THE V NATURE AND TENDENCY MODERN SPIRITUALISM. BY J. H. WAGGONER* They are the spirits of Devils working miracles. Rev. xvi, 14. STEAM FRESS OK TUB RF.VIKW AXD HERALD OFFICE, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. 1858. MODERN SPIRITUALISM, The subject of “ Modern Spiritualism” Las in a measure ceased to be a novelty; for, though it is an infant in years, in the few years of its existence it has grown to such an extent that very few, if any, can be ignorant of the fact of its existence, or even of the phenomena through which it has been developed, and by which it is sustained. The following testimony from a writer in the Spiritual Clarion, in an article entitled “ the Millennium of Spiritualism,” is faithful in regard to the manner of its rise, and is also interesting as showing the feelings of its devotees. He says, “This revelation has been with a power, a might, that if divested of its almost universal benevolence had been a terror to the veiy soul; the hair of the very bravest had stood on end, and his chilled blood had crept back upon his heart, at the sights and sounds of its inexplicable phenomena. “It comes with foretokening, with warning. It has been from the very first, its own best prophet, and step by step it has foretold the progress it would make. It comes, too, most triumphant. No faith before it ever took such a victorious stand, in its very infancy. It has swept like a hurricane of fire through the land, compelling faith from the* baffled scoffer, and the most determined doubter.” 4 NATURE AND TENDENCY la giving a Bible view of Spiritualism it will be necessary to briefly notice the time and place of its rise, in order to perfectly identify it. Our main object, however, will be to point out its origin and tendency as shown by the word of God. In the prophecies, kingdoms or governments are symbolized by beasts. The four universal governments which have existed since the days of Nebuchadnezzar, viz., Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, were represented by a lion, bear, leopard, and a dreadful and terrible beast, in Dan. vii. Compare chapters ii, and vii, and notice particularly chap, ii, 38-40; v, 28, 31; viii, 20, 21; Luke ii, 1. In Rev. xiii, 1-8 is given the description of a beast, having the characteristics of all the beasts of Dan. vii, showing clearly that it occupies the same dominion of the four monarchies of Daniel’s vision, and is the last form of the Roman Empire, under Papal rule, commencing a. d. 538. Another beast is described in Rev. xiii, 11-17, which we think is a symbol of the government of the United States of America. The evidence that this symbol refers to the United States is given at length in works published in the Review and Herald Office, Battle Creek. Mich. To those who wish to examine the scripture we would offerthe following suggestions on this subject: 1. It has two horns like a lamb, in contrast with the horns of the first beast which have crowns on them. 2. It speaks like a dragon. It is hypocritical, its practice being inconsistent with its profession. By referring to Dan. vii, we find that the Roman Catholic church is symbolized by a little horn diverse OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 5 from the others: hence, an ecclesiastical power is symbolized by a horn. And we consider that the two horns are the civil and ecclesiastical powers of this nation. That hypocrisy has characterized both these powers from the very rise of this nation to the present time, we prove thus: (1.) While the government is professedly based on the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the full and complete equality of all mankind, and their right by creation to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it enslaves millions, depriving them of all these unalienable rights, and placing their lives in the hands of their owners: and this without any higher authority than their own selfishness, and against the dictates of humanity and of God’s word. (2.) While it professes to grant perfect freedom in regard to religion, it virtually sustains, by recognizing, the observance of the first day of the week, and will, not sustain the observance of the seventh day which God has sanctified and commanded us to keep, nor will it vindicate the rights of those who keep the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. Thus the Pennsylvania courts have decided that her stringent Sunday laws are not unconstitutional. (3.) While ths churches of this land profess the most enlarged benevolence, and the purest Christianity, as bodies they have become accessories to the sin of slaveholding by fellowshiping it in their bodies, and apologizing for it before the world; and this to such an extent that Dr. Barnes’ saying has become a proverb, that the American churches are the bulwarks of American slavery, and that there 6 NATURE AND TENDENCY is no power out of the church that could sustain it one hour if it was not sustained in it. (4.) When the Puritans came to this country to avoid the persecution of the old world, their professed intention was to found a government without a king, and a church without a pope, thus ensuring to all, civil and religious liberty; but their acts were inconsistent with this profession, many of their laws being arbitrary and tyrannical: insomuch that they bitterly persecuted the Quakers and the Baptists. The State of Maryland afterward enacted laws against the Catholics. (5.) The churches have formed an alliance with the civil power, and leceive government aid, and support, which is ensured to them by charters; by which charters they become political bodies, or parts of the government, and acknowledge their obligation to sustain the laws of the land, and often to such a length as to remind one of the declaration of the Jews when similarly situated, “ We have no king but Caesar.” These points are sufficient to show the perfect fulfillment of this prophecy, though much more might be added. 3. He exercises all the power of the first beast. This cannot mean that its jurisdiction extends over the same dominion, for they exist cotemporaneous-ly. The two-horned beast works before, or in the sight of the first beast, and causes the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast. It must therefore signify that the power exercised by the two, is the same in kind. That which characterized the first beast from all that preceded it in OF MODERN SPIRITUALIB M. an especial manner was that its ecclesiastical power controlled or directed the acts of the civil power. In the above remarks we have shown that the two powers do unite, or mutually sustain and support each other in this land; that the churches enjoy privileges and immunities not enjoyed by any other class of citizens, or any other corporate bodies. This, of course, does not extend to all indiscriminately, as some are oppressed to gratify the prejudices of others. This we consider a very clear point in this prophecy. 4. He doeth great wonders. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. Miracles are of two kinds—true and false. As there are false christs, true and false prophets, and true and false apostles, so there are true miracles wrought to attest and spread the truth, and also those to deceive and overthrow the truth: lying wonders. The two-horned beast works miracles to deceive; the consequence is that an image is made to the first beast, and all are compelled to worship it. By reference to chap, xiv, 6-15, it will be seen that three messages, a commandment, an annunciation, and a warning, are given immediately preceding the coming of the Son of man to reap the harvest of the earth. These messages, of course, are designed to prepare God’s people for that great event. The last message, the warning, is based upon the facts brought to view in chap, xiii, respecting the worship of the beast and his image. This clearly shows that these miracles are wrought and the worship of the image is enforced in the last days, just previous to the coming of Christ; and as the messages of the an- 8 NATURE AND TENDENCY gels of Rev. xiv, are designed to prepare tbe people of God “ to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord,” v hich day and battle are soon to come, so these miracles are wrought during the time of the proclamation of the messages, to deceive the world, and turn away their minds from the truth. This, then, is clearly a work of the last days. As an effort has been made to give the expression, 44 the last d*ys,” a latitude of meaning that is evidently not designed in tbe scriptures, and as we must carefully examine some texts especially referring to the last days, we will notice here, that in all the New Testament writings it refers to the days immediately preceding the coming .of Christ, aud the close of this dispensation. The following points of proof will sustain this position: (1.) The ‘‘ last day” is when Christ comes. Proof. In 1 Thess. iv, 14-17, it is declared positively that the righteous dead will be raised at the coming of Christ. Also compare Matt, xxiv, 30, 31, with 1 Cor. xv, 51-54. In John vi, 39, 40, 44, and 54, the Saviour declares that those to whom he gives eternal life he will raise up at the last day. Thus it is “ at the last day” that Christ comes, the trumpet sounds, the righteous dead are raised incorruptible, and the living changed from mortality to immortality. (2.) 