The Orchestra The orchestra this year is a great improvement over any we have had in previous years. The work in connection with its advancement, has been taken seriously and much time and energy have been spent to bring it to a higher standard. Its membership numbers twenty-five with a very desirable instru- mentation. Only standard and classical numbers are played. Two public concerts have been given during this school year, each one showing careful and consistent rehearsing on the part of all members. The proceeds from these concerts will enable the orchestra to enter on a program of expansion. This will include additional music, more instruments, and equipment. It is our intention during the next school year to bring the orchestra up to the standard of a symphony orchestra, both in number of instruments and artistic attainments. This will include the addition of symphony mstruments such as the oboe, bassoon. French horn, etc. These will be added during the summer. The future success of the orchestra depends largely upon the number of members who return to school next fall, and on the new material that may be available then. We wish to impress on all students the necessity of in- fluencing all their musical friends of school age to attend E. M. C. next year. This will be a great benefit to the orchestra and to the new members as well. The present members of the orchestra have enjoyed their work very much this year, and they all join in inviting their friends to the concerts next year.