PRINCIPLES TO LIVE BY ® A rule, law or requirement is limited in scope and application. For example, laws which apply to the people in one area may not apply to those in another. Diplomatic immunity allows certain people to do things forbidden to others. A principle is universal and does not allow special privileges or diplomatic immunity. ® A rule, law or requirement is always subject to amend- ment or elimination. A principle cannot be changed or dis- carded. Its only change is in its application to meet a specific situation. SITUATIONS CHANGE — PRINCIPLES NEVER CHANGE As stewards, we are endowed with mental, physical and moral capabilities. These must be developed and combined into an intangible we call character. This character is the only thing we will take, in its acceptable form, from this earth to the next. Therefore, these capabilities must be perfected through the power of choice — the choice and application of principles to specific situations. It is this consideration, de- cision and implementation that form the foundation and growth of character. It was to this end that God formed man a free, moral agent —a person who could recognize his capabilities and develop them to the glory of his Creator; a person who would be able to return love as he was loved. Such men were to take their places in the heavenly family as contributors to the celestial happiness. To accomplish this divine purpose, a man must recognize his origin and his God-given appointment as a manager over the things with which he has been entrusted. Dominion calls for individual decision and action — therefore, God gave man great, guiding principles to live by.