Riverside Sanitarium I AM sending word to all our col- ored churches in the conference in regard to our sanitartum. It is hardly necessary for ime to state anything about the real necessity of such ah institution, and the repeated testi: mony that there should be such an institution for the colored people of our denomination. Now that it has been made possible for us to have one, I am calling upon the entire constituency to do your part in raising your share for the establishment and equipment of the Riverside Sanitarium. The believers in this conference have been asked to donate one thousand dollars, and this can be done if each member will give 82 or more. This small amount is within the reach of all. Let those who can not give the ready cash get out into the field and sell forty copies of the Message mag- azine, or sixteen of the crisis books at 25 cents each, and you will realize the required amount. Let none say, “I can not help.” Those who can give more than $2 let them do so. I know of one or two who have pledged $25 and are already paying it. Let us all put forth a united effort and raise this required amount before the Harvest Ingathering Campaign starts. J. G. DASENT, Secretary, Colored Department. News Notes . The Mira, Louisiana, church is mak- ing definite plans to have a school this year for their children. We also have a request for a home school at Harrison, Arkansas. A. F. Ruf recently spent a Sabbath with the church at El Dorado. We have a nice group of believers there. The Little Rock church is planning to give the school room a new coat of paint and refinish the teachers’ rooms. From Bonnerdale comes the encour- aging word that the new teacherage is just about ready to occupy. We understand this is a nice building and a credit to our work. “Activity should be the expression —in part at least—of the inner and growing experience, but not a sub- stitute for it.” ~~ - Home Missionary Topic August 22, Organizing for the Harvest Ingathering. Jr ue—————— » THE RECORD -— OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE J. J. Reiswig, Yresident L. R. Alexander, Secretary 217 N. W. 7th, Oklahoma City ED re Ft me mmm 3 Heart Preparation for Attendance at Campmeeting ONCE more the Lord has permitted us to plan for another antiual gath- ering of His people. We do not know whether we shall have another one of these yearly feasts, for in many parts of the world field they are not cermitted to have these gatherings nor to enjoy the association of those of like faith. What this convocation will mean to you depends upon the heart prep- aration you are making before you arrive upon the grounds. On this point the Lord has given the follow- ing admonition. “I have been shown that some of our campmeetings are far from be- ing what the Lord designed they should be. The people come unpre- pared for the visitation of God's Holy Spirit. . “While preparing for the meeting, each individual should closely and critically examine his own heart be- fore God. If there have been un- rleasant feelings, discord, or strife in families, it should be one of the first acts of preparation to confess these faults one to another and pray with and for one another. Humble yourselves before God, and make an earnest effort to empty the soul temple of all rubbish-—all envyings, all jealousies, all suspicions, all fault- findings. . “The Lord speaks; enter into your closet, and in silence commune with your own heart; listen to the voice of truth and conscience. Nothing will give such clear views of self as secret prayer. He who seeth in secret and knoweth all things, will enlighten your understanding and answer your petitions. Plain, simple duties that must not be neglected will open before you. Make a covenant with God to yield yourselves and all yours powers to His service. Do not carry this undone work to the camp- meeting. If it is not done at home your own soul will suffer, and others will be greatly injured by your cold- ness, your stupor, your spiritual lethargy. uality. be “Here is a work for families to engage in before coming up to our holy convocations. Let the prepara- tion for eating and dressing be a secondary matter, but let deep heart- searching commence at home. Pray three times a day, and like Jacob, be importunate. At home is the place to find Jesus; then take Him with you to the meeting, and how precious will be the hours you spend there. But hew can you expect to “feel the - presence of the Lord and see his power displayed, when the individual work of preparation for that neglected? “For your soul’s sake, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of others, work at home. Pray as you are not accus- tomed to pray. Let the heart break before God. Set your house in order. Prepare your children for the occa- sion. Teach them that it is not of so msch consequence that they appear with fine clothes as that they appear before God with clean hands and pure Fearts. Remove every obstacle that may have been in their way-—all differences that may have existed between themselves, or between you and them. By so doing you will in- vite the Lord’s presence into your homes, and holy angels will attend you as you go up to the meeting, and their light and presence will press time is ‘back the darkness of evil angels. . “The same work of humiliation and heart-searching should "also go on in the church, so that all differ- ences and alienations among brethren may be laid aside before appearing before the Lord at these annual gath- erings. Set about this work in earnest, and rest not until it is accomplished; for if you come up to the meeting with your doubts, your murmurings, your disputings, you bring evil angels into the camp, and carry darkness wherever you go. . . . “Would that I could impress upon ministers and people the necessity of a deeper work of grace in the heart, and more thorough preparation to enter into the spirit and labor of our campmeetings, that they may re- ceive the greatest possible benefit from these meetings. These yearly gather- ings may be seasons of special blessing, or they may be great injury to sp.r.t- Which shall they be to you, dear reader? It remains for each to decide for himself.” Testimonies,