44 The last days,” comprehend more than 44 the last day,” but must necessarily stand in immediate connection with it, and aiso embrace it. As the last days can have no successors, so no days can possibly intervene between M the last day,” and “ the last days.” The scriptures also bear on this point. In Matt, xxiv, 11-14, the following is 6hown. OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 0 1. False christs and false prophets shall arise. 2. Iniquity shall abound, and the love of many shall wax cold. 3. The gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations. 4. Then shall the end come. The same facts are set forth in 1 Tim. iii, which is a prophecy respecting the last days. 1. The last days shall be perilous. 2. Men having a form of godliness shall deny the power thereof. 3. The truth will be resisted as in the days of Moses, which brings to view the false prophets, as will be shown by an examination of the text. 4. The godly shall suffer persecution, which recognizes the endurance unto the end, as in Matt, xxiv, 13. Having clearly located the prophecy of Paul in 1 Tim. iii, near and at the coming of the Lord, which is just after the close of the present dispensation, we will notice the 8th verse particularly. “ Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth.” So, denotes, in Vice manner. In the last days, near the coming of Christ, the truth will be resisted by certain ones after the manner that Moses was withstood by his opponents. It will be impossible for us to recognize the fulfillment of this prophecy unless we understand the manner in which it will be fulfilled. This is given in the scripture account of the mission of Moses. When God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, and to go before Pharaoh, he excused himself, first, because of his unworthiness, and afterwar i because they would not believe him; for he said, Behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.” Ex. iv, 1. The 10 NATURE AND TENDENCY ‘Lord then told him to cast the rod that was in his hand on the ground; and he did so, and it became a serpent. Again the Lord told him to put his hand in his bosom, and when he took it out it was leprous as snow: and when he put it in his bosom again and took it out, it was restored. The Lord also told him that if they would not believe these signs that he should take water and pour it on the ground, and it should become blood. These were signs to convince the children of Israel and Pharaoh that the Lord had sent Moses. When Moses presented himself before Pharaoh and gave the word of the Lord, Pharaoh answered, “ Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.” Ex. v, 2. Then Moses and Aaron were directed to show these signs before the king; Aaron threw down the rod, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men, the sorcerers of Egypt, and they did so with their enchantments: they cast down their rods and they also became serpents. Chap, vii, 10-12. Thus was Pharaoh confirmed in his rebellion against God. Then Aaron was directed to take his rod and smite the waters; and he did so, and the waters were turned to blood. And the magicians did so with their enchantments; and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. Verses 20-22. Next Aaron was commanded to stretch his rod over the streams, and over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. And he did so. The magicians also by their enchantments caused frogs to come up. Chap, viii, 5-7. OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 11 Again Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and the dust became lice, and they were upon man and upon beast. And the magicians did so with their enchantments to bring forth lice, but they could not. After this the Lord directed Moses and Aaron to show six more signs, none of which were imitated by the magicians. Of these signs and plagues, ten in all, the seventh was a boil or blain upon man and beast, and the magicians could not stand before them, for it was upon them also. The question is now to be considered, by what power were these wonders wrought? And we contend that these signs were wrought by the direct power of God, and not by any power possessed by Moses or Aaron. For this belief we have several reasons. 1. They were first given to Moses to satisfy his mind, when he feared the people would not believe his word. 2. He evidently did not expect that the rod would become a serpent, for he was afraid of it, and fled from before it. 3. The Lord said, w I will multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.” Ex. vii, 2. 4. The magicians confessed, when their enchantments failed, that the finger of God was in it. 5. Each successive sign was given under the immediate direction of the Lord. 6. The whole was completed by the plague of the destruction of the first-born, a sign in which Moses and Aaron had no agency. Other considerations, such as the nature of the plagues; darkness over the land, &c., clearly show 12 NATURE AND TENDENCY that no human power controlled these signs. Neither were they illusions or deceptions by which the people were made to suppose that they saw what they did not see in reality; for they could scarcely be mistaken in regard to the boils or blains upon their own persons, the flies and locusts, or the darkness over the land. The only conclusion that it is possible to arrive at is that these miracles were wrought by the direct power of the Lord. We have been thus particular, not because we supposed that any would deny the position assumed, but there is another question involved, which is this: did the wise men of Egypt possess any more power than Moses and Aaron ? We contend that they did not in themselves possess any power to cause their rods to become serpents, nor to turn the water to blood. Neither did their rods become serpents by the same power that Aaron’s did; for, first, they stood in opposition to Moses; and as Aaron’s rod was changed by the power of God, he could not consistently oppose his own power by working also through the magicians. Second, the scriptures say that they were sorcerers, and worked with their enchantments; and such are condemned in both Testaments, and declared to be an abomination to the Lord. The only conclusion at which we can arrive, is, that the magicians performed these wonders by the power of Satan. Some may object that Satan does not possess such power, and some do raise an objection in this form: that it would be inconsistent in a God of wisdom and benevolence to create a devil, and give him such power. But to this we reply, that we have no idea that God ever created a devil at all; OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 13 neither did God ever create a wicked man. But wicked men do exist, possessing power to do evil. God made man upright, but he became wicked by his own will and actions. And so of the devil. According to Eze. xxviii, which can refer to no other being, he was created a covering cherub, beautiful and perfect, but he fell because of his pride. When a man turns to wickedness he does not thereby become dispossessed of his strength, either mental or physical. He who is wise and strong to do good, will of course be wise and strong to do evil if he turns his powers in that direction. And as the cherubim in heaven possess far more power than men, so if they fall, their power will be greater to do evil in the same proportion. On this point we think it sufficient to add, that there was more than human power exerted through the magicians of E;ypt; and the scriptures affirm that Satan works miracles, working with power, and signs, and lying wonders. We now come to notice the works of the eDemy which the Scriptures condemn, among which the works of the magicians of Egypt are included. The first noticed in the Scriptures is witchcraft. Many contend, and those too, who profess faith in the Bible, that there is no such thing as witchcraft; and that a belief in its existence is a relic of the superstition of the dark ages. But God said, [Ex. xxii, 18,] “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” This proves that witches did exist, or else God commanded them to put to death 6uch as had no being, to suppose which, would be absurd. Paul also teaches in Gal. v, that witchcraft is one of the works of the flesh as much as envy, hatred, drunk- 14 NATURE AND TENDENCY enness, and murder. Thus the fact of its existence is established by both Testaments. Again in Lev, xix, 26, they were forbidden to use enchantment; and verse 31 says: “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them.” And in chap, xx, 6, the Lord said he would cut otf the soul that turned after wizards, and such as have familiar spirits. Also in verse 27; a wizard and such as had familiar spirits, either men or women, were to be put to death. According to the definitions of the words witch, wizard, sorcerer, enchanter, &c., which we will give, these various works are closely allied to one another, or are all parts of the same work, differing more in degree than in nature. Most of them are named in Deut. xviii, 9-12, which is as follows: “ When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one thatmaketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a coDSulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord. The following definitions are copied from Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary: Witchcraft. The practices of witches; sorcery; enchantments; intercourse with the Devil;* power more than natural. Sorcery. Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination; by the assistance, or supposed assist- OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 15 ance of evil spirits: or the power of commanding evil spirits. Enchantment. The act of producing certain wonderful effects by the invocation or aid of demons, or the agency of certain supposed spirits; the use of magic arts, spells, or charms; incantations. Divination. Tbe act of divining; a foretelling future events, or discovering things secret or obscure, by the aid of superior beings ; or by other than human means. Necromancy. Properly the art of revealing future events by means of a pretended communication with the dead. Familiar spirit. A demon or evil spirit supposed to attend at a call. But Israel did not keep free from these abominations. King Saul consulted a familiar spirit when the Lord rejected him, and would not answer him. It is no uncommon thing in these days for those to seek to familiar or evil spirits, who never ask counsel of the Lord, and who have no reverence for his word. Also Manasseh, who was very wicked, and in whose reign Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians, “ did evil in the sight of the Lord, like unto the abominations of the heathen .... he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards; he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.” 2 Chron. xxxiii, 2-6. One writer in a spiritual pat er has undertaken to show that this restriction was placed upon the Jews alone, given in a law specially for them ; that Gentiles were never bound by it, and in this dis- 16 NATUilE AND TENDENCY pensation neither Jew nor Gentile is holden to it. Bat the following facts disprove the assertion: (1.) The Lord calls them “ the abominations of the heathen,” and after naming them says: “For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord : and because of these abominations the Lord doth drive them out from before thee.” Deut. xviii, 12. (2.) The abominable, and sorcerers are condemned in the New Testament; Rev. xxi, 8. See also Gal. v, 19-21 ; Acts xiii, 6-11; Elymas the sorcerer, a false prophet, withstood the apostles, and tried to turn away others from the faith. This is ever their intent. To him Paul used the following language: “0 full of all subtility and all mischief, thou child of the Devil, thou enemy of all righteousness.” This language is applicable to all sorcerers, and their co-workers, according to the testimony of the Bible respecting their works. See Acts viii, 5-11; xvi, 16-18. The eighth chapter of Isaiah is doubtless a prophecy of the present time, or the last days. Of this there are several separate points of proof in theclmp-ter, only one of which we will notice. Verses 20, 21: “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God ? for the living to the dead ? To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” If “ seeking unto them that have familiar spirits,” and “the living to the dead” does not imply the present work of consulting mediums and countenancing their sorceries, to what could it apply ? or OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 17 is the Scripture without meaning? Only ten years ago this scripture might have appeared almost meaningless. Then the sorrowing friends would anxiously surround the bed of the dying, eager to catch each word, which was often laid up in the heart as a memento of the lost one. Then if the departed had aught to tell, it was listened to with breathless interest, as all were well assured that no future communication could pass between them till the morning of the resurrection should loose the now silent tongue. But now, how changed the times! Parents no longer regard death as an enemy tearing their children from their embrace; but as the best friend, to transplant them as buds of promise, where they can sooner blossom in a happier clime, and mature in richer beauty. The infidel no longer sinks to the sleep of death with a “fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries,” but he is led to expect to be released from the sinful surroundings and propensities of the present state, to awake where there is no suffering for sin, and all are progressing toward perfect bliss; thus making the cross of Christ of no effect, and rendering the gospel a nullity. Witness thecaseof the blasphemer, Thomas Paine, as revealed through Rev. C. Hammond, medium. Death is regarded only as a transition, not to be dreaded nor avoided. While wisdom cries, “ all they that hate me love death,” [Prov. viii, 36,] the foolish turn away from the paths of wisdom, and say, “We have made a covenant with death, and with hell [the grave] are we at agreement.” Isa. xxviii, 5. The word of God counts death an enemy; 1 Cor. xv, 26; and Jesus B 18 NATURE AND TENDENCT is the great life-giver, conferring immortality on all who seek for it by patient continuance in well doing; Ro n. ii, 7. Of course, they who attribute immortality to another source, or seek for it in another way, dishonor God by rejecting the gospel of his Son. They reverse the order of scripture, which says that the Lord will destroy death, and raise the dead to life. Seethe following from a spiritual paper: “Fold us in thy embrace, sweet angel death, So that no cloud can our twin bei* g sever; Come with soft lips and kiss away our breath And let us take our heavenward flight together.” The Scripture says that the saints of God will all take their “ heavenward flight together,” not when they die, but when the Lord Jesus shall come and raise them from their graves. lThess. iv, 13-18. And, he will not only “abolish death,” [2 Tim. i, 10,] but also destroy him that has the power of death that is the Devil. Heb. ii, 14. The Devil introduced sin into the world, and sin produced death. Rom. v, 12; vi, 23; Jas. i, 15. If the spiritual theory were true, to destroy death and briug the saints back from under its power, would only be to reverse a “desirable transition,” and bring them down again from a superior to an inferior condition. Thus they despise the word of the Lord by calling (< evil good, and good evil,” and rob Jesus, the life-giver, of his glory. But there is a day coming when he will vindicate his truth, and his enemies shall perish; for he says: “ And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with, hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.” Isa. xxviii, 18. OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 19 Now the fact is clearly established that Mose9 was withstood bv enchantment and sorcery, which is the work of the Devil to oppose the truth; by counterfeiting and imitating the miracles of God. So, in like manner, will the truth he resisted in the last days. So was it resisted in the days of Christ and his apostles; evil spirits, demons, were cast out by the followers of Christ; hut there never was a time when seeking unto them that have familiar spirits was so universal as at the present. Kings and peasants, priests and people, rich and poor, all go hand in hand in the abominable work. That “they speak not according to this word,” or “ resist the truth,” will be shown in commenting on other texts. Two questions are asked and answered in Matt, xxiv. One concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and one concerning the coming of Christ, and the end of the world. The Saviour points out the long tribulation of the church, principally under the persecution by the Papacy, which was to continue more tbp.n 1000 years. The full time of Papal rule, according to Dan. vii, 25, and Rev. xii, 6, 14; xiii, 7, was 12G0 years, which commenced in 538 and terminated in 1798. The Saviour said the days should be shortened for the elect’s sake. History shows that the days of Papal rule were not shortened, as the power continued with the Papacy till the Spring of 1798; but the tribulation or persecution did not continue the full term of the days. The persecution was abated by the influence of the Reformation, and entirely ceased before the power of the Papacy was taken away. This gave room for the precise fulfillment of the prophecy, concerning the signs of our Saviour’s second coming. Ac- 20 NATURE AND TENDENCY cording to Mark xiii, 24, the first was to take place “ in those days after that tribulation.” The sun was darkened in 1780; just 18 years before the end of the days; (years;) and as the moon cannot give any light when the sun is darkened, the second sign was also fulfilled at the same time. The falling of the stars occurred 53 years afterwards, in 1833.