of BIBLE STORIES MIDGET PICTURES OF i BIBLE STORIES Arranged by the SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference REVIEW AND HERALD PUB. ASSN. Washington, D.C. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Copyright, 1925, by the Review and Herald Publishing Association FOREWORD Midget Pictures of Bible Stories was first published in book form nearly twenty years ago. For years it was a popular help in teaching the children’s Sabbath school lessons. It has been out of stock now for some time; but as new demands have been made for the book, the publishers have agreed to bring out another edition. The style of the book has been altered, with but one lesson illustrated on a page. The plan of the book follows the order of the Sabbath school lessons—two years on Old Testament history, one year and nine months on the life of Christ, nine months on the Acts of the Apostles, and six months on topical studies. This makes a five years’ course of study. The connection with the Sabbath school lesson is very close, as the title of the lesson and the scripture are given at the bottom of the picture, and also a portion of the memory verse appears. One has only to find the place in the book illustrating the lessons now being studied, and thereafter the pictures follow in regular order. The pictures may also be used in giving chalk talks on the blackboard. For classwork, a teacher may at times use pencil and paper in sketching the eye-gate scenes. With a little practice at home, one will have no difficulty in making these simple sketches. We hope that in the hands of teachers and parents this book will have its part in bringing the lambs of the flock to Jesus, the Lover and Saviour of children. General Conference Sabbath School Department. CONTENTS OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY _______________ 7 THE LIFE OF CHRIST ________________ ]02 THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES ____________ 189 TOPICAL STUDIES____________ 227 Old Testament History "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105 OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 7 THE STORY OF CREATION Genesis 1:1-19 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth— Genesis 1:1 SCENE 1. The whole world was as dark as the upper half of this circle until God said, “Let there be light: and there was light.” “God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.” SCENE 2. This makes us think of the second day’s work, when God made the clouds, the air, and divided the waters. He called the space around the earth where the air is, the firmament. SCENE 3. On the third day God made the land, trees, flowers, and grass. The earth must have been very beautiful at the close of the third day, but very quiet. SCENE 4. When we look at the sun, moon, and stars, we can remember that on the fourth day God hung them in the sky where they could give light. 8 MIDGET PICTURES THE STORY OF CREATION Genesis 1:20-31; 2:1-3 God said, Let us make man in our image—Genesis 1:26 SCENE 1. The sun is shining upon the soft green grass dotted with bright-colored, sweet-smelling flowers. The trees are waving their branches in the gentle breeze. But everything is quiet, and there is r.o one to enjoy this beautiful place. SCENE 2. The flying birds and all kinds of “winged fowl,” arid the fishes in the sea remind us of what God made on the fifth day. SCENE 3. When we look at horses, dogs, cows, lions, and creeping things, we remember that God made them on the sixth day. He also made Adam and Eve to care for the things which He had already made. SCENE 4. Now that God had finished His work, He gave man the Sabbath as a gift to remind him of his Creator. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 9 THE STORY OF EDEN Genesis 2:4-25; 3 The wages of sin is death—Romans 6:23 SCENE 1. The animals are passing before Adam, and he is giving to each its name. SCENE 2. Adam and Eve are in their garden home, among the trees and flowers. An angel is talking to them and warning them against Satan. SCENE 3. Eve is under the forbidden tree, accepting the fruit the serpent is offering her. Afterward she gave Adam some of the fruit, and he also ate. In this way sin was brought into the world. SCENE 4. Because erf their disobedience, Adam and Eve lost their beautiful home. But God gave them the promise of a Saviour who would save them from their sins. This cross makes us think of how Jesus came and died for us. 10 MIDGET PICTURES THE STORY OF CAIN AND ABEL Genesis 4:1*16; 5 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain—Hebrews 11:4 SCENE 1. Abel is caring for his sheep. Cain is a farmer, and is cultivating fruits and vegetables. SCENE 2. Cain and Abel each built an altar. Abel brought a lamb for an offering, just as the Lord had commanded. Cain wanted to ha^e his own way, so he brought fruits and vegetables instead. Abel is praying. Gcd sent fire to consume Abel’s offering, which was a sign that it was accepted. SCENE 3. Abel is asking Cain to repent of his sin and bring an offering such as the Lord had commanded. SCENE 4. One day while Abel was in the field, Cain became so angry with him that he killed him. The Lord asked Cain where Abel was, and Cain said, "I know' not: am I my brother’s keeper?” OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 11 THE STORY OF THE FLOOD Genesis 6 and 7 My Spirit shall not always strite with man—Genesis 6:3 SCENE 1. The ark is being built by Noah and his workmen. Some men have heard about the strange houseboat being built and have come to see it. SCENE 2. The people are worshiping idols. They are spending their time eating and drinking and indulging in forbidden pleasures. Noah is telling them that the Lord will punish those who refuse to believe His word. SCENE 3. The ark is finished. Without any man showing them where to go, the animals and birds are coming from everywhere and going in, as if led by an angel. Noah and his family are watching the animals as they go into the ark. SCENE 4. The ark is closed, and all who love the Lord are safe inside. It is thundering and raining, and the lightning is flashing. The people are terror-stricken, and some are clinging to the ark, begging to be let in. Others are dinging to rocks and buildings. 12 MIDGET PICTURES COMING OUT OF THE ARK Genesis 8; 9:1-13 I do set My boiv in the cloud—Genesis 9:13 SCENE 1. Noah sent out a dove, to see if the waters were dried. The dove could find no place to alight, so returned to the ark, and Noah put forth his hand and took the dove into the ark. Noah waited seven days and then sent the dove out again. This time when it returned, it had an olive leaf in its mouth. Noah waited seven days and again sent out the dove. This time it did not return. SCENE 2. The ark is on Mount Ararat. An angel opened the door, and Noah and his family and all that were in the ark with him came out. SCENE 3. Noah and his family are making a thank offering to God for His wonderful care and deliverance. SCENE 4. There has been a storm, and the sun is beginning to shine. The beautiful shining rainbow spanning the heavens is to help the people to remember God’s wonderful promise to Noah. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 13 THE TOWER OF BABEL Genesis 11:1-9 Where envying and strife is, there is confusion—Janies 3:16 SCENE 1. Noah and his sons and their children are living in tents near the mountains where the ark rested after the flood. Noah is telling some of his grandchildren the history of the world before the flood. Some of the men are working in the field. SCENE 2. These are Noah’s grandchildren, and they are on their way to the land of Shinar. Many of them do not love the Lord, and they want to go where they can forget Him. SCENE 3. The people who went to the land of Shinar have built themselves homes, and now they are trying to build a wonderful tower, whose top will reach to heaven. SCENE 4. The work on the tower has suddenly stopped, because the Lord came down to see the tower. He knew about it before, but let the men go on with the work of building it, so He could teach them how foolish they were to trust in their own strength and power. 14 MIDGET PICTURES THE CALL OF ABRAM Geness 12:1-10; 13 Thou shalt be a blessing—Genesis 12:2 SCENE 1. Abram is leaving his home :n the city of Ur, with his family and his nephew Lot and all his possessions. He is on his way tc the land :o which God has promised to direct him. SCENE 2. Wherever Abram stopped on the way, he built an altar and worshiped God Here he is between the mountains, with Bethel on the west and the city of Hai on the east. Abram loved the country, so he did not go to these cities, but pitched his tents in :he mountains. SCENE 3. The herdsmen of Abram and Lot are quarreling about the pasture for their flocks. They each want the best. This is because their hearts are selfish. SCENE 4. Abram is saying to Lot, ‘‘Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen. ... Is not the whole land before thee?” Then he told Lot to lake his choice. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 15 THE BATTLE OF THE KINGS; GOD’S PROMISE TO ABRAM Genesis 14; 15:1-7 Tell the stars, if thou he able to number them.... So shall thy seed be—Genesis 15:5 SCENE 1. The battle between the kings is going on in the valley of Siddim. SCENE 2. The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah are trying to get away. Some have fallen into the slime pits, while others are hurrying to the mountains. Lot is taken captive. SCENE 3. A messenger has come to tell Abram that the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah have been defeated, and Lot and his family are captives of the king of Elam. SCENE 4. Abram and his army of trained servants are on their way to the camp of the enemy. It is night, and their enemies are asleep. SCENE 5. Abram is returning with all their goods that the king of Elam took. Melchizedek, the priest of God, brings bread and wine for Abram, and blesses him. SCENE 6. One night the Lord told Abram to look at the stars, and see if he could count them: and He said unto him, "So shall thy seed be.” 16 MIDGET PICTURES ABRAHAM’S VISITORS; ABRAHAM PLEADS FOR SODOM Genesis 17:1-8; 18 I will hear what God the Lord will speak—Psalms 85:8 SCENE 1. Abraham is sitting in the door of the tent. Three strangers are coming toward him. Abraham is kindhearted and invites them to rest in the shade while dinner is prepared for them. SCENE 2. The weary travelers are washing their feet, while Sarah is baking some cakes Abraham gives his servant a calf to dress and cook. When dinner was ready, Abraham stood by them while they ate. SCENE 3. The strangers have eaten their dinner, and now Abraham is going a short distance with them. One of the visitors is Jesus and the others are angels. They all look like the men of that country SCENE 4. Two of the heavenly messengers are going on by themselves toward ihe city of Sodom, leaving Abraham alone with Him who he now knows is Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus is telling Abraham that He is planning to destroy Sodom because of its gieat wickedness. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 17 LOT BROUGHT OUT OF SODOM; LOT’S WIFE LOOKED BACK Genesis 19:1-29 Where your treasure is, there will your heart he also—Matthew 6:21 SCENE 1. Lot sees the two travelers coming and goes to meet them. He is bowing politely to them, but does not know they are angels. SCENE 2. These are men frcm the city who have come to get the strangers that they saw Lot taking home with him. The angels smite them with blindness. They are groping in the dark. SCENE 3. Lot is telling his sons-in-law that the Lord has sent angels to destroy the city. He is begging them to take their wives and leave, but they refuse to listen. They think he is a foolish old man, and they mock him for being afraid. SCENE 4. Urged by the angels, Lot and his wife and two daughters are leaving Sodom. They are told not to look back, else they will be lost. Lot’s wife looks back at her possessions, and is turned into a pillar of salt. 18 MIDGET PICTURES HAGAR AND ISHMAEL; ABRAHAM’S FAITH TESTED Genesis 21 and 22 Without faith it is impossible to please Him—Hebrews 11:6 SCENE 1. Ishmael thinks he is to be Abraham’s heir, and he is mocking Isaac. Hagar and Sarah and Abraham are there too. Sarah is asking Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away. SCENE 2. Hagar and Ishmael are in the wilderness. Because Hagar cannot find food and water, she thinks they will starve. She lays Ishmael under one of the shrubs and begins to weep. SCENE 3. Abraham and Isaac are climbing Mount Moriah. The servants are left at the foot of the mountain. Isaac is carrying the wood, and Abraham is carrying the coals of fire and the knife with which to slay the offering. SCENE 4. Abraham and Isaac build the altar and lay the wood upon It; but before Abraham can offer Isaac, the Lord calls, “Lay not :hine hand upon the lad, neither do thou anything unto him.” Then Abraham sees a ram in the bush and offers it instead of Isaac. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 19 ISAAC AND REBEKAH Genesis 24; 25:7-10 Acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths—Proverbs 3:6 SCENE 1. Eliezer, with his servants and ten camels, is on his way to Haran, Abraham’s old home. He is going to find a wife for Isaac. Abraham does not want his son to marry a woman who does not worship the true God. SCENE 2. Here they are near the city of N^hor. They stop by a well. Eliezer is asking God to guide him on his errand for Abraham. SCENE 3. Rebekah is talking to Eliezer. He is asking her for a drink of water. She makes a kind reply, and Eliezer believes she is the one chosen by the Lord to be Isaac’s wife. SCENE 4. Eliezer is in the home of Rebekah. Her parents and brothers are greeting him, and he tells them why he has come. They are pleased and willing for Rebekah to gc and be Isaac's wife. SCENE 5. Rebekah is going back to Canaan with Eliezer. She will become the bride of Isaac. Rebekah and her maid are riding on one of the camels which Eliezer brought with him. 20 MIDGET PICTURES JACOB AND ESAU Genesis 25:27-34; 27 The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment— Luke 12:23 SCENE 1. Esan has been hunting. He is tired and hungry. Jacob has prepared some red pottage. Esau is saving, “Feed me with that pottage, for I am faint.” SCENE 2. Isaac is telling Esau tn take his bow and arrow and go and get some venison for savory meat. Rebekah is listening. SCENE 3. Rebekah has prepared some savory meat for Jacob to take to his father before Esau can return so he can get the promised blessing. She is dressing him in skins, so Isaac will think he is Esau. SCENE 4. Jacob is kneeling by his father’s bedside, receiving the promised blessing. Rebekah is anxious, so she is watching and listening. SCENE 5. Esau has just returned with venison which he has prepared for his father. Isaac is telling him that he has just eaten and bestowed the blessing upon Jacob. Esau is angry. He is weeping and saying, “Bless me, even me also, O my father.” OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 21 JACOB’S DREAM Genesis 27:41-45; 28 Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not—Genesis 28:16 SCENE 1. Rebekah is telling Jacob that Esau is very angry with him and is planning to take his life. SCENE 2. Jacob is saying good-by to his father and mother. He is leaving for Haran, the home of his uncle Laban. SCENE 3. Jacob is far from home, and it is night. He is lying on the ground asleep, with a stone for a pillow. [Relate his dream.] SCENE 4. Jacob is happy, because he knows the Lord has not forsaken him. He said, “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” He is taking the stone he used for a pillow and setting it up for a pillar, to mark the spot where God gave him that beautiful dream. He called the place Bethel. 22 MIDGET PICTURES JACOB IN HARAN Genesis 29; 31; 32 1 will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me—Genesis 32:26 SCENE 1. Jacob has reached Karan. While he is resting at the well, Rachel comes with her father's sheen. Jacob is greeting her. SCENE 2. Jacob, with his wives and children and flocks, is on his way back to his old home. SCENE 3. It is night. Jacob and his wives and children are safely across the river. But Jacob is sad because of the great wrong he did his brother years ago He is asking God to send him deliverance from his angry brother Esau. SCENE 4. It is early morning. The One who has been with Jacob all night is trying to get away. Jacob is wresding with Him, and is saying, “I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.” OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 23 JACOB’S MEETING WITH ESAU; JACOB RETURNS TO CANAAN Genesis 33 and 35 Be ye kind one to another—Ephesians 4:32 SCENE 1. Esau, with his four hundred men, has come to meet Jacob and his family. Esau and Jacob are kissing each other and weeping for joy. They have not seen each other for many years. The Lord softened their Hearts and made them friends instead of enemies. SCENE 2. Jacob is urging Esau to accept the drove of cattle which he sent as a oresent by his servants. SCENE 3. Esau and his company are on their way to Mount Seir. Jacob and his family are following on behind, traveling more slowly than Esau and his men. SCENE 4. Rachel, Jacob s wife, dies on the way between Bethel and Hebron. Jacob and his family are very sad, as they stop to bury her. They are weeping by her grave. They place a stone to mark her resting place. / 24 MIDGET PICTURES JOSEPH’S DREAMS; JOSEPH SOLD INTO EGYPT Genesis 37 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer—1 John 3:15 SCENE 1. The eleven sheaves that Joseph dreamed about are bowing down to his sheaf. SCENE 2. Joseph, asleep, dreams that the sun, moon, and eleven stars do him honor. SCENE 3. Joseph’s brothers see him coming. They say, “Behold, this dreamer cometh. Come now therefore, and let us slay him.” SCENE 4. The Midianite merchantmen are passing on their way to Egypt, and the brothers decide to sell Joseph to them. He begged his brothers not to sell him as a slave, bu: they refused to listen to his earnest cry. SCENE 5. The brothers have come home to their father with Joseph’s coat of many colors. They had dipped it in blood, so that Jacob would think that a wild beast had killed him. Jacob’s heart is filled with grief. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 25 JOSEPH IN EGYPT Genesis 39 and 40 That which he did, the Lord made it to prosper—Genesis 39:23 SCENE 1. Joseph is on his way to Egypt with the Ishmael-ites, to whom he has been sold. In the distance he sees his home, and he weeps at the thought of never seeing his father again. SCENE 2. Potiphar is telling Joseph that he is to be overseer of all his household. Potiphar could see that Joseph was honest, truthful, and loyal. SCENE 3. Joseph is cast into prison because Potiphar’s wife told a wrong story about him. The keeper of the prison is putting him in charge of all the prisoners. SCENE 4. This bunch of grapes and the cup make us think of the butler’s dream. SCENE 5. The baker dreamed that he was carrying three baskets of food on his head, and that the birds came and ate from the basket. 26 MIDGET PICTURES PHARAOHS DREAMS Genesis 41 Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things—Matthew 25:21 SCENE 1. Pharaoh sent for his wise men to come and interpret his dreams. They are unable to tell him the meaning of the dreams. SCENE 2. The seven fat cattle and the seven lean ones remind us of Pharaoh’s dreams. SCENE 3. The seven full ears of corn and the thin ears were also a part of the dream. The seven fat cattle and the seven good ears of corn meant seven years of plenty. The seven lean cattle and the seven lean ears meant seven years of famine. SCENE 4. Joseph is standing before the ting, interpreting the king's dream. SCENE 5 Joseph is in his charict, and with servants is directing the gathering of grain during the seven years of plenty. They stored so many bushels in large barns that they could not number them. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 27 JOSEPH’S BROTHERS SENT TO EGYPT TO BUY CORN Genesis 42 Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap—Galatians 6:7 SCENE 1. Jacob is telling his sons to go to Egypt to buy corn. Benjamin is not to go. SCENE 2. Joseph’s ten brothers are bowing before him, just as he saw them doing in his dream many years before. SCENE 3. To test the ten brothers, Joseph had them put in prison for three days. They are talking about the way they treated Joseph. They think that all this trouble has come to them because of their cruelty to him. SCENE 4. Joseph is telling his servants to fill the men’s sacks with corn, also to return their money to them. SCENE 5. The brothers have reached home, and are telling their father Jacob about their experience with the governor of Egypt. Jacob is weeping bitterly. 28 MIDGET PICTURES JOSEPH’S BROTHERS SENT AGAIN TO EGYPT Genesis 45 Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he—Proverbs 16:20 SCENE 1. The brothers are again ready to start to Egypt. Jacob is saying good-by to Benjamin. He is sending a present to the governor, hoping that it will cause him to be merciful to his sons. SCENE 2. The servant is bringing the men into Joseph’s home. They are telling him about the money they found in their sacks. The servant tells them not to worry about it, for it is all right. SCENE 3. Joseph has come to his home, and his brothers are giving him the present sent by |acob. SCENE 4. It is dinnertime. Joseph has the servants seat the brothers at one long table, according to their ages. The servants are waiting on them. Joseph is sitting by himself, and a servant is waiting on him. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 29 JOSEPH TESTS HIS BROTHERS Genesis 44 Thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness— 1 Chronicles 29m17 SCENE 1. Joseph’s brothers are on their way home, happy because of the pleasant as well as successful visit they have had with the governor of Egypt. SCENE 2. Joseph is telling his s eward to hasten after the men, and accuse them of taking his silver cup. He is to say to them, “Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good?” SCENE 3. The steward is examining the sacks, to see in which one he will find the cup. The men are sure they do not have it, but when he comes to Benjamin’s sack, lo, the cup is found. The men are brokenhearted. They cannot understand how it happened. SCENE 4. They are all again before Joseph. He tells them they can all go home but Benjamin. Judah then begins to plead for his younger brother. He offers himself as a slave if only Benjamin can be sent home to their father. 30 MIDGET PICTURES JOSEPH FORGIVES HIS BROTHERS Genesis 45 If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you—Matthew 6:14 SCENE L Joseph could no longer conceal himself from his brothers, so he told the servants to leave the room. Then weeping aloud, he said, ‘Come near to me, I pray you. ... I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt” “And he fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck, and wept.” SCENE 2. Joseph is saying, “Be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.” Then he tells them how long the famine is yet to continue. He is asking them all about his father. He says they are to hurry home and bring him down to Egypt. SCENE 3. The men are on their way home with wagons, oxen, and camels laden with corn. SCENE 4. The men have reached home. They are saying to Jacob, “Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt." Jacob cannot believe the good news, but when he sees the wagons, he feels that it must be true. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 31 ISRAEL’S JOURNEY TO EGYPT Genesis 46 and 47 All things work together jor good to them that love God—Romans 8:28 SCENE 1. Jacob and his sons, with their families, flocks, and herds, are on their way to Egypt. SCENE 2. Joseph is greeting his father, from whom he has been separated so many years. He came to meet him in his chariot. When Joseph saw his aged father, he wept. SCENE 3. Joseph brought his five brothers to meet the king. Then he brought in his father Jacob. Jacob raised his hands and blessed the king. Jacob told the king that he was one hundred thirty years old. SCENE 4. Jacob cannot live very long. He sent for Joseph to come to see him. He is asking Joseph to promise not to bury him in Egypt, but in the land of Canaan, with Abraham, and Isaac his father. 