• l . CaleJ\dar eene Jn~ustri ... 1894 . f -•• • • • v ' - 1H94.- ~~·~ ""':'! I ' ------.-----·--~--~~ • W. W. PRESCOTI' W. S. 0REER APRIL 30, 189.5 •• JIIAV 1, 1S95 J \II.V 23, 1895 ' .. \ • c. B Ht'OIH:>< C'I..OSI • SEC'0:-."1> ' lh. ·'"' TmnD " • r • • Faculty: C. B. HUGHES, Ptu:-.<.:JPAL. LEANDER GOOD . • ! t • NAOMI WHT'l'l'Jt;NBERG. • • I • ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Sin<'P thP Cal('ndar wa, pl'intl'cl, it ha..; lwPn arran,!:'- ed to take till' Jll'irwip.rbhip of IIH• Pr·e- JI·II'nlon· Hdronl. The followiug-acltlitioth ar·,. thl'refore uncle to tlw faculty page:- PREPARATORY SCHOOL • LI<;ANDER GOOD, n. s .. PHI:-1(.;11'.\L. * T:-;•n:H~I t::rll A'l't:. ~IISS ETTA .J. ~fuRF.YNOLDS . ... .... ACADEMY. ~H~H PEARL BLOl'lmR. B. H. D .. r ) KEENE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL (4} l ThiH A<•hool ill founded by tho Fl<'vt•nlh Day Adventi s M Texas to gi\u2022e young people a. compl,•lxpen~es but chit•lly to teacb him !!elf ·r••· linnce, tho nobility of labor, and to keep hiK body in such •·on· dilion lhal lb!' mind can do 'igorous work. In his studi<'A, tht• PLndeul is r 'qulrcd to be originnJ and lhot·ough. The sell< ol i11 Rilualed in K<'cn<'S. Refreshing ~tnlf bruez(•H make the 11umnwa· weather Jess opr rC:OH~ivo than it ilrfurthor not·lh. Students wiP arrive at ('lobnrno during the first wcok of school will be lMIIHft•rrcd to Keene for twenty· five ccnlR on<'h. tbf' nr~t w~k a charge of nrt~ eentH will be madt>. In ~IUrlt>ntR must notify UM whl'n they will r('ach b~gins XoY. 14 nnll conthiUCK 36 weeks. It bc· ),:we '!\Cation during tlw cotton p.cklngRf.'a"on. he energetic student will be able to RUktnln s of wtnt ho o-~rn11 ~titution can be mort' Hlll'!'f.'ssfully attained by ha',fig the Htud<>ntK board and room in the school builtlinJo,r>~ with the members of the Faculty, liHIH l'OnHtituting a larg1· Hchool family. Tbc young people Hhould receive a. much broadt'r trniniug thnn that which comes mrrt•l~· from the study or book11. It is the beAl Limo for them to form hnbitH of order, nentnt•HA, and Ohri8tinn courtesy, nnd to obtain lhn.t gf.'nOr:llculture comes from daily and intimate aS!IOl·int ion with educated l . - • • • (:;) t ian t<•acbt>rx. ~Iucb care is taken to n•ncler the home life not only nttr,tctin•, but efficient in tht• t·ultivalioa or those habit~< uf lire an<.! gt',\ccs or char.1~tcr w:1i"h <.li-t•rsonal c:tre of a tl·ue home. The :lfanag~r• of the School nrc t·on\u00b7hwed of tbe great value of tho home lift• as an aid in tht• propt•r de,·elopmt•nt of Chris· tinn c·h.1ra~tcr, and they e:!rne,tl)' n•<·ommt!nd that all parents rcsid:n~ot out of the village who 'end tlwir ~~ wh: they might other· wi"e enjo). In 11ucb cases the Faculty ~:an not be expected to t·tke that rc•pon~rng, 1'111" work will be performed on Uw of 1~'0 arrc8. Each gentlcman should work r.ult and a he:n·y pair or •hoes, and I tor indoor.-.. Gentlemen will be rcquirt• tht~Jn.'' RELICIOUS BAtiiS OF THE INSTITUTION. While the managers of thi~ &·hoot h1we no disposition to tore<• upou students denomination•ll vhJw~<, they desire to incukale in the minds of all the practieallcKson or Kl'cking ftn;t the kingdom of Clod, as the best meanH or gaining true wiHdom and ultimate• ttK ovory Sabbath (Saturday) morning, and a meeting for prrty<'r and social worship iR held ~very Sabbath afternoon. ,-~ . .. . iety is organized among the students which .. el'tingH t•v!•ry Wednesday evening of the ' . PLAN OF WORK . -- ~·~. -.... ~ ~ : ot the Inklituuon to do more fo.