ia; if you and v-ntre^ Thompson and Miller oould talk the mette~ o ver. I think that brother Mohr Stevens , Colburn and Y-.F. ''il Ler an.i I are a -reed tbat it -vonld ha cel to tu*r o ver to him r.. u- 100 «oles so that he could pay off bis debte and h,w ? "irtle ext.rr to keep on. He has promised to keep ‘?v;eet "or ?ix r-nnths on thr.t and the 50.0r solee per ñor?ti . Thaí. .111 V-’o time te Investi^xte. T'!e *?ant to keep hini pí/eet an i out of t ’ notion of rtartir^ nny thlrm lile a la;/ p?it aíraii.'rt vs, ac that we car ve time to irvestiod helr has been adven. I will o to Arequipa in the morning to 4 ve what aii we can from the Mission stand point. Brother Elvin and Wheeler of the Tingo Rest Home have kept ua in knowledge of the case quite cloaely» Two tele.iranís have come today and I have notified the Union of her critical aondition. SSGÍ ,OsL I must cióse and assure you that we are still remembering her at the throne of Grace, prayifi^-tha4«she rsríS may yet be spared. .0.0 not" alrfe^’* aorísíp jbeioojsT Sincerely your brother *•* íTodiord reeCI gniasvs eirfí sentí wel s eíirw I £1% ,1 /'y' shrin ©W .nivXH roíaip lo eesn^oi^'dXí..^o ártoloifoi ©tía orí i vd vXXirlríiinl oe hooíe z8jsiÍ od^ -toíeie ruó oí b^e ínoe I .¿lií no qir- red pataco! yíwoíe < bnsdauií nsn lo Jóeiliíoa ed cins^fq rr-.d indi anidas noonroíll etríí sÍcTjbo & uoy erfí novaiíijBW ei orfw roíoob erfT .seeaioie rsrí lo .íajsX srft odísrd íítw oda í£tí eruorí wsl n ed yXno íítw íi ei íl .ereyr^q bar yrfínqiirys wo e-sd vlerus aiv£3 rsrííorS slií ai e^eíí sjs ^aoX as earuoo 10 «mirf rol ínirí bijeri <6 ísdí Hs snob and hjbM .won evse aro boD yíno tasqorf ei ererfí . oh uso ed ir,di YTToa 8*8 weiv lo taioq apieeiM eríí morí sW í¿ tud qXsrf ©vi^ oí ©red ion e^w goíenrfoL Todoob ruó .snot Í£.ni’aoxe íneihscn scfd^ ni tet bit G ni oi orí tnspcrq asrf niví3 nsffto’rd íedí qXsd ©di ÍXr Smií ínsssnq srfí íA lo enotoof? ern tvirrsU srft yd nsviv í.srfí aew íe^ oí ©Idr n&sd .jsqiupsrA edí ni hersJóianoo sd oí enoiíibnoc sdí oí ee wolí ni noiíFSFv risrfí no ©?£ eliw airf bnjs ¿xivX3 redíonS «sa^o adeow 8 íuode eisdí nssd svjbií yedT ,sqi.upetrA r,s©a osniT bne v.niaolo anw edeew xia lo boireq rierfí en íbltL .v/on reíate nirrí íxsa edí no e^srf qu smoo oí yboor ore' yerií íjsdi íXsl ew fcne dílee.í roo^ ei sjsw srfB «Mole dooí aivIS noticia wsn rioríí ai ooivroe ar^ey Jboor £> rol yfcnsr srew ysrfí edínoin ssrdí íuods yfw yXiaul ni sfw sn2 ,oosr;9 oí seoloo bensíjserrfí os ífíiw dote áooí ede noe^sr snioe rol bíie ^nof£ íesd sdí lo sao belíjso aivIS redíala aosudraamerí bns noiírodjs beís^nuo roíoob srfí bne ^qiupsnA ni fcnil Jbliroo orí aroíooñ íl .díFeb red puíbubo ai eiiíí &n£ ai isa rrwg©3 .red erfí bsenBo asrf ínríí ni íes noiíoelni ornee írrfí smssa ,eXduorí srfí z’ond oí bslr sd rXuow croy ífiíí írhuoríí I amo 11*6 ísríí Xsel oí uoy ínsw ion bluow eW feaoiíibnoo oí bsBir wod nsíesffW reíeiS .asvir nssd ion Jbsd ©Xdieaoq enrí muir^íiasa niínsrrA edí ai sssrua eíií lo evrsrio ai ed ©S£o eaivXS reíate ai eXdiseoq qíerf sífí ÍÍ6 raivi assd ©varí o íw esarua rsdío owi eniod íeer oríí í£ ev-nrí oeí^ sW íoei sw 08 *8860 aaivis roíste ai qíod old^ulnv asvi- jan. 11, 1923 W.H» V111ÍÍJT13 i » Buenos -- Dean brothe ' ¡ X -y 111 e you n few words today a few ex our oondiUwi. X .‘ just cent y-u a j?l agrame or cable telliz^ ym uf m ..mth r-f siste:* _.lvin. are very m.» ..y ■ ú. : d/. dim .iri urna ; thc 9ti. aoouu noon* Bhé nal c-nlp bmi ten luyo b rCer? her lo-ubi. She uemeú Ju be In gwd *m. ,t.h anl új/ ?ere ready Jo return frojr. their ^acatiun jl thcir nlssion au Caces Jid aoout Jwo days beforu sku m-j io retumi la? sema raason 1 dareatoned aborción m , ir 4¡m lir. arraajiges and then a caro mient or .. .. . ■ ■• ... -A • : . t . - . • - - _ . , .. -.- tb a -,crj in s/-v,;k- u m .3 no; m .1.1 cllmjíc -coniitiüns or any lisease lu. 011 me:;. Jiever heeler vras attending her al... UX1O J iu'xií ¿ÍX¡4»4- ¿i. - S Jt-J.ll OÍ O jh-íl’ ruarse.: oí cure who were til ere on. yi-.-c ’. u-.t. "bie no si possible v^s dene as fai as I know. Tcdsjí ñlder Alieel^.? and Jlvin 3 on uncir cay no Julliica witi? tile Lcyd. 1. - no a:. in¿ t¿ t;eu a n erniut ;o estnblish a sen! >.;.!/ ,*a. bhá ’choel íor:a nd tro re r/e csqpecj te hury sis Ler x»lym v u..oi' i' o'v- o I soppcsú time bretner .¿Ivin ^111 soon llave to return to tns stj.tec witls ai: trac- children and ríen thnt wili leave us aith our ¿ :o r ícr Ürcos. : best possible we can do three vut¿.xli¿ s¿ stations -oill be vdt-" cut ¿cieiyn direciox-s on lid a Imviab tisú of hrotñcr .Repicóle. Tiiis condition is ais*.-;.m? lnG* X surely srill se ^lad when you brethren can peí o ver here and study uie conclítion. be 'vixed. Ste^en* ’di tu come and jlve us saae lielp two montlis ljo but scaresely ha ve we received a letter from him as yat. be h .ve waitad tv;c coks eiqjectiny his arriva?. uv-ej-y day but to date tlier :• xs not aven a i¡Ford asto míen he will arrive. I vrill he gl..iá when our naw Union sean can get andar -the » barden of tilinga here a bit. I sent yoi a cable asking wnat to do with heplogle but h ve not rece ived any word at all. I líate to hold a man in suspensa for so long a time. We would aparecíate a dre at once telling us what vre could do in the matter. I have written you two letters on tire matter besides t:.e cable, le nee . Replogle here if it is possible to hold him. ’ »• sincerely your brother I must cióse , /72-3 •noriill ©qq jo ÁXsjtju© b ©q u©qq TiTjA swq qs©^ ©nq %a jpcoM ©qq jo stroTd ©xnqnj ©qq pire ©Sjceipsrp ©tcjkxonnqs p ©TQ^jonotT iré uga~3 ©q pt m[9 jo ©x*e ©& ©i¿p sp qvqq n©q/¿ pire X^AOxdd'esxy jíc x'SACXá’e <10j ©qqpuoo uoTuri ©qq oq ut p©uxnq ©q pjwqs ©s©qq pin? suorsToop ©qq pire Suyq©©® qm/q jo sqonujm ©qq oto ©SpnC 1 lOTorqp- xrpxy •©tiyq r-qq q-e qr ptnqsr©pim j si? .toaocI xno jo qWTT eqq o-- S'irroS snqq *¿:nqq£#oq ' ...crj ©jc©a ?:'■ sZxp ©rq ~t.xt~np ut ogtn.^ oq sp;: xno no ' £ qs’ex jo Zey ut ¿hrrq©©# uorun en*. -T? JO r,--r- CTz CT7r.I 7T G-XS~J. qrqq x©ej j q^d Zta ioj c.iojí’.iot3,1:5 re nono n.c rr-r-r-.4*.* ©av©-'' o5 ©o >u 41 o ? p’jü? pxro OIÍIOTT 03 PT11 Oí Arn-^ pT7? Op O* 5trrjM $rjT«i T»ga: r-y 3/,. orí r-T~ >¿ '•■,t?'O© y-,r-.f‘ r ■'Tor' gt^' Zepsprj. TTTO.nn XXTTOS'í O'- W©v* ?>/.*'— T *H. -_•.. GT _•/' tic- pu^- tb-xpuuj tr ao* SAry-en. '*7 j tt* t-p oa^ ^s'sx ©,Tcq payóme svm í4on¿ r-' ■< rr - 7“ s©-.i”ív<.- •■y.-yo^qjs 0.XB ©M AOtr -ÍO"^ O'Á fpT pr’-o S©UTT >.r.T - FTA oqjX. I L p I OS ®9ut®oo tic?Z ■i'sy pAr’?t?q q.s^T 5*? bí? -« :^.orr|~A-q A-e©C OSUTJ snsA05t>*n’n •ispxqr ¿sót ‘vi 2 Th execre I w uld reason for a meeting of the sub-coiaitte at this date» H vzevar you will know best and can do as you think best- in the matter. ]?or my part I do not oareU cr nave not felt fres to tafee any res;.,-onsiblity on tnis coffimittee farther khan tliat which was outlined to us by the Union the which we compilad with at once on returning to Tingo. XXoía. the Union meeting. Since I have Mio^i of your ap„oin'teiont tó this field I have felt that all i'arther imorovements slxould be leít to you and yo-jt cci-itooe ana net ¿o the cvh-oo*7-.i ó ■< ee» ; •*■ ’* * ■ -* X =¥111 alose lor tuis txsie and ho£je that ycu caiijcfl» up on the ’iuesday ¿rain. -- r'uhJcrxd tssCE W. E. HOWELL. GENERAL SECRETARY C. W. IRWIN. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY HIGHER EDUCATION C. A. RUSSELL. ASS1STANT SECRETARY SECONDARY AND ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MISS SARAN E. PECK. ASS1STANT NORMAL AND ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOKS MRS. FLORA H. WILLIAMS ASS1STANT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION AND EDITORIAL Educational Department OF THE GENERAL OF AoVEZMTISTTS TAKOMA WASHINGTON, o.cj. January 15, 1923. CABLE ADDRESS 'ADVENTIST" WASHINGTON TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "GENERAL CONFERENCE' WASHINGTON. D C Mr. Harry M. Colburn, Puno, Perú. My dear Friend Harry: Your letter I found waiting me upon my arrival at the office from a long field trip, and it was read with the interest which always attaches every letter coming to me from you or Gussie. This field trip to which I refer took me as far north and west as Lacombe, Alberta, Cañada, where I spent the Week of Prayer at Canadian Júnior College. Oíd Man linter has his headquarters near by, I guess, for a breath from his nostrils chased the mercury down to about forty below while I was there. I don’t suppose it ever gets as coid as that where you are, even on the mountains, but they are so wind-swept that the coid is even more difficult to be endured, no doubt. The coldest days and nights in Alberta are very still. I found that none of the coid of the atmos-phere had penetrated to the hearts of the young people, however; for they are just as warm and cordial as any I have met anywhere. The Lord carne very near to us and hearts were touched. Many renewed their consecrations to God and twenty-four, I believe, took their stand for the first time. On this trip, going and returning, I visited sixteen of our academies and colleges. I wonder if you have heard of the burning of the boys’ dormitory at Cedar Lake? This was the house we used to cali the ”Jack and Jill House,” that stone house on the same side of the Street as the Academy building. It was a severe loss to the school. I visited Cedar Lake the day the students were returning from the holiday vacation, however, and found Professor Simpson and his Faculty quite courageous as they sought to make adjustments looking toward the carry-ing forward of the work this year. They are having a splendid attendance at Berrien, - over four hundred actuallv present. The enrollment is about four hundred thirty or forty, I think. The foundation is in for the new chapel building which stands directly across the road from the College. The music building stood there, but they put it on rollers and slid it a little way to the north to get it out of the way of the chapel. H.M.C. -2- I turne! your article over to Mise Clement, the editor of the INSTRUCTOR, who received it very graciously. She aleo told me that she would be glad indeed to receive contributions from Gussie along the line of letters to a school boy. She remembered very well the series, ‘Letters to a School Girl. ” I was personally interested in your recital of your trip along the Lake. I can safely say that there is no mission field at the present time which awakens such an interest in my own heart as the Lake Titicaca Mission. I suppose one reason for this is from the fact that so many of my personal friends are directly connected with the work there. I think those pictures you enclosed are good, and no doubt some of them will be use! to i Ilústrate the article. I hope you will remember me with a picture of the new normal buiíd-ing as soon as one is taken. I take it from the fact that you mention no serious up-rising in your last letter that things have quieted down a bit in this regar!. Is Brother Stahl down on the eastern slope working among the raw natives there? Eider Montgomery spoke of his opening up work there in an illustrated lecture I heard him give recently in the Washington Sanitarium Gvmnasium. By the way, Miss Martha is writing this letter for me. She said a moment ago that Sister Field was her church school teach-er once upon a time. What is South America’s loss is North America’s gain in the holding of Brother Montgomery to this very important administrativo position. I know his heart is still in the work there, and no doubt South America will be given even greater consideration than here-to-fore from the fact of his sympathetic interest in the great Neglected Con-tinent of Opportunity. I am sure if Lela were here she would be glad to sen! her love along with mine. She is down in the city this afternoon. Is looking and feeling well. Says she never felt so well in her Ufe; and when I asked her why, she said: •’Simply a matter of contentment. n It seems mighty good to me, I can tell you, to get anchored in a home once more with a loving companion who not only meets every possible desire, but anticípates them. May the year 1923 be the very best in fruitful endeavor and blASñiníTp frnw ahnvp. Jan. 16, 1923 nld r W^.^ár. 111er Pintarxa Bear -;,d i'n: ~~ .1 will novz takc tiüifc ,g wrl-c yo a lew linos and let yon knc 7 that all is well iure and that we are on the job. ’I left my .rife leellng aúuut .as usual in Tingo. She is pretty nervous. 1 asi hopxng th i she will gct to feeling a littlt, oetter thcugh. I have a le • ter htrt. from ¿rother A~Ue<, Pord in which he i ; cí liing loudly .tur soiae one to help nim, over there. I □m writing to xx.nigiio nhuvsrria and asking him ú he is going or ii he is not go ing to go. X have tola him. that siiould it be • matter oí* his wií’e and that for ner uucount he was ot goiny that he üould aalk to yo i and perhaps you conld arrangc this y?rt. uow as orother Lord noche sonc help and fe ele taat we are not stand ing oy him in that we are not gi ving him help X would be glad if yo ¡ vould try ana get him to go alone if be ith aut his wife. 1 think what f'cr the throe or four monthE of tiim thau che suhools are not running that -ve could do well to loave oxT the fine 11 xieed be in oraer that brother hord h-\ve s-i'^ help. 1 know that he re ily needs the help. So do your besa to gct him to go or a .oy c-nc alse that you ■ ight have tnere that you could recorunend. It míght be that -^enít hgw .lar could go or it i irlit oe tbr.t Vecinte Arnhuanca euuld retui’ií tne-c. ‘¡ o your best te get one or two of hüm te go, Two will ec uetLcx* than ene if 7osbiole to get them en Uicir way, 1 will leave the jaatter with you to xoake the aarrangementiBt Thinge are going very well in atoout all parte and prospecte are good for a good ye re work. us t.uie this oanner yet.r of all. Keep the good orí: going ¿it your place and xnuy the Lord riese is cur atsire. bincerely your orother lÍBTÍa éw Jsiív líñiríT .jsniniiÍBo lo absig nal e.i eiríd no Isdniup isq aoloe drible ,^BSÍÍ bffS QHOl 1991 siíí IooiíoS isíwhuS 9ííj nigocT oí oqoií eW «aaíssw avlawí *iol num fenfi bnooee I.sliw ido y bns noy oí abi^si bnijí iííxW ni Binar. January 16 8 sT9dJo*id iuo^ YX£n©oni8 Señor T.L.üswald, La paz8Solivia* Lear Prother Cs^ald:- Jusxt a line to go out on the boat tonight.We are buey getting rcady for the vieiting b re th re n t on i ght, Brother ilohr,Brother Stevens are ex-pected tontght.Also Doctor Johnston and Professor StriplixuThis will not give them much time in Arequipa but they are gréfctly needed he re. As some of the workers were here to attend. the. funeral of Sister ^Ivin it is much easier for us to have our co.-mii ttee meeting n^v» I will send the card that you ask dfor.rr?e are sending these to the Missiona for one cent each but I think that the printing price is around seven solea per thousand. Our List may be revi sed a bit at this meeting. I will send the >bstum6You can just hand the money to Brother MoMtt or I will pass it through the Union later® Glad to know that all is going nicely and hope that when you lay dowm your burdens that you do not get something worse0 Am glad to sport progresseHope to fin-ish the roof of the school building todayeHave a fine = grade of calimina0 Thiñk chat wé shall save.about eight soles per quintal en this grade9It is ten feet long and heavy, We hope to begin the Suimner School the . twenty second and run for tvrelve weeks» With kind regarás to ycu and your wife,I remain e3í ^ciBunsb Sincerely your brother, t blswü • J. T *rono8 .«BX-’iloEEg SJB<£ bJ *:blsvao larídoui dcod sxíd no dno 03 od enil s dxavt gnidislv eiíd nol Tbcoi gniddeg yai/cf ais ov^.dd^inod . d-íí£ i no i nei ií d 91 :f -xs oía anev-'dg larfdoiS^iííoM isxfdoiff noaasloi*! bnxs nodearfoL 10 do o (I oelA»drígirrod bedoeq ni ocnid ríoum narfd ovi^ don Ilivr 3írfT.niíqíidg lo orríoa nA . onoií bobeen s>ts xorfd duc sqxupe'iA lo I&xxmfó .¿dd bneddjs od sierf axew a 1921*1 ow ©rfd mo oví.uí od en ioI loisaa iíow ?í di niví'^ isdetg # --cn £nido3ín O3ddimexoa xas uox; d.críd biso sxíd bnsg líiw I ano iot anolaexM oríd od oesríd gnxbnoa ais ©oiiq gnidnliq eríd daríd ániríd I dwd iío-r*© drrso ed dsil iuO .bnsauoiíd ioq aoloe nsysa bnuois ai .gnldsoní ei íd da dJtcT jb boaxve*i deirt nao uoY.ffiuJaü^ eiíd bna?. Iliw I di sasq Iliw I 10 tídoA isxíd iE od v^enorn arid ferrad siodBi noirrU ©rfd ríguoiíld ^Isoin galos ai lía dsríd wonsí. od fe^XS ¿íOY dsdd ansbincf iuox nwob v*! nedw druíd oqod fens „oaTOr sniíídssioa dag don o fe -ni! od eqoH.easigoiq dioqji Od bBÍg niA onil s svsHe^abod gfliblind lo .ríos and lo looi sifd ríai L. D. MINNER SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA “ADVENTISTA”-LIMA J. W. COLE SEC. Y TESOR. MISION PERENE La. Misaoaa Peruana JUNTA DIRECTIVA Colonia del Perene, La Merced, DE LOS CASILLA 1002-LIMA L. D. Minner J. W. COLE R. R. COBLE F. A. Stahl Cesar López F. F. Osorio Enero 16 de 1923. Sr. E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno. Muy estimado hermano: Le escribiré una carta esta tarde. Hemos recibido la triste noticia de la muerte de la hermana El-vin. Estamos muy deseoso- de saber de que ha muerto la her mana . Había un encargo que quería hacer a uno de los hermanos que fue de acá para allá, tal vez debo manifestar a la hermana Colburn, pero Ud. me hace el favor de decir a íX hermano que yo necesito en gran manera uno5» de los puntos como de alfiler, ó agujas que entra en la lámpara de presión que compré el año pasado, hada nos sirve la lampara sin este repuesto y aqúi no se pude conseguir. Sírvase mandar con algunos de los hermanos que viene acá unos de estos puntos y le agradeceré muchísimo. Pase la factura a nuestra oficina que será cancelado en seguida. Yo tengo un caballito muy bonito hermano Wilcox, pero hace muchos dias estoy enfermo en cama y no puedo andar ni a pié ni en ninguna forma. Yo teniendo otra cosa que decirle en este momento, asi me despido de Ud. como, Su hermano en Cristo, LM/PLVv P.L.- Quiero decirle sere muy agradecido si Ud. nos trae una buena cantiada de latas de postm cuando viene en Marzo. Hemos acabado lo que Ud. nos trajo el año pasado y necesitamos en gran manera. Si hay otras cosas que Ud. sabe que hamos a necesitar puede traernos, yo pagaré todo hasta donde alcanza mi dinero. l't d¿ de 1923 3r. Julián Yunque, Lar o. .estimad o h crmano: íle quedjí contento de recibir su comta de lo. de Añero, y espero que Ud. j su espoe están bien y que la obra marcha bien. Ha/ que segur firme* en el ai’e, trabajando con todo empeñot La Lscuela de Ver-no -,*u a empezar el 22 del presente, así h--y que procurar de estar para esta fecha en Juliucu, ¿ ul lo pus-lea pgMgtauttsta fecha, v,.r ^1 martes des puás, Hay que dejar a los hermanos de Lar o, bien animados y bien contentos. Mentimos bascante que no hemos podido empezar la escuela de Verane m'.s antes, pero por cau¿, de las lluvias no hemos podido terminar la car* antes. Le los jovenes de furo que esp^r moe ingres r tn 1-. escuela d¿ ver uc, y que tienen la edad y han cumplido con sus 12ü horas de trauujo, y que hrn- sido aceptados mas o menos, estes dttmn e = L .* Juli&ca el día 21 sin falta, paru est.r en sus estudios el 22. msperauoí íjk.".;í ¿ con ¿íariano Hua- easi. A é?_ remos dado p rmisc por cierto tiempo pero ya ha pasudo el ptrmiso y ted vía el no parece. Sin más por -íbera, me despido de Ud. Su¿'O en la fé. w/a. J ADAMS STEVENS, SECRETARY E. R. NUMBERS, ASSISTANT SECRETARY MRS. J. W. MACE, OFFICE SECRETARY Home Missionary Department OF THE General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS ••GENERAL CONFERENCE" WASHINGTON, D. C. January 17, 1923 CABLE ADDRESS "ADVENTIST” WASHINGTON Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, S, A. Bear Brother Colburn: I think I wrote you some time ago, but perhaps you did not receive my letter. I will be very glad if you will place ny ñama on your Mailing list for the news letter which you get out there from time to time. Send it to me at Takoma Park, c/o General Conference. I am now here at the office looking after the details of the work while the general secre-tary is absent on a trip into the field. Mrs. Peterson and little Betty are here with me and we are living in a suite of rooms a few blocks from the office. Suitable living quarters are acaree here and rents are very hig^i. If we remain here in Takoma Park any length of time we hope to secure in some way a little place of our own. I was very sorry to learn day before yesterday of the death of Sister Elvin, and I have written him a letter this moming expressing my sympathy for him in his bereavement. This carne as a great surprise to us, not knowing previously of her illness. I would be thankful to you to know some of the details of her illness and death. I suppose, of course, that he will be returned to this country with his little children before very long. Although, of course, I know of no action in regard to the matter, but expect that in due time a request will come through the División for his retum, as I do not see hcw he can remain there with those two little children with no one to look after them. This certainly is sad. As far as my knowledge goes this is the first wife of any of our missionaries who has died in that field. I know several have lost children and I think a brother from Argentina who worked in your field some years ago, died on the coast of Perú. Is Brother Beplogle still with you? I understood some time ago that he had rece ived word that his wife would only live a short time in Argentina, and that he had left his mission station so as to be with her. In a letter received yesterday from Brother Wilcox he spoke of Brother Beplogle using the motoreyele at times, and I have been wondering whether he is still in the field. H.M.C/-2- I was glad to learn from Brother Wilcox the great progresa which is continually baing made there, notwithstanding the savere persecutions and efforts of the enemy to break up our work. Our people in this country are great ly interested in that fie Id, and we rejoice with you in the larga number of baptisms for last year. I shall be interested to hear the full number for the year. Now I assure you, Brother Colburn, that I shall appreciate your sending me your little news bulletin from time to time as it is issued. In this way I will be able to keep in closer touch with the work in your field, and as questions come up for consideration here in the committee I will be able to put in a good word for you more intelligently knowing how things are going there. Trusting all is well with you and your family, I remain, Yours in the work EFP:Q 17 de Enero de 1913 A los de la Parcialidad de ANCASAHUACASI, Azangaro. Muy amigos nuestros: Es ta certifica que Uds. por medio de un mensagero, Uds. nos hani informado de las dificulatades que han venido como resultado de de haber construido una casa para una escuela evangélica.» 4Noso-tros sentimos mucho que haya levantado estas diflealtades, y que Uds. tienen que pasar por tales pruebas, pero es cierto, que des de que hemos empezado a trabajar entre los indígenas al rededor del Lago Titicaca, se han levantado unas pequeñas dificultades, Nunca faltan personas que no quieren ver a los indígenas gozar de todos los ^privilegios de una escuela buena como son las es* cuelas evangélicas, y por no desear ver a los indígenas instruir se, les fastidian. Pero esto no ha de durar mucho tiempo, no-sptros pode os asegurarles que los ayudaremos a Uds. en todo lo que sea posible. Cuando los indígenas nos convidad de entrar en cierto lugar, y establecer una escuela, nosotros entramos en el lugar con garantías del Supremo Gobierno. La Educación vale sin s cue cualquier otra cosa en todo el mundo, y la educación mejor es la ue ensena en cuanto del Dios verdadero. enseña a uno a llevar una vida mas limpia, llevar una vida más recta, tratar con aror a sus vecinos, respetar a las auto ridades, cumplir las leyes, llevar una vida más sana, y una vida mas feliz, esto es lo que nosotros desea os enseñar en cualquier lugar, y si establecemos una escuela en su lugar sera con este fin. Estoy manifestando al hermano Kalbermatter de ]^aro, las dificultades que les toca a Uds. a fin de que cuando el regrese de Arequipa, les pueda ayudar a Uds. en todo lo que sea posible, y no solamente esto, pero si siguen estos abusos, estoy para poner en conocimiento de esto al Gobierno Supremo, a fin de que tome todas las medidas necesarias a fin de terminar con las dificultades. Sin más por ahora,' me despido de Uds.' deseando que Uds. están u-nidos, y de buen ánimo y con buena fe en el Señor Jesucristo y que Uds. puedan ver este año, en su medio una buena Escuela Evan gálica Su amigo en la fe de Jesucristo, W/a. GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS ■ TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. OFFICE OF TREASURER January 18, 1923. Eider H. M. Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, Colburn, S. A. Dear Brother Colburn: — Yours of the 22nd ultimo cañe to hand this morning, and I have tried to ascertain what happened to your order for a copy of Hill’s and Pord’s Spanish Method. I find your original order, the letter from D. C. Heath & Company, my letter of inquiry to you and your answer, but here the chapter seems to end. I do not find any further letter from us to D. C. Heath & Company and I cannot find where we renitted any money to them. Viere it not for the fact that you state that you have been charged for the book I would conclude that we failed to order it after receiving your letter of January 29, 1922. As it is, I am ’up a stump and do not know what else to do but to re~order the book for you. This I have done this afternoon. I would be glad to have you let us know when the charge for the book carne to you and what the amount of same was. This will help us to lócate our payment if we can know the amount we are looking for. We have quite a volume of work to go over to lócate any charge which may have been made to the South American División Conference. We regret the possibility ’ of our having failed to pass on to D. C. Heath ¿ Co. the Information contained in your letter of January 29, 1922. Such mistakes sometimos happen with us in spite of our efforts to avoid them. We are passing on to Montgomery Ward & Co. your order for wall paper and hope the order reaches you in March as you desiré. Assistant Treasurer c \ \ owt to eno bn©qe bn* ot.gJ of ^¿¡cf or Muoo njsilüL 11 eswoo lo i *ud nj'~i5x 6rf3* ¡hs sihr eir nnlv/joX t££©’v ©cf h£í/ow ti &fíl.F■d'cTx’S store \ VJ’7' Vt • TOÍ'ÍF-cTÍ ¿5 hS9n ££iw r.roY ,¿£^'.7 - - HO " OOJ íf YjeV'íI ipaiovds.’io eainsoed evedí bsitX fon ri Í8J30¿>uH .iroy* hftw £XiT.r ti , o oí niid ttoY C£nw srí .ton hlrro'.*' ti oe fí&TbXido Frít \ YXií a^rridt añedí Ji/ods woruf torr t-ih I rsríto tr-d rsttscf scT \ .wo« ttot ®Tiee>t J3 nu y- f.- Ot xwp x-.y iXfi oh oí rdaa.I£lB,vdB23 oe£e sis yerft hrts ver,ene J boon s ©sxrepjB hins fooríoe ¿s rol Dear brot-hB^ depió zlé - O'? ■' '"c- - d tr oríf : t .' ■’ ••• .> . ¿?:r --¡ *.•!• ;rj$ I will send you a lino by thie man and hopo thdVyóu nah dfe'e fit~to teljf ‘triar -ourt a bit. He is from tlieí’ííU'aoo’ 'áchool aña ia: a ve-^y qood’ man, His fv-ther I , ■„ <■ y is Liodroviejo whc haa furnished the larri for the snhppl t there and is very faithfull. “)*' :» - - '■< j- ■ i-r.-y j <. -i JS *T & 1 ■ S ÍT f'1'" t S S- ■ :- ;i , f0" Síuce te 'cióse i ’Phs-s ácnool the T>*?ocie of Taraco are h$v that has been taken away from v Im hy the -novenor of Taraco, They háve be'en tmtM in the'ir- botes and. the like, ' líoltc vle'jcx bnt b-^en rayin contribuciones and hn.s ,• his receir te"but is r^yir^ tnreí? t ir. es: t ar.v.^t *0 ,d;? have to pay or the land that he hae, I wieh tt^t eoirethinto oould b done to help óio; 4n t¿ót xi it ií rce~i'ole te do so,« They e.r? tellin^ hix that they are to raí se it to ten soles, It is all abuses beoause of his bain ’- a evon ’oliat• Zeoaris Pedales is aleo bothe^in^ xbeí;i a.aln. You Ynor hí^ Uves ir to^n and has a liitlá ¿tere t^ere, Ya 1¿ veftiendly to me and ¿enerally if I vi ?it him and ^bo-v ;ÍÁy elf f.ri’ jdl; and let '[>.!& knov* that I a¡r kaepinrtraoh of tilines he '*£11 shut up for some time, It mivht be *ell te o¿ll on rim . The ^ovenor is Rrimon Desa, :íe seema to ba quite r>. fair non t reat him well and you ^il'’ be able to qet nezt to him perhapa and do these. people some pod. Dicen que ^uíi quitado la vaca por no r.toe^ pk.niio oontibucionea. Yod^cviejo is ready to pay tr is and ras not pali hecauso in otrer ye-re t :ey nave sent a m.xr to co leat rr-1 of Ib-tf5 tbey b.s ?e not vent ?.ny ano to collect but hnvc trker the a'lvu.n: • j,e in iakin r the aow, Wall they those of town freí tiat we are a-^y and now they can acare the poople out of havinr a school anothe*' year» lrc must j try and do sonethinz for them, for it is a lar-re and important field, Now what I desire. I would like for you to ro ove” to Taraco Friday if possíble, I have ask Modrovieio te be the^e Friday ai’ternoon and about 4 oclock and tiiere he can p to the jpvenor with you and arran-xe the ¡aatter. I would ar rocíate this very nuen if ye1?, can see fit to make tris trip. If you cano not perhaps brothe-” Dalin;er coula make it. T'J\i could try to ^■et the cow buslness arranqed Friday and then spend the nií^it with them or trith the oil minen there and th.en Sabbatb hold the meetihv and then come back Sab^ath afternoon. You could that way leave them feelinx food» Those of Tanaca would know that the place is not abandoned. I sural y wisl: v¿e could ha ve a permanant worker there» I hope T am not askinr too muoh of you in this matter. Perhaps Jul ian could with you, They think a lot of Julián there» of course if Julián could to baok to Laro and spend one or two more Sabbaths it would be well, leavin? bis wlfe at the farm but it rr.ay be too Ion? a walk. You will need a transistor any way with you. Mariano Huacasi is not liked there becauoe of abusin^ the children so it wculd not be w-\IJ fcr him to *o9 It will be better hat other I did not know about theae thinss till just no-.% o You will.want to do all you can to work up a de si re for a school and assure a ?ocd teacber and they are al so an-cious to kr.o* hit abcut the Patronato if • ■/'' oíiíj» uov .hnoc ¿ ¿í I Y -v T rrva not reiste i any ’í-ond fro^n ^reouipe...-/i9 ¡o- yet. I wild^rs íhd s, telesrame :c fJriliacr- ”.ven í find out ’-ow í moíl thin?s are 'coadn 'i ■n?d .rr-y sn ' zub c^sivorh-ol ai * IXfjin ? i si ytsv qI bn£ orsifí Pisase send. the nafera, cil stove h<*Lonsrln? be^e with the fiHt ónes * cerne Ifcow- -Sdat.&r Dalir/er de?dre? ib; Also ha ^■'brotí.^r rañft ¿isk. out ientrehl’? > ha*r of oours.T wall pay^-b A&iS feWlns? ctow»Sflfri$t .'.ir. we nend dt-hereá ■ e^teí oí to ro?'*•■■■ c-.-' rr ' y' mi 4 n,yri vr-ws ítsuLsí e-Brt ijsdí v»oo js Of i ftl.ll' olese fterí tn.i ■ ti?vn xnó. '-ore sil; i'~ uc’dn?9oq. —, T well. I hcute-" t-bz*4saa?w.’rtó-..'a'ák7yo,QX.he?^ .: .-■ . £íjod íi oft-i oí -■'íok ;r-..\í uirf 1‘íst e-r.s ¿eríT ,toa íísH^acr? ? ” nisc ai lo oannosd 1 X^r-*'ei ‘ JI 7 »eaXoe neí oí uol’ ? í-h kj ob^'sr ZeeLB^S^ SÍTjSQ^X vllricrti ct .• rr 6'- Ott. íJí:. i/'&£■ rruot ?i eWviX t.z. v. ¡Til ixrty I- ii víí^^ensi bn« em oí XX$w fc- ednidí lo hurz'ítrcü-jocji .’1. i í£ííí wonX ¿aid í&X hnjs ski • riir ¿-o ;j ÍI's/ eí.’ ídziu •emíí tii.ct aol -irf diría 00 jj?' lisl /. •••: • i.-c ©'• c. t £ ?.h .¿,ool nci^íH el lozievo^ sqjsdTeq mid oí n c-i so 'Lb r0Y bnn £Xf?w mirí íneTí .«£ ab&: io* ri&H í-üg íiooiu ,to j o;nc?£ elcfooq .eeedd oh o¿ ? 8i oisivo^to'; ,secí< i o.¿di 5r¡c.o ^sd 1OCT JS06V o-sdd sef oj otsivo?boM svuh I .sídiseci li yjsbiw'í odjs’TjbT oí nso &rí eisdu bfia jíooXoo & íxrocfe Jone Hoon^eílx? Y^bi'i'i eíáioeT 'w bj-jjow I •iuííJuh ©di bn-4- As soon as possible we are planning on issuing a quarterly bulletin in the interests oí the Home Missionary work outside of North America and shall be glad to remember you with a copy as it is issued* In return we solicit your cooperation by sending us some articles or instances or experienees in the heme missionary work in your churches, We want this new bulletin to be a real success from the start* As I think of the work and about you brethren down there'it makes me lonesome and I wish myself back again. With best wishes to you in all your work for the Lord, and hoping to hear from you again at your convenienoe, and wishing to be remembered to Sister wilcox also, I remain Yours in the work, FFP/w Jan. 19, 1923 Pedro Xa >lbevmat ter Se t i m •„. o ■ 0 r man o: «• -Mando esta oov el .fin de saludar a Ud. y de avisar a lid. de que estamos bien de salud y de buen animo. do na recibido nin runa noticia mal ,.a Lato soron o que tolo i.a'cha bien er. su misión de tare. Deseo de quo sea x^í siempre. Deseamos que lid. se encuentra bien y esté de bue . añino y ;ve su familia queda -orda que nunca. Esy-cr.-.¡‘O3 «ue Ul. va a volver aho^a dentro de poco y podemos ver so buena sonrisa otra vez. He oido iaoir de que tal vez Ud. le justaría este ano dejar a su esposa en runo por al tiempo en qu-3 vx a lar luz. Si es así tal vez yodemos arreglar» para que ssu esposa podia ser en un Iu.'ít donde podía tener attencion tal vez mas fácil que en su estación. Bueno Ua. puede estudiar el asunto y avisar a nosotros sus deseos. Sin más por ahora me de mido de Ud» Suyo fé "OI 1 0it» ia^íj.\Í *' ü0¿'l <¡í~ iiiDíj¿,. úiáííl X*íu 1Vt¿ üirf .ft* PET’OPT OF THE ErrCATIONM, *OPK A&TH OT THF UH TlnCACl MIFSIOM THE YE A? . ~jj—pj-7 $555*5 Kari" ■'' ; ^CHOOLS BY LOCATIOÜ FA¥~ OF or of of FALAFY DXSTHICTS TEACHFF WFM Tralnin^ Teacb in r POUATA Main Sohool J.Eustaquio th&wM . ¿ PTn ból O • rrr^> -r •» r%«-« c : ’ '* ’ 7 ■' '-3 « 1ÍM ' 19, 1923 C,Ce Wiloox San Antonio Dearaeoair and family ’ «•* I will write ye i just a few linea this evenin .. evan thou^h I am cuita buey» We are very well riera and wife is iv-ray nursin: and so I am keepi.- house and trying to ¿o a roo! Jjob of it» I here that tris Mil fin i you vell and the vork movin-r nioely. I aent you a week or so a o a furr for your wife pie recaí ve it as a Mft frota wife and I and with ou” best 1933 i®ces, I am sorry I have been so lor ? in findin.r it for you» I will endose s. letter that is some- what ^e^eral that ivea the new.é pretty well. The se ere busy days aa the auditor i a to be here toaarrow and the Union '’up» and so I .u buey :ettinp thinr» líned up for receivin^. thera, I ¡nuat do se for this time and hope that all is well ani that the vork roas fine, Best of wishes, ÜS’TT *¿apooy '.;tc M ______________________ '_____________________________X - ’ . fc Wi________________________________________________.iilMM'i ».»W > tu j^MWWMWi il n |»r WÓiB ■Wn.JHl , . -. . -...._ ;. ... r ~ L^eiHICdíi 3XMdTD ¿Qs-'Qpjud ICHOOr'd BX rOCVHQM ZVHK OK ox P’4 cVFVfeX ------- -----------------------—Tírr— —______Ry^AI-ag.... xetrxe TMa oEbOBl Ok 1hK‘ KDuGV¿IOJ¿¥r wDHK ¿xíE I&uI’irMa Ot ¿HK PVK£ HEPORT O? THE EDUCACIONAL ’OFK A1!O’;1 T”E INDIAFF OF THE L.AKT TITICACA MIF-'ICN ~D~ TEA? X033 MarrlodYe aro xears SCHOOLS BY LOCATION OF OT of of SALARY rTC'TRlCT8 TBACn&R Traininz TeacMni: POMATA Main Rchool J. Eustaquio Wuwsb.a gee^ ox, ^spee* M9.TT sug pp-tir* npG ;áox.K aoea V¡J<* I VJ73£ GJOS'i ¿ÚX 42PJ.J £pi» pobe ÍP^ >Tj ts I P '.-3rP;-'- SPJtfuS jTveq nb goL LGCeya;u¿- Jér |'o po peiG £oj.u. a.$ruq £UG nujou .jaL*1 írtar eo -••--J £P® ve&e bxG^^A MejT* ¿j ; g^Xe I ^TTT gugjobg r jG4?pGx- ípsp: ya aosre. &>'■*,$ cíGi’GXsrj. Xon* 1632 /¿iap«a’ y vnv aox^A r p&ag pggu so j-jg yu ^yngju^ fcjésss xecejA» Tf ss » ifian «JX» sukj i sog «jjp on¿ psa# I a«:;x Ao/: sr MS»á¡t c„ ao a -o ar pis* .¿oí lo.os mtx« $rng ppG .4ox»jr sJOAjiri ryoGrX* 4?o go t .oa.r jo c . r.r* j po!.o jipuí’ jüstjj Aon íH7:T mtig ya ao y . ponaa trag ytAyiyg gasjjjxj . sa-sjj ppondj; y su’ •;ny¿'3 pnal* /¿© a'x.a aoiA /agjt pcxe t .-.yj; Ao.; «r ÍJuea X'j’ye pGT'.-ceaax.ü svg ^trxvTTl ; «* gffXT Vü-POlfTO C’Ca LTTOOLí ■Áre J8> JSS5 Jan. te, te 21 *jláe-T T. •. Optete La Prts teer.r ‘ ?- te :. •: «- This is Sabbath aí'tornooii and as yen sote lae a tele/r I ted wxd fraa Stevens frc. ’ i . ..... te ttey v-.-uld arrivo in Molíalo lasi Sundey and ttete ¿olmston w .-.teng» I expected ttem aíl here test Tuesday. Ttey did liot arrive#* I telegraz ed Thursday to fina out if they nene eming up hera soon.. I had word bael: i'rom Steventí tnat ttey wuld arrive teday. I naturully supposed that Dr< Jotas ton w&s ¿JLcúig ni til Lteu. I nave looked o ver the Hat of passongers to arrive in the terain tonighb ¿nid finí that X>x. Jotas ton is not in tte list. i icubt very mch if he i3 ooming or if he tas. left Lima yet. It be that he is in Tingo. If he shc-uld be in Tingo and v/e con geb him up Mere Tuesdajn shall we sana hi» on the neset Suniay boat. If so let 'js knnw. In the neanwhíle if yon cUeire it i-XJxt ' 7 •. ranged for 3T7 dfe ’to he.Ip out bilí, .he does arx-ive providíng she can leave the Beens. ’lb'.v do not feel that i des iré te pusli ny i-zií'e in en the deai. -Kot in any vMy. X vvouíf eiuch rath^r h...ré her at heme.and am sure ttet sha wuld rather be at heme, but if ste could be o.t’ fióme little Service I tMak she woalcl le ’iling to do ■.h t titile she te oivs» •■'& do not claim tinte ¿he is vú'í”2' dar Advanced in such lineo ¿>nd I :’uula ¿r cii r. ther tiate si e not do any oi th-.t hind. cf ver-k bu'G at the s¿..x- time r#e are hotel here to heli? in the different ■ways that re -.ray be abl( to. ?y wife tere in tow does take a ie>7 cases slmply because thoy carie pleading so hard bnt noi from tes? iré to de so. There are three cases waiting her tere now« They come evory day e&lling for ter. I am glad she is not here for it is a pool ray to yete out cf h?.vinj to attend them. 1 lioxje the .’ork is moving nicely and all is vfoll in you field. We are rell here and able to de a few thiqgs. We are vezy eorry because of the death of sister Blvin. tes mrked off a semitary and burried her there on the farsa ibriday. We are glad she ñied full of courage and hopo of tne comin . 'Oí' the Saviour. >eim J-b not«O:e.rx?>PG ¿^r/jg ps .-.rj jxC . .'• -'.jnpcí xíptígl.. pe :'■? pcws* p5? 77. epe tu cu .ppG cjGPj* . ? tu áxfl i ^onyq ;.5f ' •.. jtpag jrox $?$ jg^ag pw5 p -77.¿G «f.v JXGjC L.-5J 25TJ ;J$ gOG‘3 g’XT-T.AG 7-XOAJp z'TTF , j.- /ap .73 jnJGM* .■ . -.- JJG 7-Z.rTT7 TI -305 <’577J.> J? np prsxG ?-gs-j7 Bonc inrw ou .7x5 ■ ■ '■' pos^* tx so cí ij }/r^ ■ WJCp 7<. PG JS CC-.J/U ■’ OX TX F«- TPJ • ’ ■ 1 jj.’XQ-puppon tp nop Tji p-■ 7‘7-<“ ;■ gonpt1 agxX t uFpíFx^jjX anoT>oa«g ^x#iaínjie.poLT c -rpp ppsn* j SO0XJ* r ' :'.?7£snP -PITO?. X pOjG-XS'XOOf fO 7 TUC OfTp TX «T.jGkl S1GX.9 C0TJTH" £f> JXÓXG X ojo?-3777 '■--? :• gyg -irp í.X7jao*‘ ítxxtao TU rPTj 'S.r ; .7 pG Ts 7J0p* x G*rf V-^? O-?'5UP -r-CV' -p.*;-- •‘•- •’•♦ Müíijr< jjsuo po G.f-srxp tu -^rrf- •£gr'p ¿ qo ncp piop tx tx • ■■■'; JíJaí? J5Xe ^Opjpncu \"■"■■ px* *icgn?apou pe -7 ¿7 5’ VAGT OX 57 3 OO--4 pCTÍ? íp? • pj- 3 JCU'PAX 9* $GToFXe&p X^P $ •’-: ■ Dear br:h}>er heplogle: — 1 will send in Just a line and let you know that a 11 is v/ell and tht we were glad te get a lina from you ajad to know that you ara feelirg; e>orne better. I an sorry that you do not get over thax headache. I would libe to hear that you are feeling fine and able to do & lot of viuitíng. I just retar-ied í ron ¿ae rarm yesterday and we are now puttihg en the rafte^s tru.:e. 1 iielped aaka soma and in i. brother rield Millar and my self maue ene in seven minuete. The calamina lias ar-. úved md le in Juliaca &g you soe «e are re&ly ready xor business theue. I lio pe to see a part of i he rcc.f en this week. I you le ard that Wi-liara Millar took the boat to Hatería ana oü arriving there turnad it over «nd suiáJ£ i\« d.