32 MIDGET PICTURES THE DEATHS OF JACOB AND JOSEPH Genesis 48; 49; 50 Happy is he .. . whose hope is in the Lord his God"—Psalms 146:5 SCENE 1. A messenger has come and is telling Joseph that his father is very sick. SCENE 2. Jacob called for all his sons to come together. He wished to bless them before he dies. They are before him, and he is talking to them. SCENE 3. Joseph is asking Pharaoh for a leave of absence so he can go and bury his father. SCENE 4. This is the funeral procession on the way to Canaan to bury Jacob. SCENE 5. The time has come for Joseph to die. He is having a farewell talk with his brethren, his sons, and their wives and little children. He is telling them that God will surely visit them and bring them into the Promised Land. J OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 33 OPPRESSION IN EGYPT; BIRTH OF MOSES Exodus i; 2:1-10 They cried unto the Lord in their trouble—Psalms 107:13 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are making bricks and carrying mortar. The women are bringing the straw for bricks. The taskmasters are standing near them with whips to strike them, should they not get enough work done. SCENE 2. Jochebed is making the little ark, in which to place her baby. Amram, the father, is helping, while Miriam is watching her little brother so he will not cry. SCENE 3. The baby Moses is in his little ark on the water. Miriam is standing behind the tall grass, watching. SCENE 4. Pharaoh’s daughter, with her maids, has come down to the river to bathe. They heard the baby cry, so the maids found him. Miriam is asking the prineess if she wants a nurse to care for him.' SCENE 5. The princess told Miriam to find a nurse. Miriam is running to tell her mother. SCENE 6. The mother and Miriam have come. The princess is saying, "Tate this child away, and nurse k for me." 2 34 MIDGET PICTURES MOSES CALLED TO DELIVER ISRAEL; THE BURNING BUSH Exodus 2:11-25; S ■ Lo, I am with you alway—Mat then. 28:20 SCENE 1. The taskmaster has been -whipping one of the Hebrew men. Moses saw him do it. It made him angry, and he is punishing the man for mistreating one of his people. This was wrong, and Moses then had to dee for his life. SCENE 2. Moses is sitting by a well in the land of Midian, where he fled from Pharaoh. The daughters of Jethro have come to water their flocks. Moses stood up and helped them water the flocks, and afterwards he made his home with Jethro. SCENE 3. Moses is in the mountains with Jethro's sheep. He is caring for them while they are feeding. Moses was a kind shepherd and kept the flocks lor forty years-. SCENE 4. While Moses is watching the sheep, he sees a bush on fire. He is looting at it and wondering why it does not burn up. Then he hears the Lord saying, “Moses, Moses.” The Lord told him the work He had for him to do. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 35 MOSES RETURNS TO EGYPT Exodus 4 I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say—Exodus 4:12 SCENE 1. This shepherd’s crook and serpent remind us of the first sign the Lord gave to Moses to show the people that He had sent him to deliver them from Egypt. When Moses’ rod changed into a serpent, he ran from it. SCENE 2. Moses is obeying the command of God to put his hand in his bosom, and it became spotted with leprosy. Then he put it in his bosom again, and it was made whole like his other hand. SCENE 3. Moses and Aaron meet for the first time in forty years. They are telling each other how wonderfully God has led them. SCENE 4. Moses and Aaron have called the children of Israel together to tell them about God’s plan to deliver them from their cruel bondage. The people are very happy to hear the good news that they are to be free. 36 MIDGET PICTURES MOSES AND AARON BEFORE PHARAOH Exodus 5; 6; 7:1-13 I will take you to Me for a people, and l will be to you a God—Exodus 6:7 SCENE 1. Moses and Aaron are before Pharaoh, saying, “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let My people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness. ’ Pharaoh answers, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.” SCENE 2. The Israelites are making bricks. The taskmasters are there to whip them if they do not gel as much work done as they think they should. SCENE 3. The people are telling Moses and Aaron their trouble, and blaming them for it all. Moses went at once to the Lord, and asked for help. SCENE 4. Moses and Aaron are again before Pharaoh, demanding that the children of Israel be let go. Pharaoh refuses to let them go. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 37 THE TEN PLAGUES Exodus 7:14-25; 8; 9:1-12 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked—Psalms 91:8 SCENE 1. Pharaoh, with his attendants* is standing by the river Nile. Moses and Aaron are there toe-. Because Pharaoh would not let God’s people go, Aaron with the rod of Moses smote the water, and the water everywhere turned into blood. All the fish in the river died. SCENE 2. Moses is telling Pharaoh the message God sent by him, saying, “If thou refuse to let them go, behold I will smite all thy borders with frogs.” Pharaoh refuses to listen, so the frogs are sent. SCENE 3. The plagues of lice and flies are next sent, but Pharaoh’s heart becomes more hardened. SCENE 4. This makes us think of two fields. The cattle belonging to the Egyptians are sick with the disease the Lord sent, but it does not affect the flocks of the Israelites. SCENE 5. Moses and Aaron are again beSore Pharaoh. This time they are sprinkling ashes toward heaven. This caused boils to break out on man and beast throughout the land of Egypt, except in the land of Goshen. 38 MIDGET PICTURES THE TEN PLAGUES Exodus 9:13-35; 10; 11 Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelUng0—Psalms 91:10 SCENE 1. This is a hailstorm, with thunder and lightning. Fire is running along the ground. Large trees are falling, and men and beasts are killed by this fearful storm. SCENE 2. This mother is getting dinner, when suddenly the house is full of locusts. They are cn the floor, in the air, in the dishes, everywhere. The children are frightened, and want their mother o get rid of them. But she cannot do anything. The Lord has sen-, this plague because Pharaoh would not let His people go. SCENE 3. Even after this, Pharaoh did not keep his promise, so the Lord sent a plague of darkness. There is no light at all in the homes of the Egyptians, but in the homes of the Hebrews there is ligh:. SCENE 4. The last plague was to be the most terrible of all. The father and mother in this home are very sad, because their oldest child is dead. There are many homes in Egypt just as sad as this one, all because Pharaoh refused to obey the Lord and to let His people go. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 39 THE PASSOVER Exodus 12:1-36 Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us—1 Corinthians 5:7 SCENE i. Moses has called a meeting of the elders, and is telling them what to do :o get ready to leave Egypt at any time. SCENE 2. A lamb was to be killed and the blood sprinkled on the doorposts of the houses of the children of Israel so the destroying angel would pass them by. The lamb represented Jesus, who was to die on the crass for us. SCENE 3. This father is placing the blood of the lamb on the doorposts o£ his house so that the destroying angel will know that some of God’s people live there, and will pass over it. SCENE 4. The family have killed the Passover lamb and are ready to partake of it as directed by the Lord. They are ready, also, to leave Egypt at any time the signal is given. SCENE 5. Moses has been called before Pharaoh. The king’s first-born is dead, and he is telling them to take the children of Israel and leave Egypt art cnce. 40 MIDGET PICTURES THROUGH THE RED SEA Exodus 12:37-51; 13:17-22; 14 He led them on safely, so that they fecred not—Psalms 78:53 SCENE I. The children of Israel are leaving Egypt. They are taking with them their cattle and all they own. The pillar of cloud is leading. SCENE 2. Pharaoh’s army, with horses and chariots, is pursuing the children of Israel, hoping to Overtake them and bring them back. SCENE 3. On the right hand and on die left, the waters of the Red Sea are piled up like a great, high wall, with a wide, dry path between, over which the children of Israel are easily walking. The pillar of cloud is keeping Pharaoh’s army from seeing them. SCENE 4. It is morning, and Pharaoh’s army is pursuing the Israelites. They “went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaohs horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.” Moses and the children of Israel are safe on the other side. According to the Lord’s directions, Moses is stretching out his rod over the sea, and the waters return, and all Pharaoh’s host is drowned. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 41 WATER MADE SWEET; THE MANNA SENT Excdus 15:22-27; 16 He gave them bread from heaven to eat—John 6:31 SCENE 1. The children of Israel have come to a place called Marah. They see a stream of water, so take their cups and begin to drink of it, but find it bitter. Moses prays, and “the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet.” SCENE- 2. Elim was the second camping place. There are twelve wells of water here, with seventy beautiful palm trees—a delightful camping place. SCENE 3. The children of Israel are complaining because they imagine they are going to starve. Moses and Aaron are telling them that the Lore? will send them food. SCENE 4. The people are out gathering the manna which the Lord has rained down from heaven. SCENE 5. The children of Israel still complain of the food. One evening the Lord sends a flock of quail :o the camp. The people catch and eat them. 42 MIDGET PICTURES WATER FROM THE ROCK; THE BATTLE WITH THE AMALEKITES Exodus 17 and 18 They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ—1 Corinthians 19:4 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are camped at a place called Rephidim, and there is no water for the people to drink. They begin to complain to Moses and blame him for bringing them out of Egypt. SCENE 2. Moses is asking God for help. In his prayer, he is saying, “Whart: shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me.” How quicklv they forgot the wonderful way in which the Lord had led them and cared for them. Even though they do not trust Him, the Lord continues to bless them. SCENE 3. Moses is standing upon the ro:k in Horeb. The Lord told him to smite it, and plenty of water would gush out. He does so. The people are drinking all they want. SCENE 4. Aaron and Hur are holding up the hands of Moses, while he is praying that victory may come in the battle with Amalek. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 43 ISRAEL AT MOUNT SINAI Exodus 19 If ye obey My voice,... ye shall be a peculiar' treasure unto Me above all people—Exodus 19:5 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are camped before Mount Sinai. The pillar of cloud is resting on the mountain. SCENE 2. Moses is telling the people 'hat the Lord wishes them to obey His commandments and to be pure and holy. Bounds were set about the mountain, so no one could break through. SCENE 3. The people are washing their clothes and cleaning up the camp, in preparation to appear before God. SCENE 4. Moses has brought the people near the mountain to hear God speak. The mountain is covered with smoke, and there are thunderings and lightnings. All the people in the camp tremble with fear and awe. 44 MIDGET PICTURES THE GIVING OF THE LAW Exodus S O The l'm> of the Lord is perfect—Psalms 19:7 SCENE 1. The people are gathered about Mount Sinai hearing the Ten Cammandments given oy God’s own voice. “Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the snxrke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly." SCENE 2. The first four commandments show our love for God, and the last six our duty to man. All who love the Lord will -delight to keep the commandments for they are holy, just, and good. SCENE 3. Tire people are afraid. They are saying to Moses, “Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.” Moses tells them not to fear. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 45 THE GOLDEN CALF Exodus 24 and 32 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me—Exodus 20:3 SCENE 1. Moses and Joshua are climbing the mountain, leaving Aaron and the seventy elders in charge of the people. SCENE 2. Because Moses does not return quickly, the people ask Aaron to make them a god such as was worshiped in Egypt. He makes a golden calf. Aaron is saying. “These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.’* SCENE 3. Moses and Joshua are coming down the mountain. As Moses sees the golden calf and the people worshiping it, he throws down the two tables of stone, on which are written the Ten Commandments, and breaks them, showing that the people have broken God’s holy law. SCENE 4. Moses is standing in the gpte of the camp, and calling to his side all the people who have not worshiped the golden calf, or are sorry that they have done so. 46 MIDGET PICTURES BUILDING THE TABERNACLE Exodus 25:1-9; 35; 36; 39; 40 I dwell... with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit—Isaiah 57:15 SCENE 1. The men are busy building the tabernacle. Some are carrying wood, others are working with gold, silver, and brass. The women are embroidering curtains. The children are helping too. SCENE 2. The tabernacle has two rooms. In the first room are placed the altar of incense, the table for the shewbread, and the golden candlestick. The second room contains only the ark of God, in which is His law written on the tables of stone. SCENE 3. This shows the tabernacle as it was placed in an open court. In the court is the altar of burnt offerings and the laver. SCENE 4. When the tabernacle is set up and all finished, a cloud covers the tent. It is a pillar of fire by night. This cloud guides the children of Israel in all their journeyings to the Promised Land. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 47 ISRAEL LEAVES SINAI; QUAILS SENT FOR FOOD Numbers 9*, 10; 11 Trust in the Lord, and do good—Psalms 37:3 SCENE 1. This shows the :abernacle finished, with the cloud of glory hovering over it. Some of the people are taking a lamb to the tabernacle as an offering; others are walking about watching the cloud of glory. SCENE 2. The children of Israel are leaving Sinai for the land of Canaan. The cloud is directing the journey. SCENE 3. The cloudy pillar indicates a stopping place, so they are camping again. Some of the people are blaming Moses for the long journey. Then, too, they are dissatisfied with their food. They want flesh to eat. It is always easy to find fault with what we have. SCENE 4. Moses goes to the Lord with his trouble. He said, “I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.” The Lord tells him to tell the people to get ready, for the next day He will send them all the quails they can eat. Some of the people become so sick that many of them die even while they are eating. 48 MIDGET. PICTURES THE TWELVE SPIES ARE SENT TO CANAAN Numbers 13 and 14 If God be fcr us, who can be against us?—Roman; 8:31 SCENE 1. MGses is sending twelve men to spy out the land pf Canaan. , SCENE 2. The spies are returning from Canaan. Two of them are carrying a cluster of grapes from the goodly land. SCENE 3. The men are telling the people what a wonderful country Canaan is. But they add, The people ars strong, and the cities are walled, so it will be impossible for us to go over and possess the land. SCENE 4. Caleb is saying, “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” But the other men contradict Caleb, and the people are scolding and blaming Moses and Aaron for bringing them away from Egypt, and they want to go back. Moses and Aaron in grief fall on their faces. SCENE 5. Moses is asking the Lord to Eorgive the great sin of Israel. The pillar of cloud appears over the tabernacle, so the people know that the Lord has seen their great sin. But He hears the prayer of Moses for them. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 49 KORAH, DATHAN, AND ARIRAM REBEL Numbers 16 and 17 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured— 1 Corinthians 10:16 SCENE 1. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, with a number of the princes, are before Moses and Aaron, say:ng, “Ye take too much upon you, seeing ail the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them.” SCENE 2. Korah wi~h his sympathizers, bearing their censers, are on the way to the tabernacle as directed by Moses. SCENE 3. Moses, obeying the Lord, is saying to the people, “Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins.” Those who really want to do right are hurrying away. SCENE 4. To settle the question as to who should serve as priest, the Lord causes Aaron’s rod to bud and bloom. Lest the people may forget, the Lord tells Moses to put the rod of Aaron in the side of the ark and keep it there. 50 MIDGET PICTURES THE SIN OF MOSES AND AARON Numbers 20; Deuteronomy 3:21-29 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty—Proverbs 16:32 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are blaming Moses and Aaron because they are thirsty and do not have any water. They are saying, “Would God that we had died when our brethren died before the Lord.” SCENE 2. Moses and Aaron are at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, asking the Lord to help them in their great need. SCENE 3. Moses is standing by the rock, which he struck twice. Water is gushing out in abundance, and the people are helping themselves. SCENE 4. Moses sends messengers to the king of Edom to get permission to pass through the land of Edom. SCENE 5. Moses, Aaron, and Eleazar are climbing Mount Hor. The time has come for Aaron to die. The Lord said that Eleazar, his son., was to be his successor. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 51 THE BRAZEN SERPENT; BATTLES WITH THE ENEMY Numbers 21; Deuteronomy 3:1-11 Look unto Me, and be ye saved—Isaiah 45:22 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are on their way around the land of Edom. They are blaming Moses for bringing them over such a difficult way. SCENE 2. Because of their murmuring and unbelief, the Lord permits the fiery serpents to bite the people, and many of them die. The Lord tells Moses to make a brazen serpent and set it upon a pole, and then tell the people that all who were bitten by the serpents, should look upon it and live. SCENE 3. The children of Israel are continuing their journey toward the Promised Land. The Lord is with them, and they overcome their enemies, who come out against them. SCENE 4. They are near the city of Bashan. Many of the cities were inclosed with stone walls and fences. The king of Bashan is a giant. He and his soldiers come out to fight against the children of Israel, but the Lord is with His people and they overcome the enemy. \ 52 MIDGET PICTURES KING BALAK AND THE EVIL PROPHET BALAAM Numbers 22; 23; 24 A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways—James 1:8 SCENE 1. The children of Israel are camped in the plains of Moab. SCENE 2. The messengers of Balak have brought rich gifts for Balaam if he will come and curse the children of Israel. SCENE 3. Balaam saddled his ass and started on his journey. In a narrow path an angel appeared with a sword in his hand. The ass saw the angel and stopped. Balaam became angry and struck the animal with his staff. SCENE 4. Balak with some servants has come out to meet Balaam. SCENE 5. Balaam had seven altars built on which he and Balak were to offer sacrifices. It was hoped that Balaam could then speak wicked words against Israel, but each time his words were changed into a blessing. Balaam is looking down on the camp of Israel. He knows they are God’s people, and is saying, “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!” I OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 53 THE DEATH OF MOSES Deuteronomy 31; 34; Joshua 1:1-9 The Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest—Joshua 1:9 SCENE 1. Moses has called the people together for a farewell meeting. He is telling them about the wonderful way in which the Lord has led them all these years, and also why he cannot be permitted to enter the Promised Land. SCENE 2. Moses and Joshua are before the tabernacle, in the presence of all the congregation. Joshua is receiving his charge as the future leader of God’s people. The pillar of cloud is resting over the door of the tabernacle to show God’s presence. SCENE 3. Moses has written all the laws and commands that God had given him for the children of Israel, and is giving them to the priests to keep. SCENE 4. Moses has talked to the people for the last time, and now, with staff in hand, is going up the mountainside alone. SCENE 5. Here Moses is standing on Mount Nebo, and the Lord is showing him the beautiful land of Canaan, and also how the new earth will look after Jesus comes. 54 MIDGET PICTURES ISRAEL CROSSING THE JORDAN Joshua £ to 4 Power belongeth unto God—Psalm; 62:11 SCENE 1. The two spies Joshua sent (o see the land of Canaan are in Rahab’s house. She took them to the top of the house where she was drying flax and hid them so the men of Jericho could not find them. She is telling them how the inhabitants of the land are afraid of them because they know the Lord is on their side. SCENE 2. Rahab is letting the spies down by a cord through the window of her house, which was built upon the town wall. SCENE 3. Joshua is telling the people to get ready, “For tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among ycu.” SCENE 4. The priests are leading the way through the Jordan River, and the people follow in perfect order. SCENE 5. The people are camped in a place called Gilgal. Twelve stones are brought from the river Jordan and piled up into a monument. Joshua is telling the people what they are to tell their children in days to come when they ask, "What mean these stones?” x OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 55 THE FALL OF JERICHO Joshua 5 and. 6 He it is that shall tread down our enemies—Psalms 60:12 SCENE L The children of Israel are camped at Gilgal. They are getcing reach' to celebrate the Passover. Their children have never seen this feast observed before, so the parents are telling them about it. SCENE 2. Joshua went by himself and asked the Lord to show him haw to take Jericho. When he looked up, he saw a man standing before him with a sword in His hand. It was Jesus, who had come in answer to his prayer to show him how to take the city. SCENE 3. The soldiers and priests are marching around Jericho. The warriors go first, then seven priests follow with trumpets. The priests march in front of :he ark, which is carried by other priests. The rest of the army follow, in perfect order. SCENE 4. The walls of Jericho are tumbling down, and the people are fleeing for their lives. 56 MIDGET PICTURES THE SIN OF ACHAN Joshua 7 Be sure your sin will find you out—Numbers 32:23 SCENE 1. Joshua is sending men to see the city of Ai, and to decide whether or not they are strong enough to take it, as they had Jericho. SCENE 2. Without asking the Lord about it, Joshua sends a small army to take Ai. The men of Ai kill thirty-six of his men, and the armv return home defeated. SCENE 3. Joshua and the elders of Israel are praying to know why the Lord permitted them to be defeated. The Lord says that this was because there was sin in the camp. He also tells him how to find the guilty one. SCENE 4. Achan is in his tent, hiding the beautiful Babylonish garment and the silver and the gold which he stole from Jericho. SCENE 5. Adian is confessing his sin, but only because he is forced to tell the truth. The messengers were sent to his tent to bring the things he stole. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 57 THE TAKING OF AI Joshua 8 7 am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit—Isaiah 48:17 SCENE 1. Joshua is telling his soldiers what the Lord said about their going up and taking the town of Ai. He is telling them just what they axe to do and how they are to do it. SCENE 2. This represents the city of Ai. Some of Joshua’s soldiers are hiding in the brush, according to instructions given Joshua, and a company of soldiers are going up toward Ai, and the king of that town wiih his people is coming toward them. SCENE 3. The Lord told Josnua that at a certain time he was to stretch out his spear toward Ai. That was to be a sign for the soldiers in hiding to enter the city. By doing just as the Lord said, they gained the \ictory at the very place where they were once defeated. SCENE 4. The sheep, cattle, silver, and gold of Ai were to be taken by the children of Israel. When the Israelites obeyed the Lord, they overcame their enemies. 58 MIDGET PICTURES THE BATTLE OF GIBEON Joshua 9 ami 10 Call upor, Me in the day of trouble—Pstd-nr SCENE 1. The Gibeonites have come to see Joshua. They pretend they have come a long distance to hear about the true God. Joshua ar d the elders promise to spare tlieir lives. SCENE 2. Joshua and his army are fighting against the five kings. When Joshua saw that the afternoon would not be long enough for Israel to gain complete victory, he prayed to God for help, and said. “Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the ^ alley of Ajalon.” The Lord heard his prayer. The Bible tells us that “there was no day like that before it or after it.” SCENE 3. The Lord is sending a storm cf hail upon the enemies oi Israel. They are trying to get away. SCENE 4. Some of the people have come out to meet Joshua and his army ar_d bear the story of their wonderful victories. