12 THE HUNTSVILLE SCHOOL but to bring others to Him, who, when the redeemed are gathered home, will be among those who will cast their glittering crowns at the feet of the Redeemer, and fill all heaven with rich music. These ransomed ones will exclaim, *“ Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and that sitteth upon the throne;” and then they will go to the ones who spoke to them the words which brought them into right relation to God, and will say, "It was your influence, through Christ, that led me to accept the truth of heavenly origin.” “Work out your own salvation with {fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” You are to fear lest you make a mistake, and lead others to follow a wrong example. Whatever you do, it is to show the fidelity which God acknowledges. God has given to every man his work, and He puts His stamp on all work that is genuine. But spurious work is of no value in His sight. Everything is to be done with thoroughness. There is to be no sham work. If you will do thorough work here, your education will be worth double to you in after life what it would if you should leave school with a de- fective education, not having done thorough work. The Lord says, “ Work out your own salvation.” How are you to do this? — By doing the very things He wants vou to do, that you may become intelligent in His service. He has given you talents to be im- proved. He has bestowed on the colored race some of the best and highest talents. You have precious opportunities in this school, and we want you to do your level best yourselves in’ COUNSEL TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 13 gaining a fitness for service. We want you to learn how to educate the minds and hands of others, so that they in turn can lead still others to Christ, and receive a crown of rejoicing. You are to be patient, kind, gentle, and yet strong for the right. You are to place your feet on the platform of eternal truth,— the platform that no storm or tempest can sweep away. Do you ask what this platform is? —1It is the law of God. He says that if you will keep His commandments, you shall be a kingdom of priests, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. God wants us to be planted in Christ. Then we shall be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Then at last we shall see the King in His beauty, and be- hold His matchless charms. We are preparing to enter the holy city. Keep this thought in mind all the time. There is a heaven of bliss before us. Keep thinking of this. And there is a joy that we may have in Christ, even in this world. To those who keep His commandments He savs, “ My joy shall be in you, and your joy shall be full.” “Keep His commandments and live, and His law as the apple of thine eye.” May God bless vou all. If I never see you again on this earth, I hope that I shall see you in the king- dom of God. The Huntsville school farm is a most beautiful place, and with its three hundred and more acres of land, should accomplish much in the line of industrial training and the raising of crops. Heavenly angels