-li i -i Is cut ¿sg¿‘.ixi ¿mu I nava just aáaSü, v.e uiie Motor today bo thal it is in running shspe «gala. Croes at the x&ro a. ■* loo.'C . g 1 me • Cavada is ¿<-wt mg up 'pretty good size and yotatoes are 1 ching fine. □rot-her -¡Iviii is in Arequipa. H s wii’e had a luis-carriage and 1 understand that- the first she hearljr uisd. In a Lelegrame today I understand Ux-J sle is eme te tex. uister .neeler t.x' ’j !x o v -,i m júp o su. 3-íiape. x aiix y ¡jom.y a ur tule for surcly ae^d Mi..' in L^coo Juxt now. We hi;ve no roí d as to trhen brothc-i dteveno wilx arrive. We expeet hir next Tuesclay but I era not cure bnat úe wiil arrive at tñat tima. I have ao?; bnUier Whetxei oc v.ire ue on tneix* a? rival id Tingo so uiiat ,n vúll la.ow how to notify you. Su re we vant you and brotliei* Jaiinger to cobie and oe jL.i ue in th. t coEnaittoe neeting. I .vi 11 ¿vvsnl yoi a wire so yox wüi not fail to kho^ v-hen -úioy vill arrive. leu v/i- be looking for a wire about next Sunday or Monday I üiight hear in time to get you word un ^ri„ay. As to your going to Argentina, I ha/e no light on tñe matter. I have received no vord at all. I am vexy serry to be holding y.ju up this wuy but what can ja do. I .note a long lette on the riatt-j'- ¿xTter sending the cable anel -.vill surely be hearing from that now soon. I o.■/i indeed serr y x oí t axs uelay • There a^e no letters Aero fo:? you so .ve can not send you aiv ^a7 T at Jaustino Ccaxi was in last night wanting to go to Juliaca. I ais o received a lexter frou Martin Velasquez at the same túne telling me that he had pxoof that the boy had com.-itted aduloery xvith three girls ove on the island vhere he taught last year and liad promi sed one to run off with her and live with her instead bx* his vdfe. I *xbaiuí ivo’i lo bnxl ion bib i ‘isbnow i^iai sH.xíiovmU ni aurfi jXxiíw airu/ooox» sríJ qu Qnxxosdu ixi axrli ■^¿iíoorío I noíU jju iocíoíoO ni ©rí ixiiío ¿¿a oíixíxíjGÍ oiíJ oJ ¿jiíxb’ioos e¿ u íhj o o o x> lrt the ocuae. He ha© found hihiself ahead at Limes out could not account for the same but this shows that he has had four hundred soles and used the sarao and now he will need to enter this and oharge the same to his pr^onrl account. I crly check the Iranoh ^ash nt itement with Puno one or &o times a year so did not notice it until I cheoked up the last of the year.There was a iiáference oi‘ four hundred soles in our account and his in Uuuchi.He rni^t v/onder why I did not find this in checking up the accounta while there in October ou then 1 was simply chccking his acccunta aoording to the balance» that he had on his Jranch cash and not in rgference to Puno accounts or i:ioney rece i ved. \~rxrr " i aia writing the a.ove as really an explanation to him but writc it to you so he can have it vdien ready to rtrun and get under the ourden of things again. 5 b 1 o i « ¿i. h. s ■i, > ,/ith iüuoh lo ve to you allal r ena in .irioS, obn ¿ X X o Your son, •siaríton. ‘X&O& ynittg JXG uov ti nt bx-xs £íe I x* bntí o:. «pbniílXo^ ni xXooin gnc-Xn od hxswiol gnixooX oís bnjs siarft 3¿úd acsXt 1c XXn i ;tít teuit l.noltsoxív isliriai ruó suco bas tsl btus boog J-.g ot sjhx-, jtf fiiw uo^ •CSGI ©tí# gniiub Xicm boog iol V>£31 itona nt^á svuri uov; tntít ©üu/ssiq X ©t.eiw vtíi’ .siento ©tít bíw án^vath lantoic. Qniob x»i£ ©i .títAX ©tí# obnoxio^, ni nsso svntí * tígx a. ÜíOO Ou íiiOílu j’Og 3 uivXüÜOt XX& Xb&O'tlx? o*retí sis Q’ic-uOO'xib otíj- xo 3f.ioa iol •xe#cia lo Isiorafxod# iol oisrí nsse gniveri •nivX-i I^iíosH oi íiolinoui irígiiH noY istí bjaattx>ni3oXn^i *stí#o*ia jjsiü wohíí •lavo ex -ii ltrie hoí *..= •■ te serr jiioi?. "'£.‘V¿’íí 101 W0H tnsv^x ot jgiitiiw ton I atí tiro noitxianv sití liora ot r[3h +on oh X *ro i auvnuX otí fj^tít itiit stít tx/oaxi wonsí ot triduo Xl^tía I oe oruj ni gniqqote ton ai ©tí vol uxiotí XfcXXX^MXSCCM..-'»>XKX>t¿3K taxíd.flíiH XX©t ot 3Í0ÍS 3cf tCfi oháí-I ¿xoil Síiloe úsxhnutí iJtol bjviuo^i ©xf ’^XnL eH .oxica Jíít ot büXií x bnu tísasb tíom id iol ú¡on bXx/oü vVu ñjáütís xX-Jaíúiíí bríÁ/ol áh&íí 8tótí ©tí tx¡tít awotíe siríj’ tno atíd 10*1 fíxirooos woa hnx! osisg ©tít b©ax; lux.; asíoa baihnutí mol bntí ot ornea otít s^mtío brw eitít lotns oj beon XXi^ ©tí tíoasxf ©tít Ycsdo I 4nno kv. XincE:^- aif Ts$^ s aoxiiit o’t io ©no oniid. títiw tnom¿ tst^ tíajiv ■ W. A. SP1CER, PRESIDENT O. MONTGOMERY, V1CE-PRESIDENT FOR SOUTH AMERICA ^CRETARIES FOR DEPARTMENTS FOR SOUTH AMERICA C. P. CRAGER EDUCATIONAL SAB BATH-SCHOOL M1SSIONARY VOLUNTEER A. A. CONE PUBL1SHING HOME MISSIONARY A. G. DANIELES, SECRETARY W. H. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER FOR SOUTH AMERICA WB GENERAL COWSMTCB OF SEVENTB-DAY ADVENTISTS HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., U, S, A, SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION FLORIDA, F C. C. A. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA J. L. SHAW. TREASURER J. W. WESTPHAL. Fíelo Secretary FOR SOUTH AMERICA TERRITORY ARGENT1NE BRAZIL CHILE SOLIVIA PARAGUAY ECUADOR URUGUAY PERU FALKLAND ISLANDS Cable Address “DIVISION.” BUENOS AIRES CODES: A. B. C. 5TH EDIT10N Western Union 5-letter Jan. 50, 1925 Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 8% Puno, Perú. Dear Brother Colburn: Answering your letter of November 17. In this you mention your desperate need for mission station men. Today, in our executive committee, it was voted to ask two young men in the Argentino to respond to your cali. I believe that Brother Stevens is well acquainted with both of these men. Their ñames are Francisco Brouchy and A. R. Dennis. I shall not write you at length concerning them, more than to say that I expect them to be in your field before many weeks. We were sad to learn of the death of Sister Elwin. These are sad experiences for the thin line of workers who are trying to hold the advance posts. No doubt you have received our cable in which we ask you to return Replogle as soon as possible, with the plan that he shall return to your field in June. Sister Replogle is very anxious to return and we believe that a furlough of five months for Joe will do him good. We are hopeful that we shall be able to give you a special appropriation for your new training school. We are anxiously awaiting further word from the General Conference. Hoping too for the pleasure of seeing you before many weeks, and with sincere regards to all the workers in that field, I remain WHW-mc Sincerely yours, Jonuary 31,1923 Señor L.L.Clark, Moho,Perú. Bear Leaant;- It is aoout time for you to return fnoa your vadation so will begin to write you acout things of the Mission. I am passing along a slip Ohat has come to hand from Honorato Bailón which we do not feel like paying. Do you know arything about a oill that he had paid himself on that side of the lake. Pleade give us any Information that you may have. You may wond er why I wrote to mother and not you about the four hundred soles. 1 only though that she could tell you just before your vacation was ended and then you would hot have this extra worry just as ±hx you were finiohing up. I tlyjught you could know it Just before coming up the hill.Piense sport this against your account on the next report made and al so the s/165.00 which is charged to Branch Cash. I have your order for pictures but we shall not be making any until. If you dfcsire to buy a half groas ol ards and three tutes of developer and will stand one third of the cost of the films we will not charge you anything for making the pictures.Gussie and I could do it some night. I will cióse for this time,Trusting that you are rturning to Umuchi strong for servios, I remain Sincerely your toother, Cable Addrbss NERACAR FORMÉ 1 SÜBJECT: NER-A-CAR CORPORATION 196 SOUTH GEDDES STREET SYRAGÜSE, n. y. January 31,1933 Home Missionary Dept, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: I acknowl edge your favor of the 39th inst and have pleasure in enclosing herewith, catalog of the Neracar together with a copy of the folder describing the recent transcontinental trip of Cannonball Baker. I am happy to advise that we have sold a number of Neracars to missionaries for use in the foreign fields and from the letters we have received, our machine is exceptionally well adapted to this clase of service, particularly as the broad fenders and the manner in which si 1 of the moving parts are enclosed makes it possible for the rider to travel in ordinary costume as it requires no special clothing as is the case in the conventional tyne of motoreyele. In addition to this, the low center of gravity of the Neracar makes it very well adapted to the rough uneven and narrow roads in the many places where missionaries must travel. If you were in a position to use a number of Neracars, we would be agreeable to quoting you the lowest export price, providing machines were shinped to countries in which we had no agencies. Up to the present time, our sales efforts have been concentrated on the European and far eastern countries and we have done nothing as yet in México, Central or South America. We have recently complete! a contract covering the Dominica Republica so it would be impossible for us to quote you on machines for use in Santo Domingo. Our price to you for the Neracar boxed for export f.o.b. rail New York City is as follows: Neracar with luggage carrier Neracar with luggage carrier and seoond brake, hand controlled $152.50 ISO.00 Approximate weights and measuremente: Machines Net Weight Groes ^eight Cubic in “box in lbs, in lbs. Feet 1 190 385 45 2 380 S85 73 I would appreciate it very much if you would advise me the countríes in which you are interested and the approximate number of machines you would possibly wish to purchase during 1923. I will require this Information as the output of the factory is practically sold for 1923. Beginning the middle of February and running thru to July, there will be a very heavy drain on us for machines for use in the domestic market and it will be necessary for us to take care of our dealers during this period so if you wish to purchase a number of Neracars, it would be necessary fbr us to know the quantity and the approximate delivery dates so that we would be in a position of looking after your requirements and assuring you of deliveries. All Neracars are sold cash against shipping documenta, New York City. If payment was to be made from Washington, it would be possible for us to obtain the exact charges for transfer from rail to boat, cost of consular invoices etc and ocean freights, after which we could advise you and you could remit to us covering the entire cost. We would then arrange to ship machines thru to destination. Trusting I have given you the Information re-quested but assuring you it would be a pleasure to answer any of your questions, I am, EKG:NSB Yours very truly, January 31,1923 deñor W. W.Wheeler. Arequipa,Perú. Bear Brother Vheeler:- With this I aia sending a freight for the flakes which I sent you and also a set of croquet bilis and mallets. These belong to the workers and are for general use. I really believe that it might b better to use four halle and latsfcer when these were in bad shape use four others.This money was raised among the workers and 1 have had it in charge for one year. I ought to have sent the bilí sooner but was away for a few days. In answer to your letter of Novmber 30 will State that the ñame of Maria L.Morales de Santillana is on our oooks and she is a good and faith-ful member.Demetrio Peralta is not on our oooks out the ñame of bis mother Petronila Peralta was fcken in at the beginning of the churoh here. As far as we know she is faithful although she does not often attend the Services here.She paye tithe,takes our papers and buys three or four quarterlies for the family each quarter.I understand that the ooy does not work on the Sabbath but do not have personal knowledge at this writing. Your order for papera carne to hand and these were given directly to Brother Mohr and he sent the arder at was a bit later to start with the January Atalaya but he mentioned starting with that numoer. Your courteous and Christian reply to my rather sarcastic letter carne to hand.I wish to assure you that I harbor no personal feeling -and shall be glad to see you when on the way to Moliendo next Wednesday.l will pasa directly to moliendo but shall plan for a short time at Tingo on the return.^e may not be able to get the same viewpoint of things but we can at least work together as bethren. With sincere bst wishee,! remain Sincerely your bnother. JebruarjP 1,1923 Señor »í.H¿V/illiams, buenos Aires, r^entina. Bear brother Mlliams:- Soné tiñe a ;o Brother mohr ordered some ^KalamazoQ** oinders for our Philips wrote co me about it saying that they could not find this auraoer in the city. I would appreoiate your ordering the se from the States if they can not be scured there.These are the one recommended ay mrother mohr. Please order 1 wiialaiaa2oot’ Ao.13987 Style rtC* and also 1 ** No.13988. These are the numbers that Brother Uohr mentioned when writing to me and 1 bel leve that the se will be found on the order which he sent. brother mohr is still with us and working on the oooks. líe plana t.. be through in about a week. Brother Stevens and brother /ilcox went to Urcon on the last train.lhe priests tried to run us out out we immediately appealed to Lima and it was taken up in the House of Congress oy ore of our friends and an action was put through givlng us full guárateos in that part.The Cuzco prefect wac against us# The president hámself sent us a Oradlo telling us that the Cuzco prefect had toen given right instruotions. brother Dalinger has Leen asked to take the Urcos Miseio and wé have arranged for A.C.Bord to go to Poiuata and A.H.?ield to llave. This leavcs three of our main staticns ithout foreign directora and some of the others with men fchat or~ considered bxt weak. Our coríimittee took a definite action ,/ith ncarly all workers present to stay oy the work even if it bcame necee ary to go without sal ry for two or more months at the end of the year. Looping forward to your visit,l remain bincerely your bother, L. D. M1NNER SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA “ADVENTISTA”-LIMA CASILLA 1002-LIMA J. W. COLE SEC. Y TESOR. Casilla 252 Arequipa Perú February 2, 1923 Eider E. H1 Wilcox Casilla 85, Puno Dear brother Wilcox, Your telegram was received too late Wednesday to order the calamina that day, but you will see by the enclosed slip that it was ordered yesterday. They promi sed to get it to the station yesterday in time for the train leaving this morning. Hope it will be received in good time. They promised it at the same $3.00 price per sheet. In the list of expenses caused by the death of sister Elvin I should have included a mattress. The one that was on her bed had to be burned. If the Misión Lago Titicaca will furnish the wool we will see that it is washed and made into a mattress here. You can buy the wool cheaper up there thay we can down here. To make a good mattress will require 40 kilos of wnwashed wool. It will weigh much less once we havé washed it. Because of a telegram received yesterday, Bro. with family Kalbermatter plans to start back^to his field tomorrow. Through others I understand that the Clark family will reab. here from Moliendo this evening. In this same mail I am sending first fánancial report of the Arequipa group to brother Colburn. Seems good to have headquarters a. little nearer. www All well. Best regards. Yours E. H. WILCOX SÜFaRlNTSIÍDENTB DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA H. M. COLBURN SEC. Y TESOH. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. Feb. 3, 3 Sñmo, Colburn Moliendo Lear brother; — I will write you a few linee today and get off in the Sunday*mail. I guess you know by this time that I have been in Arequipa and the results of my visit there. I feelthat if we get the mules we have bought well broke that we will have a very good team for the farrn. I bought me a horse for I felt that I must have one béfore beginning the summer or winter work and just as soon as possible I will send my mulé to Urcos and there let brother I&áinger use her and hope to se 11 her there. That way I will be able to pay for my new horse. I also bout a little báslce which I hope may serve as a mi salón horse for Puno. Has a good pase and young and good. Fvery thing is moving fine at the farrn and the school and all seem to be satiéfied. Brothei? Mann is á good teacher and taking right hold. Brother Thompson is doing fine also. W e now have the valley finished between the two roofs and the rain can nat get in. The valley surely is a good one and well plced. We are working roads there every day now. We have fourty boye working four hours a day on the roads every day. We hope* to have some good roads out to the place. Brother Millers horse makes a fine cart Jdorse and is making the trips to town with the cart right along now. B rother Alberto Santallano and his family is leaving Us for good on the Sunday train. It makes things a little hard here in the office but hope we will get some one to take his place soon. I am now doing the dispaching and the like. Also feeding horses. When I am not here my wife is doing it. We had no trouble about the matter but for some reason he ask to be red&ased and I thought test to let him go if he felt like he would like to leave. We wish him success and hope that he will prove true to the truth where ever he may go. I have taken about enough of his things to pay his debt. I would like for you to look over the young man ¿n Moliendo that desired to work for us. I think is ñame is Cardones, You know the ne. that I was talking about, His ñame is J. Leónidas Cárdenas. How I think that it would be best not to arrange with him for work just now but to look him over and consider for your self his ability and see what you think of the fellow. Personally I would rather have the Germán that is up at Urcos if he would be the right kind of a man and line up right. i feel that he isa more energetic and more able fellow and yet willing to sweep floors and do most any kind of work. I do not know how the • • Cárdenas boy would te on sweeping floors and keeping things in good shape around the office. Then too we have a risJfi to run in that perhaps he would not be able to live he re. Look him over and see- what you think of the man and I am get ring in touch with the Germán on the matter and when yoi re tur n we will decide as to which we feel would be the best for the place, We do not want a dead letter in the place but should have a live wire. D emetrio peralta has backed out on teachihg in the school. He, says hé is afraid that he will not be able to do it. so I guess we can not count on him for the place. I do not think thet he would serve as a helper in the store either for he would want one of us to sweep the floor for him every day I fear. I su cose they have t,oíd"you of the new that two workers will soon be here to fill vacancies. Both are from Argentin. One man and his wife are now on the way and another fatnily wrll soon be on the way. The man is an american but-has an argentin wife. They will not have to learn spanish but can entex* on the ir duties at once. I am sujrely glad for this good news. With this help I feel that we will be able to handle the work here thi-s year, Eider Stevens knows nothing about this as yet. Brother Williams passed the goce word on to me in a re cent letter. * ■ ’ ■ * I will cióse for this time and hope that all is well and that you are mfetking the best of your vacation. Since re ly your brother 6 9X eó Señor G. Herís Urces Muy «eñor nuestro; -• Peb ?1 3, de 19 3 acTisH .0 'ronsS SHB fciuptífg ; o t i 3 aun *i o ñsn x¿jlí : í, t sil ccm el fin de saluda a Ud. y avisar a- Ua. qt-'é todavía estaros esperando a co Ud. gp„.se que ña pasado pero espero que nin$ una desgracíe ña caído sdbre tJd<_ I'spebo .qué Od. >se-enéuentr bien de salud;>. ' er-,.. ¿ ¿¿ornáis-o 0Jr . .bu sev Xbj .svo.!nsb ua sb nom o*n siS- iVpqip >.úcñ qué Údl' nprñ.a'.^bdldo én antes pero tal ve al ¿una' coéápha~ eftphdi&O’ B^ud^ ñé mandado una carta a Quiquijana para saber deJÜcG de aquclj; Ipjrer 5Í' H íTd*-- e- J-'* -en yuiouijana o en - Uws,- Deseo ‘de?.que' uS'ZÍéUcubñtra 'mi cai,tá: en una de asnan„oo xa Oíreiíií on.yx. no i-cs p -p^tr xt ^awf^,-7* ¿jT-aJL^ve^ Uo... p.xepsu., vp.., .^(é dpririisiadd/diardc/ '•péro ;nd’ ee- asío Si' v^ser bien cumplido en todas bus promesas e Todo depende de Ud. y sus deseos. Uo queremos exej’ir a • p-VJ A%XL“£♦ se siente . -.. . .. .eu •:rosP."u’Eri^|ur no podemep. .QjCréice'/ a lgf.c ‘iríicba.4jla’tfx añora- tar sus sué'Mo por sus cismas obras. ’ “ f J'\,_ 1' . S in mas por ahora me despido de Ud¿ esjefando recibir carta de Ud. en el próximo correo y mejortodavia ver a U¿. llegar eñ este tren sí ss posible. De Ua. atto. y SS. SS. • c .8-: Y .ojíb .bU sj ensvsdS.U.H 31der H. n. stevens IsJanJM oí sniyyd ion ase I «io! Mpvssl brus V-t-njEl 3 id 8£.ndtsl c iií lo ríguuifo íuods ÍÍÓO.^W 9\£.£Í OÍ 9TKXÍ ££ Xg» O7 HfJí I « 9JrUGSOC? $£» ÍIO08 brtJB ~¿g ‘ i’Oíuaírx’ bns JkteJo «in m¡ i3t.a^xf . Owi u 701 b s qqso - y timí 3THd t.Gíli edos^dln? exíc lo iaiX a ^nlioXons cxs I La pas solivia .¿L irn.'ci, ..-jo >o.i. 70? .-_•<• ■ .-. ? oj ■> ■■-xlrirU 1 ixoso clq’1 snoavoq b9da 933 ns evsíí I Dear broVner: ■■— od bXnow íi tedí 3?Mjb í'-lMsl Pu»o and buay. Br’other ysebr. injiere áraá. is £s¡eli;ng- pretpy ■■ ^ . ■goal ahd K.uing hai-tí., $6 ii^e \nut you /: "' ng XÚ'-Ti-C ■ ■ U L-XlíXb- SHVíTlJ' C«¡.ííi’fe.: BCJC VílUp i>iií? Wj£ U'-tT? Í¿5 - t-.-..: , • ■ uH£? ion ob I #'r. to r,'y , 1 nc for i he cüiPcnCÁon thatsib planned. ul 1 heve suggested persone fPX> each subject. I think >het i i vi 11 raake a pret. «y good Une í«a«& . topar <- 7. tila i it nay prove a sueco es. Of conree the whole thing i s ’-Uítfh- wggvbtl ou. I have felt that it would ce best f oh-ne ¿o nct he on'vñe pregracie‘and tope >hí.í you vriri f&elsto ahout thc --atier., X. • ay¿ Agre all* the- time ne*?c dio-, i• I un sure -■; be c per for be re. I do not moni to shirk duly tal ¿ce .eure. that you vill agre© with me in tul s mauter tilia time» So I'-tharlc you ve-ry.’-much' in vdvunc.s¿. ¿ "q. X9111 t'^ur’j'h -feor*c ’.hx-j ;—*¿- ■ :’g8- f -i'ííPi- tíviú vvB. au^ixt cji nave r^á«iy+ -hbr>> an ve h;iw. •dánrí^.9.-4s4B.yan.?Jthc ’-ighr g i .-m ;tvlr IX .1áteLvsoi&ehih> heo’e aréck tte *’tf :• v . -I-X v? ycarc-ll Mv Ldt fe T-no.“; n? a'ooxi a.;7 givr.v.lie ju¿'; \7hx.t ito px'vg-raíne hb vo- tt^-t can isnt xiórd uur they vi-lL h>^-e time lo procvTh I leir pár¿ bsí'ore (jQ-üíng® .1 oegañ ;s- rvlh ,.tho ¿toxel jjyra to. tíh-vi .c-X'O of all yesterday, I ;hink í.-h-^t l. ■. can ce arrangeó and i» .50 or thrce < soles: a ti.áy a person. ; xhin£s att the ■fai^Ki a'f* TOQving Tiiá's.íy and ■ schovl u^oing ■’ ^ííXj oí odJ no won eus s'iiw bns ■'cdosoaS ooaion^vl Jjsdí síivT peía oH x:.vt í 1c v.e’Si.í -i hy x£áur¿tasotifo qlsrí oí xjbw aríJ no ed noo© aaX.s íiiw axnnsG «fí.A X xfí oí sxjb ce Ííít ©V' .boog ebnvos ísiíJ .stsíi an ne/e tqX«»£i bebbs exrií xídiw gsv smoa atxow ahí sXbnnií Síid nano errf eiií:. .ai evscf nXsoiía blsiH TerfdOTcf H^í/odí X&sl I ,«.pU enice ni bsvlsoai svnxí I Xnríd aven íasd' . lo br. >1 órriv< wrf^ áor oh I flsW «AVIV tsnlínoxía oaíií ovütü ÍI*w <;.hj Jbsiio eaoii lira od XxXw ^exU aTSSíaov .fci'oyj eax¿q ^nbr;n8 oni no as hnivxsí si crrJ fnínsa ©ítscTI A dd Gvssf oj bTüooG.nKO GÍd lo bebíosb ssrí sfí .ni^Tí oa brw .ddxcsií eiíí lo esirnoocf v..LXuéoeqee eTerf sítow j’ebruary 4,&923 Señor G.A.bchserin, Arequipa, -terú. Oear brother bchwerin:- A few Ítems considered in our last committee meeting will oe of interest.The question» were as follows 1- Hent of House ¿or 1922.Voted that G*A. óchwerin be allowed a refund of S/6.00 per month for a period of six iiionths or a total of ^/¿G.OO. 2-3 pent for. the entertainment of sub* prefect a sum of b/oO.OO. Voted that G.\. Bchwerin be asked to present an itemized account of the amount spent which could oe presentad to the uditing board. 3-Losb of hcrse.Voted that on account of the gge of the horse and the years of Service it had given that it does not seem advisable to ask the auditing ooard for a refund on this animal. 4-Loss of excdange 1922. Voted that .brother Schwerin be allowed the loss rported on exchange for 1'22, (This matter was seriously discufc&ed this amount was not rported before the Huancané books were closed and audited in Qctober.Another action was taken asking our hission directors watch their exchange so as to avoid loss to the Aission and where there is a small loss that it be rported in the month which it nxxuxxtópt occurs.) b-hission boy Huancuné. Voted that G.A.bchwerin be allowed Inocencia ^aroa for a . isoion bey, órLatcr the matter of work to finish one room and a shed for fuel and girls room was consider* ed.As the amount for work as rported during the months of hovember and iecemoer was sufficient to cover the work done that the us/230.00 for labor during the first part of January be ngt^UJL&wed until a full report be Pr'-S%^ed..^.. It would seeiu tnat some laXluáke had peen made inasmuah as all the work pr^viously done on the ¡juildings had not cost more than this amount. Trusting that the auove actione meet with your approval,! remain ..ecretary of the ^ission. 5 de Febrero de 19°3. Sr. Pedro Kalbermatter, Laro. F s t imado he nnano: Quedo mu; contento de haber recibido su carta con fecha ^7 de rnero, y saber que Ud. yá ha regresado de la Argentina y ha encontrado la obra andando bien en su Estación. He recibido cartas de Condorcpyo y haupa-Baiopa y parece que ha; un poco de persecución por alia, o a lo menea están persiguiendo a nuestros hermanos, y estoy pidiendo al Sr. Prefecto aquí, para que ellos tengan garantías. Ho obstante estas persecu* ciones, todos ellos están de buen ánimo. Me quedo muy contento saber esto. Si, sentimos bastante la falta de cosecha este año, y parece ^que es general. Regresando de una visita por el lado de Huancane y Umuchi, he notado que en ellos se siente bastante la falta de lluvias; parece que todo va a ser un ano muy malo; pero por esto nosotros do debemos desanimarnos, porque la Biblia enseña que han de ser todas estas cosas en el fin de este mundo, y mas bien esto debe enseñarnos a entregarnos más complejamente a Dios En cuanto a las vacaciones para su esposa^ deseo avisar a Ud. que nosotros no hemos cambiado el plan, y su esposa tiene complejo derecho de bajar a Tingo con sus hijos, y también ella puede ir a doliendo si desea o quedar en Tingo. Ud. tiene el permiso de bajar a Arequipa para ayudarla con sus niños, si Ud. desea. Supongo qu en este tiempo será algo difícil hallar lugar en la casa de Tingo, pero creo que pueden arreglar para ella de alguna manera, y creo u que si ella baja ahora mismo sería mejor. Con esto voy a dejar el asunto con Ud. y Uds. pueden arreglar la fecha en que quieren bajar y será más conveniente para ella. Sin más por ahora, 1 e despido de Ud. Suyo en la fe EHW/vai .Je oru ary 6,1923 Jear rrother Levan U* X »€ceived your letter iu which y u mention your f i nance»* 1 am surely sorry fc-r you and the situation in which you find yourself *Remeiaber the cid caying ’’ «hile there is Ufe there Ib hopo”. I realize that it is going to take a strug gle to pay this off now. After one has been in a place for two years they aro a bit short on o¿- si la ©b ^leujc I e'isbluoi qJ gnilliw Os4í ©xoax xas I .Yiiiidieaowasi' >br>n^ m'W x ■ *"G Ha oi&xic ejnhy qiQít o¿- n£0 i ÍlA\ Pebruary 7,1923 í wixrno ^&stu eo m h&oxTa I Xool ' ¿ \ ' Señor ü ., Puno ,> es®.* Bear Broóher tilcoxs-, I meant to ask you one question befóle leaving but X forjot about it unt:.l the train had.k leí t tae st: tion or ai least you liad left. The question is do you renember when you paid the rent in Moliendo and had I not better pay for anothex three nonths in crder to be cure of the place,That is if he will rent to us. Was it forty s r 9 soles or forty two per month that you paid for the roous. I have had a good trip dow.If noth-inj prevente I plan to get off a bunch of letters and jther things. I am anxious to get out 9 a general sheet of Information about Branda Cash as 1 have planned for a long time, How about anohiez-Puno Briefs.I could send back material for three or four sheets if you are interested in getting out no tío r soon. 9 Picase do not think that I an not in-terasted in the work at Juliana because I nct jw± say much. I am willing to talco my share of the respon* sioility and to help in any way possible but just have y / * hOt 11OW --O de nuch. - /'/ 1 re^Xize th...t tie burden of things rest on shoulders £ut I surely desire to do roy part and y¿t xhirk responsibility. I an more than willin¿ to do //all I can to help with thin ;s there in Puno but 1 ’ feei that I should not be nado church eider. * Prayin-s that the Lord may give both you ahd your vzife health and sbrength,!* resaaiifv* onxj’i, Very sincereÍLy-your brother, nx.sio fcdd L.. erw ó i vizodb Jo ¿-sol X Jjjd ^aivzsel b; .hoy tocel is 10 aoit Jo eo. C JleX r¿ ob ai not joaee e laJJod ion I bi&jf hna obnaXXoM ni Jner ontbXocr ohi io oa od oj- ni i<£Jíxaia c-oidJ ejríéoxu rol ex c,^¡ .eu o i énex líiw M 11 ai é^ - ' ■ * ■ - •amooi eat -xlvon ll.fwrob boo|¿ b¿n¡ ovbxí X aieiieX lo donxíd lio Jtt oJ I ^inewxq a¿ii W1FQ V C’¡¿j üv 6 . , . . ',. GiíiJ :> V ¿?e | axj xla^O rfoxteiü ijjocfe hoxJ^tsrolfíi lo Jeoda X^ienea js isxU’Qfxs od¿y v/oH .sídív gnoX s -xol, LchíioXc ovxmí. i eexdj rol irire ton M.orsd bnoa bino o I.uleixh oievl Jxzo ¿yxx.lvSj? £ii hsjaeredni &r¿? uoy li ai&sxxe mol ro •noce r alJon _ •ni ion I üüdJ ¿fiixíJ Jon cJ> sbásoX^ ^sm v on x ’■,.- a eo^ser exíá lo o^xaiía ot ^rtiXXJtw ¿aa X.Kow y-S£ a. Jxkí ©Xdlaaocr qXsií oi rna Otilia i a E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SUrBRINTHNDBNTB DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA" Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEO. Y TESOR. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. ano, Bebruary 7,1923 Señor ¿.H* WILCOX, Puno,Eerú.’ <• Dear Brother Wilcox:- I meant to ask you one question before leaving but I forgot about it until the train had,± left the station or at least you had left. The question is do you remember when you paid the rent in Moliendo and had I not better pay for another three months in order to be sure of the place.That is if he will rent to us. Was it forty s soles or forty two per month that you paid for the rocías. I nave had a good trip down.If noth-f ing prevente I plan to get off a bunch of letters and do a few other things. I am anxious to get out f a general sheet of Information about Branch Cash as I have planned for a long time. How about another Puno Briefs.I could send back material for three f or four sheets if you are interested in getting out anotle r soon. Please do not think that I am not interested in the work at «Tuliaca because I not rá say much.I am willing to take my share of the respon-sibility and to help in any way possible but just have not known how to do much. I reqlize that the hunden of things rest on your shoulders &jut I surely desire to do my part and not shirk responsibility. I am more than willing to do f all I can to help with things there in Puno but I feel that I should not be made church eider. Praying that the Lord may give both you ahd your wife health end strength,! remaixT 4 Very sincerély your brother, T'/ L. D. MINNER SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA “ADVENTISTA”-Ll M A J. W. COLE SEC. Y TESOR. MISION PERENE Colonia del Perene, La Merced, Chanchamayo, Perú. La Misión Peruana DE LOS Adventistas del Séptimo Día JUNTA DIRECTIVA L. D. Minner J. W. COLE R. R. Coble F. A. STAHL A. STAHL, CASILLA 1002-LIMA Cesar López DIRECTOR -glg-b rf 1923 F. F. OSORIO Mr E.H.Wilcox, Puno. Bear brother Wilcox; I have just written to brother Colburn and aent him a copy of our inventory of furniture alelo a list of the books which we have án the deposit at the re%t home. We are in hopes brother wilcox that youfolks will be.ríoward the suggestion that we have rseté-made about this furniture and stock of books whiah we wouldn like to see you take over with the te ritóry that previously belongd to this mission. I will say that as there seems^ to be almost nothing there in the way of members we have yoted to disbánd the church as was suggested by brother Wheeleí- and*will try 'and send you a lisi of the faithful members that we can kecoiamend. I think that will be the best plan, ^hen $ou can begain with what you actually have and I hope under God will beable to develope the worh more than we have been able to do. There are some isolated members who you will want to cor1923 •Boctbr S.T.J'ohnxstoñ^, ¿ur .fruí I .comí? xíojjg t> t £JS*XqXo O CXlv' X.0 SPfF PunotPerú á te « viubu í xíoí’í e xídil g gyd ir.ings started* I trust tM t you have the best of success in the getting -of things. stdrted the re and as a tht th medical work will tobe new life in the Laica Titicaca dicción Field. -ith all the siskness tM t we see around us the re is no question but TThut there is great /ork to do in all of the se countries where there is such a lack of sanitation and health regula-tions.I surely des iré to gte you any help that I can in this 9 work as f&r as the office lina is concemed.I believe ta t 9 it would be well to get a few Branch Cash reiiort blanks and report on these. You could anter the money received 9 xxssn. Lima and otilar income tía t may cañe in and also put down that spent for rent and the like on the othr ide. 9 Brolle r líohr hs nade up the complete labor re- port for the year. This shows your salary sometí ing like S/3220«0Qíáfor the year. I Imow that you have not had a 9 9 complete report on salary the same as sane others so it has 'been impossible to pay all of your tith® for the past year»! will be able to give this list to i 1 on my return aa d then we shall have a chance to check up on this. The extra ten 9 poncent being allowed us in the v/ay it has of © ursc has n..;-de it impossible for all of us to check up on this natter. Same have naid in lurn suris the s ne as you have because hiey di did not knów*How don t think for a minute tht I r. . ny critcisn to offer for it is much easier all a» und seaing that you have been av/ay and Broths r Mohr and I both thought you -jould be fiad to leño i your total saJary for the year. The balance of your account fer the end of December 1925 st/nds at S/100/86 to your crédito are havinf carnaval here in Hollando for ¿he re xt tteee days. It keeps people busy getting away from the flour and water at such times. I und-r stand.:•thatotbty8h^^o§^opped the use of the colorad water. • ’ K oiiuU ell I raust ¿les e. With sincere bes¿ wishes, . -tnofumío’C hodooG aheC I remain ;.'IOLÍ uoy sMxl slríd ó jsU swssvox I ’ X■ > “ T fV- 4 -" ^ *" '*'■ * v ■ Binvere-ly yourr- brother, o i . s _f:r;r w.„v x0 0 S x OvJ O'*X eij +•••- o x íidx® .bfer^ • noieeiM so^oidiT-eiLsJ siíd. ni slií woh - 1 • * w .-^VwV Cí ¿ tíí rvoiloí í.hStrasono£> el eail ojüibií aaso Alípna < ír¿ c. iXsw scf £Xwo7. hevieos-t Ye«oflT exíi- ^c+na -fcXirao uoY .sasAí .7j ■ • j.4. v......i. ujüíxv r¡?rox> ,,í?. ¡mi aflixtwoe xssísa «urox awoiís eiriT «i¿ 301 íxtflj * x.. r: fou &w¡i jjo'j Aariá ivoctí I .xs&x <■-•.' xo'lXOC.OSSó'^ ... nítuísu hju «o í i¡ oí í axu ® to earf ti Xsw ai Rí¡ ¡^oíxs stüe'cf ínss,asXO$pGX XPW&8W:* yry * y sx.fí * gouox BT*^poneooiT* ( ^epTffS'xá TT*J3$2 H. M. COLBURN SEO. y TESOH. E. H. WiLCOX SUPERINTENDENTE • í .1» ¿ECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” Misión del Lago Titicaca de to® ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO MA DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. February 11,1923 Señor E.H.Wilcox, Puno ,Peru_ Dear Brother wilcox:- I have taken time to write to some of the boys about their account^s showing their balance for the si d of December. I am sorry not to have gotten out statements for all but readly did not have any time after Brotbe r Mohr left and I about had my hands full while he was there. I will go over each individual^ account or make statement ffír those that ca,re for th them when I retum. Mrs.Colburn is greatly interested in the suc-cess of the Bnglish Sohool for this year.It is going to be hard work and she would like it to have a good start off from the first day.I know tía t you are more than busy but perhaps you would 'take time to listen to a few suggestions tía t she has made. > As matriculation has been mxas' started in oth r schools she would like to have us begin as soon as pos-) sible so as to get tice most desirable. When we write to oíd pa-trons we might telü them that the y would have preference but that no place would be held.She muid very much like to the twenty five begin the first 'week rather than to enter over a period of the first month. It tabes so much time to visit with new patrons and te get new students started tat this will mean much to the school. It will be much easier fer Mrs.Colburn if she can have Victor or Demetrio» She really prefers not to have the sister of Maria.Discipline will be much harder if there is a girl teacher especially if it is María or her sister for the older boys of last year were very much put out with María.I would prefer to see oíd students pay up befare being -aaeeptéd for this year. Especially accounts like tía t of ¿uiroga.Could a cash payment -system be put into effect this year in »a small school.At the time of matricula,!ion we could ask for the matriculation and onemonth in a.dvance.It vo uld not be hard to make a few statements for each month ad I will be there quite steady for the first month shx. You can count on 25 in the 'School without our boys. We cannot afford to send them this year. .ve will need to sa^our hundred soles that it would cost and cali it a child allowance to buy cíothes. The older Espinar children would like to come but of course they cannotbe accepted.We have h ard from si™. slrl of in the school. That is as monitor» Our plan is toreturn the sixt^L and to start school the twelfth. This will gir e a few days in vil ich to move. I trust that you will keep an eye on the Ríos and see that they do not fall down on the moving stunt. They have promised to get out by the 28th or sooner and I hope that they do it.This would give us a, few d^ys to olean up before thebeginning o^ Bhhool. Our friend that owns the place here is desirous of letting us have ais back lot forta peiipd,of fifteen year to build a house on.If it could be build up a ways in my estima-} tion it might be better than the front fo r it wuld be prívate. Wash rooms and store rooms could be build below.There is a good outlook from above of the ocean^Might be worth looking at. We are fixing a croquet ground -and will play tonight. With best wishes,! remain Sincerely yourbrother, E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SVPKR1 NTRNn 1CNTK .LECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEO. Y TESO-R. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. Moliendo,Feb.11,1923. Eider E.H.Vilcóx, Bunp• Dear Bro. Wilcox;- Just a line to let you know what I think about the change you are asking me to make. First of all I want you té know what I think about the way you went about it to malee the change. As I look over i the whole thing And as I see the things that have been done to mqke the move I can see very plainly that it was all amalee up Job and that you played very unfair with me. It all to me seems underhanded. I did not want to move from the first but as you explained to me the economical conditions as how it would be impossible to have another worker at the farm I finally consented to make a change aithough as I said I did not like to take a Job where my wife would have to work so much as she would ofeourse have to do on any statión. But now as I see how you liad planned all the time to put another man in my place and how as soon as you could get me away you took him there and placed him ih the position I do not feel that I am in duty bound to go to a station. Bro. Wilcox you know that I have not been in the habit of fighting tooth and nail for the things that I have wanted but have done as near as possible all that has been asked of me. I feel now that I have been very deeply wronged and I want _ i t rightnow I do not plan to te11 you frankly thaü H. M. COLBURN E. H. WILCOX SÜPKBINMSDHNTi: ECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” Misión del Lago Titicaca de los AD v EN f IST AS 1 ► EI SIFITM O DIA SBC. X TESOS. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. Wilcox —2-- Vano, to go to llave or any other Mission Station. I am putting the thing up to you. You can leaue us a# the farrn where we are now located or you may refer us to the división. t We are perfectly satisfied to stay at the farrn as I have stated but if you do not wish to leave us there you may d do as I have suggested. I wish to impress en you tjie fact that no argueing can change my mind. I do not plan to go to a station now. After talking with you and bro. Stevens that night in you’r parlor I prayed that if it was «God’s will that I go to llave I might become reconcilled but as time passed I felt no desire to go and now that I see what you. nave done it is fully settled in my mind that it is not right for me to go. I am still awaiting the reply to the telegram I sent the other day. I think there is nothing more that needs to be said at this time and so I cióse for now. Sincerely I am your bro. in Christ • rjQ -í£. .. -U O f.; . ,;. £ jJ q,: ■v--=-. • - ■ - /■ j?¿bruary 11^1923^ Sefibr sol JoX fo-d ■ aaUárel lo éc? Mnoo XI . Puno^Pej/iu . loevods^ » »¿ v Pr rtr- +r.» ♦ «T ' ’ * - •-•* ’ ■< 4“ ■■“Si j^kit,..> .wAiÁJvx.’ ‘T ■ ■ J I have t alcen time to wríte to o orne of the bbys about their xccount£t ¿heir balance for the ® d of Dbcember. I am sorry not to ¿uve jotten óut statements for aLl but really dld not have any. trime after Brotl® r Mohr left and I abput had my hands full waile he wus there. I will jo over each individual^ account or make st ctement ffir díase that cure for th therf when I re tura. / 1C?s.Colo um is jreatly interested in the sue- cos s of the ánglish Sohool for this year.It is joing to be hará work an.t she would like it to have a good start off from the first duy.I know tln t you are more than busy but perhaps you would 'take time to listen to a few suggestions tía X> she has made • < As matriculation has been msda otarted in otto r schools she would like to have us begin as soen as pos4 sible so as to jet ths most desirable. when we write to oíd patrono we mi jht telliz them that they would have preference but that no placa vzould be held»She x uld very mucli libe to h. ve the twenty five begin the first *week ratteer than to enter over a period of the first month. It tiñces so much time to visit with new patrono and to jet -new students started tht this will mean much to the scliool. It will be much ©usier fer Mrs.Colburn if she can have Víctor or Demetrio. She re.Hy prefars not to have the sister of liarla. Di seiijline will be much bardar if there is a. girl teacher especially if it is liarla or her sister for the older boys of last year were very much put out with líuria. I would prefer to sea ola students p&y up befar e being acaeptdd for this year. bspecially accounts like tM t of juiroja.Could a cash payment «syetem be put into effect this year in < small school.At the time of matriculation we could ask for the matriculation and onemonth in w uld not be hard to make ... few statements for each month ni 1 jill be there quite steady for the first monüisax. You can count on 25 in the sohool without our boys. We cannot .fford to send them this year.We will need to say our hundred soles that it ould cost and cali it a child allowance to buy clothes. The older Aspinar children v;ould like to come but of course they cunnotbe accept&d«W haw- to ard from the Sirvas jirl and she has accepted theproposiU on of h< ing. in rhe school. That is monitor. Our .plan is toreturn the sixtjs and to start school the twolfth. This will e a few days in.hích to nove. I trust that you will keep an eye on the Ríos and see that they do not fall down on the movinp stunt. They have promised to get out by the 28th or sooner and I hope that they do it.This would giv^ us a few d^ys to olean up before thebeginnin_ os ebhool. Our friend that owns the place here is desirous of letting us have ais back lot for i -petiod of fifteen year to build a house on.Xf it could be build up a ways in ny estima*) tion it mijht be better th n the front lo r .it w^d be prívate. Wash rooms and store rooms could be build below.There is a good outlook from above of the ocean.Mlghtlbe woxth. looking at. We rre fixfng a croquet ground «and will play tonight. 'SO v‘£30<3 OÍ Oí’X'.r»» Ov €!UíXv £V¿-XÍ 1 f ■■■ -riain .■V..JÍ o< ¿oh uss 1 » ; ■ Siixcéx ely -y >urbre.thert.. * V *'* • -■ ■ • 0 " .-íl /I; ..¿i .. UOí eso eaoxfi s&S. inesBíhsia ro Síwooos • ¿.Ix. .• 3 JL i. . 'i. ~ XoO.enK x'i dbxEm ecf XXiw il - . SXih . oi'XS'SJKKsd xo XOvOÍV t'V-fííf H43O Q£i& ^'XhU lo 'lefaio siíi' svjjM - .x/¿ev airíí xol béiíjeaajg- ^nisd s.a£i„e Ovíix^dnkp ed me¿vaya* líase s LXxroO.^oxiu^ lo oxíl á’A.fooxIoa IXsme s* ai xj r o? <.i .©oíU’.vhs at íldaor-roflo bnx» noiá’jslnoixdxxn shr rol rfí E- H. WILCOX süj>bRixtendente c DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” Misiona del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA H. M. COLBURN SEO. y TESOR. DIRECCION POSTAL' CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. wna, .ja £s#X£80XÍ cid oeXA.caneqxs ¿rsixe axdí no bSEroX©?. q^z Pebruary 13,1923 - Señor P.I.Mohr, * ' * * . í .'./.'O OS© 2 Puno, Pe rujo t rother Molir:- I h .ve been vorking all day getting this balance in chape once more and. trust ti» t it will be found all bmiJx n¡su T.cJn . .r-rí ¿¿rrejs dOJzr right. I did not haré tiñe to get this copiad and bal-d sor , aar && rsxUoas ©onM¿ ¿ cao Z.wO*X í íor if not to Brother v.ilcox about ítems ■ —¿ it. ,j.... i¡. s.'. í¡: i.exia »X..,j.v tgffbe held í ze.Aloo take into account thb we haré tvxd « ■>:: -QvH£:>g x-zU-o lo 0J.axc;.¿ ¿ : 'sexta ni. oxij ni; xd evoled besos foro if you think it is all right. I do not Sno - rate « ííox hoinw anoitoe*rxoo ohv oe. ’ .esiwoo.owi edf ■. of discount _t you cohí ider for ’■ isi-ion ft trono.In cr.e • 1 ¿ . v : -.. ........ v ■; c :: ,.. .1\ * . places buildings are conoide red at but it secas that i£á no evom OO.Oñ\a s'i%o^Il wcXXs e§ssXff . this kind of buildings should be irán two to four pe roen t bnsfa o 4 eosn^B o . i eídocrS doidw alfid nnibiwfafnp -rol . and possibly five i® re -.The really ar any toe sübqtan- s. xoofi 0‘iS. o * -i saseX^í.br,43c? ion ti tial.There more than likely will ccsne. up'plenty’bf’other ’ ..ioo£s o i ni cois-i QcXA.svraeev ni bfatí 00'04’ , • ques-ions but I do not think of other points now. Bro ther sv»a»x üv i> <- • oo¿»..-uO ¿3¿i ic oh q '¡''C ~ liilcox will be able to make any suggestlonb possibB sxr. «¿...£4>o Gá-ji'-c 4. o-.iv el—m xo x ¿í5'-, oXe¿i. ’O' ijLift ín v xxstt diu gir e all the help he can I m cure. ed ¿ifU nao woH .agíxibXinfl xsijs'S loorlo# Lscritlí bits crod8 Xoodb& « , * We are having a first clase timé here. The folks oans xí. rx'cxf; .aene- ex? , hve gone to the beach nov; but* I have been trying to finish eaneqxs ^ótteEWo vllaej ai eaflBqx& ’iqdj&I aríf lo ho^toní . this work in oraer to get it óff. I hope to gex at our minutes - noiaaiM «trív r xu on bXixoo Jons oo.g £: Jü . , ' Trusting that you liad.a good ti.. . ? Solivia and eíiegxL 2foo& Xsolhsllhim oaaso ¿ hoping tli t you will not h ív© any speciál diifxculty in JíjXí^O -vílUOOO^ >xOO£l xSOifjOJii 0 . ,.J- £L£ OCííO-frxe fimshing the work m the Lake Pieldti . .in innoms mi evoas berzo_____sóíwixd ehT.ewr^-i'x vd bsixod’íXi vni sd Sincerely your brother, aih no iwqa ^ríxe ehd- oám q;Xeá \;XXvS©i bXnoíia ias February 13,1923 Señor H.U.Stevensfi * 9 Puno,Perúo #* Bear Brother Stev^ns;- As you will remember I wrote Brother Iheeler that I would be in Tingo at a certain time. He carne en 9 dcwn to Moliendo about the same day so I did not see him ti® re .He left twc days sooner than planned so did not 9 have opportunity of talking with him as he was more than occupied while here. 9 I saw him a nurnber of times with others and hw we had nurnber of pjfeasant conversations together.I have 9 vzricten to Bro ti» r Wheeler as follows ihich I think is all tía t need be suid.*Another matter I wish to refer to once more is regarding *remarks made about the home aad its man-agement.Ih looking over this matter I see in two instances at least I have made remarks which could be considerad as personal criticismo. I wish to beg your pardon for the way in which these were made for I have no desire to have personalities enter in to anything that I have said. /e do not have the same view point of things but I wish to ascure you of my continued good will.* I see that you feel that I have worked this thing up and am fully responsible but the thing has been going for at least a year and four months and about every fomily in ühe field has had enough to say. lly wife made th memark the o,1et day tht others had said much more than we had but of course the one that ikak brings things to a focus has to stand the slams and kicks aid I am willing to take what needs to come. I can see that you have been wrongly in-f o raed about my part in so me things but th, t is all right.I sorry for any personalities but the more I see the more I • am strengthened in every position.taken. .S limol ssJ-á-XMhoo ujo 3o a*rsdl^HI wí+ +--^ r xq ¿Ííj J x^X X/OX *X9¿Is Xoo4$& ©Hí lo ^eax^$i. bsíhisTp ®stt.trJH00 yi*ronsiíi a • ■DXB 0¿í sqon mis wí axiít ioi s^olo lliw I J?eb. 14, 1923 A.H.Íleld sn-txotna ais uoy ♦ VXJbXáUBi *n rr- y O't'orr**/’ * * ...... *' x- 1 < - oj qloií moliendo Bear crotlíer-: ■*• ;r°'¿ ,r-t ■ « Your letter of Peb. 11 th. at hand and oarefully read. X asa very Éoory that you reel as you do about the matter of your change from Juliaoa to the llave lalssion station. I h&d felt that you was in haruony with the conuüittse action taken with you present. I sincerely hope that as you re-oonsider the matter and as you pray ovsr it that you will chango your attitude toward the action taken. As you have indicated in your letter, requesting that the matter be re-considered, or at least that is what I judge you desire, I will refer your letter to our oo^aittee at the first opertunity» As it is in no way a personal laatter out a aatter that involves the entire conMlttec, and your location at llave being a direct aotion of the coimittee of oourse any chunge in that programe will have to b® decided upon cy the soiae body. In answer to your telegraae of the 7th« of Peb. I will suy th ,t it arrived hile I was away at Juliaca and so have not had the opertunity to answer it sooner. You b >ing a laember of the coiffliltte and pr^sent at the time the aotion was taken for you to go to llave , so as I have stated above that action still stands. As to brother Ailler going to Juliaoa, That carne as a request froia the School hoard and 2. after you left the meBCoers present oí* our coinniittee fon^íng a jaenority cora. ittee gyanted the reifuest oí the íSchool Board» I will cióse for this tiiae and hope thut s&ex tbx .cfo'í you are enjoying your vacation and that it vill ce a great BXsli.H.A help t-o you as well a-s to your faiaily» obaeiloí Sincerely your Brother r sC; bíW hnsrí íjs .¿íi XX lo *ielíel ijjoí rox $jb ías't wox 1-ííí ^ígoS vxav ais I .hjso-x XlXxíl^ijso 0^ sonxls'l ttOTC’i s^rujxío *WC14 lo íoííbíu orí! djuodx; ob ni 8BW x/ox laxíí ílsl ÍMHÍ X .ccIíbís noleaha OVJSX-L bifd-.timwx uo^ dtrx nosUl aolíoa osdlhi^oo oxU xíílv xno^xí hrus idüííiu adl rr^hianou-á’í uc>\ bjb djeríl sorí ^Xoioonia I • bníldljg ‘xuox osario IXiw uox teñí ti ievo ^rq uox aa * xx/o\; ni bol osuiioo lo Sdlllx^íot» oxfl lo ixolíos ioo*ilb • %boo JHtie axtí noqxj bohluob so oí 9v&d XXlw oaísi^oiQ lo .xfíV ¿>¿I¿ lo ean^oXei ci lovona ni soclXxrL X3WI; 3¿W I oXlíb.- t¿ i. di IXiw I 3n ^£Cl ?rU *XO'X Mae beta yta^oo ^©x o* Wíwjhw u¥ 19»iovai B setos data VWU bnnlet a íoS I iíT .¿dií81X^M000£ a^nidd wsl n eej-.Io d¿s*cxl ni ni ai +¿ indi ^íúíld 1 ¿nd,.íii,sn ai sexxoíf ■ .sq^ríe dd oí qu Bíbq ai íno’x &sncr¡ aríí í&dí Jinidd I xjox í-Gíii bluoiz os os ob oí íox iol oloieaoq 71'C', 1C £1x11' .LíiCfuü Ou • ellv¿ tito y lo X^boi lo '‘¿dnb aoXoa oo£ *rsvo biaq I eioio as*iiT «bErxsxb^o uecád oaís 1 coví^ts aias^ooo E. H. WILCOX SURBRINTENDBNTB H. M. COLBURN DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA" Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SBC. Y TESOS. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 35 PUNO PERU, S. A. Feo. 14, 1923 -/<’IMO. Dear brother Colburn: — I will now answer your letters and let you know how things are going here. We are well and every thing in very good shape. I have be en in Juliaca all the time since you left. I think that we have bcen aole to get a few things accomplished. The gutter in the center of the house is nearly in and I think that it is in in first class shape. I think that the house rent is paid up to the 22 of Feb. The rate is 42.00 soles per month. I paid for lights for three months also at the rate of 5 soles per month. I paid 15 soles for lights and 126 soles house rent» I visited Demetrio Peralta yesterday and arranged for hiM to teach in the Puno English Scj.ool. He was very glad to have a position with us again. He was a little afraid that he wuld not know how to do the work but I ássured him that sister Colburn would be glad to give him any help possible. He seems anxious to learn and.I think will be a better teacher than Victor. I have noticed ictoís teaching and can not aay so much for it. He never prepares a lesson and follows the system of reading the lesson over to the boys and then telling them the lesson and if any time is left asking a few questions. I talked with him some about it but do not know that it will do any good. I did not arrange with Demetrio as to the wage leaving that till a programe is made out and we will know how many classes he will be expected to carry. I arn not sure that I will be able to write out letters and matricúlate students. Should I find time I will be glad to do this part but I am snowwd under with work and will have to go to Juliaca again Sunday and then brother Mohr will arrive Wed. and I will have to talk some things over with him and so I can not assure you that I will find the time to matricúlate. I will do all that I can however and will perhaps try to arrange with Demetrio to do some of that work. I would hate to see your boys miss school so would suggest that you send them any way. If it is possi ole for you to do so you could pay for one ad let both attend. This of course would be special to you because of your wife teaching. I paid over 4oo soles duty of packages today my cookesrs arrived and also those you ordcred. Tires ofor 2 the motorcycle also arrived. Packages for you and x’ield and ^illers and ahout all. ¿.very thing caiae with a fine hecause of not having the consular invoice. On cookers alone I had to pay nearly two hundred soles fine. I wil 1 write ¡bo the company that I ordered from and ask them to send a consular invoice. You can write to your company and ask for the same. I got a refund of fifty nine soles today on goods you had received a consular invoice for and had made a reclaim I will not take up more of your time today and so will cióse. Sincerely your orother - ■' - Sebe 19, 1923 oiíf qjj fsa bnja \ybruj8 moil Mow & nwob onioo aso Bear 'brother'Uanní *- >;rr/: acó :.^A .•.-i-„-. I will write you just a few linea and let you know that all is well here and that we are busy. Brother Ste^ens left this svening for La Paz. . 0 - I am sending a cñanin and two oleveses for the the fam and aleo á thing to faaten the iron on to the be&m of the plow so that the plow can be used. I though with a Chain you-eould pulí the plow easier than with a tongue. I aleo sent some bolts so that the plow can be fixed up. I think that in road working that it will be well to make a drain ditch as brother Thompson hás suggested about the first hing perhaps. I did not get to see the Alcalde about the work of the boys I could not find hija. I think that it might "be well that you go to to /n and take Dr. Johnston vith you and have a talk with hia about the matter and take their papelitas along and find out what he dcsires that you do with theia and al so what they are going to get in retum for the Mips. Aloo fiad out if those from other parte will get credit for their work here. Aleo find out what can be done for the boya that have not sigse d up as yet for service. X wanted to talk with hiii the ather day about all that but he was not to be found. I hope that you can over see the work of Gregorio a bit and see that he does good work and hooks the calamina over each other and rivets it as he goes so that it will be a solid Job. I hone he c that all is well and working fine í¿o woXq eiíi isríi o ocí XX xw ii fjsífi rely yo.zr brother oi’iogs^D lo Aiovf oí xjíiXmbX¿:d adi e ©o’ XXxv i i ixuíd >□ ha in il 3 ri XI i i iP n^o xíqx i^ríi sqoxí I íow boog aoob orí isxíi esa 1 axi i i aisvx*! hri.e ’ishio 7 Xsía nso ah sco.d I .< íic bXXo bxiwz X JísXui’ 2íi, títd X cJ^OGí Ho 3¡iX5Qsq no yjsfí 3ifj j£ x±x¿o bn¿> xfJxwm 3ríX 1c eXíiñxxi oríJ’ dü rfioxá' dxro sj-há- ion eXbbxxi. 3xí/ íjs línlxíJ* X XX*> ol tifoms nx¿íi,‘X3o x> bXxrow 1 »bíia ®*i3£U bns aeXoe íxí^xs -xo tV ,b Xuod’.s ai XaxíT »dínoia erfd lo ashi bns oaxe axíJ saxvxucoi XXA •nexíj’ esxíX'ij&Xuse’T.’ii on 3d bXxrow axil á’uo sata! ñnn ¿axjow ¿j xíínoia lo bno arfj Xs ¿Xxiow to the Union an¿b sendwith tnie and'if they Have not all beeñ attended to by* Brother Stevens you will fh this way have thém al tdgsther. ' f\ ? 1 víiíl also gb throujh the llét; of actions hnd mark into áat ?uhó jb'i-us. I v/ill" malee < list of thsa nembérs.X will ¥ake the time to & few vords 0- explana-' t'lon regarding r fer of tháse.Youí-•'c-ui yo ovar the material-...and a. ,;o cut out añy.’ that ir.. ht.i ycsúibly have eo bit M>ra time uhur,. yc'u '¿ just npw go con pao' fW óf théab. tilingo cxx for -¿bcéptanóe. If théy nteet • pprbval. it r.w¿” su,ve you sene time' v/hile if nct'l &hc.ll íe fi;íT/;lad fór you to'noke the necessury^ X1J3 3. Lose TÍtii tí is the lettTar fxora -Brother- Gone. he is an ínterestin¿;‘ wribar*head the'secrud yr^raph't twico.'j't sbunds ;:cod.' In a hetter from Brother'uillíamB in the same máil he xaéjfcés this statéiíent. *By the way,BroUier Colbum,' the material yoti sirb putting out *in **Puno BriefsTfis the ríght kind of stuff to build |tu your work in the Lake Titicaca field.I about as inte tes ted” to7 ráceive thi’s sheet as I am in getting «a letter from'home. í sute i-r. t it loes mueh in unifyinu your Work. $ Á3 ifehg á& üúr ie-íbla efx'ci’ts have leen favo: • >¿ I feel thiait we oÜ^ht tb ;7úik áá nevar hefore td' -mke thi&‘ littlo ■ fet of Itala te' tbe field.let us fill' it wilh se thht it will víbrate life ihroufííxo-Ut the luso ion* :?\T2 1? > .C ’.w/hp "TOA ■' .V* ' "f l C ? 5f? T/'JQ-C ’k’'Jf j ’* "? <*♦ -r y?;i "■XT<"’TT*? ■T ? ■ ;r ■ I presume that' you have héard at mor« length iron Brothe^ filliains but X see that -Uhey do nb*t idly.pass our tefe sid¿ wítliout’-fuu ccnsidsrj.-tion.In another Xettér he mentí o'ns my letter in which I axplained at bons^ l^n^th our desperaba need of liission áitati on men and otates about the action of sending the two familias ñamad withiñ a fen weef-;e ‘Q aiso-meñtions being honeful of giying-us.'a appropri tions for the llorml surely pays'. to lét our n’^éas be known.Some times I hesitaba 4n writing to soma of our . il. .ilcEs; i-0'“ £i o —*• • • --í r • ' - ,-tnrkers OQtierSU- ‘' °íLi albo G’a^' £vῧ yowi^ü J -¿LO^ v ir heavy SUlvS <’T p.lT b® - or^SÍblií'^ b 2 nv latters com i r i endiy — in rajly ¿00 U .... □ tó iv. rül' ¿"“ -.A-A'jniW ' 7- 'T A' wíU -i0 Í.Xií mose tlian TO~T¿í-PT-J' O/T.'.. ÍTC»8^‘-.JXv.'pG JJ C Cf OT ' 'T'¿'fGTOTT TJ.?-’ *T '?3J ”,’GU •■’ r~'i‘ St'- *P9 ' ñCTT-ÍÍ8SÍT%jJ.wjrí? ' ■' X TTJ yoles but will'do so to’duy vi tombrróv. aUGl-á "i m. Ée ¿oes tóelo' 6o AiW^uipfc3Monday X belleve. ’fhey have pleasM wdtk the place here and ’h ínk thát it ib thñ Uest- of any thiiifT thaj lh$y since cozaing to Perit.íl’ersanally r that I ñcroüfhly enjoyín^ &y ' Site and feol izuát .A stóll .tó$k ready for rerfé^ácl servio©; I feél ’ thát ' óur óWi Wsotóly faiaily'%;11 l-b in JüW ás ’good thaye as' hhe'day.'we &r-riVed. Motilar.Mield barí nct -gaíned nany pound • with freedom ffm woi?/ and variar o i sRdíboI ■'yéárT thiiiif-thát- she -WíjZL be áb.Veto¿etk&lchg hxeely.' ? ....... «' -g po s £-rjXt, +° PríTjy «j? Aunx ’.oi\ jn £pG p jes j^^jcrfCfF LT^JtT*! m? wporq* /..J/~nJ I aparecía.Ved ’itót’yéu• aay- abóut our boyfe tb’ ' ot ,-©ar. fifis Help en rhs ¿rdhey part of-‘tlíe /que ¿tí óh tóV’theké- id ahóthei* thing that we dsníra' to ccn-f.'? feff.ino' acule. Iddi'yorr.fh ;t Is the ^tóys assooiáting with.,tie' se dirty tuílciníf SphMsh y^ungot^^Y’hey have piclxed -Uiy % lot; ei tdese Yords alonj with the Spanish *a,nd if we have the Jpríyilsge rbf ptóyiná'ríe ;*$ÍX not heád te havé ttee boys' xrm tiia sphoci piay fe Wr now ^atió.^hey -c^n ir-ve thai'r restflaT’ cdá'-with ■ ITp thor bnii hy^dnothdr ye.a?? they ;fill be' a bit Oldbr "aidip r~ v..c\vp we c-ai tóvo ohcia instroctl.’ i M .>ter.'I know ycu are tósy and can pnly do :aboi.;t nó láich hut ^erhaps W you say Demetrio úorld asly a hit. Qculd' he" pat but h foj*ri lett'éi- tó the cid' patrens Gír j S ...?lt.:: cíh a iy\.jr?'.Penll 'a littls note ooald be put in ■ ■ . wh-ish ■ :nld axjlain thinjs' Y bit. '..'i/'0'; 1 /¿¡a aorl"trun ¿Xad-to hear of thé >rbgres3 of ftiings in wuiiaccúh'ivin told of the herse buying- trip to ^ro^ipa. I sáafíL be ihterectei ’íh Tthe pitrcM'sesVHppe y.ouine;? horss will prove , . .’ ;■ a :; ^it íó 2i-vs > ;o.od -'lin3' up in ??dnó' WtthYth6?se rTTG -O VO TO ” S ’Y •' •*CC- • ’* ' t *- "'--r->«• -.y,-^,. I h;-,v ; .o ’ 'mentióned Field although I MW ilesas- on Srn * oíd me r.cmethiiág’'aboü\- lay í JbaMe ,aid .' <;.-o ■ . t’.bá ño-.d wfliten ohe letter that wan filiad r.ers dad tío i to'son^L iv.X^ter he 'IcV.üie read. ' 'the oné hé did ?serid. T 'do no 6' think thát he -will a ver be satisfied to ^c te a lilssicn ¿>tatióh vhd let’ Millar -stay in Juliacr^hat and . •,•?; two big bonos of ccntention. Ho dees not feel 'that we h ve played f .ix* vú ;h him. I have triad * pyr.9eft„ to let hiin sea it -/as becuase he could do the work of a Big -statión and the othe v couldn rt but it loes not sean to soak th^.oujh» /lía feaj.5 that it is be cuas e he. is not wcmted in Juliacu ¿nd th?.’:/ ít’ has been sorkec to get him out.Jkfter readin Doctor in arranging i'or a time fer the examination if though best and also with him.He will come to limo the Srd of ih.rch.More than likely he will need a couple of hundred soles on Branch *Cash uní es s he will have matriculation money. lio ought to begin to have some con. I have wondered if he has not «already received orne ¿ nd used it but I have no word to that effect. You might feel him out a bit. • I am paying the rent tod&y. I did not have the figures and thought perhaps you could help bit. 7ith your letter,my x-e-memorance and by talking with Señor Salegar I have finally arranged. He is sending a man to measure for the glass tht t is broker* and will put them in befo re I leave.Our mosquito tents which we brought from the States have enabled us /to sebean agains mos-quitoes and flies in che fi st; t#o ,Udoms.( ít j/s ;fe /'/?W^*í.elp• /•y />7 ■ 1 ' 1 must cióse for nowt 1 iill write a few more linas b send with the copy. itli sincere best wishes to both you and Sister 1iic ox,X remain Bincerely your brotle r, E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN 9UPSRIXTCNDBNTB DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA" Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEO. Y XBSOR. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. Señor ¿.H.Wilcox, Puno,Perú • f Bear Brother I/ilcox:- (ino. Pebruary 22,1923 You will find enclosed with this a copy of the minutes as far as I have written them. There will be about ano#her sheet but do not have all the Information.These inelude the Union actions accepted,some committees,acceptance »of the requests made by the school board and so forth.I will write these on my return to Puno. This little machine does fine but for heavy work like the minutes the work is really too heavy.I would be glad to have you go over tle se and if some things are Yound that are not of the right wording we can add a note when we finish this set.I will write out a copy of the actions which we wishedreferred >to the Union and send with this and if they have no t~‘‘dd*-WüTT^’trt7srrdw^,~tu‘^by^''flru^her Stevens you will in this way have them al together. I will also go through the list of actions and mark those that need to go into out Puno Briefs. I will make a list of thse numbers.I will take the time to write >a few words of explana-tion regarding a few of these.You can go over the material...and cut out any that is not just right. i possibly have a bit more time than you have just now so can pass a few of these things on for acceptance. If they meet approval it may save you some time while if not I shall be more than glad for you to make the necessary changes. ' I will endose with this the letter from Brother Cone. He is an interesting writer.Read the second paragraph through sounds good. In a letter from Brother Williams in the same mail he malees this statement• ”By the way,Brother Colburn, the materia.1 you are putting out >in “Puno Briefs“is the right kind of stuff to build gp your work in the Lake Titicaca field.I am about as interested to receive this sheet as I am in getting a letter from home. I am sure tía t it does much in unifying your work.“ As long as our feeble efforts have been favorably received 1 feel that we ought to work as never before to make this little sheet of help to the field.Let us fill it with vim and enthusiasm so that it will vibrate life throughout the Mission. f I presume that you have heard at more length from Brother Williams but I see that they do not idly pass our re-quesls and needs to one side without due consideration.In another letter he mentions my letter in which I explained at some length our desperate need of Mission fitati on men and states about the action of sending the two familias named within a few weeks.He a,lso mentions being hopeful of giving us a special appropriations for the Mormal surely pays to let our needs be known.Some times I hesitate'in writing to some of our E.H. Wücbx No .2 General workers knowing of their heavy responsibliith s and. I guess you do also "but when results or friendly letters come in reply it gives us more courage.I shall be glad to hear more regarding our new workers. I have not had opportunity to look up the lamber for the yoke but will do so today or tomorrow. Pield will go with me. He goes back to Arequipa Monday I belleve. They have been more than pleased with the place here and ti ink that it is the best of any thing that they llave enj oyed since coming to Pertu.Personally I can say that I am ihoroughly enjoying my days here and feel that I shall come back ready for renewed servios.I feel that our own personal^ family will be in just as good shape as the day we ar-rived. Mother Field has not gained many pounds but with freedom from work and worry of school this year I think that she will be able to get along nicely. I appreciated what you say about our boys going to Hnglish School this year. This would be a help on the money part of the questi on but there is another thing that we desire to control more than we could last year.That is the boys associating with ti® se dirty talking Spanish y-oungsters. They have picked up a lot of these words along with the Spanish >and if we have the privilege of moving we will not need to have the boys from the school play in our new patio.They can have their regular classes with Mother and by another year they will be a bit older and pe r-haps we can have them instructed up a bit better.I know you are busy and can only do about so much but perhaps as you say Demetrio could hel$ a bit. Could he get out a form letter to the oíd patrons or doesn t he write on a typewriter? Perhaps a little note could be put in the papers which would explain things a bit. I am more than glad to hear of in Juliaca.-Slvin told of the horse buying shall be interested in the parchases.Hope satisfactoiy. 7/e ought to have a good Tiñe n ew one • the progrese of ti ings trip to Arequipa. I yournew horse will prove up in Puno with these I have not mentioned Field although I knew he was on the war path.Mrs.Colburn told me something about things the day 1 carne and I ’guees that he had written one letter that was filled with fire but was persuaded not to send it.later he let me read the one he did send.I do not think that he will ever be satisfied to go to a Mission Station and let Miller stay in Juliaca.That and the matter of his wife 's health are two big bones of contention. He does not feel that we have played fair with him. I have tried • by best to let him see it was becuase he could do the work of a big station and the othe r couldn 't but it does not seem to soak through. He feels that it is becuase he is not wanted in Juliaca and that it has been worked to get him out.After reading his letter I told him that icr myself if in the same place would be prepared to return to the States on my own expense.Don *t just know how he feels about things by now but he seemed a bit more hopeful after getting your letter.With new men ooming I to Id him wPtfc—new mon ■c-oming something might be done but without relief 1 saw nothing for it but station work on account of the great need.le will lose him sooner or later but I should hate to see him go now.I surely hope he can be made contented in some place for another 'year or EH.Wilcox No .3 so at least.X told him that if he wanted any consideration from a health standpoint it would be well to get certificantes of need. I do not see what we can do just with a persons word vzhen we have our action to the contrary.The Doctor has said that she was in the worse condition of any of the women but they do not have any regular written statements to that effect. I think that he plans to get those to present with his request not to go to a large Mission Station. Just a few words about another worker.I have had. a very plain talk with Broth r Schwerin*He seems to have a, desire to the right things but a few things are a bit hard of explanan on to my mind.I have advanced him money which the vray I figured it would take -to the last of March for him to earn.This ineludes expenses and all. I told him that I could do no more for him and tía t this amount would need to last him until he reached. Huancane* again.That if need be he could draw some on his march Branch Gash to carry him through March but that I th ought in view of the times tía t he ought to curtail every expense so as to have all account settled. by May at bast so that he could begin to lay up a. small amount each month in order to have a bit ahead for the last months of the year if. it became necessary for us to go without our s.lary for a time.He will be talking to you about another thing and tht is his health. His wife is real wcr ried about him andshe may have cause. He has had trouble with his stomach for months and the Hields say that he has many of the symptoms, of Ulcers o,f the Stomach. I adviced him to have an examinaron of a Doctor in Arequipa and. • also to arrange for one by Doctor Johnston vzhen he reached Puno. This will give Doctor Johnston a chance ,to lino up his diet. The man has not gained a pound and has had trouble constantly here.He eats a great deal between meáis. I am afraid. tht we will lose the man uftBéss we can get him on his feet.I believe tía t we ought to take this a bit serious for the man is most discoüraged now. I am writing wla t I know so you will be able to talk zzith the - Doctor in arranging for a time fer the examination if though best and also with him.He will come to Puno the 3rd of March.More than likely he will need. a couple of hundred soles on Branch 'Cash unless he will have matriculation money. He ought to begin to have some oon. I have wondered if he has not «already rece ived. some. and used it but I have no word to that effect. You might feel him out a bit. I am paying the rent today.I did. not have the figures and thought perhaps you could help a hit.Jith your letter,my remembren ce and by talking with Señor Salezar I have finally arranged. He is sending a man to measure for the glass that is broken and. will put them in befo re I leave.Our mosquito tents which we brought from the States have enabled us 'to screen agains mos-quitoes and flies in the fr st two rooms. It is a great help. * f I must cióse for now. Will write a few more lines t> send with the copy. > ■Jith sincere best wishes to both you and Sister VZilcox,! remain Sincerely your brotte r, M r E. H. WILCOX SüPBHINTENDENTB ■ ■ DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT1STS TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. OFFICE OF TREASURER February 25, 1923 Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, So. America Dear Brother Colburn: I have just received from the Melchior, Armstrong Dessau Company, Inc. invoices and shipp-ing papers for the Evinrude spare parts ordered by you sornetime ago. We'are sending on to invoice, commercial invoice and cate. Our charge -will come to American División office. you the you herewith consular Insurance certifi-through the South With kind regards, I em Very sincerely yo1 brother Ass’t. Treas HHC/G e? : yO.'AGT. S'ypTpfKfG 'ipWXG P'm£jjg 3 iei/. wry 25,1923 * * ' jyS -■'’■■■ ' ■ W^TCTUG £0 nw r J3. pG TB pT£- 3eñ©r ^•^•Paulson-, Hinnda^^lincis/^ c £,x kt ppe bxggt<ígV£ £r x heaaf Brother Paul&o n: - r ? w o ?:It has been ¡3 orne time since it was our' r>rlv*3 ilege to'reaüy llave a let>er fresa a Hiífsdale rworkers. Inas-*-mueh as it was our heme for. tóae time Wc natumlly: take more than a passing* interest’ in the work óf th Sanitarium. I see that ¿iany changos are constantly being made and I? presumerettgb that by now the instituto rcgisterbd.This will . ... > help in raany ways if it c . come ¿o giving .jzeeiis Sc.X;n.y year \i t was gtving willingXy and. if' it caires ;ip. wfirsjiM&aa icrii’ice 'iliqjf1 are wil-lin , to iaáke it.'-'e will j?ush anead in ■tile work trusting that our towsn in Hjji&dale and other<:°-ysrts. of the St-ates- wi-XX si^id ea¿£ in tlie jgiying of-“this Xást message-ie-Ü» pÉrishiBg «?.■..u - Jada, arpund ne. ..............Suring the 4asi‘„gai-t ,cf XO.'T; work in a new xüssion 3t ,Uon looatod at ... te-n; callad Uréde. 'This -town-was yBly^oae-hour„£xaarlpu^ce an at &'W - i¿g aga ins t us ánd f inaílyr. -*vi t*x & ^S^nd. óf - f z th$ established among--tiienu.Twonty vpf the ' *0''^ A signed a cable to President, lígula. to help ^ounteract "w on r ciad bc.óíb sent before^ official^if - -town- sent on^ on xij£ owi ??ospí5h‘s-‘-bi^^^ sent Viables to pur Union office ar cae c: prcsid'mt r- three- vromen on -the -sidu. The .oid cnaps kíere ratl^.r " neivous-for they.or at east onc-fknew ilcoXand tl-i-s vras yretty plr in , ,lk vúich he w&s n?> ... all I Eiust alose. ue return to. our ¡vork in the “-hills again next Weak aridathar* ísplenty te da 1 wasfure ;--'yóu fbr I vñll havet threa iLc^itJis woi-k on ¿ha-baaks.^e ais o have h' Géneral líeetlñg Wlfeign -wo-rkero >-r3aP Vive. workare--u&ien Bra taren Thoiipson, •;illims. and Crager are ■i"', i üe. . . . i > -■ I•’tó 11 clase i'th sincere bes.V. vto both • lÉéB.H. ¿.isesd l-c kn* ■ ¿‘ you- llave h&4íéíáe ónóe ifiorens afeiji s rloua swollo i eaiíT .sía-sí c-- ; - • dXour friend and.bróther» jo c .-. . ¿ iiXVl^” y4X'¡-'Álu ->*Ik .. • 1101. 0 ¿» a." - '. 0 ... .. ¿ ... i.xXji i 1j.o Qtíí cono 0s oh'i y,od íianrícD a xiJ jzw óíjiíí. x'xl oh' ¿¿ ox¿¿ ♦ ■• ... oíi¿/ d¿:iiw J'jjo Jbnxi cX'l./; L'ii,. uoi-J o4 ox'i¿ -d^tjc noxaaxM x: n aooxl r¿í : o . av¿.r0 jcroroí eiíd lo íiexa .. .. Siiu J Ot :■ ■.. o Jócn xa -jxoxinoíu 02 X ¿5 o .j • ¿Juladxciipfy.AU nuo siií no erro insa ííowjqó uooxxl) iu.íxaca^ <¿.1 ,ci Jmi&I’/iui-ni .. onoxrf? reo od asid c ¿oled tUlx; ¿ílo ¿oót 6 ■ ¿ s ci o • a.uú üiii.. -¿ 7 . :, ci üoíij oy cuivAx airli ¿o¿v o>: . ;q.í . ái u Lru., cu 2x£s¿,íí. jv«. eiíd-’-id- ’xovjbI fíi ¿-O&síje '¿uo'iá'a u ov. .y rol oi benedsü soy*- i* ex/ukul/v.££uj s si x¿ . abiXo íisD etít lo ue.xun j: ai ofh? ¿a&.bíp X ..s-xxx 'io IIol re^.SL e< a x, ai orí oiij ,.o e . _ son s.i¿. axr oi sonc Ja ilyuQ^dJ úur^ a. u notó os ns ¿ ¡jcí noJ-d ó'xí e¿,. c ,í- ^-X . /..£íjj I» oe siíi JPebruary 25,1923 C.A.fíussell, Takoma Parle, Washington D.C. Dear Bro thar Russell:- Your letter of January 15tli was received after only three .zeeks. filis is very good time for malí frem the States nd it naist h ve gotten on a direct boat. a s cañe times wait for non Ais when packages are ejjpected.Otiier times we rece i ve them in short order.Át times the people here are very slow in passingx the malí through the customs. We are alw&ys glad to hear about your tripe and especially the one among the schools.-e vzere sad to lean» of tlie burning of the dorinitory in Cedar Lake.Only *a few more fixes and they will haya a ntew place from what it was a few years ajo.I h&ve noticed sinbe y Our letter th. t plano are already ,’being nadé for rebuiíding.Brofes .or is a good friend of mine and he seems to be making good principal by the way he stays by the Job and at the same school.I was a little sur-prised to hear of Brother Avery leaving the principalship af€er háve followed this lina for so many year thera in the Lake Union.Justwhat is his work now? ' Berrien lias surely grown during the x^ast few years. 1 woul hardly know the place now. I still know a few of the ¿eachers and ’a few ofuthe students but not many*3oiae of the students I do know were our students in sane of 'the academias where we llave is good to hear about the new chape! that is being buifd.' They have needed t is for cióse to tv/elve yéars iww and f- will mean much í> r the ad-Vancement of the wr^. Íherb.í Tlií-xnk yoú for pajssing the copy on to’Miss Clement and if it will be of interest and helio sha 11 be glad to have it printed.If it dbes not happen to be the right kind of material theré is no harm done.Gussie lias started on her new seires of articles) and will ® nn pase the first copy on to Miss Clement with the idea of having them start with the new school year if they- are -Xcceptable. Thera are alilaya tilinga of interest to write about but will not Bnke.bJ.iis long today.I am sending with this a copy of our sclioo^ Wport for the *year of 1922. It shows some progreso tsver the 'laát.Xfou will rejó ice with us when I say that/ dkHng the last days of 1922 we applied and recáived licenses from thé 'gove.rnmeut for sixty fir e schools. fe have bluffed our ivay álong for years with really but little right but now we havé a good license for e&ch school. fe liad to malee a soücitude abd present a draswing of each school. We have it worded* to suit us and it States tht the Mission will appoint the teacher from year to year. o all the responsibility is .. ' C.A.R.Ko.2 tlirov/n bach on the Mission and not on the head oí' soné irre- sponsible Iridian teachers. We have had a great dea! of cor-respondones trying to get »th se licenses made in a f orm that would not tie us down and in a vzay that would give us the lib berty which we needed in the wcrk.Finally the regional director for the South of Perú told us 'that the schame which we subraitted for making out solicitudes vzould be acceptable in his office and we wasted no time in getting the Information to him befoxe he chumged his rnind. Being un American we were given greater liberty. In the States you folks have been wrestling with the problema of finalice and seeking to rench the appointed goals. Down he re and in otlier fields we have been wrestling with the proplem of knowing how to support our familias if we should have to go without salary for two or three months .This comes very cióse home to soma cf us who are dependent on the month-ly salary received to buy food and clothing. 