goa T IS common knowledge that “a nos | ig chain 1s as strong as its weakest N74 £38 link.” But how much more evi- amet Jont, is the weakness when the link is missing altogether. And this is the predicament of the theory of evolution. Proved facts of science unerringly point out these voids. Fact No. 1.—Only life begets life. Spon- taneous life 1s impossible. How then came life upon this planet? Evolution rejects the record in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and with subtle theories, for which no foundation exists, confuses the minds of those who will not for themselves study to know the facts. Fact No. 2.—All living things propagate after their kind. World-wide observation, history, archeology, and the fossil world have all failed to produce one evidence of a transition from one species to another. Evolution is built upon the supposition that all living things have evolved from a primordial germ, up and up through species innumerable until the present day, and that the end is not yet. Fact No. 3.—There is no known fact upon which science may base an approximation or a conclusion as to when the earth began, or when life appeared upon it. Evolutionary geology glibly states the age of the fossils, stones, and what-not; with startling daring, reaching out into the unknown past, even to hundreds of millions of years. Fact No. J.—Mathematiecs 1s an exact WHERE 15 THE MISSING LINK? science upon which all engineering projects depend for elaboration, and it has enabled man to accomplish marvels upon the earth, and also to reach out into the universe of earth, air, and sky,—a universe in which a myriad of astonishing chemical and geo- metric formulas are maintained in a per- fection and symmetry unapproachable,— and determine that all nature is governed by laws both simple and intricate. The evolution theorists assert by argu- ments fallaciously subtle, that all these things are the result of a blind, planless grouping of matter, the origin of which they are unable to reasonably postulate. Fact No. 5.—Unimpeachable facts estab- lish the conclusion of the wisest men known to science at the present time, that this planet is in a condition of decay and disinte- gration that operates both in organic and inorganic matter. In every comparable feature the fossil world bears mute evidence to this fact with multitudes of magnificent specimens that have been found incased in the rocks that formed about them from the sediment of the cataclysmic Flood that de- ¥ In 1900, while an international peace congress was in session tn Paris, an editorial in L’ Universe said: “The spirit of peace has fled the earth because evolution has taken possession of it. The plea for peace in past years has been tnspired by faith in the divine nature and the divine origin of man; men were then [or thereafter] looked upon as children of apes. What matters it whether they were slaughtered or not?’’ The evolutional theory which justifies the survival of the filtest at the expense of indwidual or national life makes necessary the efforts of benevolent statesmen to safequard the existence of mon-militaristic nations, hence Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, is shown signing a Lend-Lease Agreement with the Honorable T. V. Soong, Foreign Minister of China, which will aid that heroic people tn their battle with a ruthless aggressor. AUGUST, 1942 By Walter E. Gillis prived them of their life. This comparison has developed the fact that some seventy- five per cent of living genera are repre- sented In the fossils that have been rescued from the rocks. Living specimens are puny In comparison, The disciples of evolution blandly assure us that all things from the beginning have been evolving toward a perfection not yet attained. In the face of a multitude of thoroughly established facts which testify to the contrary, they persist in impregnat- ing the world’s literature with their falla- cies. Fact No. 6.—The marvelous instincts of birds, animals, and insects; the universal desire of man to worship; the interde- pendence of the plant and amimal king- doms for the maintenance of life—the plants for the insect transmission of pollen, the animal for the plant production of vitamin “EE” upon which their fertility depends—all these point to a Creator. A large library has been written upon these wonders, and almost daily new wonders are being brought to light. | A vast number of other facts might be enlarged upon. From whence came light, gravitation, chemical affinity, space, elec- tric phenomena, and many, many other vital things for which the evolutionist has no explanation that will permit of scientific demonstration. The first chapters of the Bible alone adequately explain the origin of the ma- terial world and the causes that operate to produce the phenomena of our present age. ‘“‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1: 1. “The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He prepared the heavens.” Proverbs 3:19, margin. Las Rationing (Continued from page 2) church has chartered a bus to pick up parishioners and carry them to church services. In Richmond, Virginia, motorists have put stickers on their windshields reading: “I am going to church. Can I give you a lift?” While some ministers may regret that their X card has resulted in their becoming a common carrier for their parishioners, others will welcome it as an opportunity to become better acquainted with their flock and to perform for them a service that 1s essentially missionary. Page THREE