2 NORTIHIRN during the service, Surely this 1s tine to hold to the prineiples of re Hoions liberty and to edieate others to da the same. No one will Torzet ines, and help Elder throneh the stitute. the wood nicer Gerrard ave We app Gat whet Lie has done, and fool forward io his next visit. ILL Burkard, Field See, PELOSI SEIS SEPSIS EPOSECLIEOIETLOINL I South Dakota Conference J. H. ROTH. PRESIDENT S. Fo. ORTNER, SECRETARY Drawer 38 - - - - « - « - « + Watertown Make wills and legacies to Soath Jamkiara Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventisiy Plo al ae Yad ll a ae La ae sae gs Kept by the Master ['or the erconragement ol both oil and voune Towish fo quote the toliow. ite letter I oveceived tn the wail iis HOTT “Dear Brother Ortner: Your letter recorved, and T want to tell yon that my the i= wood, He has kept ane nearly 9) vears and is still keeping mes Die I am happy in toe {rust in [and His holy name! Lord. Enclosed find my tite to Lien mm the contribution Yor China, I wish it were more, God the and workers. Mes, Wo BE Jones” What a source ol inspivatior sua hioss work enconrncentent there 15 nn these Ties from an old pilovim kept hy the Master 91 long years! Many other letters expressing faith amd conrave have heen received from isolated mewhers In recent roll eal from the conference ol- fice. We anticipate heaving trom the response loon rest ot the conference ehurel members betore the end of the year, We appre- crate the splendid cooperation we are receiving from them in sending ns their present address, which helps us In orevising our conference ehngric menthership list for the new year SED Other, [Tow One Family Found the Truth An Adventist one of our ecolportenrs to stay with sister whoo invited lier while she canvassed, told thie al- lowing interesting story ol how she Found this messace, Sever] NEES HO a COP ITonT ent to their (arm selling Patviartehs and The ir rind bane pitels money, hid hy Bis Kindly nne- Fann] I'vophi [a ney the colportonr persaadad the REP to take the ITE Fiat did not nnderstand the Sabbath gnes- hook. read 1s UNTON Pron ad the Moke oF he Dheasts Ty SET EER ESE STEN EEE AES I 3 STR EAA sped wie he book said uo Keon the SO etl Cy TG ONG kepa Ti t : TT A Liter on, iter thie Tana Bad men : : : i FT S| Cod bo berry eds colle ar thie hose AVL since da bres Li SLED il i Moasspons TT olterine, Deen wes 1h pcs pons ste be tds tena) Haeees Pron hievine worker, ger VL Co Pine passed and oe dens = noes PT he pews per Tee anbve rt seine nt ar H SEY a SE A Po heel ir [Rr hes walled over (vee poles iooreor to attend thos ocinre, N i 3 \ i. N - \ iro 1 N Iody attender overs er tine fallag Thr Thert, and moon reece