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 59 DIVIDING THE LAND; CITIES OF REFUGE; DEATH OF JOSHUA Joshua 14; 20; 21; 24 There failed not aught of any good thing which the Lord had spoken—Jeshua 21:45 SCENE 1. Joshua is dividing the land of Canaan by lot among the tribes of Israel. By doing it this way the people knew that the land and the cities given to each tribe were what the Lord intended them to have. SCENE 2. This man has accidentally killed someone, and is hurrying to a city of refuge before he is caught by his enemy. SCENE 3. Joshua is now an old man, and the Lord said he must soon die. He has called the people together for a farewell meeting. He is telling them how wonderfully the Lord has helped them all these yean, and he asks them always to trust Him wholly. He reminds them of the dangers of idolatry. When he finished, the people said, “The Lord our God will we serve, and His voice will we obey.” SCENE 4. Joshua is dead, and the leaders of Israel are on their way to bury him. 6!) MIDGET PICTURES DEBORAH AND BARAK UNITE TO DELIVER ISRAEL Judges £ and 4 The face of the Lord is against them that do evil—Psalms 34:16 SCENE 1. This is a grove with idols in it, and the people are praying to them. Soon after Joshua’s death, the children of Israel forgot the Lard and began to worship idols with the Canaanites. SCENE 2. Some of the people have come to the judge to tell him their troubles. He is asking them to give up their sins and worship the true God. SCENE S. Deborah is telling Barak to get the armies of Israel together and go urp and fight against Sisera’s army because the king of that country has been mistreating God’s people for many years. SCENE 4. Deborah and Barak with their armies are on the way up to fight the wicked Sisera. SCENE 5. Sisera lost the battle, and is running for a place of safety. Jael is inviting him into her tent. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 61 THE CALL OF GIDEON Judges 6 The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor—Judges 6:12 SCENE 1. Gideon is under a big oak tree, threshing the wheat which he had hidden from llie Midianites. An angel appears, saying, “The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valor.” SCENE 2. Gideon has prepared food for his heavenly guest. He put it on the rock, as the angel directed. “Then the angel of the Lord put forth the end of the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened cakes; and there rose up fire out of the rock, and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes.” SCENE 3. G_deon is calling the men cf Israel together by blowing a trumpet so they can get ready to fight against the Midianites. SCENE 4. Gideon wanted to make sure that the Lord was with him, so he asked for a sign. The Lord gave him the sign he asked for. Gideon is squeezing the water out of the fleece of wool. 62 MIDGET PICTURES GIDEON AND THE THREE HUNDRED Ju dges 7 There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by fenf—1 Samuel 14:6 SCENE 1. In their march, Gideon has brought his army to a stream. The men are thirsty, and most of them are down on their knees drinking all they want; a few stooped down and are getting what they can in their hands. It was only these few who kept their eyes on the enemy while drinking. SCENE 2. Gideon is sending home all but three hundred, for they were all that could be trusted in the battle against the Midianites. SCENE 5. Gideon's soldiers are upon a mountain from which they can see the Midianites in the valley. Gideon and his servants are outside one of the Midianite tents, hearing a man tell his dream about a barley loaf. SCENE 4. Gideon and his army are surrounding the Midianite camp, flashing their torches and blowing their trumpets, saying, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.” OLD TESTAMENT HISTORIC 63 THE STORY OF SAMSON Judges 13 *o 16 Neither let the mighty man glory in his might—Jeremiah 9:23 SCENE 1. The angel is talking to the wife of Manoah and telling her that very soon she is to have a little boy to gladden her home. SCENE 2. Samscn and his parents are on their way to Tim-nath. Samson is walking ahead of his parents. A lion has come out of the woods, and Samson, in his great strength, is slaying it. SCENE 3w Here Samson is in prison grinding com for the Philistines. He is. blind, for the Philistines have put out his eyes. SCENE 4. The Philistines are at a big feast which they made for their god Dagon. They have brought Samson in to mock him. Samson asks the boy who led him to let him lean on the pillars of the temple. Then he prays to the Lord for strength that he might avenge his enemies, and the Lord hears his prayer. Samson pulls down the pillars and the hoase falls, so that the Philistines, as well as himself are killed. 64 MIDGET PICTURES THE STORY OF RUTH Ruth 1 to 4 A woman thar feareth the Lord, she shall be praised—Proverbs 31:30 SCENE 1. Elimelech and his wife and two sons are leaving Bethlehem on account of the famine ar_d axe going to the land of Moab. SCENE 2. Naomi is saying to RuJi and Orpah, “Go, return each to her mother’s house,’’ but Ruth begs to go with Naomi. SCENE 3. Naomi and Ruth are going to Bethlehem together, while Orpah is going hack to her people. SCENE 4. The men are reaping the grain. Ruth is gleaning after the reapers, so she and Naomi will have something to eat. Boaz, the owner of the field, is asking one of the men who Ruth is. SCENE 5. This makes us think of die home of Boaz and Ruth after they are married. They have a little baby boy named Obed The grandmother, Naomi, lives with Ruth and Boaz. Others have come in to see the baby. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 65 THE CHILD SAMUEL 1 Samuel 1 and 2 Even a child is known by his doings—Proverbs 20:11 SCENE 1. Elkanah, with his children and his wives Hannah and Peninnah, is on his way to the tabernacle at Shiloh. SCENE 2. Hannah has gone to a quiet place to pray. She is telling the Lord that if He will give her a little son, she will train him for God, and gi^e him to His service. SCENE 3. Elkanah and Hannah have brought Samuel to the priest Eli at the temple. Hannah is saying to Eli, “I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord. For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him: therefore also I have lent him to the Lord.” SCENE 4. Samuel is lighting the lamps in the temple for Eli. SCENE 5. Samuel’s mother has come to see him. She has brought him a pretty coat. 3 66 MIDGET PICTURES THE CALL OF SAMUEL 1 Samuel 3 Speak, Lord; for Thy servant hearsth—1 Samuel 3:9 SCENE 1. It is evening and Samuel is lighting the lights in the temple. SCENE 2. Samuel then goes to bed and falls asleep. Suddenly he hears someone calling, “Samuel, Samuel.” And he rouses up and says. “Here am I.” SCENE 3. Samuel thinks Eli wants him, so he hurries into his room, saying, “Here am I; for thou calledst me.” Eli tells Samuel tha: it is the Lord calling him. He tells him the next time to say, “Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth.” The Lord tells Samuel what He is about to do. SCENE 4. It is early morning and Samuel is in the temple doing his regular work. Eli has come and is asking, “What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee?” Then Samuel tells him everything the Lord said. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 67 DEATH OF ELI; GOD’S CARE FOR THE ARK 1 Samuel 4 to 7:1-13 The Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods—Psalms 95:3 SCENE 1. The Philistines and Israelites are in battle. Many of the Israelites are slain. The Philistines are carrying off the ark. SCENE 2. Eli is sitting near the tabernacle, anxiously watching and waiting for news from the battlefield. The messenger has come with the sad news that Eli’s two sons are dead, and also that the ark of God has been taken. Eli falls off his seat backward, and the people of Shiloh are greatly distressed. SCENE 3. The Philistines have brought the ark of God to their temple and places it beside their god Dagon. Dagon falls before the ark. SCENE 4. The men of Beth-shemesh are reaping their grain, when they look up and see two young cows hitched to a new cart, containing the ark. Some of the Philistines are watching it to see where the cows are going. MIDGET PICTURES THE PEOPLE ASK FOR A KING; HUNTING LOST ANIMALS 1 Samuel 7:15-17; 8; 9:1-24 They have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them—1 Samuel 8:7 SCENE 1. Samuel is setting his sons apart to act as judges over Israel. SCENE 2. Samuel is talking to the elders of Israel, and they are asking to have a king like the other nations. This does not please God, but He tells Samuel to hearken to the voice of the people. SCENE 3. Saul and his servant are in search of his father’s animals, which have strayed away and are lost. After hunting for three days, they come near Samuel’s house. SCENE 4. They are on their way to see Samuel and ask him about the lost animals. As they come to the gate of the city, Samuel meets them. Samuel is telling Saul that his father’s animals are found, and is asking him to stay all night and attend the religious services which are being held. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 69 SAUL CHOSEN KING; SAUL FIGHTS THE AMMONITES 1 Samuel 9:25-27; 10; II Serve the Lord with all your heart—1 Samuel 12:20 SCENE 1. Saul and his servant start for their home. Samuel says to Saul, “Bid the servant pass on before us.” He does so. Samuel is anointing Saul king. SCENE 2. The people have come to Mizpeh, and Samuel is telling them that Saul is to be their king. The people are shouting, “God save the king!” SCENE 3. After Saul is anointed king, he returns to his home and goes to work on the farm. He is plowing. Some men have come to tell him what the cruel king of the Ammonites has threatened to do to them. SCENE 4. Saul divides his army into three companies, and starts in the early morning to attack the Ammonites. SCENE 5. The people have gathered at Gilgal to see Saul crowned king. After his wonderful victory, they are very proud of King Saul. 70 MIDGET PICTURES SAUL SINS; JONATHAN AND HIS ARMOR-BEARER 1 Samuel 13 and 14 Obey My voice, and 1 will be your God—Jeremiah 27:3 SCENE 1. The Philistines are going out to fight with Israel. Some of the Israelites are hurrying to hide in caves and rocks, for fear of the Philistines. SCENE 2. Saul has just finished offering sacrifices when he sees Samuel coming. He is going to meet him. SCENE X. Samuel is saying to Saul, “What hast thou done?” Saul is making all kinds of excuses for doing what he was told not to do. SCENE 4. Jonathan and his armor-bearer are climbing the rocky cliff to the Philistine garrison. Some of the Philistines are standing at the top making fun of them, saying, “Come up to us, and we will show you a thing.” SCENE 5. Jonathan and his armor-bearer take this as a sign that they will win, so they hurry on. They are beating them down. Some of the Philistines are trying to get away. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 71 SAUL REJECTED; DAVID CHOSEN KING OF ISRAEL 1 Samuel 15 and 16 The Lord looketh on the heart—1 Samuel 16:7 SCENE 1. Saul is returning with his army fiom the battle with the Amalekites. King Agag has been spared, also the best of the sheep and cattle. SCENE 2. Samuel is coming to see Saul, and Saul is going out to meet him. SCENE 3. Samuel is at the home of Jesse. All the sons of Jesse pass before Samuel one by one. David is keeping the sheep, but someone is running to tell him he is wanted. SCENE 4. Samuel in the presence of Jesse’s family is anointing David king of Israel. SCENE 5. An evil spirit has taken possession of King Saul. David has been brought before him to make music on his harp for the purpose of driving away :he evil spirit. 72 MIDGET PICTURES DAVID AND GOLIATH; A VERY GREAT VICTORY 1 Samuel 17 I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts—1 Samuel 17:45 SCENE 1. The army of the Philistines is on one mountain and Saul’s army is on the other mountain. Goliath of the Philistine army is pacing back and forth, saying, “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together." SCENE 2. David has come to Saul's camp with food for his brothers. He is willing to fight Goliath. Saul tries to get David to wear his heavy armor. SCENE 3. David with his shepherd’s bag and five smooth stones is going out to meet the giant Goliath. SCENE 4. David smites the giant. The Philistines are frightened and are running away. A great shout arises from the camp of Israel, as the army follows the fleeing Philistines. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 73 SAUL PERSECUTES DAVID 1 Samuel 18 and 19 Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe—Proverbs 29:25 SCENE 1. King Saul and David with their soldiers are returning from the battle with the Philistines. The women have come out to meet them with joy, singing, and dancing. They are saying, “Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.” SCENE 2. David is playing his harp before King Saul. An evil spirit has taken possession of the king. The music was to have a soothing effect upon him. Instead of that, Saul becomes angry and tries to harm David. SCENE 3. David’s wife is helping him to get away from King Saul, by letting him down through a window. SCENE 4. David is in the house of Samuel in Ramah. He is telling the prophet about his experience with King Saul. 74 MIDGET PICTURES SAUL PURSUES DAVID 1 Samuel 20? 24; 26; 31 Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you—Luke 6:27 SCENE 1. Saul is having a feast in his palace. All the guests are there but David. His chair is empty. King Saul is saying to Jonathan, ‘Wherefore cometh rot the son of Jesse to meat, neither yesterday, nor today?” Jonathan is pleading for his friend. SCENE 2. David is hiding in this cluster of trees. Jonathan is shooting the arrows, and the lad is finding them for him. David is watching to see where the arrows strike. The arrows are shot far beyond him, and this means that David must flee, for his life is in danger. SCENE 3 The boy is returning to the city, with Jonathan’s bow and arrows. David and Jonathan hasten to each other. SCENE 4. David and Jonathan must part. They are kissing each other good-by. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 75 DAVID MADE KING; THE ARK BROUGHT HOME 2 Samuel 1; 2; 5; 6 Blessed is everyone that jeareth the Lord—Psalms 128:1 SCENE 1. One of the men has come from the battlefield and is telling David that Saul and his three sons have been slain. He is showing Saul’s crown to David. SCENE 2. David is heing anointed king aver Israel and Judah. Scene 3. The ark is placed on a cart, drawn by two oxen, to be taken to Jerusalem. Suddenly Uzzah is stricken dead because he touched the ark when he was told not to do so. SCENE 4. The ark is placed in the tabernacle prepared for it in Jerusalem. An altar :s built and sacrifices offered in honor of the occasion. Men, women, and children are rejoicing because the ark is safe in Jerusalem. 76 MIDGET PICTURES DAVID MAKES PREPARATION FOR BUILDING THE TEMPLE 1 Chronicles 17; 22; 28; 29 The Lord searcheth all hearts—1 Chronicles 28:9 SCENE 1. Here is a forest of large trees that will help us to think of the large cedar trees that David used in building his home, which was a beautiful palace in Jerusalem. SCENE 2. The ark of God is still sheltered by a tent. This is best as long as the people are traveling through the wilderness, and the tabernacle has to be carried from place to place. But now the ark of God is to be kept in Jerusalem, and the tent is no longer necessary. SCENE 3. David talks to Nathan the prophet about his desire to build a beautiful temple for the Lord. SCENE 4. The Lord permits David to gather and prepare the material for the temple. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 77 THE STORY OF ABSALOM; DEATH OF DAVID 2 Samuel 15; 18; 1 Chronicles 29: 26-28 Honor thy father and thy mother—Exodus 20:12 SCENE 1. Every day men come to Absalom in the public place and bow before him and tell him their troubles. He sympathizes with them, and in this way he wins their hearts. SCENE 2. Absalom goes to another city and gathers an army, so he can take Jerusalem and be king himself. SCENE 3. David hears of his son’s plan, and he and his men leave Jerusalem and go up Mount Olivet, weeping as they go. Afterward they go to another city. SCENE 4. Absalom, riding on his mule, is caught by the low-hanging branches of a tree. SCENE 5. A messenger runs to tell David of his son’s death in the battle. David is sitting at the gate waiting, and a watchman is stationed on the tower to see what is going on. f 78 MIDGET PICTURES SOLOMON’S CHOICE; BUILDING THE TEMPLE 1 Kings 3; 4; 2 Chronicles 2 to 5:1 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom—Proverbs 9:10 SCENE 1. One night when Solomon is sleeping in his palace, he has a dream in which God asks him what He should give him. Solomon chooses wisdom, instead of riches or fame or long life, and the Lord gives him what he wishes and adds these other blessings also. SCENE 2. While Solomon is king, there is peace with all nations, so he builds a house for God. Some of the lumber is floated down a river from a forest far away. SCENE 3. The temple is being built; large stones are used for the foundation, and not a sound of a hammer or ax is heard while it is being put up. Many men are needed to help build it. SCENE 4. It taikes all these men seven years to finish the temple, and this helps us to imagine what it was like. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 79 THE TEMPLE DEDICATED; THE QUEEN OF SHEBA; SOLOMON'S DEATH 2 Chronicles 5; 6; 7; 9 Mine house shall be called a house of prayer—Isaiah 56:7 SCENE 1. The priests are bringing the ark of God into the most holy place. They also place the altar of incense, the golden candlestick, and the table of snewbread in order in the holy place. SCENE 2. All the people come together to dedicate the temple. The singers are dressed in white, and the musicians have many kinds of musical instruments. King Solomon is kneeling on the brazen scaffold before all the people, thanking God for letting them build this beautiful temple for Him and asking Him to bless His people. SCENE 3. The queen of Sheba, -path her servants, is on her way to see King Solomon. SCENE 4. King Solomon is welcoming the queen of Sheba to his home. 80 MIDGET PICTURES / THE KINGDOM DIVIDED; THE DISOBEDIENT PROPHET 1 Kings 12 and 13 The Lord pondereth the hearts—Proverbs 21:2 SCENE 1. Rehoboam is telling Jeroboam and the men who came with him that he intends to make their burdens greater and heavier than his father made them. SCENE 2. Jeroboam is standing by the altar to burn incense. The calf of gold which he has made for the people to worship is near the altar also. The prophet of God is telling him the punishment that will come upon him because of his great sin. SCENE 3. The man of God is sitting under an oak. The false prophet is trying to get him to go home with him to dinner. He finally prevails upon him to go. SCENE 4. The man of God is dead by the roadside, killed by the lion. His disobedience to God’s word resulted in his death. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 81 KING AHAB; GOD’S CARE FOR ELIJAH 1 Kings 16:29-38; 17 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much—James 5:16 SCENE 1. Ahab is in his palace. Elijah has come to see him. Elijah is saying to Ahab, “As the Lord God of Israel liv-eth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.” SCENE 2. Elijah is sitting by the brook Cherith, and the ravens are bringing him food. SCENE 3. The widow of Zarephath is gathering up sticks, with which to make a fire so she can make something for herself and little son to eat. Elijah is calling to her, saying, “Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand.” SCENE 4. The widow’s son becomes sick and dies. Elijah prays earnestly for the Lord to restore him to life, and his prayer is answered. Elijah is presenting the little boy to his mother, and she is receiving him with open arms and a happy heart. 82 MIDGET PICTURES ELIJAH AND THE PROPHETS OF BAAL 1 Kings 18:1-39 He heareth the prayer of the righteous—Proverb* 15:29 SCENE 1. King Ahab, with his soldiers, has hunted everywhere for Elijah. At last the Lord tells Elijah to go and show himself to the king. Ahab asks, “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” Elijah answers that die king himself is the cause of the trouble. SCENE 2. The prophe:s of Baal have built their altar and placed upon it their sacrifice. They are calling to their god Baal to hear then, “but there was1 neither voice, nor any to answer.” SCENE 3. This helps us to think of the altar built by Elijah. He has placed the sacrifice upon it, and is praying to God. In answer to the prayer, the lire of the Lord falls and burns the sacrifice. SCENE 4. The people are earnestly saying :o Elijah, “The Lord, He is the God; the Lord, He is the God.” OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 83 ELIJAH PRAYING FOR RAIN; ELIJAH’S FLIGHT AND RETURN 1 Kings 18:41-46; 19:1-18 Be still and know that 1 am God—Psalms 46:10 SCENE 1. Elijah is on the top of Mount Carmel, praying for rain. His servant is looking toward the sea to see if there is any sign of rain. He sees a small cloud, and hurries to tell Elijah. SCENE 2. Elijah says to his servant, "Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not.” SCENE 3. Ahab is driving as fast as he can toward the city of Jezreel. Because of the blinding storm, he cannot see the way, so Elijah is running ahead to show him the way. SCENE 4. Elijah has been asleep under a tree, heartsick and discouraged. An angel touches him gently, saying, “Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee.” He sees near at hand bread baked on coals, and a bottle of water. SCENE 5. Elijah is standing at the entrance of the cave, listening to the still, small voice, saying, “What doest thou here, Elijah?” 84 MIDGET PICTURES THE CALL OF ELISHA; ELIJAH TAKEN UP TO HEAVEN 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2 We shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump—1 Corinthians 15:51, 52 SCENE 1. Elisha is plowing in his father’s field when Elijah comes and casts his mantle upon him. By this Elisha knows that he is to go with Elijah and help him. SCENE 2. Some of the young men in the schools of the prophets are saying to Elisha, “Knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today?” SCENE 3. Elijah smites the waters of Jordan and they are divided, so he and Elisha pass over on dry ground. SCENE 4. Elijah is being taken to heaven in a chariot. Elisha is looking toward heaven, saying, “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof.” SCENE 5. The children of Bethel are mocking Elisha as he passes toward the city. Two bears are coming from the brush, ready to spring upon the children for making fun of God s holy prophet. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 85 THE POOR WIDOW; THE SHU-NAMMITE’S SON 2 Kings 4 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him—Psalms 145:18 SCENE 1. The widow has come to Elisha with her two sons, and is telling him how the man to whom she is indebted has come to take her two sons for slaves until the debt is paid. SCENE 2. She has borrowed vessels from her neighbors, and one of the boys is bringing more. As fast as the vessels are brought she is filling them with oil, until all are filled. She sells the oil and pays the debt. SCENE 3. This is the room prepared for Elisha at the home of the Shunammite. Elisha is asking his servant what can be done in return for her great kindness. SCENE 4. Elisha is kneeling by the bedside of the dead boy, asking the Lord to restore him to life. SCENE 5. Elisha is bringing the boy, restored to life, back to his mother. 86 MIDGET PICTURES THE CAPTIVE MAID; NAAMAN HEALED OF LEPROSY 2 Kings 3 Thou shalt be His witness unto all men—Acts 22:15 SCENE 1. A band of Syrian soldiers are taking the little girl captive. SCENE 2. Here she is in the home of Naaman, doing errands and helping Naaman’s wife. This lady is weeping because her husband has the leprosy. The little girl is telling her how he can be healed—by going to God s prophet. SCENE 3. Naaman has come to the home of Elisha to be healed. Elisha sends his servant out to tell him to “go and wash in the Jordan seven times,” and he will be healed. SCENE 4. Naaman, with his servants, is at the river Jordan. Naaman is dipping in the water according to the prophet’s instruction. SCENE 5. Naaman is on his way home, and Gehazi is running after him, pretending that Elisha has sent him to ask for a gift. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 87 ELISHA’S HEAVENLY DEFENDERS 2 K ings 6 and 7 Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear—Psalms 27:3 SCENE 1. These young men are cutting trees to get lumber with which to enlarge their school. An axhead falls into the water and sinks. They call Elisha, and the Lord gives him power to bring the axhead up from the water. SCENE 2. The Syrians are camped around Dothan, to capture Elisha. Elisha’s servant is afraid, but Elisha tells him, “Fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” The Lord then causes the young man’s eyes to see that the mountains are full of heavenly defenders. SCENE 3. The Syrians have heard a great noise, and they think their enemies are coming. They leave their possessions and flee for their lives. SCENE 4. The four lepers have come to the city gate to tell the king’s men that the Syrians have fled and left all their food, clothing, money, and horses. 