DENVER, COLO., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1902. NUMBER 3. VOLUME XII. . � the. mornms sow thy seed o. � the even‘ng withhold not tlilne voata. Ecc1:11:6: In the early Christian church God established order. ' He said, "God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." " Let all things be done decently and in order.' ' I Cor. 14:33-40. We are urged to all speak the same thing—the faith as delivered to the saints. " I exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints," Jude 3. � " Now I beseech you, brethren, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you ; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." r Cor. It is extremely important that in these last days we become fully grounded upon the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. We want no new faith but the old faith of Christ. But this same old faith will be exceedingly new to those who receive it for the first time. God has com- mitted this old faith of the Bible to this people to keep us in the last days and fit a people to stand at the appear- ing of our Lord Jesus Christ. The gifts of the Spirit were in the model church established by Christ ELVA A. GREEN � EDITOR. and among those gifts was the gift of "government." It is just as truly a gift of the Holy Spirit as is the gift of prophecy. God put the gift of "gov- ernment" in His church—who dare put it out ? "and God bath set some in the church, first apostles, secondari- ly prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, GOVERNMENTS, diversities of tongues." Cor. 12:28. All these gifts are to exist in the re- stored church that is waiting for the coming of the Lord; "So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." Cor. :7. Order, "government " is a part of "the faith" once delivered unto the "saints" and we must all earnestly con- tend for that faith. Some may foolishly "despise gov- ernment," but God says such are "dreamers" (Jude 8), and even "Pre- sumptuous are they, selfwilled." Read 2 Pet. 2: 10. But Gospel order is just as much needed in these last days as ever, yea, if possible, even more needed. Read "Early Writings" supplement, pgs. Colorado S. D. A. Conference and Tract Society, At 1112 South Eleventh St., Denver, Colo. Entered at Denver Postoffice as Second Class Matter. (Moto from the tield. PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS FOR THE GENERAL ARTICLES. DIVINE GOSPEL ORDER. SUBSCRIPTION, 25 CTS. PER YEAR. I2-16. "The Lord has shown that gospel order has been too much feared and neglected. Formality should be shunn- ed; but in so doing, order should not be neglected. There is order in Heav- en. There was order in the church when Christ was on earth, and after His departure, order was strictly ob- served among His apostles. And now in these last days, while God is bringing His children into the unity of the faith, there is more real need of order than ever before, for as God unites His children, Satan and his lost angels are very busy to prevent this unity and to destroy it. Said the angel, "The church must flee toSod's Word and become es= tablished upon gospel order which has been overlooked and neglected. This is indispensably necessary to bring the church into the unity of the faith." In the next article we will examine the Word of God, to learn what this gospel order is. H.M. J. RICHARDS. PREDESTINATION. "And we know that all things work -together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." " For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son. * * ' Moreover, whom He did predestinate, them he also called, and when he called � them � he � also justified : and whom he justified, them He also glorified."—Rom. 8:28-30. The last two verses contain a bi- ography pf the character of God. Be- cause Christ foreknew us He was able also to predestinate us. Before we were formed the God of heaven knew us. � Many people believe predestina- tion is unconditional ; that God pre- destinates some to destruction and they can never be saved ; while others He predestinates to salvation and they never can be lost, no matter how much they desire it. This doctrine is not in accordance with Bible teaching, it is evident, but suppose it was, who in this world would know that he was predestinated to destruction' or salvation ? If that were the case, God would have placed humanity in the worst possible condi- tion, and this is not in accordance with God's character. There is no pas- SEEDS OF KINDNESS. Speak not evil of another, Who art thou thaejudgest sin ? Every son of God is brother, Life bath holiness therein. Theiefore, seeds of pure affection Scatter o'er the furrowed soil : In the range of love's protection, Flowers will bloom, rewarding toil. —Selected. ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. sage in the Bible that will show that God predestinated anyone to destruc- tion. God is too broad-minded to do it. When He created eternal bliss, He made it to take in everybody. I thank the Lord that I can say about Him, He loves all and wishes to save all of us. Ingersoll, the great Agnostic, did not like to be responsible to God, but argued that he could not be held ac- countable,. since he was brought into the world without his consent. How impossible to think of God bringing us into the world with our consent. It is absurd. God has made man in the image of His Son and then asks man if he will accept His plan. He has given us a free will to choose life or death. Christ is the condition in God's predestination, and it is with us to say individually, " will I become like Christ? " The object of God's predestination is our salvation ; that we may be like Jesus Christ and be saved; "because God bath from the begin- ning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth." When God shall come to judge the living and the dead, not one can charge God as being arbitrary. Those who are lost are not predestinated to be lost, but because they will not accept God's plan. If we are not saved, whose is the fault ? It is with us and not with God. God wants us to make our calling and election sure, we will also be glorified as was Christ. In a few short years this will take place, and may God impress these truths upon our hearts and help us to co-operate with Him that we may not fall out by, the way, but meet our Lord in peace when He shall come. � S. F. SVENSSON. REVERENCE FOR GOD'S HOUSE. We believe God has chosen us as His people. We base our faith in this high and holy calling and precious privilege upon the fact that God has chosen men and women in our midst, enlightened by His spirit, to bring to us the right knowledge of His word and will at the right time. He has made us servants to propagate His word, a truth which cannot be too highly prized. As a peculiar and chosen people, we -believe we can teach and obey His word, and endless thanks be to our Heavenly Father for this grace given us. We must, therefore, strive with all our might and strength, and by a life blameless show our appreciation of the light given us. • Children cab and must be taught to come before God (in God's house) with softness and humbleness of heart, and with reverence. Therefore it is my request to you who are holding office in the Sabbath-school, to teach the lambs of the fold, and all others to whom you say by your profession that you are one of the chosen people of God, by a good example. Enter the house of God with reverence and prayer. Enter His house with a peni- tent heart, free from frivolity or thoughts of a worldly nature, and filled with thoughts of God's great- ness, Almighty power and goodness for us poor sinners. Here we may ask for forgiveness of sins, for grace and strength, and the attributes of our dear Savior. In order to daily fulfil our duty. We must enter His house to-day with the same reverence and holy awe as was required of the child- ren of Israel in former days, for we come into God's presence. We dese- crate and profane His house when we use it as a place of social intercourse, to entertain, amuse or converse with each other ; when we unnecessarily move the chairs about, and run in and out during the hour of service. The moment we enter the church (God's house), we are standing in God's pres- ence, and will be held accountable for every desecration to His house. 0 my dear brethern and sisters, think of this and do not be guilty of the sin of ir- reverence. Let us worship God as is required of His people, that His wrath come not upon us, and others be chosen to take our places. Let God's house be indeed a house of prayer to those who are strangers to God, that by our devotion in God's service they may be drawn to Him. We may teach them the way to God by our precept and example. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing ; cul- tivate your voices and let them re- sound to the praise of our loving Father. � All, both young and old should unite their voices in euphony, thus offering to God their best possible service. God expects our best service and will not accept anything short of this. Let all reverence the house of God and keep it holy. MRS. A. EHRHART. THE SPIRIT OF HEATLH PRINCI- PLES. " The body is dead * * * but the spirit is life." So said the Apostle Paul, and his pregnant words may be applied to the principles of health. Take the divine life away from these principles, and they become dull, ar- bitrary rules, a veritable yoke of bond- age, an instrument of death instead of the minister of life. The life of the health principles is Christ. The true motive for building up the strength and beauty of the body is in order that it may be the fit temple of the Holy Spirit. The glory of God should be the uppermost thought in the mind