Y N VISION or THE RAM 8 NE GOAT. .•0 • Ilirmett,The ram itha lhoa •,.•• II kr ill ,01 r r milerrar as. dart/ ruff oithrtur/lim ',Om/ nalnr /h. .11,1inlh./a//erimmehithrlr .41;w/bun h.' mini 'pen • • ire rd..... NO. If rr Id 1 .fild Llorel torn 14e sends/de it. Pura herd Iry op Funny urn. heir/n th, , .I rid /sow sus bkr .atra • Itoperd. PAPAL ROM royolla EN,/ • 1335„,„,.14/./1 45 1 if.,,. •ere lash,,, i ,y .Intihruld h/h,A Fnyvrer edi r/onfinhp/o Iht nioloop leehhe d!, hi dlnr:o,.' PAGAN ROME. v g,f ITN Min h " 03/ s1/!, %L., I6g1, h, , ner, • I ,/ I 0 : /war, a./ A., huffy,/ ,,, Ord h .„dln,dhr de.d ,ded 9 D S E !ILA s,rr N ( . 1 R' N (:1)031 r- If X3 Y And hall' 'jaw/ hra.ht "h• . . In inmoor 4-•ar ,,,,,,,,,, attar;, was ar.• a re yle l• Int, • , del all Ihr orhao thrrr...1 oh, ,,lh, ,1",,1 it," der rarlh.alar at, 'r h, Ahra d ego,. Meted a,,r/r,nnJ II Irragiaa• a.,...a/ Polhildn 84 2520 538 and d had that, rah. Ara if //,, mod, of t/ ‘1..h.. and Persta 45- 7 677 252 67 184 2310 4'7 1843. 332 r 1=c1f.i At r ckv- .1,ed grads,the ....1 ,,,,,,/ 1,,,, ,, VISIONS OF DANIEL &JOHN. P r ul /hi,/ A f/nt,,./ arta /nor /malt at"! r1 mart". .a, guru h, if - rr CRECIA. 164 158 'II .1nlinclins dui siewoi, • to; b e her/ hem 114 .1r,. ,h,rd h,/err In/iv/die, //ie. //wn;•/// :'.; dd/ -10..yrrr Lit lit.mh Id...re/not slur be tingly r"" • hird ian..,•14. n,14. edtivi” ,,, ,//7,// /Pratt/ end ttfrrad/ tau/amen.' jo .In/ th ha , r, old of Ihm imgdout str iir.fraut.h.d/ dud anobte, sha nit shad he 'bre, ,r home air hui/an//be slud/ std.r4h. three kaqs fielda buy of lirrre roundenahre and strirer.res Ad/ drew,/ tap . ..11a .rhall Inti.h/y. bid nu/ hy and the kt.ly prop/...inddrviyh hts priny also Itte, 9 many, ke shall alre, s/um/rip aggiust du. 44/ /.4hr hear,/ dram//n/ end trrr db- "he/ " . "`"` Y l ow , tor eid.,.// I/ had y.e.or kWh irdetwared drake &I 00,1 , 1 wt./ .tramprd /he routdur' mdle de lid and dtrers /him otorifetirests Mot re.rh.diur old,/ ker/ derr hoire.1 1 .T. d re's, lortriuriehou n/7 'pr.... Thor kr soirdote fieurrk lewd ..h.R he/he fourthitiustlout rpm, eta .,.kirkrhallete titter., firm 4// and shall erwo.rdreeldr rem*. turd .thrd brad trdoiru,td../ 4rew.4 d purrs V idler ew and 1 \via yrs:borer, eh, 1,1/. errinelyZew,..v../,, ,,,,,, Of , Paghd Rance 'mid oriuld .%/Na,/ agedidl Its Nune all}rnpe.i thyearReht onnolon. r , theldrI, barn el 0511 povyr and at, sl,d/ Sodruf turoderlid/.. Are prover and pra,d,rdtotrid/1 de.dray the mighty rhall ads, are// /mpen,../vo hi h., hand, end he shell .91,ffIlf(41 ilifIC144, 1411.f h/VS. 1//d141 PM , what /111 hal heslad/ tirArrf el. *twat hami.