* Says the Saviour, while discoursing of his coming, and the end of these days, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt, xxiv, 23, 24. It is truly marvelous that any should be so blind to the sense of this scripture as to apply the caution against those who say “ Lo here is Christ, or there,” to those who preach the near coming of the Lord. A true Advent believer cannot possibly proclaim that Christ is here, either in the desert, or in the secret chamber: but they teach exactly what the Scriptures say, that his coming is future, and will be personal and visible to all, even as the lightning shineth from one end of heaven to the other. But we think this scripture is now being fulfilled. There is a class, very numerous at present, and fast increasing in numbers, who do thus teach. There are false christs and false prophets, fulfilling this scripture, showing great signs and wonders, and preaching that the Lord is come. See the follow- * For evidences on the fulfilment of this scripture, see work entitled ;i Signs of the Times,” by James White, Published at Review Office, Battle Creek Mich. OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 21 ing from the Spiritual Telegraph, under the head of an “Important Announcement to the World.” “ Hearken then to the voice of wisdom, 0 ye inhabitants of the earth, and be not blinded as to your Lord’s appearing; for he is already in your midst.” This is in harmony with the general tenor of all spiritual teaching. But if Christ is come, how is he come? We have not seen him; our friends still sleep in the dust; and as Peter said of David, so we can say of them, they are dead and buried, and their sepulchres are with us to this day. The above “impor-tantannouncement” wecannot believe,until we can be assnreci that the events connected with his coming have taken place; but ihey have not yet. This leads us to the remark that it must be utterly impossible for false christs to appear and deceive those who have correct views of Christ and his offices. Thus, those who firmly believe that Christ is a High Priest on the throne of his Father, and that when he leaves that throne he will descend with a shout, with the voice of the Arch-angel and the trump of God, and that at his coming the righteous dead will be raised, the living changed, and all caught up together to meet the Lord in the air, while the wicked will be slain all over the earth; those, we say, who firmly believe these facts, cannot receive the testimony of false christs. And so also of false prophets. The Scriptures furnish a shield on every point; and those who have living faith in God’s word will not be deceived. But many who profess to believe the word of God, only ask for a manifestation of supernatural power or superhuman intelligence to give full credit to the 22 NATFRE AND TENDENCY testimony of the power or spirit communicating. But if no false or spurious manifestations of power could be given, this scripture could never be fulfilled. Hence, it is not sufficient proof of their truthfulness, to see signs and wonders wrought; for the false christs and false prophets will 6how them. From all this it is plain that before any one can successfully proclaim himself christ, he must destroy confidence in the exalted nature and position of Christ, or so pervert the testimony of Scripture as to make Christ such an one as himself. This Spiritualists have done as the following quotations fully prove. The first is from the Spiritual Telegraph, No. 37, and is the testimony of a “ spirit” through a “ medium.” “‘What is the meaning of the word Christ? ’Tis not as is generally supposed, the Son of the Creator of all things. Any just and perfect being is Christ. The crucifixion of Christ is nothing more than the crucifixion of the spirit, which all have to contend with before becoming perfect and righteous. The miraculous conception of Christ is merely a fabulous tale/ Telegraph, No. 37. Many expressions to the same intent might be quoted. The next is from a paper read at the spiritual investigating class in the city of New York, by Dr. Weisse. “Friend Orton seems to make rather light of the communications from spirits, concerning Christ. It seems, nevertheless, that all the testimony received from advanced spirits only shows that Christ was a medium and reformer in Judea; that he now is an advanced spirit in the sixth sphere; but that he never claimed to be God, and does not at present OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 23 I have had two communications to that effect. I have also read some that Dr. Hare had. If I am wrong in my views of the Bible, I should like to know it, for the spirits and mediums do not contradict me” The third is from Dr. Hare himself, given also in the investigating class; though this remark of Dr. H. was made subsequent to that of Dr. Weisse, as above; of course Dr. W. refers to other remarks of a similar nature from Dr. Hare. “He said that he had been thus protected from deception by the spirits of Washington and Franklin, and that they had brought Jesus Christ to him, with whom he had also communicated. He had first repelled him as an impostor; but became convinced afterward that it was really him. He related that he had learned from that high and holy Spirit that he was not the character Christendom had represented him to be, and not responsible for the errors connected with his name, but that he was, while on earth, a medium of high and extraordinary powers, and that it was solely through his mediumistic capabilities that he attained so great knowledge and was enabled to practice such apparent wonders.” In these quotations the infidelity of the authors is apparent to all. Dr. J. B. Dods, celebrated as a psychologist and spiritualist, is called a “Christian spiritualist;” and to show that there is no great difference of fai’h between the infidel and so-called Christian spiritualists, we quote the following from the report of a case of healing by Dr. Dods through spirit influence. He says, “ After she was carried into the hall,and near the close of the ceremony (which was a written one) 24 NATURE AND TENDENCY I used these words,—‘Betsey, in the name of the great Master Medium of our race, be whole of your infirmities. Arise and walk!” By what power he thought she was healed will be shown by another quotation from the same letter which will be presented on another text. The above quotations from high spiritual authority show that the way is now fully prepared for false christs to malve their appearance and present their claims. Christ “ was a medium of high and extraordinary powers,” and is now a “spirit in the sixth sphere,” but yet behind others, for there are seven spheres. After this the reader will be prepared to believe that we have seen and now know of persons who claim, not only to possess the power that he possessed, but to be christs. Can any one doubt that our Saviour’s words will be completely fulfilled in our very midst? “Many shall come in my name, saying I am christ, and shall deceive many.” Surely with such warnings as the Scriptures give, with such faithful delineations of these works of darkness before us, we need not be deceived. But such as love not the truth will fall an easy prey to these deceptions. There is ouly one way of safety in these times of peril, that is to commit our ways to the Lord, and seek the sustaining and protecting influence of his Spirit, by entire consecration to him, and a reuunciation of everything selfish and worldly, But it is claimed that the manifestations of Spiritualism answer to Paul’s description of the gifts of the Spirit in the gospel church, in 1 Cor. xii, and Eph. iv. But this is contradicted by the plain sense and reading of the Scriptures. Says Paul, OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 26 “ Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.” With Spiritualists the order is entirely different; each gift claims a diversity of spirits. One medium will call on a score of spirits in one evening; and healing mediums, in some cases, call on a number of spirits at once, to unite their strength and increase the power of healing. A careful reading of 1 Cor. xii, 4-13, will satisfy any one on this point. 1 Tim. iv, 1, we think has reference to this work. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” In the latter times. Equivalent to the last days. In our brief comparison of the prophecies of Daniel and John, it was shown that the facts concerning the kingdoms of earth, proved that we are now in the last days; that the signs of the Saviour’9 coming have been fulfilled, and that it is now time to look and prepare for that event. As the deliverance of God’s people draws near, the truth is resisted as it was in the days of Moses, by sorcerers, enchanters, necromancers, knows that is at all acquainted with that work. Many of the lecturers, and some of the mediums and editors, were formerly ministers of different denominations, and still prefix the title “Rev” to their names; and some clergyman, still occupying their places in their respective churches, are writing and speaking in favor of the new spiritual theory. But other specifications of the prophecy fix it to a certainty. Many of various classes may renounce the truth, but those referred to in this scripture depart from the faith Giving heed to seducing spirits. This brings us OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 27 to notice the claim continually set up that they are good spirits, doing good, (kc. In order to seduce, they must have the appearance and profession of goodness. Seductive, says Webster, is “tending to lead astray; apt to mislead by flattering appearances.” Flattery, is the seducer's strong hold ; and this is a characteristic of the teachings of the spirits. In 2 Tim. iii, as already noticed, it is said that men shall be lovers of their own selves, boasters, proud, high-minded. Many Spiritualists love themselves so deeply, and regard themselves as so noble and elevated that they have lost all love and reverence for the Supreme Being. In their esteem the falsehood of the first great seducer is verified—“Ye shall not surely die. ... Ye shall be as gods.” (See Gen. iii, 4, 5.) This self-sufficient feeling is manifested amongst all classes of Spiritualists, and is well expressed by a speaker at a late annual spiritual convention in the State of Michigan. The speaker, who was also an officer of the convention, in stating the wants of reforms, said “ What we want is men and women who can speak and write their own thoughts without leaning on any support, not even God himself.” The “Healing of the Nations” is a standard spiritual work, written by a medium, with an introduction and appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. Speaking of the spirit, it says: “It can from its own individual powers, comprehend the deep beauties of itself.” The “ deep beauties of self” is a favorite subject of contemplation with a certain class of people. A certain character (Lucifer) is represented in the 28 NATURE AND TENDENCY Scriptures as saying, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the Most High.” Isa. xiv, 14. The following extract from the report of a lecture by A. J. Davis, in New York, is but a reiteration of this boasting. The subject was, “ Spiritualism as an agent of human redemption.” He was reported in a spiritual paper as saying:— “Man will control the atmosphere, produce rain, and prevent injurious storms. Then the art of using electricity and magnetism will be discovered, and applied to the improvement of soils, doubling the amount of grains, fruits, (fee. A new motive power is to be, ere long, brought out, and applied to the new arrangements for traveling and navigating sea and air,” (fee. That they are seducing, flattering spirits, is also fully proved by their teachings respecting Christ, making their followers believe themselves to be, not only prophets greater than those whose writings are in the scriptures, but christs of stronger powers as mediums than Jesus of Nazareth ! It is claimed that they are benevolent and good because they heal diseases. Any reflecting mind will acknowledge that this alone is not sufficient to justify the claim. The argument is no more conclusive than it would be to claim that a physician must be of a benevolent disposition because he cures his patients. His reputation as such, and beyond this his fee or reward may be the grand motive of his practice. The intent and general course of life must be considered; and so of these spirits. The general tendency of their course and teachings must be ascertained, and these being considered, we OP MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 29 shall find that their healing power is exerted only to carry on their deceptions and work of seducing from the path of right. And we inquire, who brought diseases into the world, and seduced man to a course of action that subjected him to disease? This was the work of Satan. All diseases are parts of the process of decay, and prove man to be subject to death, which is in the power of the Devil. Heb. ii, 14. But Jesus is the life-giver; [Johniii, 16; vi,40; x, 10; 1 Cor. xv, 22; 1 John v, 11, 12; Rom. ii, V.] When the Saviour healed a woman of a disease of long standing, he said Satan had bound her eighteen years. Luke xiii, 16. And if Satan binds the human family in bonds of affliction, it is certainly no great cause of praise to him that he should release his hold of his victim for a season the better to carry on his deceptions, and bring them under the power of the second death. Would we praise the magnanimity of the ruffian ,who had bound and maltreated Lis neighbor, because he had afterward let him go? We should rather blame him for having ill treated him. ThDse who urge such a claim might with equal show of reason claim that the Devil was benevolent because of the liberal offers he made to the Saviour! Luke iv, 2-8. The offers were very large, but the intention deprived them of benevolence. These miracles of healing are often wrought through mediums who deny the Bible, reproach the idea of salvation through Christ, and blaspheme the name of God. Does the Lord, or his ministering angels, work through such ? If Satan works, or ever shall work, in them that perish, and 30 NATURE AND TENDENCY" could scarcely find more fitting subjects than many of the mediums through whom these “ tests” and wonderful cures are manifested. Thus their character as “ seducing spirits” is clearly proved. But there remains one important point in this prophecy to examine. By this we learn that those who give heed to these seducing spirits, also give heed to Doctrines of Devils. This brings us to a more full consideration of the doctrines of Spiritualism, as to their origin and tendency. “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and whatever is opposed to Scripture is of the adversary, the Devil. In giving proof on this point we shall give the most direct, to wit, their own writings. And if some of them be found to border on blasphemy, they will present still stronger proof of our position. But while wre regret the necessity for quoting such irreverent words even to prove the fulfillment of prophecy, we assure our readers that we do not give the most blasphemous expressions that we have heard spoken, or have read in their publications. The columns of the Truth Seeker, published in Angola, Ind., are literally filled with the lowest and most vulgar infidelity. Its name stands, (or lately stood; we have not seen these papers in some weeks,) in the Telegraph's list of “ weekly journals devoted to Spiritualism,” immediately above the Crisis, published in Laporte, Ind., by “ Rev. Henry Weller.” The Truth Seeker is now published professedly without an editor, one intent of which is that it gives correspondents, who may be ignorent of the facts, the idea that they all occupy the ofiice of editors of their own writings, and is of course designed to be a popular feature. But the truth is that the mat- Or MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 31 ter for a paper can no more be compiled without an editor than it can be printed without a printer; it can no more edit itself than the types can set themselves, or the press work itself. Every number that we have seen, contained editorial notes and notices, generally by A. P. Bowman, who is really the editor, and sometimes by the printer, who acts as editor as occasion requires, or in the absence of Mr Bowman, who is also a lecturer. Not long since a communication was divided in two numbers and an apology offered to the writer therefor. This could not be done without agency, and was, of course, the work of the acting editor. A number of this paper published during the present year, (1857,) contains an editorial note by Mr. Bowman to a correspondent in which he speaks of his paper as follows: “ Our columns are open for a fool or a wise man; for the orthodox Devil or God, or for those who are more friendly and kind to each other than this God and Devil dare be.” The correspondent to whom this was addressed in setting forth the glories of the reform movement in “ Berlin Hights, Ohio,” says: “We shall combine in one the lecture room and the ball room, and shall seek to promote integral and harmonious development. . . . “We have a Free Discussion Hall where the most radical and generally obnoxious sentiments are uttered with impunity. Orthodoxy, once proud and powerful, feebly totters over its grave, already dug—while Spiritualism and Infidelity stalk abroad at noon-day.” In another article by Mr. Bowman, the whole of 32 NATURE AND TENDENCY which is reviling Christianity and the gospel sytsem, he speaks of the hymn commencing with the words, “Come ye sinners, poor and needy,” as follows: “It is generally sung to encourage sinners, who have conscientious scruples about the justice of saddling their sins onto Christ, to induce them to trust in Christ, in the face of their