r — min rtm moi = mtr One Hundred Fifty Workers at Your Service DURING the year just closing, 150 workers have definitely helped to make the Signs of the Times the mighty soul-winning agency it has been; and among them are some of our most successful evangelists. Af- ter close heart-to-heart efforts to win their audiences to the truth, these evangelists have given the same - prayerful and earnest effort to put in printed form the same messages to go to many thousands in the great Signs of the Times audience. This kind of support prepares the Signs of the Times to do splendid service for you, With it you have the combined help of the best workers in the denomination. The sermons that made a profound impression when preached to a congregation, or the Bible study that brought light when given to persons longing for truth, can go to your relatives and friends, no matter where they live. Because of the great work that the Signs of the Times must do in these days of limited evangelistic effort, the General Conference, at the Fall Coun- . cil, voted in favor of a nation-wide ef- fort very early in the year greatly to enlarge the Signs circulation and to extend its influence. The date is January 21 to February 4. In heartily taking part in this effort, keep in mind the excellent help that the Signs is prepared to give you in your work for others. ieeeelededpelededrodild dodo deeded Wil 1 IAM HENSON DAVIS & Certified Public Accountant 2 feed : Ad 3 Inco. ne Tax Service Muditing 2 ee eofs derbies] - * + 2 fo erfrnfonfosfocotin % 1024 E. 5th St., Tulsa, Okla. Befofeeecoetosfsafeefoufunfecfocdoofeods fr odode cfoofrafuetecd FOR SALE: Stereopticons for cash or on payments of $4.00 per month; al- so beautiful and artistic slides on all phases of our message. Write for in- formation to the CENTRAL STERE- OPTICON EXCHANGE, "OTSEGO, MICHIGAN. 11 SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD The Idea Is in the Name OUR CHEAPEST LITERATURE 250 Assorted Tracts, only ______ $ .85 1000 Assorted Tracts, only _.____ 3.00 Busy Man’s Pocket (1 each) ___. .10 TEN LITTLE MASTERPIECES . Inspiration of the Bible . The Sure Word of Prophecy Second Coming of Christ Signs of Approaching End .. The Bible Sabbath, Which Day and Why The Law of God The Great Threefold Message The Nature of Man, Life Only in Christ . The Millennium, 1000 Years with Christ . The Home of the Saved OV ENA LW — — NOW IS THE TIME To Scatter Them Everywhere Order of your tract society Two Million Copies a Year Two HUNDRED THOUSAND copies of the Signs of the Times going out each month means 2,400,000 copies a year. Its circulation by regular subscription is larger than any other Seventh-day Adventist periodical. Measured in weight, the year’s output amounts to 96 tons. In column inches of reading matter, it measures 5,151 miles. To estimate the measure of influence of the Signs of the Times, one must think in terms infinitely larger. Throughout the endless ‘ages of eternity its influence will be felt. At this time, when the world is in tur- moil, the Signs of the Times is carry- ing a message so attractively dressed and so clearly presented that it is bringing hope and cheer to many thou- sands of people. Scarcely a week passes without word coming from some one or from several who have decided in favor of living the truth. In the annual campaign for secur- ing subscriptions, set for January 21: to February 4, by the General Con- ference Committee, it is suggested that we plan to reach 50,000 more homes with the Signs. This would raise our figures in tons to 192, and our column inches to more than 10,000 miles. In influence, it will un- doubtedly mean the reporting of hun- dreds accepting the truth instead of scores. as at present. PAGE SEVEN = -- Yaried Menu WHEN you invite your friends to take dinner with you, you strive to .set upon your table a varied menu. After you are seated and begin to serve, you find that one cf your guests does not care for beans. This does not embarrass you in the least, for you have scalloped potatoes, creamed carrots, and other foods that he does relish. No matter how varied thé tastes of your guests, your generous ‘menu meets their individual! needs, and they leave your table well nour- ished and satisfied. Just so with the Signs of the Times. Its cooks (the editors and contributors) provide a wide and comprehensive diet for its thousands of readers. The busines; man who is not a member of any church, picks up a copy of the Signs, passes by an article on the state of the dead, but devours with eagerness a contribution that deals with the capital-and-labor problem in the light of Bible prophecy. A devout Methodist woman finds the same is- sué. She is not especially conversant Give ...om ao "with the business world, so pays no at- tention to the capital-and-labor article, but reads with great interest the Bible truth on the state of the dead. So it goes. Nearly every man and woman who reads at all, finds something of interest in each copy of the Signs, for every issue has something for every- body. That is why each week brings letters of appreciation from persons in every walk of life,—ministers, busi- ness men, carpenters, day laborers, dentists, farmers, school-teachers, washerwomen, Methodists, Baptists, Catholies, and what not. c & v ifitualisin Fee rsdu a Chiistiani HAVE YOU READ IT?