SPIRITUALIZING ADVENTISTS--page 2 "But although the time has passed, there still seemed to be something yet to be manifested to us and we remained waiting and expecting until the doctrine that "the Bridegroom HAS COME,' greeted our ears. . . .the Bridegroom, that Came, was none other, than our Lord Jesus Christ, as in Mal. 3. [the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, Mal. 3:1) This messenger came to his temple (whose temple ye are) and has been sitting as a refiner and purifier of silver. "I believe there has been a 'remnant' all along in this trying process, who could not give up their former experience. . .the Lord has been sitting upon their hearts, purging and purifying them, and preparing them for HIS BUILDING, which is to be built up of 'lively stones,' and is coming together, . . Yes, we are receiving the Kingdom. "We have been passing thoough one severe trial after another, not the least of which was, to find and confess, that we had been mistaken in reference to the manner and event of Christ's coming, and then to be willing to be called by the very odious name of 'Spirituali:ers.' " DS9:10,11, Jan 3, 1246. E.G. Hedge (Sister) "We that have thus far looked mostly at the literal interpretation have been verily ignorant of much of the blessedness and power of a class of scriptures, that teach the glory that shall be £ revealed in us at the revelation of Jesus. Also respecting the church representing the body of Christ and being members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones while he is still "HEAD over all things to the Church” and the "head of the church.'" further plea for unity Sr. Clorinda S. Minor, DS8::0, Nov. 22, 1845,