CAIIDIN/IL115 „ CARDINAL 1995 Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104 GENERATION X Introduction 2 Experiences of the year 17 Existing at Andrews 81 Extracurricular Activities 95 Expanding Our Minds 109 Exiting Students 129 Exposures 145 Addresses 181 Advertisements 197 Cardinal Staff 210 Closing 212 Edited by T. Lisa Halminen. Cover design by Michael Halminen. Introduction written by Kendra Manuel. LH DA EXPECTATIONS In 1874, Emmanuel Mission College students had expectations—of school, friendships, administration, spirituality and the future. Today, over 120 years later, we also have expectations as Andrews begins a new era. Beginnings bring change for the better and we must expect the best. Past expectations have brought us here. Today's expectations will take our generation forward. LH "Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing, you bring everything into the realm of possiblity." —Norman Vincent Peale LH KB All people smile in the same language. DM A face mirrors the heart. LH EXTREME "Health is not a condition of matter, but ofmind." —Mary Baker Eddy LH Pushing one's self to the extreme. Extremely active. Extremely devoted to exercising one's entire being. We come alive when we break away from studies and focus physical, mental and spiritual energy into beating all odds. In attempt of breaking barriers, we break tension. As a generation, we know the important balance of extreme mental exertion and extreme physical exertion. That balance makes all the difference. LH 0 Balancing extremes is healthy. KP "Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." —Samuel Johnson CL EXCITED We are full of energy and spirit. Excited. Excited about today, life and the future. Our excitement about our school and its heritage and about positive choices we make bring us together—students, administration, faculty and staff Teamwork results from the excitement at Almost Anything Goes and continues on throughout the year. We are excited about our generation and our potential. DA DM There is nothing more positive than enthusiasm and excitement. We have both. DA 0 excite I . to put into motion or activity; stir up 2. to call forth; arouse; provoke 3. to arouse the feeling or passions of —Webster's New World Dictionary A DA "Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm; it moves stones, it charms brutes. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth accomplishes no victories without it." —Edward Bulwer-Lytton • KP LH EXISTENCE Homework. Studying. Deadlines. Stress. We all feel the pressure. Food is a necessity, if there's time. Sleep becomes a bonus—when everything is done. Friends maintain sanity. Sabbath means rest. We cling to existence, trying to do our best. If we can just make it through another day, week, month, quarter and then we'll be free. Until . . . it starts again. LH KP God makes existing both possible and worthwhile. LH With God on our side, our generation is able to do more than just exist. KP exist I . to have reality or actual being 2. to occur or be present —Webster's New World Dictionary KP EXCELLENCE "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit." —Aristotle DA Everyone can attain excellence, but reaching for it is the difficult part. O Excellence is a priority. We all have dreams that we reach for with dedication. We persevere. Excellence is reflected in all areas of our lives—academic, physical, social and spiritual. It is expressed in our extnocurr/cu/orocdvit/es and in our relationships each other. We move closer to excellence daily, which is made easier because we know His Excellency. Our desire for excellence in life redefines our generation, separating us and making us different. We are Generation m I—Brian Danese assists Dwayne Adams and Matthew Bryant in the AU Bookstore. 2—Have a question about registration? Ask George Kim or James Dronen of Enrollment Management. 3—The last stop 4—Barbara Chadwick and Jay Wiggins We've only just begun... 3 LH 0 LH LH 2 LH Registration Statistics (as of January 12, 1995) Total enrollment: 2856 UNDERGRADUATE Freshmen 340 2nd year Freshmen 62 Sophomores 335 Juniors 340 Graduating Seniors 540 Post Graduate 70 Intensive English 20 Others 85 Off-campus 95 Totals: 1887 GRADUATE PTC 71 Prof/Spec 249 Masters 314 Doctors 180 Off-campus 155 Totals: 969 COMPARITIVE STATS Last year This year A & S 1398 1462 Tech 408 415 Business 296 280 Education 319 341 Seminary 358 358 I—Tyson Thorne, Stewart Phillips and Jeff Karst prepare to have their CAST photo taken. 2—Archie Listenbee II waits patiently at the bookstore. Convocation Ceremonies LH 3 LFI I—University faculty wait outisde PMC awaiting convocation 2—Passing the traditional garland 3—Newton Hoilette & Arthur Coetzee 4—The platform party 4 I —President Niels-Erik Andreasen & Daivd Faehner 2—Hymn sing 3—PMC KB 1 DM DM LH 3 I —N icole Whitely & Jerralyn Wasylyshen 2 Kimberly Bell 3—Lizbeth Rodriguez 4—Pi zza Pizza! Welcome Back Party KB ttt: ', L 41 MO 40111111011MMININF yo 4444,44,, - „ ,„ .40,4444,044ta 3 KB I—Feeding line 2—Jon Mohr 3—Zeljka Milosavljevic, Dr. Mutch & Andrea Rosado serve pizza. 4—Charlene Lofton-Brook, assistant AUSA social/recreation director and Laura Williams, AUSA social/recreation director KB 4 LH Religious activities Pioneer Memorial Church Vespers Special Events 2 I LH I—One of PMC's stained-glass windows 2—Brad Randall, Eva Heintz, David Borton, Tom Dombrowski and E.J. Wolf lead song service at vespers. 3—Stephanie Wines and Christy Corbett welcome Brian Miller to Sabbath Expressions at PMC 3 I—Doug Batchelor and his family. Pastor Batchelor conducted the fall quarter Week of Spiritual Emphasis. 2—John Pitton & Charity Netteburg LH CL 1.4 41 Hitz:444 1 3 KP 3—Dr. Warren Becker, PMC Organist 4—Sabbath Expressions singers donned clothes from a different era during services held commemorating the Great Disappointment of 1844. 2 KP 4 KP • LH LH 2 3 DA I & 2—Hicks and Cohagan, Christian comedians 3—GLAD singer 4 & 5—Wayne Watson 4 DA Contemporary Christian Special Events Sponsored by BRANCH and Student Activities 0 • DA 3 DA DA DA 2 I—Michael Paolini, Director of Student Activities 2—Hicks and Cohagan 3—GLAD 4 & 5-4 Him 5 LH LH Almost Anything Goes 1994 2 PD I—Full of wind 2—Seniors & Graduates 3—Eva Heintz and Cyndi Gray survey the crowd 4—President Andreasen DA 4 PD DM 5 DM 2 PD Standings: Seniors Juniors Freshmen Sophomores I—Sidney Scarpelli 2—Coach Kalua briefs everybody on the latest scores 3—Ping Pong Pucker Power Push 4—Go Blue! 5—Freshmen DA DM DA KP CL L A G B A L L KP SCOREBOARD Flagball final standings Northern Division: 46G/9 Southern Division: Brothers of Thunder Eastern Division: Whole 9 Yards Western Division: Eclipse Women's Division: Collins Tournament winners: The Brothers of Thunder KP LH 2 "Heritage to Mission" The Inauguration of President Neils-Erik Andreasen I—Chair of the Board of Trustees, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, President Andreasen, & Edward Blews 2—President & Mrs. Andreasen 3—Caribbean Union College President Sylvan A. Lashley 4—President Andreasen accepts the septer, acknowledging his responsibilities as the University president. 5—Platform party LH On October 31, 1994, faculty, students, official delegates and special guests took part in events that culminated in the inauguration of Andrews University's fifth president, Niels-Erik Andreasen. LH 2 DA DA 3 LH I—Edward Blews, President, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan—A Declaration of `Independents' 2—Pastor Dwight Nelson 3—AUSA President Daniel Purdy 4—Jay VanDenBerg, Vice-President, Whirlpool Corporation DA 4 DA • LH AUSA Country Barn Party I David & Marilyn Petersen 2 John Fish 3—Keri Brown & Chandler Riley 4 Jonathan Brauer, Brynja Snorrason, Kendra Manual & Rhonda Snorrason I—Bonnie Richards 2—BRANCH director John Pitton prepares candied-apples for sale. 3—Line-stepping LH LH LH Despite the pouring rain, Andrews students and faculty enjoyed a country- style authentic barn party, complete with hayrides, country music, hot dogs and candied apples, pumpkin carving and even a dunk tank—as if everyone wasn't wet enough! This event was co-sponsored by Student Activities. LH Outreach Activities "Unto the least of these..." LH Volunteer Fair I—Rhoda Steffen & Mrs. Demetra Andreasen 2—A student looks at the information presented by The Loft, a community outreach teen program in Benton Harbor. 3—Numerous booths from varying organizations set up in the Student Center to make students aware of outreach opportunities available locally. 3 LH The Center for Change I—CSAP director Larry Ulery, Sharron Weakes, director for the Center for Change, and Melissa Kantor, CSAP worker 2—Congressman Fred Upton 3—Melissa Kantor, Paul Ziegele and Skip McCarty make beds with the sheets and blankets donated by Pioneer Memorial Church members and Andrews' students. Because of the generous donations of pillows, blankets and sheets donated by PMC and Andrews, the Center for Change has enough bedding for over 300 beds in the homeless shelter in Benton Harbor. LH 2 LH 3 LH 0 Photo students tour New Zealand Pristine, unspoiled, environmentally responsible, awesome, and unbelievable are some of the adjectives used by the 14 students who participated in a photography seminar on the South Island of New Zealand from November 27 to December 18, 1994. They did their best to try to capture this wildy diverse island. They rose to every challenge the landscape put in front of them—both physically and photographically. They swam with dolphins in the Pacific Ocean, photographed a few of the 20 million New Zealand sheep, and captured the waves crashing on the beaches of the Tasman Sea. Students returned with a sense of responsibility to care for their little corner of the earth in Harrigan Hall and launched "Ozone VI," an effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle the resources used in their program. —Rebecca May Marc Ullom 2 3 Chris DiCicco I—Aotearoa: Land of the Long White Cloud 2—Photo tour participants 3—New Zealand plant life 4—Jeff Wines, Dustin Thorne, & Jonathan Eva 4 Jason Ivai O 5—Chris DiCicco bungee-jumps 6—Chet Williams climbs on Flock Hill Peak 7—Milford Sound Jason Lim 7 Dan Ashley Photos of Ken Bame and friends and a portrait taken by Ken were provided by the Photography Department. These two pages are dedicated to Ken Bame who suddenly passed away on October 14, 1994. Ken, a photography major, took photographs for the Cardinal last year and also shot several rolls of film at the beginning of this school year. In memory of Ken Bame Dec. I 966 Oct. I 994 "Look, I am laying a stone in Zion, a block ofgranite, a precious corner-stone for a firm foundation; he who has faith shall not waver."—Isaiah 28: 16 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... 2 LH I—International Students Christmas banquet 2—Nick Conner colors a picture with a child at the AUSA Children's Christmas party. 3—Lamson Hall lights 4—Santa Cardinal 5—Oh the weather outside is frightful...standing by a fire that's so delightful... 6—Nethery Hall Christmas tree 5 6 LH LH I—Students took part in a live nativity scene organized by BRANCH. 2—Diosalma Olivo & Tom Dombrowski lead out in the Lamson Lighting worship. 3—Juan Zuberbuhler shares hot chocolate with a friend. LE LH LH LH LH "A New Noel" On December 4, 1994, the congregation of PMC gathered for the taping of "A New Noel," a Christmas special that was aired on ABC on Christmas Eve. Creed performed, along with the University Singers, Festival Chorus, and the PMC Bell Choir. ABC Christmas Eve Special Photos were kindly provided by the Communication Department of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Follow the star this Christmas Eve Remembering the greatest story ever told in a festive Christmas Eve service for the whole family. Taping of the Christmas Eve Service for national TV broadcast 1::4 in Pioneer Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church on the campus of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan Sunday, December 4, 1994 Student Activities Steamboat Springs Ski Trip Photo taken by Steamboat Hot Shots, Steamboat Springs, Colorad ng photos provided by David Purdy. Mission Emphasis Week I—Kurt Strachan & Jeremy Hall lead out in long service at Missions Week chapel. 2—Melissa Yaste minds the Student Missionary display set up at the bottom of the cafeteria stairs. 1 DM 3 LH 1994-95 Student Missionaries & Taskforce Workers Robert Acosta—Japan Lynn Ahlberg—Marshall Islands Kendol Bacchus—Korea Kendra Banks—Austria Heidi Bauer—Japan Kimberly Berent—Korea Genelle Blackman—Hawaii Cornelius Brantley—Korea Kristina Brown—Chuuk Mr. & Mrs. David Candy—China Robert Cepeda—Korea Mikal Clark—Marshall Islands Jaymes Cloninger—Marshall Islands Merlyn & Yolanda Coy—Washington Charissa Craw—Washington Cheryl Donato—Guam Elrene Dunbar—Puerto Rico Alden Forrester—Costa Rica Robert Foster—Korea Ray Gager—Korea Karis Gatz—Poland Glenn Gibson—Palau Randy Grove China Lori Hahn—Tennessee Corinthia James—Korea LH Nathan Klingstrand—Marshall Islands Cheryl Knarr—Korea Karin Kohlmeier—Colorado Patricia Lange—Thailand Sean Maycock—Chuuk Kristi Messersmith—Marshall Islands Zandra Morgan—Japan Kelly Nachreiner—Georgia Vernon Nelson—Korea Michelle Oetman—South Africa Daniel Oh—Korea Steven Oh—Korea Alfanso Petty—Japan Aldene Preddie—Spain Cheryl Quillin—Cambodia Sara Rapette—Belize Yamileth Rey—Illinois Steve Richardson—Montana Amber Rogers—California Barbara Rowland—Romania John & Peggy Schnepp—Korea Cindy Schultz—Korea Cory Sheppler—New Mexico Shelly Simpson—Idaho Josh Sink—Guam Kurt Strachan—Illinois David Smith—Marshall Islands Karin Strong—Mexico Meghan Titcomb—Thailand Heather Tooley—South Africa Carl Waldron—Cambodia Philip & Maryon Westerman—Tennessee Haley Wier—Japan Dan & Melinda Wirsz—Korea Jeff Wright—Vietnam Mark Yuhl—Taiwan 3—Ray James of the Asian-Pacific Division visited the campus and recruited for student missionaries. 4—Elder Rand helps Igor Milosavljevic as he prepares to address the audience at Missions Week chapel. 5—G len n Whitt Winter Beach Party1995 I —Volleyball 2—How low can he go? 3—Cheering on the limbo contest participants 4—Winter Beach Party mascots 3 LH LH LH 2 LH Co-sponsored by the Andrews University Student Association and Student Activities 4 LH Ilk I—Victor Rodriguez in the Blizzard-of-Bucks machine 2—Doug Palmer 3—Jeremy Hall competes in the weightlifting competition 4—Ann Lee & Sandra Pastor LH "Every mile is two in winter." Proverb LI- LH LH LH LH LH "At Christmas I no more desire a rose than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows." —Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing LH Buildings and roads on campus get a facelift The Administration Building, Campus Center, and Nethery Hall serve different purposes and house different events. One thing they all had in common this year, however, was that they all were in varying stages of renovating. The long-awaited renovation of the student recreation area in the Campus Center finally began in December of 1994. Walls were torn down to eventually create one huge common room which will house foosball and ping pong tables, as well as other games. A sound partition was also added, giving the campus radio station, WAUS, the sound partition it requires for operating effectively. Roads were also widened on campus, partially solving the ever-present parking problem. The parking lot in front of Lamson Hall was also enlarged. 2 LY DM LH To provide a more efficient work spaces, areas in the Administration Building also underwent some changes. The changes have helped registration procedures go more smoothly as well as provide a more aesthetically- pleased environment to work in. Not pictured, Nethery Hall also began the first extensive renovation project since the 1950s. Improved heating and cooling systems were the main concern, as stale air and fluctuating temperatures made working and going to class in Nethery unbearable a lot of the time. —with files and photographs from the Student Movement I—Campus roadwork 2—Student recreation area 3—New a:-,c1 improved cashiers area in the Administration Building 4 Enrollment Management moved downstairs into this renovated area m AUSA Valentine's Banquet LH Li 3 LH I—Santos Aleman 2—Scott Houghton accompanied by Mihaela Horga 3—Jason Hegstad & Dio Olivo 4—Doug Palmer & Andrea Wright 5—Over 225 students attended the banquet held on February 12. LH s LH 2 LH 3 LH I—Janelle Wagner & Bill Ashley 2--Romil Draquila & Idamae Ho 3—Karis Gatz & Caryn Davidson Villa Santaniello F L 0 0 R H 0 C K E Y rl A The Glass Menagerie Starring Beverly Matiko, Benjamin Bokich, Kristen Jaynes, & Sean Kootsey, Directed by Douglas Jones v • The Creative Arts Festival at Andrews took place during winter quarter featuring the English Department production, "The Glass Menagerie," a film festival, art and photo gallery student exhibitions, and `Til Midnight Cafe at the Alumni House. Creative Arts Week The Emerging Artist "For who lying in the sun can be bitter?" —Stuart Chase KP LH KP H The Great Outdoors LH KP LH "We can never replace a friend. When a man is fortunate enough to have several, he finds they are all different. No one has a double in friendship." Johann Schiller i!! !H II ' it I t u.1 t' = - III ,• iv "When my friends are one-eyed, look at their profile." —Joseph Joubert LH LH "A friend is a present you give yourself" —Robert Louis Stevenson KB "He who laughs, lasts." —Mary Pettibone Pool KB KP DA DM LH KP DM "The hours that make us happy make us wise." —John Moosefield DM LH KP DA DM DA "Friendship is the only thing in the world concerning the usefulness of which all mankind are agreed." —Cicero 68 "There is no hope of joy except in human relations." —Antoine de Saint-esupery LH LH KP KP DM DM 0 KB CL KB "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them." —Ralph Waldo Emerson DI 0 "Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." —Elbert Hubbard LH LH LH Ironically... President Clinton signs a crime bill O.J. Simpson put on trial for two murders O.J. Simpson always lived life on camera, first as a football star, then as a sportscaster, commercial pitchman and actor. But nothing could have prepared him, or his fans, for the roles he would play in 1994. The first reports were surprising enough: Simpson was suspected in the brutal slashing murder of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend, Ronald Goldman. But it was his arrest that proved unforgettable. Instead of turning himself in as promised, Simpson had a friend drive him on a rambling jaunt along the southern California freeways. The police Flanked by the relatives of crime victims, President Clinton signed a $30 million crime law, but warned that his audience at an elaborate White House ceremony that the bill would not stop the violence plaguing the nation. "Our country will not be safe again until all Americans take personal responsibility for themselves, their families and their communities," Clinton told about 2,000 people on the South Lawn. "Even this great law cannot do the job alone." followed behind at a discrete distance, heeding a warning from Simpson's driver that O.J. had a gun. As a national television audience watched—virtually all network programming was pre- empted—Simpson's white Bronco moved hypnotically along the fabled freeways. Police cars followed in formation, and crowds formed along overpasses. Finally the Bronco returned to Simpson's west Los Angeles house, where he surrendered after nightfall. So began what many have called the most famous murder case in American history. The law banned many assault firearms, allowed the death penalty for dozens more federal crimes and provided billions of dollars over six years to build prisons and hire police. Two men who had lobbied hard for the passage of the crime bill also signed the law: Stephen Sposato, whose wife was killed by a gunman who invaded the offices of the San Francisco law firm where she worked, and Marc Klaas, whose daughter Polly was kidnapped and killed. 0 United States IA FAN OF NEALTM CARE Clinton health care reform plans fail If the U. S. truly had a health care crisis in 1994, you couldn't have proved it by Congress. Despite the exhortations of President Clinton and the First Lady, the year ended without significant health insurance reform. In 1993 the president appointed his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to head a health care task force. The group produced a proposal that became famous — or infamous — for its complexity. Meanwhile, sentiment for change seemed to be limited to the minority of Americans who lacked health insurance or feared losing it. In the absence of a public outcry, there was insufficient support in Congress for the Clinton bill, which called for universal coverage. But the president had promised to veto anything less. Mrs. Clinton took some of the blame for the failure. She said she had underestimated the effectiveness of the opposition, and didn't realize that the complexity of the administration's plan would turn people off. Plane crashes into White House Frank Corder suffered from depression, had a history of drug and alcohol abuse, and probably was suicidal. But nothing may ever explain for sure why the Maryland trucker stole a small plane near Baltimore and crashed it into the White House lawn shortly before 2 A.M. on September 15, 1994. Corder, 38, died in what one federal investigator described as "a pretty pathetic thing — a final act of desperation." Neither President Clinton nor his wife and daughter were home when Corder, flying at treetop level, breached restricted air space around the White House and smashed into a magnolia tree on the South Lawn. The single engine plane came to a rest against the mansion wall and burst into flames. Corder has taken antidepressant medications, and friends and relatives said he was discouraged by the recent breakup of his marriage and his father's death. But they disagreed over his flight was a publicity stunt or a suicide attempt. United States Cuban refugees float to freedom They headed north on almost anything that would float, including rafts made of the flimsiest materials: oil drums, inner tubes, wooden planks. They were Cuba's boat people — tens of thousands of people desperate to come to the United States to escape the poverty and hunger of their increasingly isolated island Communist nation. Many did not make it because of storms, sinkings or the U.S. Coast Guard, which intercepted more than 1,000 of the craft in one day early in September. But the flood of migrants receded shortly thereafter. Reversing a 28-year-old policy of not granting Cubans asylum, the United States agreed to admit at least 20,000 a year. In return, Cuban leader Fidel Castro promised to halt the flight of boat people. Police gave rafters a few days to get their crafts off Havana's beaches and made sure no new ones were drawn up. War in Bosnia continues Civil war continued to rack Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1994, despite the efforts of a United Nations peacekeeping force. The conflict began in 1992 when Bosnia's Serbian minority rebelled against a decision by Yugoslavia's Muslims and Croats to secede. After two and a half years of fighting, more than 200,000 people were dead or missing. The war was notorious for "ethnic cleansing" — the successful Serbian campaign to drive Muslims from northern and eastern Bosnia. 0 International Haiti prepares for potential U.S. invasion The United States went to the brink of invading Haiti, its poor unsettled neighbor to the south. But at the last minute Haiti's military rulers bowed to the United Nations and promised to cede power to the duly elected president whom they had ousted, Jean-Bertrand Aristede. Their decision was greeted with great relief by the Clinton administration, which was worried about meager public support for an invasion, and especially for the casualties it might have required. With troop planes in the air and flying toward Haiti, three special U.S. envoys — former President Jimmy Carter, retired General Colin Powell and Senator Sam Nunn — struck an eleventh hour deal with General Raoul Cedras and colleagues. About 21,000 U.S. troops eventually landed on the island. They were followed by an international force charged with keeping the peace until Aristede, who had been in exile in the U.S., could consolidate control. Around the world... Rwandans flee The civil war in Rwanda began with a plane crash that killed the president. Before the year was over, another 500,000 Rwandans had been killed and another 2 million had fled the African nation for the relative safety of squalid refugee camps in Zaire and other neighboring countries. President Juvenal Habyarimana died in a mysterious plane crash on April 6, 1994, igniting long- simmering tensions between the Hutu tribe, which comprises 90 percent of the population, and the Tutsi tribe, which accounts for 10 percent. A rebel group comprised mainly of Tutsis had been blamed the Tutsis for his death, and Hutu extremists began a series of mass killings that a United Nations panel later characterized as genocide — "concerted, planned, systematic and methodical." The violence was awful, but it was nothing new. The Hutus slaughtered thousands of Tutsis in uprising in 1959 and 1960s. International Brazil wins the World Cup Brazil's offense got all of the attention beforehand, but it's defense wound up stopping Italy—and winning the World Cup, soccer's ultimate prize. Diving to the left, Brazilian goalkeeper Claudio Taffarel knocked out Daniele Massaro's shot in the penalty kick tiebreaker to se the stage for Brazil's victory. Agassi wins U.S. Open Andre Agassi was one of the best known entrants in the 1994 U.S. Open, but a year of largely indifferent tennis had left him unseeded and unheralded. So everyone was amazed when he won the tournament including Agassi. Jordan becomes an outfielder Could the world's greatest basketball player make it on the diamond? That was the question when Michael Jordan, in his first year of retirement from the Chicago Bulls, signed a contract to play minor league baseball for the Chicago White Sox. By the time the season had ended, it was clear that the 31- year-old rookie outfielder still had a long way to go before he'd be ready for the big leagues. Jordan was hitless in his last four at-bats, striking out twice to finish the season with a .202 batting average for the Double-A Birmingham Barons. 0 Sports & Leisure Baseball season ends with strike The 1994 major league baseball season ended not with a home run or a strikeout, but with a conference call and a fax. On the 34th day of the players strike, the team owners canceled the rest of the season, including the playoffs and the World Series. Tony Gwynn of the San Diego Padres lost his chance to bat .400. Matt Williams of the San Franciso Giants lost his shot at Roger Maris' home run record. Barry Bonds and Ken Griffey Jr. lost more salary in a day than most Americans earn in a year. And this was the first time since 1904 that there was no World Series. Hearing-impaired woman wins Miss America '95 A deaf woman from Alabama became the first contestant with a disability to win the Miss America Pageant. The 68th Miss America was 2 I -year-old Heather Whitestone. After receiving the crown, she signed "I love you" amidst thunderous applause at the Atlantic City Convention Center. Woodstock '94 attracts thousands Woodstock '94 looked a lot like the original 1969 festival and over 300,000 people came to the fairgrounds despite the pouring rain. Sports & Leisure Super Bowl XXIX a The San Francisco 49ers scored early and often on January 29 to defeat the San Diego Chargers 49-26 in a Super Bowl that quickly turned into the rout the experts had predicted. For the 49ers quarterback Steve Young, the victory not only put his name in the record book but allowed him to escape the ghost of his predecessor, Super Bowl hero Joe Montana. Young, unanimously named the game's most valuable player, passed for 325 yards without an interception and ran for 49. His six touchdown passes broke the Super Bowl record of five that Montana set five years ago. "Whatever critics he may have had, he proved tonight that he's one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time," 49ers coach George Seifert said of Young. Photos and copy on pages 72-79 provided by the Associated Press, Wide World Photos Yearbook Package 1994-95. Gingrich becomes speaker of the House Newt Gingrich wanted to be speaker of the House years before he managed to win a House seat, and he long ago paid plans for the Republican takeover most of his colleagues considered an impossible dream. This is the Georgia congressman's season of triumph. He is celebrating it in typical contradictory fashion —high- minded one moment, flamboyant the next. He has said himself he needs to tone down his style, but he hasn't yet taken his own advice. Gingrich, 51, was an assistant history professor at West Georgia College in rural Carrollton, GA, when he started running for Congress. He made it on his third try, in 1978, presenting himself as a moderate with strong family values. Chechen rebels have stung the Kremlin with bitter truths: Big is not always better, the desire for independence is a powerful weapon, and Moscow's military machine can be made to bleed. Outmanned and outgunned, the Chechens' fierce resistance has stunned and humiliated the Russian army and made fools of generals desperate for victory. Each day, Russia throws more troops and firepower at the Chechens at no avail. After sending in thousands of troops, victory eludes the Russians. Checknya breaks away Floods drench California A string of Pacific storms led to the deaths of at least 11 people and caused more than $300 million in flodd damage across the state of California in January 1995. The storms battered much of the state, from the wine country north of San Francisco to the beaches of Malibu in the south, leaving downed power lines, leaking gas lines and hundreds of dead livestock. Earthquake rocks Japan Japan's nightmare of a disasterous urban earthquake came true on January 17 when a powerful quake tore through several western cities, toppling hundreds of buildings, touching off raging fires and killing more than 5,000 people. Japan had been rattled by a series of strong quakes since late December. Kobe, site of the worst destruction, is a gateway for more than 12 percent of Japan's exports. DM 2 L 3 4—John Garland 5—Hans Fairbanks, Julie Kumalae, Lani Kumalae, & Garth Woodruff KP I—Michelle Hines 2—PE Department waffle breakfast 3—Erin Goode & Jennifer Trepper 0 0 3 KP Lamson Hall Lamson Hall staff, Back row: Kirsten Cathell, Sonya Shaw, Janny Kim, Dean Juliet Sayles, Dean Valerie Phillips, Sharon Adams, Tamara Ward, Wanda Vaz. Middle row: Vilma Ortiz, Dean Franci Faehner, Jennifer Burrill, Paullette Baldwin, Lisa Santos, Shannon Rones, Diosalma Olivo, Dean Vivian Cook. Front row: Angela Lee, Abigail Blake, Dayna Campbell, Charity Netteburg, & Clarilyn Ruger KP I Jennifer Trepper 2—Lamson Hall RA's, GA's, & deans 3—Andrea Wright 4—M ichel le Marsh & Sarah Mirek 5—Ivrys Olivo 6—Darlene Zaft & Kyuyeon Ha 7—Demetra Andreasen & Dean Franci Faehner 4 "Let's be 'the arms that reach around the world." KP Meier Hall I—Meier Hall Iguana Club 2—Studying in the lobby 3—Dominic Bokich LH RD Residence Hall Staff Back row: Jon Clayburn, Tom Dombrowski, Pat Murphy, Brendon Prutzman, Michel Hyppolite, John Pitton, Mark Roller, Matthias Vohwinkel, Sean Hegstad, James Joseph, Greg Morrow, Jason Chang, Scott Osburn, Ken Scribner, Will Wilkinson, Andre Campbell, & Greg Almeter. Front row: Lester Elliott, Dean Spencer Carter, Dean Don Murray, Dean Jack Mentges, & Jude Aldred RD LH Burman Hall 2 LH I —Afternoon basketball break 2—Burman residents Drayton Hanna and roommate 3—University Towers 3 JI LH 2 JI I—Men's Health Club staff: Danny Lee, Lamont Thomas, Dae Lim, Tae Sung Kim, Brendon Blake, & Philip Willis, Jr. 2—James Myers LH 2 LH 3 LH I—Schrader's 2—Vespers on Rye at Dr. Kingman's home 3—Dawn Reid, Heather Reid, and Twila and Jeff Smith meet for sundown worship 4—Andrea Rosado 5—Thanksgiving gathering at the home of Lisa Heisler 6—Maplewood Apartments 4 LH 5 LH 6 LH Community Living Berrien Springs I—U.S. 3 I bridge project 2 The Berrien Springs Courthouse and Museum 3—Apple Valley 4—Daybreak Cafe 5—Our dear AU 6—Golden Arches 7 Berrien banner 8—Fill it up! 4 LH LF Home sweet home? LH LH McDonald's Restaurant NOW HIRING DAYS 41, LH WELCOME 4/0/004 BERRIEN SPRINGS . 4• •• • I f Home away from home or... LH 3 1 2 Candid camera 4 5 6 7 I—Elena Sanz 2—Limbo contest 3—Jennifer Tremper & David Torres 4—Philip Willis, Jr. 5—"Feb" 6—O Canada 7—Greg Froth 8—Campus Ministries staff Millie Das, and chaplains David Rand & Pat Morrison KB KB 4 I —H eath e r Verhelle & Nick Conner 2—Kirsten Cathell & Grace Gravestock 3—James White Library 4—Ruth Martinez & Julian Anderson 5—Pastor Saunders 5 0 4 KP I—Dwight Stallard, Merillee Weithers, Tracy Cook & Marcena Anderson 2—Jerralyn Wasylyshen 3—Friends 4—Boyan Levterov LH 2 LH KP LF LH KP DM AUSA Senate AUSA Senate meetings were held in the Board of Trustees Room almost every second Monday evening of the school year. AUSA Cabinet: Brandon Cook Ladine McKenzie Joseph Jozic Dan Purdy Douglas Palmer Igor Milosavljevic Timothy Cooper Jennifer Samuel Nicholas Conner Community Senators: Kent Shea Michelle Hines Lisa Halminen Ryan Bergstrom Branden Blake Eric Hoffman Jonathon Vance Todd Fox Adam Heck Cathy Jeffery Karon Powell Donnie McDaniel Lorie Meola Benjamin Bokich John Pitton Delisha Medina Heidi Straw Jeff Hongo Senators-at-Large: Illiana Murray Heidi Sabnani Laura Williams Allen Hoffman Jon-Marc Petersen Carrie Childers Charlene Lofton-Brook Ann Lee Senators: Beverly Roach Student Association Cabinet Laura Williams—Social Recreation Director William G. Mutch—Sponsor Cathy Jeffery—Parliamentarian Brandon Cook—Public Relations Michelle Hines—Vice President Doug Palmer—Student Services Benjamin Bokich—Treasurer Daniel Purdy—President Karon Powell—Student Movement Editor Eric Hoffman—Associate Secretary Jennifer Samuels—Executive Secretary Lisa Halminen—Cardinal Editor Jeff Hongo—Publications Business Manager Not pictured: Jon Vance—CAST Editor Charlene Lofton-Brook—Assistant Social Recreation Director Graduate Student Association Diana Sinclair—Treasurer, Annie Lopez—Publications Director, Albert Malones—President, & John Bazile—Vice President. Not pictured: Joseph Warren—Sponsor Student Movement Staff Karon Powell—Editor-in-Chief, Ron Bowes—advisor, Vinaya Sathyaleepalappa—News Editor, Fredelyn Calla—Copy Editor, Kyung-In Yang—Assistant Copy Editor, John Hughey—Assistant Editor, Jeff Hongo—Business Manager, & Hero Aban—Layout Editor. Not pictured: Jason Ivany—Photo Editor, Andre Campbell—Spiritual Life Editor, Todd Chobotar—Cultural Editor, Kent Shea—Sports Editor, Melphine Ponniah—Events Editor, & Morris Brown—Faculty Counselor. Class Officers Freshmen Class Officers Sophomore Class Officers Seth Morrison—Treasurer, Tony Carrion—Vice President, Eric Hoffman—President, & Jeremy Hall—Pastor. Not pictured: Sarah Wilson—Secretary & Monte Berecz—Public Relations Junior Class Officers Senior Class Officers Robert Steele Secretary/VP, Do Young Chung Pastor, Kristi Maria Primero Secretary, Nadege Adams—President, Christina Jaynes—Alumni Liason, Jason Chang—President, Elena Sirtak—Alumni Liason, & Dominique Pride—Public Relations. Not Demingo—Treasurer, & Igor Milosavljevic—Social Director pictured: Dana Campbell—Vice President & Lorie Meola—Treasurer Telecommunications Club Gus Naadasi—member, Derek Zollinger—President, Michael Paolini—Sponsor, & Luis Melo—member Genesis Club Angela Henderson—Chaplain, Linda Singletary—Treasurer, Basje Lewis—Secretary, Elizabeth Watson—Sponsor, La Shawn Henderson—President, & Carla Drake—Vice president. Not pictured: Darlene Miller—Chaplain & Jacqueline Bonnick—Public Relations International Association of Business Communicators, Andrews chapter Sabrina James—Vice President, Rebecca Freier—President, Sharon Prest—VP Communications, Lynn Caldwell—Sponsor, Becky Elder—VP Public Relations, Barbara Elder—VP Membership Development & Recruitment, Kelly Crawford—VP Membership Development & Recruitment, & Jennifer Tremper—VP Communications Impressions Drama Troupe David Borton—Director Dominique Pride Alex Prouty Laura Miyashiro Stewart Phillips Freddy Pinilla Marga Coleman Elizabeth Rodriguez Quinn Shamblin Not pictured: Liz Rodriguez Carol Aamlog Mike Dayao Ministerial Club Pat Murphy—President, Beau Parker—Public Relations, Debbie Pezet—Social Director, Ladine McKenzie--Music Director, Tobin Dodge—Vice President of Spiritual Affairs, Helen McIntyre— Secretary/Treasurer, Cameron Mortensen—Assistant Public Relations, & Keith Mattingly—Sponsor BRinging ANdrews to CHrist—BRANCH Back row: Mark Regazzi—co-sponsor, Grag Hahn—Collegiate Adventists for Better Living, Beau Parker—Public Relations. Front row: Paulette Baldwin—Secretary, John Pitton Director, & David Borton—Impressions. Not pictured: Charity Netteburg—On- Campus/Administrative Assistant, Steve Das—Off-campus, E. J. Wolf—Productions, Maureen Okundi—Treasurer, David Rand & Pat Morrison—Chaplains Black Student Christian Forum Itayi Makombe—Religious VP, Dwight Stallard—President, Richard Maplanka, Religious VP, Sean Parchment—Treasurer, Ulrick Graham—President-Elect, Spencer Carter—Co-sponsor, Tisha Boyd—Secretary, Opal Foster—Public Relations, & LaTrell Fortson—Social VP. Not pictured: Crystal Willis—Parliamentarian, Kay Garrick—Cultural & Educational VP, & Renne Skeete—Co-sponsor Unspeakable Praise Sabrina James—Vice President, Rebecca Freier—President, Sharon Prest—VP Communications, Lynn Caldwell—Sponsor, Becky Elder—VP Public Relations, Barbara Elder—VP Membership Development & Recruitment, Kelly Crawford—VP Membership Development & Recruitment, & Jennifer Tremper—VP Communications Peer Helpers Maureen Okundi, Joy Santos, Sandra Pastor, Gloria Kim, & Milton Marquez Andrews University Gymnics Guys: Eric Amundson Daniel Ashley Christopher Challenger Robert Detweiler Robert Flowers Alwyn Harriott James Harris Christopher Howard Joseph Kaufamn Adam Kis Steve Lane Lyndon Lombard Alex Pagotelis Andy Snyder Ceasar Soto Jess Swackhamer Tyson Thorne Scott Anderson Girls: Rebekah Beall Trisha Conard Cara Costango Michelle Davis Avonelle Edwards Lacey Edwards Nicole Ferris Kathy First Monifa Henley Jocelyn Joseph Ruth Martinez Natali Pardeiro Meg Planger Megan Snyder Sarah Spangler Nicole St. George Wendy Tau ro Jannelle Wagner Joy Willey Sara Wilson Emily Zuhl Angela Canada Sonya Shaw Coaches: Robert Kalua—Coach Don Shull—Asst. Coach Paul Reynolds—Asst. Coach Sponsors: Mr. & Mrs. Graham Scott & Diana Johnson LF 2 L I—A "Jackson" 2—The Gymnics 3—Tyson Thorne, Robert Flowers, & Chris Howard 4—Dan Ashley has a lot on his mind! 5—The team in action LH 4 LH LH Overseas Chinese Student Association Samuel Jiao—Religious VP, Angelica Wang—Vice president, Benedict Khoo—President, Jason Wong—Treasurer, Yu-May Ho—Secretary, & Peter Wong—Sponsor African Indian Ocean Division Club President—Joseph Ngon Bessing, Vice president—Charles Menjor, Chaplain—Osei Emmanual, Treasurer—Michael Adenai, Secretary—Richard Caucker, Members—Nxumalo Louis Ruhaya, Hesron Bylingerou, & Asamoah Amofah. Sponsor—Leonard Gashugi Japanese Club Nobuo Ikemasu—Vice president, Nobuyuki Aoki—Religious Activities Coordinator, Jeff Hongo—President, Emi lchimura—Treasurer, & Akira Sugi—Social Activities Coordinator. Not pictured: Paul Matychuk—Sponsor & Chigusa Sasaki—Secretary Luso-Brazilian Club International clubs • • • • • • 41'4 e • • • • • • • • • * • ♦• 4 * * * • • • * * • *• •• •• •• •• • • 40 • • • • • • • * * *** * • • • • 40 • • * *• • • • •" • • • •‘ •• ••• • *,, • * • 4 • I • 1, • • •• • * • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • •• • • • • /44•44+ . ♦ * ** 4 4 41. 