ASSIS TAN THECARDINALRULE: AN INTRODUCTION “he theme of this yearbook came com- pletely by accident. Lauren and | were 8 brainstorming one night, trying to think up catchy but not cliché themes and titles. “Cardinal...let’s do something with Cardi- nal!” “Aren’t Cardinals Catholic?” “Yeah, but we won't use it like that...” The brainstorming continued until one of us remembered a term we had heard. “What about the ‘Cardinal Rule?’ There were exclamations of success, but then... “What does it mean?” was quickly accessed, and the definition that popped up was: Cardinal [kahr-dn-I] of prime importance; chief; principle; of cardinal significance. That is what this yearbook is all about, defining the chief rules for the Andrews University cam- pus. What is the cardinal rule for academics, for spirituality, for interpersonal relationships, or for extracurricular activities”? Corporately, as the student body at Andrews, we define our standards by heavenly stan- dards. The term WWJD may be passé, but the spirit of the slogan still permeates Chris- tian institutions, and is considered to be our cardinal rule. It’s more than a play on words, it's more than conveniently arranged letters. ‘What would Jesus do’ is the Cardinal Rule, the measuring rod of Andrews University. How tall are we standing? E511 PINTER “Andrews nas a beautiful campus with old romantic buildings, it also has great vanety of diverse people which | enjoy interacting with.” GABRIELA