ELAD4-UTa4 Construction Continues on Campground Auditorium At the time of the constituency meeting last May it was voted to erect an open-air auditorium on the campgrounds at Hobble Creek Canyon near Springville, Utah. This would replace the main meeting tent which had served for many years and is now nearing the end of its usefulness. Pastor H. E. Darby, who is pastoring the Truckee Church, is leading out in the erection of this auditorium. Work has been pro- gressing for about two months and hopefully the roof will be on the building before the winter weather sets in. The foundation is in, most of Grace Mcleod Teaches Cooking Recently Grace McLeod con- ducted a cooking school at the Highland Square church in Las Vegas as a community service primarily to instruct new members in the preparation of healthful diets. She was assisted by Virginia Griffin, the director of the local community services center. Not only did members attend but they brought others who were not Adventists who shared in this venture. LAT REST Allred, Mamie Bell—b. May 16, 1892, Jamesport, Mo.; d. Sept. 22, 1979, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sons, Reuben B., Luther J., Paul E., Noah A., Joseph D.; sisters, Minnie Mc- Craw, Scottie Rountree; grandchil- dren; great-grandchildren; great- great-grandchildren. Baldwin, Louise—b. Sept. 7, 1893, Parkersburg, Ia.; d. Sept. 15, 1979, Deer Park, Calif. Survivors: stepsons, Carl, Roland, Gerald Baldwin; step- daughters, Doris Miller; sister, Nellie Venden; brother, Otto E. Schnepper. Barnes, Kerry Randall—b. 1948; d. Aug. 22, 1979, Indio, Calif. Sur- vivors: wife, Jo Ann; daughters, Christy, Erika; parents, Travis and Jean Barnes; brother, Danny. Bradbury, Harold Bert—b. 1953, Hemet, Calif.; d. Aug. 22, 1979, In- dio, Calif. Survivors: wife, Sherry; daughter, Polly; parents, Bud and Ruth Bradbury; brother, Bob; sister, Linda Bradbury. Briggs, Fred Conley—b. Sept. 25, 1896, St. Paul, Minn.; d. Sept. 16, 1979, Yuba City, Calif. Survivors: wife, ldellia; daughter, Gladys Quistini; son, Jim; brother, Hal Close; sisters, Hazel Cleveland, Darlene Rhoades; aunt, Gladys Heany; 3 grandchildren. Kalani, Julia P.—b. Feb. 21, 1907, Honolulu, Hawaii; d. Oct. 1, 1979, Honolulu. Survivors: son, William M.; daughters, Hattie Apo, Ethel Samalino, Juliette Lasamosa; sisters, Martha Dye, May Achong, Nancy Zalopathy, Phebe Kauhane; brother, Robert Punohu; 11 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren. Kirkwood, Eva Hazel—b. Feb. 14, 1888, Peru, Ind.; d. Oct. 11, 1979, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Betty Dean, Evangeline Placial; son, Comdr. Warren; grand- children, John Dean, Richard Dean, Cheryl Placial, Julie Kelly, Lori Placial, Chuck Placial, Mike Kirkwood, Chris Kirkwood; great- grandchildren, Todd, Kari and Angela Dean. Krieger, Elizabeth—b. July 20, 1880, Shafer, Kans.; d. July 14, 1979, Pasadena, Calif. Survivors: son, Robert; daughter, Mrs. Walter Byron Crawford; sister, Mrs. Fred Young; 2 grandsons. Lane, Eli—b. Sept. 23, 1886, Carmi, Ill.; d. Sept. 22, 1979, San Bernar- dino, Calif. Survivors: wife, Nellie; son, Rothman; daughter, Mildred Williams. He was a teacher at Oak- wood College and instrumental in 6 Mrs. McLeod supplied those present with mimeographed sheets of recipes and statements from the Spirit of Prophecy regarding healthful diets. The cooking class lasted for six consecutive sessions with an av- erage attendance of 33 persons. When the graduation exercises were held, 35 people received the “Health, Nutrition, and Food Preparation Certificates.”’ Virginia Griffin Clothing Needed for Distribution by SAWS A great need for clothing has been expressed by the General Conference Seventh-day Advent- ist World Service office. Thus all community service workers are encouraged to be diligent in collecting and packing clothing for use in supplying these needs. Local community service units are intended first to help local people, yet the world outlet is something that gives local church- es an opportunity to do much good for all mankind. Two warehouses, one on the East Coast and one on the West Coast, serve the world field. Cooperation will make these warehouses channels through which blessings can flow out to serve the needy places of the world. Lay Activities Dept. starting churches in Tucson, Ariz., and San Bernardino, Calif. Law, Edith M.—b. Aug. 12, 1877, Battle Creek, Mich.; d. Sept. 11, 1979, Angwin, Calif. Survivors: sons, Wilton, Russell; daughters, Ivalyn Biloff, Irma Offenback, Wilma Dor- ward. She served as a missionary nurse in China for 15 years. Leer, Sibyl—b. June S, 1906, San Jose, Calif.; d. Oct. 21, 1979, Loma Linda, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Isabel E. Van Tassell; sister, Maxine Friedrich; 6 grandchildren; 8 great- grandchildren. Parrish, David Eugene—b. April 13, 1959, Roanoke, Va.; d. Oct. 13, 1979, Lancaster, Calif. Survivors: parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Foehl; sister, Mrs. Clifford Hickethier; brothers, Devin Parrish, Allen and Andrew Bartekey. Pullen, Bertha May—b. Nov. 1, 1894, Mo.; d. Oct. 9, 1979, Temple City, Calif. Survivors: husband, Glen: sons, Floyd, Neal, Norman; sister, Mary