Big Week Campaign April 30 - May 6 Southwestern Union Record Official Organ of the Southwestern Union Conference oy (Ze Adventists. VOLUME XXVI KEENE, TEXAS, TUESDAY, MAY 3. 792. LN op) NO 18 SIXTY-CENTS-A-WEEK FUND In this issue of the RECORD you will find a statement of the Sixty-cents-a- week Fund for the first quarter of 1927, and we are glad to report that we have made a small gain. For the first quar- ter of 1926 our standing was 34.61 per cent while for the first quarter of this year it is 36.81 per cent or a gain of 2.21 per cent for the period. We feel encouraged that we have even a slight gain in this union. However, we notice from Brother Shaw’s letter that the field as a whole has remitted $8,000.00 less for the first three month of this year than for the same period in 1926, notwithstanding an increase in membership in 1927 of nearly 2,000. We trust that the members in our union will continue to be faithful in their tithe and mission offerings so as to forward the work in mission fields. C. E. SMITH, Treas. S. W. Union. | Let every teacher plan to be SUMMER SCHOOL May 25 - July 6. Yes we will have Summer School at Southwestern Junior College beginning May 25, 1927. A strong faculty is planned and subjects will be offered so that every teacher in the union can get work that will be profitable from the point of increased ef- ficiency and also of credit. there, and on time. E. A. POHLE STATEMENT OF SIXTY-CENTS-A-WEEK FUND FOR THREE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 28, 1927. Conference Membership Amt. $7:80 Amount Amount Cents per Per Member Received Short Member (White) C ATKANSAs coe 522 4,071 60 1,503.60 2,568.00 222 North Texas .................1148 8,954.40 3,465.89 5,488.51 232 Oklahoma .......ccooveeeeeeeee 2056 16,036.80 5,194.98 10,841 82 194 South Texas coon. 804 6,271.20 1,954.26 4,325.94 .186 TeXiCo. ovina 489 3,814 20 2,237.81 1,576.39 352 TOIT, 6019 39,148.20 14,347.54 24,300.36 220 - 36.65% (Colored) ATKANnSas ..ccoceeceenien 83 539.56 207.74 331.76 193 North Texas .......... 79 513.50 184.53 328.97 .180 Oklahoma coos 102 663.00 145 74 517.26 110 South Texas ............... , 292 1,898.00 833.87 1,064.13 220 TOXICO womens 68 442 00 185.35 266.65 .210 624 4,056.00 1,557.23 2,498.77 192 38.399, (COMBINED) White ies 5019 39,148.20 14,347.54 24,800.66 192 Colored ween. 624 4,056.00 1,557.23 2,498.77 192 6643 43,204.20 15,904 77 (27,299.43 217 36.819, : CTE C. E. SMITH, TREASURER S. W. Union Conference. ON THE FAM: OBIBLE TEACHER pons What is it? How many of our readers have ever used it in missionary endea- vor? Did you know that there is prob- ably no better channel to interest your neighbors and friends than through this means. The family Bible Teacher is a series of well written Bible studies arranged in order so that it will be easy to give them out in a proper consecutive series They are not expensive. Your Book and Bible House secretary will be glad to furnish them to you. This publica- tion really puts into the hands of every one who desires, a series of studies ar- ranged in a systematic plan, and thus one is enabled to give the salient points of our message to the people. . Missionary leader! Wont you encour- age the members of your church to use more of these excellent lessons? Each series comes packed in an envelope. M. B. VAN KIRK. LARGE SIGNS CLUB PRICE CUT ‘A few months ago a short term, low- priced Signs club offer was made to evangelists. The immediate and large response from evangelists and the re- quests from others to be» allowed to share in the plan have caused us to re- vise our offer slightly, and to extend it to every one—evangelists, pastors, church missionary societies, individual church members. The rates given be- low are based on a ten-week subscrip- tion, with the privilege of renewing indefinitely. The minimum size of club is one hundred. 100 copies weekly for 10 weeks $19.00 150 £< [X19 $¢ 28. 50 200 [X} ft [X14 i¢ it * 38.00 300 [(X3 [4 [3 [4] ce 57.00 400 ét é¢ LX] [£1 [X34 76.00 500 tf fe fe 95.00 Proportionately higher prices on larger clubs up to a club of 1,000, at which point the $19. rate changes to $17.50; thus making a club of 1,000