„.lud /haunt mtuat prat doll irate- sitrrherr.sludolor fed dt,,thiebt, /c. Otall prirotrsdleamrd deities, ru amr. //wee Neat I; umr eaddrU/dtyrxya air itrUrr 'Writ...I...ark. our y pima ham h/r 41' Ihnti 0, .6 1, td,,,v,- ../.hvghr:AwrowtrrrhArodhmdb.oh, ,, ,, opor noddirie ikr.//mur w 1hr dr,. 'Adm.. 'ready/, Illerapoly PAGAN ROME. //; rrY. /1,-rd/ rhn, L .1114./An/Ae Pra., At nue nn,r rd Af ewei 'ilumr, stood as !protest' eluitt rief'rtivr of PrintrA, art,! d (111 /I 49 daturas/Wow , - rulpItlyw/ udo ItY/ krugdar.rt,P'r ➢ anir.w w. r / pest:. .//tede.4.r d.r14 . 11. ThrA. 538 606 nn/d/tarn perlogI !I / War /e/I 1299 1449 3 12 42 1260. AHO M ETAN S . 1;‘, - 0.1•1•1 GC, loromprriren t mirk** am lin ff. e••1/0/0 Ithr fold -14 . try t PAPAL ROME. r ro pass hra•a/i•• And the drt ,00n a rertniatenal ti,, inirriorei,inuatlterrof 1111: -AMMOMMUMMOm.... MAN OM [TANS. 1798 508 45 1335 18443. 1843 6,z 11.1ht , gaud. am/ AA 'hid/ ter/ 1 e T. • 1290 11 ‘,/, i_ I 5 ,r, ,:a • lusydoes., , A•• rh,/, ll.m, Sa, fat/ ani ,,ArsossiaLdsreAS AAA oad 14,wo4 oar& aes...MA- LA At Acws AAA, Auari 'la., /as/ Ara. A, ..ir g Amer Ar dAaApped.dow I dee imrlon As9 As1. /e///, other suod 1/./ el A AAA ,A Zra... - 4,4 olla! Aram, A'al holA aura, / wort, le du kitty r/ un ',,Inofor And dr okra* is An-Inirk And IL, nrrrrm. 1843. I ti ()D 9 E s VE 1: 1 ,,,,,, ,./n,..,, o4fill ' / ir Me 3.10 , :i High, Oho/ the : .., 7 roLrp I Fur 4/ /he n - , 4,,,,,” 1a4/.', ttttt . /5/141a• - ,, ,,a hem //wails, S 'I' 1 N k1 N D 11 o x . 'VV.N KIN(;/ , )( Arts, PAPAL ROME• 49 .,m /.,,, 538 The Ihrwh; l'ouletic.and OsImAA/C. hq lins ii,,, ,. ..-phirkw/wp.acrIibirpiroldebr rereod. /;frder t, lAr 11/YeAdrn..re.. /km 7 A' 77, p/11,i,./ Am( Mk how ,444 wheiW ee ,AAA/ //ee Peps/ power Ike eonewerewwwww1af lone./enwee.- ewe/ haft: ArlPPAAAr. kravatabAy /MS 606 .Mimmigrallnsafr Ns.7 411 11.rr 411 91 . 1 . 1 .rw ar A-1 wit, :lariat A..,..msmsems so.as - 7 12 30 0 2520. 3. A B Y L • Ig tut FIM4 'I Ofl%T. MEDI V. 0 VEFISIA. 677 2520 677 1843. 23 4 18 c) , 1 ""•••,.... 1 VISIONS OF DANIEL &JOHN. 538 457 332 I `, ;rower 41, fmtp,;/,' , ,,.. I ore 444. o'er . /,,44levav 4,1d/ r{itr/41. rut pre. In 1/ GUM. /1/ nI n.y ar/e/e44.1/444 ,4.• 164 158 "Adosel/A•roroaldrr en Si, eAsh a's./ /AA &wets am/ AmIriv dap/. ',a/Am.' dad/ rland a 4 I 'Apure, .rhai/ he twyky. but so/ by r. •1AehayI 4 ”/". 1r5 Irs parer am/ he shAA otall 'ewe IAAAAV slaw , ' l Its'rm' ds- ...alA 1.1/0•1•6.d. , 011 ie,r • .1.11 am/ Ansor., sissfitslIp shall as yaw/ .r. - re Afts%dulpfor itaiu ssfok rusest.A.ait= AwAlA A;141 aka/a ererr,A•54 Au ✓ f Olswel gine thrsii /Aglh . it Aware,/ nue/ AAA... IN play. ON tevihitAIIIIIN len/ el I, a w.1 dad, dIrr, , A /7,4, ,A, ' " /,',,, kwils /hal 0.,1 I blhil , r; 44d i/ //a /4, hp /r414 fileffer Ni „V Amp/am an , IAA /10,ArAu// euz, a;i;rdid anu l /.1 s an,/ , .1/2 Ihre hAq, fir/ /44.4y WWI der peeree,.....wriailiew4••+. WOW' Ilee 1.11Frill II ow rod/ laud rep Amu, 'the Prau,A af Ma AA! y prom/.. 