44, 4. 4 4 * •••4,4* 44•4t, • Caribbean Club Oswald Williams—President, Henry Peters—Vice president, Lloyd Hamilton—Parliamentarian, Yvonnie Malcolm—Treasurer, Etzer Obas—Assistant Chaplain, Barrington Brennen—Cultural/Social Director, & Eustace Williams—Chaplain. Not pictured: Ermine Leader—Secretary, Grace Kelly—AY Coordinator, Celeste David—Music Coordinator, Myrna Taote—Assistance Music Coordinator, & Vincent David—Public Relations Director v 4 • 4 • ♦ • * * * • • European Club Danilo Copiz—Treasurer, Stephan Copiz—President, & Susan Jean-Baptiste— Vice president Eastern African Division Club Trust Ndlovu—President, Biseko Magesa, & Bennett Chilson—Sponsor. Not pictured: Stanley Chikwelwe Pan African Club Nkosiyabo Zvandasara—President, Mike Adeniyi—Vice president, Stephen Masuku—Secretary, & Trust Ndlovu—Executive member International clubs 0 Andrews Filipino International Mike Dayao—Financial Manager, Hazel Soliven—Social Director, Milbert Mariano—Sponsor, Joy Santos—Public Relations, Geesnell Lim—Secretary, Brian Bautista—Religious Director, Alvin Vintangcol—President, & Hency Labro—Vice President Korean American Student Association Yoon Lim & Gloria Kim Religious VPs, Celina Chung—Social Advisor, Gregory Park—President, Jason Chang—Cultural VP, Carol lm—Secretary/Treasurer, Robin Im—Social VP, & Julie Kim—Social Assistant (Below) New international students attend orientation meetings at the beginning of the school year. I 08 C The Division of Architecture American Institute of Architecture Studies Kurt Garner—President Roland Burgess—Vice President Maurice Mead—Treasurer Deb Lusk—Secretary Adrienne Tabo—Manifesto Editor Committee for Program Advancement Sean hegstad Will Cochran Andy Jaeger Troy Homenchuk Ulrick Graham Almudena Sanchez I—Andrews Architecture Interiors Students 2—Archi lounge 3—Tau Sigma Delta: Rosemary Campos—Vice President, Almudena Sanchez—President, Adrienne Tabo—member, Jeff Summers—member, & Roland Burgess—Secretary. Not pictured: Stan Bell—Sponsor 3 AU Honors Society Coral Brenneise—Associate Director, David Row—Assistant Social Chair, Judy Choe—Public Relations, Ladine McKenzie—Public Relations, Joe S. Kim—Publications Chair, Carol Im—Academic Chair, Ken Scribner —Religious Chair, Ohnma Wong— Secretary/Treasurer, James Kim—Social Chair, Stephen Vance—President, & Malcolm Russell—Director Phi Alpha Theta officers John Markovich—Faculty sponsor, Stephen Wile—President, Gary Land—Faculty, Cathy Jeffery—Vice president, Gerald Herdman—Faculty, John Garland— Treasurer, & John Young—Faculty. Not pictured: Brian Strayer—Faculty & Michelle Wallace—Secretary Andrews French Club Kimberly Bell—Cuisinere, Lanessa Sims —Vice president, Michel Pichot—Sponsor, Arnilisa Aspilla—Secretaire, Todd Fox—President, Claudine Mattingly— Tresorier, & Marino Trujillo—Sgt.-at-arms Nu Sigma English Honors Club Officers Stacey Rodriguez—Secretary, Dionne McDonald—Vice president, Karon Powell— Treasurer, & Rebecca Wright—President. Not pictured: Bev Matiko—Faculty Sponsor College of Arts & Sciences Psi Chi Psychology Honors Back row: Stacey Songer—Secretary, Shawn Zimmerman—Vice president, Gisela de la Pena—Treasurer. Front: Ruth Stephen—Public Relations & Ralph Payton—President. Not pictured: Sharon Gillespie—Sponsor Social Work Forum Sandra Pastor—Treasurer, Julian Anderson—Vice president, Dana Wilson—Secretary, Kurt Vanderwaal—Sponsor, Elizabeth Taylor—President, Linda Singletary—Freshmen & Sophomore Outreach, & Larry Johnson—Public Relations Pre-Law Society Maria Primero—President, Ryan Bergstrom—Vice president, Jon Van Blaricum—Public Relations, & Beverly Roach—Secretary. Not pictured: John Young—Sponsor College of Arts & Sciences Pre-Med Club David Row—Vice president, William Chobotar—Sponsor, Cyndi Quion—Secretary, Steve Slikkers—President, James Kim—Treasurer, Judy Choe—Public Relations, & Jude Alfred—VP of minority affairs Not pictured: Robert Wilkins—Sponsor, Marsha Kilsby—Sponsor, Glenn Abbott—Pastor Medical Technology Officers Jon-Paul Jordan—Vice president, Ohnma Wong—President, Mark Roller—Pastor, Juan Zuberbuhler —Secretary/Treasurer, & Fritz Campbell—Parliamentarian. Not pictured: Marsha Kilsby—Advisor Nursing Club officers Susan Bermingham—Vice president, Melissa Yaste Editor, Arlene Saliba—Advisor, Christine Kim— Treasurer, & Sunny Palmisano —President. Not pictured: Angel Anderson—Pastor 0 College of Arts & Sciences Sciences & Allied Health American Chemical Society Peter Wong—Sponsor, Marci Jorgensen—Vice president, John M. Roosenberg II—President, & Herbert Lim—Treasurer. Not pictured: Ellen Laan—Secretary Speech Language & Audiology Club (affiliated with the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association) Back row: Tanya Marsa—Secretary, Nicola Johnson—Vice president, Merillee Weithers—Chaplain. Front: Romeo Ayallin—Social director, Sabine Honore—Public Relations, Ladine McKenzie—President, & Jessie Zorilla—Treasurer College of Arts & Sciences 2 0 College of Arts & Sciences P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P Y PT Program receives 8-year accreditation The Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Educations (APTE) approved the Andrews University program for the maximum eight years, providing full accreditation through the year 2003. The accreditation followed a lengthy process including the preparation of a report, a site visit, and a progress report which spanned nearly an entire year, said William Habenicht, chair of the department. Habenicht was the accreditation report effort was "anchored by Sandra Richardson, departmental administrative assistant and en entire team of staff and faculty. The Andrews program occupies a building on the east side of the campus where 120 students are involved in both graduate and undergraduate degree programs. Each year the program has grown and this year a new program has been opened in Dayton, Ohio, to meet the growing demand for physical therapists. I—Class of 1997 officers President—Ryan Orrison, VP—Julie Thomas, Secretary—Melissa Baker, Social Representatives—Alex Markovich & Curt Snyder, Treasurer—Derek Stapleton, Religious Representatives—Tim Pellandini, Kim Clark, & Greg Almeter, & APTA Representative—Scott Norton. 2—Class of 1996 officers President—Randy Morrow, VP—Todd Rose, Secretary—Brenda Kloeckner, Treasurer—Rachelle Johnson, Religious Representatives—Noella Audain & Andrea Madding, Social Representatives—Vlad Radivojevic & Vanessa Streffling, APTA Representative—Cynthia Eisele, Photographer/Historian—Jerry Blakely, Newsletter Editor—Keith Woods & Sponsor—Dr. Banks. 3—Class of 1995 officers President—Darell Messersmith, VP—Laurie Jacobs, Secretary—Wendy Ronto, Treasurer—Doug Allen, Religious Representatives—Caryn Davidson & Richard McLaughin, Social Representatives—Gina Gang & Melanie Marshman, Historian—Aristede Dukes, and Sponsor—Ed Greene. College of Arts & Sciences Wind Symphony 1994-95 Alan Mitchell, Director Piccolo Julie Kim Horn Rob Griffen Chad Gammon Brian Bautista * Stephanie Parker Matt Fortune Lynette Jerzyk Denisse Santos James Kang Flute Spencer Farr Joel Morgan * Janelle Burghart Bb Bass Clarinet Edward Hanna Tobin Dodge Elizabeth Hamstra Jonh Kang Betsy Rodriguez Trumpet Baritone Nikki Sutter Alto Saxophone * Vladimir Radivojevic * Jee-Song Ghil Camille Kurtz * Marc Marasigan David Ronto Kenneth Lee Tami Finnell Jeff Karst Albert Im Romil Daquila Amber Gregg Tuba Oboe Keri Brown Darius Kim * Jason Burghart Bill Robertson Joel De Jesus Mark Boward Glenn Whitt Marcus Nelson Bassoon Tenor Saxophone Hani Abel-Sayed Percussion Julie Coolen Hero Aban Alvin Jornada *Jerry Mahn Allen Hoffman Angela Hinterlong Bb Clarinet Baritone Saxophone Micheal Berry * Dawn Reid Rodney King Trombone Patti Dinning Morihiko Nakahara * Tae Kim Karis Gatz Jimmy Kim Nirma Santos Dawn Hadley 0 College of Arts & Sciences University Singers Composers Club Officers Denisse Santos—Vice president Stephen Zork—Sponsor Diana Sinclair—President Maria Cornette—Sec./Tresurer Not Pictured: Steve Davis—Public Relations Music Educators National Conference—Collegiate Chapter Officers James Lee Treasurer, Melanie Kwan —Secretary, Morihiko Nakahara—Vice president, Denisse Santos—President, & Alan Mitchell—Sponsor College of Arts & Sciences School of Business ABE sponsored a Professional Seminar Day featuring presentations on topics ranging from internships to professional grooming. Pictured below are Preston Blackwell and Sammy Pena, with owner of The Lion and Ram, Alvin Foster. The Lion and Ram beauty salon presented "The Total ,nk for the Professional." Andrews Business Executives club officers Tonya Judson—Public Relations, Matthis Vohwinkel—Recruitment, Velkas Moreno—Secretary, Preston Blackwell—Vice president & Teri Haggerty—President. Not pictured: Sammy Pena—Treasurer, Douglas Cote—Career Planning, Eric Weikum—Project Manager, Kim Pichot—Co-sponsor & Doug Frood—Co-sponsor 0 School of Business Omnicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society Back: Malcolm Russell—Sponsor, Jens Keiser, & Anthony Lee. Front: Nikky Sutter & Maria Primero. Not pictured: Nick Conner & Elena Sanz Students take part in a business journalism class on Professional Seminar Day sponsored by ABE. School of Business LH 2 3 KP I—Jonathan Eva 2—Harrigan Hall 3—Joel Woodruff 4—Marc Ullom, photographer 5—Andrews Air Club Terry Hess--Treasurer Jenny Ford—President Mike Dixon—Public Relations Paul Wood—Pastor Joel Woodruff—Public Relations Gary Gibson—Secretary Gary Marsh—Sponsor Don Hales—Air Show Coordinator Sarah ToIles—Vice president 4 LH 0 College of Technology College of Technology I—Mike Dixon fixs a plane. 2—Graphic Arts lab LH KP LH 2 College of Technology 0 0 School of Education School of Education School of Education 0 SDA Theological Seminary SDA Theological Seminary BSAS Executive Officers (Pictured below) President—Sednak Yankson, VP—Reginald Horton, Treasurer—Samuel Royster, Chaplains—Joan Lewis & David Richardson, Parliamentarian—Marvin Whiting, Public Relations—John Bazile, & Sponsor—Walter Douglas SDA Theological Seminary (ID African American Women of the Seminary Back row: Raquel Sylvester— Co-Asst. Social Director Rita Jones—Public Relations Sherrie Moreland—Asst. Secretary Debra Jones—Treasurer Ivona Bernard—Co-Asst. Social Director Front: Karen Thomas—Sponsor Joyce Walters—President Seminary Women's Guild Back row: Kristen Dydahl—Asst. Visitation Roshelle Hall—Public Relations & Grapevine Editor Valda Reke—Community Services Lynn Veres—Spiritual Director Rhonda Brown—President Front row: Eunice Lee—Visitation Director Cheryl Clayburn—Asst. Treasurer Cynthia Burrill Sponsor Partice Hancock—Vice President Juanita Ruiz—Treasurer Not pictured: Vera Raposo—Asst. Social Director Gladys Reyes—Secretary 0 Scoble Abrahams Luiz E. Alferez Daniel Alvarez Julian Anderson Connie Baker BT Computer Graphics BBA Accounting MBA BSW Social Work BS Nursing Randy Adams Jude Alfred Sherilyn Andersen Nobuyuki Aoki Mark Baldwin BS Psychology BA Biology BS Anatomy & Physiology BA History B Architecture Sharon Adams Chris Alger Christine Anderson Litzie Astacio John Andrew Bazile BS Elementary Education BFA Sculpture BS Behavioral Science MS Physical Therapy M Div Wendell Adams Yazmin Ali C. Michael Anderson Lavida Audain Luis 0. Beltre de Leon BS Medical Technology BBA BS Arch. Studies/Industrial Tech. BS Anatomy & Physiology M Div R. Mark Aldridge Doug Allen Marcena Anderson Rhoda Austin Emily Bell MA Community Counseling MS Physical Therapy BA Communication BSW Social Work/BA History BS Interiors Graduation Candidates Kimberly Bell Sofia Bikicki Barrington Brennen Jason Burghart Cindy Cardona BA Communication BS Health Sciences MA Community Counseling BT Aviation Technology BS Anatomy & Physiology Jenus Benggon Preston Blackwell Ian R. Brown David Buttler Stephen Carnegie MS Software Engineering BBA Business Administration MA Religion BS Mathematics BBA Management Ryan Bergstrom Shirley Blake Charlene Browne Jonathon Camargo Jenni Carrion BS Sociology BA Religion BS Medical Technology BBA Management BS Elementary Education Susan Kellie Bermingham Jerry Blakely II Patricia Bryant Eddie Campomanes Kirsten Cathell BS Nursing BS Anatomy & Physiology MA Education MS Physical Therapy BSW Social Work Chad Bernard Melodie Blakely Roland Burgess Rosemary Campos Joanne Celestin BS Elementary Education BS Anatomy & Physiology B Architecture B Architecture MBA Graduation Candidates 0 Amy Chambers Celina Chung Nicholas S. Conner Caryn Davidson Stephen DeWitt BT Graphic Imaging BS Anatomy & Physiology BA Economics MS Physical Therapy BS Elementary Eduation Yanlee Chan Tony Clark Tracy Cook Michael Lee Degeraty Daisie Dimalibot BS Medical Technology BSET Engineering M Div MBA Administration BA Communication Keith Chang Kirsten Clouten, Julie-Jayne Coolen Robert Deininger Patricia Dinning M Div BS Interiors BA Art BT Aviation Technology BS Elementary Education Suki Chapa Lori Clouten Larry Cooley II Crister Delacruz Denise Doctor BA Biology MS Physical Therapy BA Accounting B Architecture/Communication MS Physical Therapy George Cheptoo William Cochran Lisa Curtis Gisela de la Pena Thomas Dombrowski BSET Mechanical Engineering B Architecture MS Physical Therapy BS Psychology M Div Graduation Candidates Emelda Domocmat Jeff Emde Tami Faudi-Gomez Mark A. Fortune Gina Gang BS Nursing BS Anatomy & Physiology B Architecture BBA Management Info. Systems MS Physical Therapy Aristede Dukes Rhonda Erichson Brad Fisher Kimberly Francis Kay Garrick MS Physical Therapy BS Anatomy & Physiology BSIT Graphic Arts Management BS Nursing BA History & Political Science David Dunston Diane Esper-Bowen Jackie Fitzgerald Janine Freed Lorraine C. Gayao BS Anatomy & Physiology MS Physical Therapy BS Elementary Education BA Communication BA Broadcast Journalism Paul Dybdahl Sharon Faatz David C. Flesvig Junko Fukushima Migdalia Gonzalez M Div BSW Social Work AT Horticulture MA Music/Voice Performance BA Spanish Cynthia Eisele Mary Farah Jenny Ford Hendrick Ganding Jennifer Gramlich BS Anatomy & Physiology MA Rel. Ed./Family Life Setting BT Aviation Flight Maintenance BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Health Psychology Graduation Candidates 0 Grace Gravestock Amy Haakmat Deonna Haunch Michelle Hines Jennifer Howland BS Journalism & Mass Media BS Medical Technology MS Physical Therapy BS Speech Pathology BS Speech Pathology Terri Greene Danielle Hall Eva Heintz Aletha Hodder Chen-Chuan Hsu BS Psychology BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Anatomy & Physiology MS Physical Therapy MA Music Enzro Greenidge Lisa Halminen Lorette Henderson Andrea Holland Fong-Chan Hsu BS Medical Technology BS Public Relations BA English BS Anatomy & Physiology MA Music Kevin Grinde Michael Halminen Kevin Hicks Toyohiko Hongo Lisa Hsu BS Nursing BS Computer Imaging BS Anatomy & Physiology BBA Accounting BS Elementary Education Andrew Daryl Gungadoo Robert L. Hancock, Jr Jolie High Scott Houghton Carol Hubbard BSET Computer Tech. & Science M Div MBA BS Nursing AS Business 0 Graduation Candidates Sheila Hubbell Albert Im Laurie Jacobs Elizabeth M. Johnson James R. Joseph AS Early Childhood Development BS Biology MS Physical Therapy B Architecture BBA Marketing Tamara Huff Robin T. Im Deldelker James Karla Johnson Kimberly Juhl MA Community Counseling BA Psychology BS Nursing BS Medical Technology MS Human Nutrition Tom Huff Mira Ingemann Richard James Lawrence Johnson Samuel G. Kaligithi MS Physical Therapy MA School Counseling M Div BSW Social Work M Div Patrice Hughes Jennifer Inman Javier Jara Nicola A. Johnson Yens Keiser AS Child Development BS Nursing BA Biology BS Speech Pathology BBA Economics John Hughey Jerald Irving Peter Job Rachelle Johnson Grace Kelly BS Journalism & Mass Media BT Engineering & Graphics MS Physical Therapy BS Anatomy & Physiology MA School Counseling Graduation Candidates 0 Jennifer Kharbteng Laura Klatt Grace Lacson Jenny Leach Kimberly Leonore MA Music MA Software Engineering BS Speech Pathology BS Speech Pathology BS Nursing Christine Kim Brenda Kloeckner Gretchen Lake Susie Lee Carla Lescanec BS Nursing BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Zoology BS Nursing BA English Daniel W. Kim Andrew Knowlton Mindy Lanphear Tony Lee Richard Liebelt BA Biology BS Medical Technology MS Physical Therapy BBA Finance & Economics BS Nursing Gloria Kim Ben Kwame Kumah Richard Latane Melissa Leffler James Lim BA English MS Medical Technology MS Physical Therapy BS Elementary Education BS Computer Science Stephen Kim Minervino Labrador Errol A. Lawrence Cynthia Lehmann Archie L. Listenbee II BS Sociology M Div M Div BS Medical Technology BA Biology Graduation Candidates Sandia Lister Andrea Madding Albert Malones Milton Marquez Andrew McCrary BS Dietetics BS Anatomy & Physiology M Div BS Medical Technology M Div Amy Lorenz Ritha Maidom Ramona Mann Melanie Marshman Ladine McKenzie BS Biology MA English BS Exercise Science MS Physical Therapy BS Speech Pathology William Louthan Joseph Maier Rick Marden Susan K. Martin Richard McLaughlin BS Medical Technology BS Zoology BS Medical Technology BS Nursing MS Physical Therapy Juliana Lunguzi Ganizani Makhumula Melinee Marks Lori Matthews Ryan Melnick BS Nursing BBA Management/BA English MS Physical Therapy BT Horticulture BS Biophysics Dionne MacDonald Fumiyo Makino Melody Marotz Paul Mavrakos Luiz Melo BA Communication MS Physical Therapy MS Physical Therapy MS Physical Therapy BT Graphic Arts Technology Graduation Candidates 0 Lorie Meola Darlene Miller Richard Mormon Shawn Murphy-Allan Deana Newkirk BS Mathematics BS Elementary Education MS Physical Therapy MS Physical Therapy MS Physical Therapy Michael Merginio Virginia Miller Randall Morrow James Myers Stephen Nyirady BS Health Psychology BS Elementary Education BS Anatomy & Physiology BA Music MA Religion Darrell Messersmith Shannon Montgomery Patricia Muhlenbeck Marit Myren Isaac Olatunji, Jr MS Physical Therapy BS Nursing BS Speech Pathology BA Communication MA Religion Andrej Mikolaczyk James Moon Sharon Mullings Julian Nam William A. O'Rourke, Jr M Div BA Religion BS Medical Technology BS Sociology MA Elementary Education Brian Miller Tony Morgan Victoria Mummert Charity Netteburg Luis Fernando Ortiz MS Physical Therapy BT Graphic Arts Technology BS Interiors BA Religion/Spanish M Div 0 Graduation Candidates Vilma Ortiz Sammy Pena Denise Petersen Karon Powell Brendon Prutzman BBA Business Management B Architecture BS Nursing BA English BA Religion Jens David Oster Cecilia Peoples Jon-Marc Petersen Ruth M. Prakasam Daniel Purdy BT Aviation Flight M Div BS Sociology MA English BBA International Business Mgmt. Sean Parchment Heath Perez Alex Poletto Donise Price Marvin Puymon BBA Accounting BS Anatomy & Physiology BBA Finance BS Psychology BS Math & Physics/BA German Greg Park Henry Peters Shannon Pollitt Dominique R. Pride Cynthia Quion BS Biochemistry M Div BS Child Care Development BBA Marketing BS Biology Mekyoung Park Margaret Peters Dahlia E. Pottinger Maria Mararita Primero Vladimir Radivojevic BA Music BA Religion PhD Education BS Political Economics BS Anatomy & Physiology Graduation Candidates 0 James Ramseier Francine Reynolds Cindy Robinson Jose E. Romero Andrea Rosado MS Biology BS Elementary Education BS Nursing BSET Industrial Engineering BS Anatomy & Physiology Jolieta Reed Troy Reynolds Julie Robinson Wendy Ronto Todd E. Rose BS Computer Info. Systems BSW Social Work BS Elementary Education MS Physical Therapy BS Anatomy & Physiology Dawn Reid David Richardson Rachel Roberts John M. Roosenburg II Jeff Rosenthal BS Zoology/Biomedical M Div BS Physics BS Chemistry M Div Heather Reid Joyce Riley Celia Rodgers Judie Rosa Paul Row BS Psychology BSW Social Work BS Medical Technology BA English BS Zoology Frendell D. Reyes Laurie Ringer Victor Rodriguez Santiago Rosa Samuel John Royster M Div MA English Literature BSIT Graphic Arts Management B Architecture M Div 0 Graduation Candidates Alfredo Ruiz Enrique Sandoval M Div M Div Deanna Russell Heidi Santini BS Medical Technology BS Nursing Charmin Sagert Denisse A. Santos BS Anatomy & Physiology MA Music Beryl Samuels Elizabeth Santos BS Nursing BS Dietetics Almudena Sanchez Elena Sanz B Architecture BA Spanish/Pre-med Tomoko Sato William L. Scott MS Physical Therapy BS Anatomy & Physiology Sidney Scarpelli Ken Scribner BT Aviation Technology BA Religion Heiko Schindler Chor-Kiat Sim BS Psychology Doctorate of Ministry Bern Schlageck Lanessa Sims MS Physical Therapy BA French JanElla Schnepp Linda Singletary BS Elementary Education BS Social Work Christina Sirtak BA English Steven E. Slikkers BS Zoology/Biomedical Deborah M. Smith BS Chemistry/BA Spanish Julia Smith BS Medical Technology Dion Smothers BA Spanish/Psychology Graduation Candidates 0 Joon-Ho Song Richard Sutton Wilfrida Tenorio-Ruiz Dave Tkachuck Yukari Uehara BS Biochemistry BBA Management MA Education BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Biology Sheri Sorensen Eusebiu Daniel Szabo Vanessa Thames John Touchard Francine D. Vallier MS Physical Therapy BA French BS Dietetics BT Aviation B Architecture Travis Spore Anita Tauber Dustin Thorne Bonnie Tousey Stephen E. Vance BSIT Graphic Arts BBA Marketing BT Computer Graphics BS Medical Technology BS Physics Vanessa Streffling Elizabeth Taylor Deanna Thurman Jennifer Tremper Threerawat Visavarakoon BS Anatomy & Physiology BSW Social Work MS Physical Therapy BS Journalism & Mass Media BSIT Construction Management Nikki Sutter Sherri Temple Alberto R. Timm Heidi Trollman Matthias Vohwinkel BA Economics MS Human Nutrition PhD Religion/Adventist Studies BS Dietetics MBA 0 Graduation Candidates Janelle Wagner Daniel Webb Rick Willey Ernest J. Wolf Kyungyoon Yang BS Nursing MS Physical Therapy BA Economics BA Youth Ministry BS Nutrition Science Michelle Wallace Merilee Weithers Laura Williams Jason Wong Sednak Kojo-Duffu Yankson BA History & Communication BS Speech Pathology BA History BS Computer Info. Systems M Div Selwyn L. Walters Jennifer Wentland Rusty Williams Keith A. Woods Melissa Yaste M Div BS Nursing M Div BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Nursing Brandon Washington Michelle White Dana Wilson Ann L. Wooley Yuen-Ching Yau BS Medical Technology MS Physical Therapy BSW Social Work MA Community Counseling BS Medical Technology Marion Waugh Stephen D. Wile Jeannine Woithe Phelicia Wyant Laura Yoo BS Nursing BA History BS Anatomy & Physiology BS Science BS Speech Pathology Graduation Candidates 0 Karis Zbaraschuk BS Anatomy & Physiology Rhonda Zhou BS Anatomy & Physiology Paul Ziegele BS Computer Information Systems The persons represented in the portrait section of the Cardinal are only those who had their picture taken. This is not an official list of undergraduates, graduates, faculty & staff or graduation candidates for the 1994-95 school year. Persons pictured in the color section may also be in the black and white portrait section. Graduation Candidates Undergraduates Graduates Faculty & Staff Undergraduates Hero Aban John Adam Daniel Aebeyo Chris Alger Carol Amlog Sherilyn Anderson Mike Ashley Deanna Badduke Glen Abbott Dwayne Adams Wendy Agy Yazmin Ali Chimah Amukele Daniel Andrews Arnilisa Aspilla Eric Badillo Hani Abdel-sayed Kevin Adams Julia Aitken Frances Allegretti Eric Amundson Yen Ang De Anne Aust Albert Bailey Lynn Abraham Randall Adams Jamal Albuoy Chandra Allred Angel Anderson Nobuyuki Aoki Cheri Avant Eva Bailey Lorena Abril Sharon Adams Pam Alexander Greg Almeter Chrystyne Anderson Nanae Aratake Amanda Avellone Sara Bainbridge Ruben Acosta Tony Adams Luis Alferez Aylene Amador Julian Anderson Etmny Arias Kevin Avery Gordana Bajsanski Yudi Acosta Wendel Adams Jude Alfred Michael Amey Marsena Anderson Cynthia Arvidson Tonya Avery Brian Bak Undergraduates aria Baker onnie Baker dija Balduff ora Balduff ark Baldwin ulette Baldwin snneth Bame Danillo Banaag Carla Bayne Natasha Bell Susan Bermingham Abigail Blake Brenda Borg Esmie Branner Keith Banks Peter Beall Cherish Benfield Chad Bernard Brendon Blake Jessica Bourgeons Jonathan Brauer Loren Barnhurst Christina Bean Josip Benko Michael Bernard Donna Blanscet Mark Boward Darren Bray Reginald Barthelemy Mark Beardsley Dan Bennett Stephanie Bielas April Blevins Trent Bowen Cori Bricker Roy Bartongo Emily Bell Katina Bennett Sofia Bikichi Benjamin Bokich Sherry Bowman Donald Brittian Brian Bautista Kimberly Bell Lamont Berecz Shanna-lee Bishop Anne Bolen Tisha Boyd Randy Brockman Matthew Bayley Margaret Bell Ryan Bergstrom Preston Blackwell Iryna Bolotnikova Stephanie Bradford Christopher Brooks Undergraduates Keri Brown Claredon Burch Maria Butler Jonathan Camargo Robert Carbridge Kay Carrick Todd Caswell Ryan Chambers Paul Browning Roland Burgess Tequin Butler Dayna Campbell Cindy Cardona Jenni Carrion Kirsten Cathell Jason Chang Tom Brundage Janelle Burghart David Buttler Fritz Campbell Todd Cardona Tony Carrion Becca Chabot Nicole Chang Matthew Bryant Jason Burghart Elda Caagbay Lisa Campbell Catherine Carey Rose Mane Casimir Jill Chabot Suki Chapa Kathie Buchholz Wendy Burns Rachel Cabrera Scott Campbell Nathan Carlson Christine Castillo Barbara Chadwick Jennifer Chapman Dustin Budd Jennifer Burrill Harry Caldwell Sheila Campbell Stephen Carnegie Kristy Castro Christopher Challenger Elsie Charles Christine Bundash Durrick Bush Fredelyn Calla Elmer Capina Nadege Carre Tina Caswell Amy Chambers George Cheptoo Undergraduates diko Chicume arrie Childers arrie Chilson imberly Chilson dy Choe yemee Choi hris Chong Sharon Christy Matthew Clark Amber Cochran Marc Connor Veronica Cooper Cara Costango Dawn Cruttenden Celina Chung Lexie Clarke William Cochran Michael Constable Danilo Copiz Myra Covarrubias Karen Culver Daniel Chung Bryan Clayton Kaleb Cockrun Brandon Cook Stefan Copiz Patrick Cover Don Curry Do Youn Chung Ron Clear Kathy Codey Mark Cook Kristi Corbett Kyle Craig Todd Curtis Anthony Clark Kirstin Clouten Jailyn Colburn Julie-Jayne Coolen Artemio Benjamin Coria Kelly Crawford Juliana Daba Kimberly Clark Nicole Coar Marge Coleman Larry Cooley Maria Cornette Julie Crose Sandra Dalenberg Lynette Clark Kenia Cocco Nicholas Conner Timothy Cooper Trish Corpus Andrew Crow Sarah Dalton Undergraduates Ame Damayo Paul Davis Arvin Delacruz Kristin Dickson Heidi Dockham Scott Donovan Rachel Drumm Paula Edgecombe Denise Dana Dale Day Crister Delacruz Cherisse Dillard Tobin Dodge Heidi Doty Julie Duensing Barbara Edler Marlon Daniel Michael Dayao Heidi Detra Maria DiMemmo Terrence Dodge Jr Amy Douglass Willie Duke Becky Edler Ruby Daniel Gisela de la Pena Robert Detweiler Patti Dinning Marjorie Doleyres Dan Downs Jeff Dumar Avonelle Edwards Steve Das Hardi De Marques Kendall Devnich Tanya Dipietrantonio Emelda Domocmat Daniel Drake Holly Dummett Chris Edwards Dorel David Leah De Wind Stephen Dewitt Kimberly Dixon Beverly Donato Romil Draquila David Dunston Duane Edwards Jeremy Davis Robert Deininger Christopher DiCicco Michael Dixon Thomas Donley John Dronen Dawn Dupit Sherry Edwards Undergraduates ynthia Eisele Lynice Evans ff Emde Becky Everett iri Engel Hannah Ewoo inifer Erickson Vanessa Fancher arbie Escamilla Spencer Farr )berta Espinosa Amy Felker nathan Eva Jacquelyn Fields Rebecca Finley Tami Finnell Diana First Kathy First John Fish Bradley Fisher Timothy Fisher Jackie Fitzgerald Bonnie Fitzpatrick Jerry Fleetwood Jason Fleming Renaldo Fleming Geoffrey Fleming Jr David Flesvig Robert Flowers Teresa Flyger Craig Foll Ronald Forbes Jenny Ford Jeff Forsythe Latrell Fortson Mark Fortune Corey Francis Janine Freed Matthew Fortune David Francis Tony Fry Mike Fortune Kimberly Francis Kirk Frymire Albert Foster Phillip Francis Rochelle Fubler Opal Foster Joe Francisco Junko Fukushima Amy Fox Leslie Franke Wendell Gaa Todd Fox Kenny Fraser Rachelle Gager Undergraduates Rigel Galera Lorraine Gayao Dawn Goldson-Reid Erika Gorin Cyndi Gray Julie Gregg Debra Hackleman Melissa Halstead Chad Gammon Pamela Gembrowski Jen Gomoll Christine Graham Juli Gray Melissa Grier Teri Haggerty Christopher Hamstra Brian Gang Jee-Song Ghil Melody Gonzalez Richard Graham Tim Gray Cindy Griffin Danielle Hall Elizabeth Hamstra Linda Garcia Kari Gibbs Migdalia Gonzalez Ulrick Graham Terri Green Robert Griffin Ill William Hall Jason Hamstra Ayana Gardner Bonnie Gibson Erin Good Jennifer Gramlich Steven Greenhaw Julie Grosse Christopher Halminen Peggy Hamstra Jennifer Garth Gary Gibson Loylette Gordon Spring Graves Enzro Greenidge Raquel Guevara Lisa Halminen Gregory Hann Karis Gatz Jack Gibson Vallerie Gordon Grace Gravestock Amber Gregg Andrew Gungadoo Michael Halminen Drayton Hanna Undergraduates mily Harding :amilla Harp klwyn Harriott ora Harris rana Harvey ,amona Hassel .imothy Hatter Eri Hattori Karmon Heinrich Jan-Michael Henning Jesse Hibler Michelle Hines Robin Hoffman Jeff Hongo Amberlea Hayes Eva Heintz Kristin Hensel Dale Hickmott Elvin Ho Leesha Hoilette Sabine Honore Darla Hayward Lisa Heisler Miguel Hernadez Mark Hildebrand ldamae Ho Andrea Holland Mihaela Horga Bridgette Head La Shawn Henderson Aldy Hernandez Beverly Hill Aaron Hoag Janeth Holmes Stephan Horvath Adam Heck Lorette Henderson Nathan Hess Jerry Hill Rick Hoffer Troy Homenchuk Scott Houghton Jason Hegstad Monifa Henley Terry Hess Shirley Hill Allen Hoffman John Homidas Christopher Howard Sean Hegstad Danielle Henning Lisa Hibbert Robert Hillebert Nathan Hoffman Alice Hong Jennifer Howland Undergraduates Nadine Howson Diana Hughes Carol Im Danielle Jacques Sabrina James Diana Jenkins Cherri Johnson Scott Johnson Lisa Hsu Karla Hunt Rolin Im Sreevenkatesh Jagannathan Mi Jang Janine Jenkins Elizabeth Johnson Thomas Johnson Carol Hubbard Katie Hurcomb Jennifer Ingels Dale Jairam Javier Jara Timothy Jenkins Lawrence Johnson Angela Jones Sheila Hubbell Michel Hyppolite, Jr Deanna Inman Dexter Jairam Kristen Jaynes CJ Jerzyk Lindsay Johnson Jon-Paul Jordan Brenda Hubin Young Hyun Jennifer Inman Angela James Daniel Jean-Baptiste Gina Job Melisa Johnson Michael Jordan Leticia Huerta Teresa lattoni Jerald Irving Deldelker James Marlyne Jean-Pierre Christy Joch Nicola Johnson Lara Jorgensen Vivan Huggins Joseph lkner Ramikich Jackson Janel James Cathy Jeffery Michelle John Rachelle Johnson Marcella Jorgensen Undergraduates kin Jornada mes Joseph icelyn Joseph re Jozic Inya Judson harmeline Jules lilliam Kakembo Esther Kang Joseph Kaufman Sara Keszler Danny Kim Sang Ho Kim Roland Kimbad Cheri Klam Sung-hee Kang Michael Kaufman Greg Kihlstrom Jimmy Kim Shari Kim Stacy Kindopp Michelle Klassen Joy Kantor Karen Keith Daniel Kim Jin Kim Stephen Kim Eltrono King Jill Kline Melissa Kantor Todd Kelly Darius Kim John Kim Susan Kim Pierre King Brenda Kloeckner Lisa Karpenko Ryan Keough George Kim Joseph Kim Susan Kim Rodney King Daniel Knapp Jeff Karst Keith Kerbs Gloria Kim Joseph Kim Tae Kim Chad Kirstein Andrew Knowlton John Karth John Kersner James Kim Julie Kim Tae Kim Lesego Kitso Karina Koehn Undergraduates Michelle Koger Adam Kohtz Yukari Komi Roymond Koubong Galina Kovacheva Paul Kragh Jeffrey Kroehler 41:1 Douglas Krull Melody Laboy Steve Lane Jenny Leach Ann Lee Andrew Krzysiek Evelyn Labrador Jason Large Brad Leavelle Anthony Lee Julie Kumalae Hency Labro Tonya Larson Ann Leben DJ Lee Lani Kumalae Grace Lacson Abigail Lawrence Catherine LeBlanc Hyong Lee Gabriella Kunze Ryan LaFaive Naveen Lazarus Wendy Lebron James Lee Sachiko Kuroki Carmelita Lake Charles Le Blanc Amy Lee James Lee Camille Kurtz Gretchen Lake Dana Leach Angela Lee Jong-Chan Lee Kenneth Lee Kimberly Leonor Kevin Lee Carla Lescanec Young Jin Lee Boyan Levterov Cynthia Lehmann Darnise Lewis Jennifer Lehmann Sheila Lewis Elba Leonor Richard Liebelt Giovanni Leonor Dae Lim Undergraduates Geesnell B Llm lerbert Lim Imes Lim Jelson Lim oon Lim ara Lindow )seph Liu Janice Lizardo Juliana Lunguzi Gerald Maier Dennika Mapp Richard Marsh Lori Mathews Marilyn Mazyck Janileny Lizardo Itayi Maakombe Joey Maier Marc Marasigan David Martin Brigida Matos William McArthur Charlene Lofton-Brook Andrew Macdonald Dinesh Manjath Jacqueline Marietta Susan Martin Alexis Mattey James McBeth Amy Lorenz Helen Macey Ruth Mankowski Alex Markovich Trinda Martin Claudine Mattingly Douglas McCarron Maribel Loza Andrea Madding Ramona Mann Milton Marquez Ruth Martinez Heather Maxwell Pamela McCarter Rebecca Lucas Rehema Magesa Glendon Manners Tanya Marsa Persida Matei Andrew Maynard-Reid Donald McDaniel Mark Lumucso Nitin Maheshwari Kendra Manual Deanna Marsh Valliyatharayil Mathew Fahimee Maynard-Reid Dionne McDonald Undergraduates Scott McFadden Doug Medgyesi Lenette Melendez Emmett Merwin Carolynne Milmine Suzi Montgomery Mark Morgan Patricia Muhlenbeck Ladine McKenzie Delisha Medina Ryan Melnick Fikre-Yesus Mesfen Igor Milosavljevic Sheryl Moo Yim Heather Morrison Amy Mullen Claudia Mclaughlin Ramona Medina Rebekah Melnick Markl Messing Mirta Milosavljevic James Moon Seth Morrison Victoria Mummert Elvie McLaughlin Xiomara Medina Todd Melnick Cloraine Michel Tami Minear Sarita Moore Greggory Morrow Dawn Mumper Arnold McMayo Eliab Mejia Lorie Meola Mihail Micu Sarah Mirek Kimberly Moran Randall Morrow Dena Mumper Maurice Mead Gabriela Mejia Paul Meola Arthur Miller Henry Mitchell Velkis Moreno Cameron Mortenson Elmer Mun Sylvana Mead Susana Mejia Marin Mercurius Virginia Miller Laura Miyashiro Joel Morgan Joe Mucha Sheldon Mun Undergraduates endy Munroe Carla Nelson trick Murphy Emily Nelson ana Murray James Nelson nes Myers Marcus Nelson wit Myren Rodd Nelson Drihiko Nakahara Ronald Nelson ian Nam Vaughan Nelson Melissa Nephew Charity Netteburg Kristin Netteburg Michelle Newbold Dennis Newman Sabrena Nickelbarry Walter Nieva Del Nileppez Christy O'Neal Jason North Ethny Obas Scott Norton Ivaline Obas Tedric Norton Paulina Ochoa Jared Nugent David Oh Maggie Nunez Diosalma Olivo Rehema Nyirabu Ivrys Olivo Naoko Omura James Ongwela Benjamin Orian Robert Orrison Ryan Orrison Scott Orsburn Ronnie Ortiz Sandra Ortiz Vilma Ortiz Jeff Osborn Erika Oshiumi Cyrus Oster Jonathan Oxley Paul Pagiet Alex Pagotelis Douglas Palmer Natali Pardeiro Gregory Park Jenny Park Theodore Park Joe Parker • Undergraduates Leslie Parker Michelle Pedersen Michelle Perrin Deborah Pezet Alexandre Poletto Terrance Pratt Steven Prillwitz Cynthia Quion Stephanie Parker Stacey Pedersen Tashieka Perry Stewart Phillips Jeff Pollnow Angela Prentice Maria Primero Shelley Rafferty Aurelia Pastor Timothy Pellandini Denise Peters Kayleith Pierce Christine Pomeroy Sharon Prest Alexander Prouty Johnny Raju Greg Patterson Paul Pena Margaret Peters Allison Pineiro Melphine Ponniah Donise Price Brendon Prutzman Reena Raju Sheila Patterson Sandra Pena Darrell Petersen Julie Pitcher Jamie Poolman Dominique Pride Daniel Purdy Sylvia Ram Roger Pauner Loren Perez Denise Petersen Jason Plumb Lilia Portilla Theron Pride Marvin Puymon Bradley Randall Jason Payne Kimberly Pergerson Galen Pettey Arthur Podguski Karon Powell Beth Prillwitz Ainlee Quashie Heather Randol Undergraduates -sten Randolph io Rankin hit Rao ril Rasnic id Rasnic ;ina Rector gig Redfearn Marla Regazzi Suzanne Rempher Rina Rho Heather Rigg Beverly Roach Danielle Rochford Charlun Rogers Curtis Rehling Christopher Reyes Maplanka Richard Heather Riggs Carla Roach Letrisha Rodgers Daniel Rogers Dawn Reid Michelle Reyes Bonnie Richards Chandler Riley Rachel Roberts Betsy Rodriguez Freda Rogers Heather Reid Danae Reynolds Kristen Richards Aimee Ritzenthaler William Robertson Patricia Rodriguez Jason Rogers Melissa Reid Troy Reynolds Rebecca Richards Robbie Ritzenthaler Cindy Robinson Victor Rodriguez Laban Rogers Ken Reinhart Frank Rho Pamela Richardson Cindy Rivera Julie Robinson Barbara Rodriquez Stephen Rogers April Remington Rickey Rho Nancy Riemann April Roach Nicholas Robinson Sara Rodriquez Uriel Rogers Undergraduates Vasti Rojas Chappy Rosa Licia Rothermel Philippe Sabot Heidi Santini Elena Sanz Cherilee Schlehuber Donald Schultz Leslie Rollins Judy Rosa Rosa Ruben Rothermel Ching Salera Denisse Santos Vinaya Sathyasheelappa Don Schmitt Eric Schutt Denice Romero Severiaro Rosa-Velasquiz Julie Roush Jennifer Samuel Ellen-Ruby Santos Clarissa Saunders Cameron Schneider Tisha Scofield Jose Romero Andrea Rosado Paul Row Beryl Samuels Lisa Santos Sharline Saunders Kurt Schneider Bill Scott Shannon Rones Pepe Rosado Thomas Roy Jr Almudena Sanchez Maggie Santos Sidney Scarpelli JanElla Schnepp Kenneth Scribner Joann Roosenberg Stephen Rose Richard Ryder Jeannie Sanpakit Mirma Santos Phil Schaafsma Trina Schone Kevin Seale John Roosenberg II Carey Rosen Heidi Sabnani Tommy Sanpakit Rosaiah Santos Janelle Scheuneman Christine Schubert Teresa Seeley Undergraduates iniel Seilagyi 'e Seralde in Seralde mstanin Severe gel Sew Kwan Kan Jinn Shamblin nya Shaw Kent Shea Min Shin Christina Sirtak Jacob Smith Hazel Soliven Aaron Spence Nicole Steele Karen Shelton Deanna Show Maureen Slat Joann Smith Sherly Sondakh Travis Spore Robert Steele Alean Shepherd Donald Shull Steven Slikkers Sydney Smith Joon Ho Song Naomi Springer Rhoda Steffen Gregory Shepler Harold Sias Chris Small Dion Smothers Stacey Songer Nicole St George Megan Stembridge Lisa Sheppler Christopher Sigler Charles Smith Brynja Snorrason Bart Soper Shelann Stanwick Mika Stenfors Samuel Sherron Catherine Simatupang Dana Smith Rhonda Snorrason Kim Sorensen Derek Stapleton Rupa Stephen Joseph Shin Saurav Singla Deborah Smith Danial Snyder Clarence Sormin David Steele Renee Stepp Undergraduates Wendi Stockwell Jonathan Stutzman Nancy Talbott Julie Thomas Mihaela Tigu Jennifer Tremper Yukari Uehara Stephen VanderWall Sophia Stokes Julie Sutter Christine Tan Lamont Thomas Kealeboga Tlhabiwe Jennifer Trepper Marc Ullom Griselle Vargas Todd Stout Nikki Sutter Anita Tauber Tavis Thomas Sarah Tolles Hector Troncoso Jon Van Blaricum Christian Vera Craig Strauss Jess Swackhamer Wendy Tauro Piala Thona Cornelia Tolpal Marino Trujillo Ceballos Holly VanBuren Timothy Veres Heidi Straw Eusebiu Szabo Elizabeth Taylor Dustin Thorne David Torres Barbara Tyson Jonathon Vance Heather Verhelle Vanessa Strefling Fracisc Szilagyi Samual Taylor Tyson Thorne Elisa Torres Russell Tyson Stephen Vance Samuel Villamizar Robert Stringer Adrienne Tabo Vanessa Thames Jaime Tibbits John Touchard Toru Ueda Aaron VanderMei Threerawat Visavarakoor Undergraduates yin Vitangcol Maria Wahono >nna Vixie Sherri Walker Anne Vizcarra Cyndi Wallace 'drew Von Maur Michelle Wallace rrey Vruggink Talitha Walton irgaret Wachowski Tamara Ward 'ell Wagner Jerry Warren Jerralyn Wasylyshen Mark Waterhouse Roger Watson Christie Weaver Cori Weaver Russell Wecker Jennifer Wedel Christoph Weigel Erik Weikum Merillee Weithers Jennifer Wells Orin Wells Priscilla Wells Jennifer Wentland Jodi Wesslen Jeff Wessler Dean West II Holly Westlund Jonathan Whidden Laura Whidden Dana White Gregory White Tinecia White Wendy White Nicole Whitely Elizabeth Whitlow Glenn Whitt Mark Wickey Jove-Jacob Wiggins Will Wilcox Stephen Wile Rebecca Wilkins William Wilkinson Rick Willey Tyson Willey April Williams Chet Williams Laura Williams Nia Williams Stephanie Williams Crystal Willis Alicia Wilson Undergraduates Dana Wilson Stephanie Wines Ernest Wolf Keith Woods Victoria Wright Grace Yong Annie Zappia Derek Zollinger Elizabeth Wilson Phil Witters Ohnma Wong Kristina Working Phelicia Wyant Miyashita Yoshiko Karis Zbaraschuk Yesenia Zorrilla Kraig Wilson Christopher Wittum April Wood Jamie Worrell Jaime Yagiello Lorrie Young Korey Zbaraschuk Juan Zuberbuhler