conscience and better judgment.” But this publication and its correspondents, are not alone in the work of spreading infidel sentiments. To such names as Dr. Hare, and Dr. Weisse scotjs might be added, prominent as Spiritualists, who are openly and professedly infidels. The extract before given from Dr. Weisse is from a lengthy article, in which he labors to show that the writings of the Old and New Testaments are but a transcript of heathen fables, and he says that spirits and mediums do not contradict his view of the Scriptures; and a correspondent of one of the New York Spiritual papers, speaking of Dr. Hare’s work, claimed that he had done more to overthrow the Bible than any other man of the age. A. J. Davis says: “ In the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures it is affirmed that sin is the transgression of the law. But by an examination of nature, the true and only Bible, it will be seen that this statement is erroneous. It gives a wrong idea both of man and law. ... It will be lound impossible for man to transgress a law of God.” But the open and professed infidels are not alone guilty of promulgating such sentiments. Those Spiritualists who profess to believe the Bible, and amongst them clergymen, teach doctrines subver- OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 33 sive of its most vital truths. This most clearly shows the fulfillment of the prophecy. They have, even while yet professing Christianity, departed from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. The course usually pursued to destroy the authority of the Bible, is first to affirm that there are essential truths that are not taught in it. These are found in the teachings of “ the Spirits.” When the candidate for “progression” has safely mounted this platform, and imbibed a due reverence for the spirits, they next teach that parts of the Bible are not true. By this time the reformer is prepared to believe that his reason is the test, and his wisdom the most perfect that he can find: that in reading the Bible he must discriminate between what is true and what is false. And we find invariably that that is pronounced false which is in opposition to the teachings of the spirits: of course their teachings are the sole test, and they henceforth are made to occupy the place that the word of God ought to. It is truly singular to behold those who ridicule the believer in the Bible, pronouncing him a slave, afraid to be guided by reason, &c., themselves led by the various teachings of spirits, on whose testimony they rely with implicit confidence, on points beyond the range of their observation, and concerning which they have no data from which to reason but the testimony of “seducing spirits.” In the work of overthrowing the Bible, various substitutes have been offered, and new versions commenced by spirit dictation. To prove the necessity of this, it is affirmed that there is an in-ternal or spiritual signification to the language of C 34 NATURE AND TENDENCY the Scriptures: that they cannot be understood by the mere reading of the words. This is an abuse of God’s word that, we regret to say, is countenanced and upheld by the teachings of the various denominations of Protestants. And in so teaching they as truly hide the Scriptures from the masses as the Catholic church has. If we take, for instance, a few plain words, as life, death, immortality, destruction, &c., and give them their plain, obvious meaning, the same that is given to them in other books, and in the dictionaries, “ the Bible argument for Spiritualism,” as it is termed, would vanish in an instant. But with it would also vanish some of the most cherished doctrines of the churches. That there are figures and symbols in the Bible, none deny, but the symbols are so explained that they are easily understood. It is also true that almost every book and writing now extant, contains figures, but that does not change the significations of the words used. If all the doctrines based upon such an abuse and perversion of the word of God were discarded or overthrown, the world would be greatly benefitted thereby. And if the churches will uphold their unscriptural dogmas, merely because they are popular, when it is so evident that they are the pillars and ground of Spiritualism, they must bear their portion of the blame of this iniquitous work with the Spiritualists who have only to use the arguments furnished to their hands by professors and doctors of theology. But these pretended versions of the Scriptures thus far have been abortive attempts to pervert and destroy the testimony of the word on points of vital importance, or else a mere display of high- OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 35 sounding, unmeaning words. As an instance of the perversion of language, see the following from the “ Healing of the Nations”: “All are outcasts from heaven as light and love are cast out of Jehovah.” That sinful, rebellious man, who by transgression of the law of God is treasuring up to himselfwrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God” is an outcast from heaven in the same sense and manner that love is an emanation from the God of love, is really absurd. No one could harbor the idea for an instant that had a pai-ticle of faith in the holy Scriptures. Accounts of the greatest acts and events are given in the Bible in plain, simple language. Take the record of creation for an example : [Gen. i, 1-5:] “ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face cf the deep. And the Spirit.of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night, and the evening and the morning were the first day.” Here are facts, the greatness of which the minds of the wisest can never comprehend, expressed in language that a child can understand. The whole history is a model of simplicity. With these verses contrast the first verses of a record of creation professedly given by an exalted spirit, under the imposing head of “ Disclosures from the Interior.” (By request we give the entire chapter.) 36 NATURE AND TENDENCY “ In the beginning God the Life in God the Lord in God the Holy Procedure inhabited the dome, which, burning in magnificence primeval and revolving in prismatic and undulatory spiral, appeared, and was the pavilion of the Spirit: in glory inexhaustible and inconceivable, in movement spherical, unfolded in harmonious procedure disclosive. 2. “And God said, Let good be manifest! and good unfolded and moral-mental germs, ovariums of heavens, descended from the Procedure. And the dome of disclosive magnificence was heaven, and the expanded glory beneath was the germ of creation. And the Divine Procedure inbreathed upon the disclosure, and the disclosure became the universe. 3. “And God called the Disclosing Firmament heaven, and the disclosed creation he called earth. 4. “And God said, Let Mechanical Procedure be! and movement, rhythmical, harmouical, melodial, unfolded from the firmament. And the movement thereof in the moving creation was time. 5. “And God said, Let there be space! and the firmament was separated from the emanation, and the firmament, unmoved, appeared, and the emanation unfolded within the procedure. And the firmament is manifest Infinitude, and the emanation separated, is encompassed space.” 6. “ These are the generations of creation in the day that Jehovah God created the heaven and the earth: and behold the creation was one earth and the dome of disclosure one heaven. 7. “And God said, Let there be light! and the Divine Procedure unfolJed a luminary unto the ethereal which divided the emanation from the firmament And the Intelligence was light. 8. “And God said, Let there be heat! and the breathing life thereof descended. 3. “And God said, Let there be movement of moving Energy I and life descended, interanimatc, comprehending Creation, and there was movement spherical from the heaven of disclosure. 10. “And God said, Let there be center given! and from the Divine Procedure descended the arm of strength OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 37 unto the right and the arm of strength unto the left; and from the arm of strength at the right proceeded vital-electro motion and communicated polarity; and from the arm of strength at the left proceeded re-attractive electro-magnetic force and created the horizontal; and the horizontal became the axis and the points thereof the poles. 