Li ’ . RS CEE R, <3 SEE “All ye inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth, see ve; when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains, and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye.” —Isaiah 18:3 Volume 3 BRITTON, OKLAHOMA, APRIL, 1919 Number 39 "1S THERE A TRUE ORGANIZATION? To the above we certainly say yes. There is also a true church. As to this organization and church man has had nothing whatever to do in shaping it in any way. It is not of man’s wisdom or planning. All men has ever had to do with it was to accept it as it was made by the Lord himself. This church is perfectly organized even to detail governing the actions of all its members. Its appointed seasons of worship are all ap- pointed. The ministry with all other gifts needed in its government and service is all provided for. The mind that guides this organization and service is divine. It needs no constitution, or by-laws, that are nct given in the Bible. It has no committees to nominate its officers or plan for its finances. The same laws governing each member is today the same as governed Adam and Eve. It has but one head and that is Christ. Every person who accepts the headship of any other organization “sits in the temple of God, showing himself he is God,” re- gardless of the name which designates his office. Let it be Pope, President, Chairman, or Chief Councillor, it matters not. The Name of the True Church. It is called “the Church of the Firstborn.” It is called “The Church.” It is called “the Church of God,” and so on. In its divided congregational localities, these are called the churches, whether it is in a house or synagogue, as they meet for service. How Each Must Become a Member of the Church. This is done, first, by true “repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” On conditions of this compliance each one “is made a new creature in Christ Jesus,” unto perfect obedience in all the require- ments of God. We enter this church by the new birth, by being born again, through the word and the power of the Holy Spirit. On compliance to this requirement our names are written in heaven, in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Thus we see thus far as stated, “God adds to the church such as shall be saved.” Man cannot add one single member to the church. God does that. Neither can man take any out of the church. Christ is the head of the church and we are all members of his body. Hence as the head directs each member of the body so each member of the church is directed by Christ individually into all truth. “If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God.” If his word abides in you and you abide in him, this is the condition overseers.” of rellowship, both with Christ and the Father, as well as with all saints. True fellowship is brought about by the word and: wot by man’s specifications of faith. If the same word abides in me that abides with the Father and the Son that gives me perfect fellowship with them, Then if my brethren have the same word abiding in them then the union is complete. This is unity of the church and. hoth- ing else is unity. The Gifts in the Church. And “God hath set some in the church, first-apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly, teachers; after that miracles, oifts of healing, helps, governments, and diversity of tongues, pastors, evangelists.” 1 Cor. 12: 28; Eph. 4:13. Note. it is God who sets these gifts of the spirit in the church. not man. Therefore in the true church it is utterly impossible for man to prepare by election, education, or employing them in anv way to act in any of the capacities mentioned. These gifts are all by divine anpointment bv him who knows the hearts of all men. And effort to fill these positions by a committee, or in any other way is but to show our ignorance. The result of all such is now plainly to be seen. The choosing of these men by God in all the past is plainly written, so no mistake need be made. They have been called from various walks in life and all taught by God, not men. Anv worker coming from anv other source is but a hireling and a poor representative. The Directing of these Men and Workers is all from God. Any one who at all knows the Scriptures knows that in all cases God alone sent his servants where they should go, and do the work he had for them to perform. This we need not argue for a moment. Overseers of the Flock. “Take heed therefore unto vourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made thee Acts 20:20. Man has no right to appoint anv one to oversee the flock. That must come from the Hely Ghost. the church, The membership constitute the body and members in particular. All are directed by the head. That is also represented by Christ being the vine and each member the branch. All drawing nourishment from the vine direct and not through a system of officials. First, each member is connected individuallv and are held responsible individually. Second. Christ adds to his church such as shall be saved. Third, the conditions of membership is to be born again and made a new creature Thus far we see that Christ is the head of