1 .ost of our work* ers are not very vzell prepared to meet such «a crisis this yea> as when the larger numbar carne t.o the field they contract-ed so me debets which tliby have be-n* every effort to pay. Tile largor number finfshed paying tln se this year but it 1caves many with but funcís and short on for clothes.Still when the matter was presentad áll voted to stay by the work aven though they had to enter othér Unes of work to make a living for the ir familias. lio one lias any thought of return-ing.But our field is in very critic&l condition finanei&lly for *we are carrying such a larga working forcé and. it is hard to cut on salaries .¿¡«ven if we go without three months salary and cut a 11 pos ible on expense we vzill still lack thous-ands of soles of ¿aving enough to sustain present work unioss we get relief.If we drop workers it means transporta,vtion to the States which would amount to more than the salaries for one or two months so tía t is what is being faced.fe are going ’v s 'nyad .ONnd ee vnisvo iVJLSOd Noiooaaia ahead and doing all possible to raise money by tlthes and of-ferings and trust that our fiiends in the hca^laqd vzill rally to our aid.We see that much is being done and txian definite plans are being made in muny conferences to keep up the offer ings from month to montli but of course it will be same time befare we get définite vzord as what to expect.But paso the word along that the workers in the foreign fields are of good courage and vzill stay by the ship. Since writing the last i>aragraph much has huppen-ed.The sun has gone dowñ on another day and as it cío sed the vzork of one family cío sed in the foreign and it was^with sadness that we saw che Steamship Ortega ready at six o dock tonight(the 27 th of Pebruary) t o lea ve her moer ings and start on her way Sorth&ard.You wrote in pen at the cióse of your let ;er about hearing the word of the death of Sister hlvin.Today the Ortega carried Brotlier Jlvin with his two children Viola and their way to San is sad vzhen we have to br^^^rewoll to a family leaving for othe reaspns but when the family lias been divided by death it is dóubly hard.On the ISth of Dccember Gussie and I were herez in Moliendo for a few dh-ys with the Blvins. e • Hather we liad been a few days with ohem and left that day for Are.qui-W ‘pa.We wenvw omwss ’Ssi^r svASúMSAciy NOI0038IC ■aosai a ’oas NHnaiOO W ’H their vacation.Just as vaOation wns closing vze receiv-í®P'nw;- .h. carrarge at three months and had to have an eperatron^o^Q^i^ ,3 plications sat in from vzhich she never recovered. E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SWBRTXTBNDBNTE ulRECCION TELEGRAFICA: “ADVENTISTA” Misiom del Lago Titicaca d© los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SBC. V T15SOB. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. February 24,1923 Señor B.H.uilcox, Puno,Peru_ Bear Brother Wilcox:- I am sending with this letter a hundí of material for the Puno Briefs.This has been gone over and I think you will fine no big mistakes -as to spelling and grammar. I realize that some of these ítems you could write better than myself but havb done the best that I tould thinking that you would more than likely have your hands full at tu is time. I have not written school Ítems knowing that you are fully in touch with the work there and could write plenty.Anything that I have sent which for any reason should not be printed please use your own judgment and censureThe outside page is suggestive when it comes to Things to remember. I asked Mrs.Colbum to write the .pem so would libe to have it go on this issue if possible. After a few of theminutes I have made a statements of , explanation.Perhaps you will desire to wrft e on others or enlarge ) on some I have written upon.I should think that the minutes might / go after some of the other material. The prticle written ”A Cali / To Henewed Gonsecration and Service1*' could easily jo first. I never got a copy of the resolutions and the action as written i by,Brother Stevens.Perhaps you have it. s ' \ I just returned from ¿he lamber yard where I went with Brethren Striplin,Miller and Bield. We picked out something for oxen yolks and hope that they will he usable. Por the present I must clcs e,Sincerely your brother, I am' sending the last copy of the minutes but presume that it is not readable so if your wife made the stencils it is quite likely you would have to use your copy. Pabi'uary 2-, 19 23 Be ñor • '. ilcox, runo ,leru_ l>ea:c 3rother b iloox: - I am sending with this let^er a/bunch of material for the Briefs.This lias beca gene oyer and 1 think you will fine no big iaistakes es te spelling and granular. "< I recline that so me o i* ti.-.© so iteras you cornil wxibe better tlian myself but liavb done t¿e best th$t I tould thinking that you would more than likely have yóür hunda í‘ull at tiis time, i not rrittenschool-ítems kno .ing that you are fully in touch vzith the wcrk thvr-e and could write plenty.Any tMríg that I nave sent”which for áñy reason should not be printed .please use your own judgment and censuxeTh© cútalas paga is sugg.esúive when- it óbmes- to Things co remember; I asked hrs. Colburn/co write the can so woL’ld-like to liáve it go on this issue if possible. Zifter a fer o..’ theminutes .£ nave mude a statemonts of expl .nation.kerhaps you will desire to -write on others or cnlúr¿;e on -oras I, huve vritten uycn.I sheuld tlank that the minutes might go after ¿orae of the cther material. The prticle. written WA CeJ.1 To xcne;;ed. Conseex tion &nd vice-7* aoold .¿asily go firsu. I nevar got a copy of the resolu.tio.ns and the action as rrit-ten h Brotly&r dtevsns.Perhap : you* h ve it. . z I just from :he lumbar yard where I went with Br^thren Striplin, illor and Bield. s gicked out sometiing for oxea yolks and hopo th . Ah jy will he usable. Vor t./ie yresunt T nust ola-- e ,3iuce.T*aly your brother. N. Z. TOWN. SECRETARY W W. EASTMAN, ASSOCIATE SECRETARY, NORTH AMERICA H. H. HALL, ASSOCIATE SECRETARY J. H. McEACHERN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY, NORTH AMERICA Publishing Department OF THE General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists THLEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "GINERAL CONFERENCV WASHINGTON, 9. O. TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. February 25, 1923. CABLK ADDRK6I '‘ADVENTIST" WASHINGTON Mr. E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. My ¿Lear Brother Wilcox: Several weeks ago, while attending the conventions at Nashville, your kind letter of December 18 reached me having been forwarded from the office. However, following that carne the Review & He raid Convention, and as you know, these are ex-tremely busy seasons for those of us who have same raspcnsibility to bear in connection with them. This has prevente! my replying before. I mention this simply because I do not wish you to think for a moment that I am indiffarent te your correspondence. I very much appreciate this letter, Brother Wilcox, and have no difficulty in understanding the situaticn that you describe. While with you about a year ago now, I was fully convinced that you were working beyond your strength and it is only a matter of time when the Mission Board will have the problem en their hands of supplying another man for the field, and probably somecne of inexperience, which always results in more or less loss to the work. However, since you have written this letter, relief has come by ad-ditional and almost unexpected funds into the Mission Board Treasury and you have, dcuotless, been notified of the relief that has come to the struggling mission fields as a result. I do not know just what has been done for your particular field not having met with the Com-mittee but once or twice for over two months, for the reason, as stated above, that I have been attending ccnventions. As I write this, most of the brethren are away from the office including Brethren Shaw, Spicer, Daniells, Thompson and others, and I am scheduled to leave tomorrow aftemoon for Cunada to attend our last convention of this series. Because of this, I haven’t had time to talk with the brethren over the work in your field» but I presume Brother Thompson will be with you soon and will look into the situation in detail and report to the Mission Board. However, your needs will be met, of ccurse, through the División, and if the División has received the extra help because of the increased contributions of our people in the homeland, they will, of course, be able to give you relief along with other portions of the field. Wilcox -2- In the meantime, I sincerely hope, Brother Wilcox, that you will in some way manage to place more responsibility upon the heads of your different mission stations and. not try to carry so much yourself. I know from exper lance that a man can work his head off or he can relax a bit if he will and. let someone else share the responsibility» You will need. to do this for the sake of your own future. I hope you will not remain up there in that altitude too long, for if you do and become incapacitated, it will only bring grief to your own heart and extra expense to the cause. It dcesn’t pay. Let loose before you have gone too far. I have never fully recovered from my long seige in the West Indies, although since my trip to South America my health has been better than for thirty years. I am sure the Pope’s Nuncio will cause more or less extra trouble to our work, but we know he is fighting against God and in the end he will lose out. Nevertheless, it may mean perse-cution and suffering to the people of God. I am glad you llave no fear of bodily harm, but at the same time it is well not to venture too far and give the enemy all the advantage. You will be glad to know that our work in North America is begtnning to show definite signs of improvement. Our three con-ventions have been very profitable and we are fully confident that 1923 will mark a decided change for the better in our sales. Janu-ary shows a gain of about twenty-five thousand doliere over January of iast year. On my West to California, the iast of December and first of January, I passed through Keene and met some of the oíd frienda, but did not get into Oklahoma, so did not see your Unele. I am still hoping that some of these days I will be able to cali by and make him a visit. You will excuse me for writing so hastily this time, and I sincerely hope it will not disccurage you from writing again. I so much appreciate hearing from you first hand as to the work being done, yét I know this means extra work for you. I will always carry a special interest on my heart for you and Bella, with whom I had the good fortune to be associated in your ycunger days. May the Lord greatly bless you both and preserve your health is my eamest prayer. At this writing, my family are all well and we are of good courage. Most sincerely yours, WWE/c 1*1010 febrero el 27 de 1923 Directores de estaciones y Sub-estaciones Diferentes lugares timados hermanos: — ..ando esta con el find de saludar a Uds. y de poner a Uds, en conocemiento de unas vesitas y reuniones especiales que estaños para realizar# esperamos que los hermano de la División llegaran en Puno el 21 de marzo. ¿1 mis,;o día estamos para principiar una convención ;ara los directores de estaciones. Solamente los directores de estacione están convidados a estas reuniones para los direcotres» >«n estas reuniones para los directores estamos para estudiar muchos asuntos en coneBcion con el trabajo de un director. Estudiaremos como el director debe vivir y como debe hacer su trabajo. Como dirigir la Escuela Dabatica y también la obra misionera y de los jovenes y un poco de todo» -Deseamos que vengan todos los directores de estaciones sin falta y que traigan con sigo su esposa» Lata» reunión»» deben ser una fiesta especial para los directores» Ahora ftebfcmoH principiar en orar a fin de que sea deramado el Mopiritú de ios sobre los que dirigen estas reuniones y de ello» a no sotro»» Pastor Thompson de Buenos Aires va a dirigir les cultos especiales cada día. Con el vendrá el hermano illiams y el pastor Crager y el pastor Stevens. Todos deben llegar el día 20 para estar quí a tiempo» Redaremos todos en la convention hasta el 24 de marzo. No queremos que falta ningún director con su esposa* Durante el tiempo de las reuníons estamos todos para comer en el hotel. Estamos arreglado para que en el hotel habra lugar para todos. Hasta nosotros que vivimos quí en Puno estamos para comer en el hotel, para que nuestra esposa puede estar en cada reunión. No queremos que la esposa de ningún director falta de estar present en ninguna reunión» An el hotel nos van a dar de comer de primera clase y en un precio muy riodico. Después la reunión para los directores de misiones estamos para celebrar reuniones en diferentes partes para los hermanos indígenas. Jna reunión se celebrará en Platería y una tal vez en ^aro. No estamos seguro de Laro todavía. Así no debemos decir demasiado sobre esta reunión hasta que sepamos seguro* Después se celebrará una reunión en Juliaca en la escuela Normal» Lsta reunión será para los obreros ilativos. Todos los maestros y todos los interpretes y todos los evangelistas están convidados asistir en esta reunión. Queremos que cada uno de ellos estén presentes para estas reuniones. La fecha de esta reunián será el 4 de abril hasta el 8. .o hay que olvidar la fecha. *Áay que hacer sus planes para que se puede asistir. Ahora debe' principiar en orar par que aquella reunión tenga éxito. Vamos a hacerla una reunión de más importancia para todos los obreros nativos» Si algún obrero tiene una preguntas que desea preguntar hay que principiar en hacer una lista de estas preguntas y ponerlas en el buzón de preguntas que tendremos allá. Vamos a procurar contestar todas las preguntas en aquella reunión. Si alguno desea que explicaos algún asunto o alguna clase de trabp hay que pedir que lo explicamos* 2. KW obreros nativos que vengan a la reunión para los obreros nativos no están obligado traer sus esposas. Ln verdad me parece seria mejor no llevarlas. * TliúáPO PARA MATRICULAR. /amos a hacer la matricula con todo empeño este ano. Lo vamos a terminar antes el 15 de marzo. Ahora es el tiempo de trabajar en esto y con toa fuerza. A ver cual puede terminar en matricular todos en su districto primero. Vamos a temer las mejor esceulas que nunca este año. Las escuelas mas grandes también. Hay que declarar una fiesta en el lugar de cada escuela y pasar un día feliz con todos reunidos y matricular todos los nidos aquell día. Vamos a ver que cada escuela tiene su numero y mas este año. Escuela de Verano. Está seguiendo actualmente una de las mejores escuelas para maestros que jamás hemos tenido. M pastor mann está encargado con la escuela de verano este a$o y es un buen maestro. El también es el director de todas nuestras escuela y pronto va estár visitando todas las escuelas nuestras después que principian ellas. Al hermano Thompson está ayudando en la escuela de verano. 1 ee un buen profesor también. Viva la escuela de’ varano. Rué salgan todos los jovenes buenos maestros. Todos están estudiando bien fuerte este año. LA EUCUaLA NORMAL. Esperamos que principiará la escuela Normal en el mea de Junio este año. El hermano Thompson será el director de aquella escuela. Deseamos que haya a lo menos 50 alumnos para la Escuela Normal este año. Varaos a traoajar para que se alistan ahora algunos jovenes pana aquella escuela. Los jovenes que asisten en aquella escuela no va a recibir sueldo, no tenemos dinero con que pagarles. No estamos pora cobrarles dinero para la enseñaaa tampoco. Ellos pueden venir y llevar consigo lo que necesita par su alimentación. Dospues pueden trabajar unas dos horas cada día y de esta manera pagar para la enseñanza. Algunos que no tienen suficiente pueden trabajar fuera de las dos horas y ganar un poco con que comprarse algo. Pero podemos aceptar solamente ¡ás o menos diez de esta clase. Míos les pagaremos por las horas extra que trabajan. A ver quienes son los jovenes que «sean prepararse mejor en una escuela buena y hacer de se los más adelantados de toda la indiada. Los Marra ciento s para la carpintería. Ya están llegando los harapientos "para la "cárpenterfa.Vamos a tener una de las cargenterías mejores por todo alrededor. Ya ha llegado el motor grande y la maquina para cepillar madera y con que se hace muy buenos bancos y mesas y ventanas y puertas para las escuelas. Vamos a alsar diner con que se puede comprar bancos y mesas para las escuelas. También ventanas y puertas hechas en la cprpentería de la escuela Normal. Viva la carpentería. LA CASA NUESVA. Todos tengan gusto sin duda saber que ya está con techo la casa grande de la escuela Normal. Ya vamos a terminar la casa y tener la mejor casa par¿ una escuela en todo el sur del £eru. Viva la escuela Normal. OBRA WDIACA JULIACA Ya está con nosotros el medico el doctor Johnston. Actualmente se encuentra establecido en Juliaca. Ya ha principiado una CLINICA y aquella ciudad. Todos qu sufren de infermedades graves pueded acudirse a esta clínica y allá el doctor Johnston pude avisarles de que sufren ellos y si es infermedad curable el puede hacerlo* También si necesitan una operación el lo puede hacer en Juliaca misino donde el tiene todo facilidad* Así los indígenas y Sodas deben aprovecharse de esta oportunidad» zara los indígenas será gratis fuera de medicinas y bandas que se usa y deben traer con ellos alamiento. BH&MOS Y OFRANDAJ. Ahora es tiempo de coshecha. Con la condición financiera tan critica en el mundo la cual ha tocado hasta nucetaa obra general debemos procurar de aumentar las ofrendas y diezmos este año» >ue puede Ud. hacer par-, hacer así en su misión hermanos^? jon una reunión celebrado recien en Puno después de estudiar nuestra condición finenciera en nuestra misión hemos encontrado que ha sxdo cortado nuestro presupuesto, hemos tenedlo que acorda de trabajar, si es necesario dos meses este año sin sueldo» hermano está Ud. listo hacer lo mimo» hato aplica a todos los obreros de la misión» Asta prueba será para nuestro bien espiritual» Si no estamos trabajando por plata entonces estaremos listos hacer este sacrificio no» Jon oración hermanos vinos a trabajar no importa que sacrificio t úneteos que hacer. June a podemos hacer un sacrificio tan grande como ha hecho Jesús. CA1LIO -v. UBRhROB. Jan la salida del hermano Llvin hemos tenido que cambiar algunos obreros. L1 hermano Dalinger va tomar la misión nueva de Urcos. L1 hermano A.C. Ford la misión de Pznata» .íntimos mucho que ha tenido que salir el hermano Mvin pero por causa del su esposa ha tenido que llevar a sus niños a Los Astados Unidos. LLEGAN OBREROS NUEVOS» Al hermano Francisco brouche ya está en viaje con rumbo a nuestro campo» Después llegará el hermano A.R» Dermis» Ambos familias vienen de Argentina. Así hablan ya el antillano. Latamos muy agradecidos por estos obreros nuevos. JQS.L R.JPLOGLE • Ya ha ido as su casa nuestro hermano ‘4eplogle. el va a regresar en el mes de Junio non su esposa» ESCUzLAj Durante el año próximo pasado hemos dirigido 58 escuelas con 66 maestros nativos» An estas escuelas fueran matriculados 368 niñas y 2562 varones un total de 2930. LA ¿OiSA DADO COUQ R&GALC. La mesa que hemos promitido dar como regalo a los que hicieron el .mejor trabajo en hacer adobes en la escuela Jormal fue dado a los de Cepita más allá de Pomata. hilos verderón a pie andando cinco días para llegar después trabajaron fuerte £>or cinco días y hicieron muy cuenos adobe y regresaron otro cinco días. Viva los de uep£ta# CUAiWO PRINCIPIAN LA3 LSUUhLAiS* Las escuelas principian este año en el 7 de mayo y terminan el 16 de noviembre. Jo hay que olvidar la fecha. Carne de LLama Ya en comité hemos estudiado el asunto de comer la carne de llama. Hemos estudiado la familia de llama y encontrado que es de la familia de camello» La biblia enseña que no debemos comer la carne del camello. Así hemos acordado todos que no es licito comer la c rne del la llama, Alpaca, vicuña» y Guanaco, porque todos son de la misma familia. ~ Asi hermanos debemos todos estrr de acuerdo en esto y todos enseñarlo. , > H. M. COLBURN SBC. -X TBSOB. ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA aro. E. H. WILCOX SOPKRIXTBNDBNM DIRECCION POSTAL: LARO - PERU S. A. ESTACION DE LARO Misión del Lago Titicaca de los E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SUPERINTENDENTE ESTACION DE LARO Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEO. Y TESOR. DIRECCION POSTAL: LARO - PERU -aro, * - 1 o E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SUPBRiyTBNOBNTH «ECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” MÍ8Í©ra del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA sbc. t ítbsor. DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 FUÑO PERU, S. A. tino, Feb. 28, 1923 Bear 'brother Colburn Just a line to send on his mail. I have "been thinking that it might be well for you to get a little of that red paint used for painting the hull of a boat the first coat. The paint is caminé off the hull of our boat a bit and should be painted. I mean that red like they use for the first coat, You will be able to find it in Moliendo better than elsewhere I should judge. A half gallón would be enough I should think. In a letter received last night from hlder Peterson he informes me that money has come in so that the 28¿ percent will not have to be: cut from no. 1 appropriations and that there will be a little for advence work. In a letter from Williams last night he states that my appeal written from Urcos touched their heart and it was voted to give us three workers this year. VIVA. I have gotten out the find some mistakes as I avoid all. Puno Briefs and sent them off, I look it over yet I find it hard to The Ríos have moved out of the rooms and I have had them painted. That is the ceilings and the oorder. Demetrio Peralta has refuscd to teach in the Bnglish School it seerns to be largely because of fear of not being able to handle the work as he should. Wife is taking care of Sister Dalinger and I should judge that in a few minuets a san wioo be borne. Thiiis Wed, Morning 6:50. I will cióse and hope that all is well. Sincerely your brother Bebruary 23,19,03 Señor l’.Ijlbhr, Lima^Peru '. Daar Brother Eohr:- I jot you she el of fx xhasii. De .. r . 3ro ther liar ray: - Your letter of June sixth has been w&iting for a reply these many months.l will x malee no excuses for not hav-ing written befo, e mere 'than to say tht X llave though of it dozens of time and twice I bel leve I had u?aper in themachine to write but otñer duties crowded it out. I well «remember the sumar you mantion at good oíd j.H.C. Heally X should lito to repeat it just for á cíiange. This :?as,X think,the fifth summev which ¿ had spent at the -College and each sumar it vías my privilege to meet new peo-pie. As we think of our College friendo we ... ind them scattered all ovar the world. As you oay our work is larga in visible resulte and so naturally the eyes of our peopla through out the world field are at times turnad our way.Mrs/Colburn and myself have been conndcted with this most interestdng field for nearly three years now.«Theia are many others Mi sions in the world that heve just as thrilling experiences and our workers in these places are working just as-hard but our work is a bit unusual and so has brough* to the no tice of the public in a, way tiiat same other places have not. I am sorry to disa^point you regarding the things you ask about. You seem to be especially interested in the me medical lineo «and the things being.done in that depar trnent. Our work during 1922 was really small along medical lines.« Doctor Johnston was in Lima preparing to take the medical «ex-aminations so that he would be permitted to xoractice in Perú and the o ti® r medical woxkers are so tied up with olher lines that no speclal enphasis lias been placed on this work.A-round our oíd stations the work is much less than during the first years for the worker is present with the people 11 of the time.Of course our nurse are ccnstantly having good ex-perienceo but our work in this has been small compared to the work of one o i’ our previous worker s. Orley Yord , formar director of tto Pomata tations,is now in charge of the In-dian work in* Ecuador.üis work goes ahead of most anything of which I have heard in recent years. j Our big work at the present is schools.Last year we conducted fifty nine schools for Indian children and a school under the direction of Mrs. Colburn in Puno for tha Spanish children here in Puno.There «are three teachersin this . f.'Iurray No.2 school and we teach both in the Spanish and -^nglish. It ha .o been a great help to our otier worlc as it has made friendo of same of the best familias in Puno. During tlie past year we have had nearly one hundred workers ccmiected vrith the Miasion.I assure you it is no salí to manage a working foros of about eighty of these nativa workers. Brother filcox and myself are taxed to the limit of tour resources at have ten main Kission Sta-tions where it is al.'/ays planned to have foreign directora either from Argentina or the States but we have been vory short of v/orkers fot’ months.In a Jetter ,f?;om Brother Williams the hemeaticns *tv;o new fanilles that have been appointed to this field nd ene 1 j alre.^dy on the way. It Vvil.1 surely relieve the situution. * ■•'."a vera mada s-,d by ¿lie dea/íf» of distar fLvin. frs. Coltum and myself were with the alvina in Moliendo during • X^art of the month of Da cambar but sh lost a baby at threa months and neede.l to lia,ya an oijeration. xt vías impossible as it always is in Perú to gah doctor at night. fter clore to eighteen heurs the operation arrived but it was to late to s va her life.Complicutions sat in and sha.died during tlie fare part of January 1923.1'.er body was talen to Juliacu where we h$ve bought land for our new J’o^m.,14School and vio have been grantef the privilag^ bj* theplied to look after ti® work and the place is. a full days ride on tlie train from our office.Just ar. soon as ALvin was pone the bisliox^ from Cuzco cent a half dozen. brovmad robad priests to work a-gainst us and to destroy the f.iss ion. They did a good job of it and finally v/ith a bunch of fanatical wo¿nen went before the sub-prefect of ti® district and demandad pur expulsión. Although the man v/as a frien'd of ours they brought sucli pros-sure to bear and ¿¿ade ed much fuss and so rnany threats ha had to send a telegram to ^the prefect of Cuzco teling him that the peonía of orcos daiaaned our expulsión. The prefect is our eneaay and hand in han! with the bishop ráio was working to get us. out so the message was cabled at once to Lima.Through a Germán lad tliat a friencl of Alvins we got wosd at once and our suparintendent vzent to the place.The first night in the hotel he slept a ith .the door opon all unawares tÁáú Ü U mob ■ .d.iíurray No.3 liad gathered to kill him until the next morning.He xSund tht t th best i)eonle of Orcos desired tile ni os ion and'twnjsty busi-hese men si peed a cable to the presiden! asking tha t we be pemitted to st xy sayinp th. t tho otle r word vzas false. Ai-so the president of th- city council sent one on bis own re-sponsibility stating the same thing. V.b ais o sent cables to our of fice in Libia and ano-ther to the president himself who lias always been vexy friend ly.uur friends there at once went to Señor fíneinas who is our repxesenutive from tais distríct. fíe always stands up for our- work and at once went to the House ‘ahd presente! the mat-ter in a strong speech. before 6ongress which was theu in session and. liad an action put Uirough giving us the needed 'protection/Al though this was ^^-sn&aá; opposed by a priest who is a luembex of congress the vote was unanimous vzith ¿he exception of tais priest so 1 onderstund. We at once got a cable from the present stating tht ordax had Leen ¿i van o tais gxefect to gir e us protectlon.So our work has been widc-ly adver tí sed in the papera of Cuaco ¿diich is the seat of the beast himself as near as the e can be a seat outside ai Lome itselx• • During the yaar we have been able to buy land for ou Normal fíchool which has been o much needed.Wc have work-ed t.vo years en bilis but have be en unable to fiad a place s suitable until this last Jr.y.On account of oppositioixfpoor titles to all property,and the scaraness of places suitabla vhich are larga onov.pi we had a jreat deal of diixiculity. liauy days we spenfi in the saddle looking at all places v/c -could he .r about. finally we found one tia t seemed to llave all the tilingo thfc.t ;we desire as far ás this could be possible but the man desire thirty thousand sol-s and we could not pay over twenty tlicvsond.A bip difference it seen-ed. After lookinj at the land carefully and talking nith the o'.vner ve returned to our hotel.The needs were great for this inox^rty oí something at once as it was imperativa tJa t buy and get something started at once, e had an earnast soasen of pr.xyer and aftor furtle r discussion votad to offer the man twanty thousand or the limit of what v/e could psp axthcugh thuie seemed but little x^rospeets of hsi chang-in.j liis mind.hrothex tilcox and myself returned the next mcrnlng on oui dorsos bufara leaving tov/n and mude the of-fer. ithin twenty minutes a ccmpromise was mude and he had acceyted the oí'f jiw vitu the understanding tía t the stock on th.; place be dividmi. ditfiin a month or a little mora we were in possession ready to begin opera.tions. íhis is very unusual in this ccuntry.The Lord lias shown his aj^roval in many vzays. hen wex were ready for a con tractor to put up the vzalls of » our main building víe secured the best contractor in tais whol región at a price unheard of before. ..hen we needed sand it wa found on our ov/n place.fheu we needed lime and gould not procure it in the countey wa found limestone and built a lime kiln and buxned our own which was twice as strong as any me had previously used. Lhen we were ready fox the Galvanizad roofing it was there at the stution liaving axrived Just a few days before fr-om the Suatos nd at a savinj of about one third.hven one of the business men in town remx^ked tliat he wished 'the fívangelists would jet the roof on uheir build-in.; so thit it could x'uin. I could write on for hours but perhaps this is nothing th.t is of interest to you. I will write again Murr y lio *4 i..-.:./-.,,... • if you are interested end i hopo tía t it ‘will not taire* so lon¡j aríothor tiñe to answer you letter. I shall be ,;hd to put your n¿une on the mailing íist for our Puno Briefs. filis will keep you in touoh with v.yiat is join.j on in our .. iolci. I have read with interest some of the reporta from your pen. I shall be piad to hear more of the work there in Brczil.Brctto r and Si star ..-¿te en are oíd frienda fron m.H.C. and als-o Harry r/estcott wlic is now president of some hi-ssion tl>.ere was at one time a very yoód friend of mine. uith sincere bést v/ishes to you and I(rs«ííui’ray end al :c to ';hc h.C.’workere in cr at loatt your sec- tion»! remtdn - > > Very sincerely your friend and brother, February 28,1923 Señor ...I • F .Pete rson, Takomw Bank, .asid.gton D.C. Bear Bro ther Pe terso nt* > > Your letters of Eovember and January 17th re both at hand. I llave thorouglxly enjoyed getting your letters and should have written befo re but tle first carne while I was working hard to get ready for the visit of Brother -lohh and the seo and ar .ived Just as we were going to Follando for vacad on.We still have another week here and I trying to get a few letters f inishad befóte returning to Puno Tlie first part of my visit or time he. e I was writing out c committee minutes anl wTiting out ítems for another copy of the Puno Briefs. I have put you ñame on the maüing list so you will get *them as issued«l brought down the last copy and sent to you the other day. »It is barely possible tht you have this copy but it will do *no harm if you receive a dupli-cate.In letters from Brother* Cone and Brother Williams tlíey . both mention hov; well they like our little news sheet.They think that it contains just the matter to bring up the work of the Mission.I am gald if they are pleased with our efforts and will continué to do the best that we can. le now have our mimeograph and it will be possible to get out a largar number from iime .to tíme.Xt is our des i re to get this out mon monthly and also to print another in Spanish for our Ilativa . workors each quartor. I have. understood that it has be ¿n hard for our workers to get good places to live in Washington on ac-count of tlie high renta. I guess same have be ,n very fortúnate in buying or building. I was sorry to hear of your having to leave the Spanish apeaking field after having a good working knowladg- of the S.panish* It is so hard fox* some of us to learn any langu .ge tht it is too bad to lose a man af-ter he has be come familiar with it.l trust that Mrs. Petar son will be much better theee ..Washington and that now you vzill be able to a settled horae again. I think that you folks have had better grit tha.n smie of us would have had i ‘ we had had the same .eje ex-iencev- J trust that you will enjoy this new lina of work. There is iíq question about the sise of the work and also the need. . You «ask about Brother keplogle. He has lr.d good grit and on account of the shortege of workers he has stuyed right by the job. Part of the time in llave and the rest at Juliaca. Jos v/as *síck for a month but was much better when he took the bout about, the mídale of February.fe had written a great deal abcfUt the, matter and also cabled but did not get final worit for him to come un til the last of J&nuary. e were w iting to f ind. out if his wife would be able to re- * tura and whether he should selí'hi.s goods or just what he shold to about leaving. teF.P.Ho.2 we then got word that hsi wife would be able to retum in June and lie me given .penáis sion to ge at once. Moye than likly before this you have haard full detai A-of the death of Sister .tevin. I know that Br otear iilcox tes written to a number about tes not accountof the altitud©. X was in Moliendo the last of Decemb^r and went to Tingo with the mlvins on the 19 th. It tes been a long time since I have sean Sister Mlvin in Setter he Ith. There were about raady to retum to our Cusco Valley Mission for another peiiod of service.Brotear rilvin was still anxious to return to the States but had contentad to stay for another period at least.Mrs.Blvin ted a misoaxraige and loqt a three montes cid being able to get a:doctor at night it was alterno on the naxt day before a proper operation could be pex-forned.Complications sat in and although she had good nurs-ing it was impossibl© te saw hei life.Mr Blaisdill was very kind and arranged for transportation to Juliaca wher©.we took it us with the proper of fie tale and teve started a small cemetery on the school farm in a nica secluded spot. This is far better tten to bury in one of tese Catholio burying grounds.Yesterday 1 went to the boat and Lrother Bivio is now on the ocean sailing with Viála and Little Jack fox the □ tetes. He plana to go to San Brunoiseo «and látex Btart the medical ocurso if he can *fteish the necessary ontxance work. Our hearts go out to Brote r Hlvin in this bereavument. * have mad© the folíowing changos.David Dalteger ges to Tliey are waitin¿; in Puno until th© arrivul of. the stork. »it do es not seem wise for her to go sooner. Doctor Jotes ton rías locuted in Juliaca. A. C. Jord has tukon the work in Poníate. Thi loares some of the stations without foreign directors but in a recent letter fren Brote) x Williams he mentions the fact tht two faiailies are being sent ^rom the irgentine to relieve our situation.One is already on the way.W will make furtlD r ctenges when our brehhren Thompson, . and Crager are with us from the División in terch. Brother Stevens syent a full monte with us ;jtid is in quite » full touch with tlie work of the Mis si on. Some of our workers are not enjoying tile best of health and w.; may need to make other changos among the for-eign workers befa e ¿he cióse of another year.On ac^ount of the finaneial crisis we hopo that nene will tere to Jteav© for the present.Our workers nave voted to stay by the v/ork even though it i o necessuxy fox us to go .zithout salary for the last few montáis of the year.You knou a little of vrhat this means as you understend somete mg of the financia! eituation of our individual workors.All are willing although we do not see now how same will beteblc to do it.Uhless we get relief it raay be necessary for /quite a numbor zof us to take up othj r lines of work for si time. Ib would not do much j?od for us to «;o homo for it would take moro to send us homo tli/xi the salaries would be for a nwnber of montes.Bbwever we are of goods courage and know th, t our bretliren in Washington and other parto of ITorth tenex'ica are working hird to send relief. We hará rentad S ux rooms here in Moliendo snd * our familias with children greatly appreciate teem.V/e do not have to keep the children on dress parada all the tima as we do at th Hotels f.nd we are able to cook just whab we wish to eat. 1 teve thoroughly enjoyad the last favz v/eeks whioh we have spent here in Moliendo.Motilar field and Arenles folks have osen with us. Por three Brothsr Schwerin has been with us.Brcther Sclwerin is not in the best of health. He is having medical examinations and we v/ill be able to determine his condition a bit are hoping that by proper diet tía t he will be able to jo ahodd with his work.We surely are not in a position to lose more workers this year. I could write to greaf length but do not wish to tire you. I feel cure that you will speak a ;ood word for us if opportunity offars. ;e have never doubted you interested in the wrk of the Mssion.Durin , the time you spent in thás dnion you always showed yourseli do do all pos oíble to advance the zork of the Lake Titicaca Hissi on.The crd continúes to bless in the work wid it is ever f oward oven thoug tle works rs a re few. Witli sincere best wislies to you and lírq/feterson and othor fiiendB.I remain Your fríend and brochar, o T. L. OSWALD, SUPERINTENDENTE PROVISIONAL. L. G. BEANS, DIRECTOR DE COLPORTAJE. J. S. HINDBAUGH, SECRETARIO Y TESORERO. MISION BOOV1?™ DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 355—LA PAZ —BOLIVIA tibliud" fíriJ31 ftíiJ pü aiBffiins. 9/14 10T bsel. r ar., .,. a , *; ’1 h ® ■ n.7111 .rio b9i í fw ¿i ñiTl A3flOv VJv uí ' nü i)9ín»o. JO(J bsií st Jjsrif ¿Ibtico" brrr. Í.BIÍJ bnjBSÜ-Olíá f!8f £í /"'r.- . •? . 11 •9‘TOffi bn^síJOlfd ? . r xu 1 “99Q ■ evjsxi oí; oao bnsl odj no crnecTñ ppv > qí JascT baldes a lili , Lurch t.3, 19*3 ~ ; fL Khd bib w íriiu X^ál éw 9 )nÍ3 Eider Ti E. Howell 5r< ■ * * L’ - í-v j. X>u C<3 d í '¿SX’I.Bü 9XÍ¿ *X¿:QY uXííj’ . 