-itA ~« ugbt wit' be to devt•lop and train every part of the being-physical, mental, moral; lhll Onil!hed rc~ult being men and women of refinement and <·uiture, po~scssing true Obri11tian l'lum\C'lcr. The discipline or tho ln~titution will hn'e retert'nt•t• to tbi11 end. The regulationK nre SU('h tl~ are deemed by the Managers to be in harmony with tbil! general plan. It iR the purpose of the Managers that the wot·k in the var·ious lineH or 11ludy should be conducted with a purpoHe to inspire a em·c for God's word, and inc•ulc'atc• c·onfidence in its teaching, and to lead as many aR pOAKiblc to a J>rnC'liC'tll enjoyment or, and a larger grow"ih in, genuino Chrl~linn experience. The 11tudy of the Holy &·riptures, and of hi~tory interpreted in tho !';cripture. will be made prominent roatures of the thc~c days, when the ver~· foundation>~ of Christianity assailed, and so many are wa\u00b7ering in their b~lie! in tions of the Bible and it• nuthorit" in matters of . I ( i) ! practiN•, it i~ c·ert:unly important th:1t in a \'l•ll rounded conr~e ()I ~tudy, due con•ideration should b<' given to n. careful andre\u00b7· l't'cnl Htudy of God's Word~. The work t•ovcr~:~ :~ period or four ."l': M. 'l'ho work will be planned with retorc-nco to Lhe following courseH ( BibHt•al. Scientific and Cla>s ns will meet the wantll of lhol!O who attend. ADMISSION, The School is open to worth~· perHonK of both ~;exeR, thirteen year• of age or older. Candiclat<•• for ndmihsion who nrc strain- ~<·r• tO tho Fat•ulty WILL Dl' R•:QUJU;J) TO PRE~E:O.'T TE' well a, Hcholnr .. hip, or the be11t qunlily; nnd its di!;ciplinc hns rellptwl to thoxe ends. E\u00b7ery effort j.., gh•cn toward mnking the student~ ~t·tr rllliant, Helt controlled nwn and women. But it is not a reform school, and young peo· ph.• too irworrigible to be governt•d at homo should not be sent to thiH inHitution. If any of thi!l <•lu~ir Htay at the School, either pa.;s a in t•at·h brunch, or pre,ent such evidcnco from a• will, in thll judgment of the FM·ulty, entitle t'r!'dil without examination. TIME TO ENTER. Exporit•tH'C bns fully .pect to attend the School nt nny time during the a.·" rp~u<•> TJU;.II,_.EL'ES. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Opportunity is aftordl'd Htntlt•utR of Htudying instrumental with a competenL tc•nc·ht't·. lnHtrmnenLII may be rcntud AND STATIONERY. as studeut" nrt• kt•pt for "ale in the village, at for K(Udt•ntH to bring with thl.'m "~'' olten ':Jiuable for reference. NEEDS OF THE SCHOOL. 1. Funds \;th which to purt·hnsu hook, for the library. St:Jnd- ard works would be thankfully re<•t•in·d. Please correspond with the principal before st·mling them. 2. Specimen!! for tbt• , mu~cum. 3. Apparatus or any kind fo1· the physical and <'hcmi- t·al laboratory. ~...-· - / EXPENSES. II baa been tho aim of tho l~oundt'I'H nnd Man~ers of the Hl'hool to reduce tho expt•ntlb wc·ekl) ), tuition in any one of tht:> n·gular e·our~cs of study, and UHt: or the Library and Reading l{oom, for cat·h month of four weok~o, ><16, payable aR abovo. A Npoc•inl discount of xt )lc•r month will be made to lho~;o who will l>llY tht•ir dues semi -:tn- nunll) In !lth·ance. In such caseN, >"T n~; ll.\ nF. .u Til F. "fi\IE ~ ade of 11·ork pur,uc:d in Uw •••hool department, ,..3 • J.H'r mo·,tt Tuition in the primnry dt•partmcnt is "1.23 to ':l.:l.; lll'r l\ nth. Tuition is payablt• monthly in advance. Tho"" H, pnts who do not take• full work will be charged half rnlt• (or tH, • raneb Of Study, nnd tht•()(' fourthH rate for l'(1 IH'Illll'h stud!'nL •ntcr,.,. tll•du<·tiou trcm the rE>gular c·hnrgt•l< will be made for ab- a few wctks during any part of the• year, unless under of a pl\,l'~ici:m, t.tudenb withdraw fon account of ill ~ueb circumstant'(lh, the Hoard of :'llanagero; will nmrb n> in their judgment bCems jukt. Dll'nt, rl the tilll(' of l'llh•ring, of 1 (10) :;o cents will be t'<'quired