of every intelligent creature. Now the glory of God is His perfect character, of which His law, both natural and moral, is a revelation. Therefore, the desire to glorify God impels one who seeks to know and strictly obey the physical laws govern- ing the health and well-being of the body. Quibbling over small matters is one way to take the life out of these great principles. � Prescribing for others precisely the same rules as you have adOpted for yourself, is another way of losing this life and attractiveness of health reform. Remember that princi- ples are living things. If they are to thrive they must have fit soil, and an abundance of divine sunshine. More- over they must be allowed to grow and adapt themselves to the circumstances just as any other living thing. � As soon as you have put a limit to the size of a given tree, you have pro- nounccd its death sentence, for a tree cannot live without growing. Just so, when you precisely define a divine principle it becomes in your hands a dead thing. You may embalm and adorn it so that it may appear beauti- ful to the eye, but the action is want- ing. The saving power is not there, and the thing is practically worthless. It is a very hard thing to live by rules; but it is a most easy and natural thing to live in accordance with divine living and life-giving principles. Health re- form, while apparently pertaining es- pecially to the physical organism, is essentially a spiritual matter. In fact, rightly considered, the interests of body and soul are identical. Because health principles are spirit- ual, we need the aid of the spirit in order to properly comprehend them. On a casual examination, many things may appear inconsistent ; but prayer- ful, earnest perservering study, will re- veal only beauty and harmony. That which Christians especially need to realize in these days, is the close con- nection between physical and spiritual things, and the obligation resting upon all to glorify God in their body as well as in spirit. �M. E. OLSEN. The Colo. Sanitarium, is enjoying a good patronage. ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. FIELD REPORTS. Pueblo. Since I returned from Denver the interest has increased very much and to the extent that I am not able to fill all the calls. I am still holding meet- ings in Bessemer at the hotel, and am trying to find a place on the north side to hold meetings. We are of good courage in the work. Pray for the work here. THOS. H. BRANCH. Crawford. The regular quarterly meeting of the Crawford church was held at the Sev- enth-day Adventist school house, Jan. 4, and was quite well attended. The spirit of the Lord came into our meet- ing to a good degree and as a result, five of our young people gave themselves to the Lord. This gave us all new courage to still hold up the banner of our Lord. We are having a splendid church- school with an attendance of seventeen to nineteen.. It is being taught by Bro. Chas. French whom we think is a very competent and consecrated man. We ask that the Crawford church be remembered at the throne of grace. � MRS. VINA WILEY, Clerk. Grand Junction. It has been a long time since the ECHOES family has heard directly from us, but it has not been because of lack of interest in the work of God. By the request of the General Conference, at its session last April, we went to the Island of St. Kitts, West Indies. There we saw many strange sights, the one most impressive, being the ex- treme poverty of the natives. At times some of the few Sabbath-keepers living there have had to go to Sabbath ser- vice without a mouthful of food in the house to eat, and still they would en- joy the spiritual feast so much as to forget they were hungry. This cer- tainly ought to prove that money and labor spent in their behalf is not spent in vain. Many people in this country sicken and die from eating too much, but there are some of our own people on the Island that are suffering from stomach trouble from going hungry too often. Brethren and sisters, in view of these facts, if God's Holy Spirit leads you as it has a number, to open your pocket-books to help those poor people, you may do so by send- ing your donation to Sister Bertie Herrell, 1112 So. fifth St., Denver, Colo'.,,Or to the undersigned. Please specify that it is for the work in St. Kitts. While on the island we both took sick, and after lingering for many weeks between life and death, we finally decided, after much communion with the great Physician, to act on the advice of the physicians and nurse in charge of our casts, and hence left the Island and returned to this country, with much deeper regret, sorrow and heartaches than we had when we bade farewell to loved ones and native land last spring. By an invitation from the Colorado Conference committee, we came to this place a few days ago. We will say, we are very thankful that