9H0 bÓOT) « Tac orna Park ThC. - ésofafog* .nasa nd'víbvap rwó ¿i .JUJHQ' DXOa OVfiH av; »bsé*i ♦•fol 1¿3¿ fdfil as V3rOV hn1 c. ii i will ••write yo» a f§gr lines. in answer to your letter of the, p4 of Nov. Time surely passés in a ¿urry* I should have written you eoon but. I,have been vgry buey ever since your letter arrived and it. seems that I ,vo dn»BÓT<¿ü*x flíw vIjbqv J^ríf « o u we are surely thankfulj4 for ihe i?ew pphbbl building we have. It is perhaps a litóle larjer thnp we shpvild have planned but it a credit to our cause and apur work. Situated as it it and our work being inspected as clósely as it it it serítts ifaperative til . L we Lave jsomething that will represent us. The building all j for the present. It is so arrahged that we have a large chppe that yill hold a thousand people. This we need- for nov; we haye 4QC in Sabbath attendance ■t time. It provides for class rooms and dormitbries for 45 farilies. Aleo we have a carpenter shop in it and départments for living «quarters for the director of the¿ school will be arranged in it. This aakes all under one roof and very comefortably arranged. As time goes on and v?e need more room domitories for natives can be arranged out side of the main 'building. Then we can arran^i fór 'a house for the director out side and little by little the full plan carried out as wás outlined. The more we studeisd t^e maguer the more the plan we choose ap >ealcd to us. If special side issues had not crept in we would have been able to "have roofed the building and evcry thing with out having too much addi ti onal expense. But our paying ten thousand more for land than was first planned and then last year having to Buy Eider Y/.E. Howell feed for the animals on he farm we spent about 4oü0.0ü soles that we had not counted on, Then repairs on the farm tuildings and corráis that tfre had not cownted on ainounted to seveaial thousand more. This took the money that should have gone into the school building. Then the extra ten thousand that was spent on the land should have Leen for ouilding parpóses. The Union,Sanetioned our spending XÜfUOO soles for land befóre eider Pe te raen left us. This seemed best to do and since we feel that w did right in buying a larger place and a bettei' place than we had expected to buy. Th jjlacq. iié.realy a godd one. Chis year the Larley is so tali that *a man standing in it can hardly be seen. Petatees are f iye, • we. used ten thP^sanb. £xtru. for ■ land and then the oohef adbí tionaX■expences: Jtéi^k w,c<.h^,fauK ¿pinteó on before wéJ are behihd w-itn. our ^cíioq-1 building.V-'e'.^ijive no üio-ey íor ■ ,'iudows-or «iwsb or f.oxt; fi^.i-ohing i-» he will need this year if possible ten thousand dallara tu make up the déficit.;"’ ; evurt od &sXq yIsius sis a w» ■> C8.9 ’ie.rtJU'I . «O ><70^ an?'} ritú£ thácexpcri reo -z: hac • I am surel tlíát I Have lenrned • .any leseáis tha ¿ Imill notroier,.; C apon an d ..wiíl now b'etter hów to figure «huuld I called -0$..$$ h¿ad up Auch athin.-: ¡ww. I WW I Hahre failad in o..v •-av • u$ it has not been iñtenéionally. If '.ve can avery finshih íjJ§§ work v-e nave" started then Wé will aurely ¿ave a finQ pelidoand one that realy will represent ouaríjwark and. our piuco bér¿ • ■T^e beginning is a good one. We can go ahead vith school as it is how and that is W ht we are- dying. gut as soon as possible we should hhvé úoorX^!. winucws, pienseeond . floor fldored'. -3ií/.o zíio 00 Jibero ¿xrd bsnrsro- "We are bendlng our effoxfcá tevard ma^ing our, industries an importpnt párt of the1 Work, th^re. Xe feel jthat it i s. the needed. desire toimáke the carpen te / c of the ieadinp; industries. The ¿aria v/.ill cerne first. h^th are ne<^deci0 a^ooit aasío ioi asbivo-rq jj .tóxiJ Ja B íf ^W r 1 Sincerely your brother ax C?4* - ■• > f ¿- S1 *> .¿□á-? r L. ’D. rur.icr Lima Pe"ú Le a i* brother: — Your Líttjr uf '5V‘b, 7th. at harxd and glad to hear from you. Pe lio pe th¿; u yuu - í well and that all is going nicely the re. iv.y in the fae&r futuro. I wunt to get out of having te go if posible Por I ¿o not íhel that I a-aght to leave my .rork here. Wt are having ~ots time so it s-ea the re is no te do, to do the se days and ino'.’e all the let up to the .;ork that we nave We hope that your house is coming 1 ¿ ÍX üfl V you will sooa Lave it up in nice shape. We are busy on house cuilding here also. Kot peraonally but on the school. It surely is sore ¿ o c tu get a building like we have started finished. I nave spent a -jood deal of time there werking and still there is rore to he dono all the tíffie. I fear that "inaness will not peral tt us to both make the tiip to lima thv. time. My wife would libe to come but -it present it keeps us hustling to make onds reet. It 8¿»ems that we can not get enough ahead for su oh a irip as that. '71fe however wsuld be very glad to make the trip and to take a rest at the cast. We haré left out our vacation of last year but I fear that soon I will have to arrange soite ♦ way to let my wife nave ax líttle reet at the coast as ehe is getting pretty well run dovn and needs u rest. I will cióse for this time and will not be long ti 11 we wil* rncet again. with us in the t'iscíon Station ^irectors we are planning on holding next woek. We a step in the right di rae ti en. suppose that it Wluh you could be c on~ren ti un that leel that it is your brother Mursp 3. 19 3 Gil Yvpanqtd Urcoe Muy amigo nu stro; — Mando esta con el fin de saludar a Ud. y de avisar a Ud. de que obra en ral poder su atta. con fe oh del 9 de febrero. En cuanto de la escuela de Juliaca he pedido su buen amigo el hermano Dalinger de explicar bien a Ud. sin deuda el lo ha hecho antee de esto. Quedaremos muy contentos en tener a Ud. en nuestra escueli de Juliana. Esperamos que con el tiempo esta va a ser una escuela muy importante. ” n cuanto del diccionario lo he mandado con el hermano Lalinger y tal vez Ud. lo tiene antes de esto. Voy a mandar a Ud. un retrato que he sacado de Uds. mientras que estaba en Urcos. Tal ves su napa va a quedar contento en tenerlo. Sin mas por hora roe despido de Ud. Le Ud. atto. y SS.SS QnÍJÍejB nis 1 .bobean no y YSnoci río uní worí x;sb ion bxb no Y ob fíiw arf caw. I exfíd bns orno a íjoy broa oí mudloD lorfioicf .aeil-isiisnp araos uov bnos oi nxh sleh og [b I. .gnirriorn oríd ni , CInw ai IIb Jbáíí oqoií bnn eraiJ aixíJ iol oaolo iaum X ’IBfíiO'TÍ ‘XJJOY Í919OHÍ3 4. ¿9 3 MIarch G.E. Kann j''00- ftoin brr, erix tíic hijjí cerfonef srí.' sqc/'f .3*1 Bear brother; -- Just a Une tonight. I have your letter at hand ano glad to hear from you and to lnow‘ that things are as well as they are there* Say above all things we must have those benches for the meeting there* I nope that with out fail you will be able to get them ¡nade* The caroenter will need to keep on the Job ri ;ht aloug. 1 hope that he can get them machi with oug fail. He will hardly have time to paint them now but should get them put together I 'shou.d thinlg. If there is time lo paint them of course th- t wi^l be well to do. Now as to the part you have in the program. Indian territory there are many possi oili tie s for doing Liissimary work. Especially that of Missionary Visite, tíkxssx Charity workt Visiting sick and talking with them and doing many little things for them and helping them in the i r work while sick. uiving treatinents to the sick and holding biblc studies. All this can be done in indian territory and is missionary work of the highest order. WHAT £AN INDIAN VEVDER3 DO? i 3 a big subject they can do all that I have mention above. In a simple way they can be t&ught how to ¿ive first aid treatmerts to the sick and how to huid simple bible studies and also how to help in cases of need. If classe-s could be formen in our chunches for teaching the members to do this kind of work and how to do it it vould prove a great help. It would be a blessing to the workers to be doing something «and to the people they wald visit it would be a help and would show that those who serve the Lord had an interest in them. HOW CAM1 W ENCOURAGE THEM TO VORK. We can do th t by keeping a good live missionary syirit prevailing in our churches. This can be brought about by holding missionary meetinga and forrning classes teaching them how to do missionary work. They by giving them work to do and teaching them how to do the work assigned. ?hen by example the Missimary director can encourage them to do missionary vork. Planning work and working plans. W ell I guess I have told enough and with what you will add to it you will have a hard time to get through in 15 minuéts. N ow I am still worried about the benches and so if you need me to help make them wire me and I will come. Y ou did not say how much money you needed. I ain asking brother colburn to send you goiae and this I guess he will do in the morning. I al so ask hin to send you some cuarterlies. I must cióse for this time and hopo that all i s well. £ C1 úoiásK Sincere!; your brother P.S. Hope the Lenchos turn our ine and nice looking. V4va — ;*i9iíJoicí assH toJJoX *iía>X gvjbií I .jxíginoj sniX b jai/L ugnlxíj jsrfj 'wón^ oj bns jjox oj bnXq boa ónsií jjs daxitn ow agnixíj XX& ovols ^^8 .oieríJ 0*1x5 '¿edj as ÍXw as eas jr.Jj sqoxl I .o'ioííd ^nijosu 9Xí j uol osiioned »aoxíj evsd sxíT .obBfii ¡noifj 19^ oj oXd'jü od IX ir/ uo^ Xixsl jno ríJiw aqu í I oír. Jh¿ i*x uo ¿ oh¿ no qosií oj boen iíxw lednaqiBo ovbjí ¿íb*ixuí Hiw olí .Xiol ¿ujo lídiw nbsñi líieiij 39$ fwo erí ísrfd 1 'xeiíjogod juq íueríj i 03 bliíoha jod won aioxíj ini.eq oj emij j -áv‘ oeauoo lo ¿Hi jriioq oj sraij ai oaoiíJ II .^nxhj b.uorfa* .00 oj 1197 90 Hiw .ami^onq oiíj ni ovsxí uox jaoq oxl j oj as woL' Viandaa ira gniob nol aaij11idiaaoq yus¡l &-113 oioxíj vtoix’i’ioj nfiibnl Xj'i’i.sHO xxoíQ tádíaiV ^xsaoiaaiM lo dsxU xXXbí33 od bliiov ¿I •qlol jxsS'ih B ovoiq biso ¿ Jl ji ob oj v-oií bns arfj oj bar. gniíí4oiuoíj gniob oJ oj aia^now oiij oj gniaeeXd woda bljJOw bns qltuí s od blsov/ ji jielv blxjw olqoeq .nioríj ni jaaiojni ns bsxí bnoj oríj ovnon oiíw aaoiíj ísríj Snxqsoii xd °b neo oW .1UT0”- OT Si&HT SDAHUODO ‘ W KAC ¥f0H .aodo'iniío *iho ni gníXisvonq jiiiqa ^njunolasim ovil boojj b agnijooín x^snoisaini gnibíoií vi ¿sods jrfguo'id- sd rwo aiiíT .hnow '¿Tufíoiaa!■/. ob oj woh moiíj gnidoBaj aosasXo gnirtriol bns ob oj v.-oií ¡nexíj ^niiíorof bnr ob oj ilnow meiíd anivig v* Gajoaiib ví^ndael?! axil ©Xqffüsxa vi noií: .bengxesB 21*10w eríj bn.e 21*101’’ gninnsXl .2í7cw yionoi-eeira ob oj marfj e^snujoono nso .ensXq gnÍ2Í*i0w iru\; íbiíw xíjiw bits líguonu bloj ovsií I aeojug I líe V rf uoniíd jeg oj oraij bnsrí s ov^ri XXiw uo jl oj bbs XXiw x »ajs»JJnlra 31 ni oe bns aoríoned ndj d bsi*i*iow Hija ras I wo W .anteo XXi?/ I bns ora 9*1 iv raoríj osüsm qlsií oj ora boen soy; li XI iv ^arzc b, J.9 3 Ilsá- a a ’X&fcX bIHí 1 i no sbsd^o ov-ií sW .emó boo^ vi«»v b ®tf Eider . W*W. Eastman Tacoma Parle D.C, Lear brothe--; Just a line today. We re ceived your letter last night and I was glad to ?earn that you nao been in. Texas ar»d that you hao been cióse to where my' Unele lives, I would indeed be glad if same time you could strop in and sane hir. ; Qcf hf-.-ov jj bebioeb nv v' e are wcll here and getting aj.on ry The cliirate neeras to be telllng soné on my wife. a’gain and so I am planning on letting her go to the coast i'or a while. The Lord has ccrtainly ble ased* us vu oh neulth and gtrength and, w? are thankfull for that, ’rork. Put I am not vorking too hard and do notplnn to work loo hard. I only do -hat I can and let the rest feo undone. W e are getting two new workers for mission stations and we are surely glad to get them. They are going to be fine workers we hope. However these two will ÜKely take the place of two that will likely have to leave the field. This will still leave us with out directora for the four central stations &hat are now with out directora. Eider W.W, Eastman W e are now planning on a c nvention here for directora of Stations. We hop< that this will be a g.od thing for the work here, The Solivian brethren are coming over to be with ue. Eider Thompson Crager,Siemens and. Williams will be here on Wed. l’orning and at once we will go to Juliaca to hold the meetings. -The fnrm that I bought for the school is proving to be a very good orie. We h-ve cebada on it this year as tall a& a man, It. surely is fine, We have good pota.toés. We did not do as much fnrming last year as we aught but this year we plan ond doirg a good deal more. vre nove the main school buildirrg-up; I missed it some on that» I had never had charge of such a. big proposti tion and hav' learned amny lépeong I will not forget eoon. We the rain building roofed and the Süirmnr school ir 'rin- heTd there. Wñ heve 85 in schooi?; ry paying ar extra ten thousand for lacd as you r^member we decided it wovld be better to de while we were Jn I,ima we have run short of mpney. Then fixing up the fnrm houees and buylhg feed and fcWed last yesr for ¡the farm for it, did not brinr us ir: y ftfxirrg lítist year, wé rw in debt five or six íbu'shnd polos. Tiróse wte all thir •••« vre hac not dourrted on irí the ! eyi^n i rg. I m very srorry for this but . I ithink the leseo- learned* will be- Of lasting henefit. We surely feel. that the school is n stéb ir. the right dirección. Chis is proving: hlrondy a. blbesihg to ?.r work. In the school itself we now have a go ce sabbath schoo-l and 'I exp-ect that we wl.11 soon have a church of five nundred members. Prospecte are that it will 'be ahother central mission. station. • *-*1 ■ “’t.'LwXX t^liü i! 4 i¿ £1 14,v Q V* '< ¡"í i VI must cióse for;-this time and hope all is i : J well ánd that your fainily is well and tix? work going. nicely Hthere. W? are always glad to near from you. 1 v ■ ái-n'cerely your 'brother ’ Ofíü i asbssí boon i; snii owd snidioj) eiB e w o4 bjjjgj x;f9*iue eus ew bnjK »ríi aov9v;orí .oqorí aw eaeáiow ,Í92ÍjX lliw ÍBííd owi 10 93£lq ¿jjo xUlw au ove©! Iliie IXiw o hJiw v'Ofí sas ¿hcihh anoiJ^Ja March 5, 19 3 A.C. Enns Friedentr. Lear rother: -• Your letter al nana and I was very glac to hear from you. I am very much interested in your letter and very glad to Know that you have been a missionary in different places» Surely there is no greater work than to be a missionary to different countries. I was glad to note that you had decided to go again as a laissicnary to come country and work for -he Lord, A s to doing self supporting work here in this part of the world I would hardly know y'ha t to say about the matter We have no workers that are trying such a thing but it is possi' le that such could be done, W- have in our own field a lar ge un explored section that would be a great field if opened up. It is in a tropical clima te and all kinds of fruits a ound. The governnient will give one land there for the asking neorly. It is hard of access. One has to cut his way through the forest and go on foot for sever 1 days to get there. There are tribes of indians there that are semi civilizad and ouhers that are not civilized. A s to the indians helping I would hardly know what to say. Ve are vorking among indiano all the time yet at the sume time we find them quite poor. They ar however in certain places quite generous. Our work here among them is prospering and we are thanki'ull for the progrese that is being made. I/ist year we haptised about 700 and the ye r before over 900 so you see the Lord is working on their hearts. We are thankfull to see the great change that comes into even the keart of an indian who accepts the messege. We are directing 60 schools among them. If what I have said souüds interesting to you of course we would be glad to write you farther and give you all the .Information possible. Trusting that this will find you of goed courage, I must cióse for this time. Sincerely your brother Karc& • 5. ,J9 3 Porrost Washburn Chai-lesión W. Va. Le ar b rothe r: -- Your letter of. the.* 8th. of Jan at hand and I was very glad to hear from you and to know that you are intereeted in us and our work here in this field. Truely we have a very intersting field ano - ork here. It is one of the most interesting fields that I have ever Leen in. Yes we have had a great deal of oposition he re in our field and against our work. Soné lives have been in danger over the matter. I was nearly killed last year shortly after the visit of the papel Nuncio©. Yet we are werking for the lord and not for man. God can protect and keep us and he will. We have seen this promise fulfilled muny times heve in our work. Well we had to appeal to the president of the government and to Congreso for special help. God gave us favor with these raen and as a result we now enjoy as much if not more liberty than we hvae ever enjoyed. It seems that the visit of this man has resulted in advancing our work here. T here are lawas that hinoer our work in all these countries yet at the sume time our work is not being hindered to any great extent this would aply to Solivia, Perú and Ecuador, We are going nhead with out work and comparntively little opposition. In fact what opposition we have we are so accostomcd to it that we think but little of it these days. Religiosa freedom and liberty has been granted in Ecuador but in Perú and Eolivia we have only religo cus toleration. We have what is called "Libertad de cultos*’ That isa right to have and hola meetings. However we do most any thing we de si re here. W e baptised in this field last year about 700 new converts and the year before over 900 so you oee we are not hindered so very much. We are glad to be here and have a part in the work here and surely thank you for The interst you manifest in this work and field. We will be glad to hear from you at any time. Sin ce re 1 y your L r o tile r Marzo 6t J.L. Cardones Molí endo E s t iinado hemno; — M&.Í.GO esta con el fin ce saludar a Ud. y de avisar a Ud. que no hemos olvidado de Ud. todavía. Espero que Ud. se encuentra bien de salud y de buen animo» asta ahora no henos podido arreglar trabajo para Ud. aquí. El presupuesto ha sido cortado este aiio y es imposible arreglar apara un obrero extra. Por esto ría sido imposible. Mientras que no ha ppertunidad de esta clase me parece que sena bueno que se prepara mejor para el trabajo. Si Ud. podía arreglar ir a Lima a nuestra escuela en Lima y prepararse por unos cños entonces Ud. podía salir listo para el trabajo en cual quier parte. El joven preparado cor. la educación siempre se necesita. Aliora mismo si Ud. tenía la educación podía emplear a Ud. en la escuela que tenemos en Julio,cu pero sin esto es imposible y es el único trabajo que tenemos que ofrecer ahora. Tenemos que ucner uno cue puede ensenar el castillario en la escuela en Julinca. A.sí mi consejo sería de hacer el esfuerzo lo más pronto y 'greparr^r&e bien para el trabajo y una vez preparado haL ra e1 lugar. Sin mas por ahora me despido de Ud. Suyo en la fe 't- ~ a o; p.m :■>..; c-cs*;o^exch 8, .19-23 goo.cox Y? ¿ ¿ /■’ i XsT ¿ ■ .<£' -b'Sjx^ 3 'X*^ V-? /AS^COTIfC ’* Q TjHT-‘"r 5 a *' ■.') r fJT’T* X*'5T* • ■ 7 r’’r ¿a M'iáér Éxü'F'S-iev^bs> C* 14 j , .* .' j J r 'f j i,» '.JF 4-w 1. I have changed and ¿laced yovr naone on C óf the* Borne Misstpary and Young Peoples societies. I fccl that you aro more caps ble than I for that ^ubject. You have been the leader of that work in all South Aiuerícu and you have given special etudy to the Exutter of c’orabth'c^ societies here. I realy feel that you th^ man for the suujevt* Lave felt tiltil yca ’nc-vld not otjee't te takihg xhat sub',j v:'. feereforé have taken the lil-erty to piace your ñame inuteaa iuiue there. Then to lead out iu the discuasion to the same subjeet we have taken the liberty to place the ñame of crcther Hindoaugh instead of bro^Zncr Clark, brbthtr Clark has never had éxperience in eithér the Youág Peoples work of the TIome hlRsfenary wcrk, so I am told. So feel su:e<- that you wj.13 be in harmony with that chango. Brother Hindljaug^i we ;hiw was not on the líut and we thought perhaps you had dorgottch his najna¿ 2. Then on C. PRBP/mlYG a CíGASS OR BAPTISü we changed and put brother Shepard on as one to le:,d out i n the talk instead of líder' ,/BP. —iller. The reasbn is thi-e brother ikllller has ixtver prébaré??'' 5 c* ásn for baptim r-ó?»-e he has been here useing the card systetii Brother i^tepard is óhe of the first to origínate the oard systm and. has prepared some baptismo,! clr/dses so I understand. Brother Clark is quite good on thí^ subject and has had experienee so we have placed bis nai¿e as Uie ;no to lead cnít in the -iiscussioiu^ T i*' We Jwn? thouídit ;th¿tfl it \tuu?.d be well to add a subject on the wotóW dirtWt-i.^ Th'íS w have dói* giring siáter Willias Mi11er the eubject ' k-liítei?^X^tJ¿k to dlscuss it» That -j 8he will láVd out íh t'T'd libcu'sebn» T’erlíáp?: ^o¡dc of the men will 'have afe’methí^^cP^ájf dütíW'hlrfb4 T'T&LIElf cpsufiGq mnj This lánt suliv.. a-í take che 7?iday eession a half hour longer'taan you had pl-inhéd the progran. 1 feei that .- : this 18 ígdiné to be a convention' worth the while and ara .¿:’rély”rj^Mfí3wj-MW'you tákihg áüh an a-c tiW'ínter es t in it-.** en Á;l'óur wdrkárs are >e t t’inu arotiev.e fbr the tíme to o orne when we r"n oT»c« fpo nswe o£ rxcxpct pTugo.^rrép TTT¿SXJ JPO T£? v*C1 OfT * Tv p?T OTT^9 riTOTT **G ''!!£ i’/fTc: 1 have just arrlved hout. I h«YF been spending & w©ek at the farn. We have broke tl’.e mb'ler to pulí ánd thoxi are surely good unes. The fíSíé^ 14á<£ huul ed ovt froiu town we broügh 'Lr a ton and a_halí /óSrer fbadB.l<^e>Th8Ív^cáléd’r;Tf¿ been plowing -with theiíh 'We are sarely proud of this -ñew team» Ihey are real mules hwever anduiné has to keep on the lábk out Tvotj I ¿on >r«UG peón rpc resrqGX «s9u»x>a j'ircj i^onutí jjG0.í?jGB GociífTse* j Tccy ay TAjKOMA IX TELEGRAPH1C ADDRESS "GENERAL CONFERENCE" WASHINGTON. D C March 8, 1923. CABLE ADDRESS ■’ADVENTIST” WASHINGTON E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, perú, South America. Dear Brother: For some little time I have been wanting to write you but we have been extremely busy having but recently finished up the Harvest Ingathering material for the 1923 issue, getting it off to the various publishers both here in the States and many foreign fields in which this number is now translated and publish-ed. It is no small task I assure you. Now that the publishing houses have the manuscript and are grappling with their part of the work in bringing out the papers, we have a little oppcrtunity to correspond once more with the missionaries here and there through the field. We have been deeply interested in the reports coming in along from the Lake Titicaca región. I was particularly interested in your report in the last Review. This must have come direct to the editors for I had not seen it before. In this you told of the outcome of the visit of that Papal Nuncio visiting Perú. That special delegate from the Pope of Rome to aquelch what Seventh-day Adventista are accomplishing in the heights of the Andes, among the Inca Indians must have learned something. All Fall for one, I have been praying that God would in some way paralyze the efforts of the emaleary of Satan and give him to understand that he was dealing with the Lord God of heaven, and your report was sort of a direct report to the Lord1s answer to these prayers. Somehow I have had the assurance that the good angels were looking after this enemy of truth and have been looking for some word from down that way as to the outcome. Those gentlemen will learn after awhile pos-sibly, that they are grasping a very live wire when they undertake to put out the fires kindled by the third ángel’s message müst any-where yet particularly so up there among the Inca Indians. Really it is wonderful what the Lord has wrought up in the stronghold of the Andes, the past dozen years or so, in the strong work built up from that small beginning we remember so well, Wilcox when Brother Stahl and his wife pioneered among these Aymara Indiana. I well recall how Brother Stahl used to plead that the Mission Board send down four or five ccuplés just as quiokly as possible and that these could be placed around in the various sections of the mountains where they would be able to reach all the way from ten to fifteen thousand Indians in the various lang-uage sections and thus a wonderful work develop. His faith al-ways seerned to be ahead of our ability to find workers and now as we look at it, really dear Brother Stahl’s highest anticipations seem realized in that all around, even down into Bolivia, a strong work is organizad and many thousands of Indians put in touch with the message with hundreds of them accepting it. The Lord is thus manifesting what He is able to do in reaching hearts, changing lives, of those who will come unto Him and follow the message He has given for this hour. That is a wonderful report you are able to send on, Brother Wilcox, of being able to baptize 267 this last October. And now the inkling comes to us that possibly you will have to leave the heights up there for awhile and obtain a rest. I hope it is not serious or that it may mean you shall have to come back to the States for long because they surely need you up there. We certainly hope you may be getting on quite well and that there is nothing very serious with you healthwise. Day before yesterday I went down with Brother Poblé to get his passport started as he is asked to connect with the West Caribbean Conference as president, and he told me some of his ex-periences with those Román Catholic executives down there at La Paz, when they took over the government and began a work of opposition to our work, particularly school work, as it entered Bol'ivia. It is a wonderful story of progrese that is being told around the world as this message more and more begins to rise for its final triumph in all the earth. So far there has been no retrenchment. Wherever we have been able to gain a foothold and a little fire kindled, it has resulted in the spread to other localities and soon a large work is on our hands. We shall be glad to hear from you as to recent experiences as we can make use of these right along either in Missionary Readings or in Mission Lands Department in the Review. Our brethren and sis-ters are always glad to hear from the Lake Titicaca región. The Spring Council will soon be on here in Washington. We are so glad that funds turned out as they did so that the Board was able to replace the serious cut in budgets made at the time of the Autumn Council. There is a hercio effort on in all the conferences to make this year the banner year in the raising of mission funds and it looks as though they shall succeed. These Mission Rally Square-up Sabbaths, we believe will help greatly to increase the funds. Wilcox. -3- Now let us hear from you, Brother Wilcox. We know there is always something pressing in b^really these reports from our missioraries coming in fresh and warm from the various sections of the worid field are very important,indeed, in that they keep alive interest in the hearts of the brethren and sisters in not only America but in other parts of the worid as well, in what is being accomplished and these reports bring great courage to those who are holding the • ropes at home and furnish the munitions of this gospel warfare. So keep up good courage. Man y prayers ascend in your behalf up there in the Lake Titicaca región and although the enemy fights every inch of the ground Heaven has not forgotten how to send her warriors who can put to flight the armies of the aliens and bring off more than con-querors those who trust in God’s guidance and deliverance. We shall look forward with interest to hearing from you, sincerely hoping this finds you enjoying a reasonable degree of health, I remain Sincerely your brother, Vi/, A. SPICER, PRESIDENT CHAS. THOM PSON. VlCE-PRESI DENT FOR SOUTH AMERICA CRETÁRIES FOR DEPARTMENTS FOR SOUTH AMERICA C. P, CRAGER EDUCATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER A. A CONE PUBLISHING HOME MISSIONARY A. G. DANIELLS. SECRETARY W H. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER FOR SOUTH AMERICA The Geherak. Cowerestce HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., U. S. A. SOUTH áimim ©aUISSOlf FLORIDA. F. C. C. A. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Imrch 9, 1923 j. L. SHAW, TREASURER J. W. WESTPHAL. FIELD SECRETARY FOR SOUTH AMERICA TERRITORY ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE SOLIVIA PARAGUAY ECUADOR URUGUAY PERU FALKLAND ISLANDS Cable Address "DIVISION," BUENOS AIRES CODES: A. B. C. 5TH EDITION Western Union s-letter / j . “ . Colburn Casilla 6J Lima, Perú Lear Brother Colburn: p / I h' ve just received a letter from Brother C. l eyere, Associate Secretary of the G-eneral Conferer.ce, in which hv. mukes request for "some interesting e., perience or indication of providential intervention or help is what we desire. . indly co-oper te with us in this effort, for ve know that you are anxious to Ínter st our people in the hor.eland. ’ ow, Brother Colburn, X am wuite sure that you h:ve something which is inspirational nd just what we all need. I wish you v ould forw ,rd to us some of your latest erperiences for we must keep South merica prominently before the homeland, :from whence cometh help.." I know from my recent visit to the -Stares” that our brethren and sisters are Leen on South .merica, nc ve must not let this nterest w ,ne. You may forv. ,.rd t; is matter direct to Brother Leyers or to us and we will pass it on. However, in ..11 events, even though you forv rd it direct we desire ■ copy of your matter for we need the in-spir /bienal touch you h ve vith the people in the field. Le are just one big family do* n here trying the best ve can to get tais truth before the people, so let’s have -.n experience meeting ■ nd pass on some of the ood things you aré enjoying. Bo not w .t until ometime when you c n write a long irticle concerning the wonders of your field, but pulí out a piece of paper when the experience is fresh vhether on the street-car, train or home ■ nd let us have it. You will be surprised to know of the boost th t Ylaindrops from the Continent of Opportunity:: has given to our work am. £y it gre t interest has been created through-out the "United :t tes. The more we adv ¡rtise and push out propaganda the more help you can expect to receive, so let us have \ jar..-graph fresh from you field.---Please. L ithfully yours, Cajabamba, Mar.9,1923. Sr. H.M.xColburn Puno,Perú Dear priende: Will write you a short letter tonight, i F" imagine this will reach you about the time you are ready to leave for the Lima meeting(or ar^you going? M We hope you are all getting along well up that way and enjoying your work. All is about as common up this way, Now have my brother with us here or is in oiobamba at language work preparatory to work here. We are glad he is here to help us and hope he soon is able to handly ikn things so that we can slip out and go home for a little while. He is coming along very well at language work. Tnink soon he 411 be able to get away with things, We hope to be able to leave in a few months now, I havexX kxd xa been quite well for the past few months but one is rather nervous as to when the real bad attack may come, A couple of weeks ago had an attack hard enougn to at least let me know that it is still there, We hate to J aave just now as things are going along so well and thi\ 3 opening up as well as one .could ask fqr, Will be difficult for john to haiidle things alone, Really two mens jobs even without starting the school, '"This week have sold over fifXty sucres of medicine. Medical Work is a steady grind practically every day here, Received a letter from Bro Wilcox the other day and in it were made sad to hear of the death of Sister Elvin, Sure is too bad and to leave the two children. He must be broken up, Also too bad to IcPse him from the field in this time when the work is so strained for help, What are you doing vttth Elvins, and peplogue both leaving? We are getting quite comfortable now in our new hous e Will get all fixed up in time to leave and turn it over to another, Seems as thá wex'build and another inhabits"every where. Hope this will be the last time we go to the new place, Is interesting but the work almost overbalances the interest. Has been a heavy strain boutkphysically and i; entally to open the work here. So much depends on the first inpressions in a place like this where no one even ever has seen a Christian before, We now have good crowds to meetings all the time an d very promising outlook. Must not write more but will mention that I am enclos-ing a letter from a man in US who wrote me, Also sending a booklet he sent, The letter and book will be self explan-itory, Dont know what you will be able to do for him but wrote him that I had sent it on to the work was too new here to xtXsxdt be able to do it here, Your fri^d^^^^^ lí&reh 10, 19 3 Clark HH < >h o Bear brother• -•• I will write you a few linos and let you know ahout the chnnf*? ■ u <\?- . c. -ha ?tu.-¿ Convention. I have just received wurd ñvn ?oli - 3.¿t? ¿Lat they \ .11 all be with us and that vc.-c has cosae that & .. men ha ¿ oren c'-'lj.yr-' - <■ wcck in C\ id'. Tne Zu iw -«¿Oh/eaGi ni i be tía??ch th$ <.. to 31. Do m * iorgot br.-. j-^ yjur mZ© ti .L -.* ‘- \J •■ Í1X.1-- *. r,.J ’J I ,:- -*£%• _ ? <¿ ¿S. X ¿X - -4 • -- % X -.• Mi- ».¿V« wXa4* ±%ÍU¡¿i to vj: .-..o ..oon .s v¿. Loar from ■■•• «mor 3¿cvsaü c.guin. VZhen X j .. S ■'.. ’ 1 ' ,, j “1 1X -k .1 i i v«U~. u y ‘-i O. <■* ¿t¿ ->i. * Uh¿. »> w ¿alio. ¥¡rt> -í •. J. . 2. G€»k fox- óObic'./i ¿;oo ' from ye-»''* end 4' -m ¿Lie. Viva límaciii» dop¿ that rác jj-. -.’iculó/ó ie mmnz 11 nc ». •../ y Ju ■” V . -fc ' • I — • ■ . ¿f jI-ÍÁ' ¿•••Mu ■ ■ i’k A 114< >«i l »: ^í-— M.V d, w -uík ; C Á¿ • -XÍ¡ -W rñ..t- íjé < ' ’ir '.a ?ue ■.'. tha» you, *'’>■..1__ ii-’-iví.. -t-0 i? cho<>'1 »3 tjtixs yea.f'. Vi la t.utrxoulu» Wc hoy? tl-5t > ■.>;• naa eoi¿« vivii i i uil ir; and a gocv 1 st of ? cloolc .fci ,hi$ y< ar. ; ; .o:¿ your e.oni •g cver hei-ea ?e... ho.yy ycu could cora te Fiemos in Balsa "-no. Jlxb frori the».o on hov‘?. buek. 01' ocurro it v'ill br a litóle hard tu the cojting bu y cu could turn c;i the '. o i. hopo that every directo will ¿-o }pío. T ar-. wriiirit Luciano Chafite to cur-z..- hIíju. You 7*i .,’ 2. x'C uC. t ’i i"a.nit OUi í 1 ’ ■ X 1 l not Imve to ^ork nrith out salary 3or rsoney has come -n to pay alx salaries tile year» VI? have three ne*r vrorlere coialng fx’rn Az.'^ntin, One will be arriving soon. he aro ¿ .*.-.íy p..i.».íbCi. for the good news. We can .rur^ly rieüce gcod use of them. I must cióse for thl ? time and hopc -hat vrt- will seeyou at tho en ventlon and that you will be bringií¿e a gooG report £roni your end oí th:- -vorld. SÁ ■■:, c^-: 'e 1 y y our brot be- r Marzc 10, J.9 Z Lavld Dalinger Estimado hermano: — Jjando esta con el fin de saludar a Ud. De seo de que Ud. esta l ien de salud y de buen animo. He recibido únatele grama de ^Olivia avisándome que la reunión da Puno sera una semana mas tarde. Sera el 8 hasta el 31 de marzo. . & hay que olvidar el cambio en la fecha. Los hermanes en 12 Divison tan demorado una «emana ejitra en Chi le. Mando con el hermano Haira la muía y debes llegar el fin de la semas y volver a Puno en el tren del Sábado o el martes de la otra semana. Ud. puedo comprar soga o lo que se necesita para la muía y yo lo devolvere el dinero que Ud. tiene que gastar. Puede ü<|. ponerlo en pasto bueno y informarme los gastos y lo pagare. En el mismo tiempo si hay opertunidar de venderla hay que hacerlo en la primera vez. Bueno debo recibir a lo menos 3bo£W soles. Si puede venderla en &as lo mejor. Ud. también puede usarla en cualquier5 tiempo. En caso que se pone iníerma Ud. puede dailla una libra de sal amarga.* Se compone siempre con esto. Sobre todo deseo venderla lo mas pronto posible y en el mismo tiempo voy a pagar a Ud. por su trabajo extra en tener que ^molestarse con ella. Tal ves en dejarla en el pas$o sera bien dejarla con soga para que se puede pescarla mas fácil. H e recibido una carta de Herbs y el me dice que va a venir pronto. Los QtrOb Jovend no los necesitamos. El secretario del Sub-prefecto me ha escrito también avisándome que desea emplearse con onsotros. Pero no lo necesitamos. Si Herbs es bueno lo podemos usar. S in mas por ahora me despido de Ud. Voy a mandar un programa a Ud. mas tarde. El hermano Stevens lo ha cambiado mucho. Suyo en la fe isgscr atad. oup rXoncee « aortBejMn rsb eoüweeeC .nolfT£re*r .esencia a XXsups ne slucivism ua jsissrt obidxciorq q¿£ es* oqíoqxXT x ioftgr-ctó «¡IX® IA J Ü8 SVffl J5¿) , bU JB ’J’Xb^CT V ífl'TCH arttt Ktt » e. . c Enu .nu jb TFhrwm U oñ obleaab 9Sl ssiode toq asta nía Pe tiro Kalbermatter Lar o " ~ o\;v8 Estimado hermano; — Manejo esta con el fin de saludar a Ud. Deseo de que Ud, este bien de salud y de Luen animo. Como leva al hijo nuevo. Loa de Dalinger tienen un hijo nuevo sb también.3r -.«■ ^ ; V í 7rT^ nbrí£^Q XS JSOBíIi Al 9b Mí T, X orenxb lo oícFicqi QicfÉarrT* AHr»tL ¡.j-, > *ou ©osa ojjy .sctok 1 sta noche han venido Elis Mamani y Timoteo Chambe con el fin de ponerme en eonocemianto delagc conducta y compro tan liento del Manuel Chambe. Me dicen que hacined como gamonal quitando terrenos de otros indi gema. Pero en el mismo tiempo sabe haber oraciones largas. Dice que xja quitado terrenos de trece diferentes indígenas. También esta pleateando con sus vecinos. Dice que ha comprado pedazos de terrenos de diferentes indígenas después les ha quitado mucho más que ha comprado de ellos. Si esto es verdad es cierto que no debe ser en el empleo de la misión. Si favorecemos a el y el segas de esta manera vp. a dar mal ejemplo. Timeteo dice que Manuel le ha dicho que iba a matarle y después pedir perdón y sera bien. Me parece que debe investigar el asunto bien. Me parece que de todos modos será bien de tener otro enterprete en lugar de ^anuel Chambe. Si Ud. no cuida Ud. va a tener divisiones que no serven sobre el asunto. Si Ud. tenga otro entreprete y trata a Manuel lo mismo como cualquier otro entonces van a olvidar de esto me parece. Ho queremos tratar malamente a Manuel ni a Timoteo o cualquier otro. Debe os tratar a todos Iguales. Cierto debemos investigar el asunto de ^anuel para ver si es verdad o no. Manuel lia sido bueno para con misión siempre. Pero no obstante esto si está haciendo mal con otros no podemos usarle en el trabajo. Pero dejando todo esto me parece para el bien de la obra en la misión sería mejor no usarle como entreprete. Ud. puede investigar bien el apunto y avisarme. Podemos mandar a Ud. un interprete en mas o menos cinco semanas ahora. Cuando termina la escuela de Verano. Deseo avisar a Ud. también del cambio en la fecha de la reunión en Puno. Será el 8 al 31 de marzo. Los hermanos de la Divisi n han demorado una semana^en Vhile y por esto tenemos que postergar la reunión aquí. Hay que venir con toda la familia. C orno esta la matricula. Deseo de que Ud. la tiene tomada completa en cada escuela anees de la fecha de la reunión. Deseamos dar maestros a su matricula en aquell entonces. Al ®lií> human! y Timoteo de mandar a Ud. una carta y cada escuela que han pagada no les he promitido nada pedir a Ud. de investigar el asunto Sin , OI o arre® más por ahora me despido do Ud. leidasnedlsl oib©-eo de qi‘ Ud. investigue <1 asunto apunto bien. Uá. cabe ce que * 11- indit eiiits a-lentan muchas vezes sobre estos asunto que Uo, Lnvf;t-íigue el apunto no sabemos si en mentira ce los úió • o no. Pero on el tiempo pueoe t-cr <■•<;> .i cb tj ov<4 < **• a lian íiec¡‘:.o cuw C¡út lí-Ci ha cicho. Sobre todo áesnu buhev la verdad en el asunto, _ an, e liar e¡á& c' uvy no uifát-u. uóe^ Job i naigenas ff-.e-. ser i-iás fiel en envx'egcix la matricula todo aX director o i¿ □/ j ufe i x paivc c2.ii ve ¿» ex x in u6* me s ü¿- Pobrero. Este plan de entregar u^b pazt- níum y oea^fi cuando principia la escuela de e.n tragar la otra al mae.xro da lugar para gosub, ¿Ij.os ¿eúan critrefxar ni '<-recato con el hüraxnc Stevenn y enperc en el correo de hoii.ln^c puede avxcar a Uc. ocr» toda seguridad sobre la fecha f-xseta. Pero en ultima carta que he recibido del hermano gtevens me dije que estaba confort en visitar en bu misión, ási Ud^ puede principiar en hacex* >lanes para WGnicner: parra dos fute. A ñora en cuanto de una habitación en que Va. puede vivir durante la reuniones que tendremos en Puno. Podemos proporcionar a Ud. una habitación. Es decir si celebramos la reunión en Puno. Ijuede ser que la celebraremos en Juliaca y todos quedarán en el hotel Hatti. Ko sabemos esto con seguridad todavía. S in mas por ahora esperando que Ud. v& a asistir con toda la familia a las reunions generales el 8 hasta el 31 de marzo, me despido de Ud. Espere Ud. carta el Domingo. Suyo en la fe , zz Eider G.;'"Konigomefy 3¿ * i 8- úed -°n imi .dot) 10 eexiso oJf bns ái©r T^corio. Park P6C tr.i’ no viro I lew ob -S fífíOfc 9VJS5XÍ 9tt wíXrf tinco II iw I ,oa Ib Li.a I’ Ci<, 1 3 9 . 