11. “And God made two great lights to rule the Zodiac, and to be for creative disclosure, disclosive manifestation, manifest glory, glorious radiation, interpenetrative aggregation; and thence vortices, vortical suns, suns of vortices, solariums, vortical planetariuins, planets, floral universes, universal paradises, paradisical heavens, heavens of spiritual universes, celestial heavens, seraphic habitations, seraphimal universes, cities of heavenly Seraphima, and final consociative universal intelligence in unity of innumerable individuality, in triunity of unfolding universes, adorning and ascending in beatification unto eternal life. 12. “This is the Genesis of Nature;—not uncreated or self-originated, but created;—not the progressive, upgrow-ing, upheaving, upmentalizing, upspiritualizing, upreach-ing struggle of a germ;—but condescension infinite, creation voluntary, and bestowment merciful, of the Divine Creator; to whom be given adoration immeasurable and eternal! world without end!” Such a piece of nonsense—such a stringing together of words without meaning, we venture to say, cannot be found beyond the limits of Spiritualism. And it is truly strange that any one that has capacity to pronounce these meaningless phrases should think it an improvement of the Holy Scriptures! A correspondent of the Spiritual Telegraph calls special attention to the book entitled, “ The Healing of the Nations,” and says: u It is not only the lBook for the millions/ as our worthy friend Tallmadge says; but in my estimation it is the ‘ Book of hooks/ transcending in mer- 38 NATURE AND TENDENCY it, in the beauty, purity, loveliness, truthfulness, and grandeur of its philosophy, the Bible, by more than two thousand years in the time of progress.” What has now been adduced is sufficient to show that Spiritualism is destroying the faith of the Bible, setting it aside for teachings more pleasing to the carnal mind. We have stated that they taught doctrines contrary to the Bible, some of which we will notice. Their doctrine is a denial of Christ. Says the scripture, “ Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father.” 1 John ii, 23. To give the name or ascribe the honors and power to others that belong to Christ is surely denying him; for, according to the Bible, it is impossible to find his equal in nature and office. But quotations already given show that others do claim the name and profess to have the power possessed by him, and some claim still greater power. Says the “ Healing of the Nations,” p. 74: “ Man is his own saviour—his own redeemer. He is his own judge—in his own scales weighed.” Were this last sentence true, it is fair to presume there would be but very few “ found wanting.” Not that their characters are made to conform to a perfect balance, but w their own scales” are adjusted to suit their characters. If this teaching is not a parallel to that of the serpent, “ Ye shall be as gods,” we know not how its parallel would be recognized. The prospectus of the Truth Seeker says: “ It shall be the organ through which the christa of the last dispensation will choose to speak.” OK MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 39 Could there be a more perfect and complete fulfil II ment of prophecy than this? A correspondent of the same paper says they have concluded to “— Analyze the laws of cause and effect, be good philosophers, study our own being, let God ana Jesus go, and redeem ourselves and progress in eternal happiness ” The scriptures say that God is the judge of all, and Jesus is the author of salvation; but Spiritualism teaches that man is his own judge, and his own saviour and redeemer, and then in presumptuous blasphemy boast that they will “let God and Jesus go.” We firmly believe that the day is approaching when they would gladly give worlds to have the Lord return in mercy to them. But Oh! it will then be too late. Now is the time—the only time. They know not what they do to thus abuse his mercy, while it is graciously offered: soon it will be withdrawn and unmingled wrath will be their portion. It would seem to be some relief to this dark picture if the utterance of such sentiments was confined to open blasphemers—those who scoffed aRd mocked at all that is good. But it is not. He who declares the end from the beginning, has described those who have a form of godliness, that they give heed to doctrines of devils. And his words are fulfilled. From lectures on ‘‘Spiritual Science” by “Rev. R. P. Wilson,” the well-known medium and lecturer, we extract the following: “Although a3 a believer in true spiritual philosophy, we caunot receive the orthodox views of salvation, yet we recognize the birth of a Saviour and Redeemer into the universal hearts of humanity, 40 URE AND TENDENCY wherein truly the deity is incarnate, dwelling in the interior of man’s spirit. We believe that each soul of man is born with his or her Saviour within them, for as man is an embodiment of the universe in epitome, he contains in bis central nature an incarnation of Deity. The germ of immortal unfoldings resides within the spirit of it, which needs only appropriate conditions to call forth the expanding and elevating powers of the soul.” We pass to another point, not because our material is exhausted on this, but the proof offered is sufficient to establish it. They deny the Holy Spirit. Every Spiritualist lies under this charge who quotes the scriptures referring to the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit, and applies them to Spiritualism; for their whole system rests upon the proposition that the spirits communicating are the spirits of the dead; therefore in applying those scriptures to such spirits, they really make the Holy Spirit of God and the spirit of a dead man identical! Some may think we are unfair in this conclusion, thinking they would not endorse anything so monstrous and absurd. But if any think there is anything too monstrous or absurd for Spiritualism to endorse and teach, we refer them to the following, which we think will correct such an impression. It is from Dr. J. B. Dods’ report of a case of healing by spirit power, already quoted from, wherein he called Christ the “ Master Medium.” This extract is intended to show by what power the healing was effected. The spirit communicating professed to be that of his own father: w John, there are seven of us now visible to you. OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 41 All are familiar to your mind except two. These are the mother and brother of Betsy. Her father present you well know. Her parents and brother are very anxious to have her cured; have sought us out, and we are come to visit and instruct you how to proceed to make her whole. It will require seven spirits to effect it, acting through seven human beings. We seven might possibly effect it through you alone, but it would bo very difficult, because her diseases are various and complicated, and two of them are incurable by human skill. You will therefore call up from the audience the following persons: Jane Cook, Jonathan Nickerson, William Atkins, Phineas Freeman, Betsy’s husband; and Mr. Hutchins, a medium, must be there; yourself will make the seventh. Form the circle, and you and Hutchins lay your hands upon Betsy’s head. We seven will appear and act upon each of the circle. You will proceed as directed, and she will arise and walk with strength and firmness, a healed woman. No spirit ever goes alone to cure a human being, or to execute a command. They go by sevens—these seven constitute the Holy Spirit. * The seven lamps before the throne are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth? Remember this, my son, and they have each seven eyes, which only means a perfection of sight. These seven spirits do not always mean the same individuals, but any seven of the myriads before the throne selected and sent as we now are. Mr. Hutchins will see us and describe us before the audience. Declare these glad tidings to Betsy, and announce to your audience this evening what you are instruct- 42 NATVRE AND TENDENCY ed to do, and appoint the night when it shall be accomplished.” The spirits of any seven dead men constitute the Holy Spirit! And Dr. Dods is styled a “ Christian Spiritualist.” Is not this a doctrine of the devil? Yes; the “ father of lies” is manifest in such teachings. And it is astonishing that any one that has either reverence or reason left should endorse such things. It sometimes seems to us as though Satan presumed even on the confidence of his own followers in giving utterance to such statements. It shows also the fulfillment of other scriptures yet to be noticed. They deny the doctrine of punishment for sin. The Bible informs us that when God created man and placed him in Eden, he told him that if he disobeyed him he should die. We find this penalty for transgression confirmed in many scriptures. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Eze. xviii, 4. “The wages of sin is death.” Rom. vi, 23. Who would imagine, from reading the works of Spiritualists, or even those of the popular authors of the day, either secular or religious, that death was an enemy, a curse, a fruit of sin ? A popular author makes an apostrophe to death as follows: “ 0 death I thou art lovely. 