111, AA , a/ Avahe A 4.7A/ AAA platy did , wewed 1er/hrwel 411 Aremy toon , feifilAA•14 tr,,V” /0 be - 'A A, dr. PAGAN • .11-11 M E • .,te uw, rex enrAhAv nnnh Apd rod /AIL/ d/lhr, h4,1 /en t,/ : PAGAN ROME. 11.40A-A, A, geed'', Hatt it' 13 ThOled • JI m At, In' In. 1.114141 Aunt, Ike awl 12 30 1260. and IAA Ay! A, a AI kna , m /14south Mi./.11E1A0/4/twi a/ri/Or /he', ,o pnrAos'bu rposAr um/ 'AS and 91.1leeld+1114/ Aka .i..44dposrrum. row wash's McNamee,. AAA / am/ /ow urenil'hymet-ityrr/h1e,am/Aam / /e",ArrrotA , MA" Asissluty 0 K Cf". I: 'Idaho", 17 1 kee , ex owl snw ben,/ 3. ,, end le, AA, • ! ear , a lath ‘aw /la GL. f Aine rk,Ahe aShfraltrordreol - fft /As/ r e rwalneliww. - _ MAHOMETAN S. Z; li p 1AUMpAl r`d igre, Ion,:,,d AAr I hod , .4,, ,/ 1;44 , • / Meg The. lArnanale ur 1/K4 508 45 13351 , - , 71,11111111.11111.11111111"P" MAHOMETANS. 1299 1449 dray n//he 14,4 4r4r/i, e mm Alt /PAY Avm / ; hen //44,41 h,. /.m,/, ,, 44 44 4 4,-' ; ; 11,44 /4.(44/ away et e/a14 181143. I • manimium eminganuirmaill .s.wasetany...s, . \ II mad 'Y Lvrtief /wino/ regifrre 1:hren. :13 -..11 1 rpm, ,11111 //real heasts come 1q, liyan /he sea IlhaheL theta- sr' lens hhe a lam awl Nail , ,a9/e,1' wwys, It 111 Oa svings Ifierea1 . 11 .07' ph/ di :f it/lid 11 IrlIS 1l//Pal 11 1117011 ale earl/1,1'1W/ 111/1111' Ill S1111711 11/111(1 /a'1"1 /1.0 /7 th1/n,a11i1 altars heart way if, ()/1 1034. 252 .6-77 677 limes 12 .1) awe/ .Q hapler, Commelliraml of Ihe s Oen holes, .P6; :P8 fa 34. 6/h'). ;) ("Iron, .13 • II. Thal( art this head, 11o/d. 4 4 ,v„„ths 1.843 ;Tin Indian, al '7' lanes , • ODally' diwo- .91 , 111'S , 39 'Iv's, (//?(,P Mee shall arise aufdi -erklagihal r111;e11 -07' III 1/11114. 5110. OverIhrou , (mom/ 11100'ini 7iiiiii l ,c0 38 57 2300 220: 4 1 51 Y L 0 • VISION OF THE RAM & HE GOAT. f /7 r1 ,111///no/11 ee ///•'// ,V1,// el // // "I 1/ /0711 ,1 , T he ram trItirle 10, e, 14 - Ilk,' In 1/ benr,//nr/ i/sell' on one side, esl,hatlay Iwo harh.c,1117 , fhr nrzil it had hire: , 1. 11 . /1/ woad/ h/ 11 helween of and I;(49 , finih of /he decree Jai -ex/am Ina hula ;leru.s .atan . l'ollun atement 01 ' 2,11111 days Pall 811 /hop. 184 MEDIA Termihaban ///' V.1/1/ 1days. and pad d'Ildtpalion Ban S...11/ll 0 AND PERSIA ,Iirrandipp-the great arty eat/11 , 71re l'ersions .73„y1:s. the !peal am/ 11/e// .cart//l/1/.s' /////ii it . ( ; )I terse . 1," die rough . 