1 ;s '■ b Dcar brother; — obtí T or® 9ixw ”aloiv8[ onucltt r> juo\; dnsa I yldneocs H ■'i '■'■ 5-:v' "c ' á;"¿ i will -ncté- • --takei timéüuto answGX your ur letter of the Srd• oí •Je^Uary» fhe'He aix fcusyt d®y here *" ana with out. áoubt they are buey days in the staten» We Xhink óf you mañy'■ tintes and &uny- times wish -.that you was with 4 sdí inea íjshi xb¿;I boog sdi fiad wat .yo% XÍJio;? bnn ■'S?iWB^^0^£riÉÉidBií2lS^g^^.¿Jd d?:Vcns and brciher Villiom will b6- here the í 8th. of this tfóhtlí. We are 'theh goáng fo hola a convention here for ;:ls.sior. direc tora* ?■ •r? ronvéhtior will he he Id in Juliaca» i%S?nrfVJSlj?0 ruáPctiflirihg 'jfctot - ccnVention. We líhve workea ba#d on getting up a pragrain for thé occasion. I will sene you a program so that you can look it aver, I have fels the need of considering the things .are to con^lder -for -sos» . I explained the matter to ’Sldér Stevens ara’ he be carie interestcd and ao now we will have ¿he conven lio.i. Afterward we will hold a convention for ñhtivo workers adaptirg rA^ .ftow -nav¿ -bfWher Clyde Killer^ in charge .oi «he school farnü The bar ley* this yfear on the farm will hide a horse. We have.. just recently bpught á. fine toQun óTmules andr they"arc. :now doing ± good woii£9wp'zaW build-ing a good auto ruad to the place» 7/e wíúh we had sorne good cows, If we co ;ld get acmé calves from the sbates tbtfy would .grow intjo good cows. .perhaps látex. We need cows and some good sheep é.apecially rams. ' If we could get sbmething & little special it would advertise our place greatly» v ?lder O* Itontgo^ery 4 o wisii yu cvulu see m:. hrve tried to d« and do ,rell out on ¿he í'.xrm. Je have mude mi atabes that is su re hut ^e have done a lot of h-ird planning and work to avoid them also. I will confesa that I have learned a good many things tht I ’A’ill aot forget soon and ptihaps will be good lessons for me through Ufe. I vill leño? prehaps better how to plan building again, 'little dil I thirk that I sould miss a thing quite as bad as I did. Hrvever waat ve Lave is alce and representes v-?71 our work and Iccated as it i¿ is one of the greatest advertisements for our vork and the cause of^Gbd. Then’ riot crJy th?t but we havo roca for all that we need now and do not have to build other houses at present. R eeently I sent you a *puno Briefs” wife and I had just finiened gsttír.g it eut tfourht that you woulc perhaps like to read. one 11 tb-er? tim: F lo . bo ; arfl nr g-u) oxs Jdjjoñ jqc xfj-xw Lía asir uo^ajRy tuankr for ..the check you enclcsed in your letter. you may tell the gcod lady" that sent the five dbliars for missfcn wcrk, or rath r that gavo it to you and you tote, that I caving that te pey tuetiqn in school for neady ?.nd worthy vtudants» ■ I de rol ¿nos: oí ar Enterprise th^t is,..better and more^übrtSjyi d¿je»|®.'C&oto- heápí a^ej^^tud^Ls’ • Te -have -,:o ap’propriati'or ~o e©ver suqh expenses rs that ond many times I fina a vorthy boy or girl that aparecíate a little help. It encouro-ges t/neni. I ^111 tell them that a crippíed Pifedy'Oinxothi3¿bab®srtH$J$ 1¿^J^\educatión* cs^nxhu orU sniiebiafioo lo bssn or£j cfat. :;v¿¿ T ic’zo i u -i.. • Kany t-hunke for thíit send ty my• ^other.falso. Glad that yau hrh tn.e privElsgo cf ¿ eting ber. I •? c-jld be glaf if you o«3?d fwcrtí oroy xfíitücer Kt^e e 15e e * n Ph oe n ix. Aras ona. He liras sitjl .Ve Kirlay st, ?hoenix ^razona, He is not en adventist but ycu rill finó hizr very “ruch interestéd in t¿$ Tc’-ork here and I o-xr-,nre thst he would apprecíate your visitipg him very rpucli. Afc.-íeaet I wquld aparecíate it. if y111 try and be back for Sunday orain. D o not fail to notify the boys that their meeting 3EÍJtixhexiiK±ux¡x^x will not be delayed as outs is® Or in other words that it will be from the 4 to the 7th of April. The boys that visit in different places on the Sabbath it will be well for trmm to notify the people all to come for the sabbath of the 7 th. of April. I hope a big crowd will be ther for that day. Please notify me the size of the axle that the saw f its on. I can get several eaws of y„4 inch but they are for different sized axles® Let me xnow what this one is as soon as possible so that I can order if any will fit it® I can get one,- fur_4C soles. I muat cióse for this time Sincerely your brother Tarch. 15, 19 3 L.L. Clark Moho Perú Bear brother: — Just a Une this day even th igh I do not feel well. Hope that you are all well and that we will see all of you at the meetings we are to h.--v? in Juliaca. We have changed the meeting for the directors from Puno to Juliaca. The hotel there is much better and larger and we can all be there together. Thea we can get □ hall there with seats and have every thing our won way. We hope that there will be a good crowd or us. The Solivian brethe are to be there with us. Ycu wll come over land and we will have horses at the rio Rarnis at 7 oclock the morning oí th$ >6 and there you and Schwering can co e on into Jul aoa. This will s ve having to try to eróse there with your hopees. I am sending a program so that you and your wife can be looking over and studying the parts &hat are yours to give on the programe. You will not need to bring any bedaing along as there will be enough at the hotel. You can retum on the boat that le aves here on Sunday right the 6th. Votify your native workers of the meeting for themo Your interprete and all José Rique should be there. The meeting for them ”ill be April 4th to 7th. It will be at Jullaca at the schols. 1’hey can come overland and do not need to bring their wives along. They can be at the mission for the Sabbath that you are away. If you have any extra school calis that you do not taro?/ how to supply send them to Juliaca to see the visiting brethren. I must cióse for this time and will be glad to see you soonQ Sincerely your brother A aren 15, 19 3 a.c. «om P orna ta Lear brother: -- I will wrié you a few linee today even though I feel more like bcing in bed. Hope that you are well and that the work is gOing nicely there. I am sending you a program of the convention and hope that you re ce i ve it in time so as to prepare the part that falle your lot to take part in. Y ou will not need to bring bedding with you as we are going to Juliaca and. there we will have a hotel large enough for the mee tinge. ¿here is a good hotel where we can all "be together in Juliaca and for that reason we have changed from Puno to Juliaca. You will notify the native workers cf the meeting ve will have for thern. It will be the 4th to the 7th of Aprilo Y ur mis sin boy and all your évangelists will want to be there for that meeting with out fail. fhey can be at Puno by Tuesday night the 3rd and go to Juliaca on the train on Wed. Corning. They can be in their places for the Sabbath of the 31st. of Larch0 You can be back then for the next Sabbath that is the 7thB of April. A bove all thingfe see that that Daniel Sosa gots his vi fe to Juliaca so that Dr0 Johnston can put her in shape, He is wanting to quite the work "be cause of his vifes health0 She only needs some treatment and perhaps a little repair work and then ’she will be alright. so head them this way with out fail so that she can soon be in shape agfin and he will not have to quit the work. W e will have a general meeting at llave. • the_ 1 tA of Aprilo It may be that some of your members would be glad to attend. Y u can announce it and see. We will be glad to have theip'theree They should however be there early in the moring and we will try and have the meetinga over with by X oclock0 perhaps you will. want to come along with a number of thenu I muet cióse for this time hoping to see you and your wife here soon® Sincerely your brother ,march 15,1923 Señor tíuy .. .úann, Juliaca, Perú. Jear brother minn:- 1 wish to mention a few things about oooks.I am sorr/ that we have not been a ole to talk over the book business a oit out may have a few minutes at the convention. I have reo¿ived more of the McKibben outlines.If they are nceded let me know.1 should think it would be a good thing if all the teachers going out h id the i te use in their schools. Those little leather Bidés which we have had at a price of b/4.00 are now greatly re-duced.l can see a shipment which vzas just rece!ved for s/2.50.If all of our workers had this kind in-stead of the cloth it would be much better to my notion.You may 8<11 any you have on hand at the new price and 1 will issue a refund to the school if you wish and we will stand the loss on them. As Sabbath Schocl Department al lian do you not think it would be fine for each teacher to start out with a Quarterly?The price is only ten cents National and it seems to me that every one of our boys ought to have them and that they ought to encourage the buying of them in their schools.I have a standing order for each mission but this does not inelude Juliaca.If you feel that it vould be pos si ole to dispose of them I shall be glad to save out one for each worker and cut down on some of the stations for this time.Let me know at once. I am also sending 75 Revistas.These will come without ñames for each one is supposed to be on that list.Please pasa them out. The ...arch Atalaya has not sure to have ¿ictor v/orkxx up the paper list.mvery one is supposed to have the Revira and their choice of the oths? t vo papers.l'his is by committee action so I think that all will be willing. diy not give them a little talk some day on the benefit to bu derived fro a rending the papers. We have disoccupied the main part of you mansión.Guess Boni is cleaning this afternoon.You may be glad to do a ¿it of papering in some places later for it is somewhat dirty. Best wishes to all, Bine erely your friend, S..ok ido- xliow *£01 Ijdxl '41 jv asv-sdl doiiíw asaxxaqx» ioI lx -so iot ooslq ¡s jjnxvxuí bstisiosiqqjñ a^wln svjbíí sV .snob 3XÍJ ainfó al.snob aíiow lo rioxdqxioaob áj bos anoiisvise bsbnsmmoos^ bna noxaxvK ítsoxiamA. xítuoB oiíi xü boau 91V6 □ajj sw aaiiíüo lOVeiarífo Í03 ai. bluoo io medí yp .tase tií^oríi li II i w b;«£ aasdi ni noxinsvfio< iuo ni oh. oí 'gnxnnxílq' oír, sV. - s bíname o o n í>g oí sxr iol o£« iac.oqcii naso anrí íX.sosxIxfU O’fsrí I- iw ? ■:■••: .r o ¿+rtj icl o iáaroh'15,1923 oí j slqooq sxíil $n día -os M Iliv ¿r sáT.amií ísríí íjs axiíd ís bsn .jslq ai as amo o slqosq asi/ilod adi lis xi Señor .?.I.mohrt * oiaonxa rfíiW.aaiid aidi lol aaolo íaxffii I IlaV ,• ^iúi&^Xjfcrú. >1 ■' -n i-0 - J io ■ c^n- ■■’ zi--;.: -a ■ £lXfifllt?1 I Dear Broth^r Mohr:- ti9fíioiu io ^luií v3^’ Just a few words this afternoon.I aiu trying to get thinga in shape for the rush of work after I recieve the statciaent from Lima and also the rcports for the rnonth of ^arch.Without Víctor or Alberto it gives lots of details which it has not been necessary for me to look altor for sbme time. I arn sending a few ord_rs and also a few charges and credits.Alease pass them along to the proper sourses.I can not imagine /hat has tied up th<- Beading bourse books.I am sure that rnany of us would be glad to cancel the orders if there was opportunity. It is now three months past the beginning of the ye r and it will be another month before they are in the hands of the workers if they should come now.I don't suppose it will b possible to do anything. Are you in a position yet to give me the Union idea of what we should sell the large subscription books and other denominational oooks? We are anxious to make up our price list but would like to have these new may be best to go ahead and make our price list of all but these and later make a partial list for those lacking and s»^nd out with the Puno Briefs. Our inglish behool has started nicely. We do not have the twenty five yet but really a nice start for the first week.We have b^en aol< to get a young man to put in full time.He seems v^ry willing and if he proves all right we shall keep him for the whole year. Have only contracted for two months to begin with. Brother lilcox is aoout sick.He is taking the serum for typhoid and it is aoout using him up for a time.I aiu fe ling first class and hope to soon be fully in the harneas again. I am hoping to make this year the best that 1 have spent in the ^ission.Hope you will find some things in better condition hen you come next time. I do not wish to be critica! out nei^ier x>rother ileox ñor iay self like those new laoor olanks. Ihey ar- not really saited to our n^eds.It is true that they are all print^d on one side of the page out I do not see the advantage where every thing has to be so crowded.I note that about three fourth of the whole page S’.I.^ohr no. 2 if for expenses which leaves vcry littl for work done, ./e have always appreciated having a place for oo-servations and a description of work done.Is this the style used oy the South American División and ^ecoiamended oy them or could .we gct others?Of course we can use these and will if thought best. ‘Je are planning to hold our Coavention in has oeen impossiole for us to get accommada-tions hej*e in Puno for the oig crown which we will have at that time.The e will be someth ng like sixty people if all the Solivian people come as is planned at this time. t‘ixo ..j Jell I must cióse for this tiiae.v/ith sincere ocst imrx wishes for the /ork and worker» in Lima, I remain H.U.STEVENS Superintendente APARTAMENTOS: C. D. Striplin Educación Mis. Vol Jov. F I. Mohr, Escuela Sab. Misión Union Incaica De los Adventistas del Séptimo Oua CASILLA, 1003 Lima, Perú F. 1. M O H R Sec. y Tesor. DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: “ADVENTISTA” LIMA CODIGO: A. B, C. STH. EDIT1ON WESTERN UNION 5-LETTER La Paz, Bolivia, March 15, 1923 Mr. H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. My dear Brother Colburn; Your two letters of March 6 and 13 respectively, enclosed in the same envelop, carne to hand on the last mail, I will take time to acknowledge them briefly this morning. Thank you for your clear stateraent of ideas re-garding the rest home proposition. I assure you that we will do all in our power to adjust matter so that things way run smoothly, and so that the workers may get the most profit and enjoyment out of their vacation. With the cooperation and the goodwill of the brethren in the field, I believe that success will be assured. I will keep your letter by me for reference when the matters are up for consideration. I am glad that you had a talk with Brother Wheeler. I trust that some of these unplesant feelings may have been put out of the way, and that the way is clear for smoother sailing in the future. If we were all peéfectly developed christians many of the misunderstandings with which we have to struggle at times would not exist. But since we are not, it be-hooves us, I suppose,to adapt ourselves to our brethren,bearing with each others faults. In regard to Brother Field, your frank statement of your convictions helps me to see the way more clearly. I trust that something may be done to help him get a new view of things, I assure you that we will leave nothing undone which may contribute to this end. We areexpecting the División men to arrive this evening at 5í3O from Antofagasta, With best regards to yourself and wife, I am Sincerely yours, E. F PETERSON Superintendente Dirección Telegráfica: “ADVENTISTA F. I. MOHR Sec, y Tesor. Dirección Postal: CASILLA 1002, LIMA De los March 18, 1923. Señor H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. Lear Brother Colburn: Your letter of the 28th of February was received the 4th of ^arch. I have had no time to write you sooner. You of course can imagine to some extend as to what was awaiting me on my return. I notice you refer to No. 2 of the suggestions mail-ed you before I left your field. I think you meant No. 3, for that is the item you mention. It is very easy to open a “Motorcycle Expense” acount. On your summary sheet of the workers report sheets you will list a column with this account. This does not need to run into the Workers' General Expense at all. We carry aa Auto Expense on the Ecuador books, to see how Brother Ford's expenses run at the cióse of the year. We need not go thru the General Expense account and pick these out, as we shall wish to show the Auto expense sepárate from the General» Your General Expense accoutn is running rather long, that is why I should like to have run sepárate accounts with those Ítems suggested. It is just as easy to make an expenses from the Journal as it is will save you much time if you use the Journal. itemized lits of office from ¿he Ledger. It the Expense Column in I suppose you find much to do in the office these days. I think of you boys maqy times. I have enjoyed working in each ane of the offices. Each secretary has spared no pains in helping me out with matters called for. This all has been appreciated very much,. I ass ure you. As soon as I get my work could up, I shall work on the Financial Statments. I am enclosing a copy of my working sheet such as I showed you on the steamer before leaving Moliendo. I made allowances for the Ítems you men-tioned. Such as the dividing the Normal Shop Account and one other item, 1 believe was Puno School. Trusting that you are getting on nicely with your work, I am Sincerely your brother Casilla 252 Arequipa Perú March 19, 1923 Eider E. H. Wilcox Casilla 85, Puno Bear ‘brother Wilcox, This morning I received your letters of Jan. 22 and Mar. 15. Strange how someletters are so long in coming. Recently I received one from the Moliendo Agencies Co. that was almost as long on the way. Many thanks for a copy of the Pragram of the meetings to be held in Juliaca, Mar. 28-31. Wife and I will be glad to be there. I am sure it will mean help to the work and to each and all of us. Am very sorry to hear your wife is not in the best of health. Surely when you bot’h can take the va catión that is now over due, it will be a help to you both. We will be glad tohave you here with us. I am alone for a bit just now as Mrs. Wheeler has had to go toMóllendo to help care for Mrs. MtósfSít. She reporte the patient very low. She must get better with/in a few days or all will be over. Mrs. W. and Sr. Miller are both quite wom by the hard work there. The two families from Argentine are now here and will be up ¿t the time of the meetings in Juliaca. I think this field will have good help in both of them. With best regards, expecting to see you in another week I am Your. eincerely, (7* W>VW W. A. SPICER, President CHAS. THOMPSON, VlCE-PRESI DENT FOR SOUTH AMERICA A. G. DANIELLS. SECRETARY W H. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER FOR SOUTH AMERICA J. L. SHAW, TREASURER j,.w. WESTPHAL, FIELD SECRETARY FOR SOUTH AMERICA ORETARIES FOR DEPARTMENTS FOR SOUTH AMERICA C. P, CRAGER EDUCATIONAL SABBATH-SCHOOL MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER A.A Cone PUBLISHING HOME MISSIONARY The General Conference ©3" SEVEMTE-9M MWWIM HEADQUARTERS. WASHINGTON. D.C.. U. S. A. TERRITORY ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE SOLIVIA PARAGUAY ECUADOR URUGUAY PERU FALKLAND ISLANDS SOOTH aMERICM ©WISION FLORIDA. F. C. C. A. BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA March 20, 1923 Cable Address ■DIVISION.” buenos aires CODES: A. B. C. 5TH EDITION Western Union 5-letter E. H. Wilcox Casilla 85 Puno, Perú Dear Brother Wilcox: I have just received a letter from Brother C. K. l'eyers, Associate Secretary of the General Conference, in which he makes request for "some interesting experience or indication of providential intervention or help is what we desire. Kindly co-operate with us in this effort, for ve know that you are anxious to interest our people in the homeland.” Now, Brother Wilcox, I am quite sure that you have something which is inspirational and just what we all need. I wish you would forward to us some of your latest experiences for we must keep Sputh America prominently before the homeland, ’¡from whence cometh help.” I know from my recent visit to the "States” that our brethren and sisters are keen on South America, and we must not let this interest wane. You may forward this matter direct to Brother lleyers or to us and we will pass it on. However, in all events, even though you forward it direct we desire a copy of your matter for we need the inspirational touch you have with the people in the field. Ve are just one big family down here trying the Best we can to get this truth hefore the people, so let’s have an experience meeting and pass on some of the good things you are enjoying. Do not wait until sometime when you can write a long article concerning the wonders of your field, but pulí out a piece of paper when the experience is fresh whether on the street-car, train or home and let us have it. You will be surprised to know of the boost th t "Raindrops from the Continent of Opportunity" has given to our work and by it great interest has been created through-out the "United St tes." The more we advertise and push out propaganda the more help you can expect to receive, so let us have a para-grap^a. fresh from your field.-Please. Faithfully yours, WORD-FOR-WORD COPY LOURENCE AMERICO LEITE Pernambuco, Brazil, March 22, 1923. E. H. Erickson Artificial Limb Co., 12 Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen: When I wrote you last year with reference to the result of my artificial leg which you made for me I did not use a very satisfactory language, as I expressed myself rather pessimistio about the use of the leg, re-marking that I was not satisfied with it for some reason or another, ato. This was not a very polite action on my part and today I feel humbly repentant for it; there-fore, I will appreciate that you are so gopd as to excuse my lack of tact when I wrote you giving a wrong report Just in the first days I began to wear my limb. I can assure you today that after a continued Service of one year and a few months this leg has given my complete satis-faction and I can affirm sincerely that I am highly pleased with same. I would also like that you let me know at once your price (delivered in Pernambuco) on one pair (2) or one dozen (12) woolen or cotton stookings to be used on my stump, of the same size as those which were included with the limb which you shipped me. Please also be so kind as to advise me the best way of sending my remittance to cover whether by mail or through a business house or a bank. With nothing further to refer to, I beg to remain, Yours very truly, Lourenco Americo Leite f o n C-O-P-Y MIGUEL GUTIERREZ Hav'mrij Cuba, H^rch 23, 1923. E. H. Erickeon Artificial Li?'d> Co., Hlnnenpolis, Hinn. Dear Sirn: I ntill o?o you an imuenoe debt of gratituda be-cause thnnk to the TEST LES I bought from you about threo years ago I ara non able to walk uithout the nid of crutchee. ’Tithout thin anpamtue, I ^ould novar have been nble to walk nn the other folke, and I ara dolng it eo rell, that thiu fact hn» influanaed rae to decide to buy ono artificial leg. I 1i, not rritten you ere this becauee I ’mn waitlng to nave enongh monoy r?ith irhich to make this purohaee. Ho^ever, I want firnt to take nona orelininnry eteps with your flrra. My «turan has na effioient lew of four inches, it i o sound and strong, and thanke to the TEST LEC and your recomraenda-tions, I have been oble to reduce it conn iierably, being very rauoh snnllar. I <*nnt to find out hcr? much a leg fitting the pronent oonditione of ny aturan would weigh, excluding the welght of the ahoo. I aleo mmt to kno^ ite nrioo and under which oonditlone you reoul l be willing to nooept the nnyraent thoreof in oaey torran, nn my finaneial situation doce not allow no to ranke nt once the full onyment in caeh» Plonne send rae nnother catalog, ne the ono which you oent rae I have givon it to a corannnlon in suffering. Piense excuso rae if I do not ^rite you in Engliah beonune I have nobody to do it for rae, but you are at liborty to ’-rito rao in your o^n Ion-gunge an I can transíate it nyself. I remain» Yourn very truly, MIGUEL GUTIEW7EZ /Ycra r?a, trh>a. /^Z>»y6x/Z7//z>z> /rn <=> ¿'fronor» alv/ays glad to hear frena you here a; the office and hope that we vi 11 be able to arrange our worn nov; twiíih the added help • e are getting so that wecan answer all letters as soon as they a r -’i ve. I think that in a letter brccher Colburn received from brother Cone he stated that yon would likely be along this year and make us a visit. Ñera ve will bc-very glad if you can arrange to make us. a visit. líe are pisase to have different people come by and get accquuinted with our work. We perhaps can take you for a boat ride with brother Cone as captain. You will wnat to be mire and nave as many gripa te curry as Eider Peterson and I had. You will doubtless remember that we made a good showing aleng that line. We are anxious to near some thing about the iridian book. 7e will be glad to get a cop; as soon as possible and if we can arrange for a colporteur agent here we feel that we will do something along the colporteur lino. We would like the lead the Inca Union in üoük sales. We believe we can do it if we can have the help to crganize tnat part. I believe I wrotn you come time ago and sent you a Puno Briefs. Wife and i had just gotten it out and at once remeiabered you. As I read them over I notice that the literary ability shown is not always the greates but at the same time wc hope the reading is good. We are now preparing for $ convention of all our Vission Birectors and also the directora of Bolivia are going 1 o be with us. We have worked hard for sorae time on a program for this convention. Brother Stcvens though it was worth having the Bolivian brethren with us. We will be glad to have them. We feel that this convention will nelp us get toge ther on many things ant will be a general help to the field. We are not going to gorget the Colporteur work with^r. We want now to begin to make plans to sell the new book you are getting out. We want to make the "ake field one of the leading fields of the Inca Union in the sale of books I will cióse for this time and hope that all is well over your way. Sincerely your brother g; March 26, 1923 Je R. Parren Movntain View Cal. Dear brother: — I am now tryiny to dirr down to the bottom of my letter file for one time and as I near the hottom I find a letter from you datad Kov. 7, 19 3 . I am sorry that I hsre delayed so lon motor óyele pccidcnt for t.?o leg is not for ::¿u. Ve are ord-irinr? it for a n%n in rimo wno ir, a. f-rienú of the raí sai on. bean ¿vite a bad motoxcyclc accident here Just recently* broche:? óchwarin tried to learn on brother hannr? nacnine and. • tried to ride too f^st while leam ing and triad te rv?n ove?? a house and as a result cama out with a brokan leg. Both b oríes ^rere broken square off just aboye the mirle/ lie is now in the hospital ai Juliaca and is getting •?J..o,'iy fine. We are very sox-ry for this accidant. I nlso wir.h if possible to do so that as you write brother Cabbon about this matter that you make ax’rangeosnts with. liixi se that I ®u>d order or two or iteres by cable di reo t te tlia c I will want another and than. Brutl..or liann xaay sell his machine and if se v.’ill. want me to ord^x him an indian by cable and if the arrangeraents are already made it will be eagy. Z will appreciat^ your making this arrangement for üie so that the way will be clear. X uxust cióse for this tima and hope that all is tf/cll therc and that things ai-e morlng nicely. W expect the visiting brethren in the morning. We will all go to Juliana and thera will have the convention* Sinaerely your brother L. D. MINNER SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA “ADVENTISTA”-LIMA J. W. COLE SEC. Y TESOR. La Misión Peruana DE LOS AdlwmRSstes Sspfei© Día JUNTA DIRECTIVA L. D. Minner J. W. COLE R. R. COBLE F. A. STAHL CASILLA 1002-LIMA Cesar López F. F. Osorio MISION PERENE Colonia del Perene, La Merced, Chanchamayo, Perú. F. A. Stahl, director stimado hermano: ^Hermano E.H.Wilcox. Puno Lima, Marzo 29 de 1923. Acabo de dar lectura a su carta con fecha 3 de Marzo, y le aseguro que siempre leo sus cortos párrafos con bastante interés Yo sé que su trabajo es muy recargaro y no tiene mucho tiempo para escribir cartas, sin embargo, es una satisfacción de oir de Ud. de cuando en cuando. Tengo mucho gusto que Ud. estará aca durante la conferencia, creo que Ud. aceptará el hospedaje de nuestra familia y estará con nosotros durante su visita acá. Sentimos mucho que no es posible $ue venga la hermana, mi esposa mucho ha querido verla, pero ya sera en otro tiempo, ^i esposa está muy resyelta de acompañarme a mi a una visita a Laraoz después de la conferencia. x.a hermana Coble ha ofrecido quedar con la bebe, y Júnior ya es bastante grande para acompañarnos en el viaje, vamos a ver si realizamos el viaje en Mayo. ^^Seguramente que Ud. ya tiene arreglado su programa para el año enwánte, es decir, ,1a mayor parte. Yo tendría mucho gusto de asistir en su convención de directores de estaciones, pero Ud. no me aviso con tiempo, ¿No es cierto? Si heimano, yo creo que es muy importante que se reunan los directores, para estudiar los problemas que se presentan en sus trabajos. Que Dios le bendiga y acompañe en sus trabajos es mi deseo. No tengo otra cosa que decirle en este momento, así me despido de Ud. como su heimano en Cristo. E. H. WiLCOX SUFERISTENDBNTE STACION DE LARO Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA H. M. COLBURN SBC. Y TESOB, DIRECCION POSTAL: LARO - PERU S. A. DIRECTOR E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SUPBRINTÍNDBNTig ESTACION DE LARO Msñoa del Lago Titicaca de los SBC, Y TESOR, R P. MONTGOMERY. PRESIDENT ETTA HEWGLEY. SECY-TREAS. C. C. W1LCOX Educational Superintendent MlSSIONARY VOLUNTEER SEC. SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE OF Seventh-day Adventists WEST COMMERCE ST., 422 OPPEN H EIM ER BLDG. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS PHONE CROCKETT 4707 April 2, Eld, E.H. Wilcox, Pune, Pera, S.A. Bear Couslns:—- I received your good letter son» time ago and was very glad to hear from you, Also I received the fur and we wlsh to thank you very much for it, I hate for you to send anything to us as I know Missionaries are more needy that we here in the home land, But neverthe less we appreciate the present wonderfully, Some of the girls want to order some fura afterwhile if they can still be had, I will be glad to pay you for your trouble and anything that you might be out should you fe el that you could serve us a bit in this Une» We had a Union workers meeting the flrst of Match at Dallas, Eider Daniels and Eld, Thompson were present, We had the most wonderfal meeting I ever attended* The Spirlt of God wrs present in a marked way, I suppose that you have heard of the Reviváis they are holding in this country, Eider Daniels was the flrst tb launch this work, I believe that it is the work of God and will culminate inrthe outpourlng of the Spirlt of God and the finishing of the work in the earth, A closer and more earnest study of the Spirlt of Prophecy and the Blble was urged upon us as workers, I believe that a great work is belng done .in our Union here, Ladt week I conducted a revival in the Houston church the largest church in our Cenf. I worked mostly for the young people but there was a large attendance of the older people, It was a splendid meeting and nine were baptised at the cíese, The splrit of God was present In every meeting and dlfferences were put away, And many who were backslidden were reclaimed, I feel that I have gotten hold of the power of God in a way that 1 have not before. "fje tnfyo sanes tfye calibren sanes fije cfyurcfy” wife and "bables are at Keene making the folks a vislt» It was the first time the folks had seene the "bables slnce the first one was born» I ara sending you soné kedacks ef-the bables» I de not have any ef Loucille te send, I wish that I had as I de not think you have seene her plcture» I can assure you that she Is a very pretty sweet llttle woman» I den*t know how I ever got her but I dld and we are certalnly happy folks» Loucille and the bables are both extra well and streng, I añ also I welgh about 1*95 Ibs. We have health If we de not have wealth, I suppese that we should appreciate that more than we de» In this picture the bables are about Marjorie two years oíd and the Boy about six months» I know that It must be very sad to loose a compan Ion out in that far away country. I know that Míssionarles have many hard and trylng experlences» But I suppose that it brings a deeper trust in the Lord. And the experience that comes te ourhearts as the result of triáis surmounted and diffaculties overeóme Is worfcVmore than gold» Beoause it creates withln us theMTrue Gold” or Baith» We lack falth here in this country» I slncerely believe Harry that it will not be long untlll the work will be finlshed and Jesús will come» I hope that in that glad day we will be able t© meet and vlsit togather with all of our loved-ones» As I think of the time ef trlal and trouble that we are to pass thru just a llttle way frem this» It makes me shudder» Fray for us here Harry that we may have falth that will not fail us in the supreme crisis» I shall be very glad to hear frem you eften but I know that you have much to do so I will appreclate a word when ever you have time» With the best of wiáhes te you and Bell I will cíese» Slncerely your Brother» E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN SUPERINTENDENTE ESTACION DE POMATA c DIRECTOR Misión del Lago Titicaca de tos ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SBC. Y TESOtt. DIRECCION POSTAL: POMATA - PERU S. A. April 4 19*3 Mr. H. M. Üolourn Puno Bear tírotner Colourn, WS are nome again ana enjoymy gooa hará work. Tnere is so mucn to uo ttidt/one naraly knows wnat to ao ilrst. I am sorry tnat more oí our native workers ala not get to tne meeting. Tnis morning I recievea «a lettar ¿rom Vicente At'cjiunca saying tnat nis iather was baaiy sick ana triut ne coula not go. Tnis aiternoon vaiiea«res carne in una saia .ne cotia not lina a norse. My misslon boy carne back borne insteau or staying i\r tne meeting whe ne orought my norses into xxx Puno. I guess he is thinking more «uout harvestmg nis crops ana going to normal scnool than any thimg eis. Bro triar Colourn I am wonaering aDout tne Solivian money. How shall I handel it, or wnat sn«li I do with it? i rememoer you sala that the teacners «na native evangelist were not to use tne oiierings, tnat tney recieve in Solivian, out tnat tney must turn it in, in tne kina oí money tnat tney recieve and then recieve their money in national. Now, wnat snáll I ao with it? Tne mission can not use it all nere. bnali 1 Keep it and turn it over to tne Puno oxi ice or snall I recieve it at tne nxed rate oí exchange (l;50) ror personal use, or recieve it at the current rate or exchange ror personal use? Piease expiain. Ir I reciave it ror personal use (on account) I am willing to reeleve it ei triar way (at tne current rate oí excn¿nge , or at tne xixea rate 1.50) , out I would want to recieve it tne same way the year around. I am sorry that I did nét get my repprts off by Sosa , but he left befor I got home. Will sena them in now by tne first malí. Hopa you go t the leseen Quar v«xxiet> íiía and pmpexs on by maix. Without more xor this time, I amj L. D. MINNER SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA “ADVENTISTA”-LIMA J. W. COLE SEC. Y TESOR. MISION PERENE Colonia del Perene, La Merced, Chanchamayo, Perú. F. A. STAHL, DIRECTOR La Misióm Peruana DE LOS Adventistas del Séptimo Día CASILLA 1002-L.IMA JUNTA DIRECTIVA L. D. Minner J. W. COLE R. R. COBLE F. A. STAHL Cesar López F. F. Osorio Abril 5 de 1923. Sr. E.H.Wilcox. Casilla 85 Puno. Estimado hermano Wilcox: Es con^mucho placer que le dirijo la presente, al mismo tiempo incluyéndole por medio de ella, copia del programa que ha sido acordado que llevemos a cabo en la reunión que se celebrará en j-ima entre el 19 y 22 de Abril. Habiendo encontrado su nombre en este programa para obtener la ayuda en la instrucción que vamos a procurar de repartir a nuestros o-breros y a todos los que van a asistrr a esta reunión,yo pienso de enviarle este programa de antemano, para que Ud. tenga tiempo de estudiar la parte que le corresponde. Estamos esperando de hacer esta reunión en la for» ma de una convención para obtener el mayor provecho para nuestros obreros activos y oficiales de nuestros grupos e iglesias que asi stan. Apreciándole su cooperación en este sentido y espe-rando de verle presente en mima pocos di%S5— Soy de J d enri sto, ¿rwo/JAE E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN H.U.STEVENS Superintendente F . 