giving His own precious life to redeem lost sinners! ‘The man who denies this casts from under his feet the very founda- tion hope of his salvation. One thing we know, after more than forty-five years’ association with Seventh-day Adventists, this act of infidelity cannot truthfully be charged against them. And, further, no people can more fully believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ than they. ‘Ah! This is the amazing truth that filled all heaven with wonder, not that the Son of God should ve, but, instead, that He would yield up His life to die on Calvary’s cross. But He had a divine-infinite purpose in doing so. He accomplished by this death the salvation of repentant sinners; He forever sealed the perpetuity of the law of God; He sealed the doom of him who rebelled in heaven against the authority of God, originating sin; He united all the loyal hosts of unfallen worlds in a deeper love for, and adoration of, God, the Father, exposing the falsehood of Satan who had long charged that God was a tyrant, an arbitrary ruler, unwilling to sacrifice Himself for the good of His subjects — all this was accomplished that day when Jesus the divine-human Son of God bowed His head and died on Calvary. Cows and Humans (Continued from page 23) of her; but the little boys and girls, and the big boys and girls, care, and care mightily, how their mothers behave. It is pitiful to hear a child plead with her mother to keep her long, lovely hair, while she sobbingly insists “that a mother can’t be a mother, when her hair is bobbed.” It is pitiful when a child cries herself sick because mother pets a certain young man when father is away. It is pitiful to note the hard look that comes into the eyes of a sixteen-year- old daughter, as she see her mother out driving with a man other than a member of the family, and hear her exclaim: “I hope they'll have an accident, and she will get arrested! She can go with him but she can’t stay with us.” The silly old cows who are today cavorting around in the pasture, to- morrow will be staid and sober and respectable. And now to get back to what I started to say in the beginning. If humans had the sense of a cow, they, too, would settle down, and on the morrow be staid, sober, respectable mothers; and if these same humans had sanctified common sense they would not be cavorting around in the world at all; they would today be mothers of whom their children could be justly proud. “My mother is the measuring rod Put in my hands by hands of God, For me to measure all things by. If this or that is not as high As mother — then I pass it by. “My mother is the measuring rod Put in my faltering hands by God.” APRIL, 1929 The Missionary’s Life Saver Fin over fifty years, the Missionary’s best source of supplies—merchandise of every character—has been Montgomery Ward & Co., Chicago. In addition to low prices, high quality and a selection from 30,000 items, Accredited Mis- sionaries are granted 10% dis- count on all orders of $50.00 or over, selected from our ex- port catalogue. Write today for our newest free Catalogue for 1929, No. 110. Montgomery Ward & Co. Missionary Bureau Chicago - U.S. A. For Prices, Terms and New Catalog on Art Lantern Slides or Stereopticonsand Supplies Write ALBERT F. PRIEGER 312 W. Louisiana Ave. Tampa Florida union, Bahaism, patro- geneszs, etc. New names and places are listed such as Cather, Sandburg, Stalin, . Latvia, etc. Constantly improved and kept up to date. WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Get The Best The “Supreme Authority” in courts, colleges, schools, 2nd among Govern- ment officials both Federal and State. 452,000 entries including 408,000 vo- cabulary terms, 32,000 geographical sub- ? jects, 12,000 biographical entries. Over 6,000 illustrations, and 100 valuable tables. Send for Free, new _ richly illustrated pamphlet containing sample pages of the New International G. & C. Merriam Company Springfield, Mass. Are You Searching for Health? Try Hinsdale Sanitarium An Institution employing First-Class Methods in the trealment and care of curable cases Hydrotherapy Electrotherapy Physiotherapy X-ray Department Colon Department Laboratories Surgical Wards Maternity Wards Private Rooms Skillful Physicians and Surgeons---Attentive and Sympathetic Nurses Competent Health Instructors Send for Booklet The Hinsdale Sanitarium Hinsdale, Illinois 17 miles from Chicago on the C. B. & Q. PAGE THIRTY-FIVE