Sarah Wilson Carla Wofford Heather Wood Stephanie Wrad Jayne Yang Tosha Young Rhonda Zhou Jeff Wines Jeannine Woithe Paul Wood Andrea Wright Melissa Yaste Darlene Zaft Paul Ziegele Julie Wines Tanya Wolcott Garth Woodruff Michael Wright Diana Yi Aleyda Zapata Tony Zirkle C Graduates salind Aaron ria Acevedo ton Adams thael Adeniyi berto Aguilar 2ne Aitken rk Aldridge Douglas Allen Litzie Astacio Daniel Alvarez Darlene Barnhurst Daniel Anderson Stephen Bauer Valerie Anderson John Bazile Kang-ho Ang Orville Beal Lonnie Annis Luis Beltre Amofah Asamoah Jenus Benggon Garry Bennet Roger Bernard Joseph Bessing Absalom Hyairo Birai Paul Blake Suzanne Bold Rafael Bonilla David Borton Diana Bowen Greg Bratcher Barrington Brennen Ian Brown Lary Brown Alex Bryan Patricia Bryant Yaw Buahin Carlton Byrd Andre Campbell Lane Campbell Paul Campoli Eddie Campomanes Silvia Canale Wanda Cantrell Robert Carbonell Susan Carter-Baker Saul Castillo Joanne Celestin Keith Chang Yoonho Chang Reginald Chery Michael Chi Peter Christiansen Panora Christie Sirporn Chuenchop Sung Kee Chun Graduates Lori Clouten Lisa Curtis Catherine Deazle Aristede Dukes Tom Evans Victor Figueroa Lynette Gardner David Graham Robert Clouzet David Dalegowski Michael Degeraty Tod Dunfield Mary Farah Quinton Fletcher John Garland Limin Guo Dan Cole Brian Danese Domingo Diaz-Vazavez John Dysinger Raja Farah Paul Flyger Dina Germany Kyesang Ha Jennifer Cook Sunith Das Denise Doctor Londa Edsell Delmar Faria-Freire Tercia Freire Heidi Gildersleeve Ken Hall Tracy Cook Gloria David Skip Dodson Ingrid Eklund Jack Farrell Gina Gang Timothy Goff Lloyd Hamilton Jose Cortes Jr Robson De Oliveira Arlyn Drew Myrna Elcock Merker Feleke Samuel Garbi Wilbens Goffy Robert Hancock Tim Cross Rosanna Dean James Dronen Andreas Erben Ruben Ferreyro Evelyn Garcia-Mastrapa Daniel Graham Edward Hanna 168 Graduates ienrietta Hanna lartin Hanna Irian Hartman baron Hatfield )eonna Haunch lichael Hess 3 lie High Markus Hill Mark Hughes Richard James Terry Johnson Peter Kaoma Sook-young Kim Kevin Kuehmichel Aletha Hodder Nobuo Ikemasu Darius Jankiewicz David Jones Joseph Karanja Young-II Kim Hewmann Kuma Gil Hodges Mira Ingemann Susan Jean-Baptiste Dexter Jones Ramlen Kaumpungan Laura Klatt Paula Kurtz Dronen Josip Horonic Tadashi Ino Samuel Jiao Alexander Joo Katherine Keith David Kobliska Minervino Labrador Feong-chan Hsu Cleveton Jack Peter Job Jeffrey Jordan Rebecca KelIn Bela Kobor Mindy Lanphear Antonio Huerta Educardo Jacobo Angel Johnson Francis Kabambe Boxter Kharbteng Diane Kobor Richard Latane Tom Huff Laurie Jacobs Kimberly Johnson Samuel Kaligithi Kok Swee Khoo Samuel Koranteng-Pipim Leo Launio Graduates Errol Lawrence Randy Lee Joshua Lizarray Humberto Marcelino Paul Mavrakos Brian Miller Imasiku Mubita Mateus Nambu Ermine Leader Yvette Lee Lorinda Lofton-Brook Malinee Marks Andrew McCrary Mark Miller Jose Mundoz Andy Nash Ruber Leal Dinah Leong Robert Mackay David Marotz Carla McLaughlin Rade Milosavljevic Coster Munyengwe David NcClintock Changyoung Lee Wolfgang Lepke Jerry Mahn Melody Marotz Richard Mclaughlin Zeljka Milosavljevic Jonathan Musvosvi Peggie Ncumbe Jae Lee Clinton Lewis Ritha Maidom Medardo Marroquin Shinsaku Meichi Yuuki Mizumoto Judith Musvosvi Trust Ndlovu Kam-Hong Lee Joan Lewis Mumba Makesa Melanie Marshman Luiz Melo Sherie Moreland Andrew Mutero Loren Nelson Ill Kenneth Lee Jonathan Lewis Albert Malones Stephen Masuku Darrell Messersmith Gary Moyer Margaret Mwangi Deana Newkirk Graduates 'inh Nguyen Stephen Nyirady Luis Ortiz Hee Park Henry Peters Glenn Poole II Denton Rhone Compton Ross ,dney Nieves Etzer Obas Augustine Palikat Mekyoung Park Andreas Pfeifer Gwen Preheim-Bartel Laurie Ringer Samuel Royster riedbert Ninow Lumine Obas Richard Palmer Jr Byard Parks Marcel Pichot Hector Quinones Timothy Robinson Andrew Rudd :anchana Nitiguntanoon Amy Ogot Edison Pandjaitan Oriel Paulino Fredy Pinilla James Ramseier Edlyn Rodriguez Elena Rudoy lartin Norheim Isaac Olatunji Peow-how Pang Geoffrey Pauner Paul Piskozub Ranulfo Raposo Cheryl Rogers Pevel Rudoy :onstance Nwosu Peter Omane Chol Park Cecilia Peoples John Pitton Conrad Reichert Jr Reginald Rogers Alfredo Ruiz ,ache) Nyairo Walter Opiyo Chun Sik Park Pedro E Perez Lisa Poole Frendell Reyes Wendy Ronto Noel Ruiz 4:01 Graduates Wilfrida Ruiz James Scarborough Henry Seo Reinaldo Siqueira Ruth Stephen Duane Thomas Patricia Treft Wanda Vaz Philip Rushemeza Bern Schlageck Tatiana Serova Johansen Linda Smith Richard Sutton Jirawat Thongthip Andre Trofort Matthias Vohwinkel Rebecca Russell Bonnie Schoun Jonathan Shell Rob Smith Suanto Suwanto Suphawadee Thongthip Karl Tsatalbasidis Selwyn Walters Rajasingh Samuel Ralph Schroder Kanji Shinmyo Gregory Snell Lanston Sylvester Deanna Thurman James Van Arsdale Xiao Wang Enrique Sandoval Lisa Seeley Chor-Kiat Sim Sheri Sorensen Andreabelle Tan Thomas Toews Zacarias Vareas Hal Ward Jr Eddie Sanken Kevin Seidel Ishak Simatupang Ingo Sorke Sherri Temple Donald Totten Pedro Vargas Randolph Warkentin Tomoko Sato Vesna Selmknovic Diana Sinclair Frank Spangler Yvonne Terry John Treat Philip Vasseur Mary Washington O t,) yce Wawiye D h n Wen lichelle White tit 'S% Scott Wiemers Patrick Williams Rusty Williams Philip Willis Tiffany Wilson Michael Wise Carletta Witzel Timothy Wooldridge Clarissa Worley Darchelle Worley Wayne Wright Glenn Wyant Sednak Kojo-Duffu Yankson Don Young Bernice Zaft Nkosiyabo Zvandasara Graduates lifig leo Faculty & Staff Mari Aker Niels-Erik Andreasen Stanley Bell Carole Bowes Morris Brown Amy Campbell Bennett Chilson Keith Clouten George Akers Gordon Atkins Bonnie Beres Ronald Bowes Antonio Bueno Jose Campillo Sandra Chilson Norene Clouten Sallie Alger Steven Atkins Daniel Bidwell Lenore Brantley Liliane Bueno Kimberly Campoli Bill Chobotar Arthur Coetzee Tanna Allison Robert Baker Lorena Bidwell Paul Brantley Verna Burghart Mary Jo Canaday Richard Choi Cynthia Coetzee David Alonso John Baldwin David Borton Coral Brenneise Mima Burgher Nancy Carbonell Arnie Chuah Phyllis Collins Alan Anderson Erich Baumgartner Karen Borton Sharon Brooks T Lynn Caldwell Christopher Carey Mark Clayton Greg Constantine Demetra Andreasen Warren Becker Dean Boward Raelene Brower Angelina Cameron Melody Chambers Bruce Closser Peter Cooper Faculty & Staff kenda Coy Bill Davidson Daniel Drazen Atilio Dupertuis David Faehner Jim Ford Lyndon Furst Sharon Gillespie :harlotte Coy Richard Davidson Carol Dronen Eunice Dupertuis Sylvia Fagal Denis Fortin Bonnie Fuste Tom Goodwin (en Crane Tara Lynn Demma Gerald Du Preez Pamela Dutcher William Fagal Stephen Framil Shirley Gager Jean Graham 3erard Damsteegt Kathleen Demsky Miriam Dubreuze Kathy Ekkens Shan Farrell Kenneth Franz Roy Gane Gary Gray 3rian Darrough Paul Denton Sharon Dudgeon Ginger Ellison Ann Fisher Shirley Freed Todd Gardner Glenda-Mae Greene lillie Das Julie Ann Dewitt Margaret Dudley Lloyd Erickson James Fisher Barbara Friesen Susan George William Greenley ohn David Nadine Dower Roger Dudley Benko Ester Diane Ford Gregory Frost Nancy Gerard Josef Greig 0 Faculty & Staff Stella Greig Zerita Hagerman Harold Heidtke Janice Higgins Eckhard Hubin Glenn Johnson Jennifer Kharbteng Jacqueline Kinsman Christine Grentz Barbara Hales Herbert Helm Georgina Hill Don Ingram Ron Johnson Jimmy Kijai Brenda Kis Lori Guerrero Desiree Ham-ying Cynthia Helms Newton Hoilette Elsie Jackson Ronald Johnson Carole Kilcher Miroslav Kis Kirby Guild Dianne Hamblin Ralph Hendrix Denise Holder Cheryl Jetter Robert Johnston Douglas Kilcher Kris Knutson C William Habenicht Dan Hamstra Aldy Hernandez Ruth Hood Loretta Johns Douglas Jones Marcia Kilsby Mailen Kootsey Donna Habenicht Theodore Hatcher Edwin Hernandez John Hood Sr Warren Johns Meredith Jones Gray Michael Kim Frederick Kosinski Zvonimir Hacko James Haywood Vickie Hess Anita Hubin Carlene Johnson Richard Kaping Robert Kingman Susan Kouboug Faculty & Staff rolyn Kowarsch (stein LaBianca .rold Lang mela Lawrence y Leadbetter Lee Wah sen Lesher David Lofthouse Gary Marsh Rebecca May Fran McMullen Jerry Moon Ellen Murdick Dwight Nelson Rebecca Lofthouse James Martz Duane McBride John Mentges Louise Moon Donald Murray Judith Nelson Dorothy Macey Beverly Matiko Janelle McCoy Ruth Merkel Patrick Morrison Patricia Mutch Kermit Netteburg Linda Mack Keith Mattingly Kenneth Mccoy David Merling Robert Morrow William Mutch James Newkirk Jr Rudolf Maier Paul Matychuk Mildred McGrath Joanne Minder Bruce C Moyer Najeeb Nakhle Appy Niyo-benggon Lia Margariti Arturo Maxwell James McKee Alan Mitchell Carol Mullins James Nash James North Jr Milbert Mariano Donald May Nellie McKenzie Scott Moncrieff Dewey Murdick David Nelson Rachel Ntaganda Faculty & Staff Elizabeth Oakley Gottfried Oosterwal Kathleen Pauner Tari Popp Mark Regazzi Rachel Rosado Richard Scott Dorothy Show Eduardo Ocampo Gustavo Ortiz David Penner Beverly Pottle Laun Reinholtz Clark Rowland Bradley Sheppard Richard Show Wallace Oetman Ray Ostrander Wayne Perry Ted Pottle W. Larry Richards Arlene Saliba Clem Sheppard Joan Shultz Merlene A Ogden John Pangman David Petersen Werner Pressnitz William Richardson Philip Samaan Wanda Sheppler Wes Shultz Jessie Oliver Herdley Paolini Harold Phillips Dick Proctor Terry Robertson Dorothea Sarli Michael Shimechero Randy Siebold Harry Olson Michael Paolini Kimberly Pichot David Rand Deane Robinson Benjamin Schoun Sheri Shimechero Winnie Sim Janet Olson Barbara Parker Michel Pichot MaryJane Rasnic Robert Robinson Dixie Scott Kristen Shoup Debora Siqveira #11.1.WIMINE.1..11p...1111‘ Faculty & Staff ?ger Smith ancy Sorke tricia Spangler -len Springer tren Spruill issell Staples avid Steen Allen Stembridge Jerome Thayer Ralph Trecartin Jr Carol Van Arsdale Karen Wade Douglas Waterhouse Cleon White Elaine Stembridge Ken Thomas Jeff Trubey Peter Van Bemmelen Donald Wallace Gillian Webster Sandra White Patricia Stewart Shirley Thomas Carla Trynchuk Curtis VanderWaal Elizabeth Wallace Neville Webster David Wienecke Kenneth Stout Ruth Tillman James Tucker Manuel Vitug Marina Ward Penny Webster Roy Wightman Brian Strayer Marty Timm Carol Turk Nancy Vyhmeister Gregory Wardecke Julie Weigel David Wilber Peter Swanson Irene Touchard Catherine Turner Ronald Vyhmeister Rebecca Waring-Crane Janelle Westerbeck Alice Williams Rilla Taylor Wolfhard Touchard Ruth Unutoa Werner Vyhmeister Joseph Warren Woodrow Whidden Lisa Williams Faculty & Staff LI Marcia Williams Rhoda Wills Randal Wisbey Dennis Woodland Robert Zdor Stephen Zurek Craig Willis Barry Wilson Kitty Witzel Randall Younker Jennifer Zimmerle Kristopher Zygowiec Glenda Willis Dianne Wilson Peter Wong Brenda Zarska Susan Zork ARON, Rosalind, 500 Garland #E25, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 809-462-3898 ,BAN, Hero, 12 Goldfinch Crt #212, Willowdale, ON, M2R 2C4, CANADA, 416-636-9557 ,BBOTT II, Glen, 21492 F Dr, Marshall, MI, 49068, 616-781-6604 ,BBOTT, Ruth, 21492 F Dr South, Marshall, MI, 49068 ,BDEL-SAYED, Hani, 2870 Bouffard, Windsor, ON, N9H I W5, CANADA, 519-978-0871 ,BRAHAM, Lynn, 3927 Tevis Circle, Randallstown, MD, 21133, 410-655-3256 ,BRAHAMS, Earl, 109 St Joseph Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5116 ,GRAHAMS, Scoble, 109 St Joe Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ,CEVEDO, Maria, 5331 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 ,CKAH, Donyale, #9 1ST Cabin Frith Grdnpaget, PG 04, BERMUDA COSTA, Luis, 9018 Third St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3618 COSTA, Ruben, 8893 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COSTA, Yudi, 3119 Olive St, Huntington Pa, CA, 90255, 213-581-6882 ,DAM, John, 8728 N Ridge Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DAM, Nadege, 6425 Rosemont, Montreal, PQ, HIM 3131, CANADA DAMS, Anthony, 11918 SE Division #212, Portland, OR, 97266, 206-896-2917 DAMS, Dwayne, 1822 Robert Lewis Ave, Upper Maribor, MD, 20772, 301-249-8368 DAMS, David, 2316 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DAMS, Kevin, 18 Crescent Rd, Andover, NJ, 07821, 908-852-2499 DAMS, Paul, 9210-I Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 303-452-3233 ,DAMS, Bernard, 4645 E Moccasin Tr!, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DAMS, Randall, 11918 S E Division St #212, Portland, OR, 97266, 503-257-3842 DAMS, Sharon, 5131 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 DAMS, Wendel, 5131 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 DAMS, Willis, 600 Beechwood Ct #E4 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 503-266-4606 DENIYI, Michael, Balogun Compound, Igbope, OYO STATE, W AFRICA 1EBEYO, Daniel, Sluttning Sv 12, 13139 Nacka, Stockholm, SWEDEN ,GUILAR, Roberto, 550 Maplewood Ct #H70, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6791 ,GY, Wendy, 19101 Homer Rd, Marshall, MI, 49068, 616-781-5469 ,ITKEN, Julia, 4212 E Snow Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5476 K RAM , Tahseen, 12103 Walden Woods Dr, Orlando, FL, 32826, 407-281-8892 KY I AN 0, Ampofo, South Ghana Conf Of Sdaaccra, GHANA, 809-962-2204 WARCON, Nidia, 17700 S Western Ave #42, Gardena, CA, 90248, 310-715-6909 WBUOY, Jamal, PO Box Dv 609, Devonshire, DVBX, BERMUDA, 809-293-2598 WDRIDGE, Russell, 3639 Lake Shore Dr, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-774-7743 IEMAN, Santos, 700 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WEXANDER, Judyth, 2903 Hawthorne St, Sarasota, FL, 34239, 813-366-8946 WEXANDER, Pam, 5200 Midway Rd #44, Caldwell, ID, 83605, 402-486-2958 IFEREZ, Luis, Tintamarre Weg 6, Willemstad Curacao, NETHERLAND ANTILLES, 599-096-9093 1FRED, Jude, 3820 Howard, St Hubert, PQ, J3Y 6X4, CANADA, 514-462-1624 WGER, Christopher, 10524 Concord Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WGER, Sallie, 10524 Concord Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1535 WI, Yazmin, 20 Elm St #5D, Elizabeth, NJ, 07208, 908-355-5361 ,CLAN, Shawn, 814 Ashland Ave, South Bend, IN, 46616, 219-287-7928 WLEGRETTI, Frances, 511 Wayne St #1, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-983-3043 WLEN, Douglas, 9124 George Ave #15, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ALLEN, Jacqueline, 2438 Irving Dr, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-1342 1LLEN, Patricia, 500 Garland #G7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 809-962-9251 WLEN, Patrick, 500 Garland #G7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6971 WLET, Arielle, 500 Garland #F14, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1LET, Patrice, 8 Lady Twining St, Beau-bassin, MAURITIUS, INDIAN OCEAN, 230-454-1470 ALLEY, Pamela, 20795 Ross Pkwy, Big Rapids, MI, 49307, 616-796-5921 WLRED, Chandra, 8019 Leawood Ln, Downers Grove, IL, 60517, 209-538-3904 WMETER, Gregory, 897 Centerline Rd, Strykersville, NY, 14145, 716-535-7246 WONSO, Eradio, 6301 Candlewick Ct, Sykesville, MD, 21784, 410-795-8628 WPHONSE, Gladys, 4602 Meadowland Dr, Mount Dora, FL, 32757, 407-889-8694 WVAREZ, Daniel, 550 Maplewood Ct #B71, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 402-464-0069 MADOR, Addiel, 711 Aurora Ave, Aurora, IL, 60505, 708-892-1260 MADO R, Aylene, 711 Aurora Ave, Aurora, IL, 60505, 708-892-1260 1MEY, Eugene, PO Box 416, Douglas, MI, 49406, 616-857-1878 kMEY, Michael, PO Box 416, Douglas, MI, 49406, 616-857-1878 1/4MEYAW, David, Box 2010 Ash Town, Kumasi, GHANA, W AFRICA MLOG, Carol, 140 W Abas Ct, Dededo, GU, 96912, 671-632-2461 1/4MUKELE, Chimah, 4315 W Lisbon Ave, Milwaukee, WI, 53208, 414-442-0728 M UN DSO N, Eric, 1214 Cortez, Coral Gables, FL, 33134 ANDERSEN, Sherilyn, 4749 S Gratton, Denair, CA, 95316, 209-632-0790 ANDERSON, Angel, 9161 US 31-33, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1NDERSON, Michael, PO Box 159, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 N DERSON, Carole, 6349 W Saanich Rd, Victoria, BC, V8X 4M6, CANADA ANDERSON, Christine, 24001 44TH Ave W, Mountlake Ter, WA, 98043, 206-774-5357 ANDERSON, Craig, 6734 Blue Grass, Portage, MI, 49002, 616-323-3040 ANDERSON, Daniel, 8786-2 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ANDERSON, Duane, 5520 Faculty Dr, PO Box 68, Cedar Lake, MI, 48812, 517-427-3271 ANDERSON, Joyce, 9400 Hartland Rd, Fenton, MI, 48430, 810-750-7429 ANDERSON, Judith, 325 Parkway St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-1398 ANDERSON, Julian, 4761 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ANDERSON, Kenneth, 1810 Metzerott Rd #A7, Adelphi, MD, 20783, 301-431-1849 ANDERSON, Laraine, 1476 Stark Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-791-9378 ANDERSON JR, Lewis, Rt 3 Box 44C, Dodge Center, MN, 55927 ANDERSON, Marilyn, 3411 Willow Lk Dr #209, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008, 616-372-7816 ANDERSON, Marsena, 4 Roosevelt PI, Monticello, NY, 12701, 914-794-4350 ANDREWS, Daniel, 9170 US 31 W, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 605-256-3574 ANDRIAMIARISOA, Jane, Mont Fertile New Grove, MAURITIUS, INDIAN OCEAN ANDRIAMIARISOA, Ralaitsiralaitsi, 8383 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7154 ANG, Kang-ho, 500 Garland #E I 0, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ANG, Seok-yen, 500 Garland #A I I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6820 ANLOAGUE, Philip, 1100 Woodknolls Dr, W Carrollton, OH, 45449, 513-859-6780 ANNIS, Lonnie, 8962-1 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ANTHONY, Sara, 2636 Woodgate Ln, Sarasota, FL, 34231, 813-921-6040 ANTHONY, Sheila, 550 Maplewood Ct #E6 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 504-473-1595 ANTONIO, Ron, 4769 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1046 AOKI, Nobuyuki, 356-2 Okabe Shida-gun, Shizuoka, JAPAN, 421-11, 800-525-9192 APPLEDORN, Kathy, 4616 Wimbleton Way, Kalamazoo, MI, 49009, 616-344-9105 ARANT, Sandra, 7282 Redarrow Hwy, Watervliet, MI, 49098 ARATAKE, Nanae, 2-84 Kumano-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima, JAPAN ARIAS, Etmny, 217 #A Palmeto Dr, Alhambra, CA, 91801, 818-576-2325 ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth, 5847 Day Rd, Cincinnati, OH, 45252, 513-385-1341 ARVIDSON, Cynthia, 8698 N Ridge, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ASALI, Christine, JI Pemuda #63, Bukittinggi Sumbar, INDONESIA, 019-324-5897 ASAMOAH, Amofah, PO Box 3675, Kumasi, GHANA, W AFRICA ASHLEY, Michael, 5313 Saddle Lane, Fair Oaks, CA, 95628, 916-989-0301 ASPILLA, Arnilisa, 32 Matterdale Ave, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4H9, CANADA, 416-457-8889 ASTACIO, Litzie, Lamilagrosa St #B9, Fajardo, PR, 00738, 809-863-0029 AUDAIN, Lavida, Phillips Village, St Kitts, W INDIES, 809-465-6697 AUST, Deanne, 8960 E Beechwood Dr, Arcadia, IN, 46030, 317-984-7502 AUSTIN, Darice, 810 Northwood Dr, South Bend, IN, 46617, 219-234-9215 AUSTIN, Lisa, 810 Northwood, South Bend, IN, 46617, 219-234-9215 AUSTIN, Rhoda, 9846-9 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AVALOS, Felipe, 7975 Audubon Ave #104, Alexandria, VA, 22306, 703-768-3686 AVANT, Cheri, PO Box 307, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AVELLONE, Amanda, 1 Pointer Ln, Saint Louis, MO, 63124, 314-997-4063 AVERY, Kevin, A-5953 144TH Avenue, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-392-6101 AVERY, Tonya, A-5953 144TH Ave, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-392-6101 AXELBERG, Eric, 19535 Johnson Road, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-291-2726 AXELL, Ronee, 9766-9 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AYALIN, Romeo, 832 Paris, San Francisco, CA, 94112, 415-337-1723 AZEVEDO, Joaquim, 500 Garland #616, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 B BACHELLER, Joann, 430 S Cass, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BADDUKE, Deanna, RR #1, South River, ON, POA I XO, CANADA, 705-386-0158 BADGERO, Douglas, 10139 Castner Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5289 BADILLO, Eric, 9217 Mintwood St, Silver Spring, MD, 20901, 301-585-7144 BADINA, Joel, 56 Rue Bergson, 4200 Saint Etienne, FRANCE BAER-BARKLEY, Karen, 52264 Dorchester Ct, Granger, IN, 46530, 219-271-9322 BAILEY, Albert, 2810 E Ray Dr, Zanesville, OH, 43701 BAILEY, Eva, 2810 E Ray Dr, Zanesville, OH, 43701, 614-453-5975 BAILEY, Rikard, 500 Garland #E3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BAINBRIDGE, Sara, 24 William Lane, Sandwich, IL, 60548, 815-786-6566 BAIRAGEE, Milton, Bas Gowalbathan, Kaliakordacca, BANGLADESH BAJSANSKI, Gordana, 8883 1/2 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BAK, Brian, 3565 Glendale Place, Niagara Falls, ON, L2J 2W1, CANADA, 905-356-4070 BAKER, Carla, 1100 Maplegrave Dr, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-453-2989 BAKER, Connie, 800 River Pass, Madison, TN, 37115, 615-865-5326 BAKKE, Barry, 16359 Woods Valley Rd, Valley Center, CA, 92082, 619-749-3934 BALDUFF, Lidija, 536 Fairgrounds Rd, Mount Vernon, OH, 43050, 614-392-0150 BALDUFF, Nora, 536 Fairgrounds Rd, Mount Vernon, OH, 43050, 614-392-0154 BALDWIN, Allen, 9846-25 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BALDWIN, Emmanuel, 9766-35 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BALDWIN, Mark, 4528 E Tudor Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BALDWIN, Paulette, 3518 Glenwood Rd, Brooklyn, NY, 11210, 809-642-3378 BANAAG, Danilo, 1120 Piccadilly Rd, Kalamazoo, MI, 49006, 163-449-3668 BANAAG, Elizabeth, 11210 Piccadilly Rd, Kalamazoo, MI, 49006, 616-349-3668 BANDRINGA, Joan, 8527 W Loveland Ln, Palos Park, IL, 60465, 708-430-0729 BANKS, Keith, 5510 C R 173, Cardington, OH, 43315, 419-947-4108 BANKS, Robert, 4351 Rabbit Foot Ln, Richmond, VA, 23236 BARBOTT, Todd, 7196 Evans Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-6175 BARKER, Joanne, 238 S Osprez Ave, Sarasota, FL, 34236, 813-952-1958 BARLONGO, Roy, 10910 Alexander Ave, Lynwood, CA, 90262, 310-635-4517 BARNES, Pollyanna, 4969 Appian Way, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BARNHURST, Darlene, 10204 Castner Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BARNHURST, Loren, 10204 Castner Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1613 BARNUM, Laurie, 33 Bradstreet Rd #10, Centerville, OH, 45459, 513-435-5068 BARRETT, Jean, 4936 Bunyon St, Sarasota, FL, 34232, 813-377-6939 BARRON, Cheri, 7598 Deans Hill Rd, Berrien Center, MI, 49102 BARTHELEMY, Reginald, 213 N Val Verde #42, Keene, TX, 76059, 817-558-9721 BARTSCH, Gem, 1930 Portage Ave, South Bend, IN, 46616 BAUER, Stephen, 6483 Hochberger Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-3615 BAUMAN, Jeannie, 9766-2 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1203 BAUMGARTNER, Erich, 5586 Deans Hill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BAUTISTA, Brian, 7 Thomas Henry Rd, Thornhill, ON, L4J 6H9, CANADA, 905-738-8027 BAUWENS, Nicki, 1025 W 7TH, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-259-3038 BAYLEY, Matthew, 2805 Lakeland, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BAYNE, Carla, 22 Bp 1764, Abidjan 22, IVORY COAST, W AFRICA BAZILE, John, 9162 Woodland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1942 BEAL, Carol, 4716 Kimber Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEAL, Orville, 4716 Kimber Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEALL, Peter, 1376 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEALL, Susanna, 1376 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEAMAN, Priscilla, 4762 Greenfield St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEAN, Christina, 200 Main St, West Paris, ME, 04289, 207-674-2215 BEARDSLEY, Mark, 2552 Ridgewood Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5053 BECKETT, Alisa, 3 Buttonwood Dr, Long Valley, NJ, 07853, 201-852-3578 BECKFORD, Effieter, 600 Beechwood Ct #A50, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEDEAU, David, 249 Martense St, Brooklyn, NY, 11226, 718-693-8422 BEDNEY, Elynda, 422 W Ferry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEDNOWICZ, Therese, 811 G Lane # I C, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-295-1134 BEEBE, Jan, 1502 Jackson-Keller, #12A, San Antonio, TX, 78213, 210-340-3713 BEESON, Sarly, 5219 E Broadway, Mt Pleasant, MI, 48858 BEHNKE, Teri, 4270 Miller Rd, Emmett, MI, 48022, 810-395-7083 BELL, Angelique, 1129 Hurd St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-6384 BELL, Emily, 9955 Plank Rd, Montville, OH, 44064, 216-968-3105 BELL, Kimberly, 114 I 0 Jones Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5929 BELL, Margaret, 114 10 Jones Rd Suite A, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BELL, Natasha, 11410 Jones Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BELMONTES, Vince, #110 Clifton Hill, Point Fortin, TRINIDAD, W INDIES, 809-648-2192 BELTRE DE LEON, Luis, Hco-3 Box 20367, Sector Cuchi I, 000612, Arecibo, PR BENFIELD, Cherish, 210 E Walnut, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-920-0438 BENGGON, Jenus, PO Box 11125, 88812 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, E MALAYSIA BENKO, Ester, 600 Beechwood Ct #E49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BENKO, Josip, 334 Dale Dr #13, Addison, IL, 60101, 708-628-6861 BENNETT, Garry, Yarmouth Woods #S-5, Yarmouth, ME, 04096, 207-846-2348 BENNETT, Katina, N3588 Cnty Rd J, Rockland, WI, 54653, 608-486-2916 BENNETT, Robert, 192 Ett Brown Rd, Deer Lodge, TN, 37726, 615-863-5337 BERECZ, Lamont, 6211 Pokagon Rd #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3915 BERGHAUS, Susan, 900 N 7TH Ave, Maywood, IL, 60153, 708-681-3885 BERGSTROM, Ryan, 720 Northview Cir, Lebanon, TN, 37087, 615-449-2845 BERLIN, Jamie, 10533 Hillpoint, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BERMINGHAM, Susan, 521 Retreat Ln N, Powell, OH, 43065, 614-885-9104 BERNAL, Richard, 2808 Polaris, Caldwell, ID, 83605, 208-454-1793 BERNARD, Chad, G5268 Fenton Rd, Flint, MI, 48507, 810-232-6685 BERNARD, Michael, G-5268 Fenton Rd, Flint, MI, 48507, 810-232-6685 BERNARD, Roger, 1811 1/2 Robert St, New Orleans, LA, 70115, 504-891-9835 BERRY, Michael, 5643 Fairview Ave, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-8293 BESSING, Joseph, PO Box 4983, Yaounde, CAMEROON BETAT, Olaf, 12319 Range Line Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BEYKE, James, 1350 Chestnut #A, Tipp City, OH, 45371, 513-667-0471 BIELAS, Mary, 8905 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BIELAS, Stephanie, 8905 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1718 BIGFORD, Robyn, 8677 Meadowlark Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2307 BIGFORD, Bradley, 565 Columbus Ave, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-6008 BIKICKI, Sofia, 801 Mitchell Rd, Kelowna, BC, V I X 3W4, CANADA BIRAI, Absalom, PO Box 17203, Nairobi, KENYA, AFRICA BIRD, Helen, PO Box 17224, Red Bank, TN, 37415, 615-870-2796 BISHOP, Erica, 132 Oden, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-8589 BISHOP, Shanna-Lee, 291 Darcy St, Oshawa, ON, L I G 6W7, CANADA, 905-723-8587 BLACKHAM, Billie, 48 S 300 E, Price, UT, 84501, 801-748-2843 BLACKWELL, Preston, 7400 Black Oak Circle, Stilwell, KS, 66085, 913-681-2210 BLAIR, Kevin, PO Box N3329, Nassau, BAHAMAS, 809-325-7869 BLAKE, Abigail, West Bay Po, Grand Cayman, B W I, 809-949-3469 BLAKE, Brendon, 3525 E Tonto Ln, Phoenix, AZ, 85024 BLAKE, Paul, 4858-2 Kimber Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 319-395-0909 BLAKE, Sharon, 500 Garland #D1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BLAKELY II, Jerry, 4770 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BLAKELY, Melodie, 4770 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BLEVINS, April, 7560 5 Durand Rd, Durand, MI, 48429, 517-288-3731 BLOOM, Rosalie, 10406 E Minnesota Ave, Galesburg, MI, 49053, 616-665-7012 BOBELENYI-ZIMMERLE, Jenn, 6224 Beechwood Ct, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-3466 BOGLE, Denise, 12460 SW 190 Terr, Miami, FL, 33177, 305-255-4784 BOHN, Rosalie, 10486 S 34TH St, Vicksburg, MI, 49097, 616-626-8593 BOKICH, Benjamin, 192 Allamuchy Rd, Andover, NJ, 07821, 908-852-9575 BOLDT, Stacie, 56460 Cowling Rd, Three Rivers, MI, 49093, 616-279-2087 BOLE, John, 59160 Cr II, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-875-8611 BOLEN, Anne, 3280 Sundale Rd, Columbus, OH, 43232, 614-837-5583 BOLIN, Ronald, 666 St Joseph Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BOLLINGER, Patrice, 4810 S 72ND, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-489-1011 BOLO, Suzanne, PO Box 56096, Nairobi, KENYA, AFRICA BOLOTNIKOV, Alexander, 252186 Martirosyana Str8#46, 252186, Kiev, UKRAINE BOLOTNIKOVA, lryna, 550 Maplewood Ct #G69, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BONILLA, Rafael, Margarita E-49 Valencia, Bayamon, PR, 00959, 809-786-3405 BONNICK, Jacqueline, 600 Beechwood Ct #E48, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BORCHARDT, Anna, 8952 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BORG, Brenda, 4669 N Pine Tree Rd, Oneida, WI, 54155, 414-434-3495 BORSOS, Erika, 7416 Bounty Dr, Sarasota, FL, 34231 BORTON, David, 5093-2 W Bluff View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3100 BORTON, Dennis, 8826 George St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3100 BOURGEOIS, Jessica, 101 S Bluff St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 312-232-9728 BOWARD, Mark, 10979 M-140, Niles, MI, 49120 BOWEN, Trent, 8718 Elizabeth Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-9079 BOWER, Sarleen, 1670 N Jones Road, Pewamo, MI, 48873, 517-593-3430 BOWES, Richard, 2133 Howard Ave, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, 509-525-5700 BOWMAN, Sherry, 11072 Berry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 813-453-9424 BOYD, Bruce, RR 1 Site H Compt 8, Hazelton, BC, VOJ 1YO, CANADA, 604-842-6877 BOYD, Tisha, 18 Walt's Hill, Bloomfield, CT, 06002, 203-243-1049 BOYER, Martha, 257 Wagon Wheel Ln, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-962-5957 BRACKETT, Adelaide, PO Box 10331, K Kinabalu 88803, Sabah, E MALAYSIA BRADFIELD, Derek, 405 W Union St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BRADFORD, Stephanie, 30 Marquis Road, Trenton, NJ, 08638, 609-883-0084 BRAINARD, Dale, 51737 Trowbridge Ln, South Bend, IN, 46637, 219-277-6651 BRANNER II, Arthur, 600 Beechwood Ct #G4 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BRANNER, Esmie, 600 Beechwood Ct #G4 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BRATCHER, Greg, PO Box 3730, Silver Spring, MD, 20918 BRAUER, Jonathan, In 679 Harley Rd, Elburn, IL, 60119, 708-232-6901 BRAUN, Dennis, Box 3208, Lacombe, AB, TOC ISO, CANADA BRAY, Darren, 17947 Hanson Blvd, Andover, MN, 55304, 612-434-8417 BREDALL, Laura, 3720 SE Palmire Ct, Hillsboro, OR, 97123, 503-648-4751 BRENNEN, Barrington, 500 Garland #G8, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BRESEE, Mark, 525 Elizabeth Crest Rd, Chattanooga, TN, 37421, 615-899-7941 BRICKER, Cori, W11337 Van Buren Rd, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-4122 BRITTIAN, Donald, 600 Beechwood Ct #D41, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BRODIE, Kenneth, 46820 Pontiac TrI, Walled Lake, MI, 48390, 313-624-4126 BRONKEMA, Lucille, 1058 4TH St NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-459-7819 BROOKS, Christopher, 11246 Bridlewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BROWN, Douglas, 319 Justina, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-325-0937 BROWN, Ian, 5715 Creekbend, Houston, TX, 77096, 713-729-7704 BROWN, Keri, 1301 Pleasant Dr, W Des Moines, IA, 50260, 515-225-3550 BROWN, Lary, 4156 Maple St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BROWN, Leroy, 3273 Richfield Ct, Flint, MI, 48506, 313-789-4551 BROWN, Natalie, RR 12 Box 96 Ste 17, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 5E3, CANADA, 807-767-5826 BROWN, Tonya, 600 Beechwood Ct #D5 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BROWNE, Charlene, 50 Sterling St, Hartford, CT, 06112, 203-247-5507 BROWNING, Paul, 1234 Zoschile, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-849-2420 BRUHN, David, 506 Onondaga Rd, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-2548 BRUNDAGE, Thomas, 13168 Sam Hill Ln, Fenton, MI, 48430, 313-750-0676 BRUNTZ, Edward, 9022 US 31 #12, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 414-434-2341 BRYAN, William, 137 Fox Chase Rd, Asheville, NC, 28804, 704-645-7230 BRYANT, Matthew, 16306 Alderwood Ln, Bowie, MD, 20716, 301-249-3139 BRYANT, Patricia, SDA Mission PO Box 294 Freetown, Sierra Leone, W AFRICA BRYSON, Jeanette, PO Box 1375, S Lancaster, MA, 01561, 508-368-2711 BUAHIN, Yaw, Oo Box 302, Sunyani, GHANA, AFRICA BUCHHOLZ, Kathie, 8687 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BUCKWHEAT, Brian, 512 1/2 Winchester Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-982-7033 BUDD, Dustin, N2390 Duborg Rd, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-4813 BUFORD, Deborah, 4162 H Dr S, East Leroy, MI, 49051, 616-979-9512 BUNDASH, Christine, 52 Lincoln St, Cokeburg, PA, 15324, 412-945-6048 BUONFIGLIO, Michele, Carretera Via Salom, 13-3205-A Partado, Nirgua, VENEZUELA 3205 BURCH, Claredon, PO Box Cr 323, Hamilton, BERMUDA, CRBX, 809-293-8160 BURDEN, Jeremy, 9 Woodland Rd, Freeport, ME, 04032, 207-688-4909 BURGESS, Roland, 1901 Armond Ln, Silver Springs, MD, 20905, 301-421-9105 BURGESS, James, 14 Galloway Dr, Sherwood Pk, AB, T8A 2L8, CANADA, 403-464-6393 BURGHART, Janelle, 6145 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-6145 BURGHART, Jason, 6145 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-6145 BURNETT JR, Harvey, 13240 Ward, Detroit, MI, 48227 BURNS, Gary, 8564 Westwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BURNS, Marie, 2550 Argus Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546, 616-942-8767 BURNS, Monica, 2550 Argus Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546, 616-942-8767 BURNS, Wendy, 6574 Partridge PI, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-396-7601 BURRILL, Jennifer, 14308 Ravenwood Ln, Tampa, FL, 33618, 813-960-2869 BURTON, Larry, 1200 Eagle Lake Dr #206, Slidell, LA, 70460, 504-863-2732 BUSH, Durrick, General Delivery, West Bay, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLAND, B WI BUTLER, Brenda, Rt 2 Box 31, Knoxville, IA, 50138, 515-842-3324 BUTLER, Lori, 9766-47 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BUTLER, Marie, 9036 N Main St #15, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BUTLER, Tequin, 9766-41 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 BUTTLER, David, Box 506, College Heights, AB, TOC OZO, CANADA, 403-782-3887 BYILINGIRO, Hesron, B P 367, Kigali, RWANDA BYRD, Carlton, 2309 Stonebrigde Dr, Orange Park, FL, 32065, 904-276-3742 C CAAGBAY, Elda, 8013 NW 101 St, Oklahoma, OK, 73162, 405-720-7665 CABALLERO, Eduin, 8772-1 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CABRERA, Rachel, 37-35 85 St #34, Jackson Hgts, NY, 11372, 718-424-1585 CALANDRA, Enrique, 1506 Gilome Ave, Nueva Helvecia, Colonia, URUGUAY, S AMERICA CALDWELL III, Harry, 160 Birdie Ave, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-6455 CALLA, Fredelyn, 6618 N Olney St, Indianapolis, IN, 46220, 317-255-1760 CAMARATA, Daniel, Conjunto Residensial, La Trinidad Guarita#3-6, Caracas, VENEZUELA CAMARGO, Jonathan, Calle San Jose #86-150 El Trigal, Valencia, VENEZUELA, 584-142-5891 CAMBRIDGE, Robert, 59 Fairview Blvd, Hempstead, NY, 11550, 516-485-5989 CAMPBELL, Amy, 4618 Kimber Ln #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 512-991-4581 CAMPBELL, Andre, 1062 Roxie Ln, Cincinnati, OH, 45224, 513-522-0401 Addresses AMPBELL, Dayna, 7102 Hiawassee Bent CI, Orlando, FL, 32818, 407-295-4746 AMPBELL, Fritz, 55 Castlefall Rd NE, Calgary, AB, T3J I M8, CANADA, 403-293-5380 AMPBELL, Lane, 9350 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Chrsti, TX, 78418 AMPBELL, Lisa, 290 Thayer Ct #2, Benton Harbor, Ml, 49022, 616-934-8045 AMPBELL, Raymond, 374 Tamarack Dr, Timmins, ON, P4N 6R5, CANADA, 705-265-3482 AMPBELL, Scott, PO Box 663, Freeport, ME, 04032, 207-865-6530 AMPBELL, Sheila, 1739 Youngs Rd, Orleans, MI, 48865, 616-761-3983 AMPBELL, Verla-Dawne, 8688 Meadowlark Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AMPOLI, Paul, 312 Park Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AMPOMANES, Ildefonso, 2504 Little Hills Ln, Louisville, KY, 40223, 502-245-3115 AMPOS, Rosemary, 410 Anita June Ct, Chula Vista, CA, 91911, 619-422-1585 ANALE, Silvia, 8796 E Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ANTRELL, Wanda, 8872 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1091 APINA, Elmer, 5320 Marion Ct, Saginaw, MI, 48603, 517-790-0687 ARAKER, Sharron, 503 Meras, Chadron, NE, 69337 ARBONELL, Nancy, 2807 E Snow Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9068 ARBONELL, Roberto, 2807 E Snow Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ARDELLI, Nathaniel, 2628 W Glenlord, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-4061 ARDONA, Cindy, 141 Edmund Seager Dr, Thornhill, ON, L4J 4S8, CANADA, 905-764-7452 ARDONA, Todd, PO Box 39, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5089 AREY, Catherine, 4527 Townhall Rd, Janesville, WI, 53546, 608-868-3766 AREY, Jack, 60 Webb Road, Watsonville, CA, 95076, 408-724-8715 AREY, Setsuko, 215 28 Sasanodai, Asahi-ku, Yokohama, 241, JAPAN ARLSON, Nathan, 1118 N Dewitt, Bay City, MI, 48706, 517-686-1531 ARNEGIE, Stephen, 3 Sorrento St, Worcester, MA, 01602, 508-753-1053 ARRE, Nadege, 3513 Chesnut Ave, Chicago, IL, 60429, 708-335-1022 ARRINGTON, Cathy, 7084 Bluestar HWY DI, Coloma, MI, 49038, 616-849-1384 ARRION, Anthony, 01062 3850 St, Bloomingdale, MI, 49026, 616-521-3232 ARRION, Jennifer, 01062 3850 St, Bloomingdale, MI, 49026, 616-628-5420 ARTER-BAKER, Susan, 522 River Rd, Paw Paw, MI, 49079, 616-657-2944 ASEY, David, 3390 W Bertrand Rd, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-695-0494 ASIMIR, Rosemane, 4 Woodland Ct #202, Laurel, MD, 20707, 301-725-5639 ASPER, Penni, 1391 Pontiac Rd, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-1568 ASTILLO, Christine, 8695 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ASTILLO, Claudia, 2125 53RD St, Sarasota, FL, 34234, 813-355-7820 ASTILLO, Sandra, 700 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ASTILLO, Saul, 5709 Briarwood Ln, Bakersfield, CA, 93309, 805-836-9138 ASTRO, Suzanne, 34 Eldorado Acres, Hurricane, WV, 25526, 304-757-8649 ASTRONOVO, Maria, 2801 Lakeshore Dr, Michigan City, IN, 46360 ASWELL, Tina, 3570 Carmody Rd, Owosso, MI, 48867, 517-723-3655 ASWELL, Todd, 3570 Carmody Rd, Owosso, MI, 48867, 517-723-3655 ATHELL, Kirsten, 24584 Loma Vista Dr, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 909-796-0326 AULKER, Richard, Flat 11 Appleton House 76 London Rd, Reading Rg I 5AU, ENGLAND AVINESS, Linda, 3712 Parktree Ct, Concord, CA, 94519, 510-676-5841 ECIL, Georgia, 5054 Wallingford, Comstock Park, MI, 49321, 616-784-2955 ELESTIN, Joanne, 7 Hartland Ave, Huntingtn Sta, NY, 11746, 516-673-9848 ERTO, Tina, 24470 Olde Orchard, Novi, MI, 48375, 313-476-7143 HABOT, Jill, 132 Rickers Bay Rd, Neenah, WI, 54956, 414-722-8483 HABOT, Rebecca, 132 Rickers Bay Rd, Neenah, WI, 54956 HADWICK, Barbara, 1215 Honeysuckle Dr, Keene, TX, 76059, 817-641-5653 HAE, Young-suk, 231-8 Huksukdong, Dong Sak Gu, Seoul, S KOREA, 156-071 HALLENGER, Christopher, PO Box 6235, Christiansted, St Croix, VI, 00823, 809-773-3058 HAMBERS, Amy, 11100 Evergreen Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2482 HAMBERS, Andrew, 1004 Yeardley Ln, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-259-4755 HAMBERS, Melody, 11100 Evergreen Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2482 HAMBERS, Ryan, 12605 Carngton Hill Dr, Gaithersburg, MD, 20878, 301-869-7922 HAN, Yan, Block D9 Taman Hing Leemile 3 Labuk Rd, Sandakan