88 MIDGET PICTURES THE STORY OF UZZIAH 2 Chronicles 26 When he was strong, his heart was lifted up—2 Chronicles 26:16 SCENE 1. These watchmen are stationed on the top of the towers that King Uzizah built, so that they can see the enemy coming far away. King Uzziah also “built towers in the desert, and digged many wells: for he had much cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains.” SCENE 2. Uzziah is asking the Lord to help him do his work well. The Bible says, “As long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper,” and helped him to overcome his enemies in battle. SCENE 3. Uzziah, with censer in hand, is going into the temple to offer incense. The prie&s are protesting against his going in, because no one but the priests was ever allowed to go into the holy place. SCENE 4. Because of his success, Uzziah becomes proud, and disobeys the Lord. When pride fi'ls the heart, it always leads to sinful acts. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 89 THE STORY OF HEZEKIAH 2 Chronicles 30; 2 Kings 20 God is our -efuge and strength—Psalms 46:1 SCENE 1. The people are coming from the cities and towns to the Passover feast in Jerusalem. SCENE 2. Hezekiah s men are breaking down the idols which were set up in the different cities and towns by former kings. SCENE 3. Hezekiah is sick and a message comes that he must die. But after he prays to be restored to health, the Lord sends the prophet Isaiah with the message, “I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee.” SCENE 4. Messengers from the king of Babylon have come to Hezekiah to learn about the God who had so wonderfully healed him. Instead of telling them about the true God, Hezekiah shows them his beautiful palace and all his treasures. SCENE 5. The messengers have just left the palace and Isaiah has come to see Hezekiah. 90 MIDGET PICTURES JOSIAH AND THE BOOK 2 Chronicles 34 I will not forget Thy word—Psalms 119:16 SCENE 1. Josiah is ordering his men to destroy all the idols and carved images which were set up by his father and grandfather. SCENE 2. These men are repairing the temple. In a pile of rubbish the high priests finds the Book of the Law. This precious Book was kept in the temple for the priests to use in teaching the people. Such services had not been held for a long time, and the Book had been carelessly lost. SCENE 3. The high priest and Shaphan, the learned scribe, are reading it. SCENE 4. Josiah sends five men to Huldah, the prophetess, about the contents of the Bock which was found. She is telling them what message to take back to King Josiah. SCENE 5. Josiah is in the temple reading to the people from the Book of the Law. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 91 THE STORY OF JONAH Jonah 1 to i Thy right hand shall hold me—Psalms 139:10 SCENE 1. This ship is sailing for Tarshish. People are going on board with their baggage. Jonah is hurrying, for he wants to get on board. SCENE 2. The Lord sends a great storm because of Jonah, and the sailors think they are doomed to be lost. They are throwing Jonah overboard because he is the cause of the trouble. SCENE 3. The great fish which swallows Jonah, keeps him safe from drowning, and casts him up on the shore. SCENE 4. Jonah is preaching on the streets of the wicked city of Nineveh. Many of the people, with the king, have come to listen to his message. Jonah is saying, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” The people repent and the city is saved. 92 MIDGET PICTURES THE STORY OF JEREMIAH Jeremiah 36 to 38 Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the Lord-Jeremiah 38:29 SCENE 1. Jeremiah is shut up in prison. He has sent for Baruch, and is dictating to him the words of the Lord. SCENE 2. It is a fast day, and the people have gathered in the temple for worship. Baruch has come, and is reading the prophecy concerning what will happen to Judah if the people do not repent of their sins. SCENE 3. King Jehoiakim is burning the word of the Lord sent to him by Jeremiah. SCENE 4. Jeremiah is being let down into a dungeon, where “there was no water, but mire.” SCENE 5. Jeremiah has been taken out of the dungeon, and is standing before King Zedekiah, pleading with him to obey the Lord. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 93 THE CAPTIVITY 2 Kings 25: 1-7; 2 Chronicles 36:14-20 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed—Proverbs 29:1 SCENE 1. The time came when the Lord saw that His people would not do right, and they must fall into the hands of their enemies. King Nebuchadnezzar's army is surrounding Jerusalem, ready to take it. SCENE 2. King Zedekiah has been captured, and the officers are bringing him bound to King Nebuchadnezzar. The king of Babylon has no pity “upon young man or maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age.” The treasures of the temple he takes to Babylon. SCENE 3. Nebuchadnezzar’s army has set the temple on fire, and the people inside of it are fleeing for their lives. SCENE 4. The captain of the guard is telling Jeremiah that he is to be set free, with the privilege of going wherever he chooses. He is unfastening the chains with which the prophet has been bound. 94 MIDGET PICTURES JEWISH BOYS IN A HEATHEN PALACE Daniel 1 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong—1 Corinthians 16:13 SCENE 1. King Nebuchadnezzar is telling one of his officers to visit certain Hebrew homes and find some young people “in whom was no blemish, but well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge,” and bring them to the palace to attend the royal school and learn to take part in the work of the government. SCENE 2. Daniel and his three companions are in the royal school, studying, so that they will be able to help the king with his work. SCENE 3. Daniel and his three companions are asking the officer to let them eat pulse, or simple food, for ten days, instead of the king’s meat. SCENE 4. The Lord wants us to drink pure water, and eat only those things that will make us strong and well. Then we shall be better able to do right. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 95 DELIVERANCE FROM THE BURNING FIERY FURNACE Daniel 3 Our God whom we sene is able to deliver us—Daniel 3:17 SCENE L The king set up a golden image, and the people are bowing before it. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego will not bow down. SCENE 2. The three men are brought to the king because they refused to worship the image. SCENE 3. The three Hebrews are cast into the fiery furnace, but the iorm of a fourth is also seen with them. The king is looking into the furnace, and sees the men are unbound. He is saying to them, “Ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither.” SCENE 4. The men are brought forth unharmed. The king has called all his great men together, and is praising the God of heaven, who is able to do such wonders. 96 MIDGET PICTURES A PROUD KING BROUGHT LOW; A GREAT FEAST Daniel 4 and 5 God is the judge—Psalms 75:7 SCENE 1. This helps us to think of the tree which King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. SCENE 2. Daniel is before the king telling :he meaning of his dream. SCENE 3. King Nebuchadnezzar is walking in his palace. As he looks at nis beautiful surroundings, he boastfully says aloud, “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built? ’ SCENE 4. Belshazzar is giving a great feast to a thousand of his lords. They are eating and drinking in boisterous mirth. SCENE 5. While the guests are in the height of their revelry, a hand is seen writing on the wall words unknown to them. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 97 DANIEL IN THE LIONS’ DEN Daniel 6 My God hath sent His angel, and hath shut the lions9 mouths —Daniel 6:22 SCENE 1. These men are planning how they can get rid of Daniel. They are jealous of him. SCENE 2. These presidents and princes are before King Darius. They are saying, “Make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.” SCENE 3. Daniel, as is his custom, is kneeling toward Jerusalem, with his window open, praying to God for help to do right and be a faithful witness for Him. SCENE 4. According to the king’s decree, Daniel is cast into the den of lions. Angels keep the lions from harming him. SCENE 5. The king is ordering that Daniel’s accusers be cast into the den of lions. 4 98 MIDGET PICTURES THE DECREE AGAINST THE JEWS Esther 1 to 4 Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?—Esther 4:14 SCENE 1. The king is having a banquet for all the people in Shushan the palace. SCENE 2. Esther has come in before the king, and he will place the royal crown upon her head, thus making her queen. SCENE 3. Haman is riding through the streets of the city and all the king’s servants, except Mordecai, bow before him as he passes by. SCENE 4. Haman is angry because Mordecai refuses to bow before him. He is telling the king that the Jews are troublemakers, and wants him to make a decree that at a certain time they shall be killed. SCENE 5. Queen Esther and her maids are praying for God to send deliverance and save His people. Mordecai tells Esther that if she does not try to save the Jews she too will be destroyed. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 99 BRAVE QUEEN ESTHER; THE JEWS DELIVERED Esther 5 to 10 He that humbleth himself shall be exalted—Luke 14:11 SCENE 1. The king is sitting on his throne in the palace. When he sees Esther, he holds out to her his golden scepter, and says, “What wilt thou, Queen Esther?” SCENE 2. Haman is telling of the great honor he has received by being invited to a banquet given by the queen. But all his honor and riches are nothing as long as he can see Mor-decai sitting at the king’s gate. SCENE 3. Mordecai is riding through the city on the king’s horse, with Haman leading it. The people are bowing to show honor to Mordecai. SCENE 4. The king and Haman are at Queen Esther’s banquet. The king again asks the queen what her request is. Then she tells him about the plot to kill the Jewish people. Esther points to Haman as the enemy who has done this. SCENE 5. Messengers are swiftly carrying a decree giving the Jews permission to fight when they are attacked by their enemies. 100 MIDGET PICTURES THE CHILDREN OF THE CAPTIVITY; RETURN TO JERUSALEM Ezra 1; 3; 6 1 will be found of you, saith the Lord—Jeremiah 29:14 SCENE 1. The children of Israel have left Babylon and are on their way to Jerusalem. They have been captives at Babylon for seventy years. The Lord is keeping His promise that He would bring them back to their own land. SCENE 2. The first thing they do after reaching Jerusalem is to build an altar. They are offering up sacrifices and worshiping the Lord. They also plan to rebuild the temple, giving offerings and sending far away for choice cedar trees. SCENE 3. The temple is being rebuilt. As many as possible are helping in the work. They work cheerfully and with willing hearts. SCENE 4. The foundation of the temple is built, and the people have been invited to a praise service. Some of the older men are weeping bitterly because it is not so beautiful as the first temple. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY 101 EZRA THE SCRIBE; NEHEMIAH VISITS JERUSALEM Ezra 7; Nehemiah 1; 2 We made our prayer unto God—Nehemiah 4:9 SCENE 1. The work of rebuilding Jerusalem and the wall of the city is going very slowly. Ezra and a large company of people are leaving Babylon for Jerusalem to help in this work. SCENE 2. Nehemiah, cupbearer to the king of Babylon, requests permission to go to Jerusalem to help build the temple. SCENE 3. Nehemiah with his military escort is on his way to Jerusalem. SCENE 4. Many years ago the people stopped rebuilding Jerusalem, but now they have begun again. Some of their enemies are standing by, mocking them. Nehemiah said to them, “.The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore, we His servants will arise and build.” ADVENTIST HERITAGE CENTER jfrmes Whits Library ANDREWS UNIVERSITY 102 MIDGET PICTURES THE WALLS AND GATES OF JERUSALEM RESTORED Nehemiah 4; 6; 7:1-5; 8; 12 God had made them rejoice with great joy—Nehemiah 12:43 SCENE 1. The walls and city are being rebuilt. Some of the men are watching their enemies, who are trying to hinder them. SCENE 2. Messengers from the enemy have come with a letter to Nehemiah, asking him to meet them. Nehemiah sends back this word: “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down.” I SCENE 3. As they continue their work, half of the men guard the builders with spears, shields, and bows. SCENE 4. Ezra is reading the Word of God to the people. Then they bow their heads in worship and praise God for bringing them safely back home. The Life of Christ Cradle Hymn (Written by Martin Luther for his children) Away in a manger, No crib for His bed, The little Lord Jesus Laid down His sweet head. The stars in the heaven Looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus, Asleep on the hay. The cattle are lowing, The Baby awakes, The little Lord Jesus, No crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle Till morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, And love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children In Thy loving care, And take me to heaven To live with Thee there. LIFE OF CHRIST 105 THE PARENTS OF JOHN THE BAPTIST; THE BIRTH OF JOHN Luke 1:5-23, 57-80 Thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways—Luke 1:76 SCENE 1. Zacharias is on his way to Jerusalem to serve as priest in the temple. Zacharias and Elisabeth, his wife, are very faithful in serving the Lord. SCENE 2. While Zacharias is in the temple offering incense, the people are outside praying. SCENE 3. An angel appears to Zacharias while he is offering incense, and says, “Fear not, Zacharias. for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.” The angel says that this child will be great in the sight of the Lord. SCENE 4. Friends and neighbors have come in to rejoice over the birth of a son to Zacharias and Elisabeth. Zacharias hands to his wife a tablet on which he has written that the baby should be named John. 106 MIDGET PICTURES AN ANGEL APPEARS TO MARY; THE BIRTH OF JIESUS Luke 1:26-40: 2:1-7 Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins—Mathew 1:21 SCENE 1. The angel has appeared to Mary and is saying, “Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.” The angel then tells Mary that she will have a son, and that she should “call His name Tesus/' and thal He will be the Son of God. SCENE 2. Mary is on her way to the home of Elisabeth in the hills of Judea. SCENE 3. Mary is in the heme of Elisabeth, telling her what the angel said to her. SCENE 4. The angel is telling Joseph in a dream that Mary is to be the mother of Jesus. SCENE 5. Joseph and Mary are in the town of Bethlehem, going from house to house in search of a place of shelter. LIFE OF CHRIST 107 THE VISIT OF THE SHEPHERDS: THE BABE TAKEN TO THE TEMPLE Luke 2:8-38 Glory to God in the highest—Luke 2:14 SCENE 1. It is night, and the shepherds are watching their flocks near the town of Bethlehem. An angel appears and tells them about the birth of Jesus. Then suddenly a company of angels appear in the heavens singing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” SCENE 2. The shepherds are on their wav to Bethlehem to find the Baby Jesus. SCENE 3. As the shepherds enter the stable, they find Joseph and Mary, with the infant Jesus lying in a manger. SCENE 4. According to custom, Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the temple. The priest takes the Baby in his arms, not knowing that it is Jesus. Simeon and Anna, the prophetess, see them, and God makes known to them that this little child is the Son of God. 108 MIDGET PICTURES VISIT OF THE WISE MEN: FLIGHT INTO EGYPT; JESUS AS A CHILD Matthew 2; Luke 2 40-52 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him—Psalms 34:7 SCENE 1. The wise men are saying to King Herod, “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the East, and are come to worship Him.” SCENE 2. The wise men, guided by the star, are on their way to Bethlehem to find Jesus. SCENE 3. They found the Babe in the stable, and are presenting their gifts to Him in worship. SCENE 4. Joseph and Mary and the Babe are on their way to Egypt. SCENE 5. Joseph and Mary and Jesus with others are going to attend the Passover. SCENE 6. Jesus is in the temple with the doctors and lawyers while His parents think He is lost, and are making diligent search for Him. They find Him talking with these great men. LIFE OF CHRIST 109 MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Matthew 3 This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased—Matthew 3:17 SCENE 1. Jesus is helping Joseph in the carpenter’s shop. We may be sure that He does His work well. He is always obedient to Joseph and Mary. SCENE 2. John is out in the mountains where he can be alone to study the things which God created, and pray for help to prepare him for his work. SCENE 3. Many have come to the river Jordan to hear John preach. “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” is his message. SCENE 4. While John is preaching by the river Jordan, Jesus comes and asks to be baptized. John baptizes Him. After His baptism, He kneels down and prays for divine help to do His work. A voice is heard from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” 110 MIDGET PICTURES THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS Matthew 4:1-11 Thou shalt worship the Lord Thy God—Matthew 4:10 SCENE 1. Satan has come to Jesus in the wilderness, and is pointing to the stones and saying, ‘If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” SCENE 2. Jesus and Satan are on the pinnacle of the temple. Satan is saying, “If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself down: for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning Thee.” SCENE 3. Standing on a high mountain, Satan is showing Jesus the kingdoms of the world. “All these things,” he is saying, "will I give Thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me.” SCENE 4. When Satan failed in causing Jesus to yield to him, he left Him. Then angels from heaven come and minister to Him. LIFE OF CHRIST 111 THE FIRST DISCIPLES; THE FIRST MIRACLE; CLEANSING THE TEMPLE John 1:35-49; 2 Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it—John 2:5 SCENE 1. John is preaching at the river Jordan. As he sees Jesus coming, he points to Him, and says, “Behold the Lamb of God!” SCENE 2. Nathanael is under a tree praying. Philip is telling him that he has found Jesus. SCENE 3. The guests are at the wedding feast. The governor of the feast is greatly concerned, for he has been told that the supply of wine is gone. Mary is saying to the servants, as she points to Jesus, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.” SCENE 4. Jesus is telling the servants to 5D the water jars with water. They do so, ami then by His mighty power He turns the water into wine. SCENE 5. Jesus is driving out those who are buying and selling in the temple. 112 MIDGET PICTURES NICODEMUS VISITS JESUS; JOHN AGAIN TESTIFIES OF JESUS John 3 God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son—John 3:16 SCENE 1. It is night, and Nicodemus is on his way to find where Jesus is staying. He wants to have a quiet talk with Jesus, and seems ashamed to go in the daytime when people can see him. SCENE 2. Jesus is talking with Nicodemus. He is saying, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Being “born again” means having a new heart with a desire to do right in all things. SCENE 3. Jesus gave His life for the world, that all who believe on Him should be saved. SCENE 4. John the Baptist is preaching, but only a few people come to hear him, for his disciples are following Jesus. John is saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John did his work faithfully, with no envy in his loyal heart. LIFE OF CHRIST 113 THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA; THE SAMARITANS BELIEVE John 4:1-42 Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst—John 4:14 SCENE 1. Jesus is sitting by Jacob’s well resting, while His disciples have gone to the city to buy food. The woman of Samaria has come to draw water, and Jesus being thirsty is saying, “Give Me to drink.” She begins to ask Him questions; then He tells her about her life. SCENE 2. The disciples have returned from the city and are surprised to see Jesus talking with this woman of Samaria. They urge Him to eat what they have brought. SCENE 3. The woman of Samaria is in the city inviting her friends to come and see the One who has told her about her life and all that she has ever done. SCENE 4. The woman of Samaria has brought many with her to come and see Jesus. They are asking Him to come and stay in their city. Jesus stays there two days, and treats these people with all kindness. Jesus loves the people of all nations. 114 MIDGET PICTURES HEALING THE NOBLEMAN’S SON; JESUS AT NAZARETH John 4:43-54; Luke 4:16-30 Call upon Me in the day of trouble—Psalms 50:15 SCENE 1. A nobleman has come from Capernaum, and is saying to Jesus, “Sir, come down ere my child die.” Jesus answers, “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” SCENE 2. The nobleman is nearing his home. When the servants see him, they hurry to tell laim the glad news. “Thy son liveth,” they say, as soon as they meet him. SCENE 3. It is the Sabbath day, and Jesus is attending the services in the temple. He has read from Isaiah, and is saying to the people, “Tnis day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.” The people become angry because Jesus claims to be God’s Son. SCENE 4. The Jewish leaders bring Jesus to the brow of a hill to cast Him over, but heavenly messengers “shut Him in from His enemies,” and conduct Him to a place of safety. LIFE OF CHRIST 115 HEALING THE DEMONIAC; HEALING PETER’S WIFE’S MOTHER Luke 4:31-44 Who went about doing good—Acts 10:38 SCENE 1. Jesus is in the synagogue teaching the people. Suddenly a man possessed of an evil spirit cries out saying, "Let us alone; what have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth?” Jesus commands the evil spirit to come out of him. SCENE 2. Jesus is in the home of Peter. Peter’s mother-in-law is very sick. Jesus goes to her bedside and speaks the healing word. She is able to get up at once and take part in the household duties. SCENE 3. The Sabbath is drawing to a close. The people are coming from all directions with their sick and suffering, and Jesus heals them all. SCENE 4. Jesus then retires to a quiet place for prayer. So many people come inquiring for Him that the disciples come in search of Him. When they find Him, they say, “All men seek for Thee.” 116 MIDGET PICTURES CALLING THE FISHERMEN; HEALING THE LEPER Luke 5:1-15; Mark 1:35-45 They forsook all, and followed Him—Luke 5:11 SCENE 1. The disciples are washing and mending their nets after fishing all night. Jesus has come to the shore, and a crowd is gathering. SCENE 2. Jesus is sitting in the ship talking to the people on the shore. SCENE 3. At the command of Jesus, Peter, James, and John have taken their boat out into the deep water and cast their fishing nets where Jesus told them. SCENE 4. To the astonishment of the disciples, their net is filled. When Peter sees this, he falls down at His feet and says, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” SCENE 5. The people are coming with their sick and suffering. A leper has heard of the wonderful Healer. Notwithstanding his terrible disease, he falls down at the feet of Jesus, saying, “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.” LIFE OF CHRIST 117 HEALING THE PARALYTIC; CALL OF LEVI MATTHEW Mark 2:1-22 l came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance—Mark 2:17 SCENE 1. Jesus is talking to a crowd gathered at Peter’s home. Four friends of a man sick with the palsy are carrying him to Jesus. SCENE 2. The crowd in the house is so great that the men cannot get in with dieir sick friend They have gone to the housetop, and are letting him down through the roof to the feet of Jesus. SCENE 3. The man carrying his bed has reached home. His wife and children and friends are rejoicing because he has been healed. SCENE 4. Jesus is passing the customhouse. Matthew is receiving the taxes of the Jews. Jesus turns to him and says, “Follow Me.” Matthew at once “left all, rose up, and followed Him.” Matthew was a very rich man, but this did not keep him from following Jesus. 