1/0,, / ,/s'/hr /Intl of , /1/Tamp t a n/'// lia.sh . l; lit; and ilia //Peat /haw Ile/Irmo lit /v/Is ., Is the lira/ king. .Vair dad helay1;/wkea 0' "'verse.. Wier / beheld and la/moiler /de a /rapt/• /l, whirl/ had apha Me hark hi 11. Mar ;twigs al a /ine/ ; the 32 -Jj hetiire Christ see Joseph/is 'Intl 11,1'. 8 VISIONS OF DANIEL Se JO k GRECIA. PUBLISHED BY J.V.MATIES., 14 DEVONSHIRE. s ‘4 , 11 W Thayer 8. Co ;Ihere,/.$' / II/11.4 Shall m/ another third kihg - -e/am al hiss whirl) shah he///' ra1a ot,er all the cal h . 13 ea 1.11 of .111 a Epiph aite, who OP relIPS 14 s'/.trod 7101 zip . 117al the 1 stand lip ail/ al the nafilat,lad na/Ill his power. ilnd la the /a//e/'//hat , of /he,/ ktafp/llin ,11./wn /h brills:ire vs ap,s• art 1 .)/77?, , /1.7 If el , 1.1"I' /• cis heha hepa 1114 / //,s, dead hele7•14 prince ine pratees wa.s . horn, alP17111'e.s Tan, 0/' ge league, &Yowl,. the Jews and .11 efinims, 1.58 yrs, hikm Chty . st l: liar :7 -7 liwrses, 1.13 /.. P. Ida tiW 1/; V,/ and oniy, /her lea/ae rilh him he skull work ektvilki(p. 1 i;ate heads an , / dam/aim/ wil.s -given to it CRECIA. ROME 1111.1,11 hay id /ion , roatileiamee 1/111/ 7/atbr- • s11,07/llif/ .4'en/P7,1',:i',shaW skald up . And his• power shall he Art,/hay. hat nal hr/ and the hilly peopte,,1 tut thmayh /as paity also steng mum/ ,, he shall stand up ayanat file drip/. /47,.i . /salt /7, //7, , nigh/ a/11/ hdli,/t/ /,',111/4 hews/ dpeadth/ wit/ toroth/e, aad .vtcaaq e.reeedmy/y. ON/ d frail byVh ; di ,iyillred aNt/ /liar in inpl'es, am/ sififive,"/ /he inridifi , the 1;',1 /7/ .1% ; am/ 7/ Jeffs ,/,01:r,' //vim //w/pbeh'ar if,. ai/d/4//ad hill 4017ns. ,41/e/p/e////m/1 0/7. pen., Thus he sllathe filar/h. /was/ .s/u//he/he he /„he aplln /will iehah .441111 he deters/' liwmAm, ',firms rind .;•/,,,// deeerile /he ;Whale h /00/si/a/ ifeadde0/7/,fini/h/pah dwp/pre.t . / / P/1/ p/1 14 77 • tau/ he *dad des/.1/// leollderbithi, and shall liellspec am/ prmhce, .v/,t1/ r/, ,,,'/rub ha:fhly 11 er 1( 7e .” .„1/''' ;vases .inillhpre . appeafrd afia///e/ Iran/lee ,1! I:ent behd grea/ Pea t :1/'fir/ail, serial heads /en /haws a upon /11.1' ///'/://V. Oil 4/S (///Z /bell' /1//' ////v/////// 0/4'. Via/:5' fy/;-/ /kw? /a dn . /'I /4 lint/ ge Wimp/is/01a whin/ iraN moth/ 1,/ irr /eh/W/7W &Iv ..1111//:'.'77,7 'verse eadhis //Whet' /aid Ill01/ Mile/ Thee flaw ehild fn desfil 1/1111/a/ad, and ha ,silo// 1/a///1/11/ hulls"/'// /n ha head dad /77 meare Skid 0 1 ,- he.5 hal/ he hcakell withont hand, .1111/ the main and le mernim/ whit:Atom /a/d 1.c witerfiire.c brit 11 ,07, rt 5 /i//' /11,711/ 17/11/V. Tie shall haaint, twit/ /a/i/ra //zrekid a.s. saw/ a. J . /1 was hive, //a/•r' /4P.qaulty /Pa a //a 49/////ant/hp a 71 .