ba 4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKLY by the Pacrvic UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTI-DAY ADVENTISTS Mountain View, (al. Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year Fditorial Committee I J. Iran H.W, Corrrernt. CrLAuniE CONARD Entered as second-ciass matter July 0, 1906, at the Post Office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Special attention 1s called to the excellent article hy Sister White on the sccond page. It contains many thoughts that are well worth our consideration at this time. Let cach one study it well, [Ider Corliss is attending the camp-mecting in Oakland ths week, has not found time prepare the next article m his ser- ies on the “Principles of Rehgrous Liberty,” He promises to have some more for us later. The printing of the “Recorder” SO) tO wis done this week by Melvin, [Tillis & Black at Sen Jose, and the work will no doubt he leit with them until the Pacilic Press plant 15 again mm operation. Ae are certainly olad to be able to send out our paver at oall this week, and even though tas a litle Tate, we know that our read will he anaous to hear the particulars of the hitter experi- cence throueh which the worlo at this place 1s now passing. [Slder Loughborough left this week for the Southwestern Union Conference to spend Tour or hve weeks mm attending the camp- mectines and visiting churches mm that field, Ider ND OL Toni ear- culation manager of the “Signs,” also expected to spend some time mm that union CS conference dure comp-mectinge season workmen the interests of cur publications, hut the recent disaster af the Pa cific Press may cause a change in his plans. [t will be observed that our canvassers’ book report 1s very small this week, Several causes have combined to make this the case. larst, a number of the re- ports were burned in the Pacthe Press Building last Friday night, Then agai, our copy had to be turned moa hitthe carly this week im order to oct the paper out in time, on account of having to oct the work done at another office, and thus some of the reports had not vet heen re- ceived. We trust that a fuller re- port may be given next welk. Word comes to us from the camp ground m Oakland that m 1 meeting for that purpose held last Monday forenoon $SR000 was raised to assist the Pacthe Press in its need at this time. Such Tib- crality 1s certaanly appreciated, and ats hoped that this as hit a hegmnime of what will he done for this worthy cause throughout our conferences evervawhere. We trust that our people mall the churches will feel ta privilege to help to the extent of ther abil- - EY . ’ 1 reascn hic yom gettme this work again started on the coast. What 1s he Lord calling upon vor to do? co one of the man- aoers of the periodical depart- ent of the Pacific Press. Teft last \onday evening, the 23d, for Nonsas Cite to arrange Tor the crintine of an edition of Uller- aids of the Morning,” so that the may have that book for herr deliveries about Septem- her 200 IF Tie 1s not able to oct the work done at once 1mm Kansas City, lie may visit St Louis, Chis Co other Dring enters in the ast. The will stay there pti] the work is completed, With Tim Drother Irinrth tor assist om pushing the publica- CANNVaN=eTrs oo, and [arog QdOes fon of come of our smaller hoolks mothe Jorcion Taneuages, We vwi