118 MIDGET PICTURES HEALING THE INFIRM MAN AT THE POOL OF BETHESDA John 5:1-24 He that. .. believeih on Hint that sent Me, hath everlasting life—John 5:24 SCENE 1. Many sick people are lying on these porches, by the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the moving of the water, for they believe that the one who steps in first will be healed. SCENE 2. One man is worse off than any oE the others. Jesus stops and lovingly says to this poor man, “Wilt thou be made whole?” SCENE 3. Jesus made the man well. The man started home carrying his bed. The Pharisees are saying, “It is the Sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.” SCENE 4. A little later the man came to the temple, perhaps to bring a thank offering. Jesus met him and said, “Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee,” LIFE OF CHRIST 119 TRUE SABBATHKEEPING; APOSTLES CHOSEN Mark 2:23 to 3 19 The Sabbath ivas made for man—Mark 2:27 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are passing through a field of grain. The disciples are picking some of the grain and eating it. The Pharisees are saying to Jesus, “Behold, Thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sabbath day.” SCENE 2. Jesus has been teaching the people. Before Him is a man with a withered hand. Jesus says to him, “Stretch forth thine hand.” He does so, and his hand is healed. The Pharisees are accusing Jesus of breaking the Sabbath. SCENE 3. Jesus is spending the night on a mountain praying for His disciples. SCENE 4. In the morning Jesus calls His disciples about Him. He is choosing twelve whom He wishes to send out to preach the gospel. 120 MIDGET PICTURES THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT THE BEATITUDES Matthew 5:1-16 Ye are the light of the world—Matthew 5:14 SCENE 1. Jesus is seated on the Mount of Blessing, telling His disciples and the people what they must do if they want to be truly happy. SCENE 2. This word B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G-S makes us think of the words Jesus spoke on the mount. Tne nine verses in His sermon that begin with '“Blessed’' are called the beatitudes. SCENE 3. In speaking of God’s Wcrd the psalmist said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” If we do not study God’s Word, it is to us an unlighted lamp. SCENE 4. This is a lighthouse. It sheds its rays in all directions, so that ships may keep from being wrecked upon the rocks. We should send out the light of the gospel so that men, women, and children may keep off the rocks of sin. LIFE OF CHRIST 121 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT MAGNIFYING THE LAW Matthew 5:17-26, 33-48 Love your enemies—Matthew 5:44 SCENE 1. This little girl has many playthings, but she is keeping the first commandment by not letting them keep her from praying to God. SCENE 2. Sometimes we make idols of things we love better than we do the Lord. SCENE 3. Do not speak God’s name carelessly. SCENE 4. These children keep the commandment which says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” SCENE 5. These children are honoring their parents by cheerfully helping them. SCENE 6. It is anger that causes people to break this commandment. SCENE 7. If we think pure thoughts, our actions will be right. SCENE 8. This boy is taking nuts. He is breaking the eighth commandment. SCENE 9. This shows how the Lord looks upon those who break the ninth commandment. SCENE 10. One of these little girls is breaking the tenth commandment by wanting her own playthings and also those of her playmate. 122 MIDGET PICTURES THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT GIVING ALMS; PRAYER Matthew 6:1-15 Our Father which art in heaven—Matthew 6:9 SCENE 1. This is a poor family. They do not have much to eat and not enough clothes to keep them warm. This woman and her boy and girl found out about it, so they have brought food and clothes of their own. They are learning that it makes them happier to give to the poor than to receive presents for themselves. SCENE 2. This man is slowing a trumpet to call the attention of the people to this proud Pharisee who is giving a few things to these poor people. This Pharisee is not giving things to these needy people because he is sorry for them. He wants people to see him doing good so they will praise him for it. SCENE 3. Jesus said we should often go to our room, where everything is quiet, and pray to Him. When we shut out everything else, we can pray to the Lord with our whole heart. SCENE 4. These children have been quarreling. Two of them are sorry for naughy things they have said and done, and are asking to be forgiven. If we forgive others, our heavenly Father forgives us. LIFE OF CHRIST 123 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT THE FATHER’S CARE Matthew 6:19-34 Seek ye first the kingdom of God—Matthew 6:33 SCENE 1. These men are rich; they are planning to hoard their money and spend it on themselves. They do not wish to help others who are needy. SCENE 2. These are heathen worshiping gods of wood and stone. There is only one missionary to teach them about Jesus. The money the rich men are hoarding and spending on themselves could be used in sending the gospel to the heathen, or in helping the poor at home. Then they would be laying up treasure in heaven. SCENE 3. Visiting the sick and doing what we can to make them happy is another way of laying up treasure in the bank of heaven. SCENE 4. This is a nest with three little birds in it. The Lord has taught the father and mother birds how to find food for them. He teaches all the birds thus to care for themselves. He cares much more for His children than for the birds. 124 MIDGET PICTURES THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT JUDGING; FRUIT BEARING Matthew 7 Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them—Matthew 7:12 SCENE 1. Jesus is sitting on the mountainside talking to the people. He is saying, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” SCENE 2. This is the broad way. Those who walk in it do not follow Jesus. They are disobedien:, impatient, and try only to please themselves. Destruction lies at the end of the way. Many walk in this way. SCENE 3. This is the narrow way, wnicli Jesus says leads those who walk in it to the city of God. They walk in this path because they love Jesus. SCENE 4. Those who love the Lord and obey His Word are like the man who built his house on a rock. SCENE 5. Those who hear God’s Word, but do not obey it, are like the man who built his house on the sand. LIFE OF CHRIST 125 THE CENTURION’S SERVANT; THE WIDOW’S SON Luke 7:1-17 Your sorrow shall be turned into joy—John 16:20 SCENE 1. This helps us to think of the home of the centurion. His servant is very sick, and the centurion is greatly worried, for he loves him. SCENE 2. The centurion lives in Capernaum. He sends the Jewish elders to tell Jesus about his sick servant. These men are saying that the centurion is worthy of help, “for he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue.” SCENE 3. Jesus is on His way to the centurion’s home. Because of the throngs, He has to go slowly. When He comes near the home, the centurion sends friends to "ell Him that he is unworthy cf a visit from Him, but to speak the word only and his servant would be healed. SCENE 4. This is a funeral procession. The son of the widow of Nam is dead. The mother is weeping. Jesus steps up to her and says, “Weep not.” Then He touches the casket, and says, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.” and the dead son is restored to life. 126 MIDGET PICTURES JOHN THE BAPTIST IN PRISON; AT THE KING’S BANQUET Matthew 11:2-11; 14:1-12 Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life—Revelation 2:10 SCENE 1. John is in prison. He becomes very lonely in the dark prison and begins to wonder if Jesus whom he had baptized is really the Son of God. Two of his disciples have come to visit John. He is sending them to Jesus with the question, “Art Thou He that should come, or do we look for another?” SCENE 2. Jesus is healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and restoring sight to the blind. John’s disciples are watching Him do these wonderful things. SCENE 3. Jesus is talking to John’s disciples. He is saying, “Go and show John again those things which ye do hear and see.” Jesus knows this message will comfort John’s heart. SCENE 4. Herod has invited many of his friends to a banquet in his palace. The daughter of Herodias is furnishing entertainment by dancing before them. LIFE OF CHRIST 127 THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER Matthew 13:1-23 Thy Word have I hid in mine heart—Psalms 119:11 SCENE 1. Jesus is sitting in a boat by the seaside, telling the people who have come lo hear Him the parable of the sower. They can look across to the fields where men are sowing seed. SCENE 2. This man is sowing seed, and some of it is falling by the wayside. The birds are picking it up, so it cannot grow. SCENE 3. This is a field with stones and thorns in it. Some of the seed of the sower falfe in a place like this. SCENE 4. Here is a field of ripening grain. The seed sowed on this ground brings forth a rich harvest. 128 MIDGET PICTURES PARABLE OF THE TARES Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 The good seed are the children of the kingdom—Matthew 13:38 SCENE 1. It is night, and while the householder and his men are sleeping, an enemy has come and is sowing tares in his field of good wheat. SCENE 2. The servants are saying to the householder, “Sir didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?” SCENE 3. This makes us think of harvesttime. The men are storing the wheat into the barn, and the tares they are burning up. SCENE 4. After Jesus has finished telling the parable, He sends the people home. Then He goes into a house with His disciples. He is explaining the parable to them. LIFE OF CHRIST 129 PARABLES: THE MUSTARD SEED; THE LEAVEN; THE TREASURE Matthew 13:31-35,44-53 The angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just—Matthew 13:49 SCENE 1. The mustard seed is very small, but when it is planted it grows to be a tree in which the birds can rest and make their nests. SCENE 2. This woman is making bread. She puts yeast, or leaven, in the dough to make it rise. A little yeast will make the loaves nice and light. SCENE 3. This man while plowing has found a treasure. He will cover it up, and will go and sell all that he has to buy that field. SCENE 4. A merchant has found a wonderful and beautiful pearl. He has brought all his money to buy it. SCENE 5. These are fishermen who have brought their nets to shore, and they are separating the good fish from the bad. In these parable stories Jesus shows what the kingdom of heaven is like. 5 130 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS STILLS THE TEMPEST; THE DEMONIACS OF GADARA Luke 8:22-40 He commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey Him—Luke 8:25 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are crossing the lake, when a heavy storm arises. The disciples are afraid they will be drowned. Jesus is asleep. SCENE 2. When the boat begins to fill with water, the disciples call to Jesus saying, “Master, Master, we perish!” Then Jesus arises from His sleep, and says, “Peace, be still.” The wind ceases, and there is a great calm. SCENE 3. Two demoniacs have come out to meet Jesus. Jesus commands the evil spirits to come out of the tormented men. SCENE 4. The evil spirits have entered into a herd of swine, and the swine are rushing down the steep hill into the sea. The people of Gadara are begging Jesus to leave their country. SCENE 5. Upon returning to the city on the other side of the lake, Jesus is met by a crowd of people who have come to hear Him. LIFE OF CHRIST 131 THE DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS; THE AFFLICTED WOMAN Mark 5:21-43 Thy faith hath made thee whale—Mark 5:34 SCENE 1. Jesus has been at a feast in Levi Matthew’s home. Jairus is asking Jesus to come and heal his sick little daughter. SCENE 2. Jesus is on His way to the home of the ruler, a large crowd following. Among them is an afflicted woman. When Jesus comes near her, she touches the hem of His garment, and is immediately healed. SCENE 3. These messengers have come to tell Jairus that his little girl is dead. Jesus is saying to him, “Be not afraid, only believe.” SCENE 4. These are women who have come to weep over the dead girl. Jesus is saying “Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.” Then He asks these people to leave the house. SCENE 5. Jesus, with die father and mother and Peter, James, and John, is in the room where the girl is lying on her bed. Jesus says, “Damsel, I say unto thee, Arise.” And at once she opens her eyes and sits up. 132 MIDGET PICTURES BLIND MEN HEALED; DUMB SPIRIT CAST OUT Matthew 9:27-38 According to your faith be it unto you—Matthew 9:29 SCENE 1. These two men are blind. They are following Jesus, crying, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on us. Jesus touches their eyes, and then they see. SCENE 2. These are the men whose sight Jesus restored. They are telling everyone about Jesus, and how' He healed their blind eyes. SCENE 3. Jesus went everywhere healing the sick and teaching the people about the kingdom of God. Some of the people who came were lame, some were blind, others were sick in different ways. But Jesus made all well and strong. No doubt many who were healed were children. SCENE 4. Jesus is telling His disciples how important the gospel work is, and how few workers there are to teach the people. He says, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of :he harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.” It is proper for us to pray that prayer now, as there are so few missionaries among the millions of heathen. LIFE OF CHRIST 133 THE TWELVE SENT FORTH Matthew 10:1-23 Freely ye have received, freely give—Matthew 10:8 SCENE 1. Jesus is sending the disciples out two by two. He is watching them as they go. They are to visit the cities and villages and teach the people, telling them about Jesus. They are to heal the sick as Jesus has done. SCENE 2. Jesus tells the disciples that they will be as sheep among wolves. This means that men will persecute them and do them harm. SCENE 3. They must be as wise as serpents. This means that they must be wise in winning the people and wise in avoiding danger to themselves. SCENE 4. They must be as harmless as doves. With the love of God in their hearts, they wi!l be gentle and kind to their enemies. 154 MIDGET PICTURES INSTRUCTION TO THE TWELVE Matthew 10:24 to 11:1 Whosover shall give . . . a cup of cold water, . . . shall in no wise lose his reward—Matthew 10rt2 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling His disciples about some of the trials and persecutions they would have while oreaching the gospel. SCENE 2. These birds help us to think of the sparrows which Jesus talked about. Not even one little bird can fall to the ground without His notice. SCENE 3. This little girl is giving £ thirsty child a drink of water. SCENE 4. The people living in these homes are very poor. Sometimes they do not have enough to eat. This mother and her two children have heard about their need and are taking them some food. In this way they show their love for Jesus.. LIFE OF CHRIST 135 FIVE THOUSAND FED; JESUS WALKS ON THE SEA Mark 6:30-5B Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid—Mark 6:50 SCENE 1. These people are seated an the ground. This little boy has given his five loaves of bread and two fishes to Jesus to use in feeding the people. Jesus is blessing this food, and the disciples are reacy to distribute it. There is enough for all. SCENE 2. Jesus is in a quiet place in the mountain, spending the night in prayer. SCENE 3. The disciples are in a storm at sea and Jesus is walking on the water to help them. Peter starts to go to Jesus. When he takes his eyes off Jesus, he begins to sink, and cries out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus takes him by the hand, and saves him. SCENE 4. The ship has landed, and the people are coming to meet Jesus. Many of them are bringing their sick to be healed. 136 MIDGET PICTURES THE BREAD OF LIFE; MANY TURN FROM JESUS John 6:22-71 I am the bread of life—John 6:35 SCENE 1. These people are hurrying across the sea to Capernaum to find Jesus. Some people walk around the bend of the lake to find Him. SCENE 2. Jesus is telling the people about the true bread from heaven. He is saying, “Do not think only of the food and clothes for this life, but listen to God’s Word winch tells you that My love in the hear: is better than food.” SCENE 3. God’s Ward is the bread of life. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” As we eat bread to keep our bodies alive, so we must believe on Jesus in order to have eternal life. SCENE 4. After Jesus talked with the people and told them what they must do to be saved, many who had been following Him “went back, and walked no more with Him.” LIFE OF CHRIST 137 THE SYROPHENICIAN’S DAUGHTER; HEALING THE DEAF AND DUMB MAN Mark 7:24-37 Great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt—Matthew 15:28 SCENE 1. The Syrophenician mother is holding her daughter, who is vexed by an evil spirit. She is not a Jew, but she has heard how Jesus has healed the sick. SCENE 2. The mother is pleading with Jesus to heal her sick daughter. • Jesus feels sorry for the poor woman, but the disciples would have sent her away. Jesus speaks the word that heals the sick girl. SCENE 3. The mother, on reaching home, finds her daughter well and resting quietly on the bed. SCENE 4. Jesus is healing the deaf, stammering man, so that he can hear and talk. 138 MIDGET PICTURES FOUR THOUSAND FED; JESUS TEACH-ING; HEALING A BLIND MAN Mark 8 What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?—Mark 8:36 SCENE 1. Four thousand people have been with Jesus three days, and they are hungry. Jesus takes the seven loaves and the few small fishes the disciples have, and with them provides food enough for all. SCENE 2. Jesus is crossing the lake with His disciples. He is telling them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. SCENE 3. Jesus took the blind man out to a quiet place, and there He restored his sight. SCENE 4. Jesus said to His disciples, “Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” LIFE OF CHRIST 139 THE TRANSFIGURATION Matthew 17:1-9 This is My beloved Son—Matthew 17:5 SCENE 1. Jesus and Peter, James, and John are climbing the mountain, leaving the other nine disciples at the foot of the mountain, to await their return. SCENE 2. It is night. Jesus is spending the night in prayer. Peter, James, and John, tired from their day’s work, fall asleep. SCENE 3. Jesus stands surrounded with the glory of heaven. Moses and Elijah are beside Him. The disciples fall on their faces when they hear the voice out of the cloud. SCENE 4. The voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son; hear Him.” God has given us ears that we may hear His words and follow Jesus only. SCENE 5. Jesus and the three disciples are descending the mountain. 140 MIDGET PICTURES HEALING THE DEMONIAC Mark 9:14-29 Why could not we cast him out? . .. Because of your unbelief—Matthew 17:19, 20 SCENE 1. Jesus, Peter, James, and John are coming down the mountain at sunrise the morning after the transfiguration. When the the people see Jesus, they run to meet Him. SCENE 2. At the foot of the mountain many people are waiting for Jesus. This father has brought his afflicted son for Jesus to heal. He is saying to Jesus, “If Thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.” While the father is talking to Jesus, his son falls down in convulsions. SCENE 3. Jesus heals the afflicted boy, and he and his father are on their way home. The mother has come out to meet them. SCENE 4. Jesus is alone with His disciples. They are asking why they were unable to cast out the evil spirit. It was because they had been quarreling, and were unbelieving. LIFE OF CHRIST 141 JESUS FORETELLS HIS DEATH; THE TRIBUTE MONEY; HUMILITY Matthew 17:22 to 18:10 It is not the will of your Father .. . that one of these little ones should perish—Matthew 18:14 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling His disciples about His approaching death. This makes the disciples feel very sorry. SCENE 2. The tax collectors are saying to Peter, “Doth not your Master pay tribute?” Jesus did not really need to pay this, but He thought it best to do so. SCENE 3. Peter was down by the sea. He cast his hook into the water and caught a fish, with just the right amount of money in its mouth. Peter took this money and paid the tax. SCENE 4. The disciples had been arguing and quarreling among themselves as to who should be greatest in Christ’s kingdom. Jesus called a little child to Him, and told them that unless they became humble as a little child, they would have no place in His kingdom. 142 MIDGET PICTURES GAINING THY BROTHER; RECKONING WITH SERVANTS Matthew 18:15-35 If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses—Matthew 6:15 SCENE 1. Jesus is talking to His disciples about forgiving one another. SCENE 2. One servant owed the king so much money that he could never pay it. He fell down before the king, asking him to be patient, and he would try to pay the debt. The king forgave the entire debt. SCENE 3. The servant then met someone who owed him a small sum. He took him by the throat and said, “Pay me that thou owest.” Because he could not, he had him taken to jail. SCENE 4. The king heard what his servant did to his fellow servant. He said, “O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee: . . . shouldst not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant?” Then the king put him in prison. I LIFE OF CHRIST 143 TEST OF DISCIPLESHIP; THE SEVENTY SENT FORTH Luke 9:57 to 10:20 Birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head—Luke 9:58 SCENE 1. While Jesus and His disciples are walking along the road, a man stops Him and says, "Lord, I will follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest.” SCENE 2. Jesus sent seventy of His believers to different cities. They are healing the sick whom they meet as they go through the villages and towns. SCENE 3. The seventy have come back from their journey, and are telling Jesus about their success. SCENE 4. God has a book of remembrance in heaven, in which are written the names of all who serve Jesus. Jesus says for us to be glad that our names are written there. We may know our names are there if we are trying to serve Him. 144 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS PRAYS TO HIS FATHER; TEN LEPERS CLEANSED Matthew 11:25-30; Luke 17:11-19 Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? -Luke 17:17 SCENE 1. Jesus is with His disciples in a quiet place, giving thanks to His heavenly Father for revealing His love to those who are glad to know about Him. SCENE 2. The sick, the lame, the blind, and others in need have gathered to meet Jesus. As Jesus sees them coming, He stretches out His hands and lovingly says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor, . . . and I will give you rest.” SCENE 3. Jesus and His disciples are on their way to Jerusalem. Ten lepers see Jesus and begin to call, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” Jesus stops and heals them. SCENE 4. Jesus says to the lepers, “Go show yourselves unto the priests.” They all go. Only one comes back to thank Jesus. LIFE OF CHRIST 145 HEALING THE BLIND MAN John 9 1 must work the works of Him that sent Me—John 9:4 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples, with others, are coming out of the temple. A blind man is sitting at the entrance begging. SCENE 2. Jesus is anointing the blind man’s eyes with clay. Then He sends him to wash in the pool of Siloam. SCENE 3. The man has returned home. The neighbors have come to meet him. They are saying, “Is not this he that sat and begged?” SCENE 4. The man has gone back to the temple, and the Pharisees are asking him how he received his sight. Then they ask his parents whether or not this is their son who was born blind. SCENE 5. Jesus knew the man had been cast out of the synagogue, so He went to meet him. 146 MIDGET PICTURES THE GOOD SHEPHERD John 10:1-21 The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep—John 10:11 SCENE 1. This shepherd is watching his sheep. A good shepherd cares very tenderly for his sheep. He leads them to good pastures and to places where they can get water. He protects them from wild animals and from all danger. He knows their names, anc. they follow him when he calls. If one strays away, he will search for it until it is found. SCENE 2. It was in a fold similar to this one that the sheep were placed at night. In the sheepfold they were safe from wild beasts and all danger. The sheep were counted when they entered the fold. SCENE 3. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for us. He cares for each of His children as the shepherd cares for his sheep. We should follow Him in all things and He will save us and take us to be with Him in heaven. LIFE OF CHRIST 147 A QUESTION ASKED; PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10:25-37 Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, . . . and thy neighbor as thyself—Luke 10:27 SCENE 1. Jesus has been teaching the people. A lawyer asks Jesus a question, hoping to entangle Him in His talk. SCENE 2. This man has been robbed and wounded by thieves. When this priest comes near, he sees that the poor man is hurt, but he feels that he need not trouble himself about it. SCENE 3. Then a Levite comes a little closer, but he sees that it is unpleasant work to help this man, so he too goes on. SCENE 4. This Samaritan stops and helps the wounded man. 148 MIDGET PICTURES AT THE HOME OF MARY AND MARTHA; DINING WITH A PHARISEE Luke 10:38-42; 11:37-54 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part—Luke 10:42 SCENE 1. Jesus is in the home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Mary is listening eagerly to Jesus. SCENE 2. Martha is busy getting dinner ready. SCENE 3. Martha came to Jesus and complained because Mary let her do all the work, while she talked with Him. Both of these sisters loved Jesus very much. SCENE 4. Jesus was invited to dinner at the home of a Pharisee. Jesus is talking very plainly to those who found fault with Him because He does not observe all their rules. LIFE OF CHRIST 149 WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTION; PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN Luke 12:1-21 Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also—Luke 12:34 SCENE 1. Jesus is talking to the people. He is telling them how he cares for the sparrows, and says, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows.” SCENE 2. This man is looking at his big crop of grain, and planning how he can store it away. He is not caring for the poor who are needy and hungry. He cares only for himself. SCENE 3. Servants are tearing down the rich man’s bam and building a larger one. SCENE 4. The rich man was called to die and leave his riches. j 150 MIDGET PICTURES PARABLE OF THE WAITING SERVANTS; A DIVIDED FAMILY Luke 12:37-57 The Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not—Luke 12:40 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling His disciples about His second coming. SCENE 2. Jesus tells us to watch and be ready for His coming at any time, because we do not know when it will be. SCENE 3. This is a missionary teaching the people about the Saviour. SCENE 4. This mother and her little girl love the Lord and are going to church on tine Sabbath, but the father and son do not love the Lord, so they are working on God’s holy day. This makes a divided family. LIFE OF CHRIST 151 THE BARREN FIG TREE; A WOMAN HEALED ON THE SABBATH Luke 13:6-17 If it bear fruit, well; and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down—Luke 13:9 SCENE I. The owner of the vineyard is telling the “dresser of his vineyard” to cut down the barren fig tree. The servant is asking him to spare it one more year. SCENE 2. The gardener is spading about the tree, hoping that next year it will bear fruit. SCENE 3. Jesus is teaching in the synagogue. This poor woman has been sick for many years. Jesus calls her to Him, and He heals her. SCENE 4. The ruler of the synagogue is finding fault with Jesus for healing the poor woman on the Sabbath. Jesus is telling him that healing the sick and doing good to those in need, are Sabbath work. 152 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS TEACHING THE PEOPLE; THE HEN AND CHICKENS Luke 13:22-35 How often would 1 have gathered thy children together, . . . and ye would not!—Luke 13:34 \ \ SCENE 1. The broad way is the way that leads to death; the narrow way leads to heaven. Many travel in the broad way, but only a few will go in the way that is narrow. SCENE 2. The Pharisees are telling Jesus to leave the city, because Herod is seeking His life; but what they say does not make Jesus afraid. He goes right on teaching the people and healing them. SCENE 3. This mother hen with her little chicks makes us think of what Jesus said about His love and care for us. Some refuse His love, and this makes Him very sad. LIFE OF CHRIST 153 JESUS DINES WITH A PHARISEE; PARABLE OF THE GREAT SUPPER Luke 14:1-24 He that humbleth himself shall be exalted—Luke 14:11 SCENE 1. This reminds us of the dinner at the Pharisee’s home. The poor man with the dropsy is sitting on the floor there, hoping he will have a chance to speak to Jesus. The Pharisees are watching to see if Jesus will heal this man on the Sabbath day. If He does, they will find fault with Him. SCENE 2. Jesus is saying to the Pharisees, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?” They do not answer Him. Then He heals the sick man. SCENE 3. This mother and her little girl invited some poor children and their parents to a good dinner. The Lord is pleased to have us make the poor and needy happy. SCENE 4. Jesus has sent us all a loving invitation to get ready to come to the great supper which He is preparing for us in heaven. 154 MIDGET PICTURES PARABLE OF THE LOST SHEEP; THE PRODIGAL Luke 15:1-32 I will arise and go to my father—Luke 15:18 SCENE 1. The shepherd is out in search of the sheep that went astray. SCENE 2. He has found it, and is returning home joyfully. SCENE 3. This helps us to think of the prodigal in the field feeding swine. SCENE 4. He is sorry for leaving his father’s home, and is returning to his father. His father is going out to meet him. SCENE 5. The father commanded the servants to bring the best robe, and put it on him. SCENE 6. They are at a dinner given in honor of the lost son. The father is saying to the guests, “This my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.” LIFE OF CHRIST 155 THE UNJUST STEWARD Luke 16:1-15 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much—Luke 16:10 SCENE 1. This man is saying to his steward, ! How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship.” SCENE 2. The unjust steward called the men who owed his master, and told them to make the amount they owed his Lord smaller than it was. SCENE 3. Jesus is telling His disciples and the Pharisees that in the judgment all will have to give account of the way they used the blessings of God. SCENE 4. If we have Jesus in our hearts, there will be no room for unfaithfulness. 156 MIDGET PICTURES THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS John 11:1-54 I am the resurrection, and the life—John 11:25 SCENE 1. Lazarus is very sick. Mary and Martha are lovingly caring for him. SCENE 2. Mary and Martha sent a messenger to Jesus with a message telling Him that “he whom Thou lovest is sick.” SCENE 3. Jesus, with His disciples, has reached the town of Bethany. Martha is hurrying to meet Him. SCENE 4. Jesus, with Martha and Mary and other friends, is at the grave. The men have rolled away the stone from the tomb. Jesus called, “Lazarus, come forth.” And he arose. LIFE OF CHRIST 157 A PLEADING WIDOW; TWO PRAYERS; BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN Luke 18:1-17 Suffer little children to come unto Me—Luke 18:16 SCENE I. The poor widow is asking the judge to make her enemy deal fairly with her. She comes many times to plead her cause. SCENE 2. The Pharisee and the publican are in the temple. The Pharisee is pretending to pray, but he is only boasting of his goodness, while the. publican feels that he is a great sinner. He is asking the Lord to be merciful to him. SCENE 3. The mothers have come from different places and brought their little children for Jesus to bless. The disciples objected, for they thought Jesus’ work was too important to bother with the little children. Jesus told them to bring them all to Him. 158 MIDGET PICTURES THE RICH YOUNG RULER TURNS FROM JESUS Matthew 19:16*30 If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments—Matthew 19:17 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are walking along the way talking about His work. A young man has seen them, and he is hurrying because he has an important question to ask Jesus. SCENE 2. The rich young ruler falls at Jesus’ feet, and is saying, "Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” SCENE 3. Jesus wants us to love Him so much that we shall be willing to serve Him with the whole heart. SCENE 4. When the young man heard what he must do to be saved, he “went away sorrowful.” LIFE OF CHRIST 190 LABORERS IN THE VINEYARD; THEIR PAYMENT Matthew 20:1-16 Go ye also into the vineyard—Matthew 20:4 SCENE 1. These men are standing in the market place, waiting for someone to hire them. A man who owns a vineyard has come to get them to work for him. SCENE 2. The men are working in the vineyard gathering grapes. Later in the day others are coming to help. SCENE 3. The householder is paying the men for their work at the close of the day. Some are finding fault because they do not receive more than those who began to work later. SCENE 4. The householder is talking to one of those complaining, telling him that he has dealt fairly with him. 160 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS FORETELLS HIS DEATH; JAMES AND JOHN SEEK HONOR Matthew 20:17-28 Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant —Matthew 20:27 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are on their way to Jerusalem. Jesus is telling them that He will be taken by the priests and mocked and hurt, and be put to death. He tells them also that He will rise from the dead. The disciples do not seem to understand what He is saying. SCENE 2. The mother of James and John is begging Jesus to arrange for her sons to sit one on His right hand and the other on His left, in His kingdom. Jesus is not pleased to have His disciples selfishly seeking to be first or to be thought the greatest. Neither is He pleased with us when we try to be first or to receive more honor than do others. LIFE OF CHRIST 161 A BLIND MAN HEALED; JESUS VISITS ZACCH/EUS Luke 18:35 to 19:10 He made haste, and came down, and received Him joyfully —Luke 19:6 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are on tire way to Jerusalem. Blind Bartimaeus is by the roadside, saying, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” Some of the people are trying to make him keep quiet. Jesus asked that he be brought to Him. SCENE 2. Zacchaeus climbed a tree so he could see Jesus as He passed by. Jesus looked up, and said, “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.” SCENE 3. Zacchaeus is telling Jesus that he is willing to make right any wrong he has done to others. He is sorry for his sins. Then Jesus tells him that salvation has come to him that day. 6 162 MIDGET PICTURES ANOINTING OF JESUS; PRIESTS PLOT AGAINST HIM John 12:1-11 She hath done what she could—Mark 14:8 SCENE 1. Jesus is visiting at the home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus in Bethany. SCENE 2. Jesus and His disciples are at a feast in Simon’s home. Mary slipped into the room unnoticed and anointed the feet of Jesus. SCENE 3. All present noticed the fragrance of the ointment. Judas began to find fault with Mary for spending money for that purpose. Jesus is speaking kindly of Mary’s act of love, and is saying, “Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on Me.” SCENE 4. The chief priests and scribes are planning how they can kill Jesus and Lazarus. LIFE OF CHRIST 16S TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM; CLEANSING THE TEMPLE Matthew 21:1-16 Hosanna to the Son of David—Matthew 21:9 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are at Bethany. Two of the disciples have been sent to a near-by town to get the colt upon which Jesus is to ride into Jerusalem. SCENE 2. The disciples have found the ass and the colt tied, just as Jesus said they would. As they were untying the colt, the owner came and asked, “Why loose ye the colt?” And they said, “The Lord hath need of them.” SCENE 3. Jesus is making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The people think He is about to become their King. SCENE 4. Jesus is casting out of the temple those who were buying and selling, and making money for themselves. 164 MIDGET PICTURES THE FRUITLESS FIG TREE; JESUS AND THE PHARISEES Matthew 21:17-32 Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish—Luke 13:3 SCENE 1. Jesus is spending the night alone in prayer to His Father. SCENE 2. Jesus is hungry and comes to a fine-looking fig tree, seeking for figs. Because there is no fruit on the pretentious-looking fig, He is saying, “Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth forever.’’ SCENE 3. The next morning when Jesus and His disciples passed the fig tree, it was “withered away.” SCENE 4. Jesus is in the temple teaching the people. The chief priests and elders are asking Him by what authority He performs miracles. Jesus then asked them a question which they could not answer. LIFE OF CHRIST 165 THE WICKED HUSBANDMEN Matthew 21:33-46 God sent His only-begotten Son into the world—1 John 4:9 SCENE 1. Jesus is speaking a parable to the chief priests and elders. Some of the disciples are standing by Him. SCENE 2. This is a vineyard which the owner rented out to some men while he went away to a far country. He is telling them what he wishes them to do. This vineyard is a very fine one. The owner has built a hedge around it, and he has a wine press and a tower. He expects to receive much fruit from the vineyard. When he sends men to receive what is his, the husbandmen treat them cruelly. SCENE 3. These wicked men see the son of the owner coming, so they plan to kill him. They think if they can kill him, the vineyard will belong to them. 166 MIDGET PICTURES MARRIAGE OF THE KING’S SON Matthew 22:1-22 He that overcometh, ... I will not blot out his name out of the book of life—Revelation 3:5 SCENE 1. The king is sending out his servants to ask all who were invited to the wedding to come, for everything is ready. SCENE 2. Because those who were invited to the wedding refused to come and mistreated the king’s servants, the king sends his armies to destroy them and burn their city. SCENE 3. Then the king sends his servants everywhere to invite to the wedding all the people they can find. SCENE 4. The guests are seated at the table. The king has come in to look at the guests. To his astonishment he finds one man without a wedding garment. He tells the servants to cast him out. LIFE OF CHRIST 167 THE GREAT COMMANDMENT; THE WIDOW’S MITES Mark 12:28-44 God loveth a cheerful giver—2 Corinthians 9:7 SCENE 1. The scribes and Pharisees are planning what they can do to entangle Jesus in His talk. One of the scribes steps close to Jesus and asks, “Which is the great commandment in the law?” SCENE 2. Jesus gives this scribe to understand that love for God and love for man are of greater value in the sight of heaven than any sacrifice which man can offer. SCENE 3. Rich Tews have come to the temple with much pride to bring large sums of money. SCENE 4. Jesus sits down “over against the treasury.” A poor widow passes and drops two mites into the money chest. Jesus says she gave more than the others, because with her small gift she gave a heart filled with love for God and His work. 168 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS FORETELLS THE END OF THE WORLD Matthew 24:1-14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world—Matthew 24:14 SCENE 1. The disciples are talking to Jesus about the beauty and splendor of the temple. The white marble glistens brightly in the sunlight, and the great building looks as if it would stand forever. SCENE 2. Jesus and the disciples are on the Mount of Olives. The disciples are saying, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” SCENE 3. These men are preaching the gospel to the heathen, and in other places workers are distributing literature and selling books. When all the world has been warned, Jesus will come. LIFE OF CHRIST 160 SIGNS OF THE COMING OF CHRIST Matthew 24:15-31 They shall see the Son of man coming—Matthew 24:30 SCENE 1. Jesus is with His disciples on the Mount of Olives, talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and His second coming. SCENE 2. Jesus is telling His disciples that there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, by which the people will know that His coming is near. SCENE 3. This man is falsely teaching the people to believe that Jesus has already come, and that He is in the desert. SCENE 4. This sickle helps us to think of harvesttime. Jesus said that when the gospel has gone to all the world, then He will come again, and all the holy angels with Him. The angels are the reapers. They will gather the Lord’s people, and take them to the city of God. 170 MIDGET PICTURES WATCHFUL PREPARATION Matthew 24:32-51 But of that day and hour knoweth no man—Matthew 24:36 SCENE 1. Just as we know summer is near when we see the fruit trees begin to blossom and show their pretty green leaves, so we know that Jesus’ coming is near when we see the signs being fulfilled. SCENE 2. Only Noah and his family were saved at the time of the flood, because the other people did not believe God’s message. SCENE 3. While men and women are about their daily work, their cases are decided for life or for death. That time is called the close of probation, and this will be before Jesus comes. SCENE 4. These workers are faithfully doing God’s work while they are watching and waiting for Him. LIFE OF CHRIST 171 THE PARABLE OF THE VIRGINS Matthew 25:1-13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh—Matthew 25:13 SCENE 1. The ten virgins are leaving home to meet the bridegroom and then go to the wedding feast. SCENE 2. While the bridegroom tarries, they get tired and go to sleep. SCENE 3. It is midnight; a cry goes forth, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” Then the ten virgins awake. All trim their lamps to make them burn brightly, but the lamps of five of them went out because they did not think to bring any oil. They are trying to borrow oil from the other five, who were wise enough to bring extra oil. SCENE 4. The five foolish virgins have returned from the store with oil and are trying to gain an entrance to the wedding feast. But the answer is, “I know you not.” 172 MIDGET PICTURES THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS Matthew 25:14-30 Well done, thou good and faithful servant—Matthew 25:21 SCENE 1. The master of fhe house is turning over to his servants his money to use for him while he is away on a long trip. SCENE 2. Two of the servants take the money and begin to trade, so it will increase while their master is away. But one servant digs a hole in the ground and buries his talent. SCENE 3. The master has returned to reckon with his servants. The two whc improved their talents are happy to bring their lord double that which he gave them. To each he says, “Well done.” SCENE 4. The servant who hid his talent is telling his lord what he did with it. Then the lord says, “Thou wicked and slothful servant.” He is telling an officer to cast this man out from his presence. LIFE OF CHRIST 173 THE JUDGMENT SCENE; AS YE HAVE DONE TO OTHERS Matthew 25:31-46 As ye have done it unto one of the least, . . . ye have done it unto Me—Matthew 25:40 SCENE 1. This will help us to think of Jesus on His throne. Before Him are the righteous and the wicked. He invites those on His right hand to share His kingdom with Him, but those on His left hand will be destroyed. SCENE 2. These people are Christians, and they are visiting the poor and needy, taking food and clothing to them. Their hearts are tender and full of love for those about them. SCENE 3. These workers are visiting men and women in prison, for Jesus’ sake. When Jesus was here on earth He helped all who were in distress. SCENE 4. A crown of life is promised to all who have been true Christians. 174 MIDGET PICTURES ENEMIES PLAN JESUS’ DEATH; PREPARATION FOR THE PASSOVER Luke 22:1-13 The Son of man shall be betrayed—Matthew 20:18 SCENE 1. The chief priests and scribes are in the palace of the high priest, planning how they can slyly take Jesus and put Him to death. SCENE 2. While the men are planning, Judas comes in and offers to betray Jesus if they will pay him for it. SCENE 3. The disciples are saying to Jesus, "Where wilt Thou that we prepare for Thee to eat the Passover?” SCENE 4. Peter and John are entering the house with the man carrying a pitcher of water. They are saying to the owner, “The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the passover with My disciples?” LIFE OF CHRIST 175 CONTENTION; JESUS WASHING THE DISCIPLES’ FEET Luke 22:24-30; John 13:1-17 He that is greatest among you shall be your servcm—Matthew 23:11 SCENE 1. Jesus and the disciples are in the upper room. The disciples are at the table contending for the highest place. SCENE 2. Jesus is getting the pitcher and water and has laid aside His “outer garment.” He is preparing to wash the feet of His disciples, a work which they would not do for one another. SCENE 3. He is washing Peter’s feet. Peter says, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” Jesus answers, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me.” Then Peter is willing to allow Jesus to wash his feet. SCENE 4. Jesus is sitting again at the table with His disciples. He is telling them that they are to be willing to do for one another what He has done for them.. The disciples now feel ashamed of the way they have acted. 176 MIDGET PICTURES THE LORD’S SUPPER; JESUS POINTS OUT THE TRAITOR Mark 14:22-31; John 13:21-38 This do ir. remembrance of Me—1 Corinthians 11:24 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples have met in the “upper room” for the Passover supper. Jesus takes bread and wine and shows the disciples how to keep the Lord’s supper in memory of Him. This service is still held by the Lord’s people. SCENE 2. Jesus tells the disciples that one of them is going to betray Him. All are asking, “Lord, is it I?” Judas went out quickly when he was pointed out as the traitor. SCENE 3. Jesus and H:s disciples are ready to leave for the Mount of Olives. They are singing a song of praise. The Pass-over hymn is Psalms 117, which has but two verses. SCENE 4. The moon and stars are shining. Jesus is having a last talk with His disciples on the way to the Mount of Olives. LIFE OF CHRIST 177 JESUS COMFORTS HIS DISCIPLES John 14 Let not your heart be troubled—John 14:27 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling His disciples that He is soon to leave them. The disciples grieve about this because they do not understand it. They feel that they cannot be happy without Jesus, their beloved Teacher and Friend. They have learned to look to Him for help in every kind of sorrow and trouble. Now when He speaks of leaving, they feel very lonely and afraid. SCENE 2. Jesus is telling the disciples tnat if they truly love Him, they will keep the commandments when He can no longer be with them. SCENE 3. Jesus and the eleven are passing out of the city gate, going toward the Mount of Olives. They walk slowly along, each busy with his own thoughts. Jesus feels sad, for he knows His disciples will be unhappy. 178 MIDGET PICTURES THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES John 15:1-15 I am the vine, ye are the branches—John 15:5 SCENE 1. Jesus and His disciples are on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane They pass by a grapevine, and Jesus says to the disciples, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman.” SCENE 2. This is a vineyard. The owner of it is having the vines trimmed. A servant is piling up the dead, useless branches and burning them. Jesus wishes us to be fruit-bearing Christians. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” That we may be trained to bear these fruits, we must have trials, sorrows, disappointments, and troubles. These are the pruning knives in our lives, by which our sins are cut off. LIFE OF CHRIST 179 JESUS IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE Matthew 26:36-56 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation—Matthew 26:41 SCENE 1. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane praying. Peter, James, and John are sleeping quietly a little distance from Him. Jesus had asked them to watch with Him, but they did not do so. SCENE 2. Jesus in His grief, comes to the disciples, saying, “What, could ye not watch with Me one hour?” Jesus came to them three times in this way, but the disciples were asleep each time. SCENE 3. Judas and the multitude are coming with swords and torches to take Jesus. Judas is greeting Jesus with a kiss. This was the way Judas pointed Jesus out as the one to be taken by the Jews. SCENE 4. The soldiers are taking Jesus. Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus puts forth His hand and heals him. 180 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS BEFORE THE HIGH PRIEST; PETER’S DENIAL Matthew 26:57-75 He is despised and rejected of men—Isaiah 53:3 SCENE 1. Jesus is being led by His captors through the streets of the city at midnight to the judgment hall. Peter and John are following. SCENE 2. Jesus is before Caiaphas, with Roman soldiers and the Jews standing by. Two false witnesses have been hired to tell why Jesus should be put to death. SCENE 3. The priests and elders are striking Jesus and mocking Him. SCENE 4. This company of people are warming themselves. Peter is among them. The maid is accusing him of being a follower of Jesus. He denies that He knows Him, and then the cock crows. Jesus is being led out through the porch. As He passes out, He turns and looks lovingly at Peter, who failed Him when He needed his friendship most. Peter was very sorry for this, and Jesus forgave him. LIFE OF CHRIST 181 JESUS BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN; BEFORE PILATE; THE DEATH OF JUDAS Luke 22 66 to 23:3; Matthew 27:1-14 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth—1 Peter 2:22 SCENE 1. The soldiers, with the priests, are leading Jesus to Pilate to be sentenced. The multitude are following. SCENE 2. Jesus is being led away bound. Although He is the Son of God, He answered not a word to those who spoke against Him. He bore all His trials patiently for our sakes. SCENE 3. Judas comes to the priests and throws the money he received for betraying Jesus down before the high priest and elders, saying, “I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood.” SCENE 4. Jesus is before Pilate. The soldiers are keeping guard, while the priests and others are angrily declaring that Jesus has done things worthy of death. 