• fia . &Pad will ///f 30 , 01.11/ /he marets,nawdia these ristnas, 17.1711P Ira ';;,;.0.1t f i °int! ollth/ .c/oad ayda /',lore l'ances.a.s //as rill( y plena/et lhr b ,t/ ' I hnSt. 111•re1147', /Id 14i , fauethkawdom shall be shway as Iran , .1///1 ilk, //,/, horns oaf (/ 1 / 41.1 kingdom 7,7y , /e/7 /ha/ ,vhr,// ,70,/ ahti• sha shat/ lie di vetse /hall the 1;t:a , and he ,s'hid/ .salidae /hire bur/.‘ hem and he .1 ad, ,Cqrar 0,/,',111/e ive,ir'er;',"..' flowyes.holllee. ('lays/. see Whelphys tompendp , /, ,p,i1 1.7118'fie 11/111/1/ 00, could .sload a// amhas .1 O'01.er , 4ll'I'parces,1'llyan collalleaccs the bl/le horn lem1/Ja/1 . 119 with the 'Jaime ty at the /'/l, 1 0211., PAGAN ROME Iii GAN ROME. ae ea; au ;val of IA , se nah N 1/17W/////9 liTh//1 11/11/ smi ,s a////17, ph/h/ iwn a id wire , /;1 0' 7:ve it 11110/.!r/r, h 41. elhilfh,M, raid he the arristv there'd; ill/nlIly0;(mv old find naderileeeding In II, fiine whieh Ile had di kgeadly inya, -ed o/'1/u' wive men * El; tl 10'; t 1 tJtiti N1/11/1/ lip 1151111/121 ihrist the l'emce Princes, atilt at last elvialb.'dkint, 1335 non.m.11 al 9 7th1 I . I N 11ei'l 1. shied lox 1!:'....7!!!'1"17111 ' / , fad al /hes . ea, aaa //hap las heaps hal N a hall sy ,rea heads . ahil fan 10 /1 5 1 17 /1 0/ 121 11 11.e , ealapli ered iala/airy k ill am/ alma/11S heads lhe Paha'utl Hasid/flag, .111/111wheas/ (r . lach Sam' was khe aftto leapard, 12 70 a" u/a/t Ur ./h ,/, ,, ,q • I isf,, ,e/des 'lime of the End. • .Thkrayalrayo/ frl ti//race, filth /V //PV 0 '111/t1' 1',' 1 .1 MO V. //whirs-/07. I 00(1. 7he /Tar; lniithds, ewe/ 11.;17yryll/h.c, hq dy.s tall plucked ap. dav 1167aq/he/le 'mood, ha . the alr 11/1/ / 1/ 1/1 1 1 / 1/71.,WP Poll /hri , /lllln.s. llp Nth' /1/117/ 17, A' Whirl/ Vic (Vii////,'W, -/Y/ Pupa/ /J. ha/,' ./;' )(11/ %hese three kthydams,were Wen by Justaulln /1/ 7;17 ,4 Klliperar of t'llastanliallple , sylose decree awde the liiship of Rome, .supreme head oldie f hank's. in .5.38. ROME It lee, ire as dt AtS ato,dh es the maw./ - 4, - ,4 // //, 1/777 . ll,/ ehyvyam //him, 11 11l,a el; in .,(1. III) ' ,eat aid; ,w711171iie leely , ,,71/ e ,,• u1// hardy 1- 1,a1 a,/n/h.s - .' make ll'a!' ir// lihiliyear ;; //1//////t4 1//1171:7'/7'/( a // 7/.44///(W' ./9 -Y;vi• //00.cidere9/ thPiewrgi and he/a/!/ /he/era/we zip Wing Meat llardbet/ilitll hiffn hr's ,eft !t/rrrrrr 1 1 / 1 /rP1' dip iirs NW(' r//its k4/' ryes a/ '1/ 177 are, aad a 6 ,, ilr..reak,/,,/ Ihray „i', /3' p/P.-/,',,/ /IP, NI 1/1 11' ii• I/ /t1/ beilliad 111 /hid/iv ,/ '/.////ypoli./ • 1///// ippord/1/ /4 /7 / R1A,' the, 110 5/1) (l 0 O. r lurid/ /1.