Billingsley. Woodruff, Vesta Jane—b. July 20, 1887, Milton, Oreg.; d. Oct. 25, 1979, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: daugh- ter, Helen Morel; grandchildren, Delbert Morel, Claudia Martin; 4 great-grandchildren. the blocks are laid, and next it is planned to erect the arches, then move ahead with the roofing. This auditorium will provide a more comfortable meeting place and storage for tents and other camp-meeting supplies. The structure is being built of wood, glue-lined beams with a shake roof, which will just fit into that area of the campgrounds. Work that cannot be completed this fall will be finished in time for camp meeting June 23-28. Elder Darby has been assisted by his brother and Tom Mc- Meekin, along with additional help by folk at the Smith Ranch. The building is being con- structed with Conference develop- ment funds. You will notice a line on your tithe envelope for Con- ference Development. Between now and the end of the year, every member is urged to contribute something to this worth-while project. This fund is intended to be used to build other church and school buildings throughout the Conference as soon as this first project is completed. Why not make it a habit to turn in a small amount for this fund each time you turn in your tithe and other offerings? A. G. Streifling, President Nevada-Utah Conf. Arizona Pastors Speak at In times like these, isn’t it a privilege to have Adventist chil- dren attending school where the Bible is not only stressed on a dai- ly basis, but entire weeks are set aside to emphasize Bible study and prayer? Tucson Junior Academy’s Week of Prayer speaker was Elder Monte Church, pastor of the Thunderbird Adventist Academy Church in Scottsdale. Elder Church stressed the importance of students learning to make wise decisions because ‘‘the decisions you make now greatly affect your future.” During his week in Tucson with the young people, Elder Church got his exercise each day by plan- ning games with the children at recess. Earl A. Canson, Jr., pastor of the Shiloh Mission, was the featured speaker at Glenview Adventist Elementary School Week of Prayer, held November E. Canson Monte Church Fe, Young members of the Tempe Pathfinder Club count the abundant supply of canned goods they collected on Halloween. Pathfinders Distribute Food to Needy Halloween is over but for young members of the Tempe Pathfinder Club, the happiest part of Hal- loween is just arriving. That’s when they distribute the food they gathered on Halloween to needy families in the area for the holidays. According to Don Huft, coor- dinator for the Pathfinder Club, the boys and girls collected ‘‘403 cans of food, $15 in cash and some clothing.” The Safeway store located on Broadway and Rural furnished paper bags for the youngsters to carry their Halloween-collected canned goods. Mr. Huft said canned foods col- lected, along with the food and clothing, have been turned over to community services which is using them to prepare food baskets for needy persons for the holidays. ‘Ambassadors’ Quartet and the ‘New Horizon Singers”’ ladies sextet will present a musical worship service on Sabbath, December 8, at the Mesa church, 1763 N. Gilbert Road. Schools During Week of Prayer 12-16. His subject was ‘‘Stair Steps to Eternal Life.” Pastor Canson shared with the young people the steps one needs to take in giving his life to Christ. Elder Don Driver, pastor of the Phoenix Central Church, spent October 1-6 at the Adventist In- dian Mission School in Holbrook Former Beauty Queen Baptized in Phoenix Beacon Light Church Former Miss Black Arizona Natalia Scott was recently bap- tized into the Phoenix Beacon Light Church by Pastor Walter A. Darby. Natalia graduated from Carl Hayden High School and won her title as Miss Black Arizona while she was a student at Phoenix Community College during 1978 and 1979. She was married to Randy Scott of Fontana, California, on Au- gust 25, 1979. She feels very strongly that her Christian mar- riage will make her life complete in Christ. This young lady has become ac- tive in the church and its program and she is working for it in an outreach to other young people. Annette O'Bannon Bible Instructor Phoenix Beacon Light Church as Week of Prayer speaker. Elder Driver pointed out the im- portance of getting to know Christ and making Him part of daily life. ““The highest position we can gain is at the foot of the cross,’’ stated Elder Driver. John Cress, associate pastor of the Camelback Church in Phoe- nix, spent the week of November 5-9 with the young people of the John Cress Don Driver Camelback-Thunderbird Elemen- tary School. Pastor Cress stressed the importance of Christian living with grades 5-8, by portraying in detail the life of David. Grades 1-4 received a better understanding of the Godhead through interesting and unusual presentations. Elder Ervin Thomsen, pastor of the Tempe Church, shared hap- penings in the life of Daniel with the young people of the Tempe Adventist School. ‘Dare to Be a Daniel’ themed his presentation during his Week of Prayer held November 12-16. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / DECEMBER 3, 1979