182 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS BEFORE HEROD; PILATE SEEKS TO RELEASE JESUS Luke 23:4-25 He was wounded for our transgressions—Isaiah 53:$ SCENE 1. Jesus has been brought before Herod by the soldiers. Herod sends for some cripples, and asks Jesus to prove that He is the Son of God by healing them. SCENE 2. Jesus is again before Pilate. A messenger brings a message from Pilate’s wife, saying, “Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of Him.” SCENE 3. Pilate is asking the angry mob whether he should set Jesus or Barabbas free They say Bar abbas. A servant brings a basin of water in which Pilate washes his hands, pretending he is innocent of condemning Jesus. SCENE 4. The mob is abusing Jesus. They did not know that this world and the angels would look with shame on this act. LIFE OF CHRIST 183 JESUS MOCKED; THE CRUCIFIXION Matthew 27:27-43 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends—John 15:13 SCENE 1. A crown of thorns was placed upon the head of Jesus, and a reed to take the place of a king’s scepter was put in His hands. SCENE 2. Jesus is before the angry mob again, with His hands tied. Pilate is hoping that the people will want to let Him go, but the angry mob cries out, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” SCENE 3. Jesus is being taken to the place of crucifixion. Simon of Cyrene is carrying His cross because Jesus is too weak to carry it. SCENE 4. Jesus was crucified on the cross in the center, and on each side of Him was a thief. Let us remember that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 184 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS ON THE CROSS Matthew 27:44-58 Behold the Lamb of God—John 1:29 SCENE 1. While the priest is in the temple preparing to offer the evening sacrifice, the veil of the temple is rent from top to bottom. SCENE 2. Some of the Jews are asking Pilate to command that Jesus and the two thieves be taken from the cross because the Sabbath is drawing near. SCENE 3. There is a great earthquake and many of the righteous dead come out of their graves. SCENE 4. The glory of the cross on which Jesus was crucified shines for all in every part of the world. Men, women, and children everywhere are being told the story of the cross. Jesus’ great love touches their hearts, and many give their hearts to Him, and in turn tell others the story of salvation. LIFE OF CHRIST 185 THE BURIAL AND RESURRECTION Matthew 27:57 to 28:4 7 have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do—John 17:4 SCENE 1. Joseph and Nicodemus, with John and some of the women, are lovingly preparing the body of Jesus for burial. SCENE 2. The chief priests are asking Pilate to send the Roman guard to watch the grave where Jesus is buried. They remembered that Jesus said He would rise again, and they set a watch for fear His disciples might steal Him away. SCENE 3. The Roman guard are watching the tomb of Jesus. No doubt they were the strongest and best soldiers of the Roman army. With the tomb sealed and the soldiers watching, it would seem impossible for Jesus to get out of the tomb. SCENE 4. The angel from heaven is rolling away the stone, and the soldiers are unable to do anything. The power of the angel overcomes them, and they lie as dead men until Jesus comes forth. 186 MIDGET PICTURES VISITS TO THE SEPULCHER John 20:1-18 O grave, ivhere is thy victory?—1 Corinthians 15:55 i SCENE 1. These women have come with spices to anoint the body of Jesus. When they see the angel, they are frightened, but the angel says, “Fear not ye; . . . He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.” Mary hurries to tell Peter and John that Jesus has been taken out of the sepulcher. SCENE 2. Peter and John have come to the tomb with Mary. John goes close and looks into the tomb, but Peter enters it. SCENE 3. Mary is standing near the sepulcher weeping. The angels say, “Woman, why weepest thou?” She answers, “Because they have taken away my Lord.” Jesus is close by and speaks to her. SCENE 4. When Jesus returns from His Father, He meets these women. They fall at His feet and worship Him. SCENE 5. The chief priests and elders are giving the soldiers some money, to pay them for saying that while they were asleep, the disciples came and stole the body of Jesus. LIFE OF CHRIST 1ST ON THE WAY TO EMMAUS; JESUS APPEARS TO THE DISCIPLES Luke 24:13-48; John 20:19-31 Be not faithless, but believing—John 20:27 SCENE 1. Two disciples are on their way to Emmaus. Jesus joins them as a stranger and talks with them of the recent happenings in Jerusalem. SCENE 2. The two disciples urge Jesus to come and stay with them. They hastily prepare the evening meal, and all sit down to eat. While He is returning thanks, the disciples recognize Him as their Master. SCENE 3. They have come to the upper room to tell the other disciples how Jesus met with them on their way to Emmaus, and had entered their home, and talked with them. SCENE 4. Jesus has come to meet them again. Thomas is present. He sees that truly this is Jesus, and although he had doubted, now he cries out, “My Lord and my God.” 188 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS APPEARS AGAIN TO THE DISCIPLES; ON A MOUNTAIN John 21 Lo, I am with you alway—Matthew 28:20 SCENE 1. The disciples have been fishing all night, but have not caught anything. Jesus is walking on the shore watching them. He is saying, “Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find.” SCENE 2. Peter sees that it is Jesus who is talking to them, so he casts himself into the water, and soon stands before Him. The disciples are dragging the net full of fish to shore. SCENE 3. The disciples have eaten the food Jesus prepared for them. Some are sitting on the beach, talking, while Jesus and Peter have a little visit together. Jesus is asking Peter, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” SCENE 4. Jesus kept His promise, and on a mountain in Galilee met those who loved Him. Above five hundred came together to see Him. The Acts of the Apostles "They that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Word.” Acts 8:4 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 191 THE ASCENSION OF JESUS Acts 1 This same Jesus . . . shall so come in like manner—Acts 1:11 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling His disciples of the work they are to do when He is gone. He is about to leave them and go back to His Father in heaven. SCENE 2. Jesus is leading the disciples across the brook Kidron to the Mount of Olives. SCENE 3. The disciples are watching Jesus as He goes up into heaven. A cloud of angels shuts Him from their sight. These two angels are saying, “Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus . . . shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.” SCENE 4. The disciples are gathered in the upper room. Peter is talking to them. When he finishes speaking, they choose another disciple to take the place of Judas. 192 MIDGET PICTURES THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVEN Acts 2:1-21 Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved—Acts 2:21 SCENE 1. The disciples, with other believers, are in the “upper room” confessing their sins and praying for the Holy Spirit. SCENE 2. Very suddenly the Holy Spirit comes upon all of them like tongues of fire, and they are able to speak in different languages. SCENE 3. A great many people have come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, and they hear of these wonderful things. They spoke many languages, but each man heard the preaching in his own tongue. SCENE 4. Some of the people are making fun of the disciples, telling them they are “full of new wine.” But Peter tells them what it all means, and then he says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 193 PETER PREACHES Acts 2:22-47 Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost—Acts 2:38 SCENE 1. Peter is telling the people that Jesus, whom they crucified, is the Son of God. He said that Jesus had been put to death and buried in the grave and that He had risen from the dead, gone back to heaven, and was now on the right hand of God. He had given the Holy Spirit to His people, and would forgive all who were sorry for their sins. SCENE 2. When the people heard Peter’s wonderful story, "they were pricked in their heart,” and said, “What shall we do?” Many confessed their sins and asked Jesus to forgive them. We can easily imagine how the people pressed together to hear what Peter was saying. The priests were angry, for they had thought the disciples would be overcome with disappointment because of the death of their Leader. 7 194 MIDGET PICTURES THE LAME MAN HEALED Acts 3 Faith in His name hath made this man strong—Acts 3:16 SCENE 1. The people are going to tire temple to worship. The lame man is asking for alms, or money. Peter and John are going to the temple. The lame man asks them for a gift. Peter takes him by the right hand, and says, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Peter had no money to give this poor man, but he gave him that which was better than money. SCENE 2. The man walks into the temple with Peter and John, praising God for what He has done for him. The people are surprised. Peter is telling the people that this man has been made whole through faith in the name of Jesus. By pointing out the unseen Jesus in this beautiful way, Peter and John led many to believe on Him. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 195 THE TRIAL OF PETER AND JOHN; THEY BEAR WITNESS Acts 4:1-31 There is none other name . . . whereby we must be saved—Acts 4:12 SCENE 1. The priests and Sadducees are taking Peter and John to prison. SCENE 2. Peter and John are on trial. The high priest is asking them, “By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” SCENE 3. The Jews are talking among themselves trying to decide what to do. SCENE 4. Now Peter and John are brought in and are being commanded "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.” SCENE 5. Peter and John hurry to the home of one of the believers. They are telling the Christians all that was done to them. SCENE 6. After Peter and John finish telling them how the Lord helped them to witness for Him, they all kneel down and pray. 196 MIDGET PICTURES THE EXPERIENCE OF ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA Acts 4:32 to 5:11 They that deal truly are His delight—Proverbs 12:22 SCENE 1. Some of the early Christians were very poor. Those who had property have sold it and brought the money for the apostles to use in buying food and clothing for the poor and needy. SCENE 2. Ananias has come with a bag of money. Peter says, "Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?" SCENE 3. Because Ananias acted a lie, he fell down dead when Peter got through talking with him. SCENE 4. By and by Sapphira came in. Peter is saying, "Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much?” Because she told a lie, she also fell down dead. These men are carrying her out to bury her beside Ananias. The Bible says, “Lying lips are abomination to the Lord.” ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 197 PRISON DOORS OPENED; GAMALIEL GIVES COUNSEL Acts 5:12-42 We ought to obey God rather than men—Acts 5:29 SCENE 1. The people are bringing their sick and placing them on cots. Some are rejoicing because they have been made well and strong, but the priests and rulers are angry. SCENE 2. The angel is leading Peter and John out of prison. He says, ‘‘Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.” SCENE 3. Peter and John have been brought before the priests, because they continue to teach in the temple. Peter is saying, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” SCENE 4. Gamaliel is talking to the priests and rulers privately, telling them to be careful what they do to these men. 198 MIDGET PICTURES DEACONS APPOINTED; THE ARREST OF STEPHEN Acts 6 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord-Proverbs 19:17 SCENE 1. The apostles have called the people together, to ask them to lay plans by which the widows and worthy poor may be looked after more carefully. SCENE 2. The apostles are ordaining the seven deacons. These men are to help in the work of the church and are to have special care for the poor. SCENE 3. Some of the poor have come to get food and clothing. SCENE 4. Stephen is standing before the priests and rulers, while the false witnesses are saying that he is going about teaching that which is not right. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 199 STEPHEN’S SERMON Acte 7 Be thou faithful unto death—Revelation 2:10 SCENE 1. Stephen is standing before the council, rehearsing the history of God’s people down to the time of Christ. Stephen’s face shone as the face of an angel, as he preached to the Jews. SCENE 2. They are angry because Stephen has told them of their great sin in putting Jesus to death. They all rush upon him, to cast him out of the city. SCENE 3. Stephen is being stoned to death by the priests and rulers. Saul is holding their coats. SCENE 4. The apostles are tenderly carrying the body of Stephen to the tomb. Believers are mourning because of his death. 200 MIDGET PICTURES PHILIP PREACHING IN SAMARIA Acts 8:1-25 Create in me a clean heart, O God—Psalms 51:10 SCENE 1. Here we see many who believe on Jesus being taken from their homes and put in prison SCENE 2. A good man named Philip went to a city called Samaria. He is telling the people about Jesus, and is also healing the lame and the sick who are brought to him. SCENE 3. Philip is baptizing those who believe on Jesus. Great crowds of people followed him and listened to his preaching. SCENE 4. A wicked man named Simon tried to buy the Holy Spirit, to use as he wished. Now he is asking Peter and John to pray for him. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 201 PHILIP AND THE ETHIOPIAN Acts 8:26-40 I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God—Acts 8:37 SCENE 1. An angel is- telling Philip to “arise, and go toward the south.” The Lord had some work for Philip to do. Philip started at once. SCENE 2. The Ethiopian, with his servants, is on his way home from Jerusalem. He is reading the Scriptures. The Lord told Philip to run to meet him. SCENE 3. Philip is explaining the Scriptures to the Ethiopian and teaching him the gospel. Philip told the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection to the rich heathen man, who gladly heard it. The Ethiopian then said, “See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” SCENE 4. The Ethiopian is being baptized by Philip. His servants are witnessing the scene. No doubt when the Ethiopian reached home he told the story of the gospel to others. 202 MIDGET PICTURES THE CONVERSION OF SAUL Acts 9:1-22 Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?—Acts 9:6 SCENE 1. Saul is getting permission to go to other cities, to bring all the Christians bound unto Jerusalem. SCENE 2. Saul, with his servants, is on his way to Damascus. SCENE 3. They are near the city of Damascus, and suddenly a bright light from heaven shines upon Saul, and they all fall to the ground. SCENE 4. Saul’s servants are leading him into the city of Damascus, to the home of Judas, because he cannot see. SCENE 5. Ananias is laying his hands on Saul, so that through the power of Jesus he may receive his sight. SCENE 6. Saul is in the synagogue preaching the gospel he once hated. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 203 MINISTRY OF SAUL AND PETER Acts 9:23-43 He which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith —Galatians 1:23 SCENE 1. Saul’s friends are letting “him down by the wall in a basket.” SCENE 2. Peter is saying to the man with the palsy, "Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed.” SCENE 3. Dorcas is lying dead in her room, and the women are showing Peter some of the many garments she had made for the poor. SCENE 4. Peter is praying that Dorcas may be restored to life. SCENE 5. The Lord heard his prayer, and the people are rejoicing over the restoration of their friend. 204 MIDGET PICTURES CORNELIUS AND PETER Acts 10:1-23 Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God—Acts 10:4 SCENE 1. Cornelius is praying. An angel has come to tell him what to do. SCENE 2. Cornelius is telling two of his servants what the heavenly messenger told him to do. He is giving them orders to go to Joppa to find Peter. SCENE 3. Peter is on the housetop praying. A sheet is coming down from heaven filled with all manner of beasts and creeping things. This was to teach Peter that he must carry the gospel to all men, and not to Jews only. SCENE 4. Peter is meeting the servants of Cornelius at the door. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 205 THE GOSPEL GIVEN TO THE GENTILES; MEMBERS BAPTIZED Acts 10:24-48 God is no respecter of persons—Acts 10:34 SCENE 1. Peter, with six Jewish brethren and the servants of Cornelius, is on his way to Caesarea. SCENE 2. Cornelius meets Peter and :s about to worship him, believing him to be a messenger sent by God. SCENE 3. Cornelius and his family, relatives, and friends, are ready to hear what Peter has to tell them. SCENE 4. Peter says that all who believe should be baptized. They go to a stream and he baptizes them. \ 206 MIDGET PICTURES PETER TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE; THE GOSPEL REACHES ANTIOCH Acts 11 The hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed—Acts 11:21 SCENE I. Peter is before (he brethren in Jerusalem relating his experience in regard to the vision given him, and how Cornelius and his household accepted the gospel. SCENE 2. The believers who had to leave Jerusalem because of persecution are going everywhere preaching the gospel. SCENE 3. Barnabas is in Tarsus asking Paul to come to Antioch to help him. It was at Antioch that the followers of Christ were first called Christians. SCENE 4. Paul and Barnabas are i:i the temple preaching. Many have come to hear them. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 207 DEATH OF JAMES; PETER DELIVERED FROM PRISON Acts 12 The Lord is my helper—Hebrews 13:6 SCENE 1. Peter is in prison, peacefully sleeping between two soldiers. Other soldiers are guarding the prison. SCENE 2. The believers are praying earnestly for Peter’s deliverance. SCENE 3. The angel is leading Peter out of prison. The soldiers are fast asleep. SCENE 4. Peter is knocking at the door of the house where the believers have gathered to pray for him. 208 MIDGET PICTURES BEGINNING OF PAUL’S FIRST MISSIONARY JOURNEY Acts 13 The way of the ungodly shall perish—Psalms 1:6 SCENE 1. Paul and Barnabas are being set apart for foreign missionary work. SCENE 2. Paul and Barnabas are leaving Antioch for the different places they are to visit. On the wharf are friends saying good-by. SCENE 3. Elymas is struck blind because he tried to keep the ruler of the island from hearing the gospel. SCENE 4. Paul is preaching in the synagogue; a large number have come to hear him. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 209 PAUL AND BARNABAS AT ICONIUM, LYSTRA, AND DERBE Acts 14 Ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God—Acts 14:15 SCENE 1. Among the people at Lystra is a man who has never walked. He is listening eagerly to everything Paul has to say. Paul is pointing to him and saying, “Stand upright on thy feet.” SCENE 2. The lame man is healed. The people are so astonished that they think Paul and Barnabas are gods. They want to do them special honor, but Paul and Barnabas will not permit them. SCENE 3. Paul is cast out of the city of Lystra and stoned until the people think he is dead. They are returning to the city, while Paul’s friends, weeping with sorrow, stay by to see if they can help him. SCENE 4. Paul and Barnabas are back in Antioch, and are telling how wonderfully God has blessed them in their work. 210 MIDGET PICTURES THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM; PAUL’S SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEY Acts 15 to 16:12 Come over into Macedonia, and help us—Acts 16:9 SCENE 1. The “false brethren” from Judea are saying that the Gentiles cannot be saved unless they observe all the laws of Moses. SCENE 2. Paul and Barnabas, with some of the other apostles, are on their way to Jerusalem. SCENE 3. The apostles are having a meeting. James is telling them what the Spirit of the Lord has indicated they should do. SCENE 4. Peter tells the apostles that the forms which some of the Jews wanted the Gentile Christians to observe are a yoke too heavy to bear. SCENE 5. While Paul is asleep he sees a man from Macedonia, saying, “Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” SCENE 6. Paul and Silas are on their way to Macedonia to preach the gospel. < ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 211 PAUL AND SILAS AT PHILIPPI; A JAILER CONVERTED Acts 16:12-40 Belieie on the Lord Jesus Christ—Acts 16:31 SCENE 1. Paul and Silas are talking to the women at the riverside. SCENE 2. The woman with an evil spirit is following Paul and Silas. SCENE 3. Paul and Silas are arrested and brought before the officers of the city for trial. SCENE 4. The officers have beaten Paul and Silas and are putting them in prison, with their feet in the stocks. SCENE 5. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, and the doors were shaken open. The jailer is saying to Paul ajid Silas, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” SCENE 6. The jailer is washing the bleeding backs of Paul and Silas. The jailer and his family were baptized. 212 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL AND SILAS AT THESSALONICA AND BEREA Acts 17:1-15 Search the Scriptures—John 5:39 SCENE 1. Paul and Silas are in the synagogue in Thessa-lonica. Paul is preaching. The Jews who did not believe became angry, and began to make trouble. A mob of rough men went at night to the home of a good man where Paul and Silas were staying, but they could not find them. SCENE 2. Some of the believers are taking Paul and Silas by night and sending them away, for fear they will be killed by their enemies. SCENE 3. Just as the Bereans studied their Bibles daily, so should we. A great many of these noble men and women believed the gospel. SCENE 4. Some men from Thessalonica have come to Berea to make trouble. Some of the brethren are again sending Paul and Silas away so no harm will come to them. These men were faithful to God in all their trials. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 213 PAUL AT ATHENS Acts 17:16-34 He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things—Acts 17:25 SCENE 1. Paul is in the city of Athens. Everywhere he sees the people bowing down to idols. He is very sorry for all these people who know nothing of the true God, and he wishes to help them. There is one altar in the city with the words, “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD,” written on it. Paul says he wishes to tell them of this God whom they do not know. SCENE 2. Paul is preaching in the synagogue. He also preached in the market place and wherever he could get the people to listen. SCENE 3. The men of Athens led Paul to Mars’ Hill. He is standing on the steps, telling them about the true God. SCENE 4. Paul, with a few men who believe what he said, is leaving the crowd which gathered at Mars’ Hill. 214 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL AT CORINTH Acts 18:1-22 I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee—Acts 18:10 SCENE 1. Aquila and Priscilla and Paul are making tents, to earn money for their living. SCENE 2. It is the Sabbath, and Paul is preaching to the people in the synagogue. SCENE 3. Those who believe on Jesus are being baptized. SCENE 4. The Jews have arrested Paul and brought him before Judge Gallio. They are telling him what Paul has been doing. Judge Gallio is saying, “If it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.” SCENE 5. Paul is leaving for Jerusalem, to visit the church. The believers at Ephesus have come to say good-by to him. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 215 PAUL AND APOLLOS AT EPHESUS Acts 18:23 to 19:20 The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified—Acts 19:17 ) SCENE 1. Apollos is in the synagogue preaching. Aquila and Priscilla are there too. Apollos knew only the message that John the Baptist had preached. SCENE 2. Aquila and Priscilla take Apollos home with them. They are teaching him more fully about Jesus and His death and resurrection. Apollos was glad to hear these things. SCENE 3. The people are bringing their sick for Paul to heal. SCENE 4. The Ephesians have built a bonfire and are burning all their books of magic and fortunetelling. 