0 death ! thou art grand. Now I see that man was made in the image of God. Life may deface it, but death restores it. The impress of the Divinity is here.” If this were true, Jesus would again deface the image of God when he raised his saints from the dead! The Spiritual Age says: “ There is, strictly speaking, no such thing as OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 43 death, in the popular signification of that term. Death, so-called—the death of the human—is a veritable birth into a higher life. It is a change in the condition, consequent upon outward dissolution. . . . The real man survives the process intact, and still exists in full life and consciousness, upon a plane beyond—far beyond—the reach of fire and flood.” The scripture, corrected by thi3 standard, should read: The soul that sinneth, it shall be born into a higher life ! The wages of sin is a transition to a more elevated plane of being! This is comforting to sinners, no doubt, for the present; but when the penalty of God’s holy, just and good law shall be inflicted, and the sinner dies, even the second death, how miserably foolish and vain will appear the perversions of God’s word on which he has staked eternal life ! Truly, “they know not what they do.” The “ Healing of the Nations” says: “At the death of the outer body the true life of the. inner spirit commences.” Thus, again, we may paraphrase the threat of the Lord to Adam: “ In the day thou eatest thereof the true life of thine inner spirit shall commence.” If our professed Christian friends discover the counterpart of their systems of theology in such teachings, we hope they may be led to consider well its opposition to the word of God. The rudiments of Spiritualism have been taught in the pulpits throughout the length and bre?idth of the land. And it is vain for those ministers to try to pull down the superstructure, and denounce it as evil, who guard and defend the foundation with such a jealous care. If they would successfully oppose it, let them first acknowledge the plain and scriptural facts, that a 44 NATURE AND TENDENCY dead man is dead, and that the living know more than the dead: [Eccl. ix, 5:] that death is an enemy, brought into the world by the deceptions of the devil, and that life is a blessing, and Jesus a friend, by whom we may have it eternally. Eternal life ! how rich, how glorious the prospect! Sure to them who seek for it through Christ. Rom. ii, 7. They destroy all distinctions of right and wrong. “ If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do ?” God requires us to perfect holiness in his sight, and to purify our souls in obeying the truth; but if there is no choice of action, or no difference worthy of notice between the principles of truth and error, right and wrong, how shall we assure our hearts before God ? The teachings of Spiritualism are truly destroying the foundations, by denying the distinctions of right and wrong, and affirming that no evil consequence can result from any course of action. The correspondent of the Telegraph, already noticed, who elevated “the Healing of the Nations” so far above the Bible, further says of it: “ According to its teaching, no place is found in the universe for Divine wrath and vengeance. All are alike and for ever, the object of God’s love, pity and tender care—the difference between the two extremes of human character on earth being as a mere atom when compared with perfect wisdom/’ This is not merely the sentiment of the correspondent of the paper; he characterizes truly the teachings of the book, which is a standard work of Spiritualism. That there is a wider difference between God and the very best of the human race, than there is between the two extremes of the hu- OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 45 man race, we do not deny; for God is infinite in every perfection, while man is imperfect at best. But to argue from hence that God disregards the distinctions of character, or will not vindicate his laws and punish the guilty, is but shallow reasoning, to say the best of it. Abraham passed a different judgment on the ways of God, and doubtless his perceptions of truth and justice in this matter were as acute as those of the spiritual authorities. He said, “ That the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: shall not the JuJge of all the earth do right ?” Gen. xviii, 25. Instead of giving us an exalted view of the holiness of the Supreme Being, these spiritual teachings really place him below our estimate of a good, worthy man. We do not conclude that a man, because he is wise and good, will overlook and disregard all difference of action and character in his children or in his fellow-men. He who is the lowest and most debased will least regard these distinctions. Can we respect the man who places the same estimate upon the thief that he does upon the honest man, or regards the murderer in the same light that he does the innocent and inoffensive ? We cannot. Such declarations deny, not the Bible only, but every principle in reason or revelation on which the stability of the Divine government depends. The same sentiment is taught by A. J. Davis, m a lecture on the “ Philosophy of Reform,” from which the follow ing is an extract: “Reformers need to understand that war is as natural to one stage of human development as peace is natural to another. My brother has the spirit of revenge. Shall I call him a demon ? Is 46 NATURE AND TENDENCY not his spirit natural to his condition? War is not evil or repulsive, except to a man of peace. Who made the warrior ? Who made the non-resistant? Polygamy is as natural to one stage of development, as oranges are natural to the South. Shall I grow indignant, and because I am a monogamist, condemn my kinsman of yore? Who made them ? Who made me ? We both came up under the confluence of social and political circumstances; and we both represent our conditions and our teachers. The doctrine of blame and praise is natural oulyto an unphilosphical condition of mind. The spirit of complaint—of attributing ‘evil’ to this and that plane of society—is natural; but is natural only to undeveloped minds. It is a profanation—a sort of atheism—of which I would not be guilty. And all our religions, all our schemes of reformation, operating on this superficial plane, need the very elements which are necessary to reform.” Revenge, war, polygamy, and every violation of the principles of morality or the Law of God, may not be blamed. In the same lecture he says, “ It will be found impossible for man to transgress a law of God.” Thu3 according to nature, “the true and only Bible,” it is impossible to do wrong! To call war, polygamy, . D., Rev. so and so D. D., nearly thirty times in the preliminary proceedings of the first day; and Or MODERN SPIRITUALISM. 15 so on, to such a dizzy height of D. D’s., that I gave up the count—profoundly penetrated with the thought that we are a great denomination. * * * Such things look well enough on the brow of the Mother of Harlots—but in the church of Christ— the Baptist church—0 shade of Roger Williams— * where are we drifting?’ ” One thing more we will notice as indicating the position of the various denominations of the day, which is their settled and determined opposition to the Sabbath of the Lord. Though most of them declare directly in their articles and disciplines that the ten commandments are binding, and constitute the foundation of moral obligation, they are unwilling even to have the fourth commandment preached in their houses of worship. In rejecting the Sabbath they not only act inconsistently with their own profession, but really disregard the authority of * God, and make their religion a “mere expedient,” according to their own testimony given in a Sabbath convention at Chicago, in 1854, as follows: “ As each of God’s commandments rests upon all his authority, those who dispense with the Sabbath set aside all the authority of God on which the whole decalogue rests. Henceforth such men do not obey God at all. The rules of their churches may bind them to religious observances; education, habit, and a sense of their interests, may keep them to conventional decencies; but like children who always act from policy, and never from obedience to parents, their hearts are stripped of all those influences which bind and bow their wills to their Father which is in heaven. Their religion thenceforth becomes a mere expedient to get to heaven 16 NATURE AND TENDENCY by—mercenary in it? motives, various in its morality, and the very fear of God is, with them, taught by the precepts of man.” This language expresses the true condition and marks the course of the churches of the present day, though it was not intended for that purpose. The quotations given fully justify its application to them. And many others might be given; but we will let these suffice, as our object is not to enlarge on this point, but to notice it as a connecting link in the fulfillment of prophecy. In Rev. xviii, 2 is another announcement of the fall of Babylon, with the additional facts that she “ is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” And the same cause is assigned for her fall; her connection with the nations of the earth. In connection with this, a voice from heaven says: “ Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” The particulars of this cry show that our application of Babylon is correct, as it is where numbers of God’s people are; and the fall referred to is a moral fall, as God’s people are called out after her fall, to escape her plagues that are to follow. And as the