God has spared our lives, and is permitting health to return to us, so that we may continue in His work which we love so dearly. � We firmly believe God's truth will triumph soon and our earn- est desire is to triumph with it; and to help others, both in the home and- distant fields. MR. AND MRS. L. A. SPRING, 837 Ouray Ave. THE SABBATH SCHOOL. Conducted by MRS. G. P. WATSON. Relation of Parents to Children. The Lord has spoken concerning the duty of parents to children. " And these words I command you this day shall be in thine heart, and thou shalt teach them dilligently unto thy child- ren, thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, when thou walk- est by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and upon thy gates." Deut. 6:7-9. The first prerequisite to the salva- tion of the children is that the parents shall be living examples before them, teaching them at every opportunity. We understand from this scripture that the commandments were to be placed conspicuously about the house where the eye would often view them and upon lying down, rising up, coming in and going out, and by the wayside, they were to be the theme of study with the children. When we, as parents come to the 'place where we are as dilligent as the Lord commands, then will this scrip- ture be fulfilled. It is written in the prophets " and they shall be taught of God." A child brought up in the nurture of the Lord, will not depart from it when he is old. Fathers and mothers, what a responsibility rests upon us. The spiritual training which our children need has been neglected, and we need to arouse if we would have them saved in the kingdom. "We en- treat you to take up your long neg- lected duty as parents. Search the scrip- tures yourselves, assist your children in the study of the sacred Word, and make dilligent work because of past neglect. Do not send the children away by themselves to study the Bible, but read it with them; teach them in a sim- ple manner what you know, and keep yourselves in the school of Christ as dilligent students. Be determined that this work shall not be neglected. Fol- low Christ's injunction to search the scriptures ; then you will advance in spiritual strength yourselves and be able to instruct your children so that they need not come to Sabbath-school untaught. "—(Review. When this is done we will see our children giving their hearts to the Lord. Look at the example of faith- ful Abaaham. How was Christ taught? Was it in school ? How was Timothy taught the word of God ? Study these examples and we will teach our child- ren the love of God. MRS. JESSIE LEEDY. The Object of Kindergarten Work. Webster says : "Kindargarten is a school for young children in which special attention is paid to object teach- ing." Teachers should create an interest in their classes and object teaching is one means in which this can be accom- plished.i Truths of God's love, of His saving grace, are to be impressed on their young minds. I once asked a little child these questions: " What do you think of when you see the grain ? He said, I think of Jesus. What do you think of when you be- hold the heavenly bodies? "I think of how Jesus made them," was the ans- wer. I asked him about the moun- tains, fields, flowers, etc., and the answer was always the same—about Jesus and His great creative power. Little children can be taught from nature things that are before them daily. The object or material which the teacher uses should be used in such a way that the little ones may forget the objects used, but have the lesson pictured in their minds in a reveren- tial way. The object used should be handled in such a way that the child's mind will be drawn from play to the great workings of God in a simple way. The teacher of little ones needs to give ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. much prayerful study to each lesson. Teach with simplicity. A child will often receive wrong ideas when simple words are not used. There is a statement in the Worker which says : " A father was out driv- ing with his family. � He repeatedly called attention to the woods and tried to impress the mind of his little girl with their beauty, when finally she said, "Papa, where are the woods, are they on the other side of the trees?" Teachers may teach the words of God in such a way that they will reach their little hearts and will surely bear fruit in their lives, making them gentle and kind. The God of nature is cer- tainly at work. The same God who guides planets, who works in the fruit orchard, and in the vegetable garden, will work in the little child for the uplifting of the kingdom of God in this earth. � MRS. W. J. KEELE. NOTES AND ITEMS. Bro. E. W. Whitney and wife are visiting in New York. Bro. H. C. Menkle has returned to Denver and contemplates taking a medical course in the city. Bro, W. F. Hills