-/ ,/// /7/: / a/ he ,s , /m// speak it, fiS wo/JA vs/ /hp ,/11/11;1 //e fd „v /11, &link M;), ,1 High/f //r/ d.;/a1- io' 1/ 4 17/,/, , limes at /a1111', h /7 lamhards h(S )..11 1300, 1299 AHO M [TAN S . Per/a ;My/ /he e e All/ ll/We ,s'allthe _Lams/v.- will/ /4,4r/f olly,- s area /hi months I 11 ///',y yiMn ,llelly tienthay 1. 1 14 9 , ThesP air /ha ten halyafir 11:haphans ,ado Jr/mh thole was firstdnyit ita7,/ky are nine 1111nyled itvil the pet/ id' /1/111 /Ind do Ha thwre Nieto ahvither. Anii . e/ V , I/fl' g.• /1 e1'. "/ th.,111,u.s/v 4u:ere lihe lioryes myllard mill flld/le an Op as 11 11 ,,,,,,. , T01013 . 1/0/il, and /hive ///ties' )(we 1/ 1 11,1 a/4'n, [i d ' verse in the day.s . of /hese lanys.sha/ /,./a/ ai &arm sci 1/ 4/1/ /. / - dam , which shall never he dextral/01. aud the' bin/do ;Mail fad Oh et peophe Ind 11 shed/ /avaih preaps and twarame all /hese ha/fp/a/as . and d shed/Warn/ lull. III,, •l.) ref:Ve, EN' 11,1' /Mill/ /1.1' Mall salves/ Mai Ma S/////// //WS /7/////// (lige iflo/111- twit wilhoa/ hands, and /hat it /with as //rats Me hym./he h/1/.4' .s, filer/tat Mesa - yer aia/ Jhe Jald. /he /,'neat/;ad had, mar/f' /wawa /at& ki . N.9 what shit& roma ti/ pass hprealleh , And the (frefilll is e1'riltiiiiiii(1 tha interrehilion Iliereol* is sure. 1200 Fire laws lirstv.s hu'pve../ll.../... luI dll'hirk.Y.( Lei' 111 hsImy) Rev. /1.13 to P.0„5 - irth franyiel layan &swam/ PAPAL ROME, shall he vtrea iale hauds,///11111 Mlle If/Ill haies,haa Mrybrlaimi of lime Print , !/e- I1eir/, and Nam,' horn /w,,, with 11 1 11' .01////.1' plY171f4 ,, fig itills I /h em wad/ dial a/' dolls. came, andiirdyniellt IrdS . 1/1/7 ,/, /// /I/ S1/1 /I 4s• A'Irt41 I I I gl ; foal i/o , eame Mal 11,0 , 1):ill,t;';1(iiii .1'; ll ver.s es . ,of chap,/ ./all' /a /he ii/// hi thas,am/ hehad, one lib , dm Son al'/n/nl ,w/he )17/// Ili, eh/ids a/' heaven , rind /a /he ,'In• e'en/ a/'/471/$' /Ha die!' ///Wilyb ////// tient' halare hail, liar/ //haw leas //lira him Paminiiih, am/ /1711/://,eme/ fi F;;;,:vii1)141, milt Qufi;ms, ma/ /lino fly1/.5; (Ildd PPP P ehy• minian 1:1' /fit r, Pt/ill/W . 0n Whi/i/ Shall /////////SN //1/Wig: and hir .1(1.31:9, - 41a. Ma/ , shall no/ he Adria/ed. lb 00 The tVg01/rs,.////0, / // , ll/ ////, /ani,7 awl of the /lady ,e acrylic(' ferationic 1/W lima whii• pepilla' rwmple ,/e//le 13,7,1/// /d/d/PaPre/1.'s . stillam 44 s' Jot a/ ikpead /f ///e doy,s. Thi ,Z.17,) fiwar /alowy allwy of dia . • ,5ll8and the 1/5 1 - km(1-hue 1/174!,9 braniade /Dye/her (ii 1100. MA II OM [TANS . laktny away at' doily /Ian. If!: II. a/ v '/, 1'Y//r/i6 !_ • or , 1/10,0. 1843. G 0 S EVERLASTING RE 61) M 1843. 18 7.'`' Trumpet, 3 7 .. 4 H7 iie, • `.':1.1 11011iel viand 71, hrs /17/ 1,/ /he eStiretittin end of 1/11; days,