Io CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES I ® " | Winter Quarter LESSON 1 The Problem of Evil There is physical evil ( Suffering, Death ), and moral evil ( Sin ) in the universe. Why? Is God the author of sin and evil? Or is sin beyond God's control? MH 410 - 411; Gen. Conf. Bulletin, March 6, 1889 ( Cady 979 );i 4 T 424 ( Cady 1367 )i 90 PP 596 ( Cady 980 ). LESSON II Theories Opposing the Truth about the Origin of Evil 1. Ancient pagan doctrine of a "finite" God ( revived in modern times by J. S. Mill, william James, H. G. Wells, and the Humanists ), that matter has always existed, and that it is intrinsically evil; that God is doing the best He can to manage it, but can't eliminate its intrinsic evil. 2. Another ancient teaching ( Manichaeism ), that there are two eternal, antagonistic spirits or principles, the Good and the Bvil. @® Both these forms of Dualism are antagonistic to the Bible. Strong, 378 - 3083. The modern doctrine of organic evolution is founded ( implicitly ) on the first of these forms of Dualism. LESSON III The Origin of Evil ( Continued ) Read "Back to the Bible,” 95 = 101; 124, 128, 129. "Modern Discoveries Which Help Us to Believe," 156 - 159. LESSON IV The Origin of Evil ( Continued ) GC 492 - 504 PP 33-43