Sabah, MALAYSIA HANDLER, Patricia, 7200 Badger Dr, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-421-1691 HANG, Grace, 836 Revere Vlg Ct, Dayton, OH, 45458, 513-433-8077 HANG, Jason, 97 Queens Park Cres, Winnipeg, MB, R3P I Z8, CANADA, 204-488-6206 HANG, Ji, 23 Dwight Ave, Spring Valley, NY, 10977, 914-352-5471 HANG, Keith, 920 Quellette Ave #1108, Windsor, ON, N9A I C8, CANADA, 519-254-1361 HANG, Nicole, RR I Box I I 2C, Dewittville, NY, 14728, 716-753-2485 HANG, Yoonho, 7506 Kilbourn Ave, Skokie, IL, 60076, 708-940-1074 HAO, Carrie, 7F No 57 Li-chun Rd, Hsiao-kang, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, R 0 C HAPA, Suki, 8871-2 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-766-2291 HAPMAN, Gwendolyn, 237 8TH St, Plainwell, MI, 49080, 616-685-6200 HAPMAN, Jennifer, 422 Justina, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-887-0512 HARLES, Elsie, 4445 Scenic Lake Dr, Orlando, FL, 32808, 407-290-8230 HEARS, Rosetta, 364 Waverly Dr, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-2752 HEN, Ching, 439 Hillgrove Ave #6, Hinsdale, IL, 60521 HEN, Yung, Wei-kuo St 106, Lane 5 #47, Tainan, TAIWAN, R 0 C HENG, Po, Av Nunez De Caceres 461, Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 809-565-2534 HENG, Yin-tzu, 212 Pa-teh 1ST Rd, Kaohsiung, 800, TAIWAN, R 0 C HEPTOO, George, PO Box 949, Eldoret, KENYA HERY, Reginald, 549 Bergen Street #2R, Brooklyn, NY, 11217, 718-398-6578 HI, Jerry, PO Box 3 Yu-chih, Nantou County, TAIWAN, R 0 C HI, Liang-tien, #8 Lane 280 Nan Kung Styung Kang, Tainan County, TAIWAN, R 0 C HI, Michael, 10317 NE Hoyt St, Paragon Plaza #8, Portland, OR, 97220, 503-257-2866 HIBENDE, Mwewa, Solusi College, Pb T-5399, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE HIKWEKWE, Stanley, Box 378 Mogoditshane, Gaborone, BOTSWANA, AFRICA HILDERS, Carrie, RR I Box I95G, Moberly, MO, 65270, 816-263-0447 HILSON, Carrie, 13723 Shannon Ave, Laurel, MD, 20707, 301-490-0132 HILSON, Kimberly, 8876 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5077 HILUME, Ndiko, 5720 Ogden Rd, Bethesda, MD, 20816, 301-229-2923 HITAYA, Chosani, Box 300 M, Mzuzu, MALAWI HITTICK, George, C/o J Kubinic, RR 2 Three Hills, AB, TOM 2A0, CANADA HITTICK, Thomas, 3829 W Valleyview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HO, Susan, 9807 Nadine St, Temple City, CA, 91780, 213-283-4783 HOE, Judy, 8892-1 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-473-1277 HOI, Hyemee, 513 Imlex Ave NE, Renton, WA, 98056, 206-228-8622 HOI, Kyungsoo, 4112 Landings Ln, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 HOI, Sam, 513 Index Ave NE, Renton, WA, 98056, 206-228-8622 HONG, Hui, 9051 Midway #6, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 H00, Hyun, Kwang Ju Bang Lim Deongapt# 1205 Myueg Ti, Kwang Ju, S KOREA CHRISTIANSEN, Peter, 1911 Albemarle Rd 6/K, Brooklyn, NY, 11226, 718-941-1333 CHRISTIE, Panora, 3601 Olinville Ave, Bronx, NY, 10467, 718-231-7669 CHRISTNER, Robert, 1963 E Hinchman Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CHRISTO, Matthew, 4315 Greenbrook Ln, Flint, MI, 48507, 810-767-2361 CHRISTY, Sharon, 103 South C Ave, Maiden, NC, 28650, 704-428-0224 CHU, David, 2461 Lawnshire Dr, Akron, OH, 44321, 216-666-2301 CHUENCHOP, Siriporn, 9846-30 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9416 CHUN, Jung, 66 Crisfield St #3-2, Yonkers, NY, 10710, 914-793-6654 CHUN, Sung, 600 Beechwood Ct #C4 1 , Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CHUNG, Celina, 308 9TH St, Carlstadt, NJ, 07072, 201-507-1772 CHUNG, Daniel, 2562 Tuson Dr # I A, Waterford, MI, 48329, 313-674-5158 CHUNG, Doyoun, 42-58 79TH Elmhurst, Elmhurst, NY, 11373, 718-426-9418 CINCALA, Petr, Pohnertova 1272, Praha, 18202, CZECH REPUBLIC CLARK, Anthony, Rt I Box I 32A, Mc Minnville, TN, 37110, 615-939-2807 CLARK, Jonathan, 113 E Madison, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CLARK, Kimberly, Tell Job, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-395-8553 CLARK, Lynette, 10340 SW 124TH St, Miami, FL, 33176, 305-233-3273 CLARK, Matthew, 608 W Stewart St, Owosso, MI, 48867, 517-725-7535 CLARKE, Lexie, 344 W Indianola Ave, Youngstown, OH, 44511, 216-782-4902 CLARKE-PINE, Dora, 45 Humphreys St, Ft Leonard Wd, MO, 65473 CLAUSEN, Ronnie, Rt 1 Box 1277, Norwalk, WI, 54648, 608-269-7897 CLAYBURN, Jere, 9387 US 31 Lot 192, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2165 CLAYBURN, Jon, 310 N Harrison St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4818 CLAYBURN, Julia, 3968 Sunset Ct #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CLAYTON, Bryan, 20421 Merriman, Livonia, MI, 48152, 313-474-1253 CLEAR, Ron, 4620-2 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CLEM, Dawn, 5584 Cherry Ave, Coloma, MI, 49038, 616-849-1471 CLIFFORD, Scott, 207 Burman Hall, 313-487-7157 CLIFT, Bobbie, 2720 Belaire Dr, Lansing, MI, 48911, 517-487-0991 CLOUTEN, Kirstin, 8695 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4163 CLOUTEN, Lori, 2230 Dewey Ave, Benton Harbor, Ml, 49022, 616-925-9503 CLOUZET, Roberto, Pasteur 407, Va Ldor, San Martin, E Rios, ARGENTINA COAR, Nicole, 419 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7578 COBURN, Pamela, 4885 Pioneer Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COCCO, Kenia, 9089 First St #5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 718-654-4114 COCHRAN, Amber, 1203 Mohawk Lane, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-982-1942 COCHRAN, William, 462 Cornish Ln, Angwin, CA, 94508, 707-965-3830 COCKRUM, Kaleb, 307 Amber St, Caldwell, ID, 83605, 208-454-8473 COELHO, Priscila, Rua Candido Mariano 164, Manaus Amazonas, 69.020-300, BRAZIL, 092-232-8144 COFFY, Jean, 600 Maplewood Ct #E67, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 718-525-2686 COLBURN, Jailyn, PO Box 127, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2265 COLE, Danny, 3074 S 10TH Street, Lebanon, OR, 97355, 503-259-2059 COLE, Henry, 550 Maplewood Ct #F63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COLEMAN, Marga, 1901 Haynes, Birmingham, MI, 48009, 810-642-1136 COLEMAN, Kenneth, 1219 State St, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-983-7942 COLEMAN, Kristin, P 0 Box 493, Clarksville, VA, 23927, 804-374-8193 COLLINS, Delaney, 1515 4TH Ave S #E608, Minneapolis, MN, 55442, 612-341-2133 COLLINS, Jennifer, 9084 Garr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COLLUM JR, William, 1227 W Magnolia Ave, Suite 100, Fort Worth, TX, 76104, 800-880-6274 COMMEY, Daniel, 12622 S Bishop, Chicago, IL, 60643, 708-396-8988 CONFER, Rebecca, 503 Vineyard PI Dr #15, Dowagiac, Ml, 49047 CONN, Mary, 4710 Woodcraft, Okemos, MI, 48864, 517-349-2218 CONNER, Michael, 432 Berkshire Ave, Buffalo, NY, 14215, 716-836-3143 CONNER, Nicholas, N7820 County Rd M, Shiocton, WI, 54170, 414-986-3410 CONNOLLY, Dave, PO Box 100, Savannah, Grand Cayman, B W I, 809-949-4180 CONNOR, Marc, Paulus Potter St #10, St Maarten, NETHERLAND ANTILLES, 706-625-9054 CONSTABLE, Michael, 10163 Rangeline, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COOK, Alyne, 2358 5 Patterson Blvd, Kettering, OH, 45409, 513-643-0378 COOK, Brandon, 40 Henry Rd, Greendell, NJ, 07839, 201-579-5054 COOK, Jennifer, PO Box 131, Greendell, NJ, 07839, 201-579-5054 COOK, Mark, 1612 Baldwin St, Jenison, MI, 49428, 616-457-6868 COOK, Tracy, 500 Garland #E4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COOLEN, Julie-Jayne, RR #2 Hubbards, NS, BOG ITO, CANADA, 902-857-3776 COOLEY, Kathy, 19757 Freeland, Detroit, MI, 48235, 313-862-5597 COOLEY II, Larry, 19757 Freeland, Detroit, MI, 48235, 313-862-5547 COOPER, Lorie, 8680 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COOPER, Timothy, #1 Benson St, PO Box N-7838, Nassau, BAHAMAS, 809-393-2818 COOPER, Veronica, 8865-2 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 COPELAND, Renee, 521 N Bluff St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-6130 COPENHAVER, Lisa, 9451 Saddlebrook Ln #3A, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-433-5348 COPIZ, Danilo, Kappelenring 8, 3032 Hinterkappelen, SWITZERLAND COPIZ, Stefan, Kappelenring 8, Hinterkappelen 3032, SWITZERLAND CORBETT, Kristi, 140 Oak Hill Dr, Moore, SC, 29369, 803-574-7704 CORIA, Anneris, 9124 George Ave #4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CORIA, Artemio, Luis Pasteur 77, 3103 Villa Libertador, San Martin Er-arg CORKUM, Brian, Box 6, Lacombe, AB, TOC ISO, CANADA CORNETTE, Maria, 52 Westwood Dr, Nepean, ON, L2G 2X1, CANADA, 613-225-6542 CORNWALL, Clifton, 3 Homestead Dr, Port Maria Po St Mary, JAMAICA, W INDIES CORPUS, Trish, 20 Ardwold Gate, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 2J8, CANADA, 905-844-1023 CORTES JR, Jose, 1741 Redwood Dr, Vineland, NJ, 08360, 609-691-0806 COSTANGO, Cara, Rd 4 Box 4792, Mohnton, PA, 19540, 610-856-7229 COTE, Douglas, 640 2 Eme Avenue, St Pierre, PQ, GOR 480, CANADA, 418-248-9738 COVARRUBIAS, Laura, 27 Hickory Lane, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-471-5425 COVARRUBIAS, Mary, 4106 N Lincoln, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-852-7064 COVARRUBIAS, Myra, 27 Hickory Ln, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-963-7123 COVEL, Virgil, 1343 Monroe St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022 COVER, Patrick, I Lymmont Rd, Rexdale, ON, M9V 3W5, CANADA, 416-745-4569 COVERT, Barbara, 1687 Brookhouse Cr #219, Sarasota, FL, 34231, 813-966-9139 CRAIG, Kyle, 4610 Lisa Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CRAIG, Lisa, 709 Columbia Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-982-1903 CRAWFORD, Charlotte, 60 Surrey Ln, Pontiac, MI, 48340, 810-340-9313 CRAWFORD, Kelly, 1813 S 9TH St, Richmond, IN, 47374, 317-966-9612 CRAWFORD, William, 30525 M-152, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-424-3045 CREWS, Tiffany, 589 S 6TH St, Macclenny, FL, 32063, 904-259-6461 CRIDER, Curtis, 9846-20 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 Addresses CRISTANCHO, Janice, 4819 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CROSE, Julie, 7521 Godfrey Rd, Godfrey, IL, 62035, 618-466-4018 CROSS, Timothy, 60 Maranatha Circle, Lumberton, MS, 39455, 601-794-2858 CROW, Andrew, 535 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 CROWELL, Frederick, 3306 Belle Meade Dr, Columbia, MO, 65203, 314-442-0820 CRUTTENDEN, Dawn, Rt 3 Box 224, Willow Springs, MO, 65793, 417-469-2109 CULVER, Karen, 405 E French Line Rd, Sandusky, MI, 48471, 313-648-2014 CUNDIFF, Robert, 8696-I N George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 704-568-3540 CURRY, Allan, 19 Bridle Ct, Courtice, ON, LI E 261, CANADA, 905-571-1284 CURTIS, Lisa, 5669 Lake Montclm Rd NE, Edmore, MI, 48829, 517-427-5736 CURTIS, Todd, 5669 Lake Montcalm Rd, Edmore, MI, 48829, 517-427-5736 D DABA, Juliana, 7217 S May, Chicago, IL, 60621, 312-873-8462 DABLAH, Steve, PO Box 91834, Atlanta, GA, 30364, 404-344-0099 DAGEN, Bradley, 1269 Ransford, Muskegon, MI, 49441, 616-798-7570 DALEGOWSKI, David, 4510-1 W Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 707-963-3611 DALENBERG, Sandra, 2921 South 11TH Street, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-7467 DALTON, Sarah, 7902 Ward Blvd, Arpin, WI, 54410, 715-652-3170 DAMAYO, Luz, PO Box 21363, Barrigada, GU, 96921, 671-646-8881 DANA, Denise, 845 Juntura St SE, Salem, OR, 97302, 503-363-5941 DANESE, David, PO Box 263, Slidell, LA, 70459, 601-533-7126 DANIEL, Marlon, PO Box 26026, Christiansted, VI, 00824, 809-773-7139 DANIEL, Ruby, 8689 US 31 #203, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DANIEL, Yasmin, 1185 NW 118TH St, Miami, FL, 33168, 305-685-8548 DANKS, Nicola, 1916 S 9 Mile Rd, Midland, MI, 48640, 517-835-4413 DAQUILA, Romil, 19 Purbrook Ct, Willowdale, ON, M2R 2B6, CANADA DARDEN, Robert, PO Box 18818, Munds Park, AZ, 86017, 602-286-9692 DAS, Steve, 550 Maplewood Ct #H66, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-8487 DAS, Sunith, Far Eastern Division, 800 Thomson Rd, SINGAPORE, 1129 DAVEY, Charles, 7669 Greenback Ln, Citrus Hts, CA, 95610 DAVID, Celeste, 600 Beechwoodd Ct #G48, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DAVID, Dorel, 4630 N Montiello Ave, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-588-3909 DAVID, Gloria, 39 W Ash, Three Oaks, MI, 49128 DAVID, Vincent, Thomasville Bldg ISA, PO Box 10127, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00801, 809-777-7125 DAVIDSON, Caryn, 3238 SE 176TH Place, Portland, OR, 97236, 503-761-6498 DAVIS, Carolyn, 58152 Banyan Cir, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 219-875-5754 DAVIS, Jeremy, 4866 Crestbrook Dr, Waterford, MI, 48328, 810-674-2418 DAVIS, Paul, 388 Ypao Rd, Agana, GU, 96911 DAVIS, Randy, 1410 State St, Ottawa, IL, 61350, 815-434-6911 DAVISON, Mark, 2211 Spansail Dr #21, Niles, MI, 49120 DAY, Dale, 4760 Camdem, Osseo, MI, 49266, 517-567-4427 DAY, Patricia, 16 Heron Court, Plainwell, MI, 49080 DAYAO, Amy, 3015 Hermansau Rd, Saginaw, MI, 48604, 517-752-8359 DAYAO, Michael, 3015 Hermansau, Saginaw, MI, 48604, 517-752-8359 DE LA CRUZ, Ruffino, 4100 College Crest Dr, Los Angeles, CA, 90065, 213-258-2339 DE LA PENA, Gisela, 650 Warburton Ave #3-I, Yonkers, NY, 10701, 914-476-4832 DE LEON, Raquel, 504 N Richmond, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-887-1516 DE OLIVEIRA, Robson, 3 Kate Ter, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, 908-819-4579 DE WIND, Leah, 7701 Polk St, Hudsonville, MI, 49426, 616-875-8061 DEAN, Rosanna, 3003 Southern Blvd, Youngstown, OH, 44507, 216-782-3906 DEAZLE, Catherine, 55 Brookdale Ave, New Rochelle, NY, 10801, 914-636-0726 DEGERATY, Michael, PO Box 2175, Lake Hav City, AZ, 86405, 602-855-6734 DEININGER, Robert, 19839 Vista Hermosa Dr, Walnut, CA, 91789, 909-595-0496 DEJONG, Mary, 1030 Edna SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49507 DELA CRUZ, Arvin, 4872 Lake Chapin Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DELACRUZ, Crister, 4872 Lake Chapin Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DELANEY, Judith, 29 Fullin Rd, Norwalk, CT, 06851, 203-846-4511 DELEEUW, Joan, 1100 Bunkerhill, Kalamazoo, MI, 49009, 616-375-0605 DELERUYELLE, Laura, 1600 I ST Ave W #404A, Bradenton, FL, 34205 DEMARQUES, Hardi, Au Romulo Gallegos, Edif Paraguaipoa 21-7, Caracas, VENEZUELA DEMMA, Michael, 4725-I Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 916-632-9894 DENDA, Della, 3646 E Lemon Creek Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7417 DENNY, Michele, 613 Maplehill Dr, W Carrollton, OH, 45449, 513-859-9003 DENOON, Daniel, 709 Egawa, Kisalazu, Chiba, JAPAN DEPINHO, David, 16705 W 16 C, Culver, IN, 46511, 219-892-6453 DETRA, Heidi, PO Box 202, Elkhorn, WI, 53121, 414-742-4293 DETWEILER, Robert, Rt 1 Box 538, Gentry, AR, 72734, 501-736-2426 DEVLEESCHOWER, Michael, 60573 Whispering Hills, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-299-1939 DEVNICH, Kendall, 3030 W 49TH Ave, Hobart, IN, 46342, 219-947-1459 DEWITT, Julie, 16073 Fish Lake Rd, Holly, MI, 48442, 313-634-0046 DEWITT, Stephen, 1777 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2107 DI DOMENICO, Keith, PO Box 168, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-3811 DIAZ-VAZQUEZ, Domingo, 8980 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DIBIASE, Stephan, 8381 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3195 DICKSON, Kristin, 8862 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DIETRICH, Donna, 51221 Clearwater Ln, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-273-1218 DILLARD, Cherisse, 9766-14 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 513-351-4852 DIMALIBOT, Daisie, 806 Franklin, Westmont, IL, 60559, 312-887-1293 DIMEMMO, Maria, 3220 St Rd, Warrington, PA, 18976, 215-343-4064 DING, Rosemary, 5TH FIr No 20 Ln 81, Chien-kuo N Rd Sec 3, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C DINNING, Patricia, 1514 Nash, Courtice, ON, LIE 2K8, CANADA, 416-725-7733 DIOP, Ganoune, 9026 Sunset Dr #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DIPIETRANTONIO, Tanya, 4 Picnic Hill Rd, Freeport, ME, 04032, 207-865-3171 DIXON, Kimberly, 8990 Nestor, Comstock Park, MI, 49321, 616-887-9339 DIXON, Michael, 8990 Nestor NE, Comstock Park, MI, 49321 DJORDJEVIC, Jovan, Dr Pantica 83, 14000 Valjevo, YUGOSLAVIA DOBIAS, Stanley, 4849-2 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 704-532-9100 DOCKHAM, Heidi, 106 E 3RD St, Keene, TX, 76059, 817-645-8938 DOCTOR, Denise, 7334 Arcola Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, 46818, 219-625-4934 DODD, Paula, 1053 Dunaway St #3, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-866-1621 DODGE JR, Terrence, 1110 Old Post Rd, Grand Ledge, MI, 48837, 517-627-6033 DODGE, Tobin, 1110, Old Post Rd, Grand Ledge, MI, 48837, 517-627-6033 DODSON III, Floridan, 500 Garland #B10, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 717-652-6002 DOLEYRES, Marjorie, 1170 NW 108 Terrace, Miami, FL, 33168, 305-693-8128 DOMBROWSKI, Thomas, 916 E Watson Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85283, 612-838-0614 DOMINGO, Elaine, 2127 Braemar Dr, Fort Wayne, IN, 46804, 219-625-3394 DOMOCMAT, Emelda, 5182 Hale Dr, Troy, MI, 48098, 810-689-4385 DONATO, Beverly, 2752 W Ainslie St, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-275-0334 DONKOR, Kwabena, C/po Box 8103 Tema, GHANA, W AFRICA DONLEY, Thomas, 9766-56 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DONOVAN, Scott, PO Box 9931, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00801, 809-775-2421 DORAIS, Neita, 12830 15 MI Rd, Rodney, MI, 49342, 616-867-3990 DORAN, Eric, 10 Redgate Rd, Attleboro, MA, 02703, 508-761-8966 DORAN, Kevin, 8827 Meadowview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1166 DORNBOS, Cynthia, 1682 Waterbury SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49508, 616-455-8195 DOSUNMU, Ibijoke, PO Box 154, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DOTY, Heidi, 9634 Burgoyne Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DOUGLASS, Amy, 1443 Sargent, Ada, MI, 49301, 616-676-1667 DOWD, Joyce, 5048 N Riverview Dr, Kalamazoo, MI, 49004, 616-344-0228 DOWNS, Daniel, 1507 Davidoff St, Sitka, AK, 99835, 907-747-3405 DRABIK, Mihaly, 2366 Islington Ave #8, Rexdale, ON, M9W 3X3, CANADA, 416-748-3913 DRAKE, Carla, 8715-3 Valleyview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7443 DRAKE, Daniel, 18950 Rockcliff Dr, Rocky River, OH, 44116, 216-356-1050 DRAZEN, Daniel, 3229 Willo, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DREHMEL III, William, 2617 Arabian Ct #3B, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-277-6373 DRESHER, Kimberly, 541 Lewisham Ave, Dayton, OH, 45429, 513-434-4268 DREW, Arlyn, 4798-1 E Ridge, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DREY, Philip, 500 Garland #E8, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 712-792-1482 DRONEN, James, 10830 Ridgewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DRONEN, John, PO Box 565, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-3622 DRONEN, Paula, PO Box 565, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-3622 DRUMM, Rachel, Box 4, Cedar Lake, MI, 48812, 517-427-5525 DU PREEZ, Gerald, Goodhope Conf Of SDA, Private Bag Rybell, Cape 7761, S AFRICA DU PREEZ, Ronald, PO Box 74, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-2648 DUBREUZE, Miriam, 8893 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DUDAS, Barbara, 1747 Indigo Ct, Mt Prospect, IL, 60056, 708-299-8096 DUENSING, Julie, 1765 Edison Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-4477 DUERLER, Keith, 4209 Fowler Dr, Bellbrook, OH, 45305, 513-848-8377 DUFOR, Jacqueline, 9766-28 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DUGE III, John, 680 Pipestone St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-7030 DUGE, John, 680 Pipestone, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022 DUKE, Willie, 1961 Borden St, Youngstown, OH, 44505, 216-747-7174 DUKES, Aristede, 408 Park Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 815-722-4755 DUMAN, Jeffrey, 2015 Morgan Town Rd, Reading, PA, 19607, 215-796-1079 DUMMETT, Holly, .3145 Midland Rd, Saginaw, MI, 48603, 517-799-5160 DUNCAN, Timothy, 8750-2 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 509-529-2454 DUNCAN JR, Willie, 839 Edgecumbe, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-5106 DUNFIELD, Tod, 19 Greenwood Way, Sherwood Pk, AB, T8A OT4, CANADA, 403-464-0072 DUNSTON, David, 1648 Regent St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-687-9232 DUPERTUIS, Eunice, 4997 Pioneer Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DUPIT, Dawn, 145 Somerset Rd, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-323-0651 DURAN, Francy, 89 Pennacook Drive, Leominster, MA, 01453, 508-534-6924 DUST, Margaret, 215 Greiving St, Dyer, IN, 46311, 219-865-1416 DYBDAHL, Paul, 9126 Woodland Dr #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DYCZKO, Timothy, 19470 Staffordshire, South Bend, IN, 46637, 219-272-4248 DYSINGER, John, 8865 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 714-797-9398 E EADDY, Lavel, 2400 Walton Ave, Bronx, NY, 10468 EARLE-SMITH, Rosalind, 318 Porter Dr, Englewood, OH, 45322, 513-832-2920 EASTER, Sean, 1522 Jerome St, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-335-3398 EBIKO, Akihito, 1-6-5 Shimizu, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167, JAPAN EDGECOMBE, Paula, 536 Providence, Deltona, FL, 32725, 407-574-4665 EDLER, Barbara, 3212 Fitchville River, Wakeman, OH, 44889, 216-839-2922 EDLER, Becky, 3212 Fitchville Rv Rd, Wakeman, OH, 44889, 216-839-2922 EDSELL, Londa, 7117 Eaton Hwy, Lansing, Ml, 48906, 517-627-1749 EDWARDS, Avonelle, Estate Tutu 46-129, St Thomas, VI, 00802, 809-779-2670 EDWARDS, Christopher, 1433 Orchard Dr, Brookings, SD, 57006 EDWARDS, Duane, 2336 W Oakdale St, Philadelphia, PA, 19132, 215-223-1877 EDWARDS, Sherry, 25643 Sun Ave, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 909-796-2336 EDWARDS, Winston, 550 Maplewood Ct #E69, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 EGGERS, Marilyn, 136 Zits Road, La Silva Beachca, 95076 EISELE, Cynthia, 8192-2 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 602-749-2695 EKKENS, Kathleen, 210 S Harrison, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 EKLUND, Ingrid, 4622 Timberland Dr #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 EL-HAJ, Ramez, 78-79 Main St, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00801, 901-775-2426 ELCOCK, Myrna, Lorraine Village #25H, Frederiksted, VI, 00841, 809-773-0977 ELDRIDGE, Jamie, 8971 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ELIUK, Brett, 13326 Foxboro Ct, Plymouth, MI, 48170, 313-453-5236 ELLECOM, Daniella, 208 Robin Dr, Romeoville, IL, 60441, 815-886-0221 ELLIOTT, Allen, PO Box 2448, Kingshill, St Croix, US VI, 00851, 809-772-1847 ELLIOTT, Erma, 8734-1 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3906 ELLIOTT, Lester, 8734-I Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 ELLIS, Pamela, 4775 Ashton Rd, Sarasota, FL, 34233, 813-921-3821 EMDE, Jeffrey, Rt 1 Box 65A, New Salem, ND, 58563, 701-843-7777 EMERSON, Laurel, 201 W Fulton #1114, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503, 616-456-7715 ENGEL, Lori, 4598-2 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ENGLAND, Michael, 21931 Pine Hollow Ln, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-271-7170 ERBEN, Andreas, 550 Maplewood Ct #D70, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ERICKSON, Jennifer, 6315 Poorman Rd, Battle Creek, Ml, 49017, 616-962-8932 ERICKSON, Jonathan, 6315 Poorman Rd, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-962-8932 ERICKSON, Rhonda, 9124 George Ave #24, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 ESCAMILLA, Herbie, 3547 Prairie Ave, Brookfield, IL, 60513, 708-387-9476 ESDAILLE, Marlene, Zozomorean Dr #12, Cole Bay, ST MAARTEN, N CARIBBEAN ESPER-BOWEN, Diana, PO Box 857, New Buffalo, MI, 49117, 616-469-1904 Addresses SPINOSA, Daniel, Jose Reyes #509, Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC SPINOSA, Roberto, 300 Claymoor 3F, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-325-9849 VANS, Lisa, 1859 Loma Linda St, Sarasota, FL, 34239, 813-955-4020 VANS, Lynice, 4796-2 Kimber Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 VANS, Tommy, 4796-2 Kimber Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9562 VERETT, Becky, 6713 284TH St NW, Stanwood, WA, 98292, 206-629-9792 VOY, Robert, 9387 US Hwy 31 Lot 185, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-238-8356 WARD, Gayle, 275 5 Main, Rockford, MI, 49341 WBANK, Stacy, 6640-7 Greenbranch Dr, Centerville, OH, 45459, 513-439-5697 WING, Theodore, 750 Tall Oaks #12100G, Blacksburg, VA, 24060, 703-951-8442 WOO, Hannah, 212 S Cass St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9306 .ZINGA, Joan, 3435 Zion Rd, Jackson, MI, 49201 F AATZ, Sharon, 600 Beechwood Ct #B45, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ADELEY, Phyllis, 301 Park Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AIRBANK, Hans, RR I Box 557, Queensbury, NY, 12804, 518-761-6880 ANCHER, Vanessa, 9999 Tellico Dr, PO Box 1928, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-9423 AQIR, Tahir, 3 Railway Rd Univ Town Peshawar, 339, PAKISTAN ARAH, Mary, 500 Garland #E27, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ARAH, Raja, Mid East Col Box 90481 Beirut, LEBANON ARIA-FREIRE, Delmar, Estr, Itapelerica 6740, S Paulo Sp, BRAZIL ARR, Spencer, 5034 B Hearn Rd, Scottsdale, AZ, 85254, 602-996-4212 ARRELL, Jack, 9028-2 Midway, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AUDI, Tami, PO Box 1145, Soddy-Daisy, TN, 37379, 615-332-6713 AWKS, David, 492 Partridge Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34236, 813-951-6097 ELEKE, Menker, 1400 S 2ND St #A I 006, Minneapolis, MN, 55454 ELKER, Amy, RR #2 Box 2091, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360, 717-421-2694 EPULEAI, Aleni, 550 Maplewood Ct #D64, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ERGUSON, Arlene, PO Box 893, Bridgeport, CT, 06601, 020-335-3050 ERRANCE, Ganz, 10811 54TH Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6H OT8, CANADA, 403-438-5847 ERREIRA, Elia, Las Collonges-s-Saleve St Julien-En-Genevois, 74160, FRANCE ERREYRO, Ruben, 550 Maplewood #G63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ERREYRO, Susana, 550 Maplewood Ct #G63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IELDS, Jacquelyn, 2008 Bellefontaine, Indianapolis, IN, 46204, 317-923-9690 IGUEROA, Frank, 8893 Grove, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4938 IGUEROA, Maria, 600 Beechwood Ct #E5 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IGUEROA-VILLARREAL, Vicvic, 600 Beechwood Ct #E5 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 INDLAY, Kirk, 10233 S Morgan, Chicago, IL, 60643, 312-771-1252 INKBEINER, Richard, 1819 N 5TH #E83, Niles, MI, 49120 INLEY, Rebecca, 1735 Fox Spring Circle, Thousand Oaks, CA, 91320, 805-498-5522 INNELL, Tamara, 14040 Fish Lake Rd, Holly, Ml, 48442, 810-634-5467 IRST, Diana, 803 Franklin, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-986-0587 IRST, Kathleen, 803 Franklin St, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-986-0587 ISCHER, Deborah, 606-D Residenz Pkwy, Kettering, OH, 45429, 513-294-6039 ISH, John, 1713 Schmale Rd, Glendale Hts, IL, 60139, 708-690-5020 ISHER, Bradley, 1235 Henley Rd South, Richmond, IN, 47374, 317-966-8420 ISHER, Dale, 201 Mckee Street, Sturgis, MI, 49091, 616-651-8496 ISHER, James, 8725-1 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 ISHER, Timothy, 166 Vollmer Pkwy, Rochester, NY, 14623, 716-334-4195 ITZGERALD, Jackie, 1050 Hwy 42, Ellison Bay, WI, 54210, 414-854-2771 1TZGERALD, Julia, 8911-1 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 ITZGERALD, Troy, 8911-1 Kephart, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ITZPATRICK, Bonnie, 604 Sunnyside Road, Saint Helena, CA, 94574, 707-963-8401 LEES, Barbara, 537 N Bluff St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LEMING JR, Geoffrey, 148-141 Estate Tutu, Charlotte Ama, VI, 00802, 809-775-9420 LEMING, Jason, 913 Pineview Dr, West Chester, PA, 19380, 215-430-3768 LEMING, Renaldo, 148-141 Estate Tutu, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00802, 809-775-9420 LESHMAN, Sharon, 4765 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LESVIG, David, 1383 Brandywine Rd, Crown Point, IN, 46307, 219-988-4463 LETCHER, Quinton, 9846-4 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 LOWERS, Joseph, 1612 Hass Dr, South Bend, IN, 46635, 219-234-0539 LOWERS, Robert, Box 88, South River, ON, POA I XO, CANADA, 705-386-2933 OLEY, Jennifer, 3068 Southfield Dr, Beavercreek, OH, 45434, 513-426-1771 OLL, Craig, 180 Grindstone Estate, Ooltewah, TN, 37363, 615-396-9668 ORBES, Ronald, 456 Webster Ave, New Rochelle, NY, 10801, 914-235-5799 ORBES, Trevor, 91 Pinewood Ave, Central Islip, NY, 11722, 516-582-9438 ORD, Jenny, RR 2, Orono, ON, LOB IMO, CANADA, 416-983-9554 ORD, Kim, PO Box 11100, State College, PA, 16805, 717-394-1687 ORE, Jerry, 892 Red Clay Rd SW, Cleveland, TN, 37311 'ORRAHT, Suzanne, 1929 E Hinchman Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ORREST, Lennox, 107 Saxon Bay, Winnipeg, MB, R3Y 1G8, CANADA, 204-489-6867 ORRESTER, Shelby, 5105 Papa Lake Road, Coloma, MI, 49038, 616-468-7309 ORSYTHE, Jeffrey, 738 S Thurlow, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-323-3149 ORTSON, Latrell, 6946 S Harvard Ave 1ST, Chicago, IL, 60621, 312-488-2125 ORTUNE, Mark, 5989 Arroyo Vista Dr NE, Rockford, Ml, 49341, 616-874-9230 ORTUNE, Matthew, 5989 Arroyo Vista Dr NE, Rockford, MI, 49341, 616-874-9230 ORTUNE, Michael, 5989 Arroyo-vista Dr NE, Rockford, MI, 49341, 616-874-9230 OSSON, Lydia, 2403 Norfolk Rd, Orlando, FL, 32803, 407-895-6224 OSTER, Albert, 600 Beechwood Ct #D44, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 OSTER, Henry, 11041 Berry, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 OSTER, Opal, 100 Harriet Avenue, Buffalo, NY, 14215, 716-891-4722 OX, Amy, 410 Sturgis Rd, Harleysville, PA, 19438, 215-256-9859 OX, Barbara, 5280 S 1 1 TH St, Kalamazoo, MI, 49009, 616-375-6971 OX, Todd, 410 Sturgis Rd, Harleysville, PA, 19438, 215-256-9859 RANCIS, Corey, 19071 N W 78TH P1, Miam-Lakes, FL, 33015, 305-829-0422 RANCIS, David, 130-44 129TH St, Queens, NY, 11420 RANCIS, Kimberly, 1750 Clarcona Rd, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-889-3518 RANCIS, Lois, 500-4 Westbourne Dr, Broomall, PA, 19008, 215-353-9004 RANCIS, Phillip, 130-44 I 29ST, Jamaica, NY, 11420, 718-529-7803 RANCISCO, Joe, 9766-10 Rosehill Road, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 RANKE, Leslie, 2077 Steffy Rd, Mogadore, OH, 44260, 216-628-1897 RASER, Kenny, 1462 Pacific St #3C, Brooklyn, NY, 11213, 718-604-0730 FRECHEN, Roberta, 362 E Washington St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 FREED, Allan, 6371 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 FREED, Janine, 6371 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 FREIER, Rebecca, 4371 Shiloh Hills Dr, Lithonia, GA, 30058 FRICK, Peggy, 920 Strong Ave, Elkhart, IN, 46514, 219-293-8356 FRY, Tony, PO Box 135, Sprague River, OR, 97637, 503-533-2210 FRYAR, Garry, 513 Calgary Glenn, Austell, GA, 30001, 404-944-9245 FRYMIRE, James, 9460 M-140, Berrien Center, MI, 49102 FUBLER, Rochelle, PO Box 467, Southampton E, BERMUDA, W INDIES, 809-238-2306 FUKUSHIMA, Junko, 203 Royal Ark Terazura 2-16-1 Terazuka, Minami-ku Fukuoka, JAPAN, 092-553-1499 FURLOTT, Heather, 1765 R 2 N John Paul Rd, Milton, WI, 53563, 608-868-7589 G GAA, Wendell, 7016 Mammoth Ave, Van Nuys, CA, 91405, 818-247-0411 GABBERT, Melanie, 4640 Meredeth St #4, Lincoln, NE, 68506 GADEN, Marlena, 8933 George Ave #3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1903 GAGER, Rachelle, 8823 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7269 GALERA, Rigel, 621 Phillips, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-654-4752 GALLE, Susan, 6224 Cornell Rd, Bradenton, FL, 34207, 813-758-4287 GALLEY, Cherryl, PO Box 785, Reynoldsburg, OH, 43068, 614-863-9558 GAMMON, Jeremy, PO Box 68, Cedar Lake, MI, 48812, 517-427-5669 GANDING, Donna, PO Box 117, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 909-423-0146 GANDING, Hendrick, 1150 S Meadow Ln #32, Colton, CA, 92324, 909-423-0146 GANE, Constance, 6994 E Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GANE, Roy, 6994 E Long Lake Road, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GANG, Brian, 227 Greendell Rd, Newton, NJ, 07860, 908-852-3011 GANG, Gina, 5065-1 W Bluff View, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GANG, Jeffrey, 109 Allamuchy Rd, Andover, NJ, 07821, 908-852-2729 GARAY, John, 73 Summer St, Battle Creek, MI, 49015, 616-968-3276 GARBI, Samuel, 232 West IITH St, New York, NY, 10014, 212-242-5091 GARCIA, Denise, 9004-2 Maplewood Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GARCIA, Evelyn, 550 Maplewood Ct #E68, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GARCIA, Linda, 1617 Oakengate Dr, Glendale, CA, 91207, 818-244-7843 GARDNER, Ayana, 17199 Santa Barbara, Detroit, MI, 48221, 313-342-7362 GARDNER, Todd, 9210 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49 103 GARLAND, John, 78 Topsail Rd, St Johns, NFLD, A I E 2A8, CANADA, 709-579-6547 GARNER, Kurt, Box 173, Lapaz, IN, 46537, 219-784-2230 GARRICK, Kay, 32 St Charles St, W Hartford, CT, 06119, 203-231-9778 GARTH, Jennifer, 2000 Washington Blvd, Maywood, IL, 60153, 708-385-3839 GATON, Jane, 500 Garland #A3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GATON, Jim, 500 Garland #A3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GATON, Lois, 2797 Ridgewood Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GATON, Roy, 2797 Ridgewood, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GATZ, Karis, 4113 Cemetary Hill Rd, Randolph, NY, 14772, 716-358-4507 GAYAO, Lorraine, 1320 Danbury Dr, Mansfield, TX, 76063, 817-477-3451 GELFMAN, Michele, 619 Riverside Dr, South Bend, IN, 46601, 219-234-6332 GEMBROWSKI, Pamela, 5215 Pheasant Run #3, Saginaw, MI, 48603, 517-790-5736 GERMAN, Brad, 1108 St Joseph Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 GERMANY, Dina, Morne Des Esses, Sainte Marie, 97230, MARTINIQUE, F WI GERVIS, Eddy, 16 Mount Prospect Place, Newark, NJ, 07104, 201-672-4684 GESSELE, Glen, 12665 S W Poppy Dr, Gaston, OR, 97119, 503-985-7759 GHIL, Jee-song, 233-72 Muck-2-dong, Joong-lang Gu, Seoul, S KOREA GIBBS, Gene, Ctr Jamaica Conf Of SDA , PO Box 81 Spanish Touenst Catherine, JAMAICA, W INDIES GIBBS, Kari, 1805 Birchfield Ct, Powell, OH, 43065, 614-764-1982 GIBSON, Bonnie, 348 Fitchville River Rd, New London, OH, 44851, 419-929-8900 GIBSON, Gary, 6574 N 107TH St, Milwaukee, WI, 53224, 414-353-0812 GIBSON, Jack, 348 Fitchville River Rd, New London, OH, 44851, 419-929-8900 GIBSON, Terrence, 112 S Main St #3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GIESE, William, 4798 E Hillcrest Dr #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-697-4081 GILDERSLEEVE, Heidi, 604 S Main, Milton Frwtr, OR, 97862, 503-938-3497 GILES, Cornelius, 9305 Carton, Cleveland, OH, 44104, 216-341-1029 GIM, Joseph, 500 Garland #CI3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GIRR, Lisabet, 105 Remine St, Kalamazoo, MI, 49001, 616-388-9631 GIVER, Karen, 9394 M-140, Berrien Center, MI, 49102, 616-461-6387 GLASS, Sharon, 4737 Cherry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 802-434-3661 GLOUMEAU, Giselle, #308 5065-31 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6L 6S5, CANADA, 403-490-1249 GLOUMEAU, Nadia, #308 5063-3 I Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6L 6S5, CANADA, 403-490-1249 GOENS JR, Howard, 89943 54TH St, Decatur, MI, 49045, 616-423-7736 GOFF, Timothy, 9033 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GOLDSON-REID, Dawn, 4347 Baneway, Houston, TX, 77072, 713-530-3169 GOMEZ, Antonio, 1309 Ensenada Dr #5, Modesto, CA, 95355, 209-668-4135 GOMOLL, Jennifer, 9062-4 Midway, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GONZALEZ, Francisco, 118 Diane St, Reading, PA, 19606, 610-370-0240 GONZALEZ, Melody, 168 Emerson St, Springfield, MA, 01118 GONZALEZ, Migdalia, 625 W 138TH St #B3, New York, NY, 10031, 212-690-4640 GONZALEZ, Yamid, Calle Del Valle #427, 1ST Floor, Santurce, PR, 00909, 809-268-3971 GOO, Helen, 11113-23B Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6J 4P3, CANADA, 403-434-1356 GOOD, Erin, 48560 9 Mile Rd, Novi, MI, 48374, 313-349-2536 GORDON, Loylette, 4241 Berkshire Dr #6, Warren, OH, 44484, 216-856-7309 GORDON, Maureen, 146 Dolshire Dr, N Syracuse, NY, 13212, 315-458-4576 GORDON, Oswald, 6725 Tottenham Ct, Orlando, FL, 32818 GORDON, Vallerie, 6845 S Peoria, Chicago, IL, 60621, 312-783-0978 GORIN, Erika, 4500 S Burlington Pike, Muncie, IN, 47302, 317-282-1084 GRABAREK, Angela, 52932 Shellbark, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-272-0122 GRABAST, Melvin, 8859 W Hillview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GRACA, Pedro, 9275 First St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GRAFF, Amelia, 6123 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GRAHAM, Christine, 963 East 53RD St, Brooklyn, NY, 11234, 718-531-4539 GRAHAM, Daniel, 550 Maplewood Ct #H65, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 912-482-2144 GRAHAM, David, 8266 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 615-396-9212 GRAHAM, Richard, PO Box 307, Lafox, IL, 60147, 708-208-8067 Addresses GRAHAM, Ulrick, 3041 Holland Ave #32S, Bronx, NY, 10467, 718-655-1106 GRAJAUSKIS, Joel, 4313 River Rd, Sodus, MI, 49126, 616-925-1899 GRAMLICH, Jennifer, 9048-6 Midway Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 509-525-8126 GRANT, Barbara, 9846-19 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9301 GRAVES, Spring, 4200 Orange Street, Delavan, WI, 53115, 414-728-8192 GRAVESTOCK, Grace, 14778 Bear Creek Rd, Boulder Creek, CA, 95006, 408-338-0142 GRAY, Cyndi, PO Box 124, Ashton, MD, 20861, 301-774-0902 GRAY, Juli, PO Box 124, Ashton, MD, 20861, 301-774-0902 GRAY, Sonya, 16 Eagle Ln, Willingboro, NJ, 08046, 609-877-1437 GRAY, Timothy, 400 Lake St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREAVES, Lana, 500 Garland #G9, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREEN, Jermaine, 194-24 110 Ave, St Albans, NY, 11412, 718-465-3755 GREEN, Megan, 65 Centerfield Dr, Courtice, ON, LIE I K3, CANADA, 905-725-4466 GREENE, Edward, 8721 Grove Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREENE, Terri, 9846-7 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREENHAW, Steve, 7449 Pucker Rd, Berrien Center, MI, 49102, 616-461-6663 GREENIDGE, Enzro, 102-47 185TH Street, Jamaica, NY, 11423, 718-264-9801 GREENIDGE, Norma, 8815 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREGG, Amber, 2177 Stringtown Pike, Cicero, IN, 46034, 317-984-5106 GREGG, Julie, 33 Hemmingway Dr, Courtice, ON, LIE 2C7, CANADA, 905-435-0641 GREGGS, Cheyenne, 5100 Highbridge St #34E, Fayetteville, NY, 13066, 315-637-0649 GREGOR, Ruzica, 4766-1 Timberland, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GREGOR, Zeljko, Newbold College, Bracknell Binfield, ENGLAND GREGORY, Kathy, 901 Donmoyer St, South Bend, IN, 46614 GRIER, Melissa, 18947 Filmore, Southfield, MI, 48075, 313-443-0896 GRIFFIN, Cynthia, 29 Rose Ave, Westbury, NY, 11590, 516-334-1870 GRIFFIN, Robert, RR 4 Box 478, Biddeford, ME, 04005 GRIFFIN, Troy, RR I Box 248, Nevada, IA, 50201, 515-382-6008 GRINDE, Kevin, 5695 Clawson Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 49111 GROSSE, Julie, 547 Stonetown Rd, Ringwood, NJ, 07456, 201-728-7066 GROZDIC, Mirjana, PO Box 360, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GRYTE, Rosemary, 213 W Pitt St #I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GUEVARA, Caleb, 7422 Mad River Rd, Dayton, OH, 45459, 513-433-3537 GUEVARA, Paul, 8754 US Hwy 31, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GUEVARA, Raquel, 12 P Fernwood Dr, Bolingbrook, IL, 60440, 708-759-6575 GUNDERSEN, Susan, 1048 Almaugus Dr, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-4626 GUNGADOO, Andrew, Adventist Mission, PO Box D3, Noumea, NEW CALEDONIA GUNTER, Donna-marie, 8 Bogue Heights Blvd, Reading Po, St James, JAMAICA GUO, Limin, Harbin Resch Inst Of, Electrical Instrumentatharbin, Pr, CHINA GUSTAVSSON, Janeric, 500 Garland #G3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6956 GUT, Suzanne, 16660 Sr 17, Culver, IN, 46511, 219-842-8830 GYORFFY, Lisa, 8470 Tree Top Ct #1033, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-859-9822 H HA, Kye, 79 Soojung-dong Dong-kubusan, S KOREA HA, Kyuyeon, 1665-4 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, S KOREA, 002-585-6796 HAAKMAT, Amy, 116 Emerson St, Hamilton, ON, LI E 2X8, CANADA, 905-523-0094 HACKLEMAN, Debra, 9028-3 Midway, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HAENNI, Viviane, 11 Chemin Kutter, 2503 Bienne, SWITZERLAND HAFER, Sue, 457 Ott Rd, Bay City, MI, 48706, 517-662-2293 HAGGERTY, Teri, 59 Tietan Place, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, 509-525-5467 HAHN, Brett, 268 Elvern Dr, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 517-627-7697 HALE, Laurie, 17964 Amberwood Ln, South Bend, IN, 46635, 219-277-2749 HALES, Barbara, 31745 US 20, New Carlisle, IN, 46552, 219-654-7320 HALES, Don, 31745 US 20, New Carlisle, IN, 46552, 219-654-7320 HALL, Danielle, 208 W Pitt St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HALL, Enell, 3936 W 168TH PI, Cntry Clb Hil, IL, 60477, 708-799-6938 HALL, Jesse, 16215 East Drive, Holly, MI, 48442, 313-634-4967 HALL, Kenley, 9012-2 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HALL-ROGERS, Chizelle, PO Box 378, Mogoditshane, BOTSWANA, AFRICA HALLARON, Jean, 6216 Indian Meadow St, Orlando, FL, 32819, 407-876-2307 HALMINEN, Christopher, 3255 Pollard Rd, Newcastle, ON, LIB I C9, CANADA, 416-987-4228 HALMINEN, Michael, 3255 Pollard Rd, Newcastle, ON, LIB IC9, CANADA, 416-987-4228 HALMINEN, Lisa, 89 Blackcreek Trail, Courtice, ON, LIE I J7, CANADA, 905-434-7389 HALSTEAD, Melissa, II Canaan Dr, Candler, NC, 28715, 704-665-7994 HAM-YING, Sui-yan, 8886 US 31 North, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4733 HAMBLIN, Kristy, 30 Crofton Ct, Adrian, Ml, 49221, 517-423-7266 HAMEL, Benjamin, 2539 E Snow Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HAMILTON, Lloyd, 68 Packard Blvd, Scarborough, ON, M 1 P 4K5, CANADA HAMSTRA, Christopher, 28 Hudson, Carleton, MI, 48117, 313-654-8367 HAMSTRA, Elizabeth, 118 Redbird Lane, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-963-4080 HAMSTRA, Jason, 28 Hudson, Carleton, MI, 48117, 313-654-8367 HAMSTRA, Peggy, 10201 Polk St, Zeeland, MI, 49464, 616-875-8404 HANCOCK JR, Robert, 8787-1 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HANGYAS, Laszlo, 500 Garland #G2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HANN, Gregory, 7440 Deans Hill Dr, Berrien Center, MI, 49102, 616-461-3069 HANNA, Drayton, 10732 SW 145 St, Miami, FL, 33176, 305-251-7656 HANNA, Edward, 550 Maplewood Ct #F64, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HANNA, Gayle, 3000 Mt Vernon Dr, Midland, MI, 48642, 517-631-4369 HANNA, Henrietta, Hannas Rd PO Box N356, Nassau New Providence, BAHAMAS HANNA, Martin, West Indies College, PO Mandeville, JAMAICA HAO, Jing, No 44 Wen-chong Alley, Xi-cheng District, 100031, Bejing, P R C HARDING, Emily, 9670 Hamilton Creek E, Mobile, AL, 36695, 205-633-7646 HARP, Camilla, 5112 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 HARPER, Gregory, 419 Eckel Cem Rd, Livingston, TN, 38570 HARRIGAN, Dion, PO Box 2466, Kingshill, VI, 00851 HARRIGAN, Grace, 550 Maplewood Ct #A72, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HARRINGTON, Cynthia, 1450 S Lincoln Rd, Mt Pleasant, MI, 48858 HARRIOTT, Alwyn, 6437 8TH Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL, 33710, 813-347-2205 HARRIS, James, 9766-30 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 205-534-2374 HARRIS, James, 121 W Ferry St #A, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HARRIS, Lora, 932 Mackle, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-293-2379 HARRIS, Marcus, 800 F Lane #3D, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-522-9683 HARRISON, Royal, 5050B Faculty Rd, Huntsville, AL, 35896, 213-721-0951 HARTMAN, Brian, 4840 E Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HARVEY, Ivana, 134-49 166TH PI 19C-5C, Jamaica, NY, 11434, 718-949-0794 HARVEY, Ray, 134-49 166TH PI I 9C-5C, Jamaica, NY, 11434, 718-949-0794 HASEL-LEFFLER, Melissa, 4761-2 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HASKINS, Bradley, RR 2 Delhi, Delhi, ON, N4B 2W5, CANADA, 519-582-1562 HASSEL, Ramona, 135 Harry Ave, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-4754 HATFIELD, Aaron, 105 W Murdock, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 303-663-2633 HATTER, Timothy, 1427 S Henderson #12B, Seattle, WA, 98108, 206-767-4986 HATTORI, Eri, 2-44-83 Fujigaoka, Midori-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa, JAPAN, 045-972-0855 HAUBRICH, Beth, PO Box 697, College Park, MD, 20740, 301-572-6742 HAUGEN, Randall, 148 Shadowood Lane, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-968-0141 HAUNCH, Deonna, PO Box C, Stayton, OR, 97383, 503-769-9494 HAWKINS, Cherisse, 600 Beechwood Ct #F42, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 215-326-9821 HAWKINS, Tynisha, 5896 Lacasa Court, Grand Rapids, MI, 49508, 616-281-2624 HAY, Cecil, 550 Maplewood Ct #H63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HAYE, Sheridon, Windsor Castle P 0, Portland, JAMAICA, W INDIES, 809-996-8130 HAYES, Amberlea, 4765 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HAYWARD, Darla-Mae, 11701 96A St, Grand Prairie, AB, T8V 3R2, CANADA HEAD, Bridgette, 1134 Union St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-6304 HECK, Adam, 3210 Regent St, Kettering, OH, 45409, 513-299-8526 HEGSTAD, Jason, 2653 S E 145TH St, Portland, OR, 97236, 503-762-1184 HEGSTAD, Sean, 2653 SE 145TH Ave, Portland, OR, 97236, 503-762-1184 HEINRICH, Edmund, 623 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HEINRICH, Karmon, 912 Academy Road, Holly, MI, 48442, 313-634-7395 HEINRICH, Tamara, 623 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HEINTZ, Eva, 214-2 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3011 HEISLER, Lisa, RR 7, St Thomas, ON, N5P 3T2, CANADA, 519-633-2019 HENDERSON, Angela, 600 Beechwood Ct #A48, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HENDERSON, La, 500 Garland #F6, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HENDERSON, Ronald, 550 Maplewood Ct #E63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HENDERSON-NESBITT, L, 2528 Dewey St, Hollywood, FL, 33020, 305-923-1779 HENLEY, Monifa, 7174 Estate Tutu, St Thomas, VI, 00802, 809-775-1279 HENNING, Danielle, 9595 Silverside Dr, South Lyon, MI, 48178, 313-437-8853 HENNING, Donald, 9595 Silverside Dr, South Lyon, MI, 48178, 313-437-8853 HENNING, Jan-Michael, 702 Plain, La Porte, IN, 46350, 219-362-5943 HENRY, Maria, 263 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200, 212-325-8692 HENRY, William, 311 E Third St, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-255-2729 HENSEL, Kristin, 22660 Remington Ct, Elkhart, IN, 46514, 219-533-1090 HENSON, Douglas, 192 S Grenier Ave, Columbus, OH, 43228, 614-878-9496 HERIVEAUX, Magaly, 180 E 32ND St, Brooklyn, NY, 11226, 718-287-2114 HERNANDEZ, Aldemar, 8689-I N Ridge, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-5938 HERNANDEZ, Emma, 500 Garland #F3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6832 HERNANDEZ, Miguel, 600 Beechwood Ct #A49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HERNDON, James, 8916 Garibaldi Ave, Temple City, CA, 91780, 818-286-3046 HESS, Michael, 11684 Garr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HESS, Nathan, 20269 Churchill, Trenton, MI, 48183, 313-675-5783 HESS, Terry, 3337 Pleasant St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3707 HIBBERT, Lisa, 923 Ripley Cres, Oshawa, ON, L I K 2E8, CANADA, 905-433-7054 HIBLER, Jesse, 25825 Gwin Rd, Arcadia, IN, 46030, 317-984-4693 HICKEY, Maureen, 712 Elm Street #2, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-925-3200 HICKMOTT, Dale, 53652 67 1/2 Street, Hartford, MI, 49057, 616-621-3697 HICKS, Kevin, 121 A W Ferry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HIGA, Ritsuko, 80 Shimabukuro, Kitanakagusuku-son, Okinawa, JAPAN HIGGINS, Dave, 55 Foxhunt Trail, Courtice, ON, LIE 1E4, CANADA, 416-436-6558 HIGH, Jolie, 9039-I Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 708-529-0531 HILDEBRAND, Mark, 10429 Garr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HILDEBRANT, Jeremy, 248 E Plainfield Rd, Countryside, IL, 60525, 708-579-1913 HILL, Beverley, Potters Village, St John's, ANTIGUA, 809-461-2460 HILL, Gerald, 31 Becky's Hill, Hurleyville, NY, 12747, 914-434-3803 HILL, Markus, 9387 S US 31 #10, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HILL, Shirley, 9921 SW 117 Ct, Miami, FL, 33186, 305-598-8912 HILLEBERT, Robert, 1965 S Bakertown Rd, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-697-4101 HILLMAN, George, 7935 S Kimbark, Chicago, IL, 60619, 312-978-5632 HINES, Michelle, 8668 Meadowlark Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2187 HINTON, Corliss, 804 Joseph Club Dr, Mableton, GA, 30059, 404-739-8372 HO, Elvin, 424 Pa Te Rd Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C HO, Idamae, 424 Pa Te Rd Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C HOAG, Aaron, PO Box 536, Scio, OR, 97374, 503-393-7959 HOBUS, Mary, 1723 Monroe St, Beatrice, NE, 68310, 402-223-4731 HODDER, Aletha, 2703 Mendelin St, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-886-5673 HODGE, Charles, PO Box 152, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HODGES, Gil, 550 Maplewood Ct #G66, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HOFFER, Richard, 1509 W Glenlord Rd, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-6527 HOFFMAN, Nathan, 21266 Mount Aetna Rd, Hagerstown, MD, 21742, 301-824-3466 HOFFMAN, Robin, PO Box 796, Gaylord, MI, 49735, 517-732-5786 HOFFMAN, Roy, 21266 Mt Aetna Rd, Hagerstown, MD, 21742, 301-824-3466 HOFFMANN, Mary, 1203 State St #1, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 HOI, Chi, 9289-I Fourth St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HOILETTE, Leesha, 6719 Hunter Crt, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HOLDER, Loderick, 81 Soundview Rd, Somerset, MA06, BERMUDA, 809-234-2700 HOLLAND, Andrea, 7239 NW 85 PI, Johnston, IA, 50131, 515-270-1578 HOLLIS, Cymone, 7 Port Royal Gardens, Southampton, SNO I, BERMUDA, 809-238-2544 HOLMES, Trudy, 3723 S 48TH St, Lincoln, NE, 68506 HOLSTEN, Ladonna, 5132 Disbrow Ct, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-488-3953 HOMENCHUK, Troy, 2-555 Finch Ave W, Willowdale, ON, M2R 1 N5, CANADA, 416-633-3073 HOMIDAS, John, PO Box 11374, Tampa, FL, 33680, 813-248-1746 HONG, Alice, JI Palang Merah No 16, Jakarta, 10150, INDONESIA HONGO, Toyohiko, 2-19-8 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167, JAPAN HONORE, Ketty, 4856 Pioneer Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HONORE, Sabine, 115 15 SW 33 Terrace, Miami, FL, 33165, 305-554-5735 HONZAWA, Masao, 4-21-26 Tofurouminami, Dazaitu, Fukuoka, 818-01, JAPAN HOPKINS, John, 211 S Kimmel St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 HORGA, Mihaela, 5731 N Kimball, Chicago, IL, 60659, 312-282-1043 HORONIC, Josip, 4766-2 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 714-796-7283 HORTON, Reginald, 550 Maplewood Ct #D72, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6745 Addresses IORVATH, Stephen, 6150 W Michigan #L-15, Lansing, MI, 48917, 517-321-0944 IOSSLER, Elizabeth, 734 S 34TH Street, South Bend, IN, 46615, 219-233-4266 IOSTEN, Averil, 2474 Bow Ct #14, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-273-9790 IOSTEN, Lois, 2474 Bow Ct #14, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-273-9790 IOUGHTON, Joseph, 2223 E Alvarado St, Fallbrook, CA, 92028, 619-723-8088 TOWARD, Christopher, 1544 Lynne Ct, Redlands, CA, 92373, 909-793-0663 LOWLAND, Jennifer, 3399 Alden Nash, Lowell, MI, 49331, 616-897-4357 40WSON, Nadine, 2-7 Wyndover Woods, White Plains, NY, 10603, 914-761-4015 iSIAO, Samuel, Taiwan Adv College, PO Box 3 Yu Chih, Nantou, 555, TAIWAN, R 0 C iSU, Chen-chuan, 171 Sec I Cetan Rd, Puli Nan Tou, TAIWAN, R 0 C iSU, Chia-jung, F4 7-2 Ln 68 Chang-an, Lu-chou, Chiang County, TAIWAN, R 0 C ISU, Fong-chan, P 0 Box 24-487, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C ISU, Lisa, 6246 Cricket Pass, Columbia, MD, 21044, 301-997-1398 WANG, Mei, 43 Shanmin Chiu, Shanyong Chih, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, R 0 C IUBBARD, Carol, 1035 S Vander Muelen Rd, Lake City, MI, 49651, 616-839-4300 IUBBELL, Sheila, 1204 Galewood Rd, Knoxville, TN, 37919, 615-691-9507 IUBIN, Anita, 6185 Scherr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IUBIN, Brenda, 6185 Scherr Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IUERTA, Antonio, 1014 S Boyd, Fresno, CA, 93702, 209-452-9752 IUERTA, Leticia, 600 Beechwood Ct #E45, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TUFF, Tamara, 4597-2 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TUFF, Thomas, 4597-2 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1UFHAM, John, 11624 Pucker St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-4302 IUGGINS, Vivian, 405 Burman Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-0900 1UGHES, Diana, 3393 Highview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1UGHES, Kelwy, 9435 Willow Ave, Cotati, CA, 94931, 707-792-1485 IUGHES, Mark, PO Box 340, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IUGHES, Patrice, 9022 N US 31 #10, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IUGHES, Paul, 9435 Willow Ave, Cotati, CA, 94931 IUGHEY, John, 4131 Heritage Way, Bloomington, IN, 47403, 812-825-8700 1UNT, Karla, 1752 Colony Cir, Sun Prairie, WI, 53590, 608-837-3408 1UNT, Yvonne, PO Box 649, Comstock, MI, 49041, 616-344-8054 1URCOMB, Katie, 14119 Midland Dr, Shawnee Msn, KS, 66216, 913-268-3296 IURLEY, Gail, 84-50 169TH St Jamaica, Queens, NY, 11432, 718-291-8183 IYPPOLITE, Michel, 12045 Copernice, Montreal, PQ, HIE IWI, CANADA, 514-356-2173 IYUN, Young-mo, 1501 W Clinch Ave #5, Knoxville, TN, 37916, 615-971-3013 \TTONI, Teresa, W7652 Hillwod Ct, Hortonville, WI, 54944, 414-779-6337 :HIMURA, Emi, 3-3-19 Obanoyama-cho, Shinohara, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657, JAPAN -INOT, Debra, 5707 45TH St E Lot 275, Bradenton, FL, 34203, 813-756-9384 (EMASU, Nobuo, 600 Beechwood Ct #C44, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 (NER, Joseph, 2202 East 82ND St, Cleveland, OH, 44103, 216-391-5614 (PEOHA, Uzoma, 243-44 Weller Ave, Rosedale, NY, 11422, 718-949-7740 _LANZ, Arnold, 9133-1 Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-473-3331 _LANZ, Sandria, 9040-2 Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 1, Albert, 11199 3 1/2 Mile Rd, Battle Creek, Ml, 49017, 616-979-2501 1, Carol, 11 199 3 1/2 Mile Rd, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-979-2501 1, Robin, 1024 Willowdale Ave, Willowdale, ON, M2M 3E1, CANADA, 416-224-1133 1, Rolin, 1024 Willowdale Ave, Willowdale, ON, M2M 3E1, CANADA, 416-224-1133 IPERIAL, Dawn, 204 N Main St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1PERIAL-GREENHAVV, Denis, 204 N Main St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JBODY, Rebecca, 2636 Woodmeadow Dr SE, #304, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546 JGELS, Jennifer, 10599 Concord Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JGEMANN, Mira, 32 Cashew City Rd, St David's, DD02, BERMUDA, 809-297-0891 JGRAM, Cromwell, 2007 Edenwald Ave, Bronx, NY, 10466, 212-994-6649 JMAN, Deanna, PO Box 532, Arcadia, IN, 46030, 317-984-4844 JMAN, Jennifer, PO Box 532, Arcadia, IN, 46030, 317-984-4844 JO, Tadashi, 1041 Hiro Towers 4-1-12 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106, JAPAN JQUILLA, Nancy, 8752 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WING, Jerald, Rt I Box 560, Richland, GA, 31825, 912-887-2274 MIN, Patricia, 8865-I College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 (AYA, Margaret, Box 128, Ndivisi Via Webuye, KENYA kCK, Cleveton, #19 121 Falconer Dr, Mississauga, ON, L5N 2K8, CANADA, 905-858-1785 \CKSON, Anthony, PO Box 6886, Kokomo, IN, 46904 kCKSON, Elsie, 10422 S Moccasin Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5525 kCKSON, Ramikiel, 20111 Regent Dr, Detroit, MI, 48180 kCKSON, Vivian, 2906 Moraine Ave, Dayton, OH, 45406, 513-275-5976 kCOBO, Eduardo, 1817 W Estes Ave 2 F1, Chicago, IL, 60626, 312-262-4050 .COBS, Kevin, 69373 Section St, Edwardsburg, MI, 49112 kCOBS, Laurie, 5600 Lake Resort #103, Chattanooga, TN, 37415, 615-870-3229 kCOBSEN, Michele, 6754 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 kCQUES, Danielle, 852 Clearcrest Cres, Ottawa, ON, K4A 3G1, CANADA, 613-834-9261 kCQUES, Vaudre, 852 Clearest Cres, Orleans, ON, K4A 3G I, CANADA, 613-834-9261 EGER, Andrew, 44249 Donley Dr, Sterling Hgts, MI, 48314, 313-739-2616 kEGER, Anne, 2663 Lake Pine Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-3875 kGANNATHAN, Sree, A8 Hudco Colony, Peelamedu Coimbatore, 641004 Tamilnadu, INDIA kIRAM, Dale, 149 Clifton Hill, Christiansted, VI, 00823, 809-778-2537 kIRAM, Dexter, PO Box 8686 Sunny Iles C/sted St Croix, Christiansted, 00823, VI, 809-778-2537 kMES, Angela, 10785 Meadowbrook Ct, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1420 .MES, Deldelker, 8705 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 kMES, Donald, 10785 Meadowbrook Ct, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 kMES, Janet, 145-57 158TH Street, Jamaica, NY, 11434 kME5, Richard, #19 Lisbonvalle, Silver Sands, Christ Church, BARBADOS, 809-428-1011 kME5, Sabrina, 2523 Winding Way, Lincoln, NE, 68506, 402-483-1096 kMISON, Bradley, 8350-3 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 kNG, Mi, 1915 Cambridge Dr, Longmont, CO, 80503 JANKIEWICZ, Darius, 550 Maplewood Ct #E66, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JANNIERE, Michael, 127 Chloe Crescent, Markham, ON, L3S 2J3, CANADA, 416-472-0417 JANSEN, Gina, 604 W John Beers Rd, Box 248, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-6769 JARA, Javier, 149 Fire Island Ave, Babylon, NY, 11702, 516-669-4749 JARNES, Kristen, 15373 David St, Caldwell, ID, 83605, 208-455-1626 JASPER, Autry, 1919 E Larua St, Pensacola, FL, 32501, 904-434-6917 JEAN-BAPTISTE, Daniel, 525 Desmarchais, Longueuil, PQ, J2J 2Y6, CANADA, 514-448-1681 JEAN-BAPTISTE, Susan, 44 Dovedale Ave Ingol, Preston Lancaster, PR2 3WQ, ENGLAND JEAN-PIERRE, Marlyne, 4827 Jersey Pike #1009, Chattanooga, TN, 37416 JEFFERY, Cathy, C/o Doris Jeffery, RR #5 Frederiction, NB, EOH I HO, CANADA JENCKS, Steven, 99 FuIlon Rd, Centerville, MA, 02632, 508-775-4539 JENKINS, Diana, 600 Beechwood Ct #C48, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JENKINS, Janine, 3023 Quintin Way, San Antonio, TX, 78230, 210-341-7384 JENKINS, Theresa, 2127 Worrington, Sarasota, FL, 34231, 813-923-2234 JENKINS, Timothy, 11211 Burt Rd, Waldron, MI, 49288 JERZYK, Lynnette, 21412 N Bedford Rd, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-965-6933 JEWELL, Roger, 1846 Arcadia, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-4690 JI, Chang-Ho, Dept Of Ed Psyc, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA, 92505 JIAO, Wang-Lin, 500 Garland #C 15, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOACHIM, Flora, 531 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 JOB, Gina, 1028 Southern Oak Lane, Apopka, FL, 32712, 407-886-1141 JOB, Peter, 9019 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOCH, Christy, 9022-9 US 31, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOHN, Michelle, 129 Bridgehaven Dr, Palm Coast, FL, 32137, 904-445-3977 JOHNS, Warren, 8279 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-2783 JOHNSON, Andres, Rt 8 Box 2032 A, Cleburne, TX, 76031, 817-558-2628 JOHNSON, Angel, 3301 Fraser Rd, Antioch, CA, 94509, 510-754-7581 JOHNSON, Cherri, 1707 Acklen Ave #B5, Nashville, TN, 37212 JOHNSON, Elizabeth, 8726 Maplewood Dr #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-676-2843 JOHNSON, Emily, 62295 Pine Rd, North Liberty, IN, 46554, 219-232-7387 JOHNSON, Frances, 311 Terre Coupe, Buchanan, Ml, 49107 JOHNSON, Gevin, 1499 Hurd, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-4754 JOHNSON, Jeremy, 35563 San Pablo Dr, Yucaipa, CA, 92399, 909-795-6560 JOHNSON, Karla, 10024 M-140, Berrien Center, MI, 49102, 616-461-6659 JOHNSON, Kimberly, 4618 Kimber Ln #4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOHNSON, Lawrence, 600 Beechwood Ct #C46, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOHNSON, Lindsay, Lampman Rd, Harrisville, NH, 03450, 603-827-3057 JOHNSON, Lisa, 102 S State St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-8254 JOHNSON, Nicola, 1680 Wood Rd, Lapeer, MI, 48446, 313-664-4650 JOHNSON, Rachelle, 18410 NE 111TH Ave, Battle Ground, WA, 98604, 206-687-1658 JOHNSON, Sandra, 8705 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOHNSON, Scott, 4468 Susanville Dr NW, Brainerd, MN, 56401, 218-829-5656 JOHNSON, Tom, 5I Brichett St, Springfield, MA, 01109, 413-783-4332 JOHNSTON, Alyce, 9064-I Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JONES, Angela, 3979 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JONES, Asa, 9028 Midway #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3819 JONES, Ben, Broadview Academy, Lafox, IL, 60147, 708-208-1280 JONES, David, 904 Broadfields Dr, Louisville, KY, 40207, 502-896-0559 JONES, Debra, 9766-16 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JONES, Dexter, 2115 Phillips Rd, Huntsville, AL, 35810 JONES, Gary, 9766-16 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 205-851-6128 JONES, John, 11055 Roane Dr, Knoxville, TN, 37922, 615-671-4206 JONES, Katherine, 233 Dale St NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49505 JONES JR, Kenneth, 1547 President Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11203, 718-953-9011 JONGKIND, Lisa, 33109 Auten Rd, New Carlisle, IN, 46552, 219-654-7891 J00, Alexander, 19 Pamlico Court, Bordentown, NJ, 08505, 609-723-5649 JORDAN, Jeffrey, 4748 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JORDAN, Jon-Paul, 1540 Joe Pyron Dr, Madison, TN, 37115, 615-868-2121 JORDAN, Michael, 10685 Concord Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JORDAN, Vernon, 3914 Sheridan Piazza, South Bend, IN, 46628 JORGENSEN, Lara, 1017 W Windway, Suisun City, CA, 94585, 707-429-2492 JORGENSEN, Marcella, 4790 Scottdale Rd, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 JORNADA, Alvin, 1147 Bobbie Street, Covina, CA, 91722, 818-331-8279 JOSEPH, James, 81 Lotissement Hibiscuslamentin, 97232, MARTINIQUE, F W I JOSEPH, Jocelyn, 8109 Hammond Ave, Silver Spring, MD, 20912 JOSEPH, Leona, 600 Beechwood Ct #E50, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JOZIC, Joseph, 27479 Blossom Blvd, North Olmsted, OH, 44070 JUDSON, Tanya, 1901 Alder Lane, Champaign, IL, 61821, 217-352-7841 JUHL, Kimberly, 3220 Cornell Ave, Orlando, FL, 32804 JULES, Charmeline, 925 NW 129 St, North Miami, FL, 33168, 305-681-6656 JUNG III, Frederick, PO Box J, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-428-7266 K KABAMBE, Francis, Box 50702 L, Lusaka, ZAMBIA, S, AFRICA KAKEMBO, John, PO Box 22, Kampala, UGANDA, E AFRICA KAKEMBO, Milliam, 500 Garland #F7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KALIGITHI, Samuel, 600 Beechwood Ct #D47, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KALLBERG, Kenneth, 4901-56 Woodland Shores, Bridgman, MI, 49106, 616-465-5671 KALONICK, Mary, 3626 Highgate, Wyoming, MI, 49509, 616-532-7794 KALUME, Jean, Adventist University, P 0 Box 525, Gisenyi, RWANDA KALUWE, Godwin, West Zambia Field, Box 910009, Mongu, ZAMBIA KANG, Esther, 8742 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3225 KANG, II, 51-2IA Kooam-dong, Yoosung-ku Taejeon-si, S KOREA KANG, John, 4648 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KANG, Mike, 5302 Buford Hwy #A I, Doraville, GA, 30340, 404-458-4117 KANG, Sung-Hee, 264-345 Emun 2 Dong, Dongdaemunku, Seoul, S KOREA, 822-969-1110 KANJIRA, Kennedy, Disi Village PO Box 76 Machinga, MALAWI KANJIRA, Ronald, Lilongwe SDA Church, PO Box 30416, Lilongwe, MALAWI KANTOR JR, Jerry, 241 Knott Rd, Niles, Ml, 49120, 616-683-1922 KANTOR, John, 48 Virgilwood Dr, Willowdale, ON, M2R 2B2, CANADA, 416-665-4882 KANTOR, Joy, 48 Virgilwood Dr, Willowdale, ON, M2R 2B2, CANADA, 416-665-4882 KANTOR, Melissa, 5994 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KAOMA, Peter, PO Box 31647, Lusaka, ZAMBIA Addresses KAPICA, Deborah, 2322 Shoreham Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-2134 KAPUSTA, Matthew, 108 Colleen Ct, Reading, PA, 19610 KARAMBIZI, Mary-Louise, 550 Maplewood Ct #C63, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 KARANJA, Joseph, PO Box 2500, Eldoret, KENYA KARPENKO, Lisa, Rd 2 Box 150A, Mc Alistervl, PA, 17049, 717-463-3436 KARRER, Susan, 9846-24 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KARST, Jeffrey, 15601 Kruhm, Burtonsville, MD, 20866, 301-421-4241 KARTH, John, 302 N Fleming Rd, Woodstock, IL, 60098, 815-338-8282 KASSUN, Fred, Hse 74 Lot 177, Tmn Sempelang Kota Kina, 88000, Sabah, MALAYSIA KATZ, Kitty, 11784 6 Mile Rd, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-979-4251 KAUFMAN, Joseph, 4861 N California, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-561-3014 KAUMPUNGAN, Ramlen, Univ Advent Indonesia, Pos Cipaganti, Bandung, INDONESIA KEA, Thomas, 7040 Carla Lane, Forestville, CA, 95436 KEBEDE, Egziakulu, 906 Court St, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-982-1078 KEISER, Jens, Am Beil 14, 58672 Altena, GERMANY KEITH, Karen, 312 W Pitt St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KEITH, Katherine, 312 W Pitt St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1270 KELCH, Raymond, 3346 Highway 64, Waterflow, NM, 87421, 505-598-9408 KELLER, Mike, 851 C Dr South, Climax, MI, 49034, 616-979-9455 KELLEY, Anthony, 831 I-I N Hillcrest, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 502-241-2893 KELLEY, David, 17 W 219 Scheel Dr, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-325-3267 KELLN, Rebecca, 2693 E 300 N, Layton, UT, 84040, 801-546-3985 KELLY, Grace, 11584 Lake Chapin Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KELLY, Ian, PO Box 1646, S Lancaster, MA, 01561 KELLY, Todd, 700 Chapel St, Columbus, WI, 53925, 419-623-5246 KENT, Matthew, 705 N Redbud Trl #3, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-9063 KEOUGH, Anne, 12610 Hedges Ln, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-979-3455 KEOUGH, Ryan, 12610 Hedges Ln, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-979-3455 KEPNER, Lynn, 518 Vineyard PI #81, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-3949 KERBS, Keith, 5962 Hillandale, Sodus, MI, 49126, 616-925-3077 KERLIKOWSKE, Marc, 8191 US 31, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7486 KERSHNER, John, 4740 Burkittsville Rd, Knoxville, MD, 21758, 301-834-8073 KESZLER, Sara, 360 Fircrest Drive, Ukiah, CA, 95482, 707-462-0919 KHARBTENG, Boxter, SDA Shillong, Meghalaya, INDIA KHARBTENG, Jennifer, Rozette Villa, Po Umpling, 793003 Shillong, INDIA KHATRI-CHETRI, Laxman, 1113 Holton Ln, Silver Spring, MD, 20912, 301-434-6609 KHOO, Kok, 45 Jalan Daud, Muar Johore, MALAYSIA KIDDER, Joseph, 704 Cormley St NE, E Wenatchee, WA, 98802, 509-884-5999 KIHLSTROM, Gregory, 54 Fawn Dr, Reading, PA, 19607, 610-775-3099 KILCHER, Carole, 610 S Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2100 KILONZO, Joseph, Univ Of Eastern Africa PO Box 2500, Eldoret, KENYA KIM, Chin, 553 Browns Bridge Rd, Auburn, GA, 30203, 404-867-2154 KIM, Christine, 125 Camellia Gardens St, Morganton, NC, 28655, 704-437-6825 KIM, Daniel, 3196 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY, 10306, 718-667-5088 KIM, Daniel, 903 Southern Dr, Bel Air, MD, 21014, 410-879-8096 KIM, Daniel, 11751 Pecan Creek Dr, Houston, TX, 77043, 713-531-8558 KIM, Darius, 6 Anthony Ln, Concord, ON, L4K 3K3, CANADA, 905-738-1872 KIM, Gloria, 3196 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY, 10306, 718-667-5088 KIM, George, 8688 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Geun, 198-27 Ho Myonmokz, Dong Chungnang, Seoul, S KOREA KIM, Gyung-Gu, Sukyo SDA Church, lmhoi Jindo, Jeonnam Seoul, S KOREA KIM, Jae, 2822 Ridgewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, James, 8826 Meadow Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4721 KIM, James, 8688 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1604 KIM, Janny, 137 Village Rd, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 709-887-1377 KIM, Jeanne, 5022-A E Bluff View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 615-396-2077 KIM, Jimmy, 6604 Lookover Cir, Crestwood, KY, 40014, 502-241-2255 KIM, Jin, 44216 Harsdale, Canton, MI, 48187, 313-981-3461 KIM, John, 1368 W Bensalem Ave, Bensalem, PA, 19020, 215-245-4509 KIM, Joseph, 8858 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Joseph, 4738-I Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Julie, 11751 Pecan Creek Dr, Houston, TX, 77043, 713-531-8558 KIM, June, 4810 N Bernard St, Chicago, IL, 60625 KIM, Kyong-Kook, 426 S Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Lisa, 6706 Charleston Dr, Darien, IL, 60561, 708-963-2748 KIM, Mike, 5022-A E Bluff View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Roland, 100 Ladd Ave, Staten Island, NY, 10312, 718-948-4611 KIM, Samuel, 746-14 Kyomoon Dong, Kyoung-ki Do Kurishi, 471020, S KOREA KIM, Sang, Pusan Young Do-gu, Dae Peang-dong, I Ga 1 Bunji, S KOREA KIM, Sang-Hee, 600 Beechwood Ct #D42, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Seol-Hee, 500 Garland #F12, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Sook-Young, 230-8 Gugi-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, S KOREA 1 10-01 1 KIM, Stephen, 8826 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Susan, 6722 Tudor Ln #3, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-963-0256 KIM, Susan, 558 Sunburst Ln, Chula Vista, CA, 91911, 619-656-1926 KIM, Tae, 1459 Thurlene Rd, Glendale, CA, 91206, 818-502-2173 KIM, Tae, 216 Arcadia Blvd, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-969-0239 KIM, Tae-Ku, 600 Beechwood #A41, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KIM, Woo, 1-204 Lucky Apt, Kurishi Sutakdong, Kyungido, Seoul, S KOREA KIM, Yang, 220-270 Gang Won Do, Chun Cheon Si 67-2,3/2 Jo Xang Dong, S KOREA KIM, Young-II, 1618-501 Sang-kye Ju, Gng Apt Sng-kye E Dong Nowon-ku Seoul, S KOREA KIMMEL, Ramona, PO Box 424, Troy, OH, 45373, 513-335-7260 KINDOPP, Stacy, 11 Savoy Cres, Red Deer, AB, T4N 0C9, CANADA, 403-346-9317 KING, Eltrono, 1125 Pearl, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-1842 KING, Janet, 8865-3 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-927-2869 KING, Rodney, 16918 Snowden, Detroit, MI, 48235, 313-863-9161 KINNE, Jeffrey, Box 216, Farmington, WA, 99128, 509-287-2850 KINNEY, Clayton, 4867-2 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9518 KIOKA, James, 1090 Tshigami, Otaki-machi, Isumi-gun Chiba-ken, 298-02, JAPAN, 047-084-0328 KIRA, Norikane, 2-32-24 Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 221, JAPAN KIRNER, Marianne, 145 Murray St, Middletown, CT, 06457, 203-344-0507 KIRSTEIN, Chad, 9735 Crystal Falls Dr, Hagerstown, MD, 21740, 301-797-8224 KITCHEN, Paul, 32850 Middlecross Rd, Dowagiac, MI, 49047 KITSO, Lesego, P Bag XII, Gabsrone, BOTSWANA KLAM, Cheri, 2730 Ridgewood Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KLAM, Marlene, 2730 Ridgewood Tr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KLASSEN, Michelle, Rt I Box 203, Baraga, MI, 49908, 906-353-6880 KLATT, Laura, 8838 Grove Ave #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KLEPSTEEN, Sabrina, 155 Red Bird Ln, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-965-3888 KLIMCZAK, Brian, 28379 Elm St, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-6062 KLINE, Jill, 1211 Brabbs St, Burton, MI, 48509, 313-742-8038 KLOECKNER, Brenda, 1827 Bluebird Ln, Munster, IN, 46321, 219-923-2643 KLUSMAN, Matthew, 8567 White Cedar Dr, #224, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-847-2565 KNAPP, Daniel, 147 N Main, Camden, MI, 49232, 517-368-5884 KNECHT, Michael, 10306 Creek Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 517-723-6260 KNOWLTON, Andrew, 840 Morton Ave, Belding, Ml, 48809, 616-794-3864 KOBLISKA, David, 12147 Artesian, Blue Island, IL, 60406, 708-388-8411 KOBOR, Bela, 550 Maplewood Ct #E71, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 517-755-0801 KOBOR, Diane, 550 Maplewood Ct #E7 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KOCH, Heather, 2366 Patterson Blvd #5, Kettering, OH, 45409, 513-643-0429 KOEHN, Karina, 19 Mull Crescent, Courtice, ON, LIE 2C9, CANADA, 905-404-2601 KOGER, Michelle, PO Box 332, Sellersville, PA, 18960, 215-997-8693 KOH, Joan, 193 Burrows Lane, Blauvelt, NY, 10913, 914-359-1769 KOHTZ, Adam, 3206 Sturgeon, Midland, MI, 48640, 517-832-8677 KOLTER, Anthony, 6232 Bach Dr, West Chester, OH, 45069, 513-779-9912 KOLUMBAN, James, 600 Beechwood Ct #A47, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KOMI, Yukari, 389-7 Saihiro, Ichihara, Chiba, JAPAN, 043-622-9127 KOOTSEY, Sean, 500 Laurel Dr, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-2615 KORANTENG-PIPIM, Samuel, PO Box 480, Kumasi, GHANA, AFRICA KOTANKO, Darryl, PO Box 543, Eau Claire, MI, 49111 KOUBONG, Finola, 251 Upper Serangoon Rd, SINGAPORE, 1334 KOUBONG, Roymond, 500 Garland #F13, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KOUBONG, Shupinar, Sabah Adv Mission Box 789257, Tamparvli, Sabah, E MALAYSIA KOVACHEVA, Galina, 4796-I Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KRAFCIK, Nancy, 3 Forest Drive, Burlington, CT, 06013, 203-675-5639 KRAGH, Paul, 9846-12 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KRIEGER, Janice, 2655 Woodgate Dr #137, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-428-5247 KRIEGER, Robert, 2900 S Lakeshore Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-4201 KROEHLER, Jeff, N 14204 Cty Rd 551, Wilson, MI, 49896, 906-639-2655 KRULL, Douglas, 8180 Meadowbrook, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-944-5504 KRZYSIEK, Andrew, 50111 Main Dr, New Buffalo, MI, 49117, 616-469-1142 KUCHIPUDI, Venson, 3349 Pleasant St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KUEHMICHEL, Kevin, 1203 Regent St, Niles, MI, 49120, 513-295-3253 KUMA, Hermann, 28 Crawford Gardens, St Andrews, Fife, KY I 68XG, SCOTLAND KUMAH, Benjamin, PO Box 24, Korle-bu Accra, GHANA KUMALAE, Healani, 4204 Ulster Rd, Beltsville, MD, 20705, 301-595-7380 KUMALAE, Julie, 4204 Ulster Rd, Beltsville, MD, 20705, 301-595-7380 KUMAR, Vasanthy, 50877 Sturdy Oak Ct, Granger, IN, 46530, 219-272-4865 KUNZE, Gabriella, 4655 Kimber Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KUO, Tze-Hsiou, 8275 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 KUROKI, Sachiko, 2-15-11 Tsukushino, Machid-Shi, Tokyo, 194, JAPAN KURTZ, Camille, 203 Green Cedar Dr, Hamilton, ON, L9C 6S2, CANADA, 905-574-4386 KWAN, Melanie, Blk 230 Simei St 4, #02-182, 1852, SINGAPORE L LABOY, Melody, 43-06 46 St #6B, Sunnyside, NY, 11104, 718-361-7327 LABRADOR, Evelyn, 600 Beechwood Ct #A45, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LABRADOR, Minervino, 600 Beechwood Ct #A45, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LABRO, Hencelyn, 5029 W Bluffview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LACSON, Grace, 8726-2 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 312-655-0148 LADU, Amy, 4823 Farber Row, Columbus, OH, 43221, 614-529-8200 LAFAIVE, Brent, 179 W Curtis Rd, Hope, MI, 48628, 517-689-3343 LAFAIVE, Ryan, 179 W Curtis, Hope, MI, 48628, 517-689-3343 LAI, Chyong-yih, 10 Ln 225 Fu Shing Roadshuh Lin Town, 23812 Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C LAI, Virginia, Flat D 15/F 56, Brdway St Mei Foo, Sun Chuen, HONG KONG LAIDLOW, Lydia, 9059 First St #4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9668 LAIRD, Brian, 401 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LAKE, Carmelita, 12031 SW 274TH St, Homestead, FL, 33032 LAKE, Gretchen, 12031 SW 274TH St, Homestead, FL, 33032, 305-258-1372 LALUNA, Gemelito, 7580 Dunkirk Ave, Highland, CA, 92346, 909-862-8349 LAM, Shuk, Rm 806 Sze Yu House, Choi Wan Estate, HONG KONG LANE, Steven, 2131 I Station Ln, Land 0' Lakes, FL, 34639, 813-949-4816 LANGLOIS, Dana, 16 A Gill Street, Hampton, NH, 03248, 603-926-1541 LANIER, Mary, Rt I Box 463-02, Myakka City, FL, 34251, 813-322-1637 LANPHEAR, Mindy, 4866 Crestbrook Dr, Waterford, MI, 48328, 810-679-2418 LARGE, Jason, 7293 Hickory Rd, Plymouth, IN, 46563, 219-936-7516 LAROCQUE, Tracy, 7830 Ontario St Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34243, 813-359-2035 LARSON, Tonya, 32000 S E Daphne Court, Boring, OR, 97009, 503-668-3986 LATANE, Richard, 308-I N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LATHAM, Dalton, 9846-40 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LAUGHLIN, Jeanne, 222 E Walnut, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-887-8091 LAUNIO, Leo, 3270 Goyer St #201, Montreal, PQ, H3S I J I, CANADA, 514-342-6374 LAURENCE, Carty, 8815 Grove, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 LAW, Elizabeth, P 0 Box 121, Galien, MI, 49113, 616-545-8374 LAWRENCE, Abigail, 500 Garland #G I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LAWRENCE, Errol, 48 Foulser Rd, Tooting Bec, London, SW I 78UE, ENGLAND LAWRENCE, Pamela, 500 Garland #G 1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LAWRENCE, Todd, 314 Cecil, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 708-482-8503 LAZARUS, Naveen, 204 Daleville Ave, Enterprise, AL, 36330, 205-393-4434 LE BLANC, Charles, 511 S Greenwood Ave, Kankakee, IL, 60901, 312-784-8281 LEACH, Dana, Rt I Box 169-IA, Cedarville, MI, 49719, 906-484-3406 LEACH, Jenny, 3517 W Lina Ln, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-774-5144 LEADER, Ermine, PO Box 1699, St Johns, ANTIGUA, W INDIES, 809-461-3794 LEAL, Ruber, Urb Satelite #7, Valera Trusillo, AA 141, VENEZUELA LEAR, Rick, 4616 Roosevelt Rd, Stevensville, MI, 49127 LEAVELLE, Bradley, 12782 Redbud Trail, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-3533 LEBEN, Ann, 6363 Scherr Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LEBLANC, Catherine, 5356 N Alpine Ridge, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-6741 Addresses _EBLANC, Thomas, 2130 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT, 06903 _EBRON, Wendy, 500 Garland #A 16, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 _EE, Amy, 14746 Valiant Terrace, Burtonsville, MD, 20866, 301-604-6789 _EE, Angela, 800 Thomson Road, 1129, SINGAPORE _EE, Ann, 207-521 Finch Ave W, Willowdale, ON, M2R I N3, CANADA, 416-633-3183 _EE, Anthony, 800 Thomson Rd, 1129, SINGAPORE, 065-253-8829 _EE, Ben, 4678 E Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 _EE, Chang, 4F 243-6 Kuui-dong, Sungdong-gu, 133-200, Seoul, S KOREA _EE, Cheng-Ta, 4510 W Hillcrest Dr #3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 313-589-9101 _EE, Daniel, 25827 Mariposa St, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 909-796-9707 .EE, Hyong, 