38 80BACCO- romsontyG, mutual attraction for each other,—a ool sign, i tain limits, of their physical health,—they lie loosely scat- tered. Indeed, they indicate to the learned observer, as clearly as though they spoke to him, that the man from whom they were taken was physically depressed, and dofi- ‘cient both in muscular and mental power.” The fact is established beyond the possibility of sviccessful : controversy, that tobacco is a poison, deadly in large doses, pernicious and harmful in all doses. It taints the breath, ruins the digestion, obliterates taste and smell, spoils the blood, oppresses the brain, depresses the heart, irritates the nerves, wastes the muscles, obstructs the liver, dims the vis- ion, stains the skin, and deteriorates and contaminates every organ and tissue With which it comes in contact in the body. Tts influence is to lessen vitality, to benumb the sensibili- ties, to shorten life, fo Ail, J. 4. K. | | HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE PUBLICATIONS. Tus Goop Heirte PoBuismiNe Co., Battle Creek, Mich,, issues tracts, pamphlets, and standard books on health, temperance, and kin- dred topics. These works are ably written, in a popular and pleasing style, and while free from ultra and one-sided views, are well calcu- lated to strike telling blows in the cause of reform. Full catalogues sent free to any address. Algo, Goon HEALTH, a monthly magazine, devoted td health, tem- perance, and sanitary topics, literary and scientific miscellany, ete. Now in its fifteenth volume, and having the largest circulation of any health magazine in America. Only $1.00 per year. Sample copy free. Address | : GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING CO., Battle Creek, Mich,