216 MIDGET PICTURES TROUBLE AT EPHESUS Acts 19:21-41 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image—Exodus 20:4 SCENE 1. Paul is sending two of his helpers to Macedonia. SCENE 2. Demetrius has called a meeting of his fellow workmen. The preaching of Faul is affecting their business. They are shouting, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians.” SCENE 3. A large crowd has gathered in the theater. Some of the men are taking Paul’s companions. SCENE 4. The town clerk is telling the people to be quiet. If Demetrius had anything against Paul, he should have come before the court in an orderly way. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 217 PAUL JOURNEYS TOWARD JERUSALEM Acts 20 \ It is more blessed to give than to receive—Acts 20:35 SCENE 1. Paul is having a midnight meeting in Troas before leaving for Assos. Eutychus is sitting in the window. He becomes sleepy and falls to the ground. Paul goes down and by the power of God restores him to life, and then continues his sermon. SCENE 2. The ship on which are Paul’s friends is sailing to Assos, where they expect to meet Paul. Paul is walking across the country to meet them. SCENE 3. The elders from Ephesus have come to Miletus to see Paul. When he gets through talking to them, they all kneel down and pray, Paul for them, and they for him. SCENE 4. They are saying good-by to Paul before he goes aboard the ship. 218 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL’S THIRD JOURNEY ENDS Acts 21:1-17 God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ—Galatians 6:14 SCENE 1. The ship on which Paul sailed, is stopping at Tyre. The men are unloading its cargo, while Paul and his companions are going in search of the believers. SCENE 2. They find the believers, who express great joy at seeing Paul and his companions. SCENE 3. Paul and the other missionaries are in the home of Philip at Caesarea. The prophet Agabus took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle.” Paul’s friends beg him not to go to Jerusalem. SCENE 4. Paul and his companions have arrived at Jerusalem. The brethren receive them gladly. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 219 PAUL ARRESTED IN THE TEMPLE Acts 21:18*40 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake —Matthew 5:10 \ SCENE 1. Paul is telling the apostle James and the other elders in Jerusalem about the Lord’s work in the different places where he has been. His fellow laborers have brought the gifts the believers have sent to the pocr brethren in Jerusalem. SCENE 2. Paul is in the temple. As soon as some of the Jews see him, they begin to cry out that he is teaching men everywhere against the law. SCENE 3. The Jews dragged Paul outside of the temple and are beating him. The chief captain has come with a band of soldiers to rescue him. SCENE 4. Paul is standing on the castle stairs talking to the people. 220 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL ON THE CASTLE STAIRS Acts 22 Love one another, as I have loved you—John 15:12 SCENE 1. Paul is standing on the castle stairs, rehearsing what took place when he was on the way to Damascus, and the change it made in his life. SCENE 2. The people are yelling, “Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live.’’ They cried out, cast off their outer clothing, and threw dust into the air, to show how angry they were. SCENE 3. The soldiers have brought Paul back into the castle. The chief captain is telling the men to whip Paul, to make him confess that he is in the wrong. Paul is saying, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?” SCENE 4. The soldiers are taking Paul the next day to appear before the council. / ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 221 PAUL BEFORE THE COUNCIL; A PLOT MADE KNOWN Acts 23 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble—Psalms 46:1 SCENE 1. Paul’s nephew is telling him about the plot forty men have laid to take his life. Paul sends the lad to the chief captain to tell him of the plans laid by the Jews. SCENE 2. Captain Lysias is giving orders to his centurions to get ready quickly and take Paul to Felix in Caesarea, guarded by soldiers. SCENE 3. Paul is on his way to Caesarea, accompanied by soldiers. SCENE 4. The soldiers have reached the home of Felix, and are taking Paul in to see him. 222 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL ACCUSED BEFORE FELIX; PAUL SPEAKS IN DEFENSE Acts 24 When 1 have a convenient season, 1 will call for thee—Acts 24:25 SCENE 1. Paul has been brought before Felix for trial. Ter-tullus is telling what a wicked man Paul is and the crimes he has committed. SCENE 2. When Tertullus was through talking, Governor Felix told Paul he might speak for himself. Paul is telling them that the things of which he has been accused are not true. SCENE 3. Felix is saying to Paul, “When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will know the uttermost of your matter.” SCENE 4. Paul is telling Felix and Drusilla the gospel story. I ) ' . :, _ ; ' ■. ' v - . ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 223 PAUL BEFORE FESTUS Acts 25 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye—1 Peter 4:14 SCENE 1. Festus has come to Jerusalem, and the Jews are telling him about Parul. SCENE 2. As soon as Festus returned to Caesarea, he had Paul brought before him. Paul’s enemies have come to witness against him. They say many things against him which they cannot prove. SCENE 3. King Agrippa and Bernice, his sister and queen, have come to the home of Festus for a visit. Festus is telling the king about Paul. Agrippa said he very much wished to see and hear Paul. SCENE 4. Festus is on his throne, with King Agrippa and Bernice. Paul is standing before them, with soldiers on each side of him. 224 MIDGET PICTURES PAUL BEFORE AGRIPPA Acts 26 Behold, now is the day of salvation—2 Corinthians 6:2 SCENE 1. Paul is before Governor Festus and King Agrippa and Bernice. He is telling them how the Lord spoke to him while he was on his way to persecute the Christians. SCENE 2. Paul tells Festus and Agrippa and Bernice about the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that it was for Jesus’ sake that he wns bound with chains and treated as a criminal. SCENE 3. Festus is saying, “Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad. ’ Paul replied courteously, "I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth.” SCENE 4. Festus and King Agrippa are leaving the room. They are saying, “This man doeth nothing worthy of death or of bonds.” ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 225 THE VOYAGE TO ROME Acts 27 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them—Psalms 34:7 SCENE 1. Paul and the other prisoners are being led to the ship that is to take them to Rome. SCENE 2. The boat stopped at Sidon. Paul was given opportunity to visit the Christians here. They were glad to welcome him to their home. They urge him to take refreshments so he will be better able to stand the journey. SCENE 3. A storm came on soon after they left the harbor at Fair Havens. The passengers are greatly frightened. They are throwing overboard the wheat and everything they can spare, in order to lighten the ship. The Lord told Paul not to fear, for the lives of all on board would be saved. SCENE 4. The storm tore the ship to pieces. Some could swim, and those who could not reached the shore on broken pieces of the ship. 8 226 MIDGET PICTURES ON THE ISLAND; AT ROME Acta 28 I have fought a good fight—2 Tirnothy 4:7 SCENE 1. Paul is carrying stkks for the fire so that all can get warm and dry tneir clothes. Some of the people on the island have come down to help them. SCENE 2. Captain Julius, with Paul and Luke, and the rest of the company, is getting ready to take the boat going to Rome. The people of the island gave them many things. SCENE 3. After the ship went as far as it could, the company got off and walked the rest of the way. At Appii Forum, some of Paul’s friends met him. He was glad to see them. SCENE 4. Captain Julius turned Paul over to the prison guard in Rome. Paul is chained to a soldier. A number of the Jews have come to hear what Paul has to tell them. He is telling them why he is a prisoner. Topical Studies "Search the Scriptures” John 5:39 ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 229 THE BEGINNING OF SIN Sin is the transgression of the law—1 John 3:4 SCENE 1. This star makes us think of Satan when he was one of the chief angels in heaven. His name was Lucifer, which means day-star. In the Bible he is called “that old serpent.” SCENE 2. Satan and the evil angels are being cast out of heaven. SCENE 3. Eve is standing by the forbidden tree, and Satan in the form of a serpent is trying to get her to do what God said she should not do. SCENE 4. Satan is telling Jesus that if He will fall down and worship him, he will give Him all the kingdoms of the world. 230 MIDGET PICTURES THE END OF SIN Behold, 1 make all things new—Revelation 21:5 SCENE 1. Fire will come down from heaven and burn up everything that is evil. SCENE 2. This helps us to think of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven. It is to be the capital city of the new earth. SCENE 3. In the new earth the lions and the lambs and the bears will play toge:her. Little children will play with them and will not be afraid. SCENE 4. These people are kicking fruit from the tree of life. These houses make us think of the mansions Jesus is preparing for those who love Him. In the new earth there will be no sorrow, no parting from friends TOPICAL STUDIES 231 THE COMING OF THE LORD JESUS I will come again, and receive you unto Myself—John 14:3 SCENE 1. Jesus told His disciples that He was going away to prepare mansions for them. SCENE 2. Jesus ascended to heaven. The disciples watched Him as He disappeared from their view. Two angels told them that this same Jesus would come again. SCENE 3. Jesus is coming again. All the heavenly angels will be with Him. The sleeping saints will rise from their graves. The saints will look up, and say, "Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us.” The wicked will call for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them. 232 MIDGET PICTURES SIGNS OF THE COMING OF JESUS There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars—Luke 21:25 SCENE 1. This helps us to think of the time when the sun was darkened, and the moon did not give its usual light, and the stars fell from heaven. SCENE 2. Jesus said before the end there would be earthquakes, storms by land and by sea. SCENE 3, These people are quarreling, the children are fighting, some are running away from home. Before the end, the people who do not love Jesus become very wicked. SCENE 4. This is a missionary teaching the people about Jesus and His soon coming. TOPICAL STUDIES 233 A WONDERFUL THOUSAND YEARS Blessed attd holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection —Revela Hon 20:6 SCENE 1. Jesus is coming in the clouds with the holy angels. SCENE 2. Satan is alive during the thousand years. Around him are the wicked dead. " ' SATAN 3. The wicked dead are raised to life at the end of the thousand years. Satan gathers them from all parts of the world for the last great battle. The saints are safe within the city of God. SCENE 4. Satan and the wicked of all ages surround the heavenly city. They think they are strong enough to overcome God and Jesus and the saints; but fire comes down from God out of Jieaven and burns them up. Jesus and the saints are safe in the city of God. c - ■ 234 MIDGET PICTURES THE LAW OF GOD Fear God and keep His commandments—Ecclesiastes 12:13 SCENE 1. The people have gathered before Mount Sinai to hear God speak His law. SCENE 2. God came down on the mountain in a thick cloud and spoke His law. The Bible says that He gave Moses two tables of stone on which He Himself had written the Ten Commandments. SCENE 3. The Lord wants to write His law in our hearts, so we shall delight to serve Him. The law of God is holy, just, and good. SCENE 4. Jesus and the angels are going over the books of heaven to see how many have kept His holy law. We can keep the law only by trusting in Jesus. TOPICAL STUDIES 235 THE SABBATH Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy—Exodus 20:8 SCENE 1. The children of Israel gathered manna early in the morning. On Friday they 'were to gather twice as much as on other days, so they would have enough for Sabbath. * SCENE 2. Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath and taught the people. SCENE 3. Paul and Barnabas are teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath This was many years after Jesus had gone back to heaven. SCENE 4. Because Jesus kept the Sabbath holy, the Bible says, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.” This little girl is choosing whom she will follow. 236 MIDGET PICTURES ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THE SABBATH We ought to obey God rather than men—Acts 5:29 SCENE 1. Daniel was put into a den of lions because he worshiped God instead of a heathen king. He was there all one night, but the lions did not hurt him. SCENE 2. Early the next morning when the king came to see whether he was still alive, Daniel said, “My God hath sent His angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me.” SCENE 3. This shows what God says about which day is the Sabbath, and what day men say we should keep. We must each decide for ourselves whether we will obey God or man. TOPICAL STUDIES 237 HOW TO KEEP THE SABBATH Turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, . . . then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord—Isaiah 58:13,14 SCENE 1. It is Friday, and mother is doing the necessary cooking for the Sabbath. Her little girl is helping her; the little boy is helping too, by bringing in wood. SCENE 2. The baths have been taken, clothes got ready, and shoes polished. SCENE 3. The sun is setting, and the Sabbath is drawing on. Father and mother and the children are ready to welcome it. SCENE 4. Father and mother with the children are out in the woods where they can think of God’s wonderful works and His great love. SCENE 5. These people are on their way to Sabbath school. SCENE 6. We can honor the Sabbath by visiting the sick and doing deeds of kindness. This little girl is taking flowers to a sick woman. We have also a picture of a family studying the Sabbath school lesson. s 238 MIDGET PICTURES THE SLEEP OF DEATH The dead know not anything—Ecclesiastes 9:5 SCENE 1. Jesus, with Peter, James, and John, is in the home of Jairus. Jesus went to the bedside of the little girl, “took her by the hand, and called, saying, Maid, arise.” And she arose. SCENE 2. Jesus is at the tomb of Lazarus, who has been dead four days. Mary and Martha are weeping bitterly. Jesus told the men to roll away the stone from the grave. Then he called with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” And Lazarus heard and arose. SCENE 3. The only son of a widow of the city of Nain died. The mother is weeping over her beloved dead. Jesus stopped them, touched the bier, and told the young man to arise. He did so, and Jesus gave him alive to his mother. SCENE 4. Jesus is coming in the clouds with all His holy angels. The righteous dead hear His voice and are raised to life. Then they with the righteous living are caught up in the air to meet Jesus. TOPICAL STUDIES 239 THE JUDGMENT God shall bring every ivork into judgment—Ecclesiastes 12:14 SCENE 1. This mother is writing down in a book some of the things she wishes to remember to do. SCENE 2. God keeps record books in which are written the things we do. SCENE 3. It is harvesttime. The wheat is being gathered into the barns, but the tares are being burned. This man is directing the work. The wheat represents God’s children, and the tares those who are doing Satan’s work. SCENE 4. This reminds us of the New Jerusalem, and Jesus is saying to the saved, “Come.” 240 MIDGET PICTURES ORDINANCES OF THE LORD’S HOUSE This do in remembrance of Me—Luke 22:19 SCENE 1. This minister is baptizing in a river. The people are singing. SCENE 2. Jesus is meeting with His disciples in a room by themselves. They talk awhile, then Jesus takes a basin of water and a towel, and goes to each disciple and washes his feet. He does this to show them how much He loves them and is willing to do for them, and He says that they should love one another in the same way. SCENE 3. Jesus ate the Lord’s supper with His disciples. As Jesus passed the bread and wine to the disciples, He said, “This do in remembrance of Me.” We call this the Lord’s supper. TOPICAL STUDIES 241 TITHES AND OFFERINGS Honor the Lord with thy substance—Proverbs 3:9 SCENE 1. The Lord says that the tithe is holy and belongs to Him. If we earn ten cents or have that amount given to us, one cent belongs to the Lord, and should be laid aside for His work. SCENE 2. If we have ten little chickens, one out of the ten belongs to the Lord. We should give the best we have to Him. SCENE 3. The people have come to Jerusalem with offerings of sheep, grain, and fruits. The king is receiving these gifts. The Lord asks us to bring offerings to Sabbath school and church for Him. In this way we are helping in the Lord’s work. 242 MIDGET PICTURES SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet—Psalms 119:105 SCENE 1. If we study the Bible every day, we shall be able to say, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” SCENE 2. Jesus is in the temple listening to the wise teachers, and asking them questions. The teachers are surprised because Jesus knows so much of the Bible. Jesus studied the Scriptures when a child, and He learned many verses from the Word of God. SCENE 3. This mother is teaching her children the Sabbath school lesson from the Bible. We ought to store the words of the Bible in our hearts, for they will come to our minds and will keep us from wrongdoing. TOPICAL STUDIES 243 PRAYER Our Father which art in heaven—Matthew 6:9 SCENE 1. This mother is hearing her little child pray to the heavenly Father. SCENE 2. Peter is being led out of prison by an angel from heaven. The believers are praying for him. SCENE 3. Paul and Silas are praying in prison, with their feet in the stocks. In answer to their prayer, the prison walls are shaken, and they are set free. SCENE 4. Daniel is in the den of lions. He prays, and the Lord keeps the hungry lions from harming him. 244 MIDGET PICTURES VICTORY THROUGH FAITH Have faith in God—Mark 11:22 SCENE 1. By faith in God’s power, Moses raised his rod over the Red Sea, and it parted. The children of Israel are crossing over on dry land. SCENE 2. The friends of the sick man are letting him down through the roof of the house, because they believe Jesus can make him well if only he can get near Him. SCENE 3. If we have God’s Word written in our hearts, we shall be kept from being overcome by sin. We can gain victories in the Christian life only through faith. TOPICAL STUDIES 245 THE HOLY SPIRIT I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter—John 14:16 SCENE 1. Jesus is telling the disciples that when He leaves them He will send the Comforter to be with them. SCENE 2. The disciples and believers are in the “upper room’’ praying for the Holy Spirit. SCENE 3. The Lord sent the Holy Spirit, and the disciples went everywhere preaching the gospel. Peter is preaching to a great many people. Jesus has promised to give the Holy Spirit in these days to all who are trying to serve Him. We should pray continually to be led by the Spirit of God. 246 MIDGET PICTURES ) ' - . : THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT Ye shall know them by thehr fruits—Matthew 7:16 SCENE 1. This shows different kinds of fruit. SCENE 2. This tree tells us the names of the fruit which Christians should bear. SCENE 3. These little children are poor and do not have much good food to eat. This little girl is giving them some of the good things she has. She is growing the fruit of love on her character tree. SCENE 4. These people are sick, and this mother and her little girl have brought some pretty flowers to cheer them. TOPICAL STUDIES 247 TRIALS All things work together for good to them that love God —Romans 8:28 SCENE. Peter is trying to walk on the water. He got along all right until he took his eyes off of Jesus. Then he began to sink. The waves of the sea make us think of the trials and troubles of life. Many people look only at these, and forget to look to the loving Jesus who is always ready to help. Peter cried to Jesus for help, and at once Jesus held out His hand to him, and kept him from going down into the angry waters. He will listen to our cry when we call to Him, and the waves of trouble and sorrow and disappointment will not overcome us. 248 MIDGET PICTURES PATIENCE; POWER OF THE TONGUE Let us run with patience the race that is set before us—Hebrews 12:1 SCENE 1. A messenger has come to tell Job about the terrible thing that has happened to his sons and daughters, as well as to his cattle. SCENE 2. The steersman can turn the ship “about with a very small helm.’’ The tongue is harder to control. SCENE 3. “We put bits in the horses’ mouths that they may obey us.” SCENE 4. These children have entered the Christian race. If they keep their eyes on Jesus, they will win. TOPICAL STUDIES 249 REVERENCE IN THE HOUSE OF GOD Reverence My sanctuary: I am the Lord—Leviticus 26:2 SCENE 1. These people are in church on the Sabbath. All are sitting quietly and listening to the minister. The little children are sitting quietly, too. SCENE 2. Jacob is asleep on the ground. The angels are going up and down on this ladder. When Jacob awoke, he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” SCENE 3. This is the tabernacle in the wilderness, where the children of Israel worshiped. SCENE 4. Jesus is driving out of the temple those who bought and sold in it. He said, “My house shall be called the house of prayer.” 250 MIDGET PICTURES GOD’S CARE FOR US He careth for you—1 Peter 5:7 SCENE 1. Jesus is sitting on a mountainside talking to the people who have gathered about Him. He is saying, “Behold the fowls of the air: . . . your heavenly Father feedeth them.” SCENE 2. The Lord teaches the mother hen how to care for her little chicks. SCENE 3. Elijah is here alone. The Lord is sending him food by a raven. SCENE 4. This mother and her little children are very poor. The Lord has put it in the heart of this woman to bring some food and clothing for them. If we trust the Lord, He will provide that which is needful for us. TOPICAL STUDIES 251 OBEDIENCE I delight to do Thy will, O My God—Psalms 40:8 SCENE 1. Jesus is helping Joseph by obediently doing what He is asked to do. Jesus obeyed Joseph and Mary in all things. By honoring our parents we honor the Lord. SCENE 2. These children are playing. The mother of one little girl is calling her to come and help her; she obeys at once. SCENE 3. Those who just listen to God’s Word but do not obey are like the house built on the sand. When a storm came, it fell. SCENE 4. Jesus said that those who hear His Word and obey His commandments are like the house built on the rock. No matter how severe the storm, no damage is done to it. These stories teach us that God cannot bless us when we do not obey His Word. 252 MIDGET PICTURES TRUE TEMPERANCE Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God”—l Corinthians 10:31 SCENE 1. The Lord has given us grains, fruits, and nuts for our food, because they give us greater strength than other foods. He wants us to honor Him in our eating and drinking. SCENE 2, Daniel and his three companions do not wish to eat anything that will weaken their bodies. Daniel is asking the king’s steward to let them have simple food and water. SCENE 3. The wine is a pretty color in the glass, and some men love to drink it. But it is dangerous, and the Bible says that at last it will bite like a serpent. SCENE 4. This is a fountain of pure water. See the children drinking. There is nothing else so good to drink as pure water. TOPICAL STUDIES 253 LET THE LIGHT SHINE Ye are the light of the world—Matthew 5:14 SCENE 1. A lighthouse sends its light out over the sea and helps the captain of the boat to keep away from the dangerous rocks. SCENE 2. Jesus is telling the people that He is the light of the world. He helps us to keep away from the rocks of sin. SCENE 3. The Bible sheds the light of God’s Word into our hearts. SCENE 4. A woman and her little girl are taking food to a very poor family. In this way they are letting their light shine. There is a song which says that we should shine, “you in your corner, I in mine.” 154 MIDGET PICTURES JESUS LOVES THE CHILDREN Suffer little children to come unto Me—Luke 18:16 SCENE. Paul and Mary love Jesus. They go to Sabbath school and listen to their teacher. The teacher had a book of pictures. It was this very book. They liked this book so well that their mother bought them one for their very own. They use it only on Sabbath afternoon. The name of this book is Midget Pictures of Bible Siories. We wish all the little children had this book. Mother can read the stories from the Bible, and the children can then tell the stories from the pictures. Those who are old enough can draw the pictures. The ladies who made this book and the kind gentleman who drew the pictures send their love to all the children.