1 . M O H R DEPARTAMENTOS: C. D. Striplin Educación Mis. Vol, Jov. F. I. Mohr. Escuela Sab. Misión Unión Incaica De los Advm&ks d©I Séptimo ®aa CASILLA, 1003 Lima, Perú Sec, y Tesor. DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: ‘ADVENTISTA” LIMA CODIGO: A. B, C. 5TH. EDITION WESTERN UNION S-LETTER April 8, 1923. H. M. Colburn, Puno, Perú. Bear Brother Colburn,— y Your letter of ¿¿arch 23 just reached me two or three days ago and I basten to answer it as 1 know you will be wanting to place your order for a Geography pretty soon. In reading your letter I notice that you are looking for a small and cheap book for the rural schools. Now, I am not so sure that the text I am sending will fill this need, nevertheless, I am sending it as it comes the neareat to the ideal that I have found here in Perú. PeWsonally I fefcl that the paper, type, cuts, maps, etc. have a great deal to do with making a book of this kind worth something; or on the other hand the lack of them making the book worth almost nothing. ^jwever, I realise that your condition there in the out schools is a little peculiar and that the price of the text must largely govern its use or non-use. *ishing you mny blessings in the Meetings now in progrese, I am, Sincerely yours inCbnist, April 9,1923 Señor Fal.Mohr, Lima,r>erú# Dear Brother Mohr:« - You will find enlosad with this a oopy of the expense report of J,D. Repicóle» In talkinp with Brother Williams he took the position th^t our workers ought to travel second clase on theboats that had the second class aocommaA datione» Brother Replo -le boutht the second class and was perfectly happy until Brother Wheele* who first was with him thought it best for him to o» SKKsnxáx class* I i id not think it best for him te ohanre at the time and told him if he was afraid of his money he could pu it in the hands of the purser, For the ahove re- son X am s^ndinr t is o on for your 0«Ko as I see he has down the amount to raise hi~- fare to first class, With best wishes,! remain Ve^ytrnly yrure, o April 13,19 twenty three Lear Levant:- Just a line to sentí along with the Facturas»! trust you will finó them rnóstly correct but I Bhould hate to guarantee the?i this timeaLe t me know a¿ once about afny corrections» I mentioned the other day about have a bunch of stuff to sell.I had thought possible I could come over and .ore time we sould have a little sale but I have started here and the things are about all sold.A little l’i cer when I get my new riding pants I may iiave an array paír and al so a coszrdoroy puir for sale and possible a few other thinge but the müst of them are solé. Archie is back from llave.He went with the General Brrthren but did not stay at Platería for the dedication.He and Kary leave shortly for llave» They are leaving soine of their things he re in Puno. I aa sending a copy of the book of the convention.I trust that it gets there all right, With love9I remain Your brother, H. U. STEVENS Superintendente DEPARTAMENTOS: C. D, Striplin Educación Mis. Vol Jov. F I. Mohr. Escuela Sab. I . M O H R Misión Unión Incaica De los Adventistas del Séptimo Día CASILLA, 1003 Lima, Perú Sec. y Tesor. DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: “ADVENTISTA” LIMA CODIGO: A. B. C. 5TH. ED1TION WESTERN UNION 5-LETTER April 13, 1923. Señor H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. Lear Brother Colburn: I am again looking your letters over of the 15th and 23rd of March, which were received the 28th of the same month. The orders mentioned are being taken care of. We trust that you will soon receive the goods. The matter of printing is in hand, and will be attended to soon. No doubt you have seen by the Review recently why the ministerial reading course books have not been received by you. Surely they will go fcrward soon. Now, as to the prices the large subscriptions will say that the prices for Perú are uniform. But, you will need to take into consideration the expenses you pay in bringing them in. The price for the large book in cloth is, S/10.00 less 50 jjer cent tp workers and colporteurs. The book "Camino á Cristo” cloth we sell for S/2.60 iless the regular discount. Cartilla Sagaratda is S/1.60 for the cloth No. 2$ Officers of the Church is priced at S/1.35. Heralds cloth selfes for S/ 5,65. The book "The Lighted Way" S/2.30 less 30 per cent to you. We sell Mrs. Perkins at 45 centavos less 60 per cent to you. Our Pay is selling for S/6.20 with the regular discount. Our Stoiy of Mission sells for S/3.75 less 30 per cent to you. I hope this is what you wanted. Your sample sheet for receipt book is veiy similar to the one we got out for the school here. I like this form so much betee than what has been used here. We shall do all we can to get something that is nice and neat. Now as to prices on the book "Pe Torno" will say that the prices for the books we had here in stock were fixed before I carne. These must be war prices. The stock from New York is now much cheaper. I suppose this is the reason. Brother Williams carne in this morning. He shall be very busy for a while now, I am sure. I trust you are get-ting very well with your work. m Sincerely your brother HMC No 2 space. It is just like the one here in our Office which Brother Williams, himself, I understand recom-mended to Varney to secure. And this has been placed in all the other offices, The sheets, we have in stock here, and can secure from the Casa Editora, as they cariy them in stock. It is regular standard ledger size, used generally. Brother Williams, spoke about the matter, but said nothing definite, but asked that I see into the matter farther. So I shall fire the order on thru to Cobban. Now, as to the matter of the Atalaya work done by Brother Wheeler. Brother Wheeler is an agent, but he is drawing a salary, so therefore we would not be al-lowed the profits, these all go to you. I have asked him to remit all collections to you in full. You notice we allow you the regular 40 % discount on these subs. You will notice, by the appropriations' send you recently, that we are carrying Brother Wheeler on our books, as he will soon leave anyway, and this will not need to be carried by you. Now, I shall give the regular discounts on books allowed to our workers and colportuers, as you will have more of this work to handle. They are as follows: Subscription Books; the discount to Tract Societies is 60 per cent. The discount to workers and colporteurs which the tract society gives is 50 per cent. To chruch societies you give 40 per cent. The postage is to be add-ed on packages of less than one hundred pounds. Home Workers Books; the tract so ciety receives a discount of 50 per cent. All others receive 40 per cent. Trade Books; tract societies receive 30 per cent. Colporteurs and workers receive 20 per cent, church societies receive 15 per cent. TeMt Books, Inclduing Song Books; you receive 20 per cent, workers and colporteurs receive no discount on these, except they purchase six books at one time, then they receive 15 per cent. I am anxious that all our secretarles adhere to the above. I shall get out a circular letter to all you secretarles as soon as I can get to it, and give other Information conceerning the work of the tract society You will notice that we allow your office 5 per cent on our periodicals. But, you should charge your workers the full price. You will need the little profit to help pay for stationery and postage. HMC No 3 Now*, as to the amounts you have on your books a-gainst some of your native workers, which you say there is no chance of collecting. I should suggest that you make evexy effort to collect, then if that is impossible, we sha11 cióse these to Loss and Gain at the cióse of the year. We shall also treat the credits in this way, if these can not be passed on to the individuáis. Your order for Spanish books has long been handled and you should be receiving these books soon. I did not have enough of the "Sagradas” to fill your order, so I ordered these sent direct to you. We have on the way, have had for sometime, a case of this book, should be here real soon. The Guides are going to you. We had a case in stock, but Perú had taken this case just a few days before receiving your order. We have two cases of this book coming. We are planning on repairing pur Casa depósito thus getting it in better shape in which to carry stock. The place has been in a disgracful con-dition. We have a few Journal sheet on hand and can send right out to you. You did not say how many you desire. But shall send you fifty. To handle the appropriations for 1922, should be closed to Loss and Gain, and the balance to Net Worth. There are several fcther Ítems to be handled in this way. I shall endose a sort of entry sheet, this of course will cover all correction entries and facturas. This will help you in ad-justing the closing. It matters very little whether books have been closed even before statements reach the office, for adjustments can always be made. I remember in the Central Union Conference, the auditor there has nuch to do, and does not see our office in Kansas until a little while before campmeeting. There have been adjustments made as late as two weeks before campmeeting in Beptember. So do the best you can, Brother Colburn. If anything should hap-pen that your books do not agree with thé statement, we shall fix that up when I see you on my next visit. * The regular price of the stencils is $3.00 per box that has always been the price to us in the States, even during the war. This makes the sheet cost 12# cents each, «Id. Thirty-three sheets at 25 centavos would come to S/5.50, or possibly a little more. I shall secure the maps for you at the first oppor-tunity I shall get. Hope to get them soon, as you will be needin_ them, I am sure. Trusting that this finds you of good coura^e, I am Sincerely your brother E. H. WILCOX J. S. H1NDBAUGH S CrEHINTEXDEXTE c ESTACION DE PLATERIA S. T. JOHNSTON Misión del Lago Titicaca de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEO. Y TESOE. MEDICO DIRECCION POSTAL: CASILLA 85 PUNO PERU, S. A. Juliaco , Apr.13,1921. Señor E.H. Wilcox, Puno. Lear Bro Wilcox: It is to be expected that you are more than busy these days, so I will not take much of your time with this note, I hope that you are all well and enjoying yourselves, and that you will have a fine time there in Lima etc. Ha. You will remember úhat deal of the Postuma 7¿ell, we are completely out of the article, and as ^e used up five cans at the hotel, or at least, they never returned, I would like if you would see to it that we get that number of cans of the large sixe,as soon as possible, or if there is a whole box that is available, you might sena it along with a discount in price-equal to the five cans. I presume that you will have no time to do this, b.. t you may nave the time to give someone the order. I am including the list that you askeo. me to copy, so that you will have the same to take with you to Lima. I have never as ye o recieved Blaisdell's letter that I loaned to Bro. Stevens and you. That I would like va y much to have, so as to keep it on file here. Will you please have it hahdy when you pass thru here on your way to Lima ? Thanking you very much for these favors, I beg to remain, April 15, 1923 A.C.l'ord J? omata De 7 ur ;r: I will write you a few linos while on the trai on th- ./a; to Area ipa. I hope this finds you well and that all is moving nice y at fio fómata station. All is wall at this en of tiie lino and the work moving nioely in all parta as f&r as I know* How ’.7e llave been studying ovar the matter of helpers for you in the ./orí: there • Up to tKd present time we have been unable to find any o no for the work of nativo ovangelist in the central station* I have been wondering if Vecinte Arahuanca woud like to stay ¿ith ,you t class of ... If he desiras to do so you xnay se arrange. We have sent y® an interpeter. he is c ye» nj boy but I think a góod one. The ene ya had should go to Juliaca to school as soon as possible. I have writtan Valladares that he prepar t go to Orcos as soon as possible. He should be the. e not later uhan the 7th. of May. If possible it will bu well for him to be there bh'.r that time. So head him that way as soon as it will be possible t do SO.* I iiope that you are having good succoss in getting in the matriculation more y for your schools* I Mil be glad to hear how you come out on this /r. Brother Maim will be ove to give you a little lif t in about a jBeeh or aucii a setter* Wo are anxious that this be a jood year for our work he re in this field a»¡ I am sure that it will be i axa all Interes ted in aaking it a good one. So Viva the Boxnata hissi on and let us see it jrova I ust ele t -nd wi 11 be glad to íiear from time to time how things are moving there incerj ly ya? r brother April lbt192ó beñor ^.Quenet, -.iollendotPeru. □car hr Quenet:- Jithin a short time we are expecting a ehipiaent of Household effects ixi the ñame of A.?.. )exinis.These are to come oy the way of Chili fr om Ar g e at i na • Jhen these goods reach doliendo we diall be glad to ’iave your company handle the same iut just now we are not sure about the dispatch of taio cargo.Je will notify you at the eurliest poseí-Lie date as to the di ¿posai of the ay have to be passed on to ..alivia. To date we do not h ive the i^aper Lut am writing to llave you folks oh the lookout for the cargo. Thanking you for your kind co-cpera-tiontI rtmain Vcry truly yours» April.15, 1923 so r ™ r r r B.L» Thompson Juliaca brutee. : -- I will write you a few linos an$ let you. ^cor; hpw life is on tl^_. traln for Arequipa I thought that I would se*e.pyón así .renté-• throuji- Juliana this moraing but it seemsd that did- not urrive until L thé irain.w le. .ving. - ;.. I díd not gét to -89; you as I had .-expected to do. X ém .; our .t th«i»daw^^'llho-pa;;tba'kiali.'is jly, mu oh to ■ us now to éxtasi i-sh that sdhool oñ - \;o-ou fina ba;;.V. . ,nd get lt. runni- .11 as soon as pG^dihl^Á1 *-' t With you will wnnt to ruaemb-r that¡ bot' -and -"-brithar ‘&¿llar ara nsw w< in the field a^id that7’&eallns.J -with'-thu in&iagaá .. i - , ropo-;i¿ion. It is. ., not"like;4e■lin¿ ■■ iti tha ¿lite boys of .>es.q? .ey;$ré not so •ihtérested in* vwrk as one-. might think and at CU- sai^e time -are :vczy wiiing -warkers in tháisr . ay. £&$ iijdian «il-1 need-toJbh stúdiM byabOtOsiycó and bfothex-, killer. so as to la.irn ( &¿ke place &n áttraetive one ox- him, dtudyt his intatetets and ■ mákc it ouch a Joyfull place xor. nim aiat. 0 you will hbw *o .vi ivc tbeaoawajn t £ / , e the place, ¿ith a^hapgy smllé you k’Á'll/ba able to gct mc-st any thing out of him -nd álst Mth lo ve. By forcé one will not get .-oiy where wiW' the-;indiana fth^y- áre wrse' to drive. than I thnk you $11 find that I am right in this. Uniese e c n sake it an ció trae tive place i'or the iridian boya then our building and our fapn ahd all we haVe spent dill be invain. Therefore I hop e that ybiv dáfi’ciake this \ one place miexe both the quechua and the Ay amará .vi 11 lo ve to b4»\ T^e indian is ac eos turnad to worlcing sIqw and 'having plenty bf rest ¿xeriods in between. This ;vyou will not be ...ble to over eoiae all in one day perhaps# By studyiug so as to mek the work intaresting to hiin you may be able tb get hita to mke píay of the work. The india» íilces to blow his hom and to march and sing«/lt ill be well if you can vreave plcnty cf this in you daily- prbgram. Help the& ot o rehizo in mar hing groups and let som/e’ona lead them and blow their horas and that will iaake ¿ them feel good. T¿.en on the d^y that some official is coming cut to maká tham a -visit arra ge ahead of time so that they can stan$ in file and in straight linos and with banners fiying can giye.him a heurty wclcome. Shey will f^reélate i...1.. ...^ . > than any thing one c¿tn do for «them. When our brethran come out to makí U vlst have them if they so desire to Une up and with t&eir beat clofchs on ixike a slitwing. 11 do them good aád will not hurt any thing. Teach'them to sir » national i I Ax? ril 1 , 1.. 23 b.L. Thompson Juliaca - : Bear brother: -~ I will w£be ya just a few lineo as 1 W -o;c to Arequipa. I thought that I would see you in Juliaca as 1 •-.sedthroijgh *but fallad to theie • PerhupA, yo - did not a rive in time. I am wonderiiij now tUin ■ .: out •■.t ..he sehool-. 'We surely. hope that; ¡all As.well t^ere Wid t h¿;t you will b. ale to make things a real succuss at that\place. To do so I idealizo Will neón a great deal of work on ypu^\ . part ; on -the part of brother Mller. There.will \ ' be need of a‘great deal of oarefull plsuming on the part of ■ v each of yo -. * Then you will not x’orget that Indiem boys are , not eanerican boye and thereforu will need to be /..¿mdled in a . difierent wíyv "ion uncí brother biller ,aa?e bo$h new in -liis field and v/ill need to study the indian and how to deal with him. I fiad from my «xperienoa in deallng with tiieia that one can get rnoht any thing out of an indian with íove and a •happy smile. ¿t is Iru-d to drive on^ &ny w^ere. Porce of any kind wiil hardly work ■ them. fou will -soon have $ group of bóys dround you who will liaster the life out oí you but if cu.n- take iu with a suúle and o-haj? blingsin 2 hymn and sing it wish lots of forcé and that will make than feel good. We of course do not cater to these things so iau§h in the statos yet I llave found it quite essenci&l here in Perú, te are in a hard catholic field and if our boys know how -to sing the national hymn well and march well then when the official comes you will be glad to shoiy him what they cañ do and the boys vzill be more than delighted. Tais will help yóu . as well as the school to gain favor with -the offici Is. Tillo", favor we need badly. If you can oxganize the boys into a band ah^L help them to eee how they caá get real instruments and helpa\ • organlze them so that they ctn play well it will be a real drawing card for us. They will flock the e to hear that bahfl. T They will be glod to buy theinsuruments and perh as .ve can help ó ha 1 some. 4' I find that the boys feel quite keenly that they yzere denyed these things du ring the school term just past and £or tlat reason I write you as I do n the matter so that this part may not be foregotten in the presetnt term. You may nct/sta light in what I have aid on the subject t , start with but I think that litóle by little you vzill see that it is nbedfull. fork is good but it we are not caref 11 it becomes a druggary in any school, either here or in the otates. A few hapgy spots aloij the way help to let the sunshine in. The happ^er you are and the more joval you can bewith them the greater will be your success in handling them. Kow us to revoking he house and working on that,\ I can assuré you that I am interested. I am anxious to 'sde that house i ut on a different aspeot in as short a tíme it will be possible to make it do so. .Do your best to 4 get all dona along that lino but atthe same time be carefu 11 vzho you put at the job. Dot every one c m do that kind of work sc> it will mean choosing people for tife-t. Dow I have not arranged for any ene to come and work for you at that work at presex\t. Boys can not do that work with out h&ving on hand a good supylj^ of horse manure. The horses will need to be put in a place by them selvas every night so that they will store up gudno for us. Ve my be ablx to arrange for some one for doing that vzork for us but perhaps a little later on. O Dow a wrd a-.out putting in the Windows. I thiifk that it would be well to put them in about one foot from th¿ outside wal. That is to set them in that much and tht vzill leave twc feeb on the insido. It appeals to me that this will be the better plan to follow in your setting of t he Windows after they are nade. I find the sale of stock wi 1 be in June. Taht is the Chuquebíunbilla sale of sheep. That is the government experimental farm stock sale. It will be held in Juliaca. I tope at that time we can have a little monay on hand and get some sheep out of the sale if po sible. Sheep dogs vzill be for sale at that time also. I have just been talking to the people from there about the matter I vzill not bother you longer this time but will remember you atthe throne of grace and earnestly nope that you may have the best of success in our work and make the school a success. E. H. WILCOX SUPERINTENDENTE ESTACION DE PIEDRA PARTIDA de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA H. M.COLBURN SF.O. T TESOS. DIRECCION POSTAL: MOHO - PERU S. A. H. M.COLBURN E. H. WILCOX Misión del Lago Titicaca SBO. Y TESOS. SUPERINTENDENTE ESTACION DE PIEDRA PARTIDA de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO D'ÍA DIRECCION POSTAL: MOHO - PERU S. A. ■■.i..-: ' <’ E. H. WILCOX H. M. COLBURN W. A. SPICER, PRSSIDENT J. L. SHAW, TREASURER A. G, DANIELES, SECRETARY MISSIONS PUBLISHING FUND PÜBLISHING AND HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENTS General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists TAKOMA PARE, WASHINGTON, D. C. April 16, 1923, The Cotnbined “Big Week” Effort MAY 27 JUNE 2 GOAL $150,000 Mr . H. M. Co Iburn, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú. S. A. Dear Brother Colburn: Your kind letter of February 28 carne to hand some time ago, and I was glad to Lear from you again. I note you were working hard even through your supposed rest period at the Coast. I do not know,íh s may be this is necessary at times, but I think you brethren who are living in that altitude should forget all about work while you are down at the Coast on your recuperativa period. I wish to thank you for the Puno Briefs which you have sent me, and I look forward from time to time to the receipt of your little news sheet which comes as a very weIcome visitor to us here . We read it eagerly and it helps us to keep in touch with your work more cióse ly. I was glad te note that your workers there are holding on even though some of them really ought to leave. This is shcwing a good missionary spirit, I am sure . Wa were surprised, and of course, greatly shocksd when we heard of the de&th of Sister Elvin, and know it must have been a very hard blow to him. I rece ived a letter from him a few days ago, written on steamer Ebro, en route to Penama Canal, from where he expected to transfer to another steamer going through to California. I under-stand he intends taking up the full medical course, if he can qualify for it. No doubt you will miss him there in your field, as he was a good pioneer worker. I noted with much interest the changes which you have made in the field in order to hold the situation as best you could at the larger stations. Am glad to tell you that at the recent Spring Council it was voted to ask two or three workers to go to the Titicaca field. There was a Brother Bement, and an Isa^c Schneider. A young man named c H.M.C.-2- Cari Riffel from Oklahoma, will also be asked to go t.o the Inca Union as Field and. Home Missionary secretary of the Union. Of course, I do not know how these cases will develop, and you brethren will no doubt hear about this in due time in the regular channel, but I thought it would do no harm to mention these mattars to you here for your encouragement. You know you have soma very good friends here on the Committee who are always glad to repre-sant you when we can. I trust that these workers who have been called will be able to go forward without much delay, as you need them sorely. I see you folks have rentad some rooms in Moliendo for your workers when they go down to the Coast. I think that is e, fine idea and I am sure it beats hotel acccramodations in every way and enables you folks to have more privacy, and also have what you want to eat which is not possible in those Peruvian hotels. I almost envy you folks when you tell me about all these things , as my mind goes back to the many times when I have almost had to shut my eyes while eating. I don’t know whether it ever occurred to you, but I have often seen a píate of soup with a fishes eye staring up at you as though saying, ”Are you going to eat me?” so I can appreciate what it means to you folks to cook your own food. We are glad to note short Ítems from your field in the Review and other papers from time to time. We watch for these with eager interest, I assure you. Keep the reports coming this way, as these reports are the things that keep the interest of our people in the foreign missions. They like to hear about them. In a week or two I expect to start for a trip into the North Pacific Union, and before returning home expect to visit México to attend a general meeting to be he Id in México City June 28 to July 8. After returning from there I will no doubt attend some of the fall camp-meetings. I do not know just where yet but will probably find out before many days. I am still talking to our people about the work in that field and shall continué to do so throughout the summer, as they like to hear about the marvelous way in which the Lord is blessing the work there. Well, Brother Colburn, I am glad to see you and your family continuing in that field and of good courage in the Lord. Kindly remember me to all I know there ^nd write me again when you have time. Wishing you well in all your work for the Master, I remain, EFPtQ Faithfully your brother, H. U.STEVENS Superintendente APARTAMENTOS: C. D. Striplin Educación Mis. Vol Jov. F. I. Mohr. Escuela Sab. Misión Union Incáiea De los Adventistas del Séptimo Día CASILLA, 1003 Lima, Perú F. I . MOHR Sec. y Tesor. DIRECCION TELEGRAFICA: “ADVENTISTA” LIMA CODIGO: A. B. C. STH. EDITION WESTERN UNION 5-LETTER April 16, 1923. Señor H. M. Colburn, Casilla 85, Puno. Bear Brother Colburn; In going thru the file of papers, in some way I do not find the itemized account of Puno General Expense, It is quite necessary to have this before I can finish the statement. I 8hall appreciate having you get this out at once, and mail to me, Brother Williams and I have gone over the statement very carefully and desire to make a few changes, which will effect your clos-ing for the year 1922. I received today your letters dated April 9 and 10. I appreciate your getting reporta ready for to "be sent soon. I do hope, Brother Colburn, that all our men in the different offices will get right after reporta and get them to me not later than the 30th of the following month; this is what is required by the General Bepartment. So we shall be very glad if you will work to that. Now, as to typebars for your machine, I asked Brother Williams if he brought anything with him, he stated that he was unable to get anything in Buenos Aires at the time. I shall again try to get the type in Lima, if I can not , then it will have to be ordered from the States. I notice the statement from Brother Replogle, and what you say about it. The question ^is if he traveled second -2 or first class. Naturally it is dupposed that he changed from second to first class. I advised.Bro-ther Replogle to go second class, for on the large steamers the second class is just as good as the min-imum on the smaller boats which do not have second class. Joe's report will be looked over carefully and returned to you, with possibl^notations. I should have mentionex^d your statistical report for the foürth quarter of 1922, it is not yet in our hands, and the time is way overdue. We sent you a short radio the other day about it. We must have this report .real soon, Brother Colburn. Trusting that this finds you well, I am Sinceráy your brother W. H. WILLIAMS, PRESIDENTE E. W. EVEREST, GERENTE-TESORERO P. R. MIRAMONTES, SUPERINTENDENTE DIRECCION CABLEGRARICA: CASATORA. BUENOS AIRES TELEFONO U.T.: FLORIDA 31 CASA MATRIZ Y TALLER FLORIDA, F.C. C. A.. BUENOS AIRES, REP. ARGENTINA April 16, 1923 E.H.Wilcox Casilla 85 Puno, Perú Dear Brother Wilcox: Your letter of March 26 was received the other day, and I certainly was glad to hear from you again. I have realized, Brother Wilcox, that you are very busy in that field. In fact I have been told that you often times hardly know what to do first. I am glad there is promise for you to have additional help, and hope that it will bring some relief to you. Thank you very much for the good invitation which extended forTto visit your field with Brother Cone. I do not know now what plans may be made for another year. Somehow our nlans for this year did not work out so that either Brother Cone or I could visit your field. Before Brother Williams left he and I talked in regard to this and at that time we thought that it would nerhans be better if 1 could visit your field next year rather than this; at that time you would undoubtedly have a Union Colnorteur Director, there would be a local director, at least we hor>e so, in the Lake field, and it would be nossible for us to go into your field and perhans accomnlish more than we might be able to this year, What do you think about if? Now, when I carne I exnett that I will be traveling rather light, because one of the things that I always dislike to do is to carry very many things with me. However, when I find out definitely as to when I will visit your field I will write you for some advise as to what I ought to bring with me. Now, for something that is of more interest. You are anxious to know how the book forlyour field is getting ,along, and we are very anxious to get the thing through as soon as nossible. We had an awful lot of work during the later rart of last year and the first three months of this year. Our work is lighter now and we are able to give full attention to the book. During the last three weeks rart of the copy has been in the hands of the artist and he has been making some drawings for us. The other day c E.H.r. -2- he submited to us what he had prepared for the first 16 pages. Do not understand that he is drawing all of this but we are submiting the illustrations and having him go over them for us touching them up and making what changes may seem best. I believe,, Brother Wilcox, that we are going to have a book which will sell well. We are going to do the very best we can to keen the nrice down to JO / gold although it is going to be hard to do. It will be necessary for us to hold the nages down to $6. Now I have taken note of the des iré which you have to make the Lake field one of the leading fields in the Inca Union in the sale of our books. I am glad you feel this way about it, Brother Wilcox, and I believe that we will be able to unite with you to heln you reach your goal. However, at the time when we are trying to help you we shall also do our best to stimulate the other fields to keer ahead of you. With kind regards to you and your workers in that field, and assuring you that we are doing everything we rossibly can in thé interest of the new book for your field, we remain, Very sincerely yours, VCASA EDITORA/; SUDAMERICANA EWE/IP c hbril 17, Ivdó directores dj estacionas .diferentes lugares Estimados normano: — ."..^ndo esta con 1 fin da saludar a Uls. y espero que se encuentran Uds. bisa de salud y d ainc *en ¿1 ¿éter y en sw trabajo* /^tuataenta me «icuünU< en al tren en viaje a ^oliendo. Be «estado .... casando do fAgunas cosas que h e deseado nanif estar « üds. LAS Ahora las escuelas esta*n pora abrirse • Ahora es eX Utiepo en qua el director de la estac ■. etra entre ¡michos trabajos* Las e¡ deben mati-icularoe c^ada una antes que vaya, el mostré a enseñar, do debe dejar ningu n maestro ir a principiar su escuda si □líos no han p en buscar alumnos ixira esta escuela. * *¿3tos jovenes ti S .qesar a su yíovjia cuenta* es decir que ellos tienen <.. ■?.:.... .-/ado alimentarse a si Kisoc* Ho vun a recibir un . • Todos ellos tienen que pagar tres soles pensión de m uwion. * También touoa ellos tienen que pagar 2.00 soles wnsual pora ansa-ansa. Bu caso cjac nc t Jenen el dinero con que pagar,la penoion de matriculacion, a estos podónos dar trabajo a rasen de cinco centavos por horas y clics pueden gaoar el ¿linero. Pero -leben llegt»X‘ «n bastante tiempo antes que principia la escuela ' para trabajar y ¿jamr este dinero antes que principia la escuela. Los que no tiamm dinero con que se pued> pagar pensión da «aiseBmíssa, agostos podamos dar trabajo, testa dias horas por semana, a x&zin de cinco centavos por ,.¿oxu dejándoles de estíi Taanera ¿janar dinero con qj e se puede pagar estos ios soles y. u$ trabrajan los jovenes esto. Pexxi si oaso hay ulgunoqpe no quiere jar xodaiaoD.darle el tratera priv-1 :ar. "... ? explicar bien el plan a ellos antes que ellos vayan Jal laca. JiS te -ni nn 4 Abril 17, 19 23 Mractcrss estaciones Mlerantas lugares < tjntaM he mos: -~ Mtado esta ccu al txn d r a Oda» y afilio que se encuentran bies dv salud y d¿ bum animo en al • Señor y m bu trobtóo» Actualmente m encuentra. en el tren an viaje a Moliendo. 9» estado pensando de algunas ©osas que he deseado mni/e^tar * ttto* # LAS ACUSAS» Ahora. las «tato ©.* xa abrirse .1 si^ta de Hoyo» Ahora es el tiempo en que el diructror de la tafttal se uncu^ntxa entre moho trabajo» Las esvt: A:,c ... se triculare cada una anteo qua vuy¿ el maestro al lugar a lar. Ud. no deba d^ja a ningún maestro ir a su lujar a principiar la escuela ai al dinero de la matricula» di es para cuamta lUw;. • deben entrojar di dinero o si es pam ociainta detan entregar el dinero, uitcnces si hay un lugar en su distrito que no ha mtregamldo el dinero de la matricula para su tatata que os su deber? Jfey que nirheiTlo de. Mearlo emtótatammta» ' ■ * * a.. 0. M año que rime todas la dUtan entregar la mtxioula al dix d 1 d prta-.. i Mam» Si Ion joven» pagan antas dol primer© de .‘tarso timen que pagar solamente 1.50 peso si esperan hasta d^agpues d primero el ., üarso tienen que pagar 2.00 solas cada alueme. Hay qi a avisar a todos del plan para qiw dLlos lo s3;>rn .?■ qedan sin cususa» Celtio üp’reKl d¿i frmta ha da ¿sri la escuela nonaal» La focüia para prtaeiptar cata ascu la es ^1 jto de Mayo» Todos los o van a eng rosar en esta escuda deben eaag,-esar ataos <1 aquella fecha» Asi sera Imán ... enhuecar . a- - • istos jowns tXmon uj mgrcuar a su propia cuenta, es d^cir que slloe tienen que ir prepamdo alestatarse a si misase» B> van a recibir suelte» 1 yO': Aloe ttat í qie pajar tros eolenp xncloa de tadaric'-l ; .1 ■.. ‘^ataien todos timen cpio ¿xigar ¿»©c solé s taita '■ para M UEtataMl • tal otai i • el din are ta q i Me pe^r la pmMon da mtriwlaclon* a estas oi-dar trabajo a razón de cinco tatarv oxa y .dios pueden ganar al diñe o» ' c • -a X-ijjtír en taítant .laxjc tatatar d trabajo antes que prta lu $la. Lo que no btanen Los qu» no tienen dinero con que ce pwdo -pí?^r la pencipn de anseMnsBt a estos ptatas dar txubajo, hasta diez horas por sarama, a razón de cinco centavos por hora, dejándoles <1; asta manera gstar dinex'O ctm que se puede pagar estos dos r mensual» ^¡n verdad descaraos que Mntajsn estos dos hOXM on lugar do pagar el dinero» Pero o qi e hay alguno qm no quiere pagasci trabajo podemos dejarle pagar» Hay o explicar bien j1 plan esta a ellos antes q dete ¿lan aplica a todos» la ndsiott» v dinero Peruano* hay que prestar dinero a los las i sueldo ol fin de Jovons esrp laidos cada ms en IÍ0M3 Lá J^CUáí&A* Masaos acordado que las horas da escuela Go¿aa da a las nv--ve do la. mtóam bruta a las doce y da □ hasta a las cuatro por la tarde cada día fuera ds los vieraneo. hilos deben seguir el día viernes hasta a la uno sin almorzar* A la uno puden cerrar la escuela por el día* listo ya a darle s tiempo para r raparse bien para el tetado. •■ Los altamos pueden alstahesr después de s la w y ix a ms JáSPOSA Di WUSfoO. hila debe estar a ladc, esposo. Si ella no estsu no tapprta si es por tres día o una smra da ausencia May que ^licrir la nultan de cjnco soles por la ausencia* queremos que la esposa dal ataste esto al lado de el todo el fcioapo* MTMCWUU Si maestro date OtrM alusBUS >‘ -■ - -ellos han pMndé la matricula, el maestro :• ,... a.:;.,ále y al fin da cada ms hay qv x del sueldo da el la cantidad d la matricula da todos que el ha dejado on-xar sin pagar» tara, sabor on conato de e oto el direc -or debe repasar la lista del maestro con la lleta de loo qpa han matriculado on aquella escuela da wz an cuando, te al nismo tiesto hay me fijar si hay alumnos que están asistiendo que no están en la lista del mestro* - u , . i-L MOTIMB* hay !• olvidar estas* Se^debe fornar estas clases atara y principiar on pregarlos* plan presante, al maestro no tiene da^eota picar lae tarjetas* il director y el evangelista con los únicos que tJUnen eote derecho* hl director es responsable pura cada clase y no debe sagrar z : ' .■<■•>* Tambim < director es al único e tiene el de recito pic^r la ta en el lugar we^mminadc^ M qi e b&utisa es el único tp e tiana el derecho picar la t a m el lugar wlisto** La el. .3 texsidnarca dos 2® sos antes el bautismo y dinwte astet ieo^o al director debe procurar ponerse en ccnocmaieriuo da la vida de * cada ccjididato y este tiesto dai a ellos opcrtiuil Lad de mostrar su fadclltod* Momos y ofrendas^ ^Bte aM daba ser un buen a este truba¿ . alfdi esta listo y debamM trabajar m» este aMo de Ha&’u-lo que al pa^do. .ecolacicn OtoBal. >e mi 1 lauco 7 que va Macar ud faunos el blanco de 2000 soles para la mieion. Q¿so pued^ ua* ayudar an alacxmir este blimco? láo debamos d^Jsir imstra misión quedar' da tras en esto* ha ciuapa fc pr9ncix>ia el primero de ... •..?* Vamos a ver cono va a éu. núes tro ccu^.