29 Dickenson, Hamilton, NJ, 08629, 609-586-3473 .EE, Jae, 4709 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 .EE, James, 4750 Cotton St #2, Indianapolis, IN, 46226, 317-545-4554 _EE III, James, 830 Mineral, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-3401 .EE, Jennie, 1408 Carriage Lane #2, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-968-5525 .EE, Jongchan, Ha Gae Zdong, Kouk-dong #3-115, No Wonku, 251, 5 KOREA .EE, Kam-Hong, 166-A Jalan Bukit Bintg, 55100 Kuala Lampur, MALAYSIA .EE, Kenneth, 3968-1 Sunset Ct, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 .EE, Kenneth, 19 Avenue Rd, Richmond Hill, ON, L4C 6B6, CANADA, 905-882-5227 .EE, Kevin, 15 Hearthstone Cres, Willowdale, ON, M2R 1G2, CANADA, 416-631-8063 .EE, Sharon, 15 Hearthstone Cres, Willowdale, ON, M2R 1G2, CANADA, 416-631-8063 .EE, Sung, 600 Beechwood Ct #C49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 .EE, Susie, 1408 Carriage Ln #2, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-968-5525 .EE, Virda, 9766-7 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 .EE, Young, Sahmho Apt 11-903, Bisandong Ahnyangsi, Kyungkido, S KOREA .EE, Young, 29 Dickinson Ave, Trenton, NJ, 08629, 609-586-3473 .EE, Yvette, 2641 S Pennsylvania St, Denver, CO, 80210, 303-744-3985 .EEN, Barbara, 7683 Horizon Hills Dr, Springboro, OH, 45066, 513-885-6192 .EFFLER, Dale, 2440 Kruger Dr, Niles, MI, 49120 .EHMANN, Cynthia, PO Box 683, Mc Clusky, ND, 58463, 701-363-2409 .EHMANN, Jennifer, PO Box 8626, Redlands, CA, 92375, 909-799-3925 .EHMANN, Jill, 28 First Ave, Bedford, NS, B4A I Z6, CANADA, 902-835-0174 EONARD, Geraldine, 5835 Greycourt Ave, San Diego, CA, 92114, 619-263-2562 EONG, Dinah, 1069 Tabuan Jaya, Kuching Sarawak, 93350, MALAYSIA EONOR, Elba, 4656 Lisa Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5005 EONOR, Giovanni, 3777 Clydesdale Dr #3B, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-273-5312 EONOR, Kimberly, 3777 Clydesdale Dr #3B, South Bend, IN, 46628, 219-273-5312 EPENIOTIS, George, PO Box 421, Bridgman, MI, 49106, 616-465-6843 EPKE, Wolfgang, 500 Garland #13I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ESCANEC, Carla, Rt 2 Box 207B, Centralia, MO, 65240, 314-682-2537 EUNG, King, C/o Bibiane Niemann, Tile-brugge Weg 17K, 13509, Berlin, GERMANY, 030-434-9939 EVTEROV, Boyan, Solunsra 10, Sojia 1000, BULGARIA EWIS, Basje, 600 Beechwood Ct #842, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 EWIS, Clinton, PO Box 115, St Georges Grenada, W INDIES EWIS, Darnise, 1721 Counsil Dr, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-934-9645 EWIS, Joan, 500 Garland #B4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 EWIS, Jonathan, St Elizabeth Village, St Joseph, BARBADOS, 809-433-9540 EWIS, Sheila, 2071 Torchwood Loop S, Columbus, OH, 43229, 614-891-8073 EWIS, Shennette, 192 East 40TH St #3R, Brooklyn, NY, 11203, 718-856-5814 I, Yin, 8851 N Ridge Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IAO, Shu-Chi, No 12 Ta Tong 2ND Rd, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN, R 0 C ICHTENWALTER, Larry, 11166 Jones Road, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IEBELT, Richard, 8736 Elizabeth Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IFSHAY, Dean, 2630-1 Ridgewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IM, Dae, Rd 2 Box 16, Egg Hbr City, NJ, 08215, 609-965-0078 IM, Geesnell, 17 Lake Byrd Blvd, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-452-9803 IM, Herbert, 1411 Morningside Dr, Silver Spring, MD, 20904, 301-236-5968 IM, Hong-Wen, 500 Garland #G12, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IM, James, 17355 Doris, Fraser, MI, 48026, 313-294-2920 IM, Nelson, PO Box 889, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-9318 IM, Yoon, Rd 2 Box 16, Egg Hbr City, NJ, 08215, 609-965-0078 IMB, Mark, 2125 Imperial Rd, W Carrollton, OH, 45449, 513-847-2409 IN, Chuan, 32 Sanmin St, Tungshih Taichung Hsien, TAIWAN, R 0 C INDOW, Tara, 16736 Aqueduct Ln, Williamsport, MD, 21795, 301-223-5180 INDSEY, Blake, 1525 Shasta Lane, Macungie, PA, 18062, 610-395-6002 INGLE, Christopher, 5948 Millshire Dr #2C, Kettering, OH, 45440, 513-436-1304 INTHWAITE II, William, PO Box Hm988, Hamilton, HMDX, BERMUDA IPPI, Francesca, 2572 Ridgewood Tr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ISCHER, Juliet, 2305 Niles Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 ISTENBEE, Archie, 8321 S King Dr #1E, Chicago, IL, 60619, 312-483-5780 ISTER, Sandia, 1309 Shady Creek Dr, Euless, TX, 76040, 817-267-6770 ISZEWSKI, Betty, 1023 Evelyn NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49505 ITCHFIELD, Debra, 1615 N 5TH St #170, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-683-7652 ITT, Gretel, PO Box 15167, Sarasota, FL, 33579, 813-366-5680 TTLE, Carol, 240 N Gratiot Co Ln Rd, Wheeler, MI, 48662, 517-842-3397 TTLE, Robert, 4849 E Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 U, Joseph, 4145 Pascal Ct, Mississauga, ON, L4W 3C4, CANADA, 905-624-4105 ZARDO, Janice, 654 Cortez Cir, Altamonte Springs, FL, 32714, 407-774-9960 ZARDO, Janileny, 654 Cortez Cir, Altamonte Springs, FL, 32714 ZARRAGA, Joshua, 9028-4 Midway, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 _OYD, Harry, 11432 Jones Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 D, Wan-Chin, No 103 Ssu-tsun Rd, Hoult Country, Taichung County, TAIWAN, R 0 C DCKWOOD, Dean, 380 N Fiske Rd, Coldwater, MI, 49036, 517-278-8337 DFTHOUSE, David, 6789 Long Lake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4930 DFTON-BROOK, Charlene, 113 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 DFTON-BROOK, Lorinda, 8380-1 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3714 DNSER, Kara, 672 Cabot Way #D, Napa, CA, 94559, 707-224-6451 JPA, Aaron, Pacific Adv College, Priv Bag Boroko, PAPUA NEW GUINEA DPEZ, Annabelle, Philippine Un College, Silang Cavite, 3120, PHILIPPINES DPEZ, Carlos, PO Box 66, Berrien Center, MI, 49102 DPEZ, Ernesto, Philippine Union Colegesilang, Cavite, 1099, PHILIPPINES DPEZ, Hector, 52275 Clarendon Hills, Granger, IN, 46530 DRENZ, Amy, 15 Academy Ln, Hutchinson, MN, 55350, 612-587-0816 DUTHAN, William, 5545 Bedford, Portage, MI, 49002, 616-327-1187 DVE, John, 8950 Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 814-825-4550 DVE, Kimberly, 9412 S Loomis, Chicago, IL, 60620, 312-239-4709 LOWRY, Norma, 351 Matlock Pike, Bowling Green, KY, 42104, 502-842-5939 LOZA, Maribel, 390 Millbrook Ave, Randolph, NJ, 07869, 201-328-8986 LU, Pi-Hsia, 3F #10 Alleyi Lane 821 Pei-an Rd, Taipei, TAIWAN R 0 C LUCAS, Rebecca, 3431 Fenton Rd, Holly, MI, 48442, 313-634-8098 LUCAS, Roger, 5225 S Dove PI, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-483-2145 LUCKHARDT, Brenda, 3709 E Walton, Shepherd, MI, 48883, 517-773-1151 LUDMAN, Naomi, PO Box 328, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-9584 LUKE, Henry, 8717 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LUKE, John, PO Box 54, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LUMUCSO, Mark, 2776 Nautilus Dr, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-453-0546 LUNGUZI, Juliana, Mulangeni Investments, 30979 PO Box Capital Cylilongwe, MALAWI, 026-572-0771 LURIE, Yair, 15082 N 59TH Ave #270, Glendale, AZ, 85306, 602-439-7115 LUSK, Debra, 319 Hillview, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-0203 LUTHER, Lynn, 314 N Redbud Trl, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-6142 LYNCH, Coral, 500 Garland #F16, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 M MACDONALD, William, 21694 Yucatan, Woodland, CA, 91346, 818-887-4795 MACE, Eric, 903 St Nicholas Ave, Dayton, OH, 45410, 513-254-6905 MACEY, Helen, 611 N Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3002 MACHAGE, Micah, 4598-4 E Snow Road, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MACKAY, Robert, 3905 Maple Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MACKIE, Judith, 1203 Mohawk Ln, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 MACOMBER, Anne, 1209 Belvoir Ave, Kettering, OH, 45409, 513-298-7245 MADDING, Andrea, 212 W Julius St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3223 MADDING, Timothy, 212 W Julius St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 206-533-5390 MAEHLER, Beth, 54363 Terrace Ln, South Bend, IN, 46635, 219-272-8125 MAGESA, Rehema, 500 Garland #D 12, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAHESHWARI, Nitin, C/o Re Maheshwari E- I 54hindallo, Renukoot U P 231217, INDIA MAHN, Gerald, 8817 Meadowview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAIDOM, Ritha, 8876 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAIER, Gerald, 4855 Riverside Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAIER, Joseph, 115 Waldemar Ct S E, Winterhaven, FL, 33884, 813-324-5161 MAKESA, Mumba, 332 E Napier Ave, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-8622 MAKHUMULA, Ganizani, PO Box 30148, Yanu-yanu Bus Co, Blantyre, MALAWI MAKHUMULA, James, Yanu-yanu Co, P 0 Box 30148, Blantrye, MALAWI MAKINO, Fumiyo, 3-29-2 Amanuma Suginami, Tokyo, 167, JAPAN MAKOMBE, Uthant, 228 Enterprise Rd, The Grange, Harare, ZIMBABWE MALCOLM, Kenroy, H Bro Dr Lot 54, Sunny Acres Ma Pe, JAMAICA MALONES, Albert, 550 Maplewood Ct #662, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 403-752-4725 MANDERS, Kenneth, Spring Hill Rd, Warwick 47, BERMUDA, 09, 809-236-4962 MANIRAGUHA, Salomon, B P 118 Gisenyi, RWANDA, AFRICA MANJATH, Dinesh, #2 lind Cross St Evr Comadipakkam, Tamil Nadu 600091 Madras, INDIA MANKOWSKI, Ruth, 1623 Walnut, Waukegan, IL, 60085, 708-360-0910 MANN, Dell, 9846-26 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5810 MANN, Ramona, 4162 Cty T, Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235, 414-743-8494 MANN, Richard, 9846-26 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MANNERS, Glendon, 149 Shoh Ali Bash, Mirpur 1, Dhaka, BANGLADESH, 616-471-2966 MANUEL, Kendra, 1245 Ridgewood Dr, Sarnia, ON, N7V 3R2, CANADA, 519-383-1094 MAPLANKA, Richard, 3 Wigtown Rd, Famona, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE MAPP, Dennika, 10 Claytown, Hamilton Parish, CR03, BERMUDA, 809-292-3347 MARASIGAN, Marc, 1900 N Martin Rd, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-453-7342 MARBLE, Diana, 204 N Main, North Star, MI, 48862, 517-875-2080 MARCELINO, Juan, Pmb Avt Duarte C/20 #53LOS Angeles, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 809-560-5788 MARDEN, Ricky, 43 N County Rd, Hampden, ME, 04444, 207-862-5229 MARGARITI, Hariklia, PO Box 35, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARIETTA, Jacqueline, 321 Lake St, Saint Charles, MI, 48655, 517-865-8074 MARKOVICH, Alexander, 8865 N Ridge Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 516-486-7889 MARKS, Malinee, 10220 Rangeline Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2089 MAROTZ, David, 2637 N 48TH Ln, Phoenix, AZ, 85035, 602-269-1158 MAROTZ, Melody, 600 Beechwood Ct A43, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARQUEZ, Milton, 630 Shore Rd, Long Beach, NY, 11561, 516-431-6865 MARROQUIN, Medardo, 3449 W Altegeld St, Chicago, IL, 60647, 312-489-5672 MARSA, Tanya, 6840 SW 158TH Ave, Beaverton, OR, 97007, 503-641-1729 MARSH, Deanna, E 2525 Spangle Waverly, Spangle, WA, 99031, 509-245-3679 MARSH, Michelle, 347 5TH St #9, Elyria, OH, 44035, 216-284-2825 MARSH, Richard, 5991 Hillside Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9118 MARSH, Sonya, 5991 Hillside Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9118 MARSHMAN, Melanie, 5532 Co Rd 101, Mount Gilead, OH, 43338, 419-947-2253 MARTIN, Joseph, 6009 Holley Oak Dr, Fort Wayne, IN, 46818, 219-489-8870 MARTIN, David, 1744 Givan Ave, Bronx, NY, 10469, 718-652-5212 MARTIN, Susan, PO Box 151, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARTIN, Trinda, 9022 US 31 N #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARTINELLI, Mario, Rua Jalmar Lindguist, 957 Parque Hortolandia Sao Paulo, BRAZIL, 019-265-2038 MARTINEZ, Ivan, 600 Beechwood Ct #E42, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARTINEZ, Magdaline, 600 Beechwood Ct #D43, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARTINEZ, Ruth, 2061 Marlowe, Canton, MI, 48187 MARTINEZ, Shelly, 212 S Kimmel, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 503-641-1729 MARTINEZ, Tom, 212 S Kimmel, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MARTZ, James, 8732 Meadowlark Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MASUKU, Silas, 70778 Lobongula West, Magwegwe, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE MASUKU, Sophie, Solusi College, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE MASUKU, Stephen, 4167 N Roosevelt Rd, Stevensville, MI, 49127 MATACIO, Lauren, 10533 Hillpoint, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MATANDIKO, Cornelius, N Zambia Field, Box 710286, Mansa, ZAMBIA MATEI, Persida, 15588 Arbor PI, Southfield, MI, 48075, 810-443-1389 MATHEW, Valliyatharayil, River View Melukara, 689641 Kozhencherry, KERALA MATOS, Brigida, 218 E 104ST #16, New York, NY, 10029, 212-860-2009 MATSON, Neal, 2008 Belair Dr, Moses Lake, WA, 98837, 509-765-8184 MATSUEDA, Atsuko, 6-30-36 Sagamidai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, JAPAN MATTEY, Alexis, PO Box 325, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 MATTHEWS, Lori, 114 W Lockport St, Plainfield, IL, 60544, 815-436-1525 MATTICE, Connie, 7237 22ND Ave, Jenison, MI, 49428, 616-457-3143 Addresses MATTINGLY, Claudine, 10853 Ridgewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3088 MATTINGLY, Keith, 10853 Ridgewood Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3088 MAVRAKOS, Paul, 5133 Red Arrow Hwy, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-428-7158 MAXWELL, Heather, 12513 Covenant Wy, Hagerstown, MD, 21742, 301-790-3589 MAY, Maria, 9737 Fairway Circle, Leesburg, FL, 34788, 904-728-3286 MAYER, Jorge, 4903 Pioneer Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAYNARD-REID, Andrew, 1212 Thierot Ave, Bronx, NY, 10472, 718-828-5043 MAYNARD-REID, Fahimee, 1212 Thieriot Ave, Bronx, NY, 10472, 718-828-5043 MAYVILLE, David, 1819 N 5TH St #G 108, Niles, Ml, 49120, 517-739-4591 MAZYCK, Marilyn, 163 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 MCARTHUR, William, 4410 S State St #I308, Chicago, IL, 60609, 312-373-7530 MCBETH, James, 2215 Santa Fe Ct, Fairfield, CA, 94533, 707-422-9435 MCBRIDE, Brian, 10160-I Garr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MCCAFFERTY, Maureen, 800 Rosa Ln, Lafayette, IN, 47905, 317-589-7302 MCCARRON, Douglas, 10429 N Tudor Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2001 MCCARTER, Pamela, 205 W Kelly St, Cuba City, WI, 53807, 608-744-2794 MCCLINTOCK, David, 9 Matthews Valley Rd, Cooranbong, New S W, AUSTRALIA MCCLINTOCK, Glenda, 4205 Walnut Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MCCOMBS, Amanda, 2919 S 11TH St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-7877 MCCOY, Linda, 1642 Pinnacle Dr SW, Wyoming, Ml, 49509, 616-532-0194 MCCRARY, Reid, 8772-2 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MCDANIEL, Donald, 4739 Cherry Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MCDONALD, Dionne, P 0 Box 442, 895 Howell Mtn Rd, Angwin, CA, 94508, 707-965-2681 MCDONALD, Vicki, 3613 Westmoreland Dr, Orlando, FL, 32804, 407-425-4019 MCDOWELL, Jeanette, Grand Valley State Univravine Apts Gvsu #93, Allendale, MI, 49401, 616-895-6093 MCFADDEN, Adam, 3843 Baseline Rd, Bloomingdale, MI, 49026, 616-521-6505 MCGARRELL, Faith-Ann, CUC, PO Box 175 Pt Of Spain, TRINIDAD, W INDIES, 809-663-8503 MCGARY, Lamont, 8975 N Main St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MCGHEE, Ruby, 4180 Briarwood Dr, Urbana, OH, 43078 MCINTYRE, Helen, 500 Garland #E I I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 301-890-6505 MCKEEL, Jennifer, 3731 Lane Court, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-4053 MCKENZIE, Ladine, 9 Lightwood Dr, Rexdale, ON, M9V 2Z I , CANADA, 416-747-7082 MCKENZIE, Wendy, 35430 60TH Ave, Paw Paw, Ml, 49079, 616-657-4072 MCLAUGHLIN, Carla, PO Box 51, Bodden Town, Grand Cayman, W INDIES, 809-949-8188 MCLAUGHLIN, Claudia, 946 Dartmouth, Matteson, IL, 60443, 708-720-1335 MCLAUGHLIN, Elvie, East End, Cayman Islands, W INDIES, 809-947-7401 MCLAUGHLIN, Richard, 550 Maplewood Ct #G6 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6771 MCMAYO, Arnold, 590 Flatbush Ave #3N, Brooklyn, NY, 11235, 718-941-1989 MCPHERSON, Ebenezer, 3251 Clinton Av S, Minneapolis, MN, 55408 MEAD, Maurice, 12121 Robust Way, Nevada City, CA, 95959, 916-265-8636 MEADE, Edson, PO Box 1424, 1424 Kings Hill, Kingshill, VI, 00851, 809-778-2521 MEDGYESI, Doug, 10 S Western, Aurora, IL, 60506, 312-897-0741 MEDINA, Delisha, 916 W 145TH Ave, Crown Point, IN, 46307 MEDINA, Ramona, 1827 Platt, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-0025 MEDINA, Xiomara, 9L Winslow Dr, Taunton, MA, 02780, 508-880-7126 MEDRANO, Robin, 522 West Ash St, Piqua, OH, 45356, 513-778-9629 MEEDER, Linda, 22957 Midriveno, Marshall, MI, 49068 MEICHI, Shinsaku, 4-2-11 Kumochibashi-, Dori Chuo-ku Kobe-shi, JAPAN MEIKLE, Tanya, Box 4 Site 19 Rt 2, Calgary, AB, T2P 2G5, CANADA, 403-247-2839 MEJIA, Eliab, 9 Arizona Ave, Bay Shore, NY, 11706, 516-231-1849 MEJIA, Gabriela, 56-21 14ITH Street, Flushing, NY, 11355, 718-321-7205 MEJIA, Susana, 6138 Rosemead Blvd #D, Temple City, CA, 91780, 818-285-5037 MELENDEZ, Lenette, 170 Irvine St, Framingham, MA, 01701, 508-872-7096 MELNICK, Todd, 16005 Comus Rd, Clarksburg, MD, 20871, 301-428-8010 MELNICK, Ryan, 16005 Comus Rd, Clarksburg, MD, 20871, 301-428-8010 MELNICK, Rebekah, 218 Valley Rd, Media, PA, 19063, 610-358-2045 MELO, Luiz, 3707 Lemon Creek Rd #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MELO-THOMAS, Annie, 528 N Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1421 MELSER, Ronnie, 1420 Princeton Ct, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-259-5349 MENESES, Charissa, 11278 San Lucas Dr, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 909-799-7636 MENJOR, Charles, 120 Camp Johnson Rd, Monrovia, LIBERIA, W AFRICA MENON, Druce, PO Box 520387, Flushing, NY, 11352, 718-445-2124 MENTGES, Eunice, 4629 E Mocassin Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MEOLA, Lorie, 171 I S Drive, Ellsworth, ME, 04605, 207-667-4899 MEOLA, Paul, 17 H And S Drive, Ellsworth, ME, 04605 MERCURIUS, Marin, 5000 Ridgehurst Dr, Smyrna, GA, 30080, 404-436-5467 MERKEL, Ruth, 8368 Scottdale Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MERLING, David, 2036 US 31 N, Niles, MI, 49120 MERRIFIELD, Joanne, 5930 Branford PI, Lincoln, NE, 68512, 402-421-7538 MERWIN, Emmett, 44 Greene St, Canaan, CT, 06018, 203-824-1108 MESFEN, Fikre-Yesus, 550 Plantation Ct #E4, Nashville, TN, 37221, 615-646-8401 MESSERSMITH, Darrell, Po 1142, Lamar, CO, 81052, 719-336-5154 MESSING, Mark, 6388 W M-25, Akron, MI, 48701, 517-691-5764 METROS, Marilyn, 15288 Timber Trl, Mishawaka, IN, 46545, 219-259-0370 MFUNE, Israel, 600 Beechwood Ct #641, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MICHAELIS, Denise, Box 452, S Lancaster, MA, 01561, 508-365-3697 MICHEL, Cloraine, 959 Carroll St #3-D, Brooklyn, NY, 11225, 718-604-0755 MICU, Mihail, 3293 Sunrise Village #E, Norcross, GA, 30093, 404-806-9695 MIEDEMA, Bonita, 3233 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546 MIKOLAJCZYK, Andrzej, UI I Maja 39, 05-807 Podkowa Lesna, POLAND MILITANA, Ronald, Rt 4 Box 194, Murphy, NC, 28906, 704-644-5700 MILLER, Arthur, 527 N Chestnut Ave, Oconto Falls, WI, 54154, 414-846-4811 MILLER, Brian, 5521 1 I TH Ave N, St Petersburg, FL, 33710, 813-345-1844 MILLER, Chris, 3976 Rose Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MILLER, Darlene, 258 Helmar Ct, Benton Harbor, Ml, 49022, 616-927-4298 MILLER, Lyle, 92324 Territorial Rd, Junction City, OR, 97448, 503-998-8689 MILLER, Mark, 434 N Broadway, De Pere, WI, 54115, 414-336-2468 MILLER, Virginia, 527 N Chestnut #109, Oconto Falls, WI, 54154, 414-846-4811 MILLINER, Harold, 172-12 133RD, Jamaica, NY, 11434, 718-276-0013 MILMINE, Carolynne, RR #7, Chatham, ON, N7M 5J7, CANADA, 519-358-1601 MILOSAVLJEVIC, Igor, 500 Garland #C5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MILOSAVLJEVIC, Mirta, 500 Garland #C5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MILOSAVLJEVIC, Radivoje, Bozidara Adzize 4, 11000 Bgograd, YUGOSLAVIA MILOSAVLJEVIC, Zeljka, 500 Garland #C5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MINEAR, Tami, 9025-2 Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-965-3439 MIREK, Sarah, 2316 N St Rt 721, Bradford, OH, 45308, 513-473-2122 MITCHELL, Henry, 3206 Bay Water Ct, Far Rockaway, NY, 11691 MITCHELL, John, PO Box 638, New Haven, CT, 06511, 203-777-9812 MITCHELL, Nancy, 8935 Meadow Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MIYASHIRO, Laura, 98-711 Iho PI #3-902, Aiea, HI, 96701, 808-486-1620 MIYASHITA, Yoshiko, 2-11-6 Wakamiya, Ichihara-shi, Chiba-ken, JAPAN 290 MIZUMOTO, Yuuki, 405 Maipuraza-tounan 12 Nikinomorri, Kisshoin Minami, Kyoto, 601 JAPAN, 075-691-8300 MOBEGI, Joseph, Matutu Adv Sec School, PO Box 89, Nyanseongo, KENYA MOHN, Timothy, 851 Maple Tree Ln, Nazareth, PA, 18064, 215-759-5794 MONTES, Oscar, 4216 E Tudor Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MONTES, Ybon, 1909 Poinsetta Ln, Maitland, FL, 32751, 407-339-7891 MONTGOMERY, Shannon, 505 Central Ave, Brighton, CO, 80601, 303-659-7565 MOON, James, 8706 Lilac Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7359 MOORE, Jan, PO Box 3304, Port Charlotte, FL, 33949, 813-743-3661 MOORE, Kelly, 602 Krohn Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MOORE, Sarita, 14120 Exeter, Carleton, MI, 48117, 313-654-9243 MOORE, Sophie, 12235 Perry, Chicago, IL, 60628, 312-568-1617 MOOREHEAD, Denise, 5589 Old Mission, Portage, MI, 49002 MOOYIN, Sheryl, 8520 S Carpenter, Chicago, IL, 60620, 312-783-5241 MORAN, Kimberly, Rd5 Box 788B, Dover, DE, 19904, 302-674-8046 MORAVCOVA, Martina, Okruzni Str 2161, Ceska Lipa, CZECH REPUBLIC MORELAND, Benjamin, 9846-32 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MORELAND, Sherrie, 9846-32 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MORENO, Velkis, 67-28 Parsons Blvd #2C, Flushing, NY, 11365, 718-380-1671 MORGAN, Joel, 1301 Maple Ave, Elmira, NY, 14904, 607-737-0126 MORGAN, Mark, 56 Croteau Cres, Thornhill, ON, L4J 5S6, CANADA, 416-764-0453 MORGAN, Terri, 7740-7 Green Branch Dr, Centerville, OH, 45459, 513-439-5697 MORGAN, Tony, 4125 Bruner Ave, Bronx, NY, 10466, 718-994-8234 MORGAN-MAZE, Geraldine, 811 Logan St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506, 616-454-0417 MORMAN, Richard, 259 Governors' View Rd, Asheville, NC, 28805 MORRILL, Keith, 402 Burman Hall, 609-358-8810 MORRIS, Zelma, 31234 Wells St, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-4527 MORRISON, Heather, PO Box 703, College Place, WA, 99324, 509-529-5549 MORRISON, Seth, 3396 Pleasent, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5558 MORROW, Greggory, 711 Petrie, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-982-2023 MORROW, Randall, 4172 Walnut St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MORTENSON, Cameron, 6905 N River Hwy, Grand Ledge, MI, 48837, 817-627-6252 MOSKALA, Jiri, Kostelni 515 Hrusovan, Ozeck Slvakia, CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOUAKET, May, 45 Meadowview Dr, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722, 908-946-7014 MOYER, Gary, 9266 4TH St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MUBITA, Imasiku, West Zambia Field, PO Box 084, Kanyonyo Mongu, ZAMBIA MUCHA III, Joseph, 1401 Perry St, Manistee, MI, 49660, 616-723-9289 MUGEMANA, Manasse, B P 525, Gisenyi, RWANDA MUHLENBECK, Patricia, N6350 Raven Rd, Pardeeville, WI, 53954, 608-742-2500 MULLEN, Amy, 6203 10 Mile Rd, Burlington, MI, 49029, 616-979-2666 MULLINGS, Sharon, 148 Temple Side PI NE, Calgary, AB, T I Y 3M2, CANADA, 403-285-5296 MULZAC, Kenneth, 4710-2 E Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-4910 MUMMERT, Victoria, N2432 Johnson Rd, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-4866 MUMPER, Dawn, 370 Halberta Cir, Calimesa, CA, 92320, 714-795-0646 MUMPER, Dena, 370 Halberta Cir, Calimesa, CA, 92320, 909-795-0646 MUN, Bernard, 7941 Pokagon Rd, Berrien Center, MI, 49102, 616-461-3152 MUN, Elmer, 600 Beechwood Ct #E46, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MUN, Nita, 7941 Pokagon Rd, Berrien Center, MI, 49102 MUN, Sheldon, 600 Beechwood Ct E46, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6453 MUNGER III, Perry, 9351 Lake Sand-Lynn Rd, Centralia, MO, 65240 MUNOZ, Jose, 53 37N Melvina, Chicago, IL, 60630, 312-775-7696 MUNROE, Wendy, 1 Fort St #25, Niles, Ml, 49120, 616-683-2315 MUNYENGWE, Coster, Zambia Union Box 31309 Lusaka, ZAMBIA MURDOCH, Scott, 58 County Rd 3000 N, Fisher, IL, 61843 MURPHY, Patrick, 124 Eaton St, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-968-6741 MURRAY, Illiana, 115-106 216 Street, Cambria Hight, NY, 11411, 718-978-2517 MURRMAN, Nancy, 61591 Bremen Hwy, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-259-5605 MUSVOSVI, Jonathan, Pbt Solusi College, 5399 Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE MUSVOSVI, Judith, 550 Maplewood Ct #A71, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MUTERO, Andrew, PO Box 84, Rongai, KENYA MUTHERSBAUGH, Phillip, PO Box 67, Syracuse, NY, 13215 MUZAMHINDO, Cleopas, 79 Blakeway Dr, Belvedere, Harare, ZIMBABWE MVUNDURA, Elijah, Solusi College, Private Bag T5399, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE MWANGI, Margaret, PO Box 84, Rongai, KENYA MWEBI, Samson, 174 John Grind Bvd #803E, Tobicoke, ON, M9V 5G1, CANADA, 416-741-0466 MYERS, James, 1568 Colfax, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022 MYREN, Marit, 4771-2 Cherry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3048 MZIRAY, Mohamed, Box 653, Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA N NAKAHARA, Morihiko, 3-6-20-403 Otemachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima, 730, JAPAN NAKHLE, Melodie, 8870 Pioneer Ct, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 NAM, Julian, PO Box 18, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-4201 NANBU, Mateus, Caixa Postal 39 Camta, Tome-acu Para, BRAZIL NASH, Andrew, 4907 Highland Drive, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 407-292-3470 NAVE, Jim, 1637 Oak St, Niles, MI, 49120 NAVE, Patrick, 108 W Cedar Ave, Atwood, IL, 61913, 217-578-2880 NAVROTSKY, Randal, 5336 Mall Dr W #1 B2, Lansing, MI, 48917, 517-886-2767 NCUBE, Peggie, Solusi College, Private Bag T5399, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE, AFRICA NDLOVU, Trust, 550 Maplewood Ct #H68, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 NEALL, Robert, Rt 5 Box 325, Dayton, TN, 37321, 615-775-2520 NECAS, Don, 4601 Cleveland Ave, Stevensville, MI, 49127 NEJAT-BAKHSH, Fattollah, 619 W Washington, South Bend, IN, 46601, 219-289-4663 NELSEN, Carla, 5186 Elm Rd, Pittsville, WI, 54466, 715-884-2756 NELSON, Emily, 8690 Westwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2226 NELSON, James, 8690 Westwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 NELSON, Loren, 4816 Malta Cir, Lansing, Ml, 48917, 517-323-1654 NELSON, Marcus, 3172 Willo Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1986 Addresses IELSON, Rebecca, 92 Birchcrest, Midland, MI, 48640 IELSON, Rodd, 3891 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2850 IELSON, Ronald, 3891 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IELSON, Vaughan, RR 1 Box 2130, Bowdoinham, ME, 04008, 207-666-5916 IEPHEW, Melissa, 10752 Polk St, Zeeland, MI, 49464, 616-875-7343 IETTEBURG, Charity, 10729 Redbud Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7436 IETTEBURG, Kristin, 10729 Red Bud Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IETTEBURG, Ronnalee, 10729 Redbud Tr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IEUMAYER, Terry, 14463 Day Rd, Mishawaka, IN, 46545, 219-259-4078 IEWBOLD, Michelle, 2934 W Wilson, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-539-1617 IEWKIRK, Deana, 9121 Woodland Drive, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1EWMAN, Dennis, 2317 Harding Ave, Lansing, MI, 48910, 517-485-3928 IEWTON, Bradford, 212 Aspen Ct, Bolingbrook, IL, 60440, 708-759-2161 IGUNYI, Ruth, PO Box 332, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IGUYEN, Vinh, 8750-2 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IICKELBERRY, Sabrena, 564 Kelley Ave, Camarillo, CA, 93010, 805-482-8105 IIECKO, Dianne, 7760 C Drive N, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-968-4997 IIEVA, Walter, 112 Trafalgar Square, Thornhill, ON, L4J 7M9, CANADA, 905-731-1606 IIEVES, Adney, Box 118, Mayaguez, PR, 00681, 809-833-0458 IINOVV, Friedbert, 550 Maplewood Ct #D73, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IITIGUNTANOON, Kanchana, 917/6-7 Prachachuen Rd, Bangkok, THAILAND 11Y0, Appy, 500 Garland #E 15, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6966 IKHATA, PeIlie, PO Box 223, Kasungu, MALAWI, AFRICA IONNEKES-BERGHOEF, Helen, 1727 Edgewood SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506, 616-454-4721 IORHEIM, Martin, 3105 Willow Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5233 ORHEIM, Suvi, 3105 Willo Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 IORTH, Jason, 8769 N Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1590 ORTON, Scott, 385 Slade Ave, Elgin, IL, 60120, 708-697-9129 ORTON, Tedric, 13554 Coveney Rd, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-1886 'OSICH, Christopher, 323 Hill St, Coloma, MI, 49038, 616-468-7343 UGENT, Jared, 4782 N 150 W, Shelbyville, IN, 46176, 317-398-7057 UNEZ, Maggie, 990 Aldus St #5J, Bronx, NY, 10459, 718-842-4929 UTTLE, Carol, PO Box 334, Mecosta, MI, 49332 WOSU, Constance, Aswa Campus Ilishanremopmb 21244 Ikeja Lagos, NIGERIA, W AFRICA YAIRO, Rachel, 550 Maplewood Ct #G67, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 YBRO, Richard, 7540 Paw Paw Ave, Watervliet, MI, 49098 YIRABU, Rehema, I Highboro Court, Bethesda, MD, 20817, 301-229-3370 YIRADY, Stephen, 4907 Highland Drive, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1446 cNEAL, Christina, Rd 2 Box 281, Ebensburg, PA, 15931, 814-749-8968 cNEAL, Ginger, 4280 Memorial Dr, Decatur, GA, 30032, 404-296-6102 ,BAS, Ethny, 600 Beechwood Ct #D52, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6447 ,BAS, Etzer, C-o Safh Box 1339, Port-Au-Prince, HAITI, W INDIES ,BAS, Ivaline, 3820 NW 174 St, Miami, FL, 33055, 305-620-8167 ,BAS, Lumine, 600 Beechwood Ct #D52, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ,CHOA, Paulina, 2523 Bucklodge Rd, Adelphi, MD, 20783, 301-445-3471 ,CKLETREE, Niki, 3147 N California, Indianapolis, IN, 46218, 317-924-9396 ,ESTREICH, Bernhard, D 39291, Friedensau, An Der !He #2113, GERMANY ,GOT, Amy, Ueab P 0 Box 2500, Eldoret, KENYA H, David, 3875 Maple Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2037 ,KUNDI, Maureen, PO Box 25207, Nairobi, KENYA ,KUNO, Karen, 8444 S Scotdale Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ,LATUNJI, Isaac, 3202 Toledo PI #1, Hyattsville, MD, 20782 1LIVE, Karen, 89-35 219TH St, Queens Vill, NY, 11427 ,LIVER, Patricia, 3827 Hertland Dr, Kettering, OH, 45439, 513-293-8959 ,LIVO, Diosalma, 25-64 83RD St, E Elmhurst, NY, 11370, 718-639-0002 ,LIVO, lvrys, 25-64 83RD St, Flushing, NY, 11370, 718-639-0002 ,LMO, Ruth, RR #6 Bin 10664, Carmito Alto, Rio Piedros, PR, 00926, 809-731-5906 MANE, Peter, Amakom SDA Church, Box 1818, Kumasi, GHANA ,MURA, Naoko, 902 2-2-3 Tomari, Naha-city, Okinawa, 900, JAPAN ,NGWELA, James, 407 Brookside Ln, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-4387 ,PANDE, Michael, 2420 Crestwood Dr, Huntsville, AL, 35805, 205-830-4038 ,PIYO, Walter, An Der 'He 7, Friedensau, 39291, GERMANY ,RDONEZ, Alfredo, 4050 Alajuela, Apartado 138, COSTA RICA, C AMERICA PRIAN, Benjamin, 1101 School Ave, Decatur, AR, 72722, 501-752-8488 ,ROURKE JR, William, PO Box 64, Wilberforce, OH, 45384 ,RRISON, Robert, 5065 Bluff View, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2583 ,RRISON, Ryan, 5065 Bluff View, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-2583 ,RSBURN, Jeffrey, 61 Cinnamon Cir, Fairport, NY, 14450 ,RSBURN, Scott, 61 Cinnamon Circle, Fairport, NY, 14450, 716-223-7025 ,RTIZ, Luis, Apartado Aereo 50361, Medellin, Antioquia, COLOMBIA, S AMERICA ,RTIZ, Ronnie, 2661 Anapollis Cir, San Bernardin, CA, 92408, 909-825-1442 ,RTIZ, Sandra, 428 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ,RTIZ, Vilma, 178 Verlina Ave #3L, Newark, NJ, 07104 ,RYEM, Tiffany, III St Joseph Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1RZAME, Gavin, PO Box 101, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1SBORN, Cheryl, 1627 Southeast Dr, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-233-1419 1SBORN, John, Rd 2 Box 194A, Seneca, PA, 16346, 814-676-5847 1SBORNE, Peter, 4121 Jack Dale Way, Oroville, CA, 95965, 916-539-6792 ISE!, Emmanuel, W A U M Box 1016, Accra, GHANA 1SELKA, Hollis, Rt I Box 205, Union Pier, MI, 49129, 616-469-2502 ISHIUMI, Erika, 5-3-57 Hinosato, Munakata-shi, 811-34 Fukuoka, JAPAN ISORIO, Joseph, 561 W Spring Valley Rd, Centerville, OH, 45458, 513-439-4600 1STER, Cyrus, 8843 Kephart, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3030 1STER, Jens, PO Box 1150, Dunnsville, VA, 22454, 804-443-4533 1STER, Yoash, 909 Wisconsin Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-983-7943 TTATI, Frank, 5135 Shepperd Ln, Ellicott City, MD, 21043, 610-389-6973 VERLY, Brett, 2557 W Glenlord Rd, Stevensville, MI, 49127 VERMYER, Douglas, 20347 Miller Rd, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-299-0848 WEN, Brian, 305 1/2 N Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 301-922-3056 WOLABI, James, PO Box 154, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WUSU, Michael, 1021 Pine Isle Lane, Naples, FL, 33962, 813-793-7281 OXLEY, Jonathan, 1455 Pegfair Estates Dr, Pasadena, CA, 91103, 818-796-9012 OYERLY, Anne, 8822 N Lemon Crk #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 OZANICH, Jane, 5767 Echo Ridge, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-8063 P PADILLA, Marvin, 12420 SW 46 St, Miami, FL, 33175, 305-552-7358 PAGET, Paul, 374 Hunter Dr, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-5668 PAGOTELIS, Alex, 1813 Howdy Ln, Darien, IL, 60559, 708-852-8852 PALIKAT, Augustine, Maktab Perguruan Keningbeg Berkun No 11 89009 Sabah, MALAYSIA PALLESCHI, Helen, 2091 Surry, Schoolcraft, MI, 49087, 616-679-4878 PALMER, Douglas, 14965 SE Bartell, Boring, OR, 97009, 503-658-5705 PALMER JR, Richard, 500 Garland #D5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PALMISANO, Sonia, 5013 Notre Dame Ave, Stevensville, MI, 49127 PAN, Jia, House 3 Lane 39, Ruijin Road One, Shanghai, CHINA PAN, Sophia, 56 3F St Hwa-shen, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C PANDJAITAN, Edison, 8728 N Ridge Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PANG, Peow-How, Bkl 412 Serangoon, Central #07-335, SINGAPORE PARCHMENT, Sean, PO Box 1273, George Town, GRAND CAYMAN, B W I, 809-949-8394 PARDEIRO, Natali, Rt 2 Box 150, Siloam Springs, AR, 72761, 501-524-3553 PARDO, Henry, 2933 K Ave, National City, CA, 91950, 619-474-3078 PARDO, Laura, 220 E Barney St, Baltimore, MD, 21230, 410-752-5327 PARDO, Mike, 2933 K Avenue, Natl City, CA, 91950, 619-474-3028 PARK, Chol, 4709 Timberland, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PARK, Chun, Zogl Hajinbu-7ri, Jinbu-myon Ppyungchang Kangwon-do South, S KOREA PARK, Gregory, 2601 Fairbourne Cir, Plano, TX, 75093, 214-964-8501 PARK, Hee, Hanil Villa A-dongl-ho310-6 Su Yu 2-DONG, Dobong-gu Seoul, S KOREA PARK, Jenny, Rt I Box 1724-6, Bowersville, GA, 30516, 706-376-3290 PARK, Jonathan, 4755-1 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 310-929-2510 PARK, Mekyoung, 818-39 16/I, Jungbong-Dong, Kyoungsan, S KOREA, 712-060 PARK, Myung, 8737 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PARK, Patrick, 8846 Maplewood Dr #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9513 PARK, Ruth, 1809 Lamp Post Ln, Lawrenceville, GA, 30243, 404-513-0409 PARK, Theodore, 4139 Gloucester, Sterling Hgts, MI, 48310, 810-977-0263 PARK, Won, 672-31 Yuk Sam Dong, Kan Nam Gu, Seoul, S KOREA, 135-081 PARK, Young-Sang, 495-2 Pyungchang-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, S KOREA PARKER, Connie, 11331 North Genesee Rd, Clio, MI, 48420, 313-686-9648 PARKER, Joseph, 34-20 137TH St, New York, NY, 11354, 718-463-5027 PARKER, Leslie, 3030 Morgan Rd, Joelton, TN, 37080, 615-876-3672 PARKER, Stephanie, 1787 SE 114TH PI, Portland, OR, 97216, 503-252-7122 PARKS, Byard, Rt 1 Box 83C, Bennet, NE, 68317, 402-782-6315 PASTOR, Aurelia, 5363 Lamson Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-1200 PATRA, Sanjana, 200 Sandringham Dr, Courtice, ON, LIE 2A3, CANADA, 905-404-8492 PATRU, Eddie, 7360 Fosdick Road, Saline, MI, 48176, 313-429-4340 PATTERSON, Alicia, 4810 E Hillcrest #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PATTERSON, Geoffrey, 4810 E Hillcrest Dr #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PATTERSON, Gregory, 120 Georgetown Chesterfield, Columbus, NJ, 08022, 609-291-1308 PATTERSON, Ronald, 120 Georgetown Chesterfield, Columbus, NJ, 08022, 609-291-1308 PATTERSON, Sheila, 4833-2 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PAUL, Dianna, 2010 Vanderbilt Rd, Kalamazoo, MI, 49002, 616-329-4026 PAULINO, Isiriel, 50 Greentree Blvd #21A, Battle Creek, MI, 49015, 616-979-2561 PAULINO, Oriel, 1918 Darwin S W, Grand Rapids, MI, 49507, 616-241-0877 PAUNER, Geoffrey, 90 Jurong East St 13, 2260, SINGAPORE PAUNER, Kathleen, 600 Beechwood Ct #F49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PAUNER, Richard, 600 Beechwood Ct #F49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PAUNER, Roger, 600 Beechwood Ct #F49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PAYNE, Jason, 0-1372 Leonard NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-677-5928 PAYNTER, Chevonne, 24 Tribe Rd No 1, Warwick, WK 10, BERMUDA, 809-236-1926 PAYTON, Andrea-daunn, 3070 E Lemon Creek Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7753 PAYTON JR, Ralph, 9048 Midway Dr #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PEDEN, Frank, PO Box 14, Mariposa, CA, 95338 PEDERSEN, Gunnar, Dgadyrvaenget 404, 2980 Kokkedal, DENMARK PEDERSEN, Michelle, 801 Francis St #2, South Haven, MI, 49090, 616-637-1837 PEDERSEN, Stacey, 9124 George Ave #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3748 PEJCIC, Jasminka, TB Banje 27, 43290 Grubisno Polje, CROATIA PELLANDINI, Timothy, 1031 N Pine River St, Ithaca, MI, 48847, 517-875-2229 PENA, Sammy, 45 Oak Ridge Dr, Bay Shore, NY, 11706, 516-234-8569 PENA, Sandra, 5576 Deans Hill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 461-471-9021 PENDLEY, Kristina, 1315 Maple St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-0230 PENROD, Faith, 1534 Hidden Creek Cir, N E #A, Grand Rapids, MI, 49505, 616-364-1293 PEOPLES, Cecilia, 8823 N US 31 #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PEREYRA, Roberto, Alberdi 367, Vil Lib San Martin, E Rios, ARGENTINA 3103 PEREZ, Jennifer, 2971 Wagonwheel, Troy, MI, 48098, 313-740-8919 PEREZ, Loren, Rt I Box 22, Headland, AL, 36345, 205-347-2228 PEREZ, Pedro, 210 N Kimmel #4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PERGERSON, Kimberly, Rt 3 Box 510, Afton, VA, 22920, 703-456-6468 PERRIN, Michelle, 366 Driftwood Ave #13, Downsview, ON, M3N 2P5, CANADA, 416-665-1349 PERRY, Tashieka, 56 Albion St #17, Bridgeport, CT, 06605, 203-336-0852 PERRY, Wayne, 8702 Meadow Lark Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PETER, Philip, PO Box 644, Bridgman, MI, 49106, 616-465-3340 PETERS, Denise, 550 Maplewood Ct #D6 