will go to Durango this week to unite with Bro. Kennedy in the work. Elder Svensson spoke in the Denver church last Sabbath. A condensed report of his sermon will be found in this issue. We have a few copies of the January Sentinel on hand, which:we will fur- nish for 2% cents each. Address, Colo. Tract Society. Three more souls in addition to three reported in the last issue by El- der Mackintosh, await baptism in the San Luis Valley. Elder Wilcox called at the office the first of the week. He reported ex- cellent meetings at Boulder during Eld. McReynold's stay. Bro. Henderson who was seriously ill a few weeks ago, is again able to be about and called at the office a few minutes on the loth ult. The February number of the Life Boat will contain as its leading feature the subject, "What can be done to save the boys from destruction." Brother and Sister H. Williams of Denver, and Brother Whitelock's fam- ily of Boulder started last week to California where they will spend some months. Elder Mackintosh was called home last week on account of the illness of his family. He found them improving, and planned to spend last Sabbath with the Wray church. The Salida church was dedicated ou the 26th of January, by Elder Mc- Reynolds and Dr. Hills. We hoped to receive a report of it for this issue but have not been so favored. Elder Watson was unable to carry on a series of meetings at Montrose as he had intended, owing to small-pox which was very prevalent. He is now with the Telluride church. A blue cross on your ECHOES wrap- per indicates that it is time for you to renew your subscription. Please send in your renewal as soon as the first blue cross appears. We are sorry to learn of Elder Col- cord's severe illness, but hope for his speedy recovery. His church school is progressing, several students having been chosen to teach in the various studies, during his absence__ We are sorry to say that the Mid- winter number of the Good Health has been delayed. We believe all orders will be filled promptly as soon as it is off from the press. � " All things come to him who waits." Apples of Gold and Bible Stu- dents' libraries are still being pub- lished by the Oakland Pacific Press. Subscribers who are not receiving these should notify them at once, ad- dressing Pacific Press Publishing Co., Oakland, Cal. The Hygeia Bath and Treatment rooms have been moved to a better location, and are now fully equipped for the very best service to both men and women. They will be found at 1545 Glenarm street, Denver. � Call and see them when in the city. Elder McReynolds, president of the South Western Union Conference spent a day in Denver last week and conducted the prayer meeting on Tuesday evening. He spoke last Sab- bath at Boulder, and returned Tues- day, speaking to the Denver church in the evening. The Life Boat should be a regular visitor in every Seventh-day Adventist home. It will furnish fuel to keep bright the missionary fire in the hearts of your children. Will you not sub- scribe at once? Send 25 cents to the Life-Boat, 28 Thirty-third Place, Chicago. As to Pledges to the Material Fund. For ' � Christ's Object Lessons. All of our friends have noticed from the published figures in the Review and Herald that the fund for the re- lief of the schools is rapidly climbing to the point of completion. The last figures showed that over $35,000 in cash had been paid into the treasury. We have still a large number of pledges on our books and, as we have some heavy bills to meet in the near future, would be very thankful to our kind brethren and sisters everywhere, if they will do the very best they possibly can to meet these pledges. Money should be sent by bank draft, express or postoffice order to Percy T. Magan, Berrien Springs, Mich. Report of Canvassing Work. For the Month of January. 1902. Hrs. Ords. Val. Helps. Bible Readings, A. M Dorman, � 94 19 $ 44.50 $20.70 Wray. Christ's Object Lessons) Mattie E. Turner, � 2 � 2 � 2.50 Bryant, Home Hand Book, M. R. Proctor, � 14 1 � 5.00 � 28.75 Victor, marvel of Nations. Geo. P. Bixby, � 20 � 9 11.25 History ofthe Sabbath, 0. Einarsen, � — � 3 � 9.75 Denver, Best Stories, Mattie B. Turner, � 3 � 4 � 2.50 Bryant, Miscellaneous: B. E. Lewis, � 16 � 3 10.00 Wray, Total � 149 41 $85.50 $49.45 DELIVERIES. Books. � Value 81 � $56.75 2 �7.00 3 �9.75 138 � 66.50 8 � 16.50 16 � 45.75 Total, � 248 � $202.25 • The Colorado Midland Railway HAS The Grandest Scenery In the World. Ute Pass, Hagerman Pass, Hell Gate, Pike's Peak, Mount Sopris, Mount of the Holy Cross. Most Beautiful Summer Resorts in Colorado Manitou, Cascade Canon, Green Mountain Palls, Woodland Park, Glenwood Springs. The Most Famous Mining Camps: Cripple Creek, Victor, Leadville, Aspen. C. H. SPEERS, Assistant General Passenger Agent. DENVER, COLO, Celia McDonald � Wm. J. Keele � M. R. Proctor � A. M. Dorman.... ......