rrom allt'l"~idCint at udonts, except tho~<' in the Primary Department, whi<'h will be used in the support of the Library and Reading Room. A discount of I) per cent will be allowt·d lo sucb resident ~mi-annually In ndvonee: or 16''., per <'<•nt when lbe cntirt• ~·car is paid in ad,·nnce. In order to -ccure tbe•e _redut·tionq, tuition must be paid during tht> wet>k It is dut>. REGULATIONS. Governing nil Students of Keone lndustrlnl School During the Entire School Year. AsK ceno I nduHtriai School wns c•stabiiKhed for the put·· Christitln Nlucntiou, no stud<'n t who either public·ly ot· mmoral, in lid~ I, or atheistic id<•a• all Sehool exercises is expct·lt•d , howo,•er, that some r:wulty will accept atisfndory \ reason& for a limited munber of abHt'lll'OH. A II excues musL lw Hubmitted to tho Prineipal, or lo n member of the FJmlty acting- in his plac·e, for approval. All nbRcnccs not RnliF/ctorily ex- plained shall stand nR unexcused; wht•n any Ninde shall han: two such abbetwt•s t•hnrged agaittHl him in one torn his cas;, will be reported lo hiM parent or guardian, and on t~>t;<'<'ttrrent•t-0 a third absence without reasons sati,r:wtory to oe Principal ht• will be eonHitl<'rt·d Ill! no longer h:wing Schl'r of exercii!<'R any cla~w Should t.hiH limit be passed, the• Hl.lcnt !eits his claRR standing in that clasH. 3. Student>~ nmHt ab!!tain from indt•N•nl r bavior; from proranc or unbecoming langu:e; billiard·roomR, AAioon~, and gambling phlc·esfrom tobacrn akuholit• drink~. Cwm c·tlrd•)>ln~ 11;, and (II) i111proprr nsso<'intions. ~. No HtUd('nt shnll ('Iller or lctt'l' nnJ <'In's of any dt>part- mt•nt, cx<'ept by permission or tlw Prhwipnl. r,. Every Htutcult~·. h. En.~·h Atudent will be requirl'd to pay tor damage done by him to the property of the school. 9. Xo lihult•nt ,,;u be allowed to tllkc more than the regularly prcs<'ribl·d work unless by ~;pecial permi'"ion of the Fneolty, tbc rt•qo•••tand reason~ therefor having bl•t•n pl'e,·iously presented in writing. 10. VnrcHh·icl('cl association of the HOX<.'H is not permitted, and nil Htudents are expeeted to maintain a proper degree of r<>~crvc in tlwir ttf>HO<'iation with thoMJ of tht:> opposite Hex. Oen- tlenwn muAt not t>scort ladies on the t~ 11' and oxorl~ a wrong influence in the i·kho bidden. FrequE-nt attendan<'e upon ,.,.,. kind iM not in harmony with the plan of mny bt• made n matter of disciplim• nt F;wulty. 1:? Whcne'el', in tbe judgmt>nl or the att<.•ndnn<'c iJ< no longer profltabh• to him~•· If, or is detrimental to th<' School, he may be dismi~'cd. 1:!. \ ny regulation ndopted by the Facult~· nnd announced to the Hluth•ntR, shnll have the s:une rort'l' n~ though printed in the <'nh••Hilll·. THE HOME;. Slut.l!'tllll must, not be strolling about lht• c·ity ot· ('Otmtry on the Sabbath (Si\lurdny)', but must regard llw dny and attend public '' orHhip at lea11t once. Cnlls Hhould nul bt• nuule or received. it•H will be pel'mitted to receive gt.'ntlt:'mcn callers on Sun- ,\lllloch calls mu~t be mndt• in th(' pnblic parlos I~· by permission o( tbe Prct·cplrt•,s. rkt ob,cr,·ance of tbe ~tudy hour must be '" obtained to the r I (I::) !; INJ)J;J,IIJI,g INK. 'I' he ht•nllh of the students iA C'OnHidcred of the greatest im- portnm·e; and as health dcpcndk lttrgt•ly upon httbits of diet, parents are requested not to Rend boxc~ of food to their children. ~o objection is made, bowcn•r to their receh·ing fresh fruit. :\o other kind of food will be allowt•d in the rooms, ex<'ept in ~pee in I cn~cs, when trays may bo ordered. The years which a young girl ! light ns is consistent with wttrmth; o'cnly distribulcd; all so loosl•ly wot•n tlml the arms can reac•h l':t~t'; wlt•t•'l'H also, to admit ot tho frct•~