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PETERS, Henry, 550 Maplewood Ct #D61, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 809-497-2579 PETERS, Margaret, 550 Maplewood Ct #D6 I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PETERSEN, Darrell, 1289 Gidner Rd, Charlotte, MI, 48813, 517-543-6492 PETERSEN, Denise, 1289 Gidner Rd, Charlotte, MI, 48813, 517-543-6492 PETERSEN, Jon-Marc, 8840 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1720 PETERSEN, Paul, Vejlefjordskolen #6, Dk-8721 Daugaard, DENMARK, EUROPE PETERSON, Julian, 8101 Park Crest Dr, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, 301-688-2845 PETERSON, Richard, 1701 Spring Branch Dr, Cleburne, TX, 76031, 817-641-7410 PETTET, Eugenne, 993 Orchard Ave, South Haven, MI, 49090, 616-227-3312 PETTEY, Galen, 9387 US 31 S Lot 99, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PEZET, Deborah, 1407 E Lemon Creek Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7667 PFEIFER, Andreas, Baumstrasse 7, 75305, Neuenbuerg, GERMANY PFEIFLE, Mary, 2995 Detroit Rd #6, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-682-8548 Addresses PFLUG, Sheryl, 7330 Stevens Ridge Rd, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-488-0360 PHELAN, John, PO Box 360, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PHILLIPS, Bryan, 8313 York St, Cincinnati, OH, 45236, 513-745-9855 PHILLIPS, James, Rt 3 Box 39, Athens, AL, 35611, 205-232-6027 PHILLIPS, Stewart, 1651 Briarcliffe Blvd, Wheaton, IL, 60187, 708-690-3545 PICHETTE, John, 214 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PICHOT, Marcel, PO Box 434, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-697-8512 PIERCE, Kayleith, 706 Green View Ln, Doylestown, PA, 18901, 215-491-9313 PIKE, Jolene, 1204 South Fifth, Beatrice, NE, 68310, 402-228-2011 PINEIRO, Allison, 1216 Burke Ave #3C, Bronx, NY, 10469, 212-882-3592 PINILLA, Alexander, 9766-45 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PINILLA, Fredy, 124 Woodward St, Jersey City, NJ, 07304, 201-434-2661 PISKOZUB, Paul, 8718 N Bluffview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PITCHER, Julie, 1 Old Maids Lane, St George, GE05, BERMUDA, 809-297-0210 PITCHER, Lawrence, 924 W 25TH St S, Wichita, KS, 67217 PITTON, John, 9459 Ellsworth Ct, Fulton, MD, 20759, 301-776-0092 PLACIDE, Jon, 191 Prince Avenue, Freeport, NY, 11520, 516-223-0509 PLOTNIKIEWICZ, Renee, 2358 S Patterson, Kettering, OH, 45409, 513-643-0378 PLUMB, Jason, 8170 Area Dr, Saginaw, MI, 48609, 517-781-1806 PLUNKETT, Phyllis, 70415 Lake Trail, White Pigeon, MI, 49099, 616-641-7415 PODGUSKI, Arthur, 1318 Lancaster Ave, Kenhorst, PA, 19607, 215-775-2878 POEHLER, Rolf, An Der IhIe 19 D-39291, Friedensau, GERMANY POINTER, Donna, 713 Oak St, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-2439 POLETTO, Alexandre, 45-59 45TH #62, Woodside, NY, 11377, 718-784-3794 POLLARD, Leslie, PO Box 154, Huntsville, AL, 35896 POLLITT, Shannon, 12041 US 31 Hwy #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 POLLNOVV, Jeff, 101 Pine Ct, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014, 815-459-8386 POMEROY, Christine, 2627 Evelyn Drive, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-889-8468 PONNIAH, Melphine, 314 E Washington St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 POOLE JR, Glenn, 6176 Snyder Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7508 POOLE, Lisa, 6176 Snyder Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 POOLMAN, Jamie, RR 1, Dover Centre, ON, NOP ILO, CANADA, 519-354-9984 POPE, Ruth, PO Box 122, S Lancaster, MA, 01561, 617-365-4378 PORTILLA, Lilia, 9126 4TH St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 POTTER, Leslie, 8679-2 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 707-965-0744 POWELL, Karon, 154 Radford St #5C, Yonkers, NY, 10705, 914-968-5034 POWELL, Patrick, 8 Whitney Dr, Kingston, JAMAICA, W INDIES, 809-931-7365 POWERS, Gregory, 500 Garland #D16, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 POWERS, Paula, 500 Garland #DI6, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PRAKASAM, Ruth, 4810-1 E Ridge Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 215-432-1053 PRATT, Terrance, 179 Craig Henry Dr, Nepean, ON, K2G 3Z8, CANADA, 613-721-9575 PREHEIM-BARTEL, Gwendolyn, 57286 Decamp Blvd, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 219-875-6992 PRENTICE, Angela, PO Box 64, 7566 Red Arrow Hwy, Stevensville, MI, 49127 PRICE, Alan, 6419 E Michigan St, Sawyer, MI, 49125, 616-426-3207 PRICE, Donise, 282 Renner Ave, Newark, NJ, 07112, 201-282-0476 PRICE, Jennifer, 4150 Spruce Pine, Dayton, OH, 45424, 513-233-8226 PRICE, Timothy, 2110 Sibley NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-791-1052 PRIDE, Dominique, 4 Crossbrook Trail, Fairport, NY, 14450, 716-425-3828 PRIDE JR, Theron, 4 Crossbrook Trail, Fairport, NY, 14450, 714-425-3828 PRILLWITZ, Beth, 5361 Hipps Hollow Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-6652 PRILLWITZ, Steven, 5361 Hipps Hollow Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 49111, 616-461-6652 PRIMERO, Maria, 444 Horsham Ave, Willowdale, ON, M2R 1 H2, CANADA, 416-733-3509 PRIMERO, Moses, 8140 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PROCHAZKA, Jeannette, 1632 Dodge St, Lincoln, NE, 68521, 402-477-9576 PROCTOR, Bonnie, 8838 S Pioneer Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PROSPER, Evangeline, 9036 Main St #6, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PROUTY, Alexander, 405 West Center, Ithaca, MI, 48847, 517-875-4465 PRUITT-CARTER, Edith, 75 Stringham Rd #23, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-963-8008 PRUTZMAN, Brendon, 645 Little Wekiva Rd, Altamonte Springs, FL, 32714, 407-774-2078 PULLEN, Russell, 10061 Singer Lake Rd, Baroda, MI, 49101, 209-369-3953 PURCELL, Bonny, 9119-2 North Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 PURDY, Daniel, 388 Hancock Rd, Warminster, PA, 18974, 215-441-5350 PUYMON, Marvin, 3224 Willo Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7554 PYATT, Margot, 2500 Roncy Rd, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-4521 Q QIAO, Dayi, 9-4-8- Apt Railway Zoneankang, Shaanxi Pr, CHINA QUASHIE, Ainlees, 2170 Atlantic Ave #5D, Brooklyn, NY, 11233, 718-342-4961 QUENDA, Yanuar, 4210 Irish Hills Dr #2C, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-291-9682 QUINN, Geraldine, 444 S Snade Cir, Sarasota, FL, 34237, 813-366-4609 QUINONES, Hector, 500 Garland #B5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 212-568-2929 QUION, Cynthia, 6049 Paw Paw Lake Rd, Coloma, MI, 49038, 616-468-7359 QUIROZ, Jimmy, 5 Oakley St, Massapequa, NY, 11758, 516-541-6321 R RADIVOJEVIC, Vladimir, 712 S Euclid, Oak Park, IL, 60304, 312-383-1735 RAFFETY, Shelley, 5424 Sandusky Ct, Arlington, TX, 76017, 817-483-0227 RAJASINGH, Samuel, Spicer Memorial College, Kirkee Pune, 411 007, INDIA RAJASINGH, Samuelraj, 326 Pam Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RAJU, Johnny, 93 Kings Highway, Congers, NY, 10920, 914-268-9127 RAJU, Reena, 93 Kings Highway, Congers, NY, 10920, 914-268-9127 RAKOCHY, Molly, 392 N Knox, Gary, IN, 46403 RAM, Sylvia, 11250 Kern PI, Riverside, CA, 92505, 909-687-8968 RAMEY, Nicole, 9759 S Maryland Ave, Chicago, IL, 60628, 312-978-3205 RAMSEIER, James, 3889 E Valley View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RAMSEIER, Peter, 9124 George Ave #11, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RAMSEY, Carolyn, 7312 Radiant Cir, Orlando, FL, 32810 RANDALL, Bradley, 28920 60TH Ave, Lawton, MI, 49065, 616-624-2951 RANDALL, Robert, 1742 Sinaloa Rd #430, Simi Valley, CA, 93065, 805-582-9387 RANDOL, Heather, PO Box 184, Susanville, CA, 96130, 916-251-0380 RANDOLPH, Karsten, 2813 Ridgewood Trail, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RANKIN JR, Reno, PO Box 37 W, Christ Church, BARBADOS, W INDIES, 809-429-6821 RAO, Rohit, 10813 Cherry Blossom Ct, Adelphi, MD, 20783, 301-937-6345 RAPOSO, Ranulfo, 3756 Frakes Way, Yuba City, CA, 95993, 916-755-3746 RAPPETTE, Antony, Rt 1 N 2355 Duborg Rd, Columbus, WI, 53925, 616-927-3645 RAPPETTE, Sara, N2355 Duborg Rd, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-5876 RASMUSSEN, Bonnie, 5672 Gardens Dr, Sarasota, FL, 34243, 813-359-0846 RASNIC, April, 8817 Meadowview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RASNIC, Todd, 8817 Meadowview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RASNIC, Mary, 8817 Meadowview, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RATTERAY, George, 5 Albert House, Cook's Hill Rd, Somerset, BERMUDA, 809-234-0726 RAUCH, Deborah, 4155 Walnut Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 606-525-0462 RAWLS, Daniel, RR I Box 221, Bismarck, ND, 58501, 701-255-4303 RAY JR, Paul, 9301-I First St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RAYMOND, Christine, 2321 Equestrian Dr #1 A, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-438-8538 READ, Barbara, 60281 Robinhood Ln, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-875-1537 RECTOR, Regina, Rt 7 Box 164, Galax, VA, 24333, 703-236-2895 REDD, Denise, 57964 Morgan St, Elkhart, IN, 46517, 219-522-6314 REDFEARN, Craig, 65 Third Ave, Benton, WI, 53803, 608-759-4836 REECE, Tiffany, 20016 Hartwell, Detroit, MI, 48235, 313-863-1525 REED, Lolita, 600 Beechwood Ct #C42, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REGAZZI, Mark, 8990 George, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1364 REGAZZI, Marla, 8990 George St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1364 REHLING, Gregory, PO Box 864, Hillsboro, OR, 97123, 503-647-5937 REICHERT JR, Conrad, 9265 3RD St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REID, Dawn, 1265 Pentland St #802, Oshawa, ON, L I G 3S9, CANADA, 416-576-9148 REID, Heather, 25474 State Street, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 714-825-0950 REID, Melissa, PO Box 0600, Fulton, MD, 20759, 301-854-0849 REID, Wendy, 6843 Limpkin Dr, Orlando, FL, 32810, 407-292-0932 REINHART, Kenneth, 13I Cookbook Ln #6, Covington, KY, 41017, 606-341-3732 REINTGES, Jane, 980 Sluyter St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49508, 616-534-8325 REKE, Valda, 550 Maplewood Ct #D69, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REKIS, Viesturs, Latvian Riga, Perekopa 10-13, 226082, USSR RELING, Hans-Otto, Kantstr 6, D-30826, Garbsen, GERMANY REMINGTON, April, 1800 Lillian Blvd D-74, Portland, MI, 48875, 517-647-2292 REMPHER, Suzanne, Rd 2 Box 540, Hudson Falls, NY, 12839, 518-747-2897 RENAUD, Jean, 4672 Viterbe, St Leonard, PQ, H IS I H2, CANADA, 514-727-8006 REYES, Christopher, Usdao American Ambassy Lima Unit 3790, APO AA, 34031 REYES, Frendell, 108 St Joseph Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REYES, Michelle, 7716 Ridgewood Ln, Burr Ridge, IL, 60525, 708-246-3434 REYNOLDS, Danae, 23880 W 57TH St, Shawnee Msn, KS, 66226 REYNOLDS, Francine, 8772 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REYNOLDS, Joelle, 8772 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 REYNOLDS, Karen, 1469 S Shade Ave, Sarasota, FL, 34239, 813-365-9133 REYNOLDS, Troy, 70630 Calvin Center Rd, Edwardsburg, MI, 49112, 616-641-7080 RHO, Frank, 27 Braemar Ct, Thornhill, ON, L4J 7L5, CANADA, 416-886-8152 RHO, Rickey, 2508 Ashurst Ave, Vancouver, BC, V3K 5Y4, CANADA, 604-939-3105 RHO, Rina, 27 Braemar Ct, Thornhill, ON, L4J 7L5, CANADA, 416-886-8152 RHODES, Lisa, 1138 Arbor Ave, Dayton, OH, 45420, 513-258-2464 RHOE, Dewey, 8871 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 312-982-9036 RHONE, Denton, Box 318, Christiana Manchester, JAMAICA, W INDIES RICH, Alice, Rr I #242A, Reading, PA, 19607, 215-777-7328 RICHARDS, Bonnie, 8341 Liberty Ln, Cadillac, MI, 49601, 616-775-2230 RICHARDS, Kristin, 1547 N Hicrory St, Owosso, MI, 48867, 517-723-2393 RICHARDS, Rebecca, 8341 S Liberty Ln, Cadillac, MI, 49601, 616-775-2230 RICHARDS, Walter, 2325 Floral Dr, Niles, MI, 49120 RICHARDSON, Cynthia, 500 Garland #D2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 203-846-4511 RICHARDSON JR, David, 9846-2 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RICHARDSON, Melanie, 9846-2 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RICHARDSON, Pamela, 513 Vineyard PI #60, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-9774 RIDLEY, Karen, 660 Longfellow Dr, Berea, OH, 44017, 216-826-0031 RIEMANN, Nancy, 8942 Kephart Ln #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RIGG, Heather, 5725 Flock Rd, Beaverton, MI, 48612, 517-689-4091 RIGGS, Heather, 611 Grove St, Neenah, WI, 54956, 414-725-0010 RILEY, Chandler, 1121 Spotswood Dr, Silver Spring, MD, 20905, 301-384-0550 RILEY, Joyce, 600 Beechwood Ct #C43, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 RINGER, Laurie, 203 W Magnolia St, Apopka, FL, 32703, 407-880-2653 RITZENTHALER, Aimee, 711 Upton Ave, Battle Creek, MI, 49015, 616-965-1929 RITZENTHALER, Robert, 711 Upton Ave, Springfield, MI, 49015, 616-965-1929 RIVERA, Cindy, RR 01 Box 12737, Bo Bucarabones Doa Altapuerto, RI, 00953 RIZEK, Doris, 9059 1ST St #6, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 305-821-4658 ROACH, April, 916 W Hillsdale, Lansing, MI, 48915, 517-484-2048 ROACH, Beverly, 6112 Marlboro Pike, District Hts, MD, 20747, 301-420-5573 ROACH, Carla, 6112 Marlboro Pike, District Hts, MD, 20747, 216-754-2107 ROBBINS, Russell, 182 Orchard Ave, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-965-5874 ROBERTS, Rachel, 10084 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ROBERTSON, John, 406 Days Ave, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-5216 ROBERTSON, William, 10625 Red Bud Trl, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7150 ROBINSON, Cindy, 8436 S Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1150 ROBINSON, Julie, 8436 S Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-1150 ROBINSON, Leonald, 11180 S Edon Rd, Camden, MI, 49232, 517-368-5269 ROBINSON, Marcellus, 4105 54TH St, Bladensburg, MD, 20710 ROBINSON, Nicholas, 2595 Kingsberry Cres, Mississauga, ON, L5b2k8, CANADA, 905-276-3120 ROBINSON, Timothy, D-42 Hunters Glenn Apts, Spartanburg, SC, 29303, 803-542-9108 ROBLES, Pedrito, 3411 Timucua Circle, Orlando, FL, 32837, 407-240-4541 ROCHA, Diana, 3231 Church St, Saginaw, MI, 48604, 517-753-8093 ROCHFORD, Danielle, 54 Robert Hicks Dr, Willowdale, ON, M2R 3R4, CANADA, 416-661-8584 RODGERS, Letrisha, 9427 Oak Rd, Willis, MI, 48191, 313-461-0569 RODRIGUEZ, Barbara, 44 Francia Gazcue, Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 809-689-3067 RODRIGUEZ, Betsy, 166 Vollmer Pkwy, Rochester, NY, 14582, 716-334-4195 RODRIGUEZ, Edlyn, 12750 Turquoise Terr, Silver Spring, MD, 20904, 301-236-9197 RODRIGUEZ, Jessica, 736 N Montello St, Brockton, MA, 02401, 508-586-9861 RODRIGUEZ, Jill, 1140 64TH St, Fennville, MI, 49408, 616-227-3435 Addresses ODRIGUEZ, Lizbeth, 5533 S Mason, Chicago, IL, 60638, 312-585-7477 ODRIGUEZ, Nhorby, 43 E Grove St, Massapequa, NY, 11758, 516-798-0659 ODRIGUEZ, Sara, 783 S Andreas Rd, Watsonville, CA, 95076, 805-922-8040 ODRIGUEZ, Saulo, 1140 64TH St, Fennville, MI, 49408, 616-227-3435 ODRIGUEZ, Stacey, PO Box 98, New London, WI, 54961, 414-982-3442 ODRIGUEZ, Victor, 78A Second St, Framingham, MA, 01701, 508-820-1547 OEHRIG, Mary, 228 S Warren Ave, Big Rapids, MI, 49307, 616-796-2120 OESKE, Siegfried, 4513 Calvert St, Lincoln, NE, 68506, 402-488-6974 OGERS, Benjamin, 52ND Street, PO Box 489, Pullman, MI, 49450, 616-236-8305 OGERS, Celia, PO Box 923, St Thomas, VI, 00804, 809-775-5953 DGERS, Charleen, 895 Snider Dr, Walla Walla, WA, 99362, 509-529-6418 DGERS, Cheryl, 4420 W Port Au Prince, Glendale, AZ, 85306, 602-978-2209 DGERS, Daniel, 8712 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DGERS, Freda, PO Box 304201, St Thomas, VI, 00803, 809-774-4856 DGERS, Gail, PO Box 923, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, VI, 00804, 809-775-5953 DGERS, Howard, 8712 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DGERS, Jason, RR #1, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7, CANADA, 705-389-2877 DGERS, Laban, 168 Meier Hall, Berrien Springs, MI, 49104-0900, 809-778-8098 DGERS, Melydia, 8712 Maplewood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 DGERS, Reginald, PO Box 5360, Harare, ZIMBABWE, AFRICA DGERS, Stephen, 12143 Crystal Falls Dr, Smithsburg, MD, 21783, 301-824-5708 DGERS, Uriel, 1-19 Frydenhoj, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00801, 809-775-7628 DJAS, Vasti, 4980 N Main St #6-28, Fall River, MA, 02720, 508-672-5198 DLLER, Mark, 314 Fleetwood Crescent, Bramalea, ON, L6T 2E7, CANADA, 905-791-8136 DLLINS, Leslie, 2342 Karen Dr, Howell, MI, 48843, 517-546-2376 DMERO, Denice, 11845 Ann Arbor Ct, Riverside, CA, 92505, 909-688-4570 DMERO, Jose, 8932 SW 150 Ave, Miami, FL, 33196, 305-387-3380 DNES, Shannon, 2735 Old Post Rd, Schnecksville, PA, 18078, 610-799-3555 )NTO, Rudolf, 1533 Burberry Ln, Schaumburg, IL, 60173, 708-517-2824 )NTO, Wendy, 8936-2 Meadow Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 317-984-5106 )OSENBERG, Joann, 3472 121 Ave, Allegan, MI, 49010, 616-673-7293 )OSENBERG II, John, 3472 121ST Ave, Allegan, MI, 49010, 616-673-7293 )SA, Judith, 3334 Beatrice Dr, Fort Wayne, IN, 46806, 219-447-0766 )SA, Santiago, Bzn 1185 Esbinal, Aguada, PR, 00602, 809-891-3418 )SA-VELASQUEZ, Severian, 625 S Main St, Fall River, WI, 53932, 414-484-3041 )SADO, Andrea, 1431 Brook Rd, San Marcos, CA, 92069, 919-740-0378 )SADO, Jose, 9084 N Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )SADO, Kevin, 9766-00 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )SADO, Raquel, 9766-0 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )SE, Stephen, 9387 S US 31 Lot 37, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )SE, Todd, 2518 Willa, Saint Joseph, Ml, 49085, 616-983-6023 )SEBURGH, Lillie, 180 Collins Ave, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-7487 )SEN, Carey, 30 30TH Ave, Clear Lake, WI, 54005, 715-263-2807 )SENTHAL, Jeff, 11953 Tina St, Norwalk, CA, 90650, 310-868-4822 )SS JR, Compton, 500 Garland #C I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 718-738-9467 )SS, Michael, 8567 White Cedar Dr, #224, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-847-2565 )THERMEL, Licia, 500 Garland #C3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6880 )THERMEL, Ruben, 500 Garland #C3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6880 )USH, Julie, 432 Kenway Dr, Lansing, MI, 48917, 217-886-0854 )W, David, 117 W York Ct, Longwood, FL, 32779, 407-862-1665 )W, Paul, 24744 Daisy Ave, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 407-862-1665 >WLAND, Bonnie, 8486 S Hillcrest, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1530 )Y, Ruthven, Annas Retreat, PO Box, 10428, Chrlte Amalie, VI, 00801, 809-775-1239 )Y JR, Thomas, 9387 S US 31 Lot 18, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )YER, Steven, 41929 Woodbrook Dr, Canton, MI, 48188, 313-397-2952 )YSTER, Samuel, PO Box 306, Metuchen, NJ, 08840, 908-549-8882 JDD, Andrew, 1996 Bourdon St, Muskegon, MI, 49441 JDOY, Elena, 550 Maplewood Ct #D7I, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JDOY, Pavel, PO Box 1605, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-9861 JEL, Susan, 4136 Joan Dr, Dorr, MI, 49323, 616-681-2053 JF, Warren, 150 New Haven Dr, Athens, GA, 30606 JGER, Claralyn, 6425 S Lacey Lake Rd, Bellevue, MI, 49021, 616-763-9871 JGGIANO, Donnamane, 219 Leonard St, Eaton Rapids, MI, 48827, 517-663-1742 11Z, Alfredo, Cuahtemoc #705, Col Del Maestro 67500, Montemorelos, MEXICO 11Z, Noel, 3549 E Lemon Crk Rd #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 11Z, Wilfrida, 9004 3TH Street, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1SHEMEZA, Philip, Heri Adventist Hospital, Box 1056, Kigoma, TANZANIA ISSELL, Deanna, 800 Delmar Rd, Coos Bay, OR, 97420, 503-267-3383 ISSELL, Diana, 487 E Lytle 5 Pts Rd, Centerville, OH, 45458, 513-885-2887 1SSELL, Rebecca, 2808 Lincoln Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-6738 ISSELL, Sharon, 8916 N Maplewood St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ITEBUKA, Athanase, 500 Garland #F2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 AN, Gregory, Mezzeplex Health Club, C/o 11400 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064, 616-849-2233 DER, Richard, 16 Agricultural Ave, Rehoboth, MA, 02769, 508-222-8048 BNANI, Heidi, 38 Pownal Rd, Freeport, ME, 04032, 207-865-0414 CKS, Sharon, 623 Dupage St, Michigan City, IN, 46360, 219-879-6797 DDLER, Dexter, 309 N Bluff St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 GERT, Charmin, 4618 Kimber Ln #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LERA II, Manuel, 4860 Blehm St, Riverside, CA, 92505, 909-687-6863 LIBA EL HABRE, Arlene, 8383 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MAAN, Sherilyn, 8536 S Hillcrest, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MUEL, Jennifer, 14907 Peach Orchard Rd, Silver Spring, MD, 20905, 301-384-2441 MUELS, Beryl, 412-120 Dundalk Drive, Scarborough, ON, M I P 4V9, CANADA, 416-754-0426 NCHEZ, Almudena, C/ Vadoviejo #7, La Navata, Madrid, SPAIN NDOVAL, Enrique, 600 Beechwood Ct #C45, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 619-728-4537 NKER, Eddie, 4159 E Snow Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 702-897-5475 NKER, Leo, 680 Anderson Ln, Angwin, CA, 94508, 707-965-1530 NPAKIT, Jeannie, 9364 B Martin Rd, Collinsville, MS, 39325 NPAKIT, Tommy, Rt 3 Box 290, Collinsville, MS, 39325 NTINI, Heidi, 9422 Charter Point, San Antonio, TX, 78250, 210-680-0658 SANTOS, Daniel, 4514-2 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1451 SANTOS, David, 3811 Elm Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2414 SANTOS, Denisse, 246 S 20TH St, Battle Creek, MI, 49015, 616-963-0020 SANTOS, Elizabeth, PO Box 680323, San Antonio, TX, 78268, 210-614-0749 SANTOS, Ellen-Ruby, 330E 85 St #B, New York, NY, 10028, 212-535-9737 SANTOS, Jose, 9846-41 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 SANTOS, Magdalena, PO Box 680323, San Antonio, TX, 78268, 210-614-0749 SANTOS, Nirma, 246 S 20TH St, Battle Creek, MI, 49015, 616-963-0020 SANTOS, Rosaiah, 8806 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SANZ, Elena, RR I, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5N3, CANADA, 519-376-4542 SARAULT, Francois, 114 Maple Ave, Hatboro, PA, 19040, 215-674-8167 SARLI, Leonardo, 4606 Lincoln Ave, Beltsville, MD, 20704, 301-595-9730 SASAKI, Chigusa, 78 Naruka, Tayo-mura Abuts-gun, Hokkaido, 049-58, JAPAN SATHYASHEELAPPA, Vinaya, 6625-61 St Place, Riverdale, MD, 20737, 301-779-8234 SATO, Tomoko, 6-7-7 Hachihonmatsu, Minami Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima-ken, JAPAN SAUNDERS, Clarissa, 2238 Westline Rd, Green Bay, WI, 54313, 414-865-7610 SAUNDERS, Gregory, 9766-37 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SAUNDERS, Sharline, 13929 249TH St, Rosedale, NY, 11422 SAXBURY, Tangi, 4409 Graydon Dr, Middletown, OH, 45042, 513-424-2577 SAYLES, Juliet, 4237 Angeloni Dr, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 2S8, CANADA, 416-276-8702 SCALZO, Victor, 9909 Fieldstone Dr, Hagerstown, MD, 21740, 301-739-7525 SCARBOROUGH, James, 112 Eastern Ave, Worcester, MA, 01605, 508-755-3326 SCARPELLI, Sidney, PO Box 4303, Silver Springs, MD, 20914, 301-890-7209 SCHAAFSMA JR, Philip, 8797 Flint Ln, Orland Park, IL, 60462, 708-361-5606 SCHAEFER, Michelle, 8836 Stev-baroda Rd, #I44, Baroda, MI, 49101, 616-422-2687 SCHAFER, Trent, 601 Lyonwood, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022 SCHAU, Allen, 270 17TH St, Lombard, IL, 60148, 708-456-5880 SCHEB, Diane, 1901 Wisteria St, Sarasota, FL, 34239, 813-366-4299 SCHEUNEMAN, Janelle, 544 Bison Cir, Apopka, FL, 32712, 407-880-1362 SCHEUNEMAN, Jason, 544 Bison Cir, Apopka, FL, 32712, 407-880-1352 SCHIER, Kelly, 1100 Oakbridge Pkwy #26, Lakeland, FL, 33803, 813-644-8731 SCHLAGECK III, Bernard, 15809 W 89TH St, Lenexa, KS, 66219 SCHLEHUBER, Cherilee, Box 512, Beiseker, AB, TOM 060, CANADA, 403-947-2200 SCHLIPP, Ronda, 2900 S State St, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 SCHLUTT, Eric, PO Box 302, Galien, MI, 49113, 616-545-8266 SCHMALTZ, Ann, 61644 Elm Rd, Mishawaka, IN, 46544, 219-633-4418 SCHMIDT, Ronald, 1516 Dalwen Green Ct, Matthews, NC, 28105, 704-841-2695 SCHMITT, Donald, 6406 Green Leaves Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46220, 317-257-6406 SCHNEIDER, Cameron, 590 Trout Creek Dr, Oneida, WI, 54155, 414-869-2350 SCHNEIDER, Kurt, RR #2 Box 2093-1, Shickshinny, PA, 18655, 717-256-7258 SCHNEIDER, Melbert, 9387 US 31 Lot 158, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SCHNEPP, Janella, 309 N Kimmel St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SCHONE, Stan, 501 W Oxford, Otterbein, IN, 47970, 616-473-1014 SCHONE, Trina, 501 W Oxford, Otterbein, IN, 47970, 317-583-0109 SCHOUN, Bonnie, 3373 West Curtis Rd, Coleman, MI, 48618, 517-465-6492 SCHOUN, Brenda, 33-73 W Curtis Rd, Coleman, MI, 48618, 517-465-6492 SCHRODER, Ralph, Auf Der Marienhohe 32, 6100 Darmstadt, GERMANY SCHUBERT, Christine, 33 Shamrock Cir, Westminster, MD, 21157, 410-876-6059 SCHULTZ, Donald, 2657 Red Arrow Hwy, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-7625 SCHWAB, Christopher, Box 647, Nora Springs, IA, 50458, 515-749-5462 SCHWALICH, Randal, 3833 Greenacre, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 SCHWARTZ, Cara, 2878 W 21 Mile, Tustin, MI, 49688, 616-829-3749 SCOFIELD, Letitia, 15941 Durand Ave #1 OB, Union Grove, WI, 53182, 414-878-2840 SCOTT, Dixie, 8839 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SCOTT, Michael, 4844 M-99, Dimondale, MI, 48821, 517-646-6594 SCOTT, William, 8839 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4504 SCRIBNER, Kenneth, 8108 Chapel Rd, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-684-1352 SEABROOKS, Archie, 910 E Anderson St, Savannah, GA, 31401 SEALE, Kevin, 4116 Murdock Ave, New York, NY, 10466, 212-325-8359 SEAWOOD, Alexander, 4033 N Drexel Ave, Indianapolis, IN, 46226, 317-547-4382 SEELBINDER, Jeanne, 2717 Broadway St, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008 SEELEY, Lisa, PO Box 307, Lafox, IL, 60147, 708-208-4958 SEELEY, Teresa, 10088 N Tudor Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SEIBOLD, Kathleen, 550 Maplewood A-69, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SEIDEL, Kevin, 9846-8 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SEISER, Carol, 1554 South Main Street, Martin, MI, 49070, 616-672-6774 SEITENSTICH, Cindy, 57725 Sink Rd, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-4293 SEKESAN, George, 2207 Greene Ave, Flushing, NY, 11385, 718-456-3609 SELMANOVIC, Samir, 500 Garland #B15, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SELMANOVIC, Vesna, 500 Garland #1315, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 SELVADAS, Geetha, 64 New Avenue, Yonkers, NY, 10704, 914-776-9821 SELVADAS, Laths, 64 New Avenue, Yonkers, NY, 10704, 914-776-9821 SEO, Henry, 4748 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SERALDE, Jere, 1833 Lucine Road, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-452-2753 SERALDE, Victor, 1833 Lucine Rd, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-452-2753 SEROVA JOHANSEN, Tatiana, 9766-44 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SERUNJOGI, Daniel, Box 53, Wobulenzi, UGANDA SETTACHAN, Vasin, 64/4 Mu 13 Senanives Isenanikom I Ladprow, Padprow, Bangkok, THAILAND SEVERE, Constantin, 1730 N W 110TH St, North Miami, FL, 33167, 305-687-2854 SEW KWAN KAN, Nigel, 11 Flat Vuillemin Pse 2, Beau-Bassin, MAURITIUS SHADE, Carol, Ill N Center, Hartford, Ml, 49057, 616-621-3744 SHAFER, Janine, 5770 Birch Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHAFFER, Carol, 1641 Henrick NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49505, 616-363-0207 SHAMBLIN, Quinn, 1003 Warwick Dr #3D, Aberdeen, MD, 21001, 616-675-6103 SHAW, Janalee, 500 Garland #B7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHAW, Jean, 3106 Bobolink, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008, 616-345-1656 SHAW, La, 17 Calibre Ct, Scarborough, ON, M I B 4T9, CANADA, 416-284-6128 SHAW, Rubani, 1127-80 St, Edmonto, AB, T6K 2R4, CANADA, 403-462-1576 SHAW, Sonya, 25035 Prospect Ave, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 714-796-3669 SHAW, Soo, 8781 Meadowview Ct, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHEA, Leland, 591 Marvin St, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-965-8181 SHELL, Jonathan, 9901 N Ammerman Dr, Springport, IN, 47386, 317-755-3505 SHELTON, Karen, 25807 Lake Dr, Elkhart, IN, 46514, 219-264-5530 SHELTON, Matthew, 149 Hatfield Rd, Niles, MI, 49120 SHEPHERD, Alean, 4871 Pioneer Road, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 Addresses SHEPHERD, Takashi, 4871 Pioneer Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHEPLER, Gregory, Rd #1 Box 45, Union Springs, NY, 13160, 315-889-5942 SHEPPARD, Bradley, 8729 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHEPPLER, Lisa, 9256 Columbia Rd, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-782-7374 SHERRON, Samuel, 880 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11203, 718-498-1875 SHIELDS, Jane, 2016 US 31 N #10, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-683-2598 SHIH, Peggy, 7 Ln59 Yi-an Rd Sec 2, Taiwan City, 709, TAIWAN, R 0 C SHIN, Ji, 5333 Likini St #2510, Honolulu, HI, 96818, 808-545-3458 SHIN, Joseph, 2906 Spartan Rd, Olney, MD, 20832, 301-774-5359 SHIN, Min, 10721-1 Garr Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 808-545-3458 SHIMMY°, Kanji, 1228 Namikata Ko, Namikata Ochigun, Ehime 799-21, JAPAN SHKRAB, Susan, 4656 Alexander Pope Lan, Sarasota, FL, 34241, 813-377-5051 SHOOP, Phillip, 10208 Rangeline Rd, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 SHOW, Deanna, 8750 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SHULL, Donald, 4360 Centerville Rd, Spring Valley, OH, 45370, 513-435-1676 SIAGIAN, Leroy, PO Box 11487, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA SIAGIAN, Lynnetta, PO Box 11487, 88816 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA SIAS, Harold, 7621 S Shore Drive, Chicago, IL, 60649, 312-221-4857 SIERRA-RIVERA, Ivan, 9846-36 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 809-759-7743 SIGLER, Christopher, W941 Duborg, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-5279 SIM, Chor-Kiat, 500 Garland #A7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SIM, Gillian, 500 Garland #A7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SIM, Winnie, 500 Garland #A7, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SIMATUPANG, Catherine, SDA Mission Of Serawalekuchmig, Sarawali, MALAYSIA SIMATUPANG, Ishak, PO Box 41, Kuching, Sarawak, E MALAYSIA SIMMONS, Carlyle, 226 Duplex East, Middle Rd Southampton, BERMUDA, 809-238-0792 SIMS, Lanessa, 313 Williamsburg Dr, Hendersonvill, TN, 37075, 615-822-5890 SINCLAIR, Diana, 437 W Ferry St #16A, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SINGLA, Saurav, 4/49 W Extension Area, New Delhi, 110005, INDIA SINGLETARY, Linda, 19230 N 5TH PI, Phoenix, AZ, 85024, 602-482-9328 SINGLETON, Kerry, 1558 Shawnee Rt 179, Baroda, MI, 49101, 616-422-1819 SIQUEIRA, Debora, 500 Garland #F4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6828 SIQUEIRA, Reinaldo, Rya Oara Denuba, 55 Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL, S AMERICA SIRTAK, Christina, 3430 Sunnyside, Brookfield, IL, 60513, 708-387-2540 SLAT, Elizabeth, 6407 Cromwell Cres, Rego Park, NY, 11374, 718-263-2078 SLIKKERS, Steven, 13 Carousel Ln, Holland, MI, 49423, 616-335-6213 SMALL, Christopher, 5009A W Bradley Ave, Champaign, IL, 61821, 217-355-8250 SMALL, Clarence, RR 7 Box 7A, Champaign, IL, 61821, 217-355-8250 SMITH, Carole, 5179 Orchard Green, Columbia, MD, 21045, 301-596-6049 SMITH, Charles, 8359 Date Rd, Bridgman, MI, 49106, 616-465-4959 SMITH, Dana, 5179 Orhard Green, Columbia, MD, 21045, 301-596-6049 SMITH, Deborah, 5179 Orchard Green, Columbia, MD, 21045, 301-596-6049 SMITH, Denise, 301 S Center St, Hartford, MI, 49057, 616-621-3815 SMITH, Gary, 10835 Ridgewood TrI, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SMITH, Jacob, 59I-B May St, N Attleboro, MA, 02760, 508-761-5813 SMITH, Joann, 9846-6 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-695-0166 SMITH, Julia, 268 Burns Ave, Belleville, ON, K8R 1G3, CANADA, 613-967-0531 SMITH, Katherine, 9787 US 31-33, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SMITH, Linda, 1330 Desmond St, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-429-9384 SMITH, Lori, 2366 Patterson Blvd #15, Dayton, OH, 45409, 513-643-0429 SMITH, Mary, 4180 Maple, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SMITH, Peter, 4352 Pennsylvania St, Gary, IN, 46409, 219-884-6391 SMITH III, Robert, Route 4 Box 425, Cleburne, TX, 76031, 817-641-5565 SMITH, Robert, 3938 Woodrow St, Sarasota, FL, 34233, 813-921-3499 SMITH, Roland, 5179 Orchard Green, Columbia, MD, 21045, 301-596-6049 SMITH, Rosemary, 661 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 517-687-7084 SMITH, Sidni, 1260 E Pine River, Midland, MI, 48640 SMITH, Susan, 11909 L Drive North, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-969-4330 SMITH, Sydney, 3503 Huntingble Dr, Columbus, OH, 43231, 614-523-3087 SMOTHERS, Dion, 441 Adams St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49507, 616-245-5745 SNELL, Gregory, 4683 Timberland Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SNORRASON, Bjorgvin, Tyeifjord Videregdend, 3506 Royse, NORWAY SNORRASON, Brynja, 8753 Valley View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SNORRASON, Erling, 8753 Valley View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5532 SNORRASON, Rhonda, 8753 Valley View Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SNYDER, Daniel, 5356 O'neall Rd, Waynesville, OH, 45068, 513-897-7750 SOARES-FREIRE, Tercia, 550 Maplewood Ct #E72, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SOLIVEN, Hazel, 5731 Hillview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SOLOMON, Linda, 5383 N Rick Rd, Alma, MI, 48801, 517-463-8588 SOMMERS, Jeffrey, PO Box 15, Topsham, ME, 04086, 616-471-9045 SON, Hyeok, 8 Tong 3 Box #37-I I, Joung Ang Dong 4 Ga Joupusai, 600-11, S KOREA SONDAKH, Sherly, Harapan 22 Cempala, Zakarta, INDONESIA SONG, Joonho, 583-11 Shinwoel-6-dong Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, S KOREA 158-096, 508-368-2891 SONGER, Stacey, 19006 S Martin Rd, Three Oaks, MI, 49128 SOO, Joseph, RR 2 Box 463, Drums, PA, 18222 SOPER, Bart, W1546 #32 Rd, Carney, Ml, 49812, 906-639-2509 SORENSEN, Kimberly, 2850 Laurentide, Ann Arbor, MI, 48103, 313-663-6385 SORENSEN, Sheryl, 1605 So 58TH, Lincoln, NE, 68506, 402-488-5820 SORKE, Ingo, 8749 Kephart, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SORKE, Nancy, 8749 Kephart, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SORMIN, Clarence, 38 Chantal Crescent, Garson, ON, P3L 166, CANADA, 705-693-1095 SOTO, Cesar, PO Box 559, San Sabastian, PR, 00685, 809-896-3003 SPANGLER, Patricia, 9267 Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SPENCE, Aaron, 8769 N Bluff View, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 313-352-2710 SPERLING, Christina, 3-I34-V Rt 2, Liberty Ctr, OH, 43532, 419-875-6784 SPORE, Travis, 30855 Lincoln Dr, Granger, IN, 46530, 219-674-9880 SPRINGER, Naomi, 28739 52ND St, Bangor, MI, 49013, 616-427-8496 SPRUILL, Karen, 5093-1 W Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4208 ST GEORGE, Nicole, 2 G The Hamlet, Enfield, CT, 06082, 203-741-5573 ST JUSTE, Pretoria, 600 Beechwood Ct #C52, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ST ROSE, Elwin, 550 Maplewood Ct #H67, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 809-454-5237 STADDON, Jack, 9535 Flagler Rd, Nordland, WA, 98358, 206-385-9563 STAGG JR, Arthur, 186 Mcdowell Rd, Arden, NC, 28704, 704-891-2702 STALLARD, Dwight, 2468 Blaine, Detroit, Ml, 48206, 313-897-6715 STANWICK, Shelann, 411 Silver Valley Rd Nw, Calgary, AB, T3G 4B8, CANADA, 403-293-7155 STAPLETON, Derek, 1761 Rd 2 W RR #I, Kingsville, ON, N9Y 2E4, CANADA, 519-733-2795 STECKER, Timothy, 8834 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3641 STEELE, David, 371 Switch Road, Calhoun, GA, 30701, 706-629-0352 STEELE, Nicole, 26262 Hopkins, Inkster, MI, 48141, 313-277-5757 STEELE, Robert, 3561 Penneyroyal Rd, Franklin, OH, 45005, 513-746-7152 STEENHOVEN, Michael, Rt 1 Box 1776, Litchfield, ME, 04350, 207-737-8423 STEFANOVIC, Ranko, Rakovceva 26, 41000, Zagreb, YUGOSLAVIA STEFFEN, Rhoda, 67404 Oak Ridge, Lawton, MI, 49065, 616-624-7410 STEINHAUSEN, Mary, 701 Wedgewood Dr, Lincoln, NE, 68510, 402-483-6967 STEINKE, Therese, 2921 Dutch Ln, Sodus, MI, 49126, 616-926-1506 STELE, Artur, 301000 Zaokski, T81a Region, Rudnewa, 43A, RUSSIA STELE, Galina, 301000 Tula Region, Zaokski Rudneva 43A, USSR STEMBRIDGE, Megan, 8721 N Ridge, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3861 STENFORS, Mika, RR 1 Mcdougall Rd, Parry Sound, ON, P2A 2W7, CANADA, 705-746-8466 STENGER, John, 4134-3 Walnut Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 404-832-8986 STEPHEN, Rupa, 2417 Hannon St, Hyattsville, MD, 20783, 301-422-8743 STEPHEN, Ruth, 2417 Hannon St, Hyattsville, MD, 20783, 301-422-8743 STEPP, Renee, 13513 Indian Springs, Buchanan, MI, 49107 STEVENS, Rhonda, 7812 NE 125TH Ave, Vancouver, WA, 98682, 206-944-5062 STEWART, Carmita, 413 Park Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 STEWART, Shana, 1380 University Ave, New York, NY, 10452, 212-681-4801 STIJNMAN, Frank, Dr Ahm Stynman, Bitterkruid 12, Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS STOCKWELL, Wendi, 39800 22ND St, Kalamazoo, MI, 49009, 616-375-3305 STODDART, Mark, PO Box 62, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 STOKES, Sophia, 1855 Beewood Ct, Orlando, FL, 32818, 407-578-8495 STORY, William, 4540-1 Bacon School Rd, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-428-0066 STOUT, Kenneth, 4202 Ciremos Terrace, Louisville, KY, 40241 STRATTON, Barbara, 4755 Meredith Rd, Yellow Springs, OH, 45387, 513-767-9375 STRAUB, Harold, 8780 E Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 STRAUGHTER, Lucille, 600 Beechwood Ct #B52, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 STRAUSS, Craig, 12682 Cleveland Ave, Buchanan, Ml, 49107, 616-422-2374 STRAW, Heidi, 5848 Longlake Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-2129 STREFLING, Vanessa, 2981 Mansueto Dr, Stevensville, MI, 49127, 616-429-1977 STREISSGUTH, Kent, 2058 Sidneywood Rd #C, W Carrollton, OH, 45449 STRINGER, Robert, 3265 Willo Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 STUDLEY, Jason, 633 N Dexter, Lansing, MI, 48910, 517-394-2477 STUPPY, Linda, 112 E Candlewyck #923, Kalamazoo, MI, 49001, 616-381-4389 STUTZMAN, Jonathan, 10703 E 150 N, Mill Creek, IN, 46365, 219-654-3483 SUCHOWOLEC, Christine, 800 N Main #2, Plainwell, Ml, 49080, 616-685-9708 SUDDRETH, Lisa, 2510 Gulf Dr, Bradenton Bch, FL, 34217, 813-778-6865 SUE, Kenneth, 2515 46A St, Edmonton, AB, T6L 3X7, CANADA, 403-461-7367 SUGI, Akira, 4-28-I Sanno, Ota-ku Tokyo, 143, JAPAN SUH, Hyun, 223 Gongreungdong, Nowongu, Seoul, S KOREA 139-242 SUTTER, Julianne, 3478 Burbank Dr, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, 313-665-6007 SUTTER, Veronica, 3478 Burbank Dr, Ann Arbor, Ml, 48105, 313-665-6007 SUTTON, Jason, 10860 E 22ND Rd, Manton, MI, 49663, 616-824-6001 SUTTON, Keithley, PO Box 1731, C'Sted, St Croix, VI, 00821, 809-778-7212 SUTTON, Richard, 411 Neckar Ave, Staten Island, NY, 10304, 718-876-0508 SUVACAROV, Radivoj, 402 W Ferry, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SUWANTO, Suwanto, JI Kota-paris 69 Mesjidrt 5/1 NE 9A Jawa-baratsukabumi, INDONESIA SWABY, Tamara, 637 S Seventh Ave, Mount Vernon, NY, 10550, 914-699-2378 SWACKHAMER, Jess, 