- Sin mas i lo d- üd* espero que m bien la obra an su lum? na todo va 1 3.. nu asparo y da que cada uno este de buen anh'io «es mi d^rno li0 hay que olvidar qie esperamos tonar reunims aag cada estación íste sno para loe mionpros estudiando April 17, 1923 C.W. Millar f -9 Juliaca Bear b .other: - / I will wrie y® a few linas and let y ou know liow life goes. I am now on the ayn to JoUendo and will be lezving for Lima tonight. I made enquite about tractlrs in Arequipa y^sterday. A tractor costa 265 Ibs placed in Juliaca and running. It will consume ten gallón o., ocal oil a day and will break 4 oci es of sod land a day and 8 acres of oíd land a day. The gang plow fe x it coste 42 Ibs in Juliaca and a harrow coste 22 Ibs. To my xiind it is cheeyex* cvexy way than I had esqpected. It wo Id only cost 1000 soles .a year to feed it according to that. hile we had figured on 2000. I did my best to encourage the big m n fe get us ono. 1 do not know how we ;dll come out. It w Id not cost us more than 15 soles a day to run it all * expenses inciudad. . f I undersca d that the Cliuquebambila peoplc are to have a sale o f shsep and shepa^ d dogs and the lile in Juliaca along about the first of June. I want to b ere for the sale if possible and Mil be glad if we can gave a little money on hand if x^ossible for buying in case wer are intei*ested in wliat they have. I guess I have told you about a 1 for this time so h hadiibetter cióse for now. Sincerely your brother W. A. SPICER. presidénT VICE PRESIDENTS: C. H. WATSON. GENERAL O. MONTGOMERY. NORTH AMERICA l. H. Evans, fap east L. H. Christian. europe W. W. FlETCHER. SOUTH ASIA Chas. Thompson, south America W. H. BRANSON. AFRICA E. E. ANOROSS inter america J. E. Fulton. aubtralafia J. L. SHAW. TREASURER C. H. WATSON. ASSOCIATE TREASURER H. H. COBRAN. ASSISTANT TREASURER J. J. IRELAND. AUDITOR A. G. DANIELES SECRETAR* C. K. MEYERS. ASSOCIATE SECRFTART M. N. Campbell, assistant secpetary t. E. Bowen. office secretaf GENERAL FIELD SECRETARIAS: L. R. CONRADI W.T. KNOX G.B.Thompson R. D. Quinn F. C. GlLBERT General Conference of seventh-day adventists TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. TSLEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "GENERAL CONFERENCE" WASHINGTON. D. C. CABLE ADORESE -adVENTifiT” Washington April 19, 1923 Mr. V«. H» Williams, Treasurer, Florida F. C, C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America Dear Brother Williamss Under date of February 15, 1922 we received from Brother E. H* Yilcox, of the Lakc Titicaca Mission, a letter, a copy of which is enclosed herewith. You will note that in this letter were contained two orders, one for six Pressure Cookers, and the other for a subscription to “Popular tiechanics" nagazine. We gave attention to both orders. At a Inter date, in fact it was under date of September 4, 1922, Brother Holir wrote us stating that he had received a bilí from the South American División office for ^2.90 for the subscription to “Popular Mechantes” and that also a bilí had been received from the Review & Herald Publishing Association for £3.50, and a credit memorándum for fifty cents in connection with the sane order. Upon investí gation we found that Brother 1 ileox liad duplicated his order, sending one order to the Roview & Herald Publishing Association and the other to us. In December 1922 your office charged us back with tliis $2.90 with the Information that the Casa Editora Susamericana had been charged by the Roview & Herald Publishing Association for this süb-scription. After we had investigated tho case and found that two orders had been issued, and that we had meroly carried out our part of the transaction for Brother Wilcox, we saw no reason why he should not be responsible for the duplication and we, therefore, rebilled you for the amount, and liad supposed that the transaction was closed. But this morning I have received a letter from Brother Phillips in which he States that you have instructed him to return this bilí to us again inasriuoh as we had stated in our letter that Brother Wilcox ordered this magazine direct, and did not pass it through the Union office in the regular way. I am rather surprised that you had give this instruction, as it appears to us that you have takon advantage of a technicality in order to st've Brother Wilcox from paying for the result of his duplicated order. I can hardly explain it in any othor way, for if this bilí is to be re- Mr. V/. H. Williams 2 — turned to us because of the order having becn sent direct to us instoad of through the Union office, then why was not the chargc for the six Pressuro Cookers which Brother Wilcox ordered in the same letter also turned back to us? Why retum to us the small Ítem of |2.90 and accept the much larger charge for the cookers? We have always tried, Brother Williams, to guard your interests ín the matter of accepting orders from individuáis within your field, and there have been very few times when we have made any exceptions to the rule so far as accepting orders originating in your field. We have never felt that the rule that all orders ?ust pass through the Union office was ore which had no elasticity in it, but if this is your position and we must religiously adhere to the plan that we are not to honor any order which may come to us from your torritory which does not pass through the Union office, we will try to follow this plan; but we feel, however, that if this is to be your plan there will be some cases where an injustice will be done to some of your workers. Only last weck a letter carne in from Brother Hancock asking us to rcmit §25 to the Southwestem Júnior College for tho benefit of some relativo of his who is in school thero. We recognized tho fact that Brother Hancock should have passed his order through the Austral Union office, and we informed him of this, but know-ing that Brother Hancock had only recently reached your field and that he ivas the president of one of your local conferences, and that embarrassnent might be caused to tho individual whom this money was to benefit were we to refuse payment until we had had, time to write to Brother Hancock and he in turn gct authorization for the payment back to us through the Austral Union we felt justified in making an exception tó our usual rule, and as I have stated we informed Brother Hancock tliat vzc were making an exception. We have had to act in the same way with similar cases. IJow, if we aro to change all this and expect to see your office retum to us any charges which have not beon authorized by your unión offices, then we would like to have instruction to this effect. I can hardly believe that Eider E. II. Wilcox would refuse to pay this bilí for the reason that he himself had not sent his order through the regular channels, and I feel sure that he must recognize the fact that he duplicated his order. Under these circumstances I feel quite sure that had you passed on tho charge to him he would have paid it. I judge from the letter that I have received from Brother Phillips that it will be neces-sary for us to enter into corrospondence with Eider Wilcox and ask him to remit the money to us direct. With kind regarás, and awaiting with interest furthcr instruction from you, I am, Very sincereíy your brother, HHC/g W. A. SPICER, PRESIDENT J. L. SHAW.TREASURER A. G. DANIELES. SECRETARY VICE PRESIDENTE: C. H. WATSON, GENERAL O. MONTGO M ERY, NORTH AMERICA I. H. EVANS. FAR EAST L ^^HRISTIAN. EUROPE ■I W FLETCHER. SOUTH ASIA Ch . THOMPSON. SOUTH AMERICA W. h. BRANSON. AFRICA E. E. ANDROSS. I NTER-A M ERIC A C. H WATSON. ASSOCIATE TREASURER H. H. COBBAN. ASSISTANT TREASURER J. J. 1RELAND. AUDITOR C K. MEYERS. ASSOCIATE SECRETAR* M. N. CAMPBELL. ASSISTANT SECRETARY T. E. BOWEN. Office Secretary GENERAL FIELD SECRETARIES L. R. CONRADI W. T. KNOX G. B. THOMPSON R. D. QUINN F. C. GILBERT GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SeVENTH-DAY AdVENTISTS TAKOMA PARE, WASHINGTON, O» CL TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS “GENERAL CONFERENCE" WASHINGTON. D. C April 19, 1923 CABLE ADDRESS “ADVENTIST” WASHINGTON Mr. E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, South America Dear Brother Wilcox: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter which I have just written to Brother W. H. Williams, which I think you will find self-explanatory. You will see from this letter that we have been left in a rather peculiar position with reference to the amount which we paid out for a subscription to "Popular Mechanics" on your request. The South American División has refused to accept our bilí and it, therefore, becomes necessary for us to ask you to send a remittance direct to us for the amount. I feel sure, Brother Wilcox, that you will appreciate out situation and will not hesitate to adjust this matter, inasmuch as we carried out your instructions in good faith with no thought but what our bilí to you would be accepted when presented through the División office. None of the correspondence which has come to our office has indicated to us whether you were receiving two copies of "Popular Mechanics" or only one. If only one copy has been coming to you, then I think you should take up the matter with the publishers, but in any case it does not seem to me that the General Conference should have to lose the amount which we have charged to you simply because of a duplication of order on your part. I will appreciate hearing from you at an early date regarding the matter, for we very much desire to have it adjusted rather than to be carrying on correspondence back and forth regarding it. HHC/g W. A. SPICER. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENTS: C. H. WATSON, GENERAL O. MONTGOM ERY, North America I. H. EVANS, FAR EAST L. H. CHRISTIAN, EUROPE MB W. W. FLETCHER. SOUTH ASIA CHAS. THOMPSON, SOUTH AMERICA W. H. BRANSON. AFRICA E. E. ANDROSS. I NTER-AM ERICA J. L. SHAW. TREASURER C. H. WATSON. ASSOCIATE TREASURER H. H. COBBAN. ASSISTANT TREASURER J. J. IRELAND. AUDITOR A. G. DANIELLS. SECRETARY C K. MEYERS. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY M. N. CAMPBELL. ASSISTANT SECRETARY T. E. BOWEN. OFFICE SECRETARY GENERAL FIELO SECRETARIES L. R. CONRADI W. T. KNOX G. B. THOMPSON R. D. QUINN F. C. GILBERT GENERAL 1 lONFERENCE OF SeVENTH-DAY TAKOMA PARE, WASHINGTON, O. C. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS “GENERAL CONFERENCE' WASHINGTON. D C April 19, 1923. CABLE ADDRESS “ADVENTIST" WASHINGTON E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, South America. Dear Brother: Your good letter of March 26 received. Perhaps now I ought not to write you so soon to get another letter into your file as I see you have something of a hard time to catch up with correspondence by cleaning out that unanswered letter basket. Well, Brother Wilcox, keep up good cheer for all of us suffer the same affliction. We get behind with our work and many to whom we would be glad to write,have to wait. You are in a very interest-ing mission field and naturally the reporta you are able to send on telling of the wonderful progress the message is making up there among the Inca Indiana is of interest all over. We feel that if you will get these reporta direct to us it will aupply much of the demand,perhaps, and so lessen our calla for reporta aomewhat. Anyhow, we feel the Mission Board headquarters of our world work should receive first attention in reporta from all our missionaries and so we ever feel free to write the workers no matter where they may be stationed. Now that these Missions Rally Sabbaths are on we are looking for some especially fresh reporta direct from auch fields as the Inca Union Mission, the Solomon lalands, Africa, andjother sections where a splendid work is going forward. Perhaps some of the workers, Brother Wilcox, out in the stations in the Lake Titicaca section will be able to supply some of these needed reporta. We are just mailing the Mission Rally program for Sabbath, May 19. We feel that it is a very good one. Perhaps this letter will be able to inclose one of them for you so you can get some idea of what we are needing in supplying the field with matter that will prove a mission uplift on these days when an effort is being made by the chunches in the home field here, to "square up” their sixty- Wilcox. -2- cents-a-week goal. We do hopo to come out even this year so tnat more missionaries may be sent forward to the waiting fíelas. I am sure you will have a good conference with the mission directora called in. At that time Brethren Thompson, Stevens, and Crager ex-pect to meet with you. We have much to be thankful for. God surely is working in a marvelous way for His people in various places. A letter just in from Brother G. F. Jones tells of his work in laboring among savages in the mountains of New Guinea. This letter contains a thrilling report of real experiences in encountering demons them-selves as they have sought to gain back the young people gathered inte the training school where they were being taught the truths of the message. Satan surely evidenced that he was mad taking pos-session of these boys in answer to an invitation it seems they had given the spirits to visit them. Brother Jones said they surely visited them all right enough. They were engaged all one day in casting out the demons through prayer and commands in the ñame of Jesús and these wicked spirits obeyed. It surely is evidence that the enemy has come down with great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time; but the brethren carne off conquerors and these young men were given a lesson that will probably serve them the rest of their natural lives having known what it means to be under the influ-ence of the evil one and being delivered from his power. We know, Brother Wilcox, it must be very distressing to not be able to answer the calis coming to you and the workers sent on instead of opening new work must simply step into missions where the workers have had to leave on sick furlough, but the Lord knows all about it. He knows, too, how hard it is for us to find suitable candidates in answering the calis, here at this end. It seems a pity that Dr. Elvin must suffer the loss of his companion. This surely was a severe blow. Well, keep up good courage and give us some definite reports from some section where, perhaps, the work is meeting its most severe opposition. Trusting this may find you holding your own healthwise and that the enemy is being defeated in his attempts to overthrow the truth among the Inca Indiana by holding his grip upon their hearts and lives, and assuring you of an interest in our prayers, I remain, with kind regards Sincerely your brother, c TEB*K. ífc Juliaca April 22,1923 Lear Bro. Wilcox:- I a® writing this letter hoping you will get it as you return from Lima. We are as well as could be expected. I have been up several days on crutches and feel nene the worse for it. At first the blood rushed to t~he broken leg and made it hurt some. II o w however it does not fe., bother me . I have been up town twice—now and enjoy the exercise it gives me after spending so much time in bed. It seemed I never would get out rf bed but all things come te them that wait so they say. Doctor/ thinks I will be able to the first boat over in June and be all right. I had wanted to go oven even sooner, but he says it will not be best and so I shall stay because I do not want any more trouble with it. Aleo shall— t«ke your advice and wait till doctor says it will be safe fol* me to go. It seems hard for me to take so mueh time away from my station when therw is so mueh to de but G-od knows best and we eaa not go beyond what God commnnds. I have been able to have some time to think and th.US have some plans formed that I believe will increase our offerings and thus still be able to get our goal even though we be late. We are hoping to do in the seven months left what we should do during the first párt of the year and have not been able to. You see we are planning on getting the •03 gold per member this year in Piata and my delay here in Juliaca is kind oí hard to bear but we still plan on it and if possible expect to get 4t. We believe we can do it with the plans we have arranged at present. The teachers have promised to cooperateand ^ith them one can do a great de«l of animating. I have made out a'séiWof bible readings for the teachers following the baptismal subjects «nd expect them to give them to the bretheren in their districts,also to those who are in baptismal class. Aa soon as I return, in our teachers meetings we will go over them together one or two eacn meeting. Not that I expect to have them handle my class for me but they can do domething towards te&ch* ing them and when I give my sermons it will be easier for all of them. I believe it—a good plan to use the teachers all one can outside of s school hours. The bretheren/ like it much better also if the—teachers and interpreter visit them and sing and teach them the bible. S© I am trying out this plan this year. Hope to keep my teachers and interpreter busy all thru the year. Say brother Wileox we had a package sen-t from the States some time last Oetober and have n@t received it yet. We can hardly believe it lost and are hoping it might be in Moliendo stacked up somewhere in the eustum house. I am told that by going to the custum «uthorities one can get them. They say that lots of packages are just stacked up and left till some convenient time to look at them and send them on.So I shall send an extra note giving youi. authority to get it out for- me should they make a fuss about it you could show the wjithorizat^on. Hope you shall have a good time in Lima and besides a good oha&oe for a jolly vacstion in Moliendo and A_requipa. Sorry we will not be back for that convention you expect to holá in June but hope we can if you do not decide to hold it to early. I am anxious to have the offerings and Tithe pushed. I believe it will be a gx good thing. For this time there As nothing more. Hope to see you at the train when you come up and we catfférlittle talk then. As ever lam your brother in Chridt, J. ADAMS STEVENS, SECRETARY E. F. PETERSON, ASSOC1ATE SECRETARY E. R. NUMBERS, ASSISTANT SECRETARY MRS. J. W. MACE, OFFICE SECRETARY Home missionary Department OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT1STS TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS “GENERAL CONFERENCE” WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22, 1923. CABLE ADDRESS “ADVENTIST” WASHINGTON Eider E. H. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, S.A. Dear Brother Wilcox: Your kind letter of March 23rd was received a few days ago and read with muoh interest. I wish to thank you for the pictures you enclosed. They were very interesting to me, and expeoíally the one which showed the progress you had made on your Normal School. It always makes me feel lonesome to hear aboút the work there and to see the pictures which come from time to time. My héart is still with you folks even though I am not with you personally. They say variety is the spice of life, and I guess you folks have enough of a variety of experiences to keep things from getting monotonous. I know the years I spent in that field were not dull of case * and I look back with much pie asure upon the time spent there and regret very much that I cannot be there now, although I am enjoying the work here in North America, yet it is not like the work in the foreign field. If you have not already received word you probably will before long relativo to the actions taken at the Spring Council pertaining to your field. As I remember them the Brother Dement and Brother Isaac Schnei^der of California were asked to connect with the work in your field. Brother Cari Riffelof Oklahoma to go to the Inca Union as Home Missionary and field secretary. Of course I do not know if these brethren will go to the fields, but at least these actions were passed at the Council. They had a good Spring Council here at headquarters and a note of courage is being sounded in all the fields. Our people are very sym-pathetic with the work in the far off lands and our leading brethren are not neglectful in keeping the matter before them at every convenient opportunity. No doubt your hearts rejoiced when you leamed of the restoration of the 2&J% which was cut from your budget and then the ad-dition of 10% to the work in South America this year. I do not know how much of this last item your fieldwill be the beneficiary, but it gave the brethren here a great joy to pass this good word on to the field. This was all made possible by the sacrificing efforts of our faithful workers and members here in the homeland. I am sure none of them here want any of our missionaries to return, or the work to be held up in any way. I have been glad to leam that you brethren in that field had decided to join with the rest of the world in the sacrifica offering, and it encourages those in the homeland to see our workers and people in the pioneer fields manifesting this good spirit. E.H.W. — 2 - I noted with much interest the Ítems relative to the work at the new station near Cuzco, and I shall watch with much interest the developments of the work there» I had a short letter from Brother Elvin while he was en route to Panama and he promi sed to write me more later on» If you receive the two workers recommended from Califomia and the other two promised^vou from Argentina you will again soon be able to man all your central óitieá^Vith foreign directora, but in addition to this you should have two or three extra men for emergency» You know how I feel personally about the Laro Station, and I believe that you will be justified in putting another man there in charge unless the situation is ohanged materially» I do not believe Brother Wilcox, that our other good brother there will ever develop that station as it should be» To my mind he will make a better man in connection with someone else at a large station al-ready developed» I think he will do better under direction than trying to dire^t» I think that is fine about the attendance you have at your new school on the Sabbaths» You will have a large Station there before long» I am awaiting with interest the receipt of the "Puno Briefs" which you said would be sent to me soon» It helps me to keep more in touch with your work there» I am sending you today a copy of our new bulletin here which is being issued quarterly» Well, by this time your meetings are all in the past, and no doubt you made some changes among your workers» I shall be glad to leara of them and of your meeting» In a few days I expect to leave for the North Pacific Union to work in that field for about five weeks, from there to go to Colorado Springs and attend a Young People’s Convention for two or three days» From that meeting go on to México City to assist in a general convention June 28 - July 8» Retuming to the United States about July 15 to attend the camp-meetings of the Southwestern Union until September 2, at which time I expect to retum to the office here» Mrs» Peterson and Betty will spend the time during my absence in VíigcoMin and Michigan» We hope the trip there will build her up personally» She is enjoying good health, but of course not very strong from the setback received in México last year» Betty is growing and has not altogether forgotten Perú» She still speaks a few words of Spanish» Trust you and Sister Wilcox are in good health and good courage in the Lord and hope to hear from you again at your convenience, I remain, Faithfully your brother, EFP:W Juliaca,Peru, APril 24, 1923. Lear Bro. Colburn: f our lettei oí the 13th. cu ¡e *to hand a few days ago as well as the factura for the rotor oil. I aleo have one of those barréis of ¿asoline from the States , and 1 presume that it should be charlea ano. rpported, ana I know of no better way than to report the whole amt. as soon as I learn the price, as the gas is uses only on the motorcycle, and if it is charged to me in a lump sum it also ought to be credited to me in the sume manner, as it makes ones account look bad to have it run oehina. The tracts that you mención were to haVe been charged to missionary work as a general expense item. A little later when we get a little better establisht financially, I X expect to do a little more of this line oí work, on my own acct., but as it is at present, having not only my own acct. to carry, but that of the mission ana the “hospital" as well in the various stores, it keeps us ,ietty well on the rocks all the time. The amt. of s/l.bO that you mentioned on the Feb. report is not an item of personal expense,-Inever ygport such . it is an item connected with moving our things from Platería. It carne about in this way: the litóle boy helper drove the burros and the little girl helped hirn and watched the things in between trips, while the man mentioned piloted us in and out of the channel and pushed the boats out when they became stuck. Thus you will redily see that this was also necessary expense that couldá not well be clasified as “cargadores", so I put it under the heading of “Jaelpers" • I have here a ciedit item from Bro. Mm. ailler that I wish you to place on my account. He has it figured at s/ 37.83, but it appears that he has figured to pay for some things that we intended that they should have gratis, so if you will olease make it s/27.00 instead of the aforesaid amt. I will be thankful. Mrs. «T. wishes to know the price of those English First Readers, will you do us the favor of telling us the price of the same. I stand corrected on the Mar. report. I find that ^t is s/20.63 instead of s/30.65. Thanks for the correction. Hoping that all is well in Puno, I-beg to remain, Saludos á todos. Very sincerely yours, Puno, Box 85, April 24, 1923 Uission Directors:- Tho time is drawing near when the schools will be start-¡bng. HJaoh teoher has been instructed to be at the central station a-round the f irst of May and the schools aro to start the 7th of Hay. The The teachers that arrive there in time to commence their schools on time their. pay will begin the Ist of I¿ay. We desire that each school strive this year to have at least four good Windows with ’lass, a rood door that can be locked, at least two ¡rood tablea with four benches, a map of Perú, a map of the world and a good blackboard. This will mean a little work, but I think that it will ^be easier to keep up our schools and got the matriculation if we have bettor schools and better equipment. If we can get right out and have the people come to gether and tell them that we have Government licenses and this will mean that we should have the best schools in the country, I am aure they will be onthusiastic. For examjle, the other day I was ^isiting one of the our-schools with a Fission Director and hhis school did not evon have doors or Windows, only the holes for them. lo told them that they must put doors and Windows in right away, and then we told them the other things that they must have to be a ^ood school and they were enthusiastic and said they were willing to get all these things and they thought they could have a calamina roof on their school house inside of three years. Le had not even suggested this to them, and the roof that they had on was a very good one, so I am sure with a little encourarrement they will do their part., I am sorry that I cannot send out at this time the cost of these things, bul 1 haven't it in hand now. I will write to different places right away and get prices so they can be furnished. I think it a better plan to work on only a few things at a time. With this lettcr I will send programo for the teachers snd 1 wish that they would follow this program as nearly as possiblo. There has been a slakkness on the starting and closing of school each day. I desire th’ t this will be mude uniform in all of our schools and it lan be done if the programs are followed. If we could get the indians to buy a dock for each school and make the teacher responsible for it, and then after school is out to turn it in to the central station this might hdp out in running on schedule time. This working to a program has much to do with charaater. Bro. lolburn tells me that these docks can be soló for such pwuposes for S/7.00. On Fridays, th> plan is to run school right through without noon until ono o’clock and then let out for the day, but this is only for Fridays. All expenses of the teachers should be put on their first months report. 1 will cióse for this time trusting that all is going well and will continuo so. I hope to visit ail schools in the near futuro. Bincerely yours, Puno, Box 85, April 24, 1923 L'ission Directors:- The time is drawinpr near when the schools will be stnrt-d>ng. H¡ach techer has been instructed to be at the central station a-round the first of May and the schools aro to s tart the 7th of May. ’The The teachers that arrive there in time to commence their schools on time their pay will be^in the Ist of May. V.e desire that each school strive this year to have at leust four Rood Windows with ^lass, a rood door that cante locked, at least two #ood tablea with four benohes, a map of Perú, a map of the world and a rrood blackboard. This will mean a little work, but I think that it will be easier to keep up our schools and $et tho matriculation if we have bottor schools and better equipment. If we can ret ri^ht out and have the people come to crether and tell them that we have Government licensos and this will mean that we should have the best cchools in the country, I am sure they will be onthusiastic. T’or exaraole, tho other dny I was tfisitin# one of the our-sohools with a l'ission Director and hhis school did not even have doors or Windows, only the heles for them. V e told them that they must put doors and Windows in ri^ht away, and then we told them the other thinrs that they must have to be a vood school and they were enthusiustic and said thoy were willinq; to ^et all these thlnre and they thought they could have a calamina roof on their school house incide of three years. . e had not even su^ested this to them, and the roof that they had on was a very Tood one, so I nía sure with a little eneourarreannt they will do their part. I am sorx'y that I cannot send out at this timo the cost of these things, bu*, I havon’t it in hand now. I will write to different places ri**ht nway and ret prices so they can be furnishod. I think it a better plan to work on only a fev thinrs at a time. Vith this letter I will send propprnms for the teachers and 1 wish that they would follow this prorrata as neurly as possible. There has been a slakkness on the startinT: and closinT of school oach day. I desire thrt this will be made uniform in all of our schools and it dan bo dono if the programa are followed. If we could vet the indians to buy a dock for each school and make the teachor responsibie for it, and then aftor school is out to turn it in to the central station this mi^ht h'ln out in runnin ilnisnea paying. He carne here tne otner day when I was away ana tola my wiie tnat ne ñau gone tnere and tnat they wouid not except him as tneir teacner. 1 ao not Know why as I aák. not Know tne teacner or their reasons xor rejecting nim. Kow last year I ñau an experience that I ao not care to páss through tnis year. A teacner was sent to a place where tne matriculation was not payea, I was not tola a tning about nim being sent. I was in the place one day trying to matriculare telling tnem tnat tne tsacner wouid not coqie until tney matricul&tea. i n«a recieved no tice go tnis enect. Vveli tne teacner was tnere the same aay teiling mem that scnool wouia began tne next snnn Manaay. Unrortunately we ala not meet. I after* waras r.eceiveu woru from Eider Wileex te cióse tae acíiool untili tne matriculation was pay¡í* Tne tírej(tnern tnen callea me a liar anu s&id tnat r took their teacner aw away irom inem wnen he naa been sent lo tnem. Not the point is tnis. I am trymg to work In harmnoy witn the committee. I unaerstooa that a school aces not receÉve a teacner until tney matricúlate. Thus I have told all my ecnools. Now if tney receive a teacne^/witnout my Knowing it I ao not care to nave tne job 01 closing it ugain, Decause I Know wnat tne people woulu say iram experience. am il wouiu. aake my mimstry nuÉective riere in tiixS piLee. I tina that in some places tne teacners tnat leit summer scnool are pianing on teacning. An roí* unís reason tne people seem a iittie maepenaeno aDouL matriculating. Wnen tne 0111 oí laaing come» lor my stove irom Montgomery Waru& Co. woulu woula you kmaly open it and sena tne papera to Moilenao immeaíately? I noticea that the oox 01 Postum was cnargeu to my personal acceunt. My wiie Saya tnat sne woulu ratner nave it on tne mis»ion account. Woulu. you please maxe tne cnangej Aoout tne Esquinas account. I aimea to ask you nov. much it was. flotea it do»n on «. peace 01 p&per and tnen lost tne paper. Ir you will please give me tne last oalance oí Esquinas I will report it on my next statement. well 1 see I have asxeu. «. xet 01 you. Tnankmg you m auvance ior answering all my questlons, I am, bincerely your brotner, ^3" List 01 oooKá ana Meaicmes missmg. Personal—.factura lio.161o,11 ae Abril.1 xeneaor ae rierro 1,00 Meaicines. llue Aoril tomata reteiura No. l&l* lüü Pildoras Menunel..80 1 Garre ue Es par «a- c.po No. 2........... . 3.00 Ünz. Espirita ve Clavo............... 2.00 racrux'tt No. 1614 No. z. zO Or. Aceite Castor ( not oraerea ).... l.oO 4 Uiifc. Lspiritü .*xuxO dulce••••••••••• • .oO bp Aspirinas ( no . or-.-.^red ).............Tt x. cO 2 iiypodermie nepalés. Not on factura úou^i.t witn my personal meney xer 011 icei.6Q 3>o tal • 10.40 tJOOKS . -factura No. 1616 2 *Cjs. Ltiq.uetas ............... .í? . ^0 □ voc . Lv-.p^ces aguíes ...•••»•••• 12. 00 20 i?evocior» .................. - .cu i© tal ..•••.4... ............... 17.00 3* o ver Puno Perú 10 ue Aoril ae 19*¿3 0 Origen ^®c. *rx>bauos PornaU. ut ualmger. Kacna uei peuiuo xX pac cura No. 1&93 Peumo NO. Tne most 01 . úhés oraer was so ruinen. wiui Kreao ¿nat tney will mr nave uO oé sola at le«si ranch cash.This isa help in keeping the account up in Puno. must cióse for this time, ¿ith best wishes to all,l remain Since?ély your brother, April 26,1923 Señor Orley ?ordt Caj abaia ha, Senador • Bear Brother .t?ord:~ Your letter of March 9tl.i carne to hand a few days ago and will try to get out a few linea in time for the next mail. 1 had wanted to unswer in time for the last train ut sometimes it is iiapossible for us to do exactly as we wiláh • You mentioned my going to Lima out this me^ting is calling in only the leaders in the fiifferent fields and so I am out of it.We had a fine convention of aoout iour days here in Juliacalt was under the dirección of the Union and ‘División was surely vorth while and many things of interest were discussed.You will receive a eopy of the re* port.It was impossiole for us to find hotels enough to take caro of all the people here in fuño so we went to Juliaca and all were aole to live in one house.Yhere was a rooia vhieh had osen rented. for the use of the 'octor which had a room oig enough for all of our ivas at one si de of town so was prívate.A fine offering was taken amounting to over eleven hundred dollars gold.1 have never seen a freer offering really took no urging. Brother j¿ann has no v locatcd. in Puno and is t-tking hold of the work in fine shape.He is making a fine man for us as Jjd ucational Bbcretary.Being a bit small he is aole to stand the riding in a way that'a oig man could not do .He will go áhead of many of us with the Bpanish.fíe studied in dollege for a year or so and we think that he will soon take it up in good shape.t am still muchashamed of my language ait lippe to do Bet.ter. Iir,e to branch out a oit more this year if. pos si ble, lo t Jiaving had the privilege of a mission Station I have Been a bit íaxy when it come to talxing in puolie. .. ,i;,/■., po r- -- I am surely glad tii.ft you have a juetter house imán for a time.You have had üit experionce ¿i i.,uny axiodier i gutoss of not h .ving the privilege of. living in your own house for long. ./e have moved again.Until now we have had the house where fíhepard and Hindbaugh li&ed But now we have the house back of the champe! v/here the Ríos family » is much ’oetitr.for us a- our i^imily is a ^it largo.¿rother a.ann has the oditr and it v/cris out fíne .Co.r him. hj£tt . urother ÓeplqgXe will return -in Junetííe have taken ¿’ield from the iíormal 3ch,ooí and placed him in llave, brother J?ord goes to tomata and David D&linger has taken the work laid down oy Brother 'xJLvin.A new man from Argentina has just arrived and will soon enter the work.l mu not just Orley lord no. 2 .... . *. are where he will go- out perhaps at esquinas. ít had beenTg planned to send him to Laro out 1 guess that they. are. giving Bon Pedro another opportunity.urother bchwerin broke his leg a while oack and will not oe to his iJtation at Huancane until the June uo xt.This surely i :, a ealamity for the work there,! Have not had a b»anch Jash report from there since DeceaLoer. poner mjjolc nnobsxq wq ninq: w/rqr y rece q pnr üom wa© nonsí- m Th-ngs seeni to be quite peaceful here at the pres-ent.Glad to knów that all is *aoving well with you i’olks and that the outlook i¿ good.Hope that you have a suocesslull operation in the .• • tutes. Je jaay need -a new superintendent aoout the time youx are ready to return. s* rT6G7Cn ’>yn;To ; t iir- ■•'pfii’ í* r;Tr Tsuk .ujcíj ir no.-r .?q f.T c ‘ .„0£ , ’Jell I must cióse.¡Irs. üolburn is more than buey in the ^-ngltsh -■ is hard work with the lunch that ene has ñera.lita sincere be^st wlsixus to uoth you and Sioter tCT' "Xr,,l h ao srjq ae x-yiyí íl^'í pe *ttt üoí qo*ge mttt €0 01 -í-rrn^ 01 h© ATiv fu® iré :7nJ- ; j.- -inc.erely your ero ther,\ . „ , f.. insni 10x rra ora ^qoos‘x,rous,j ^crijí? s- nrp ¿?Hnrjy pe j© jiojq ox tu -pvrb®’-r® y 3 sr 1 tu® )®si. PI.OPPGX H,oi.q:- ppt-nu ps*4 30 JT3 neyox -s,oiq* rbLTT nrle helped i$e paper the new house where Je are now living.lhese rooms are much better for us than the others for we have more room to turn around. Last Monday Field went to Platería in the ooat and is now in llave elthough the ooats have not goae yet.There are no direct ooats now to Juli.únce a i.iont}i .nich 1 believe is the second íuesdayx the ooats go to Qugque and from there to Juli.After every trnin there is a ooAt for La Paz passengers at the present time .There was only ene boat for Moho but there are two now. The ooat gees over one night and ack the next morning. tVe had a f irst elass convention for workers while the General men were present.Je met in Juliaca for it was impo asióle for us to get aecommadations here in Puno for all that were prescnt.I am send ing a copy of the convention report.We had a nurnber of daya in committee but don't ¿now as we accomplished so much.Many of the antions takea have been cnanged as the men visit around. A fine of-fering was taken.Practically every vorker in the field gave a hundred soles this year.Je shall be glad to let you in on the deal when you return. We had hoped to have had those two rnen from Argentina out they seem inclined to take Bennis away from us for other is thought that they will take him to will be fuily settled in the Lima meeting .hich is now in session.I understand that dolé may have to leave and with the condition in La Paz it is hard to tell Just what they will do at the Union meeting.They may change all of the Local superintendents.It is hard to say.They are or have made a pulí to take you to Bolivia out our committee are op*“ posed to such a deal.I tnust that you will return to us st^ong for Service. brother .uann is taking hold of things in fine shape.He has gone to Lampa to look into things there and helo with the matriculation.i will meet him in Juliaca next Bunday and we will go to the finca to help get the books in shape and turn things formally over to Thompson. I am glad that Mrs.Reploglc is getting along lo nicely.Hoping to see you soon, I ruiiain Sincerely your friendo GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTiSTS OFFICE OF TREASURER TAKOMA PARK. WASHINGTON. D. C. April 26, 1923 Mr. E, II. Wilcox, Casilla 85, Puno, Perú, South America Dear Brother Wilcox: We are enclosing herewith the Consular Invoice covering the shipment of cookers and insets sent by the Albert Sechrist Manufacturing Company to you. We trust that this invoice will enable you to obtain a refund of the fine which you had to pay. Very sincerely your brother, Ass’t. Treas. G I E. H. WILCOX SUPKRIXTBNDBNTB H. M. COLBURN -iRECCION TELEGRAFICA: "ADVENTISTA” de los ADVENTISTAS DEL SEPTIMO DIA SEC. X TBSOR. DIRECCION POSTAL: CA! PUNO ¿7 ano, April 26,1923 Señor ^.H.Jilcox, .«r equipa, ^erú. Dear bro ther Wilcox:- I will send this to Arequipa for 1 do not know just when you will rturn rom Lima.Your wife in this way will oe adt to give it to you upon arrival. I will send down your lettcrs with this.How aoout the papers£.Do you wish some of them sent?Plase let me know and I will endeavor to carry out your desires. The work is moving along licely and every thing seems to oe quiet.Brother Bield left the 23rd for llave.He went oy ooat and .brother Kaloermatter went with him as far as Platería for a little visit. Brother K. was here for an order of books and medicines.He seems quíte ch^erful cut a little uncertain.I heard a rumor that ti i e acT±orT'~óf his going to Xsquiúas was no t t o^^i c ¿i out.Is this just rumor or official?He was wonderi^^^Re other night. Vi/hen we had new keys made were there any made for the present outside door lock which enters your patio?I ¿¿ave one to Brother Mann out neither one of the boys have a key. oometimes it is a little hard to man-age.especial ly if 1 go away and forget mp my xey,^ If you think it lecessary you might have some made while in Arequipa.The boys are taxing hold fairly well out they need supervisión all the time.I plan to go to Juliaca bunday to help take the inventory and check up on all the personal property.In this way we will e in a position to turn things over to Thompson in good shape and olear him of the responsioility of past mistakes.Mann is bad-ly mixed as far as the store is concerned. Je have fixed up the teachers accounts.He worxed for thr^e days here to get those in shape.At the present time he is Juliaca pla.ining to visit Lampa Saucath. I tr ust that you will be aJu to get a first class rest wnile in Moliendo and Arequipa.There is always enough tnat a person is aolc to do out at limes it is ce su t o n su. Please let me know when you plan to Ecturn for I will beneefing money-I will let you know he a.iount later. 3 Trusting that you had a good trip to Lima, I remain bincerely your brother April 26,1923 Señor m.H.Wilcox, .arequipa, ^eru. Lear Brother Wilcox I will send this to Arequipa for 1 do not know just when you will rturn rom Lima.four wife in this way will ce aole to give it to you upen arrival. 1 will send down your lettvrs with this.How aoout the papers^Oo you wish some of them sent?Plase let .me know and 1 will endeavor to carry out your desires. The work is moving along liccly and every thing secas to ue quieto brother Pield left the 23rd for llave.He went by ooat and -orother Kalbermatter went with him as far as Platería for a little visit.Brother K. was here for an order of books and medie ines.He seeias quite cheerful but a little uncertain.I heard a rumor that the action of his going to esquinas ivas not to be carried this just rumor or official?He was wondering the other night. ^hen we had new keys made were there any made for the present outside door lock which entera your patio?! gave one to Brother Mann out neither one of the boye have a key.’Sometimes it is a little hard to man-age.-sspecially if 1 go away and forget mp keve my xey. If you think it necessary you might have some made while in Arequipa.The ooys are tuking hold fairly well but they need supervisión all the time.l plan to go to Juliaca bunday to help take the inventory and check up on all the personal property.In this way we will h in a position to turn things over to Thompson in good shape and clear him of the responsioility of past mistakes.Mann is bad-ly mixed as far as the store is concerned.