1305 Pottstown Pk, West Chester, PA, 19380, 215-692-3907 SWANSON, Peter, 3684 E Lemon Creek Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SWISHER, Amanda, 6616 Draw Ln, Sarasota, FL, 34238, 813-925-2269 SYLVESTER, Lanston, 9776-2 Rosehill Road, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 SZABO, Eusebiu, RR I Box 131, Knox, IN, 46534, 219-772-3229 SZILAGYI, Daniel, 233 Moss St, Reading, PA, 19601, 610-478-0105 SZILAGYI, Francisc, 233 Moss St, Reading, PA, 19601, 610-478-0105 T TABO, Adrienne, 11588 Pecan Way, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, 714-796-5890 TAKOMANA, Alice, South East Africa Unionbox 951, Mantyre, MALAWI, AFRICA TALBERT, Donielle, 1906 State St #1, Calumet City, IL, 60409, 708-891-9207 TALBOTT, Nancy, 220 Sylvan Glen Dr, South Bend, IN, 46615, 219-287-8712 TAN, Andreabelle, 500 Garland #E I , Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TAN, Christine, 1690 Golfview Dr, Lasalle, ON, N9J 1Y9, CANADA, 519-734-1032 TAN, Lee, 10A Taman Bunga Raya, Tg Malim Pk, W MALAYSIA TAUBER, Anita, 109 Thorndyke Rd, Rochester, NY, 14617, 716-342-6092 TAURO, Wendy, 18 Country Club Rd, Stoneham, MA, 02180, 617-438-1154 TAY, Lee, PO Box 120, 94700 Serian, Sarawak, MALAYSIA TAYLOR, Bryant, 3501 Clarence Ave, Saint Louis, MO, 63115, 314-535-1393 TAYLOR, Elizabeth, 9846-34 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TAYLOR, Junia, 526 Oak Creek Dr, Tampa, FL, 33511, 813-651-1828 TAYLOR, Samuel, 4531 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY, 11234, 718-252-8295 TAYLOR, Tequila, 8030 S Morgan, Chicago, IL, 60620, 312-783-5688 TAYLOR, Tiffany, 500 Garland #C 14, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TAYLOR, Tory, 480 Kublick St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-4384 TEDJOSUKMONO, Gunawan, Kedugdoro 24, Surabaya, INDONESIA TEMPLE, Sherri, 653 Acorn Rd PO Box 502, Gaylord, MI, 49735, 517-732-2653 TEMPLEMAN, Mickki, 2750 Magruder Rd, Coleman, MI, 48618 TENG, April, 62 Peiping Rd Sec 4, Taichung, TAIWAN, R 0 C TERECIK, Robert, 60 Oakridge Dr, Stoney Creek, ON, L8G 2T6, CANADA, 416-662-2594 TERRELL, Lisa, 1035 Dry Creek Ln, Marion, IA, 52302, 319-377-8076 TERRY, Yvonne, 302 S Main St #1, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 THAMES, Vanessa, 17 West 114TH St, Chicago, IL, 60628, 312-821-7051 THOGMARTIN, Mark, PO Box 215, Millersport, OH, 43046, 614-467-2562 THOMAS, David, 307 Goss Ln Box 44, S Lancaster, MA, 01561, 508-365-5836 THOMAS, Duane, 9766-6 Rose Hill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 THOMAS, Joyce, 9846-42 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 THOMAS, Julie, 2006 Vernon Street, South Bend, IN, 46613, 219-282-2411 THOMAS, Lamont, 2785 Woodmont, Canton, MI, 48188, 313-397-7277 THOMAS, Ross, 2534 Pohens NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504, 616-784-0863 Addresses -10MAS, Travis, 2785 Woodmont, Canton, MI, 48188 -IOMPSON, Jeff, 3080 Courtland St, Sarasota, FL, 34237 -IOMPSON, Ruth, 5336 Terry Ave, Saint Louis, MO, 63120, 314-382-3534 -IONA, Piala, 1508 Clay St, Redlands, CA, 92374, 909-793-9347 -IONGTHIP, Jirawat, 49/2 Phetkasem 36 Rd, Bangchak, Bangkok, THAILAND -IONGTHIP, Suphawadee, 49/2 Phetkasem 36 Rd, Bangchak, Bangkok, THAILAND -IORNE, Tyson, 210 King St W, Newcastle, ON, LIB I H5, CANADA -IRALL III, Dennis, 4171 Walnut St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 703-740-8836 -IRUM, Cheryl, Rt #1 244 Riley Rd, Union City, MI, 49094, 517-741-3235 -IURMAN, Deanna, 3206 Mayfair Rd, Baltimore, MD, 21207, 410-298-7881 BBITS, Jaime, 1473 Deer Lake Cir, Apopka, FL, 32712, 407-889-7646 GU, Mihaela, 5316 Bent Oak Hwy, Adrian, MI, 49221, 517-263-0472 LLMAN, Deron, 5517 Albia Terrace, Saint Louis, MO, 63136, 314-385-9959 LLMAN, Ruth, 3955 Lake Chapin, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 MM, Alberto, Caixa Postal 12630, 04798 Sao Paulo Sp, BRAZIL SCORNIA, James, 2508 Langley Ave, St Joseph, MI, 49085, 616-983-3575 (ACHUCK, David, 10297 N Tudor Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 _HABIWE, Kealeboga, Kasiso St Box 210, Selebi Phikwe, BOTSWANA, S AFRICA )DOROVIC, Snezana, 8883 Grove Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5211 DEWS, Thomas, 500 Garland #E32, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 )H, See-Wei, 91-D Taman Sentosa, Bukit Baru Melaka, 75150 Melaka, MALAYSIA )KUDA, Takeyoshi, 2-75 Kisoji Kita-ku, Nagoya-City, Aichi-ken, JAPAN )LLES, Sarah, 9018-3 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 508-947-6803 )RRES, David, 600 Beechwood Ct #A49, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-6408 )RRES, Elisa, 8 Arizona Ave, Bay Shore, NY, 11706, 516-273-9589 )TPAL, Conelia, 36 S Washington St, Westmont, IL, 60559, 708-960-9677 )TTEN, Donald, 717 Cherry, Big Rapids, MI, 49307, 616-796-7336 DUCHARD, John, 10992 Jones Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3389 )USEY, Bonnie, 1856 Southwood Ave, Muskegon, MI, 49441, 616-755-6430 LEAT, John, 5964 Hochberger Rd, Eau Claire, MI, 491 II, 616-461-3347 LEFT, Garry, 4739-2 Cherry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LEFT, Patricia, 4739-2 Cherry St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LEMPER, Jennifer, 1818 Delaney Rd, Union Springs, NY, 13160, 315-253-2928 LEPPER, Jennifer, 3298 North Hill, Middletown, MD, 21769, 301-371-7053 LIVINO, Juanita, 8228 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 LOFORT, Andre, 326 Parklane CI, Parkview, IA, 52748, 319-285-8740 LOLLMAN, Heidi, 10310 Hickory Ridge Rd #238, Columbia, MD, 21044, 410-997-5385 LONCOSO, Hector, Carr 106 Km6-6, Mayaguez, PR, 00680 LOUTNER, Dena, 23999 15 Mile Rd, Bellevue, MI, 49021, 616-763-3217 LUJILLO, Marino, 902 1/2 Lewis Ave, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 ;ATALBASIDIS, Karl, 8180-1 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JCKER, Priscilla, 8771 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 JPITO, Taufoai, 550 Maplewood Ct #F6 I, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 408-241-6955 JRNER, Catherine, 402 S Kimmel St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 VUMASI, Sampson, 2860 M 140 Hwy, Eau Claire, Ml, 49111 (SON, Barbara, 901 Pallister #1411, Detroit, MI, 48202, 315-872-5728 (SON, Russell, 8798 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1208 J EDA, Toru, 1-20-27 Kogomori Fuchu Akigun, Hiroshima, JAPAN EHARA, Yukari, 1102-37 Shikina, Naha-city Okinawa, 902, JAPAN _RICH, John, 317 Concord Ave, Elkhart, IN, 46516, 219-522-3631 JUTOA, Barracco, 130 NW Willowbrook Ct, Sham, OR, 92830 \JUTOA, Ruth, 600 Beechwood Ct #E47, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 2SCHEL, Melissa, 3805 Elmira Dr, Kettering, OH, 45439, 513-294-4546 LY, Thane, 52700 Walsingham Ln, South Bend, IN, 46637 LIANTE, Edilson, Laixa Postal 85, Artur Nogueira- Sp, Lep, BRAZIL 1LLIER, Francine, 1515 Greenwich Rd, Muskegon, MI, 49441, 616-755-2664 1/4NARSDALE, James, 4220-1 Walnut, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 218-739-2306 1/4N1 BIBBER, Ashley, 500 Garland #D 16, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1/4N BUREN, Holly, 1735 W Ridge Rd, Bay City, MI, 48706, 517-892-5610 1/41 WYK, Koot, PO Box 492, Natal Vryheid 3100, S AFRICA 1/4NBLARICUM, Jon, 3190 Appleblossom Cirle, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, 702-362-7362 ONCE, Jonathon, 11937 Rangeline Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1559 ONCE, Stephen, 11937 Rangeline Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 1/4NDERMEI, Aaron, 9133-I Sunset Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 N DERWALL, David, 82 Maryland SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49506 N KAMPEN, Cynthia, 77 Madison Ct, Zeeland, MI, 49464, 616-772-0979 RGAS, Griselle, HC-04 Box 47200, Mayaguez, PR, 00680, 809-831-0013 1/4RGAS, Pedro, 6409 W Sunnyside Ave, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-478-5249 RGAS, Zacarias, 3409 W Sunnyside, Chicago, IL, 60625, 312-478-5249 SSEUR, Philip, 8385-I Centerfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 Wanda, RR I Box 965, Anthony, FL, 32617, 407-774-3376 :RA, Christian, 1539 E Forks Rd, 036, Bay Shore, NY, 11706, 516-666-6825 iRES, Steve, 4798 E Ridge #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 :RES, Timothy, 4598 E Shawnee Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 iRHELLE, Heather, 490 Laurelwood Ct, Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302, 313-334-4393 CINI, Penny, PO Box 28, Eau Claire, MI, 4911 I, 616-461-3316 LLAMIZAR, Samuel, 1124 Corby Blvd, South Bend, IN, 46617, 219-288-9592 SAVARAKOON, Threerawat, 9124 George St #5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 815-469-6916 TANGCOL, Alvin, 8740 N Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3402 TUG, Filomena, 9177 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 TUG, Manuel, 9177 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 XIE, Donna, 1156 Dye Meadow Ln, Flint, MI, 48532, 313-732-1546 ZCARRA, Jo-anne, 36 New Seabury Drive, Concord, ON, L4K 2B8, CANADA )GEL, Winfried, 550 Maplewood Ct #D74, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 VOHWINKEL, Jens, Lessingstr 37, 58809 Neuenrade, GERMANY VOLK, Christine, 2831 W Park Ln, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-849-0852 VON MAUR, Andrew, Am Pfingstborn 36, 61479 Glashuetten, GERMANY VORBACH, Beth, 532A W Marshall St, West Chester, PA, 19380, 610-430-3984 VREMAN, Michiel, 1031 Watervliet Ave #B, Dayton, OH, 45420, 513-256-3870 VRUGGINK, Torrey, 5064 Tyler St, Hudsonville, MI, 49426, 616-669-1346 VULICEVIC, Rahela, 500 Garland #A13, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 VULICEVIC, Slavoljub, 500 Garland #A13, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 VYHMEISTER, Walter, 4597-I Dogwood, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WACHOWSKI, Margaret, 2596 Stratford Dr, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085, 708-834-3081 WADE, Kathleen, 114 St Joseph Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WADSWORTH, Linda, 5300 N 3RD St, Kalamazoo, MI, 49009 WAGNER, Janell, 114 Greenview Dr, Columbus, WI, 53925, 414-623-4068 WAHONO, Maria, JI Pln NO, 9 Duren Tigajakarta, INDONESIA WALFORD, Claudia, 5230 Leichester Ct, Lincoln, NE, 68516, 402-423-4618 WALKER, Jacqueline, 1012 San Domingo Rd, Orlando, FL, 32808, 407-293-4923 WALKER II, Kenneth, 3641 E 105TH St, Cleveland, OH, 44105, 216-271-3360 WALKER, Sherri, 600 Beechwood Ct #E43, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WALLACE, Cynthia, PO Box 244, Slayton, OR, 97383, 503-769-6985 WALLACE, Elizabeth, 644 Circle Ridge, Buchanan, MI, 49107, 616-695-4621 WALLACE, Michelle, 1502 Forrest View, Youngstown, OH, 44505, 216-744-8064 WALLEWEIN, Kevin, 2056 Randy Scott Dr #A, W Carrollton, OH, 45449, 513-859-8764 WALSH, Timothy, 51830 Lake Knoll Ct, Granger, IN, 46530, 219-277-2813 WALTER, Rebecca, 1855 Taylor Creek Rd, Christmas, FL, 32709, 407-568-2087 WALTERS, Kimberly, 2088 E Empire Lot 198, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-926-7700 WALTERS, Selwyn, 4627 Greenfield Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WALTHER, Denise, 24065 Sunrise Ct, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-234-5512 WALTON, Talitha, 6611 Old Pipestone, Eau Claire, MI, 4911 I, 616-461-3067 WANG, Xiao, Unit 3 Dong Chuan Vilgeliu Qu Dist Fu Ping Ctyshaan Xi Prov, PR, CHINA WARD JR, Harold, 1117 Old 122, Lebanon, OH, 45036, 513-932-7946 WARD, Larry, 62292 Wilson Ave, Diamond Lake, Cassopolis, MI, 49031, 616-445-3409 WARD, Neva, 10909 Willowmere Dr, Indianapolis, IN, 46280, 317-580-9064 WARD, Stephanie, 4155 Walnut Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-3414 WARD, Tamara, 6111 N 5IST Street, Tacoma, WA, 98407, 206-759-3406 WARKENTIN, Randolph, 600 Beechwood #D50, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WARNER JR, Gordon, 2998 M 152 Hwy, Dowagiac, MI, 49047, 616-424-6270 WARNING, Wilfried, Rhoen Str 4, 6086 Riedstadt 5, GERMANY WARNTZ, Sandra, 82B Lancelot Dr, W Carrollton, OH, 45449, 513-866-8245 WARREN JR, Jerry, 9215 Johnny Reb Dr, San Antonio, TX, 78240, 210-696-4779 WASHINGTON, Brandon, 55 Oriole Rd, Matteson, IL, 60443, 312-660-1531 WASHINGTON, Justin, 55 Oriole Rd, Matteson, IL, 60443, 708-720-0633 WASHINGTON, Mary, PO Box 307, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WASYLYSHEN, Jerralyn, Box 3247, Lacombe, AB, TOC ISO, CANADA, 403-782-6561 WATERHOUSE, Mark, 47155 Navajo Ave, Coarsegold, CA, 93614, 209-683-0702 WATSON, Lloyd, 8833 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WATSON, Timothy, PO Box 486, Weimar, CA, 95736, 916-637-5087 WAUGH, Marion, 500 Garland #A I 0, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WAWIYE, Joyce, C/o Mrs Marye Wawiye, PO Box 67409, KENYA WEAVER, Christine, 27258 Cecile, Dearborn Hts, MI, 48127, 313-274-7968 WEAVER, Corinne, 27258 Cecile, Dearborn Hts, MI, 48127, 313-274-7968 WEBB, Danny, 9210-2 Sunset Dr, Berrien Sp :ngs, MI, 49103 WEBER, Carolyn, 1745 Wilber, South Bend, IN, 46628 WEBSTER, Gillian, 8917 Grove St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WEBSTER, Penelope, Box 742, Somersetwest, Cape Provnsouth, 7130, AFRICA WECKER, Russell, Box 220, Plaster Rock, NB, EOJ IWO, CANADA, 506-356-7172 WEDEL, Jennifer, 236 Mills St, Hinsdale, IL, 60521, 708-323-0924 WEIGEL, Christoph, 8911-2 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WEIGEL, Julie, 8911-2 Kephart Ln, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 909-798-1888 WEIKUM, Erik, PO Box 76, Hemlock, MI, 48626, 517-642-2844 WEITHERS, Merillee, 158 E 59TH Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11203, 718-230-0742 WELLER, Maxine, 4107 Zion, Jackson, MI, 49201, 617-769-2762 WELLS, Chana, 8470 Tree Top Ct N, #1035, Miamisburg, OH, 45342, 513-859-7580 WELLS, Jennifer, Rd 2 Box 589, Hudson Falls, NY, 12839, 518-747-6267 WELLS, Orin, Rd #2 Box 589, Hudson Falls, NY, 12839, 518-747-6267 WELLS, Priscilla, 550 Mon Bijou, Box 5386, Kingshill, VI, 00850, 809-779-3118 WEN, John, 10 Ln 60 Chiu-cheng St Pu-li, Nantou, TAIWAN, R 0 C WENTLAND, Jennifer, 10462 Red Bud Tr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103, 616-471-4089 WESSLEN, Jeffrey, W 2627 Depot Spr Rd, Spangle, WA, 99031, 509-245-3517 WESSLEN, Jodi, W 2627 Depot Sp Rd, Spangle, WA, 99031, 509-245-3517 WEST II, Dean, 22148 Pondsville Road, Smithsburg, MD, 21783, 301-824-6453 WESTLUND, Holly, 718 SE 12 Street, College Place, WA, 99324, 509-525-0975 WHIDDEN, Jonathan, 4609 Lisa Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4809 WHIDDEN, Laura, 4609 Lisa Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4809 WHITE, Charles, PO Box 1266, Paradise, CA, 95967 WHITE, Dana, 12727 S Green, Chicago, IL, 60643, 312-568-0481 WHITE, Darren, 1310 Grangewood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15216, 412-561-2079 WHITE, Gregory, 784 5 Crystal, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-925-8501 WHITE, Michelle, 39 W 287 Rt 38, St Charles, IL, 60175, 708-377-3647 WHITE, Tinecia, 12800 S Ada, Chicago, IL, 60643, 708-489-5819 WHITE, Wendy, 240 Shirley St #4-2, Vassar, MI, 48768, 517-823-8328 WHITELY, Nicole, 155 Neptune Dr #206, Toronto, ON, M6A 2Y3, CANADA, 416-785-7852 WHITING, Marvin, 9846-13 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WHITLOW, Elizabeth, 5460 W 8TH St, Anderson, IN, 46011, 317-642-4373 WHITT II, Glenn, 8755 Maplewood Dr #3, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WICKEY, Mark, 498-E Hilltop Dr, Corning, NY, 14830, 607-936-3806 WIEMERS, Scott, 9022 N US 31 #4, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 302-734-8752 WIGGINS, Jay, Rt I Box 39A I , Brewster, WA, 98812, 509-689-3383 WIGHTMAN, Todd, 8236 N Hillcrest #2, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILCOX, William, 57 SW Hartley, Gresham, OR, 97030, 503-661-7040 WILE, Stephen, RR 6 Bridgewater, NS, B4V 2W5, CANADA, 902-685-2004 Addresses 0 WRIGHT, Wayne, 415 W Main St, Grafton, WV, 26354 WU, Chung-feng, 5F-1 21 Ln 403, Pa-teh Rd Sec 4, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C WUTZKE, Lynn, 8808 Elm St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-5237 WYANT, Glenn, 9022-9 US 31 #9, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9141 WYANT, Phelicia, 9022-9 N US 31, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-9141 WYLIE, Stephanie, 363 Gothic Dr, Oshawa, ON, LIG 7R6, CANADA, 905-436-7528 WILKINS, Rebecca, 8726-3 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 218-326-3379 WILKINSON, William, PO Box 208, Lemont, IL, 60439, 815-726-2692 WILLEY, Dwayne, 1101 Bella Vista Rd, Bentonville, AR, 72712, 501-273-3644 WILLEY, Tyson, 3079 Primrose Dr, Willits, CA, 95490 WILLIAMS, April, 2659 Bend Willow Cir, Orlando, FL, 32808, 407-294-8185 WILLIAMS, Carlton, 541 N Mechanic St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Catherine, 3626 East G Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49004, 616-344-3118 WILLIAMS, Eustace, 600 Beechwood Ct #A46, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Laura, 2172 Conc Rd 10, Blackstock, ON, LOB I BO, CANADA, 905-263-8070 WILLIAMS, Marcia, 600 Beechwood Ct #A46, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Nia, I Raynor Heights, Southampton, SN04, BERMUDA, 809-238-1658 WILLIAMS, Oswald, 550 Maplewood Ct #1361, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Patrick, 550 Maplewood Ct #C70, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Robert, 180 Roelker Rd, York Springs, PA, 17372, 717-528-4128 WILLIAMS JR, Russell, P 0 Box 203, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-396-2257 WILLIAMS, Stanley, 13017 Kidwell Dr, Dale City, VA, 22193, 703-878-6038 WILLIAMS, Stephanie, 501 W N 7TH St, Shelbyville, IL, 62565, 217-774-2602 WILLIAMS, Tracy, 9766-32 Rosehill Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WILLIAMS, Yvonne, 145 Parker, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022 WILLIS, Crystal, 24759 Rensselaer, Oak Park, MI, 48237, 810-547-8433 WILLIS JR, Philip, 22195 Westhampton, Oak Park, MI, 48237, 313-542-2760 WILSON, Alicia, 12131 Kilbourne, Detroit, MI, 48213 WILSON, Dana, 339 Pam Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-4075 WILSON, Elizabeth, 212 19TH Ave Ct, Greeley, CO, 80631, 303-352-0904 WILSON, Gnanamuthu, 9301 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD, 20903, 301-434-0233 WILSON, James, 61785 Ten Barr Rd, Bend, OR, 97701, 000-338-2777 WILSON, Kraig, 1897 E Hinchman Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-473-5524 WILSON, Sarah, 3209 Westheimer Dr #6, Huntsville, AL, 35805, 205-539-1618 WILSON, Sharon, 24 Cambridge Ave, Dayton, OH, 40416, 513-220-1963 WILSON, Tiffany, PO Box 2046, Collegedale, TN, 37315, 615-499-8085 WINES, Julie, 8803 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1391 WINES, Stephanie, 8803 University Blvd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-1391 WISE, Ethel, 8895-I College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WISE, Michael, 9135 1/2 Woodland, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WITAS, Mark, 4770 Dogwood Dr, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WITTERS JR, Philip, 2955 Witters Ct, Kalamazoo, MI, 49002, 616-327-8501 WITTUM, Christopher, 9455 Meadow Woods Ln, Spring Valley, OH, 45370, 513-885-5178 WITZEL, Carletta, 10131 Rangeline Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOFFORD, Carla, 9089-5 First St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOITHE, Jeannine, Pulvermuhlenweg 15, Muhltal, Hessen, 6109, GERMANY WOLCOTT, Tanya, 2435 N Azaka Dr, Avon Park, FL, 33825, 813-453-6010 WOLF, Ernest, 9117 N Main St #5, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOLF, Paul, 1915 N US 31, Niles, MI, 49120, 517-423-2207 WOLFER, William, 8941 N Main St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WONG, Chui-fong, D,1 0/f Shung Lam Court Lucky Plaza, Shatin, HONG KONG WONG, Ohnma, 8723 Meadowlark Lane, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-3029 WONG, Weng, 10/F 192 Tung Chau St, Sham Shui Po, HONG KONG WOOD, April, 3675 Shangrai-la Dr #38, Saugatuck, MI, 49453, 616-857-1410 WOOD, Heather, 2328 E Hinchman Rd, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOOD, Paul, 124 Heather Hall, Longwood, FL, 32750, 407-339-8074 WOODKA, Roseann, 1340 Garland Rd, South Bend, IN, 46614, 219-289-5631 WOODRUFF, Garth, 3716 Queen Anne Brge Rd, Davidsonville, MD, 21035, 301-261-4254 WOODRUFF, Joel, 5038 Fetterhoff Rd, Chambersburg, PA, 17201, 717-263-5530 WOODS, Keith, 200 Maple St, Bangor, ME, 04401, 207-947-4014 WOODSON, Sharon, 53 Roosevelt Ave W, Battle Creek, MI, 49017, 616-962-1658 WOOLDRIDGE, Timothy, 550 Maplewood Ct #A63, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOOLF, Sharon, 9969 S US 31, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WOOLLEY, Ann, 4867-I Greenfield, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WORKING, Kristina, 2517 Heath Dr, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-683-3279 WORLEY, Clarissa, 8797 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7168 WORLEY, Darchelle, 8797 College Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 616-471-7168 WORLKING, Pierre, 8687 Lilac Ln, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 WORRELL, Jamie, 2655 Woodgate Dr #238, Saint Joseph, MI, 49085 WRIGHT, Andrea, 4506 SE Llewellyn, Milwaukie, OR, 97222, 503-653-1818 WRIGHT, Maritza, 500 Garland #A14, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103, 517-723-3743 WRIGHT, Michael, 536 Colfax Ave #3, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-4267 WRIGHT, Rebecca, 3730 St Anne, Jackson, MI, 49201, 517-787-8323 WRIGHT, Victoria, 2991 Randolph, St, Huntington Pa, CA, 90255, 213-588-5355 XU, Xiaoming, Rm 105 Not 13 Chaoyang, Er Chun Pudu Ditrict, Shanghai, CHINA Y YADEN, Chad, RR 3 Box 219, Hoopeston, IL, 60942, 217-339-2450 YAGIELLO, Jaime, 19 Tudor Place, Budd Lake, NJ, 07828, 201-691-8640 YAN, Zhuoyun, 550 Maplewood Ct #D68, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 YANG, Chong, 89-60 Changwi-dong, Sungbuk-ku, Seoul, S KOREA YANG, Kyung-In, 25472 Anthony Dr, Novi, MI, 48375, 313-380-0992 YANG, Kyung-Yoon, 25472 Anthony Dr, Novi, MI, 48375, 313-380-0992 YANG, Wan-Joo, 25472 Anthony Dr, Novi, MI, 48375, 313-380-0992 YANKSON, Sednak, 603 Warren St, Brooklyn, NY, 11217, 718-857-7072 YASTE, Melissa, 1227 Baker Rd, Fenton, MI, 48430, 313-750-1228 YAU, Yuen-ching, 25230 La Mar Road #D, Loma Linda, CA, 92354 YERINGTON, Patricia, 1400 Rocky Gap Rd, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022, 616-927-4381 YESUDIAN, Suseela, 296 Bolehill Rd, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, S6 SDF, ENGLAND YI, Diana, 1727 Bormon PI, Downers Grove, IL, 60516, 708-960-0445 YI, Myung, 293-157 Hwikyung 2 Dongdongdaemunku, Seoul, S KOREA 131-092 YONG, Grace, 201 Ruth St, Auburn, MI, 48611, 517-662-6659 YOO, Keumsang, 5034 E Bluffview Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 YOO, Laura, 24896 Wantope Rd, Port Moody, BC, V2A 5P3, CANADA, 604-328-2982 YOON, Kae, Songpa-ku Chamsil-dong Athletes VilIge #1-1204, Seoul, S KOREA, 215-562-2723 YOON, Soohyun, 1124 Spotswood Dr, Silverspring, MD, 20905, 301-384-7264 YOUNG, Donville, 130-43 226TH St, Jamaica, NY, 11413, 718-723-2198 YOUNG, Lorrie, 5505 W Crystal, Chicago, IL, 60651, 312-287-5284 YOUNGBERG, John, 233 Blackstone Dr, Centerville, OH, 45459, 513-433-2650 YUAN, Ling, 3/F #2 Aly 5 Ln 410, Pa Te Rd Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN, R 0 C ZAFT, Bernice, 700 Platt St #65, Niles, MI, 49120, 616-683-5339 ZAFT, Darlene, 3295 Florence Rd, Woodbine, MD, 21797, 301-854-6597 ZAITSEV, Eugene, Revolutsii-st 24-176, Tula, RUSSIA ZAPPIA, Annie, 115 S Kimmel St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ZBARASCHUK, Karis, Box 4 RR 4 Site 12, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 5R2, CANADA, 306-929-4982 ZBARASCHUK, Korey, RR 4 Box 4 Site 12, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 5R2, CANADA, 306-929-4982 ZHOU, Bei-jing, 9047 Third St, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ZHUGE, Lin, 90-59 52 Ave, Flushing, NY, 11373, 718-760-2893 ZIEGELE, Paul, 2410 Jennifer Hope Blvd, Longwood, FL, 32779, 407-774-6379 ZIESE, Mark, PO Box 043200, Cincinnati Bible Collge, Cincinnati, OH, 45204 ZIMMERMAN, Shawn, 9124-9 George Ave, Berrien Springs, MI, 49103 ZIRKLE, Frederick, 919 N Independence, Tipton, IN, 46072, 317-675-7717 ZOLLINGER, Derek, 12122 Pepple Pointe Pas, Carmel, IN, 46033, 317-846-0816 ZOLLMAN, Franke, 13040 Armentrout Rd, Fredericktown, OH, 43019, 614-694-8005 ZOLLMAN, Sammye, 3522 Bayberry Dr NW, Grand Rapids, Ml, 49504, 616-784-6329 ZORRILLA, Yesenia, 500 W 140ST #6F, New York, NY, 10031, 212-283-7518 ZUBERBUHLER, Juan, 3215 Arlington Ave, Bronx, NY, 10472, 718-589-8846 ZVANDASARA, Bonginkosi, 2123 New Magwegwe, P 0 Magwegwe, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE ZVANDASARA, Lynette, 10 Mandaba B Cenhe, Zvishavane, Zvishavane, ZIMBABWE ZVANDASARA, Nkosiyabo, Central, Zimbabwe Field, Box 559, Gweru, ZIMBABWE ZYGOWIEC, Kristopher, 8380 N Hillcrest Dr, Berrien Springs, Ml, 49103 Addresses S Advertisements Get a 4.0 Without Cracking a Book 20% off AT&T Rates To anyone anytime anywhere Its the cheapest way to call home from Andrews ASTRA Sign up today - Call (616) 471-6600 for details II 1 TT", E EEi COIL G`E. 1874-1994 Advertisements Happy Birthday Andrews University It's been a great year because YOU were here Compliments Andrews University Advancement Team Alumni Development Enrollment Public Relations Congratulations Graduates 1995 Indiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Carmel, Indiana Advertisements Give them the vision to fulfill the mission nr . The Michigan Conference supports Christian education Advertisements (Place Photo Here) People With A Purpose (Place Photo Here) (Place Photo Here) (Place Photo Here) (Place Photo Here) The Lake Union Conference dedicates this page for you to fill with photos of friends and events in your life at Andrews University. Whenever you look at these memories we hope you will remember another Friend A Friend who is always with you. A Friend who has given you a purpose in life. That purpose is to share His love with others. May you cherish the memories and remember Christ's purpose for your life, because we are a "People With A Purpose." 1.015e cj Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Bco:C, Berrien *ings, MI 491 03 Advertisements Mow OS to challenge You! class options great teachers activities & friends financial benefits graduating with honors! A Honors! Hethery 08B come see us! FINANCING COLLEGE CAN BE AN EDUCATION IN ITSELF. r C.J (PA—) 171) / C2d ( k See Old Kent about a low interest student loan. IX OLD KENT Common Sense. Uncommon Service' Events '94-'95 ANDREWS UNIVERSITY JOHNSON AUDITORIUM BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI Wayne Watson Sat, Oct 8 - 8:00pm Glad Sat, Oct 29 - 7:30pm 4 Him Sun, Nov 20 - 7:30pm Al Denson Sat, Dec 3 - 7:30pm Scott Wesley Brown Sat, Jan 14 - 7:30pm Larnelle Harris Sun, Feb 12 - 7:00pm Dick & Mel Tunney Sat, Mar 11 - 7:30pm Bill & Sarah Gaines Sat, Apr 1 - 8:00pm ADMISSION: ANDREWS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (WITH ID) $5 GENERAL ADMISSION $8 Tickets Only $8.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION: 616-471-3615 To CHARGE By PHONE ONLY: 1-800-521-0290 To charge by phone-MC/Visa only, $2.75 service charge per order-contact Christian Happenings Ticket Service at 1-800-521-0290, available until the day before the show. To order by mail send check or money order-include $2.75 service charge per order-to Christian Happenings Ticket Service, P.O. Box 340528, Columbus OH 43234 —.111111.1.115' firier4?Vi47/ ,sz,/,',44(2Wiezh, PRESENTS WAY E WATSO Advertisements Advertisements No matter what your area of expertise, you'll find Kettering Medical Center welcomes the unique characteristics of each individual. We are as focused on comforting and uplifting the human spirit as we are on treating the bodies of our patients. Throughout Kettering, you will find professionals who leave their mark on the lives they touch. It might be through their clinical skills or by simply taking the time to let a patient know someone recognizes their humanity and understands their fears. It might even include the encouragement and companionship offered to a coworker. In every form, it brings people together. Kettering Medical Center consists of Kettering Memorial Hospital, a 482-bed regional tertiary and acute care facility; Sycamore Hospital, a 191-bed facility; Sycamore Glen Retirement Community; and the Kettering College of Medical Arts. Our organization also encompasses Kettering Workers' Care, an industrial rehab facility. We are a full-service medical facility offering rewarding careers in every discipline. In addition to excellent compensation and a full range of benefits, you will also enjoy our pleasant suburban location which offers easy access to downtown Dayton — a city with an outstanding life style, friendly people, and a very affordable cost of living — as well as other major metropolitan areas. Let our environment make a positive impression on your life and career. Call or send your resume to. Laura Hanauer; Kettering Medical Center; Employment Office; 3535 Southern Boulevard; Kettering, Ohio 45429-1221; (513) 296-7863. I 1 S C,! A Kettering Medical Center An Equal Opportunity Employer 1) u c Advertisements PRIDE. DEDICATION. COMMITMENT. EXCELLENCE. As ANDREWS UNIVERSITY 14„e„, Car pus A)PTI -18,,1* 72k rrk NURSING ANDREWS UNIVERSITY 1-800-877-2863 BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI 49104 rom the moment you first step inside, you'll know you've collie to a special place - a place designed for your shopping delight and dedicated to bringing you the robust goodness of nature's bounty. So, (Welcome to In Berrien Springs: 106 Fast Mars Street 471-/!!r9 Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Your Schraders "Hometown" Supermarket Markets We Honor Credit Cards & Food Stamps • Wednesday Senior Citizens' Discount Day • American Express Money Orders Deli • Bakery • Vegetarian Foods • Video Rental 1111111111111111111 rill I *fa' a.--; ion ism NISI INN -4411100 -.1111110 Design by Esther Cho Advertisements Tetpycl ththl 511 N. Cass Ave. P.O. Box 245 Berrien Springs Michigan 49103 (616) 471-4220 (616) 473-4567 DON DAMRON 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 616 471-2600 Village Inn Motel 9008 U.S. 31 BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI 49103 PHONE 471-1354 Oon's Automotive Service Servicing Domestic Cars Only 24 Hour Towing KITCHENETTES COLOR T.V. AIR CONDITIONED NEAR ANDREWS UNIVERSITY ON U.S. 31 & 33 471 W. Ferry Street Berrien Springs, MI 49103 The Division of Architecture Andrews University "The only professionally accredited architecture program in the world sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church" Professional Degree in Architecture Accredited by NAAB Dr. Stanley M. Bell, Director Phone: (616) 471-3216 ANDERSON BUILDING MATERIALS CO. Structural Steel Fabricators Miscellaneous Iron ENHANCE YOUR CAREER WITH TECHNOLOGY 216 Upton Drive St. Joseph, MI 49085 (616) 983-5543 Advertisements Chances are there's a full-service Michigan National branch office and a Michigan Moner automatic teller machine near where you live, work and travel around the state. Which means your money's always accessible, any time, anywhere. Ah„, Michigan National Bank Member FDIC irate A Great oAt 01W_rt We invite you to explore your future at New England Memorial Hospital, a Seventh-day Adventist institution that takes pride in its exceptional facilities and dedica- tion to outstanding care. We offer career opportunities in health, business and other fields. Join our team and become a part of one of the strongest and most progres- sive health care providers north of Boston. If you're interested in our opportunities, please call or write to the Employment Specialist, 5 Woodland Rd., P.O. Box 9102, Stoneham, MA 02180 or call (617) 979-7007 for more information. An equal opportunity employer. pirtg New England Memorial Hospital the staff of life Advertisements Physical Therapist Education Programs Andrews University Berrien Springs, Michigan Dayton, Ohio Learn how to walk into your future job with security and safety. 616-471-6078 or 1-800-827-2878-1 A LITTLE STORY. A BIG MESSAGE. The Seven Sticks A man had seven sons, who were always quarreling. ..The good old man, one day, called his sons around him. He laid before them seven sticks, which were bound together. He said, "I will pay a hundred dollars to the one who can break this bundle." Each one strained every nerve to break the bundle. After a long but vain trial, they all said that it could not be done. "And yet, my boys," said the father, "nothing is easier to do." He then untied the bundle, and broke the sticks, one by one, with perfect ease. . ."As it is with these sticks, so it is with you, my sons. So long as you hold fast together and aid each other, you will prosper, and no one can injure you. But if the bond of union be broken, it will happen to you just as it has to these sticks, which lie here broken on the ground." Home, city, country, all are prosperous found, When by the powerful link of union bound. "McGuffey's Reader" Over the years the lesson in this story hasuided Peoples State Bank, and the wisdom in it is still valid today. People working together have the strength to withstand adversity and to prosper. People come firstAtt9W thealt PEOPLES STATE BANK MEMBER FDIC MasterCard VISA ...and become a professional. Advertisements Southwestern Union Conference From kindergarten to college, home of the best education in the world! Congratulations to the Classes of 1995! Congratulations Graduates! . . . as we move toward the Year 2000 and BEYOND. Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (616) 473-3088 Bosch Authorized Service Foreign Car Repair 8( Parts SPECIALIZING IN "YOUR" FOREIGN CAR ECONOMY, EXOTIC OR LUXURY CARS 8754 US-31 BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI 49103 RUSSELL YOUNG ENTRANCE ON LEMON CREEK RD. OWNER Market yourself... McKee Foods Corporation • P.O. Box 750 • Caegedale,TN 37315 Lillie Debbi.? Snacks Lisa Halminen Delisha Medina Mike Halminen Editor-in-chief Assistant editor Design editor Kendra Manuel Layout Assistant Photographers: Daniel Ashley Patti Dinning Charles Le Blanc Jason Ivany Kayleith Pierce Jonathon Vance Technical support Advertising Manager AUSA Sponsor: Dr. G. William Mutch Randy Siebold Advisor Jeff Hongo Business Manager Although this yearbook presents timely images and words that record the events of this year, a yearbook is something that will remain timeless—pictures of friends and experiences that have made life at Andrews a memorable and hopefully, an enjoyable experience. You don't have to turn on your computer, log in, or open a file to look at it. You don't have to plug it in, turn it on, and adjust the tracking. All you have to do is reach for your bookshelf pull it out, and turn the pages of the Cardinal to explore, reminisce, and relive in your mind the events of this year. Generations come and go, but this year at Andrews will remain the year of Generation X. Enjoy! Sincerely, Lisa Halminen, Cardinal Editor '95 Special thanks to... Jonathon Vance—for putting the black and white portrait section together- and rescuing us when the Mac acted-up Peter Erhard—for his suggestions and critique of the cover The Public Relations department—for the use of several photos Dave Mihalko from Contemporary Photography Studios—for senior portraits Chris DiCicco & Marc Ullom—for senior portraits The photography department—for photos of Ken Bame and the New Zealand photo excursion The staff of the Student Movement—for various photographs & for company The Alumni Department—for photographs commemorating AU's 120th year Paul Ziegele—for never-ending support & encouragement Mom & Dad—for understanding why I couldn't come home as often due to yearbook deadlines Everyone who let Cardinal staff take pictures of you without holding your hands in front of your faces Colophon The 1995 Cardinal, volume 69 of the Andrews University yearbook, was edited by Lisa Halminen and sponsored by the Andrews University Student Association. Produced by a staff of five under the direction of Dr. William Mutch, sponsor, and Mr. Randy Siebold, faculty advisor. Printed by Jostens School Products Group in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, represented by Michael Wm. Rowe. Pre-press: Layout created entirely on a Macintosh Quadra 800® using Quark XPress 3.3® and the Josten's Yeartech template. Black and white portraits captured by Colorsnap 32+® video card through Adobe Photoshop®. Color portraits taken and processed by Contemporary Photography Studios of Medina, Ohio and by Marc Ullom and Christopher DiCicco Photography. Portions of candid photography were digitized with the Nikon Coolscan, sized, cropped, and leveled through Adobe Photoshop. Color candids printed by Slidecraft of South Bend, Indiana. Cover designed and created by Michael Halminen in Adobe Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator®. Printed to an 8 x 10 inch transparency at Meteor Photo & Imaging. Press run: 1300 copies, 212 pages for spring delivery. Printed on 50% recycled 80- lb paper, except 32 pages of four-color processing printed on 100-lb paper. Shipping date: May 13, 1995. • "Generation X comprises the young of America, Adventism and Andrews—our youth and young adults from the early teens to the early 30s. Who are they? ...the most computer literate generation ever ...the most world-traveled generation ever ...the most technologically sophisticated generation ever ...the most televisioned generation in our history ...masters of "parallel thinking" ...the most racially diverse and racially tolerant generation in American history ...more color blind than their parents and ancestors ...most women's rights conscious ...environmentally conscious Here's what happens to American young in this generation every 24 hours: More than 2,500 American children witness the divorce or separation of their parents. 13 Americans age 15 to 24 commit suicide. 16 are murdered. More than 2,200 kids drop out of school. 500 adolescents begin using illegal drugs, and 1,000 begin drinking alcohol. 1,000 unwed teenage girls become mothers. (Selected statistics from from Neil Howe and Bill Strauss' 13th Gen, Vintage Books, New York, 1993, p. 33) They've got a lot going for them, the 13 to 33 year-olds of America and Adventism. But they also have a lot going against them, and it is out of that plethora of negatives that sociologists paint a ver: sobering profile of Generation X: ...Almost one half of all live births to Gen X females last year were to unwed young women. ...Gen Xers will end up changing their careers six times before they retire. ...Gen Xers are busting the suicide rates. (Statistics from George Barna's The Invisible Generation) In the midst of a world collapsing economically and ecologically, morally and maritally, socially any spiritually, isn't the highest mission of the church to embrace Generation X and the rest of a los civilization with the strong and gentle healing message of God's relentless love? Tor I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor thing to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate u from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.' (Romans 8:38, 39 NRSV) Therein lies the hope of the Gen Xer and you and me." —Adaptation of the sermon preached by Dwight K. Nelson, senior pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church, September 10, 1994 and published in FOCIJ magazine, Winter 1995. • •